There is an open pvp server called WvWvW. It basically is a PvP server.
It has NOTHING to do with open world PvP. People claiming so haven’t got a clue of what open world PvP is.
Just for clarification – WoW didn’t make you grind either. You didn’t have to. Sure, you’d miss on certain features but you definitely didn’t have to grind.
You could settle for rare items from 5-men instances (or even a few epics from those), but you’d miss on best gear from the game. Being that visuals are the ONLY term of progression in GW2, by NOT grinding you again choose to miss on… Well, everything?
That’s a really good question. While I don’t know the answer, I do know that this is what’s hurting this game THE MOST – on so many levels.
Are you seriously asking this question, OP?? It’s bad, of course. Really bad, horrible, awful.
Indeed, Red Falcon, it’s a misunderstood game. I understood it’s gonna be awesome, so I bought it, but it turned out to be just plain awful.
I disagree with most of the OP’s points and i’d like to simply focus on the OP’s last paragraph.
Quote from OP “CCP/Blizzard/SOE all have one thing in common, they talk to their players, listen to them, and aren’t afraid to make the big decisions when something needs real fixing. It was an unfortunate ride that was filled with more hope than fun. Take care ANet maybe in another 5 years you will put out another game that will be better managed.”
They all have 1 thing in common… their games have been out 6-8 years longer than GW2. ANet handled their previous GW well which gives no reason to doubt them with GW2 at present time.
WoW for example had so many things wrong with it when it was released and they still stuggle expansion after expansion with major flaws in their game. Players describe the whole Cataclysm expansion off as a poor, boring expansion.
I for one am enjoying GW2 and i’m interested to where they take it.
WoW has the QUALITY and CONTENT to keep people interested for 8 years. GW2 doesn’t have the aforementioned to keep players interested for 2 months.
I consider myself well-read but auctually like the writing and storylines in GW2 . There’s a bit of cheesiness and predictability but I find the personal story to be far more intriguing than most of the MMOs I’ve played. And if you want to complain about really bad dialogue, go play Diablo 3 as a comparison. GW 2 seems like Tolstoy by comparison.
I will say that SWTOR had an excellent story with interesting twists and turns. Unfortunately, the gameplay was horrible and the PVP was passable but majorly imbalanced. All in all, I would rather have a great game with an ok story rather than the opposite, especially when it comes to MMOs.
Eh, I’d sign up for that deal anytime. Thing is, I find game-play and PvP in GW2 pretty awful as well…
The WHAT of PvP? O.o
GW2 isn’t different, it just didn’t include basic things. Not sure why some people pretend that heavily restricting what you can do, how you do it and how much you can do it is a good thing but this is the only innovation GW2 brings other than some shallow UI changes to how quests are portrayed.
Group PvE play is terrible, worst in the genre.
This is so completely and utterly true. The ONLY thing they did was:
- remove rewards
- remove trinity (coordinated play)
- trivialize leveling
- ship the game with no end-game
- recycled the few boring dungeons with 3-4 “paths” each which is more of the same old
- removed any interesting/challenging mechanics from both DEs and dungeons
- mask the classic quest style with “DEs”
AND advertised all those as FEATURES. Yay! Not… :/
It could fly until the game was released, now most of us can see it’s real face. And it has FAIL written all over it.
Agreed, Vendetta. Except for one thing: main game 8?! Feeling over-generous??
They certainly should not be account bound. I hate it when people want GW2 watered down even further, when it’s already a soup.
Yup. Not sure who thought up the idea of having group instance starter be the sole owner of the entire instance. It should pass between others like in most MMO’s.
Never! ANet is different at all costs! Even if it means they’ll adopt a totally kitten system, like they did for so many aspects of this game.
Difference or death! Go back to WoW.
Both of you: I am always the first one to check “ready”. And I always, ALWAYS wait for full 5 minutes until the start because at least one person never checks it. That was first.
Second, why having 5 minutes at all? 1 minute is plenty enough, or even 2. So it’s not me who’s making anyone wait, it’s ANet’s system (yet another failed system designed by ANet).
