Can someone please explain this logic to me? If I’m not mistaken, P/P thieves have always been regarded as less-than-stellar when compared to other thief builds. So instead of helping this weapon load-out, they turn around and eliminate arguably the most important trait for it (even after they improved the tracking and increased its range)? I’m absolutely stunned at this decision, and I have no idea what to make for it.
I’ve mained P/P thief since the beginning, and I’m pretty satisfied with the build I’ve put together; it synthesizes really well with Signet of Malice and Invigorating Precision. The elimination of Ricochet just seems completely uncalled for. No, I suppose it’s not going to completely break my build, but it sure is going to affect mob DPS and self-healing seeing as how it’s going to be solely a single-target weapon now (with exception to sigil of fire procs). Actually, I change my mind, maybe it will completely break my build. The self-healing is going to be a BIG issue given that you’re already handicapping your mobility and stealth options just by picking up P/P, so having Ricochet work with SoM and IP just made for great self-sustained survivability (I play PvE, so I’m not sure how it would stand in PvP, not that it matters anymore). Without Ricochet, P/P thieves feel like they’re getting an unwarranted nerf big time.
Please, Anet. Please reconsider this decision, as P/P has needed proper support since the very beginning, and this is incredibly harmful to these builds. Don’t do this to my favorite thief build. ;_;
My only theory in regards to this (as far-out as it may seem) is that perhaps the thief elite specialization is some kind of a gunslinger variation where Ricochet as well as a plethora of firearms-enhancing traits will be.
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
I was going to whine a bit about my P/P thief having to take Deadly Arts for Executioner (along with a mostly useless adept trait), and I didn’t even notice the demise of Ricochet.
Guess I’m no longer playing a P/P thief.
Whoa whoa whoa! Ricochet is GONE?! C’mon, really?! P/P has been needing some solid support, and instead it gets shafted completely?!
I don’t even…
Well, my only hope is that the elite specialization is a gunslinger type that has all kinds of buffs for firearms… or maybe the trait is baseline now. Regardless, my main P/P thief depends on it.
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
Tired of “Tired of Outfits” thread showing up every update.
Heart of Thorns will bring armor sets.
Chain whip mace: the closest thing we’ll get to a flail.
Probably in HoT.
I really hope this isn’t the case. These skins were available in THIS game. I can see waiting until HoT is launched before reintroducing them, but to limit new availability to just the sequel would come off as a cynical money grab.
Agreed. I’m actually thinking that the Tribal Armor (and all other PvP armor sets) will be reintroduced upon release of HoT, but will not necessarily be exclusive to that expansion.
… Though I could be wrong and the Tribal Armor could show up available for purchase through some hylek merchant in the jungle, but I’m getting HoT anyways, so it makes no difference to me.
So we have a chain-whip sword in the Black Lion store now, which is really cool because that shows us they’re really trying to bring us more unique weapon skins that do more than just “look different.” I hope Anet (or specifically our friendly neighborhood Gaile) notices this thread and thinks it’s good enough to at least pitch the idea. You know, just to get them thinking about it at least.
Here’s hoping we’ll see the tribal armor in the HoT expansion. It seems like an appropriate time for it to show up.
Mhm not a bad idea, though it would be off with a couple of animations. I can’t imagine rifle engineer launching themself by firing a crossbow as they would a rifle for example.
I don’t think it’d be too far fetched. It’d be like loading an explosive bolt into it and using the resulting blast to launch you. I actually find it weirder that rifle engineers could use a musket as a blunderbuss or—on the flip side—warriors sniping with a blunderbuss.
I’d be happy to drop some gems for those, if that was the case.
I just feel that in a game where we have bows and guns, the crossbow would fit in quite nicely, even as a rifle and pistol skin.
I could see that working. The sound effects would be off, but otherwise it’d fit perfectly fine. We could start with a simple, wooden crossbow skin and go crazy later on down the line.
I think the sounds would work okay enough… at least the rifle sounds anyways. It wouldn’t be totally unbelievable, though, if crossbows came with exclusive sound effects, just as other weapons did (the popgun rifle and slingshot short bow comes to mind).
I hope we see something like this later on down the line.
We probably aren’t going to ever see any standalone crossbow weapon types in Guild Wars, but how about crossbow skins for rifles and pistols? I’ve always thought that would be a fitting choice, but now it seems even more so if it is to be believed that thieves are going to have access to rifles.
