Not to mention fast boots….. To clarify, I had the newest nvidia driver before installing win 10. Reinstalling the same driver after win 10 was running was what worked for me…
Same problem nvidia 970. Note I didn’t wait for my update notice – I went to the page where you could download manually….
Went to nvidia site (using IE).
Tried the auto search for compatible driver – downloaded – failed install on a compatibility message.
Manually picked the proper drivers for my card- OS – downloaded – installed – now works.
also removed my razor software for now….
Som,e already moved to t3. Some waiting for guild leaders who are on vacatIon. Not knowing the algorithms, these could go full as well if enough move…..
Transfer cost gems. Gems can be bought with in game gold. You don’t have to pay real money to move. You can either pay to move with gems – continue to complain – stop playing that is up to you. Good luck in your decision.
it may be “dead” to you, but there are at least 12 servers that are “full” and anything but dead, and prolly about 20 others that definitely Aren’t Dead Yet.
you dont seem to get that you can change your experience if you arent happy with it, so it really is entirely unnecessary for you to complain people arent reading your words. you have the power. use it.
AND it is now cheaper if you go to a high or different medium server than it was before…..
On YB we have a huge NA, with far less offhours coverage. Now we won’t be able to get that offhours, and I’m fine with that. It weakens our server, but imo it’s fair.
You guys have more than anything by double in T2.
Our NA is larger than FA’s, and significantly larger than SoS’ through the week, but not anywhere near double. And since all the servers make queues on reset that kind of negates any population advantage. Our offhours until recently was the smallest of the T2 servers, but we got a little help there too.
Wake up and look at the scores.. You guys destroyed T2.
Understand the lopsided score is t1 guilds moving down to us to break the t1/t2 barrier (both tiers locked far too long) and many on fa/SOS letting us do just that… Some is pop disparity, but a large portion of the disparity is “letting us” ppt…..
Actually, SoS has been that sapped by the constant blobbing that a “full effort” wouldn’t look much different than what you saw this weekend.
This change is much needed relief for us. Cheers also to DH which never should have been in that situation and to DB; who if they would lose their SEA guilds would be much more balanced and able to grow without a bandwagon followed by implosion every 9 months.
Hard to say, but you might be right on the weekend score…
Agreed, this is a great change for those 3 servers in particular and I think good for all in the long term….. The timing is sort of funny in the middle of trying to break that barrier, but I think I also saw more match variation was also being introduced……
Only time will tell of course….
On YB we have a huge NA, with far less offhours coverage. Now we won’t be able to get that offhours, and I’m fine with that. It weakens our server, but imo it’s fair.
You guys have more than anything by double in T2.
Our NA is larger than FA’s, and significantly larger than SoS’ through the week, but not anywhere near double. And since all the servers make queues on reset that kind of negates any population advantage. Our offhours until recently was the smallest of the T2 servers, but we got a little help there too.
Wake up and look at the scores.. You guys destroyed T2.
Understand the lopsided score is t1 guilds moving down to us to break the t1/t2 barrier (both tiers locked far too long) and many on fa/SOS letting us do just that… Some is pop disparity, but a large portion of the disparity is “letting us” ppt…..
My server was one that went full from very high in the midst of people coming down from kitten break t1/t2 barrier. Short term this may hurt that goal – long term good for the game. The servers that really suffered because they were full (SOS-db-dh), but not really – got some relief today….
Some of you are going on and on about something you don’t even know the details about yet…. Let it play out and THEN comment?
Jq-bg-TC all have gone off of full within the last week at times – doubt that is changing. For all we know all servers will have a lower count than present by culling out the pve only. This count will take some time to accumulate the #s of people playing wvw I gather.
I “think” the only change is some servers going from full to high, some high to medium, some medium to low, and some remaining full over time, but that is a guess……
They removed the lake on the bl and the pvp map for a reason……U.W. Combat is just not that popular I don’t think….
It is bad right now, but it was bad before with t1/t2 locked and t2 essentially a 2 server fight every week (this started before the announced pop change).
If a few bad weeks offers a chance for some new matches a couple weeks from now, isn’t that better in the long run? The attempted shuffle may not work, some thought that was better than withering to slow a death…..
Only time will tell…..
Meanwhile the entire tier is screwed up to appease a few of the WvW player base. How about making it so there is an even population so we can get good fights…. instead of stacking one server.
