Showing Posts For Seven Star Stalker.1740:

Tequatl Rising: possible lore?

in Lore

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

To be fair, Zhaitan was never really alive to begin with, being undead by his very nature.

Assuming of course, that Anet is using the traditional concept of undeath, which I think they are because Zhaitan’s minions specifically need to die before they can be “Risen” for service.
Edit: Should’ve read the second page s:

I ? Karkas.

Bleeding needs dripping trail of blood

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Of course it is violent, Lanceor. No one is arguing against that. I actually find it therapeutic sometimes getting my guardian to bash in a few skulls with her hammer. I don’t get to see bits of bone chips or a spray of brain matter and nor do I see the caved in skull with the eyes perhaps popping out of their sockets. Would you ask for that too? If not, why is blood so special?

Because there no effect that requires crushed bones or poppet eye sockets.

Blind tunnels your screen vision.
Crippled maims your movement animation
Immobilized.. Well.. You don’t say.
Confusion has the purple aura around the target’s head, burning sets them on fire.
I can go on. But bleeding is the only one with no real visual effect, aside from I think weakened (You do have temporary animations, such as the shattered shield for Vulnerability.)

I ? Karkas.

Back item / pauldrons concept

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Conceptually I give you a 10/10

I ? Karkas.

Bleeding needs dripping trail of blood

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Some kind of particle effect would be nice, though I’ve yet to see an agreeable idea for what personally.

I ? Karkas.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

This is the single greatest day in my Engineer’s life ;____; <333

What about when rocket boots was reworked?

That was good too, but at least there was a consistency. With this, you had to pray for getting the right effect, and if you didn’t, it was either waiting more to do your stuff in PvE, or life and death in PvP/WvW.

I ? Karkas.

(edited by Seven Star Stalker.1740)

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Class balance:
Overall we’re looking to provide more builds for all classes, across all game types (PvE, PvP and WvW). We’re also looking to improve support potential for many classes. A lot of players have asked for this style of play to be stronger, so we’re looking to make it a more viable option.

These are some HIGH LEVEL previews, and you’ll still see number tweaks, trait fixes, and bug fixes for each class in the actual release notes, but we wanted you guys to have some transparency into the release:

We’re looking to improve shouts so that support via shouts is more viable. This means moving Lung Capacity to Tier 1 so that you can take it along with Shrug it Off and Vigorous Shouts. The Warrior is in a pretty decent place overall right now, and sees play in many types of content, as well as in PvP/WvW.

We increased the power of many support skills which weren’t seeing much play. We reworked Purging Flames: it now removes three conditions from allies in an area effect around the guardian on cast while still burning enemies (enemies that enter or exit the flames are still burned). Once the skill has been cast, it then reduces condition duration for allies who remain in the consecration’s area. It’s hawt. Literally. All meditation utility skills are now instant, and Focused Mind now grants fury on meditation use.

Sick ‘Em will now apply ‘Revealed” to enemies they target. We want to introduce some counter play to Stealth (players have asked for that for a while), so we thought a pet “catching your scent” might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.

To help Rangers support allies, we increased the ability ranger pets have to support allies. For instance, the Bear condition removal isn’t strong enough, so we’ll be improving that. Moas and Fern Hound will also be improved.

There will also be # changes to some of the Ranger weapons.

Venomous Aura was very difficult to use, as the radius was fairly tight. We’ve now increased that radius a bit, so that it’s easier to share venoms with allies without huddling closely together.

We’re also looking at shaving the efficiency of Flanking Strike slightly, so that it now only removes 1 boon instead of 2.

Also, pistol main hand may see one of its skills reworked to better support allies. We have multiple prototypes that we’re trying out, so we’ll have to see which we settle on by the next release.

We did some reworks on the Elixir toolbelt (f-bar) skills. These just didn’t have enough cool play to them, and we wanted to improve them. Like:

  • Elixir S toolbelt is now guaranteed stealth.
  • Elixir B toolbelt now guarantees Stability along with the random current effect. Base recharge increased to 30 seconds.

