Don’t do it! It belongs in a museum!
Has anyone besides me noticed the game dynamics changing due to this? It used to be that traits were a basic part of the build for all players. Now, more and more, I’m seeing traits as an option, or ignored. I see level 80’s with legendaries and ascended weapons, not using traits.
How long before the new cry for dungeons isn’t “AP” but “Trait builds only!”?
That’s actually a very good point, I haven’t thought of that. What a terrible scenario.
Look, I know it’s probably a nightmare for Anet to try and figure a way to fix this traits mess this has caused, but I sincerely hope they’re at least taking some of the ideas posted here into consideration. Making new characters shouldn’t be this tedious.
As far as a track reward goes, that would make it a solid month of PvP play to get the whole set. I don’t count that as minimal effort.
Two weeks max if player is dedicated to sPvP. I’m usually finishing a reward track in 3-4 days and I play WvW/PvE too.
Even though I’m not big on PvP, I’ll do whatever it takes to get that Tribal Armor. And honestly, I’d also go for the other sets like the Stalwart set after I’m through with that one.
That is, of course, if they implement it as a reward track. Anet hasn’t said specifically, but it’s probably the most likely scenario. I’m just all too eager to see it back, period.
Mittens on charr…
’nuff said.
Despite it’s shortcomings, this is still one of my favorite games. I’ve always got buddies to play with too, so that definitely helps.
Plus it’s subscription-free, dude! Come back whenever you want!
This is only similar to GW1 if in GW1 you had to hunt down every skill by doing tasks far beyond your level or entire map completions or to play through buggy open world events that may or may be working for weeks on end or get up-leveled into PvP-land and get ganked repeatedly trying to get a skill. Guess what in GW1 you didn’t have to do any of those things. Somehow ANet went from “hunting elite skills” – you know the last skill on your skill bar – to hunting down every trait (a completely different basic build component). If they wanted to do something similar to GW1 they would have limited it to Grandmaster traits. That at least would have some consistency with the way GW1 worked. Oh and by the way you are correct you can also just spend ~43 gold and I believe around 360 points and just buy every trait to experiment with builds. As opposed to the previous system where you could unlock all the traits with about 3 gold. The new system is clearly such a deal! What could their customers possibly be upset about! I have 6 grandfathered level 80s and one grandfathered level 40 that don’t have to buy or hunt every trait and I disliked the 8th class (Engineer) when I played it previously so I will not be building another alt until ANet introduces either a new class or race. In other words probably never . . .
^This. This, this, this.
And oh yeah, ^THIIIIIIIIIIS!
Although I’ve made quite a few alts after the update, this new trait system is probably one the most stifling things I’ve ever experienced in a game. Talk about discouraging build-experimenting… not to mention a downright pain in the butt.
If they wanted a GW1-style experience with traits, then they should’ve simply made grandmaster traits something you have to acquire/purchase, not every single trait. Seriously, I think there’s lvl 30 traits that ask me to go to Sparkfly Fen. WTF?!! Who thought that was a good idea? Especially from a NPE perspective, you’re asking new players to go venturing to areas far beyond their level. I can’t imagine that turns out well for them.
Check out the official Traits thread. It’s got well over 3000 posts, and I’ll bet 99% of them are negative.
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
I think it has potential for a brand new weapon to be honest. The warrior mace has a nice block function which doesnt fit a morningstar as well. I could see this having cripple or bleeds maybe. Perhaps as part of a whip subset that could root enemies?
While it does have the potential to be a new weapon, I think there are other new-weapon possibilities that players would want more (i.e. crossbow, polearm, throwing spears like the paragon from GW1, battle axes, etc.). That said, however, I certainly wouldn’t object if this was made into a new weapon with its own skills, but I’ll take it as a mace skin as well.
By the way, here’s the super mace skin that I mentioned earlier. This shows that it is entirely possible to integrate flails into mace skins. It’s cool, but not exactly “barbaric,” so a further look into flails would be awesome!
First of all, I’m not suggesting this to be a brand new weapon. I think bringing in a few flail weapon skins for the mace would be an awesome addition to that weapon category.
Now before we start building arguments about clipping issues, I’m not asking for a five-foot long chain or anything. Just a short chain that… well… flails around when you swing it. I know there’s a Super Adventure Box mace that’s kind of like that, so it’s definitely possible to make maces into flails.
This would just be a perfect weapon for a barbarian, and a fresh look for the mace!
This is great! We definitely need more ways to earn badges of honor, so I’m excited for this!
I think there should be more titles to be earned from collection achievements.
For the brewmaster collection, something like Brewmaster, Drunkard, etc.
For the meat-eating one, something like Carnivore, Gourmand, Connoisseur, Glutton, etc.