Third, who said anything about waiting for full 5 minutes?? I want to at least finish my ongoing fight without having to click “wait” constantly while getting beaten.
I’ve wondered the same thing so many times too, OP. I don’t see the point in even having levels, and I DO NOT like the system they’re using.
…you get when you’re playing sPvP, and you get an option to enter a tPvP match!!! It’s beyond annoying, popping-up every few seconds mid-fight! Seriously, MOVE THE kitten WINDOW TO THE SIDE OF THE SCREEN.
It’s driving me mad!
SELLING the game, initially, isn’t the problem – due to all the hype they intentionally created to fool people.
STICKING with the game over long periods of time is the problem – as the game lacks quality at it’s core design and end game.
You missed the point with your last 3 sentences, OP.
Indeed, OP. It’s so annoying looking at so many loading screens, so often. Even in tPvP, when you die and need to respawn, guess what – you are looking at a loading screen. Are you people from ANet for real??
Agreed completely. Respawn rates need to be WAY lower.
WHAT gear CAN they wear?? Gear is so trivialized in this game (I consider that bad, but hey…) that you just CAN’T get kicked because of the gear. The inspect option would be awesome as the gear looks is, sadly, the only thing that allows us to differ from one another.
I don’t understand why people talk about EXPANSIONS at all. The ORIGINAL game is not nearly finished, and I should spend money on expansions? Wth?
I don’t intend to spend a DIME on anything ANet offers unless/until they finish what they started and what I already spent money on. I don’t mean just bug fixes, make the game actually worth playing. Inject some quality into your product before considering expansions. :P
Honestly, ANet SHOULD copy most things from WoW. Because WoW did it best. Trying to be different just for sake of being different results in GW2 being far inferior in commodity features, as well as some very important features, compared to WoW.
If you want to be different/better, take ALL the good stuff from WoW and improve them further. Don’t just avoid implementing them and think “hell yes, we’re different, we rock”.
Yes, you are different. No, you don’t rock.
There are tons of MMORPG that copy things from WoW that you can enjoy them. I believe ANet can make GW2 rock without trying copy things from WoW.
I seriously doubt that. But let’s see them at least try. So far they’ve been battling the MMORPG market with talk only, not acting. It’s like hitting a Goliath with a wet towel and then talking of an epic battle.
SO sure I’m open for anything, but mind you, it HAS to be better than WoW (at least) in order to be noteworthy. So far, WoW is vastly superior. Again, not that I just don’t mind for GW2 to become the best game ever, I actually wish for that. But they have a LONG way to go in a very SHORT period of time.
Honestly? Did you seriously make this thread? O.o
1) Teleports are the problem (give us mounts instead)
2) The game itself is boring, people don’t play as much as they used to
3) The game lacks open world PvP (boy, that can really get things going and fill areas up, trust me)
And so on and so on…
What OP is suggesting is watering content/challenge down even further, while GW2 needs exactly the opposite.
N O !
@ ndrangles
Well, it doesn’t have to be bloodier, just bloody more intelligent, complex and unpredictable. :S
@ Azoetia
Hahah, well said, that too. And imagine, I’m playing a Charr (for which everyone says has the best storyline)! What on Earth would I be thinking if I played another race??
Indeed, finally something I can appreciate. Well done ANet, but this is just 0.0001% of the things you need to fix/implement in GW2. I hope you can work fast enough.
So, why do these places exist?
Does anyone even do anything there?, besides personal story events?
These are some of the most deserted places in the whole game, plz explain.
Nothing, actually. They are just a gimmick, just like most things in GW2.
Boss Fights, No healing class, is there any point to this?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Raging Bull.5048
HERO, I completely agree with you. Completely. It’s not just that I agree, it’s actually a fact that the ANet’s experiment doesn’t work. The proof enough will be that either:
a) ANet realizes this in time and changes it in some way
b) ANet doesn’t acknowledge this as a problem, keeps going down the same path, GW2 finally crashes into a fail-wall. No successful MMORPG ever uses the same “system” ever again.