FA\YB had very similar populations but the problem in T2 was the small WvW population on SOS. All the T1 guilds going YB doesn’t help anything, you should have all gone to SOS.
Full server – which is the real issue with the tier. There is change coming, but who knows when. Even if SOS wasn’t full, the idea is to break the t1 and t2 lock…..
It is all fun and games until you log on one day and get the message, ’300 people from (Insert your Server name here) have already logged in and claimed this as their home Server. Please Select a new server from the list of Available Servers.
You got that from the anet post?
While you’re at it could you please redesign the scoring and reward system into something more involving?
For example instead of having just a server winning at the end of the week, PPT could reset on a daily basis with a reward and at the end of the week the server that won the most days wins a greater reward.
Also you could have 1 pts per kill if your server is first, 2 pts per kill if second, and 3 points per kill if last. This would help to keep the scores closer together and give a chance to the losing server to catch up. You could then have a personal reward for 100 kills in a day, 250, 500, etc.
While slightly off topic…. I like these ideas… The personal rewards could be like the tracks in pvp…… You want that Arah or Coe armor / weapons (even if just for the skin) – earn it in wvw if that is your preferred game mode……
This is welcome news. T2 has been crippled by the current methodology with SOS full for quite some time and yet not able to field the #s in wvw that the other t2 servers can…..
Other examples too – db had the same problem…..
FA not top T2 anymore? Looks like I’ll have to jump back into WvW. Never really liked it when FA was a top of tier server anyway.
Lol you mean once in fa’s history?
FA was top of T3 whenever it dropped out of T2 like in Season 1, post-Season 2, and post-Season 3.
Point was not top of t2 anymore (not t3). Now once, but for several months, is quite different than a one-off 1 or 2 time appearance.
But you don’t care anyway right…..
That helps tyvm ! I am not sure how you could explain either except by including the date range? Not sure when your ratings started, but that could help explain (unless somehow I missed that). If users could pick a date range boy oh boy…
Either way, thanks fo the explanation.
The only thing I will say is if you have the opportunity to interact with people from your “most hated server”, you will find most of them are extremely nice and do the verbal eye roll when the pvf type stuff is mentioned.
+1 – and most is closer to 95% not 51%……
(edited by Liston.9708)
In b4 lock. Take what Tym.3791 said in context and laughed about. Ty and good day…
If I understand this properly, it is for a week. Considering last week was “different” with the golems – I suspect the values from the week before were more representative…..
Not 100% locked anymore…. Highly unlikely there is any change this week, might want to watch over the next month or so though…..
It’s been attempted but not seriously because none of the T1 servers were really interested in dropping to T2. (no one wants to be the next SoR)
You only need to get within 100 points of each other, YB needs to break 2k and someone in T1 needs to drop to 2100.
It is actually something greater than 100 when you include the RNG roll and deviations. Page 6 of matchup wish list thread (don’t know how to link on iPad) snow reap explains the math……
(edited by Liston.9708)
Weak servers will get rolled for 1 week before facing new opponents. Guess what, some are getting rolled by the same servers over and over and over right now….
Or a tourney. I know tournaments are not great, but they at least shuffle the matchups…..
New playable race: Orrian
Sadly, open world PvP rarely lasts long historically.
Agreed. Rift still has a decent pop in the end zones of most shards – except the pvp shard….
[1%rs] – ok couldn’t resist……
Or the fact you can k-train with fast flips in normal bls…….
Why not take it to the next level directly.
First of all, lets set up the basic mechanics for golems.- Alpha Golems are not obtainable via blueprints anymore
- Omega Golems are not obtainable via blueprints anymore
- Players receive a new tab in their Hero’s-window, dedicated to show golem-stats and golem-gear, as well as the appearance of their golem suit.
- Golems are able to wear their own, unique trinkets, allowing them to customize their stats. They can choose up to 6 trinkets (energy-core, engine, armor-plating, sensor-array, joints, unique backback)
- Golems do not change their appearance based on their gear. The only choice a player could take (as of now) would be equally sized Alpha or Omega-golem skins. Would be nice if new skins could be added in the future, tho
- Golem gear is added as craftable items to the various Crafting professions. Ascended versions of golem gear are not available
- Golems do only 10% of their former dmg to gates & walls (that should still be roughly double player AA-dmg).- While in WvW, players have the option to spawn their golem suit for the cost of 10 supplies to any given time.