For the wine collection, something like Wine Taster, High-Class, ect.
…and so fourth.
I couldn’t be less interested in Living Story, to be honest. You’re BARELY a main character yourself (a sidekick at best, despite Teen Destiny’s Edge’s insistence to call you “boss”), and the ACTUAL main characters are largely forgettable, with even MORE forgettable villains, and a fairly predictable story to boot.
The concept of Living Story is pretty cool, but I just can’t get myself engaged in the plot. I just do it out of habit, really. For those that love it, all the more power to ya. I’d rather write my own story for my characters while adventure across Tyria, instead of being an errand-boy while Destiny’s Edge 2.0 gets all the credit.
This is what I was worried I would hear. I can’t believe that they have the gall to sell 60 minutes of bad storytelling for actual money. Someone can always say that “they worked on it and they can’t work for free” but I don’t pay for bad products. If your main focus in developing an MMORPG is to provide incredibly small chunks of story, and that’s it, then you better hire George R. R. Martin to do it and make him deliver on a very quick schedule. ArenaNet/NCSoft, can you please sell the rights for Guild Wars to a competent development/marketing/writing team so we can get a good Guild Wars game again?
I don’t want to be misinterpreted that I think this isn’t a good Guild Wars game. Quite the opposite, actually. I’ve never found myself more hooked on a game than this one. Despite its shortcomings, this is easily my favorite game to play.
I’m merely saying that I think the Living Story is very weak. GW1 had a MUCH more engaging story that focused far more on YOU, the player, instead of playing second fiddle to a teenage sitcom group (bleh, Destiny’s Edge 2.0).
I’m not hating on the game, by any means . I’m just not invested in LS, unfortunately.
Seeing as the toys were moved to gemshop, i’m not sure if the “toymaker” title will still be appropriate
Unless they bring NEW toys to be made… <.<
Well, that would be disappointing. I graduated from Apprentice Toymaker to Journeyman Toymaker, and now I wanna be a Master Toymaker! :P
I was wondering the same thing. It seems odd that “Journeyman” was the highest title you could get. It’d be great if, not only they came back, but also brought an additional “Master Toymaker” title along with them.
Since the “Pumpkin Carver” title saw a return last Halloween, will we see be able to acquire the “Toymaker” titles as well this Wintersday? I’d really like to have those titles available for my characters.
I couldn’t be less interested in Living Story, to be honest. You’re BARELY a main character yourself (a sidekick at best, despite Teen Destiny’s Edge’s insistence to call you “boss”), and the ACTUAL main characters are largely forgettable, with even MORE forgettable villains, and a fairly predictable story to boot.
The concept of Living Story is pretty cool, but I just can’t get myself engaged in the plot. I just do it out of habit, really. For those that love it, all the more power to ya. I’d rather write my own story for my characters while adventure across Tyria, instead of being an errand-boy while Destiny’s Edge 2.0 gets all the credit.
While the sudden break just for the final story chapter DOES seem nonsensical (from a story perspective, not development, mind you), I’m not too broken up over it. I’m eager to jump into the Wintersday festivities.
I do have one question though: will the “Toymaker” titles be obtainable again? I’d really like to get that.
Dread Knight
2hander weapon: Great Sword, Staff, Short Bow
Main Hand Weapon: Scepter, Sword, Axe, Dagger,
Off Hand Weapon: Focus, Shield, Sword, Axe, Scepter
Armor Type: Heavy
I’ve seen the Dread Knight idea pitched around a lot, and I really like it. It gives the heavy armor category a third class. Not only that, but it would differ from the Guardian in that the Dread Knight would focus more on offensive and debilitating magic than support and protection.
Good stuff, but I also want to see brand new weapons and existing weapons becoming available for classes that currently can’t use them (i.e. rifles for rangers).
I’ve seen this suggestion before, and I think it’s pretty cool. I wouldn’t make it a bare-knuckle fighting style though. Give them metal gloves, gauntlets, hand wraps, etc. so it becomes a new weapon, basically.
It sounds interesting, but I don’t really see it fitting in with Guild Wars for some reason. There’s better candidates for new weapons, in my opinion (like magically-charged throwing spears for elementalists).
I thought it was neat at first. Then the novelty wore off and it was obnoxious as heck, so I promptly turned it off. It’s nice that there’s an option to do so, so that’s definitely a plus.
What I don’t like is how items that can’t be salvaged have an annoying red tint over the whole icon. Minor issue to be sure, but still.
Hastily writes in journal
Nearly eight months since the start of this thread….
So far, our presence has gone unnoticed…
I fear the end is near for me.. But I cannot lose hope yet.
Hope… is all I have left…
I find myself more frequently thinking of the place I once called home…
Will things ever be the same? I do not know….
…. I do not know….A single tear drop falls on on the page.
