One time I played a certain tournament, and the team we were against took 3rd place in the end. However, when we played them we completely dominated them. We were ready to get tranquility buff and already stood on all 3 points to defend them. Buff was free to cap as we killed them again.
But, we were all really excited and what happened now is completely reasonable and I understand it, but it’s still kinda funny in a way. Anyway, one of our guys started channeling the buff and at 99% cap he moved by accident and it stopped the channel. Then their thief ran there as fast as he could, but he got downed. Our guy was just about to cap the buff, again 99% cap, and then thief blinked in downed state and interrupted again. And since we were all out of pisition, ready to defend 3 points that we should’ve had, we ended up losing.
Pairing now would be: 20 8 6 3 2 vs 11 7 5 3 1?
I don’t think that’s balanced at all.
I would make it something like: 20 11 3 2 1 vs 8 7 6 5 3
It would match 2 or 3 best players with 2 or 3 worst while the other team is average. That’s the best way.
This is what it would look like:
Team A
2 good players, 2 bad players, 1 medium player
> 2 good + 2 bad = 4 medium
> + 1 medium
> A total of 5 medium players
Team B
5 medium players
In theory that is a good matchup because both teams will have 5 medium players on average. Of course maybe those good players in theory could carry their team to victory, but also those bad players could be really bad and lose it. I think in average it is the best possible matchmaking.
Now about new players: We can’t know if they are good or bad, chances are probably 50/50, that’s why they should be considered as average players rather than bad (if it’s their first game) or good (if they had few lucky wins in their first games).
JUSTIN! let me know what you think!
For me personally SAB is the best thing in GW2 ever. It’s quite sad that they just gave up on it.
And warrior’s longbow is what keeps them alive in a 1v1 situation. Without longbow warriors would be free kills for any thief/mesmer/engi and even necro with minions.
Thanks for admitting that warrior relies on combustive shot spam to win 1v1s against a variety of classes.
How about, we shave some of longbows power, and add it to other weapon sets for warrior, huh? Maybe this is what balancing is about, yeah? That way warriors are not pidgeonholed into running longbow to be viable.
what are you talking about? long bow is balanced. and has already gone through lots of power shaving.
f1 combustion shot – overall damage reduced by 15%
3 arcing arrow – overall damage reduced by 15%
5 pin down – activation time increasedthe long bow is balanced, please get over it already.
quit with the unjustified nerfs to the warrior already.
What about massive damage increase from extra sigils and strength runes?
I think there are much stronger comps than double war at the moment. The meta is still adjusting so double war is a pretty ‘safe’ option but I believe we’re going to see composition changes after the tournament, at least among the top teams.
Is that why you only ever play war?
Fact is wars are OP. Team with a war or two will always have better chance than a team without a war.
They are OP against scrubs , yes.
I tried to search for you on top 1000 leaderboards but I couldn’t find. However, I would like to know more about your expert opinion. Could you please elaborate it more?
I would be fine with a “no warrior” tournament since they are obviously OP. I would not be ok with any other restrictions though.
I don’t agree with lack of different game modes. I think conquest is perfect mode and no other mode can ever work.
However, PvP is in very bad shape right now. I couldn’t care less if I win or lose a match. There is no benefit from winning at all. Leaderboard is pretty much a fail at its current state. Something has to be fixed about that.
Anet said hambow needed a slight nerf, that’s why they nerfed one trait and one longbow attack, as well as healing signet. But, they buffed them a lot more with strength rune and extra sigils. So, it doesn’t make sense. Before they wanted to nerfed them but they are accidentally buffed now, why are they not taking any action into nerfing them again?
I agree that bunker comps are extremely boring to watch and very, very easy to play. Also, instead of nerfing hambows, they buffed them with the new runes and extra sigils. And now they are not doing anything about it.
You can help players anyway if you want to. You don’t need to have that tag up and show off.
I play pvp to get higher on the ladder and possibly win the season
Oh wait…
This happens quite often. Restarting GW works, but you should really fix it properly instead of having this as a solution.
Score board should stay. I always get the top score, how else can I show that I am a good player? Since they removed ranks.
No sticky? No announcement?
I hope they will add the best looking dragon ever to gemstore. We will have to invest many hours either farming gold to convert to gems or using our credit cards to earn them. I think they will really show who deserves to have a dragon.
In PvP all you had to do is play for hundred and hundred of hours, it is in no way related to experience nor skill.
If loot was reduced then no one would play eotm. Keep it the way it is. It’s much more fun than old WvW anyway.