- Golems remain active until their HP reaches zero, or the player uses skill #7 to leave them.
- Golems don’t have access to the default Alpha or Omega skills-set, but can choose their skills #2,#3,#4 freely from the following pool:
CHARGE! – the golem rushes forward and knocks down every enemy on the way. does minor dmg. grants superspeed for 3 seconds upon finishing the charge. Leap finisher / low cd
STOMP! – the golem jumps in the air on spot and lauches foes away upon landing. does minor dmg. roots the golem, blast finisher / low cd
PULL! – the golem uses his first as rocket to pull a player towards him. does medium dmg. / high cd
CRUkittenhe golem raises his firsts and smashes them on the ground, knocking down foes in front of him. does heavy dmg blast finisher / high cdFirenado – the golem starts to spin and releases flames from his firsts, causing burning and medium dmg per tick. roots the golem / medium cd
Rocket Barrage – the golem releases a barrage of rockets that lock on up to 10 targets around him and do heavy dmg on impact, as well as causing blindness & confusion. / high cd
Jetpack – the golem starts his jetpack and flies towards the target (aoe-placement). Ticks medium dmg, blinds and burns all foes below him on his way. / high cd
Beam cannon – the golem charges up his main-gun and aims at the current target. All targets caught by the beam get confusion and daze, as well as tick high dmg. roots the golem / medium cdShield bubble – Destroys Projectiles while it lasts. Lightfield. reveals stealthed targets inside it / medium cd
Antidote dispenser – releases a waterfield for 4 seconds that ticks healing and clears 2 conditions upon summoning. does not heal golems / low cd
Stabilized Ground – Releases a magnetic charge that magnetizes the ground, granting allies stability and acting as lightning field. / medium cd
Autodoc installation – Generates a rezz-field that lasts for 8 seconds and ticks 17% health for people in downstate. also heals alive allies & removes one condition per pulse from them. / very high cdGolems can choose from one of the following auto-attacks:
- Alpha AA
- Omega AA (changed to have direct fire-arcs. no easy wall-bombing anymore)
- Acid dispenser: Releases acid in a front-cone. Poisons & cripples foes. Hits 5 times. Deals overall medium dmg, medium range (600)- skill #6 is called auto-tool installation. it clears all conditions on the golem and heals him for exactly 50% of his current max healthpool. 40sec cd.
- Golems can not be affected by transforms
- Golems can not be cc’d (only exception is siege-disabler)
- Golems now can profit from buffs (including swiftness)
- Golems can not fight underwater. however, players still can decide to leave them and/or use their healing skill, and additionally receive a skill on #1 that grants them 5 seconds superspeed.Thoughts?
I don’t even like golems and I like thiS idea. It could even have main hand off hand – rocket thrower, gun, laser, shield etc with some of the skills you mention and more dependent on how you equip it – sort of the idea behind the new littoral shIps beIng buIlt for the U.S. navy – different kit for dIfferent tasks…..
If you are fighting queues why help pay for transfers? Or did I read that wrong?
some people just got tired of fighting the YB blob, while others are thinking it would be a good idea to let YB PPT like crazy and push themselves into T1 that way they’ll be out of our matchup
T1 has to implode first…..
A very real possibility….
I’ll believe it when I see it. Not because fa’s delusional Napoleon says so (not you of course).
In the end, doesn’t matter as the ‘for the fights’ go to guilds halls anyway (think this was what you were thinking in a post elsewhere).
some people just got tired of fighting the YB blob, while others are thinking it would be a good idea to let YB PPT like crazy and push themselves into T1 that way they’ll be out of our matchup
T1 has to implode first…..
No-one has mentioned T1 servers yet? All 3 have a good oceanic presence. Certainly sounds better than T2.
Full status whenever I look……
Wvw/server chat channel might be best optiOn. Message is broadcast to your servermates no matter what map they are on. Wvw can recruit there. Pve only can turn chat off if the talk is always wvw recruiting and they are not interested.
I also like server specific la, but wonder if it would look too empty on some servers. And if las was switched, What about dr, hoelbrak, grove, rata sum?
I started with a ton of PVT gear for survivability and replaced at various points with knight / Valk / zerk as I got used to it. It really isn’t that expensive. Just avoid the wvw gear if you ever want the runes / sigils back.