~ F a d e T o B l a c k ~
This is a weird thing to get upset over… :\
The Tribal armor set and other armor sets that were sPvP-exclusive will be obtainable again at some point in the future. There is no ETA as to when this will happen.
I’ll believe it when it actually happens, because that’s almost word-for-word what a dev said 9 months ago too.
Yikes. Well, I hope it comes back much sooner rather than later.
Excellent, thank you for the reply and clarification. Hopefully we’ll be able to obtain them through non-PvP means as I’ve been wanting it since launch (beta allowed the armor in PvE). Appreciate the response.
It was obtainable through a karma vendor in beta, correct?
Awesome, thanks so much for the responses, everyone! Now I can purchase this with confidence that I’ll see it every time I make transactions on the TP in addition to sending/receiving mail.
Hmm, okay, well I got two contradicting answers… can anyone who purchased this give us a definitive answer on this?
Thanks for the quick replies, by the way. I appreciate it!
Does it show up ONLY when you deliver/receive mail, or does it also show up when you make transactions in the TP (i.e. selling overstock materials, etc.).
This’ll help me decide whether or not it’s worth a purchase, as I hardly ever write letters to other players, but frequently sell things on the TP.
This gif = 99.99% of the playerbase
The last guy of the gif = 00.01% of the playerbase (a.k.a. Malediktus)
I jest, but seriously, I absolutely can’t wait to get my hands on that tribal armor!
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
Thank you so much for the response, Joey. It’s great to hear that the highly-requested tribal armor will be making a return—hopefully it will be very soon! I’m now eagerly awaiting the chance to obtain this and all the other PvP sets!
I hope it will be harder than completing trivial PvP tracks we have now.
Dude, reward tracks would be absolutely fine. You already have the set, as you’ve repeatedly stated (rolls eyes), so how will it’s method of acquisition affect you in any way, shape, or form?
Regardless, this is exciting news for everyone waiting for all these armor sets to finally come back! Consider me hyped!
Thanks again, Joey!
How many more threads do people need to make about this? There are plenty already.
Maybe there are a lot of posts to this topic but more or less is just a discussion about if someone is missing this set or not. ;-)
I would like to know something new, or support other players who want the set back into the game.
My ele is very happy about 99.99% of the playerbase not being able to copy his look.
“ima speshul snoflake!”
Seriously, there’s no reason this should be unobtainable anymore. It’d be like eliminating dungeon armor from the game. It wasn’t any more exclusive than that, it just required an alternate method of unlocking.
I’m sick of the “I have it so you shouldn’t” attitude. Players have been asking for more PvP rewards anyways, and Anet clearly wants to bring more players into PvP. Old PvP armor rewards are the way to do it.
How many more threads do people need to make about this? There are plenty already.
As many as it takes to get the set back.
Agreed. I honestly believe the PvP armor sets were never meant to be permanently removed from the game, but rather reintroduced at a later time. I think we’ve been without them for long enough and am eager to see their return.
I so badly need that tribal armor!
Old PvP Armor (completion of track reward chest; Tribal, Stalwart, etc. Wardrobe Armor Unlocked Skins)
I’ve been requesting this numerous times and I wont give up.
Yes! This basically sums it up. Then there’s the last guy… ‘cause there’s always that one guy…
Its about time we get the old armor types as a reward again.
I always hated the concept of one time exlusive items that never return. Or call ’em legacy items if you want. I hate that.
That’s the thing, though, I don’t think these PvP armor sets were ever meant to be timed exclusive stuff. They just didn’t have a place for them after the update, and since PvP crafting was getting the boot, they booted the armor sets as well.
I always thought they would eventually come back, and frankly, I still believe they’ll make a return. I just figure this would be as good a time as any considering Anet clearly wants to bring more players to the PvP realm.
The tribal armor is one of the most requested sets from what I’ve seen, and I know all of the other sets are sought after as well (stalwart, marauder, etc.). Anet has to be aware of that, and I like to think they still have plans to bring them back, hopefully sooner rather than later.
Well this close to the update you got 2 camps you can be in.
Camp 1: They did it but haven’t announced it, it’s a secret until Tuesday!
Camp 2: They haven’t really considered it/didn’t have time/to late to bring it up so close to Tuesday!:)
As much as I want to be in camp 1, I think I’m actually corralled in camp 2, though I’d love to be pleasantly surprised come Tuesday.
I actually had this thought for a while, but never got around to posting it sooner, because it probably wouldn’t have made much of a difference one way or another. If Anet wants to bring the stuff back, it’ll be when they want to, not when I suggest would be a good time to. I don’t make the decisions around there.
I just like to remind Anet every now and then how badly we want all the old PvP armor sets back. That way, they don’t think we’ve forgotten about them. They have hinted at the possibility of their reintroduction, after all.