No trinity? Fine, cool. Give us something that WORKS and is FUN instead, then. I’m no fan of the trinity system, nor do I hate it. I’m a fan of something cool and fluent, and GW2 certainly doesn’t offer such thing. Whatever they tried to do, they failed hard.
You are telling me Sonic the Hedgehog and Pokémon have better stories than Guild Wars 2? Cause that’s some of the games I used to play when I was young, and I’m pretty sure they have stories way inferior to Guild Wars 2’s.
That said, GW2’s story is nothing great, but what do you expect from an MMO? If I want a story I play a single-player game, or better yet: read a book or something.
Perhaps you are right that stories can’t reach very deep in MMOs. But why have a story then? My point is – if you want to make a game no1 in the world, or at least want to be in the very top, only deliver what you can do really good. To make things even worse, this doesn’t apply to just the story aspect in GW2.
Eh, it’s fine I guess. I expected more, so it’s a bit underwhelming. Still it’s something, hopefully there’s a lot more to come.
I want WoW hunter-style pets. Meaning, I want to control ALL of their abilities how and when I want to. Not just having ONE skill I can use. GW2 needs more complexity and depth, ranger pets included.
Hopefully, 2 warriors (for an example) would differ drastically with different modified/chosen skills. I’d like that. Currently, what I read in this post, “changes” seem to discreet and neglect-able. I’d love something like sub-professions, for instance a Berserker and a Juggernaut warrior. The execution doesn’t have to be in such a way that it becomes a dps or a tank warrior. But we already kinda have this, a glass cannon or a more sturdy warrior (tank).
The biggest mistake ANet made with GW2 is trying too hard to be different, at any cost. Don’t go along that path, just make the game bloody fun. Who cares if it has trinity, if it has raids, if it has Arenas, if it has more than 5 skills per weapon etc. I want FUN and DIVERSITY, not different compared to other games (WoW?) at any cost. And they did a lousy job so far.
I couldn’t agree more, OP. Hopefully ANet will come around finally.
I couldn’t agree more, OP. GW2 needs raids, real tough ones AND chance-to-drop loot which would be a lot better than the sets you can buy with tokens.
I can’t speak for you, but for myself I find that what you’re describing is an inevitable fact of getting older. But the problem is not that you’re too old. Rather, it’s that you’re too experienced to be excited by something when you can already foresee the middle and ending of it. You’ve seen it before, and it holds nothing new or unexpected for you.
I just turned 39 and I love games. Always have. I loved games so much as a kid that when I grew up I made them my job. I became a programmer in the industry, and I did that for years until the overtime and the endless movie license games sucked the joy out of it for me.
I still love games but I don’t buy and play most of what gets released. In many cases I can try a demo or watch someone play a game for a while and feel like I’ve experienced all that I would get out of that particular game. The problem is not that the game is bad, really. It’s that the game is just not unique or surprising enough to show me anything new. I’ve accumulated so much experience that if you show me the essence of the thing, I can extrapolate the rest. And when that happens I don’t feel the desire to play through the minutes and seconds of it.
That also applies to particular parts of a game, for instance a story told through cut scenes. I pick games now based strictly on whether the premise and mechanics are fun for me. I love everything about MMOs – the long term character development, the always-on environment, the combat, etc. — so mostly I play them. But at this point it takes a lot for a story to excite me, because I’ve seen so many good, bad, and mediocre stories that it takes something really striking to make me care about that aspect of the game.
That’s the gist of it. If it’s not new to me, I just don’t feel like I care enough to sit through your cut scenes. I would rather just get to the clicky part because a story that’s only serviceable or adequate just doesn’t cut it anymore. If I know what’s coming then I don’t need to sit through it and watch.
And that’s not limited to games. I don’t know about you but I feel the same way about movies and TV shows now, and for the same reasons. I feel like I’m wasting time watching something that’s “just OK” or too predictable. Show me something new and interesting or I just don’t have the care to spare.
TLDR: We are a portion of the audience that is inherently difficult to please because we’ve experienced so many stories that it takes a really good one to turn us on now. Some people will simply read that as “jaded” but that’s not how I would characterize it. Jaded comes with negative connotations that I would not apply here.