We also did QoL (quality of life) improvements to skills that saw little play.

And finally, Engineer turrets will attack the Engineer’s target. They still take time to rotate to face the target, and they still have their respective cooldowns when firing. But this means the Engineer can focus damage on a single target by using their turrets._

We’re working on the staff in an effort to make it a stronger support weapon, and we also improved the conjure weapons so that they’re stronger for support. You’ll see improvements to all 4 of the conjure weapons to make them stronger and better for support.

We also increased the healing on Water Blast, the radius on Geyser and we reworked
Unsteady Ground to make it function more like line of warding.

To stay in line with the support theme, we wanted to find ways the Mesmer could support allies. We looked at Mantras, and just didn’t feel they were quite strong enough to do this, so we made some improvements.

Power Cleanse: We wanted to add some condition support, and made it so that this skill can remove 2 conditions from 5 allies.

Power Break also saw an improvement, as it now grants stability to nearby allies.

The Blood line underwent some tweaks, as it’s something that Necromancer players often feel is a lacking trait line. Vampiric Precision, Vampiric Rituals, Vampiric Master have all seen improvements.

For QoL (again, quality of life) we also improved the Life Force meter to show the actual bar better (moved slightly so it’s not competing with the skill icon for UI space), and the bar now shows your current Life Force amount, and the tooltip also shows current/max Life Force available. It makes it much easier to see how much Life Force you have, and lets you plan your engagements better.

This is the single greatest day in my Engineer’s life ;____; <333

I ? Karkas.

More tiers? "I really hope not." -C. Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

It’s just a game….
There is no point freaking out every time a developer say something might change.

Saying that is easy, but you do realise if Anet can’t stick to their guns, it makes them look fickle, weak, and unworthy to take seriously, right? People respect people who hold to their convictions.

You can already see people are beginning to take Anet’s plans with less and less salt and more and more skepticism. And worst the problem is, not only does Anet change their plans, but it’s poorly implemented. There are many, many, many holes in the implementation of Ascended, and people are irritated because in acquiring it Anet made a “Crafting or GTFO” policy, even if it wasn’t intentional.

Yeah but so why care so much about what they do? When the game cease to be fun you can just move to another game. TESO will come out, GTA5, etc. Personally I like the way the ascended besides the craft levelling.

Because that doesn’t solve anything. Leaving does not fix anything. Leaving does not gives Anet solutions. So why on earth should I leave?

I ? Karkas.

Endless treadmill of gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Except Elite Sunspear Armor was statwise no better than level 20 Canthan Armor. It was the truest form of horizontal progression. You farm mats to look pretty. Initially Gw2 did the same thing with dungeon armors. Farm tokens. Look pretty. There was no real stat gain between dungeon and non-dungeon exotics.

So yes, fancy fancy, right. Except all you got from expensive Armor were tighter abs, more cleavage or a longer blade. You didn’t really gain anything else.

elite sunspear. lulz, that armor was horrid on a couple professions. but going on.

As I found – and demonstrated in wvw – that having all ascended doesn’t necessarily mean you win against someone who only has exotics. moreover again is this mentality of ‘not being the best so you’re crap’ persona everyone has. In WoW it may be true but not here.

Oh, of course. I don’t have an issue with ascended itself personally. My main gripe is its implementation.
There’s nothing wrong with a gear treadmill if there are different speeds and modes. But right now there’s only one. At the crafting station. And random drops hardly qualify as a method to acquire anything.

I ? Karkas.

Mini Mr Sparkles sold for $700.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

The damage is done for me, I honestly don’t trust them one bit right now, that they won’t repeat the same thing again with a future collectible miniature.

I’m sure they will repeat the same thing with a future miniature or another item.

There are plenty of in-game exclusive items that you also can’t get if you miss an event, and there will also be more of those.

And if they know the ways around, across, above and below it, the results they get from their playerbase are just aswell fine enough.

I ? Karkas.

Endless treadmill of gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

not sure how one set of gear constitutes an “endless gear treadmill” lol.