Doesn’t hurt to use meta battle to start and tweak to your play style……
Not if servers are designated NA prime, eu prime, sea prime, OCX prime etc…. You can still join any server, but prim time ppt would be different than non prime. Only people that are hurt / count less are the ones that choose to play non prime instead of joining the proper server where they would be playing prime…..
So, they should basically create a minimum of 3 servers for every prime time in the whole world?
And that would basically also mean that you would only ever face the exact same servers every match up.Not everyone have a standard 9-5 job and thus they simply CAN’T play at prime time. It is not really a matter of choice.
How many servers would be in each group I don’t know, but indeed a factor of 3. If they don’t work 9-5, they would choose from a group say eu where it is prime time. Of course there are issues that would need to be addressed, but there are other answers than there is nothing they can do. Someone earlier hit it on the head – they don’t want to address the issue for one reason or another. I can’t blame them if there is no ROI of that dev time…..
That said, I’d like to see if there are any changes with the introduction of hot. No drastic changes would occur until then anyway….
There have been plenty of solutions that were way better than what we have now, fair even. There have been hundreds of ideas and there have been threads on it since the match-ups went to a week long. Give points based on population balance of when they were taken. That doesn’t punish any one timezone, it punishes those that cap against no one and rewards taking things when populations are higher. It’s not perfect, but it’s fair. It’s also 1000x better than ArenaNet’s current solution, which is nothing.
ArenaNet simply doesn’t care, 3 years and they’ve done nothing. There is no excuse for that. The system they have now does not work, that was known since launch. Night capping has been an issue for as long as PvP objectives have been in MMO’s. DAOC had alarm clock raids, SWG had base timers to combat it, WAR had nightcapping issues. This is not something that is new and having no solution is worse than at least trying something, at least WAR tried making zones harder to capture based on population imbalance. It’s not that they don’t have a good solution, it’s that they don’t want to put the time/money into fixing it because the population isn’t there anymore to warrant it. Of course the population isn’t there anymore because ArenaNet has done nothing with WvW and focused on LS.
But those suggestions DOES punish people that play outside of the main primetime of the servers they are facing. So basically it is punishing certain primetimes. It does also add a situation where people might rage and demand that others leave the map in order to decrease the point the enemy gets for capping stuff and so on.
It is not a viable solution to the problem.ArenaNet have done nothing because no matter what they do, they will punish certain players, and that is not what they want to do.
All in all, the solutions people bring are always “change impact of people playing other times than prime-time” something that is directly punishing people that can’t play in primetime.
Not if servers are designated NA prime, eu prime, sea prime, OCX prime etc…. You can still join any server, but prim time ppt would be different than non prime. Only people that are hurt / count less are the ones that choose to play non prime instead of joining the proper server where they would be playing prime…..
Solve off-hours cpas
Solve population imbalancesAnd these “problems” are basically impossible to solve.
Especially the first one.
Off-hours is different for everyone after all.not impossible. just that anet is unwilling to do so. see various other threads.
Agreed – group servers that are designated NA prim / eu prime / sea prime / OCX prime. Then adjust how ppt works in non prime. Everyone can choose any server, but how ppt works when you play is based on if you are playing in prime or not.
The only thing I like about it is watching the tryhard drama in NA T1 where people actually care enough to troll other servers by making fake accounts and siege trolling, and invading ts, etc. It’s like watching Jerry Springer and white trash, it’s so sad that it’s funny.
umm this happens in lower tiers also just NOT limited to NA T1
Riiiight. I’m sure FoW and UW are doing it as well. Or any server guaranteed last in their grouping anyways. Literally not a big deal until you get higher up, and NA makes a bigger spectacle of it.
Becuase you think it doesn’t go on doesn’t change the fact its not only limited to T1 servers. Look at Blacktide hacker is busy again thread and Blacktide is EU T9 so proof right there its not limited to NA T1.
You are correct, but the t1 win swapping to manipulate the season score and lock out the 3rd server in season2 (I think) took it to another level.
Night capping and population problems can be taken care of somewhat by a PPK / PPF (point per flip) system. Add in a bonus for taking an upgraded item.
Holding something over time already gives the huge advantage of upgrades; it should not also reward points just for holding it on an empty map.