Hm, I can agree with what you said. Experienced, figures. But, isn’t their job to push the boundaries further, to be original and to satisfy THE most demanding crowd, instead of making stories/games for children who just stopped watching BabyTV?
That is, if their intention is to make a mark in the gaming industry, like they claimed. If you want to be a “legend”, you really must leave the world in awe. You must surpass expectations, not fall short on so many aspects.
It’s as if I’m claiming I want to be a world champion sprinter and dethrone Mr Bolt, but I show up sleepy, unprepared and without my running shoes at the race.
I’m sorry, but if you bragged you’re making THE game and are pushing the genre forward (!?), people have the right to expect “the impossible”. Instead we got mediocre level stuff, if even that.
Edit: I am sick of empty promises and overkill-marketing. We, the gamers, must put a stop to that and heavily criticize those who try to make fools of us and let them know they can’t gamble with our trust.
(edited by Raging Bull.5048)
:) thanks for the support there raging bull
I agree constructive critisism is constructive.
However the naysaying isent. Thanks for your input.
I sincerely hope the ANet staff can draw a better conclusion.
Honestly, ANet SHOULD copy most things from WoW. Because WoW did it best. Trying to be different just for sake of being different results in GW2 being far inferior in commodity features, as well as some very important features, compared to WoW.
If you want to be different/better, take ALL the good stuff from WoW and improve them further. Don’t just avoid implementing them and think “hell yes, we’re different, we rock”.
Yes, you are different. No, you don’t rock.
The dungeons are horribly boring and lack any depth or complexity. Don’t mix my comment up with any sort of complaints regarding the difficulty. If anything, I think they’re too short and easy.
The thing I complain about is that they SUCK. Plus – where are the chance-to drop loot rewards? The current system just complements the boring trend even further.
This game is incredible. Ive noticed a few extra threads lately about the game being doomed and not meeting expectations etc..
Well, to be quite honest with you this game is doing exceptionaly well! Especially for a F2P model.. Im so impressed with the game I was also very worried because I was wondering how Anet make any money… I mean, ive spent some cash but not alot and I kinda feel they deserve more money… When i first started playing my first thought was wow… They could charge a subscription for this game!
So I say to you guys, dont listen to the gloom bandits and nay sayers as you get them in every forum. Sometimes they are correct and sometimes they are wrong.. In this case they are very wrong and are just trying to dmg the morale of the playerbase..
The servers are full of people at prime time. The dungeons are always easy to get groups for.
The one thing I will say on the critisism side is that I would have preferred slighty longer levelling. Endgame they say is throughout the game.. So why not make the levels twice as much xp as they are right now?
Keep up the good morale this is an amazing game arenanet.. You have worlked hard and im very impressed!! Playerbase, Dont worry this game will be around for a very long time
This guy is right. Don’t pay attention to criticism. GW2 is a synonym for perfection. The “nay sayers” are wrong, and the only one who gets it is the OP.
He is impressed, therefore we all are. And see, he is reassuring you: “don’t worry this game will be around for a very long time”. You even got a smiley at the end of that sentence. All is fine. You can put all your worries aside.
This is as good as a game can get. Well done.
Yes, they are. Thieves and mesmers are ruining tPvP.
Mesmer nerf. Finally.
@ Lorrides
Well said. I will not give them a high five because they completely missed the topic. They watered down and degraded the RPG elements which are THE most important in… Well, in a RPG game. Fail.
Not off topic since we’re talking about lack of compelling endgame content and other missing elements.
With regard to your beef with no GvG: I played GW1 very briefly, didn’t get into endgame/GvG content… but it stands to reason that if the original Guild Wars had GvG then its sequel would obviously feature it and even build upon it. Guilds can’t wage wars with each other here, BUT they could in the original… seems like false advertisement. From the looks of it, this should have been called Server Wars.
Now I know this game is supposed to be “different”, but world pvp is huge for me. The best experience I can have in an MMO is when I can come across someone leveling or gathering and jump his kitten.. Or be set upon by someone just like me, on the hunt; And even if I’m squarely defeated, it was exciting or fun on some level. So yeah, give me that.