Do you guys even know what endless means? How about treadmill?

Hear hear.

Have gw1 fans forgotten the name of the fancy versions of armor you got on prophecies? does ‘ascended’ armor ring a bell?

exotic was designed to do a job – make top tier something that required effort so that people can actually appreciate what they have. it failed. so they had to bring in ascended to do that job. (would you salvage an ascended weapon? in comparison, would you salvage an exotic? and why?)

edit: and have we forgotten the point of why skill point scrolls exist? are we going to cry and whine when they introduce new skills into the game that seem better than the current meta? of course we will.

Except Elite Sunspear Armor was statwise no better than level 20 Canthan Armor. It was the truest form of horizontal progression. You farm mats to look pretty. Initially Gw2 did the same thing with dungeon armors. Farm tokens. Look pretty. There was no real stat gain between dungeon and non-dungeon exotics.

So yes, fancy fancy, right. Except all you got from expensive Armor were tighter abs, more cleavage or a longer blade. You didn’t really gain anything else.

I ? Karkas.

Champions of the Unfought.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Champion Wave Rider at the extended end of the Stepping stones JP (Where the second chest is.)

Reef Rider.
Not killing that one is pretty reasonable since just getting to it requires extra effort.

Oh, right. It’s still pretty unkilled, though. In fact I don’t think anyone remembers it exists because it doesn’t have an event either.

I ? Karkas.

Guild Wars and RNG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

RNG only kitten off people who gets the short end of the stick

people who got something worthy out of it will just shout “RNG”

RNG becomes an issue when it influences the economy. It creates false value, and rapid inflation. Instead of depreciation and appreciation of value over time, you have something suddenly stupidly expensive because there’s a 1% chance of getting it.

I ? Karkas.

What is the deal with Ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Why are there 144 different stat combinations for Exotic trinkets and only 13 for Ascended?

Obvious answer: Tiering traits and skills (BOO!) didn’t narrow the amount of possible builds enough for ArenaNet’s tastes. Limiting the stat combinations on Ascended items funnels players into yet fewer viable builds, thus reducing balancing headaches just a wee bit more.

That, or perhaps sheer incompetence.

I would actually put my money on this. It’s abysmally sloppy that Ascended isn’t even worth building because many of your builds aren’t supported by the stat sets :/

Yeah, it’s actually incomprehensible that Ascended doesn’t provide all the same stat combos as Exotics, which it is supposed to replace. How hard can that be (it doesn’t require new skins to switch some stat text or flags).

Maybe it is connected to the coming trait update.

But then again, Ascended was introduced in an absolute last minute rush, so perhaps all the man hours are dedicated to introducing it for all the slots before stats are padded out.

Interesting puzzle though.

Then don’t rush it.

I don’t care if the sun burns out by the time Anet gets it right, JUST GET IT RIGHT BEFORE RELEASING IT.

I ? Karkas.

What is the deal with Ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Why are there 144 different stat combinations for Exotic trinkets and only 13 for Ascended?

Obvious answer: Tiering traits and skills (BOO!) didn’t narrow the amount of possible builds enough for ArenaNet’s tastes. Limiting the stat combinations on Ascended items funnels players into yet fewer viable builds, thus reducing balancing headaches just a wee bit more.

That, or perhaps sheer incompetence.

I would actually put my money on this. It’s abysmally sloppy that Ascended isn’t even worth building because many of your builds aren’t supported by the stat sets :/

Yeah, consider that they’ve never “figured out” how to address the condition cap, even though there have been dozens of posts on these forums with reasonable suggestions on how to handle it. Also consider that many other games have condition damage mechanics that actually work, but GW2 doesn’t? Kinda fishy to me.

Even if Anet isn’t outright malicious, they’re VERY slack in alot of areas, and it looks really bad on the outside.

If they could actually polish little things like this, it would be really, really nice.

I ? Karkas.

Guild Wars and RNG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

It’s not as bad as it could have gotten. Seems like they’ve picked up on the message before RNG went to Gaiaonline-tier.