They would have been better off designating servers as NA prime, eu prime, sea prime, OCX prime in clusters of 3. Ppt could remain the same as it is for the servers prime. In the off prime some sort of revision tosomething like ppk only generates ppt could work. No one time zone is less important as long as you pick the proper server. If you want to play on non-designated prime, you still can and you can generate ppt if you so desire – just not by pvdoor and holding things with no opposition.
I am sure there are flaws to this, but I don’t think designated servers with different forms of ppt during the servers non-prime would be too bad.
Well truth be told, there are only three answers. Stay where you are and be miserable, transfer and have fun (hopefully), or stop playing…..
Maybe hot will offer some relief, but I haven’t heard that servers are changing…..
I know it isn’t the answer you want, but I don’t know of any other solution coming down the pipe…..
Not really against any rules, just block them and move on….
Only because people running around in celestial and not knowing how to play.
I ran full ascended sentinel armor/weapons with WvW infusions and all ascended cleric trinkets with WvW infusions.
I ran Jalis/Ventari with Hammer and specced properly and played the class how it was supposed to be played, a ranged support role (CC & heals)
I almost never died.How did you get Ascended armor/weapons or even ascended trinkets? Did you make or bought those weapons? Are those items not lost when BWE will be over? (WvW trinkets cost laurels, if I am not wrong.)
Except your money / laurels / mats seem instanced as well. Buy a legendary on beta. Your other toons will still see all their money, but no legendary…..
lol try playing against yb who switched their prime time just to pvd/ppt.
Of course op is someone from fa complaining about DK….. Hence the follow up comment where was ops complaint when the Chinese guilds did the same pvdoor thing 5-7 days a week.
If you think an entire server changed when they play you are nuts. DK always has played odd hours for us NA prime people. What he does have is a huge friends list to whisper and he uses it. Last but not least, it is summer. Students may stay up late for those 2 months of the year before returning to school. That may be ops answer – wait until September.
I am guessing that people want a tourney for 2 reasons.
1) a way to earn more tix
2) some matchup variation. I know blow outs – winner predetermined blah blah blah. That often happens anyway with the stale matchups we have now……
Every Thursday the matchup wish list thread is updated with % chance for matchups. Maguuma/sbi/cd was only a 58% chance this week – so nearly 4 in 10 it wasn’t going to be that matchup…
You thInk cd is unlucky, ask fa about the troll roll to drop them to t3 for 1 week – like 2% chance or so if I recall properly…..
If you don’t care for this, Then look at it this way…
Lots and lots of golems will be used over the week draining the supply and increasing the cost. The following week, you may see less golems than normal because of cost…..
Wow YB was the only server that never went into red at any time. I was hoping to see number of players though because that would very interesting. We just need Anet to hand over that info so we can all place blame on each other with an accurate chart.
The chart above shows Yak’s Bend going Red in 6 Timezones. Looks like Crystal Desert and Borlis Pass are the only servers with 24/7 coverage, in comparison to the rest of their current Tiers.
Seems this is for current 24 hr period versus historical look over time? Those values may change drastically weekend versus weekday etc…..
The ratings that you see are for the current week in the specific time periods.
For example, the ratings for 1 to 4 UTC are calculated by :
1. Getting the ratings for 1 to 4 UTC of the previous week
2. Then for every day in the week, combine the score that each server gain between 1 to 4 UTC
3. With the score calculated in #2, calculate the ratings for this week.
4. At reset (on friday), the rating for the week that just ended are permanently stored in the databaseSo, to answer your question, it is an historical look over time. It will take a few weeks for the ratings to stabilize and indicate the true strength of each server but once it does, it will indicate for each timezone the “true” strength of each server. It’s as reliable as the “true” strength that Anet gives us over there
Thanks for the explanation. this makes sense on why someone saw all green and another not so much. They looked at different times and last week was screwy with holiday days thur/fri (and of course sat) for many here in the U.S.
Wow YB was the only server that never went into red at any time. I was hoping to see number of players though because that would very interesting. We just need Anet to hand over that info so we can all place blame on each other with an accurate chart.
The chart above shows Yak’s Bend going Red in 6 Timezones. Looks like Crystal Desert and Borlis Pass are the only servers with 24/7 coverage, in comparison to the rest of their current Tiers.
Seems this is for current 24 hr period versus historical look over time? Those values may change drastically weekend versus weekday etc…..
Reward tracks pulled me into pvp. Finally finished Arah collection. So many more to go….. I would rather do it in wvw, but not an option presently so pvp it is……