If I want that kind of experience here, I’m stuck with WvW, which as we have seen is the opposite of fun. One can find short thrills in finding a lone invader on his way to a vista or skill point, but then a wave of players seemingly come out of nowhere during your scrap and send you to the other side of the map. Having to walk SO far after dying is a massive setback. It’s infuriating, NO ONE wants to bother with that. Every time I get defeated I just look around for allies to rez me and wait, frustrated and miserable—The run back is always dull an uneventful. In either case my brain turns to mush.
Obviously more waypoints should be added, the maps could be redesigned, and “Contested” Waypoints should become more accessible.
For suggestions to give this game some personality: Add more incentives to dungeons by introducing unique loot pools to bosses/chests. Give us some RNG to gamble with. WoW had a great “need/greed” system. Any player can save up enough tokens to get their standard cool spikey flame sword, but only the lucky or dedicated would get the 1% drop rate cool spirally flame sword.
Finding rare monsters that drop specific loot would also be welcome. My favorite example would be Notorious Monsters in Final Fantasy XI. Obviously a pipe dream at this point; Anet first has to take care of the biggest problem this game is facing: Merciless pillaging bots.
Going back to your beef with legendary requirements, I’m mostly with you. I think the flat gold costs are outrageous. These weapons have the same stats as a weapon I can make myself with mats farmed in a couple of hours. It’s a SKIN. I get it though, give us something to work towards… but with all my maps/puzzles completed and WvW sucking my life force, A weapon skin is not enough for me to keep coming back.
I see a player standing in front of the Lion’s Arch Bank or TP just firing off rainbow arrows from their legendary bow the entire time I’m crafting/peddling around in town.. Possibly 30 minutes. Still shootin those rainbows.. And I think to myself, “Is that it? Did he win the game? Do I really want to be like that guy?”
Sorry for the long and random post, I’ll cut it here. Hope someone from Anet reads
It’s as if I’ve written that post myself.
And about the open world PvP part – yes. God yes. My biggest selling point for any game, and my biggest disappointment with this one. I REALLY, REALLY want a true open world PvP. REALLY.
It’s true, OP, I feel the same way. I wrote posts and posts about it and honestly, I’m tired of writing…
The customers did their part – they bought the game. It’s up to ANet to quickly and efficiently fix their broken, lackluster game, if they know how. If they don’t, I will just try a next game. We gave them more than enough heads up.
That’s actually a good point.
I agree, nosleepdemon, but the biggest issue I have with the story is that it’s naive, not engaging, no intelligent twists… In other words, it’s for really, really young folks. The things you mentioned are a “bonus”, which doesn’t really help.
Honestly, why bother with an aspect of the game if you can’t do it really, really good. They should have left the story out all together, it’s better than having a bad one. If they wanted to implement the story so badly, then they should have made an AWESOME one.
No, it hasn’t. Unfortunately. What’s even worse, letting my expectations down hurts more than the $60 I’ve spent.
This is true. None of the professions FEEL unique or fluent enough. They lack the “charisma” lol, don’t know how to define it.
I don’t feel like I can do enough with my profession.
“…what ANet is trying to do…”
“…the vision…”
“…doesn’t fit into GW2 lore…”
“…go back to WoW…”Listen, everything taken into account, I believe we can all agree that not everything is going according to the “master plan”. GW2 is not revolutionary, is not moving the genre forward (it is in fact degrading MMORPG genre into a casual soup), and has not impressed the world. ANet might as well admit they made a mistake, and actually make something awesome of this game.
ANet philosophy, just as everything else, is prone to change. The market dictates what is in demand, not the manufacturers. Their job is to hit the golden vein and get as many people interested. If “their vision” has failed to impress, maybe it’s time for a new vision?
The vocal minority are not the majority.
They are just the loudest.
How many people have actually posted asking for a specific change compared to those who have either supported the existing system or simply not taken part in the discussion?
Everyone likes to believe that they are in the majority… but it’s not necessarily true.
Just like you, right this moment.