I ? Karkas.

What is the deal with Ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Why are there 144 different stat combinations for Exotic trinkets and only 13 for Ascended?

Obvious answer: Tiering traits and skills (BOO!) didn’t narrow the amount of possible builds enough for ArenaNet’s tastes. Limiting the stat combinations on Ascended items funnels players into yet fewer viable builds, thus reducing balancing headaches just a wee bit more.

That, or perhaps sheer incompetence.

I would actually put my money on this. It’s abysmally sloppy that Ascended isn’t even worth building because many of your builds aren’t supported by the stat sets :/

I ? Karkas.

Endless treadmill of gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Actually I don’t understand you, why don’t you want new tiers ? Why will you play this game after completing a full ascended set ? A new goal always keeps players playing.
There’s not many goals in this game to achieve, and feed a player’s ego. Yes we have a rank system in wvw and pvp, but who knows and sees your rank ? So there should be some competitive and effort-requiring goals to get into the front of other players. This is why I always support new goals, rank systems, and better items. Don’t forget this is an mmorpg, not a pointless fps or moba game. If you can’t find a goal in the game, you get easily bored.

Because we want GW2 to be different? As it was supposed to? Even then, that’s not actually good for GW2. Why would anyone play another WoW clone when you have WoW itself + a dozen other games that do the same thing? You can’t market yourself if you have to offer nothing but the same things everyone else has. Noones going to buy your product if they can buy it from six other brands.

I ? Karkas.

Playing GW2 is bittersweet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

In any case, I will sum it up very quickly. The very core reason for people to need ascended items is… ASPIRATION.

You mean want, not need.

When the want is the very basic nature of humanity, it’s not a want. It’s an instinctual desire. A need. A desire to reach the best one’s potential allows them. The want may be Ascended gear, but that want is the conduit for a need to be at the top of the chain. Even trolls don’t settle for mediocrity, no, they try their very best to annoy people.

It’s exactly like, “I want to breathe because I need to live”. You can always stop breathing. But everyone knows that that’s just talk. Noones going to actually do that.

Wanting an ascended item that in no way is required to play the game is not a very basic nature of humanity.

Wanting the best thing available and the next top tier thing is a very basic nature of humanity. What do you think WoW capitalises off? Do you think they would keep making tier 13, 14, 15, 16, ______ if it didn’t work? Is WoW better? Maybe, maybe not. But please, the concept they’re using seems to work, and has been for about a decade now. That’s a testimony in itself.

I ? Karkas.

Playing GW2 is bittersweet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

In any case, I will sum it up very quickly. The very core reason for people to need ascended items is… ASPIRATION.

You mean want, not need.

When the want is the very basic nature of humanity, it’s not a want. It’s an instinctual desire. A need. A desire to reach the best one’s potential allows them. The want may be Ascended gear, but that want is the conduit for a need to be at the top of the chain. Even trolls don’t settle for mediocrity, no, they try their very best to annoy people.

It’s exactly like, “I want to breathe because I need to live”. You can always stop breathing. But everyone knows that that’s just talk. Noones going to actually do that.

I ? Karkas.

More tiers? "I really hope not." -C. Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

…but you do realise if Anet can’t stick to their guns, it makes them look fickle, weak, and unworthy to take seriously, right?

Well, yeah; pretty much since November.

I had a bunch of guildies I was with and we were from a forum called Gaia. We all knew eachother and were pretty good friends and.. We had our own guild really. After the Southsun event, they disappeared. I asked why; They didn’t like the prospect of ascended gear coming.

I left my guild, as Noone logged on anymore. I eventually joined a new one, sure. But looking back, I know I lost friends because of Anet’s decisions, and whilst its easy to say “People leave games all the time” when your friends are playing a different game to you, it’s not necessarily pleasant to play with people who in some regards are still strangers.

I ? Karkas.

More tiers? "I really hope not." -C. Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

It’s just a game….
There is no point freaking out every time a developer say something might change.

