Henge of Denravi Server
Legendary gear is supposed to be legendary. It should be very hard to get shouldn’t it?
I certainly agree that raids shouldn’t be the only way to get it, but there’s always spending a crap-ton to craft it.
If difficulty is an issue, perhaps do something like T3 enemy garrision or ebg keep will give you the special token for legendary gear?
Even the quoting itself is pretty strawman, quoting things out of contexts yet you say it isn’t.
There is no paragraphing….
You points are generally summarized to there are all kinds of guilds and sizes doesn’t make it bad. I do agree but you missed the point. I did say there are people, but I didn’t say all people. I did say many guilds perished, I didn’t say all guilds perished. I made my reply to that guy who obviously has some prejudice.
Regardless, again, people can use any guilds of any sizes as glorified LFG or simply take advantage of, be it large or small or whatever. Increasing more slots simply encourage those behaviors or more. At the same time, it will make things hard for the new startup guilds, guilds that literally started from scratch without any friends to speak of and why is that so? They have to compete against numerous numbers of guild existed due to increased numbers of slots.
Just to make things clear, I prefer suggestions that has long term benefits than suggestions that provide short terms benefits. Some of the WvW features are a very good example of short term benefits and long term damage.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Feels like you’re just scared your guild won’t be able to grow since it’s mediocre at everything and if people had 10 guild slots or more they’d just join specialized guilds and yours will suffer.
You write these long wall of texts that make no sense using words that make sense individually but together mean nothing.
Maybe if you don’t want to be used as a glorified LFG don’t join or make a 500 man guild, there’s no way you can create the level of socialness like a small guild with such a big guild.
All the guilds I’m in would not hurt wrt social building at all if more slots were added because I wouldn’t suddenly stop being friends with them just because I have more guild slots.
Lol, you have prejudice but that is fine.
I doubt it matters if I tell you the facts that raid guilds (obviously small) that try to tell people to rep are rebuked by the raiders that there is no meaning in repping it or there are people that wants some kind of chat flowing in the guild regardless of how many people there are as long there are chats (and obviously small guilds will never have chats flowing most of the time) or a lot small guilds perished over the years while the larger ones are still active…
The point is the existing established guilds will continue to do what they are doing but the new guilds will be climbing mount everest if they try to establish a foundation.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Straw man arguments, lol.
Your first post didn’t show your intentions behind it, it is a simple wanting more. It is your latter posts that stated make your intentions obvious, you want more regardless of the cons or pros.
You conveniently brush aside logic as shown in your first reply to me and then conveniently deny it.
You then selectively read my posts, only concerned about the word “greed” which I used to reply to the other person while conveniently ignored the other points have made.
And sure, I am judging, are you not? This isn’t a topic of asking for help, it is a topic asking for opinions and opinions can involve some degree of judging. Judging about how guilds are run isn’t condescending because it is about guilds and guild slots. How can one identify pros and cons if one don’t try to understand and question everything about guilds and how the guild slots are used currently?
Guilds are being used as glorified LFG, that alone is enough of a reason not add more guild slots. Guild is a social organisation and more, not just a LFG. What kind of social benefits are there when intention is just a glofied LFG?
High rep guilds are already affected when cross chats are implemented. That is the whole purpose of rep anyway so people will interact socially more often in those guilds, not some influence nonsense that people make up due to some bad eggs. The logic was simple. Casual players can never have that much gaming time to interact with so many people to begin with so if a casual has 5 guilds, he or she is most likely neglecting some of them. There will also people who join guild just to “see” out of curiosity and not really want to be part of it but for the most part, he is not gonna rep so no interaction there. This rep thing boost the social within those guilds way higher level than many other guilds (in proportion) and so is guild identity.
Still, high rep guilds are not as badly affected as other guilds when come to social or guild identity after cross chats are implemented since those guilds have made their stands clear on what they are and how it will be. The guild identity crisis befall upon guilds that don’t have any forms of rep expectations, it is quite inevitable a number of them become LFG especially when glorified LFG culture is the mainstream now. Nowadays, there are many new guilds having rep requirements, be it partial or high. And yes, some casual now use up slots and obviously will be neglecting some of them.
Social implications are as mentioned. While you may use it in seemingly reasonable manner, it doesn’t means other will do so. Likewise, the accommodated numbers of people joining guilds even if they have no proven actions of doing anything with them can be huge. All of these social issues will have a way lesser impact on the older existing guilds but it will make life very difficult for new or newer guilds that are trying to achieve some forms of identity and functions.
Anyway, anet pretty much abandon guilds since rumors has it that they already disbanded guild development team that was formed during HOT launch. Who knows anet will add more guild slots regardless if it harm or not harm the guilds. The point is while it overall seems good to the players, it isn’t for the guilds and social building within it.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
You need to structure your post properly.
Anyway, you mentioned it will not impact others in any way while saying you don’t understand social implications, if that is the case…do you really know what you are talking about then?
Furthermore, you have made it clear that you simply want it for your own convenience and conveniently rally people to support the idea while without caring about how it will impact the social.
Thus, is there really a point in talking about this with you?
Base on simple balancing scale, slow indeed is overpowering quickness thus the new formula is questionable.
Your first line already don’t make sense because here you are talking about combining PvE, PvP an WvW together elsewhere my post is about putting the same type of guilds to form a larger one.
Somehow, I get the feelings you are replying with prejudice (I don’t even know you, not like this the first time people are doing this, lmao).
I’m explaining – if that wasn’t obvious – why having many guilds make sense. 5 guilds slot fills up fast if you want a taste of everything.