There could be few choices of crossbows ranging from light and simple (i.e. plain wood) to heavy and elaborate (i.e. steampunk). Obviously we’d have large crossbows for rifles and smaller, more compact bolt-shooters for pistols.
I just think this would be more realistic than expecting crossbows to be introduced as a brand new weapon type.
No MMO is without it’s jerk-heads, but GW2 is by far the greatest community I’ve ever been a part of.
Edit: Then again, I mostly avoid things like competitive PvP and run dungeons with buddies, so there’s that.
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
Oh, haha! I obviously missed the memo! Thanks for letting me know, Donari.
Hey guys. Not sure if this has been asked before, it’s been a while since I’ve been on the forums (I actually took a bit of a hiatus from GW2, but now I’m back!)
Anyways, with all this talk and hype about these cool specializations and how all our professions are getting weapons they previously couldn’t use, it made me wonder: do you think the Revenant is going to get a specialization as well, with a new weapon and everything else that comes with specializing? I can see how it wouldn’t since it’s a brand new profession, but it’d also seem a bit off if it was the only profession without an elite specialization.
Just a thought that popped into my head. It’s good to be back!
On the other hand why they removed such awesome animation?
Combu shot looks like a kitten in comprasion..
Wow, dude. That DOES look cool! I like it!
Maybe they changed it because the cast time was too long?
As a player with a small, close-knit guild, I support this notion. I hope this Guild Hall feature doesn’t cater only to massive mega-guilds with 500+ “100%-rep-only-or-gtfo” guilds.
By and large, it’s simply a meeting place for guilds, so I don’t see a need to make it inaccessible for the smaller guild communities.
As others have said, when we finally focus on Primordus, then I hope that the Tengu finally get off their feathery butts and join the fight.
I know many people say (including Anet) that adding a new race doesn’t add anything to the game and it’s purely superficial. While that may be true for a lot of people, I personally don’t agree with it at all. The characters I make are more than just tools to use in a game. I make characters with life: stories, personalities, etc. I get way into the characters I make, so to me, a new race adds so much more to the game.
But… you know, I guess I’m in the minority for that category.
I don’t think I’d be in favor of this.
I suspect there’s a pretty large majority of people who don’t even know about the Stow / Draw command (or know about it but don’t care enough to use it), so something like this would probably just result in a huge amount of players running around with their weapons perma-drawn. Which would look really silly to me.
That’s why, by default, the option would be checked to auto-stow your weapons. That way, those who prefer the manual option can change that themselves in the options menu.
I’m very much in favor of this suggestion. It would be particularly useful when you’d rather have your charr character run instead of lope on all fours.
I think this is very doable as a simple check box in the options menu.
Well, I guess it’s been confirmed that there’s only going to be ONE specialization per class, which sucks because I highly doubt the thief’s only specialization is going to help their weaker areas at all (P/P specifically). It’ll most likely be one that buffs stealth even more or something.
I could be wrong, though. I hope the specialization turns out to be a gunslinger/assassin setup since by and large the thief has stealth pretty much covered and doesn’t need any specialization in that area.
Like what many have said, I’d say I’m almost more interested in the profession specializations than the new revenant class. Doesn’t mean I won’t eventually make one, however, but I’m very eager to see what each class can specialize in (and also, how many specializations a class can choose from).
I actually posted this on a different thread, but decided to create a new thread so we can gather up some ideas for this.
With Heart of Thorns’ release, will we get new customization parts (other than faces and hairstyles) across all races? For example:
-New horns for charr
-New beards/tattoos for norn
-New ears for asura
-New beards for humans, and maybe added tattoos for them as well
-New… something for sylvari, I dunno. Oh! Foliage beards, yeah!
I mean, new faces and hairstyles are always welcome, but I’ve been dying to see some new horns for charr, like deer/elk/ram inspired horns, much larger beards for norn with intricate braids, bands, and other accessories, and a wider variety of asura ears to choose from!
So what do you think? And what would you guys like to see for more in-depth customization of your characters?
Will we get new customization parts (other than faces and hairstyles) across all races? For example:
-New horns for charr
-New beards/tattoos for norn
-New ears for asura
-New beards for humans
-New… something for sylvari, I dunno. Oh! Foliage beards, yeah!
I mean, new faces and hairstyles are always welcome, but I’ve been dying to see some new horns for charr, like deer/elk/ram inspired horns, much larger beards for norn with intricate bands and other accessories, and a wider variety of asura ears to choose from!