Saying that is easy, but you do realise if Anet can’t stick to their guns, it makes them look fickle, weak, and unworthy to take seriously, right? People respect people who hold to their convictions.

You can already see people are beginning to take Anet’s plans with less and less salt and more and more skepticism. And worst the problem is, not only does Anet change their plans, but it’s poorly implemented. There are many, many, many holes in the implementation of Ascended, and people are irritated because in acquiring it Anet made a “Crafting or GTFO” policy, even if it wasn’t intentional.

I ? Karkas.

Playing GW2 is bittersweet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Since when do you NEED ascended items?

Lol. Ignorant posters are ignorant

Not sure if serious.

In any case, I will sum it up very quickly. The very core reason for people to need ascended items is… ASPIRATION.

Noone needs to be at the top. But everyone wants to. Everyone wants to be the very best they could possibly be. This is the most basic nature of human beings. It’s why society evolves, changes, and it’s why technology progresses.

When humanity managed to explore the ends of the earth, where did they look to next? The moon! And now we’ve been there, and accordingly, we want to travel beyond the moon, to see the stars and galaxies beyond. It’s what drives us.

Even if ascended looks like garbage, people will chase it because people will always desire to reach the highest tier they can. You think you’re smart saying people don’t need it, but it’s human nature that entails them to chase after it. This is the very basic reason. Not including the effect on WvW, not including it’s relevance in fractals.

I ? Karkas.

More tiers? "I really hope not." -C. Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

It’s ironic that GW1 was more innovative than GW2.

I ? Karkas.

Mini Mr Sparkles sold for $700.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

They could’ve easily solved this by making it free for attendees and selling it at the gem store. If you were there, you don’t have to pay for it. If you weren’t, so long as you can cough up the $$$ it’s yours. Anet makes no losses.

I ? Karkas.

Champions of the Unfought.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Champion Wave Rider at the extended end of the Stepping stones JP (Where the second chest is.)

I ? Karkas.

Ascended Weapons and the Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

someone please do this FOR SCIENCE.

I ? Karkas.

My thoughts on Ascended/Direction of game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Ascended weapons are cheap. Try making some legendaries and talk with me then.

The point is thakitten- is – a goal to make over time. To hear 5 pages of people fearing the challenge only makes me cringe to think that ArenaNET may backtrack on the ascended level or make it easier.

..and no, it’s not Elitist Allisa. The challenge is like that of anything else in the game: those who want to put in the insane efforts deserve to have something to show for it. If you don’t want to put in the time, you are like the other 99% … Which means that a few ascendeds in a Zerg of 100 people will add .13% each.

The game hasn’t been made harder. Exotics work as well as they ever have.

Ascended weapons are redundant compared to legendaries. Why would you take something stagnant and time consuming when you can use the same time for something that is infinitely scaling, interchangeable stats and at least looks nice? I would never build ascended over a legendary, because its a guaranteed solution. Once you have a legendary, that weapon slot is immune to level caps, new tiers, and anything between.

You talk of a goal to make over time? Riddle me this. There are many, many, many reasons for why people can’t get one. Some people don’t have the gold. Some people don’t like crafting. Some people don’t like wasting Obby shards on something that may or may not be the top tier. Some people can’t make it to the champs and bosses in time to get a few hits. Some people don’t like spending hours on end running from champ to champ to Lyssa to Dwayna to champ to champ. And guess what. These are all legitimate, acceptable, enjoyable playstyles. In WvW, if you trebbed a wall, you can’t get any loot unless some idiot manages to get himself killed by your treb’s boulders. And realistically, a small drop rate is not a reliable method to get any item. Should all these play styles be cast aside because Anet thinks they’ve done the right thing? Should I trade off fun for good gear? Punishing people for their playstyle is anything but a good way to get customers, if anything it’s brilliant for chasing me away.

You’re right. If you put effort, you deserve rewards. That’s why we have legendaries. But anything lower than that should have No say in the way I want to play my game. I bought GW2 to play happily without being forced to raids to keep up with the game or be forced to do anything else to have equal oppurtunity with other players. Ascended basically says “CRAFTING OR GTFO”. Prove me wrong.