I dont agree. PvP Reward Tracks are too easy.
First there were complaints of PvP having no reward – now there’s complaints of too easy. Can’t please everyone!
I know, right? (rolls eyes)
So with the coming update being focused on PvP and all, I feel this would be the perfect time to reintroduce the tribal armor set as well as all the other missing PvP armor. It would make for an exciting kick-off, giving us players something awesome to work toward while at the same time experiencing all the new features with this PvP update. I think all those great-looking armor sets have been out of reach long enough, it’s time to bring back those rewards!
I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but I’m still holding on to the hope that the tribal armor (and all the other PvP armor) will make a grand return one day soon!
Fingers crossed!
Here’s hoping they kick off the new PvP update by bringing the old PvP armor sets back as reward tracks!
What a kick-off that would be.
Tribal armor first.
I bought it. Lol. Just wondering, can you actually hear other players’ backpacks? Or does it work like the Salvage-o-Matics where only you can hear them?
Also, a suggestion: maybe they can be silenced when we hide our backpacks?
Yeah, you can still hear it from other players, and they are very loud.
it’s pretty funny, but imagine a group of 20 or so players running around, each with incessant yakking backpacks.
My ears. (asura-pun intended)
Not sure if this should go here or in the Black Lion thread, but I have to say I really like this outfit. We don’t really have a good jester costume, and this would be perfect for my mesmer (yes, he is indeed a Fool). The hat/mask combo is a really nice touch!
As an outfit, I’d be happy to purchase this from the gem store should it find its way there.
Well, dulfy states that it’s coming with the Halloween patch here.
We’re looking into returning the Charr’s missing tail in an upcoming patch. (probably after halloween) – appologies for putting you off balance meantime.
Glad to hear, but it makes me wonder…. Is this tailless thing intentional (and only changed due to complaints) or does the design group simply ignore Charr?
Good question, but I’m just happy we’re getting our tails back!
Again, I’m not looking for any kind of a special tail. Just our regular charr tails will be perfect. My minocharr is going to be happy to have his bull-tail back!
My ideas at the moment (I’ll just put one for each category for now):
Race: Tengu is easily the most plausible.
Profession: Not too sure myself, but likely a heavy armor so that there’s an equal amount across the board (three for each weight class). Maybe some kind of aggressive dark magic warrior as a counterpart to the protective magic of guardians?
Weapon: Throwing javelins, like the paragon from GW1. Elementalists would be able to wield them and throw magically-charged spears from mid-to-long range (i.e. water javelins do splash damage/healing, create tidal waves for mob damage, whirlpools to pin down enemies, etc.). Plus, it would give eles another physical-type weapon other than the dagger, which would be a nice touch in my opinion.
To put it bluntly, I’ll step more into PvP for sPvP exclusive gear, but then spvpers have to step more into pve for pve gear.
I absolutely couldn’t have put it better myself. Thank you, Serophous.
I would very much like an advanced search option in the BLTC to search dyes by hue. It’d make it much easier to search all of a particular hue and preview them on my armor right away rather than looking them up one at a time on “xyz website,” then searching that dye by name, then previewing said dye, and repeat the process for every dye of that hue. With the overhaul of the BLTC, I’m surprised something like this didn’t make it.
I also agree that sorting dyes by hue should be the default option on your dye tab in the hero panel. Or at least, you should be able to set it as default.
+1 for support.
Still waiting to see if this armor set (as well as all the other PvP armors) shows up again, be it reward track, karma, gem store or whatever. My elementalist needs that tribal armor very much!
Hopefully it’s a matter of “when” and not “if.”
YAAAY! Thank you so much for the news, Curtis, you just made my day!
Now I can buy this outfit for my minocharr without worry!
Jackaljag… you sir, are blessed by the six gods themselves. :’D
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the flamekissed light armor get redesigned because of player feedback? And we’re not even asking for an overhaul here, just their regular charr tails.
From the looks it is supposed to be a faun. Or possibly Pan, either way it is a goat tail, not a devils tail. Char tails then should be hidden in my opinion.
Well, to me it seems more bovine, like a bull or minotaur—or in this case a minocharr! Therefore, a regular charr tail would look just fine. Either way, charr just look awkward without their expressive tails.
Again, I don’t think we need any kind of cheesy-looking devil tail or anything like that. Just adding default charr tails back would make a world of difference for me. Heck, most of the other outfits use their normal tails and it looks great.
I very much agree with Dehuang in that a charr’s tail is a large part of their personality (like asuran ears, I suppose), and eliminating it entirely hurts the design as a whole, so I’m still holding on to the hope that we’ll see charr tails added soon due to how much player feedback it’s been getting since release.