So now that we have this profession specialization feature to speculate on, I’m hoping the thief will get some kind of “gunslinger” specialization that ramps up P/P.
Interestingly enough, lots of people think the trailer showed a thief wielding a rifle, but I’m not sure how they figure it was a thief and not just an engineer.
Anyways, here’s hoping that profession specialization will finally bring some attention to this loadout!
I’m as excited as the next guy over this expansion, but I’ll admit I’m pretty disappointed by the lack of Tengu, especially given they’re the most popular candidate for a new playable race.
Maybe when we decide to finally do something about Primordus, they’ll join us, as he’s been harassing them more than any of the other dragons, if I recall correctly.
Given that it took nearly three years to develop HoT (as they said), I just hope there’s enough content to back it all up.
I’m still totally getting it, though, even though the Tengu appear to be sidelined yet again. (prepares wallet) Here’s hoping they show their feathery butts later!
I must admit, I kind of surprised they’re calling this an expansion given some of the circumstances because, really, it reads like a glorified, if somewhat daunting, Living Story update.
Let me explain.
We get one new zone, that has three levels, something akin to Silverwastes already. New content, new achievements, and new mobs. They revamped the upper tier leveling systems, gave a new profession, and put in guild halls with some minor PvP and WvW changes.
And they’re calling that an expansion?
Now, before you jump all over me, think about this: Other than the new class and upper ‘mastery’ level, you’ve seen everything I mentioned in prior patches and updates through Living Story.
I get the distinct feeling they’re calling it an ‘expansion’ as opposed to a huge, Living Story update, to prevent the flames and pitchforks that would otherwise happen.
Again, not to be negative Nancy, but I saying, “I told you so,” over a glorified Living Story patch isn’t something to be proud of or gloat about.
It’s actually something a lot of people predicted.
^ I pretty much agree with this right here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really stoked about all the new features, especially the profession specialization! But I still can’t help but say… “wait, that’s it?”
Now I know they haven’t covered everything in detail, but I think they pretty much summarized what we are getting, which is cool, but hopefully they won’t charge as much as a new game for this expansion. I’m still disappointed that we didn’t get a new race—Tengu—but I’m still totally on-board for this expansion pack.
I don’t want to sound ungrateful, so I thank Anet tremendously for the work they put into this. My Tengu disappointment aside (which, I know, I only have myself to blame), I’m eagerly anticipating the release of this expansion pack, and hope there’s much, much more content yet to be announced!
I’m super-excited for this expansion and all, but my biggest question is:
Where are the Tengu???
Oh, right. They’re still walled off in the Dominion of Winds, lol… the Switzerland of Tyria.
Why would a new race be obvious? Factions didn’t have a new race, Nightfall didn’t have a new race, and Eye of the North didn’t have a new race. It seems to me that it was obvious that there would be no new race. Besides, the story is written for 5 races, shoehorning in a six race would just be awkward.
GW1 brought two new professions with each expansion, and from the get-go was never about any other races than human, so of course there weren’t going to be other races introduced for that game. They had heroes for that (the NPC’s that could be in your party).
And Tengu wouldn’t be shoehorned, as they’ve expressed in their own words that they will eventually get sucked into this conflict and have to choose their allies. I would think that Mordremoth’s vines would be able invade the Dominion of Winds from underneath them, and force them out of hiding, but I guess the Tengu are untouchable for whatever reason.
It’s not awkward to introduce a new race, if it’s done right.
Anet never teased us about Tengus, WE teased ourselves.
I’ll agree to an extent, but more so than any other race, it’s been the TENGU that have repeatedly mentioned in conversations that they cannot wall themselves off forever, and eventually they would have to choose a side (not to mention Tengu were originally going to be playable since the start, but were taken off to focus on the other playable races).
You’d think a ground-breaking expansion pack would be the perfect time to decide, but I guess the Tengu are still on the fence—or, erm… wall.
Also, Mordremoth doesn’t give a crap about walls, as his vines can easily penetrate their defenses, so why doesn’t he, I wonder? It’s like Anet forgot about the Tengu entirely… ;_;
They would have advertised the kitten out of it if we were getting one.
From now, ‘til release, they’re probably just going to detail the features already announced, like the profession specialties and the mastery system.
As exciting as the new features are, I’m actually very disappointed that there won’t be another new playable race, especially considering how long the Tengu have been teased.