Perhaps I should be more clear. More than Ascended, the issue for me is the manner of implementation. There’s only one way to get ascended and if you don’t take that way, it’s tough luck. That’s a bullkitten policy and makes it that much harder to enjoy this game.

I ? Karkas.

(edited by Seven Star Stalker.1740)

Karma nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

I thought something intresting should be commented. It’s possible they killed Karma for the time being as a quick fix while they figure out a reasonable rework of the currency.

Like adding more currency since we have an account wallet?

Most if not all new weapons, accessories, and armors should have had the option to be obtainable through karma also. Or is there already this option that I didn’t know of? o.o

Hey, I’m looking at things from reminiscence of my LoL days. I know that back there, often they would absolutely break a champion, then totally rework them. It’s possible Anet is doing something similar.

But I get your point. 1 million Karma for ascended weapons would have been reasonable. It’s a huge amount, if nothing else. People who have lots of it have somewhere reasonable to dump their karma, and people who aren’t quite there will feel a sense of accomplishment once they do.

I ? Karkas.

Notable/Famous Ascalonians?

in Lore

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740


Also, arguably Adelbern is still around.

I ? Karkas.

exclusive Professions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

I thought I’ve seen it all.

You’ve humbled me, OP. you really have. And no, I don’t approve.

I ? Karkas.

Karma nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

I thought something intresting should be commented. It’s possible they killed Karma for the time being as a quick fix while they figure out a reasonable rework of the currency.

I ? Karkas.

The new wings...

in Lore

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Shh. I want to become a risen knight QQ.

I ? Karkas.

How many dailies have you missed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

From F/F to Last stand at Southsun. That LS started off so horrendously boring. Hitting signs at Wayfarer. Ugh.

I ? Karkas.

More tiers? "I really hope not." -C. Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

It’s not so much ascended that sucks but rather, how to get it – random drops are not a method to get anything, and crafting isn’t necessarily the most enjoyable thing for everyone. So it does feel like we’ve got one way shoved down our throats, more or less equating to Anet’s basically told us, “CRAFTING OR GTFO” |:

I ? Karkas.

(edited by Seven Star Stalker.1740)

easter eggs and references?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

In Caledon Forest, near Wychmire Waypoint;

There’s a Lionguard named Trundle who complains about having his supplies nabbed by a bunch of trolls (Event).

I theorise this as a LoL reference, based on “Trundle the troll”

I ? Karkas.

Endless treadmill of gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

What bothers me is the excecution of, it not the gear itself.

There’s alot of things that prevent people from getting the gear, and they’re not laziness things. These are legitimate play styles and preferences. Preferences Anet should be catering to if they want to pull something like that. Not everyone enjoys crafting. 1% drop rate is anything but a reliable source for anything. People aren’t always going to get to the Zerg in time, especially when there’s 20 people already melting the target. People aren’t always going to get to the lord’s room in WvW, especially if they were miles away trebbing. And not everyone has the gold and Obby shards to toss around for Ascended mats. More than that, if you decide not to do crafting, you have two choices – destroy the stacks or enjoy having your inventory stupidly full of things you can’t even use.

I ? Karkas.

(edited by Seven Star Stalker.1740)

Rune of Sanctuary...why soulbound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

It’s dungeon only. But I see your frustration.

I ? Karkas.

Putting the GUILD in Guild Wars.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Meanwhile in GW1.

I ? Karkas.

Top 5 things to fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

4: Hair loss

In a game where cosmetic items are promoted as a badge of achievement, the headgear making you bald issue should have been sorted out long ago.

This so dam much QQ.

I ? Karkas.

My thoughts on Ascended/Direction of game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Tbh, the biggest problem for me with ascended is not being able to distribute it .-.

I have ALOT of mats, but I don’t enjoy crafting very much. So now I have to stockpile stupid amounts of things I don’t even want to use because Anet thinks the world will end of they didn’t just make them sellable.

I ? Karkas.