However, since there are no points, that loot is the only reason to play it.
but letting enemies slowly bleed out so that they cant respawn so fast can be an intended tactic in spvp!
Yes it is. It gives PvP more depth. This way you can perform timekills and finishing the downed enemies at separate times so they don’t always respawn at once.
So based on that, I am against OP’s suggestion.
Just updating this and saying that it’s done. Sending an email worked and our roster has been updated.
Hello, since I messaged blu and he just ignored it I have to ask here.
Is it still possible to change 1 player of the team for NA ToL? It might be needed for my team to change our substitute. Does anyone know if it’s possible and how?
Just posting it here because I am getting ignored everywhere else.
Hambow is OP. It’s almost impossible to hold a point against good hambow 1v1. Fact.
And, if it was so easy to beat hambows then no one would play them.
I suggest power hunter with read the wind trait, it’s quite strong.
OP all your points are great, but you have to understand that they are not very experienced shoutcasters. They have a lot to learn.
Problem here is that there are so few experienced shoutcasters interested in GW2 so for big tourneys like this we are sadly stuck with these guys. But maybe things will change in the future, maybe they get better at it or Anet simply finds someone more qualified.
I am not sure about the winner but I have a strong feeling that team lonely will lose on the first round.
Most important of all: destroy their treb. Then as soon as they pick up the repair kit go kill their runner or destroy their treb as soon as they repair it.
I was all up for swiss style but now I realise that it really doesn’t work at all when there are so few teams. It feels like there is no difference between the season/tournament and normal day matchups. Matches are pretty much always the same (same servers fighting each other), which is extremely boring.
From what i understand spirit ranger isn’t a very good bunker these days, its more mid support.
I completely disagree with this. Spirit ranger really can’t do much in mid. However, it can be extremely useful on near/far. But wherever you are, the guardian is useful.
This game has extremely low skill cap. It’s nothing compared to GW1. However, teamplay, minimap awareness and rotations are where real skill and experience shows. That is what makes the difference.
Hambows are still the strongest. Now they can constantly keep 25 stacks of might.
Engis are op but necros seem to be quite fine. They are supposed to be condi heavy class and that’s what they are, but they’re not super tanky at the same time like engis are.
I think precursor price is fine considering how easy it is to get gold nowadays.
Also thanks Anet for the reward! PvPers are walking with FOTM backpieces, legendaries and other shiny weapons! While the PvErs are having 0 gold and easy obtainable skins!
I’m pvper and I have all those things they have. Also spent 0 real money on this game.
Awesome! I really only want the chest piece. Thanks, folks. BONUS: any idea how long it should take? Assuming every match was a win, maybe 15 hours?
Way way less than that.
It shouldn’t be removed. Whole point of those games were to be able to be entered and exited as fast as possible. Play now button is the fastest and the best way of doing so.
8 level 80s
4 with 100% map completion, currently working on 5th
Megaservers are awesome. Game feels a lot less like single player now. I think this is something that should have been done from the start, rather than limiting players to 1 server.
Ele and necro are fine. Engi is too strong. Hambow constant 25 might stacks with strength runes is even stronger than it was before. Spirit ranger is too weak now.
It’s a wonderfull mechanic, it could probably be slightly improved though. I myself get really annoyed by the fact that there is no chance whatsoever for my Thief to beat a Ranger in downed state, even if I down them say 5 seconds before I go down myself. Not sure if they are overpowered, or if Thieves are weaker in downed state because they get so much mobility instead :P
But thieves are a lot stronger than rangers when alive, so it’s fair
Downed state is a big part of this game, it makes it so much more interesting. I want it to stay exactly the way it is.
I have not experienced any hostility in any of the matches I’ve played so far. Maybe the problem is that you play during NA prime time?
Trade post works perfectly for me, no delay. My connection is good. But skill lag is so bad, 3 sec delay. Please fix thanks!
Ranger nature spirit is also bugged and will not rezz if you used it while both you and spirit are running. You will waste the cooldown though.
Hambow is even stronger than it was. Constant 25 might stacks with strength runes.
Engi with balthazar runes is very strong too.
It should be last kill wins, like in GW1. Whole score thing is quite lame.
I really hope it’s 100% qualifier. Everyone should be equal, no one should have special treatment.
I put 3 rare spears and stone in the forge and got the legend.
Chaos axe should be a new legendary.
Awesome teamplay and strategy from those 2 DE servers. I like it.