A new race for a huge expansion-pack announcement would’ve been jaw-dropping, but now, even though the other features are great, it feels like there’s something missing from it. Like I said, it’s mostly because the Tengu have been teased for so long, you’d think that they would FINALLY be given to us, but meh, sidelined again.
I’m not dismissing the other features, mind you. They’re really awesome, but for an expansion, you’d think a new race would be kind of obvious…
EDIT: …unless they’re keeping them superbly secret until right before the xpac’s release, but somehow I doubt it.
No new race?….
I definitely like the idea of increasing the rate of fire on the auto-attack when the offhand is also a pistol.
This would be a welcome buff, in my opinion, as the auto-attack seems too slow for a gunslinger loadout. Plus, most people say that one of P/P’s key weak points is its sub-par auto-attack, so I would definitely like to see some improvements to the #1 skill.
But will Anet really give auto-attack its own properties and attack speed when you have a pistol in your offhand? It’s not like they’ve ever done it to any other weapon sets…
Oh well. It’d still be cool.
Man, I just wanna see P/P get some love. There’s plenty of viable ideas here.
I want Kodan and Tengu…
and Centaurs please!
( I will gladly forgo the bottom half of armor)
I support the Centaur movement, even though it’ll never actually get anywhere. It’s too bad no MMO companies want to work in a fully playable Centaur race, though I can imagine why, but still.
We have seen this posted a hundred times here and on reddit. it a prediction by an investment ferm nothing else, they don’t have any inside information they just anolize and predict this is not a reliable sorce. I can see it now when there is no expantion pack this year all the mentaly imiture peoples that have fallen for this hype will come on the forum and cry and whine “Anet you promissed and expantion”. This is why game devs can’t be as open as they would like to be.
I’m not fully expecting an expansion, per-say, but it certainly looks like Anet has something substantial planned if there’s such a huge jump in revenue predicted. I HIGHLY doubt they would expect that kind of an increase from an announcement for Living Story: Season 3, given it’s lackluster delivery and mixed opinions from the player base.
To quote someone earlier, I will remain cautiously optimistic, but I am indeed intrigued, nonetheless.
Also… your spelling is abysmal.
Don’t get me wrong I love to see an expansion but I realy think it’s going to be something totally different then what is expected in a traditional expansion, hopefully it will be enought to make everyone happy. If it’s not an expansion then it better be something so fantastic that it blows everyone away and they totally forget about an expansion.
I fully agree with the last sentence there. Others are speculating that it’s going to be a revamped Living Story model, but I just don’t see any way that sales would skyrocket simply because of a repackaged Living World update. The question then becomes: if it’s not an expansion, then what else can it possibly be?
This is what has piqued my interest. I want an expansion, I won’t lie, but I’ll believe it when I see it. PAX isn’t that far away either, so it’s not like we have to wait very long. Fingers crossed!
“Drunkard” and “Tavern Frequenter” come to mind.
Spear underwater “1” for guards gives me kitten. I am against for throwing weapons that magically returns back to you from nowhere. For that reason i also dislike warrior bladetrail (boomerang srsly?)
Ermm… and firing arrows that you magically spawn without a quiver—or a supply of infinite arrows if you have a quiver back item—is so much better? That’s just one example that comes to mind.
It’s a game, dude. A fantasy one, at that. Moving on…
We have seen this posted a hundred times here and on reddit. it a prediction by an investment ferm nothing else, they don’t have any inside information they just anolize and predict this is not a reliable sorce. I can see it now when there is no expantion pack this year all the mentaly imiture peoples that have fallen for this hype will come on the forum and cry and whine “Anet you promissed and expantion”. This is why game devs can’t be as open as they would like to be.
I’m not fully expecting an expansion, per-say, but it certainly looks like Anet has something substantial planned if there’s such a huge jump in revenue predicted. I HIGHLY doubt they would expect that kind of an increase from an announcement for Living Story: Season 3, given it’s lackluster delivery and mixed opinions from the player base.
To quote someone earlier, I will remain cautiously optimistic, but I am indeed intrigued, nonetheless.
Also… your spelling is abysmal.
I had so much fun playing the Paragon in Nightfall, it would be great to bring something like that back to GW2. I stand by my idea for it being an elementalist throwing weapon so they can have another physical-type weapon, but it would also be very cool to see how other classes handle said weapon too!