Why is this game called Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

The Guild Wars occurred years before the searing…they get mentioned as a plug to please the lore nuts who want explanations for why guilds fight other guilds.

The first game wasn’t about the Guild Wars either.

The second game wasn’t about the Guild Wars either.

The third game wasn’t about the Guild Wars either.

The expansion wasn’t about the Guild Wars either.

And look, the successor to the franchise has nothing to do with the Guild Wars either.

The name was derived from the game mode to explain said game mode, not vice versa. No one bases a game name off of a few off comments that a few NPCs say and only when solicited by players. You develop game elements then you make up bull$@&! to make it fit in the game…in ANets case they didn’t try very hard. Then you have a buncha folks who like to pretend lore determines the development process…eh yeah, that’s not how it works…

By such logic Star Wars would’ve been an acceptable substitute title for a Justin Bieber documentary…

ANet named the game for a mode it no longer supports…genius…

To be fair, the first game was formed around the destiny of the player post the Guildwars. The second had guilds dedicated to specific alliances (Luxon and Kurzick), the third had an organisation that could be considered a guild called the Sunspears, and an order, that again, can classify as a guild, called the Order of Whispers.

The forth is a precursor to this. And this is.. Well.. It’s more a run on the title Guildwars than anything else.

I ? Karkas.

Birthday Gifts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740


Also, Anet totally ignored this thread, obviously.

I ? Karkas.

What profession should I choose?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

MY PROFESSION. now that I think about it, I’ve always wanted to be a baker.

I ? Karkas.

Why does bleeding stack to only 25?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Somebody said in another thread Anet got rid of all their world builders when the game opened, i’d guess this would also effect core mechanics changes like Conditions etc..

That could be a main reason why nothing has changed and nothing ever will.

If that’s true than this game will only begin to sink, as if it hasn’t already.

I ? Karkas.

Has ArenaNet abandoned underwater combat?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

I really hope so. The water combat in this game is quite annoying.


Just take it out, and give us Spears for land-based weapons. Tridents as well I suppose. No Spearguns needed.

Speargun legendaries can always be reworked into Rifles

I ? Karkas.

Why does bleeding stack to only 25?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Don’t forget, objects such as doors, siege weapons in WvW, weapon racks and buildings don’t get conditions, soooooooooooooooo… .-.

Also, it doesn’t help that ALL precursors are geared towards Beraerker stats.

I ? Karkas.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

How can u be against silly names, when the legendary short bow shoots my little ponies. The legendary mace is a disco ball. Fuzzy animal backpacks. The game has “silly” built in.

You’d be surprised. I think.. A couple of weeks after release, I was in Fireheart Rise and I was having trouble with an SP. I asked in map chat if someone could help me, and somone literally told me because I didn’t have an RP Orientated name, they were unwanting to even help me, and they actually mocked me about it.

Of course, someone else basically told him to eff off for that, and he started saying, “Lol you’re kitten because I’m not going to help you so you called your friends” and yeah.. It was pretty.. I wouldn’t call it anything like traumatising, but it was just pathetic behaviour.

I ? Karkas.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Overpowered Ears = My big eared Asura Engineer.

I ? Karkas.

Mini Mr Sparkles sold for $700.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

how do you guys find collecting mini’s enjoyable?

How do you guys find collecting other stuff enjoyable? facepalm
Ok, let’s say anet added an exclusive weapon/armor/whatever turns you on – for codes, and made them account bound, so there was absolutely no way for you to get it. How would you feel?

If they’d look nice or some part of them would look nice when mixed with something etc, then I’d be kitten ed. Otherwise I couldn’t care less. I really don’t see how this mini sparkles is any cool at all. A boring siege golem robot.

It’s Zojja’s personal golem. Whilst its not the most exciting thing, it’s pretty nice to have aesthetically if you like Zojja.

I ? Karkas.

Mini Mr Sparkles sold for $700.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

It doesn’t matter anymore, I guess. It’s already over and clearly ANet doesn’t care either way.

I ? Karkas.