Thank you for coming in to say something, Gaile. Even if others don’t feel that it was enough (I can see both sides of the issue), I certainly appreciate the acknowledgement. I still have so much fun with this game regardless of any shortcomings, and am eager to see what 2015 has in store for us (including the trait system revision, lol).
I’m interested to see what becomes of this.
This is a snip from a post I made quite some time ago, but I’ll add a bit more to it.
I think there should be two types of spears introduced in this game:
1. Polearms, halberds, or lances for the heavy classes. It’d be a melee weapon, obviously, and one they could pair with an offhand shield, sword, etc. (like Hilde from Soul Calibur). It could also simply be a two-handed weapon depending on the combat style they would use for it. Anet could probably use some animations from warrior banners, now that I think about it.
2. Throwing spears, javelins, or harpoons for lighter classes. Magically-charged javelins for elementalists would be nice, kinda like how the magic bow works in Dragon’s Dogma (if you’re a magick archer). It’d probably be a mid-range weapon, I would imagine. I’d love for my water-ele to throw hydro-javelins (I like water-based skills more than ice). They could also have a whirlpool skill where they throw the javelin on an AoE-determined spot and create a swirling water vortex that pulls foes similar to one of the mesmer’s underwater spear skills. Maybe there could also be a skill where the ele creates a wave and rides it for a distance, damaging foes and healing allies along the way. Regardless, throwing spears would give elementalists another physical weapon choice besides just daggers, which would be a welcome addition, in my opinion.
Also, I’d definitely like to read your guys’ thoughts on what kind of skills you’d like to see for magic-infused throwing spears for eles. …or any land-based spear skills for whatever profession you’d like, for that matter. Let’s keep this thread going and get the Anet creative team to read this, or at least Gaile if she likes the idea!
Should have gotten it when it was out! Was a pain to forge so I hope they make it hard to get again. :P Happy Year year everyone.
While I can plainly see you trying to take a shot at those that don’t have it, at least you’re not rallying to never bring it back, so thanks for that much at least. :P
But like I said, as long as it comes back in any area of the game, I’ll do whatever it takes to get my hands on it, so BRING IT ON! >:)
Here’s hoping we’ll see our favorite PvP armor sets return in 2015 sooner rather than later!
I also feel that SoM needs something. A larger base healing stat would be nice, seeing as how thieves are typically the most fragile class. Also, I think adding a condition cleanse to it would make it more appealing to activate the signet (i.e. cure your conditions at the cost of a CD where you can’t heal with every attack would make for a nice trade-off situation).
Admittedly, I still run SoM, because I do lots of dungeons where trash mobs are quite prevalent, so it has its use for me at least.
As someone who mains a P/P, S/P thief, I can definitely say that P/P could use a little more pepper. There’s been a handful of good suggestions toss around, so I hope Anet is keeping an eye on this thread and perhaps brainstorming ways to improve this loadout.
Changing/adding some properties to Unload could do some good, as that seems to be the general consensus on this thread (i.e. lower initiative cost, boon strip, might or fury gain, endurance regen per hit for mobility, etc. I’ll admit, I’m not that good at drumming up ideas, but I like reading others’ suggestions).
Maybe changing the way the AA works when you’re dual-wielding pistols? Maybe you shoot as fast as the ranger short bow? (I say “while you’re using P/P” because otherwise that would make dire thieves even more deadly) That would probably take much more work, though, so I’m not sure the devs would go for that, which sucks because with the AA being geared toward conditions and Unload being geared toward power and criticals, there’s really no synergy at all with those two skills.
It also seems that, from what I hear, P/P’s main weakness is due in large part to the fact that it has no access to stealth or mobility. Maybe adding a finisher to the last bullet of Unload or maybe even Headshot so you can stealth yourself from a smoke field (I think the pistol has an awesome stealth attack skill, btw), or what I suggested earlier to have each bullet of Unload restore a bit of endurance so you can have more evades for defense?
I will point out that Ensign made a rather interesting suggestion about making BP a GTAoE skill. I never thought about that… but the nerf on that skill really lowered the usefulness of that move overall.
Meh, like I said, I don’t think I’m very good at coming up with good suggestions, but I can say that I would like to see P/P get a buff or two to make it a more viable weapon set.
If anything, I would suspect that it would become available as an outfit, which is okay by me, since that would mean you could apply it over any armor weight class.
But I agree, it’s a very cool design. Very Canthan.