Only one raid guild? Have you even tried joining some of them? There are as many different raid guilds as there are philosophies. Some of them expect experienced people and well test your skill, some others are there to help training, or simply to get a static done, and it’s the same for PVP/WvW. Some guilds will only ask for experienced and others will play it in a more casual/friendly way. Not only that, but guild competition is always going to be a thing. Really if you expect all the raid guilds to combine together I don’t know if you’re been around raiders long enough…
And one last thing. Nothing is preventing you from creating your own personal stash guild, or small guild for your roomates or close friends. If Anet didn’t want that, they would have done something about it already.And I’m not even sure what you’re talking about with your second sentence, it’s not like if more guild slots would impact you in ANY way. Where’s the prejudice here? It’s been requested quite a few times for a reason, there’s actual demand for it.
I read it as it is, is fine if you deny it. Regardless, back to your main points of your reply.
Guild competitions sure exist and as I have mentioned earlier, people wants to be chief but what has that to do with anet? Anet gave the players 5 slots of up to 2,500 people but if players decided that they do not want to fully utitlize that, it is the players responsibilities to accept the decision they made.
If players decided to use up slots to make personal guild bank instead of using it to join functioning guilds, then be responsible for that decision.
Have you ever considered the social implications of increasing access to thousands potential more people? It is really never about social, it is really just about selfish needs.
5 guilds is fine as it is now.
Instead of having so many guilds, why not the guilds consolidate to form a bigger one?
Because it’s a social issue, not a mathematical one. Not everyone likes being one of many; not everyone gets along with people just because they share an interest. As an obvious example: everyone posting here has an interest in GW2, but we don’t agree on whether it’s useful to allow people in multiple guilds.
The root of the issue is players themselves. In the past mmorpg, we only have 1 toon to 1 guild with about max 100 people (including alts) and now in gw2 we have 1 toon to 5 guilds which is up to 2,500 people (most lyunique) but still not enough? That level of greed is pretty scary.
If multiple raid guilds combine to form a large one, you easily can find more people to raid with and gets a lot of things done.
That’s only theoretically true, only if we treat members as interchangeable.
Guilds are social organizations; they require commonality of interest and similarity of temperament, as well as overlapping play times, and many, many intangibles.
Some guilds are training guilds, built up around people who are patient mentors and some are organized by less patient bootcamp sergeants. Some guilds raid & fractal. Some are interested in speed clearing or selling raids. Some have people who like listening to the same music while raiding and some have people who don’t want to listen to music.
And? It is a social organisation and social organisation can be multilayered, not just single layered.
The main point is the guild is designed to be 500-men large,
Sorry, no, they weren’t. The maximum size is 500. They were designed to exist at various levels of membership, with 50-100 looking like the sweet spot.
Right is a bad choice of words but the point still remains, you can fill it up to that.
if people are under utilizing that, it is not anet’s issues, it is players created issue.
Again, guilds are social organizations; there isn’t any sort of efficiency that can be applied, because there’s no set of best practices that applies to all guilds.
Plus, there’s the practical matter of how people would even learn which guilds have similar enough interests to their own, decide if the membership is compatible, and then decide how to merge (who leads? which guild hall do you use? do you change the guild mission night to accommodate one guild or the other or add a night?)
In the end, like it or not, some people would find it very valuable to be able to join more than 5 guilds. It might not be easy for ANet to implement; it might not be your idea of the best use of ANet’s limited resources. But there is no work-around for the minority of players that agree with the OP.
And you need to respect the social organisations, people are already treating guilds like glorified LFG and now adding more is simply encouraging that behavior.
I find pve fotms/dungeons/raids boring but I have to do it because is easier to get gears over there. Likewise, mats are way easier to get over there. How about considering it takes two hands to clap?
Instead of having so many guilds, why not the guilds consolidate to form a bigger one? If multiple raid guilds combine to form a large one, you easily can find more people to raid with and gets a lot of things done. Likewise for pvp, wvw and pve guilds. Finally, a social guild of a size of your choosing. The main point is the guild is designed to be 500-men large, if people are under utilizing that, it is not anet’s issues, it is players created issue.
Bigger guilds aren’t always better, especially raid guilds. When you have more people it is harder to maintain a high quality of players which is why most raid guilds like DnT/NA/qT/SC etc all generally have at MOST 100ish people, and many are alt accounts.
Then there’s things like WvW where you could be part of a community guild (eg. CERN) and part of a GvG guild and part of a roaming guild. Totally different focuses that one guild does not cover.
And then there’s PvE guilds. 500 man guilds tend to be mainly used for guild missions and upgraded halls. You’d need 2 just to get lost precipice/gilded hollow if you want the skins (shimmering/tenebrous).
If you play multi timezone then you might also need 2 guilds. I know Americans that play SEA and NA and are in 2 raid guilds because of that since there aren’t any decent raid guilds which cover both timezones reliably.
For some older players, we have a bunch of personal guild banks too.
Overall I see very little downside to upping guild slots. If you don’t want them then don’t buy them.
It is really just players created issues.
First thing first, personal guild bank is a player’s idea, it isn’t how guilds meant to work.
Second is quality, quality is a matter of choice and not a matter of size. Harder is not impossible thus it isn’t a good reason to under utilize a guild.
Third, multiple functions WvW is possible just by creating multiple teams or divisions just like how some guilds have multiple raid teams.
The main thing is people is indeed under utilizing a guild. What I see is people want to be their own chief and that’s why we have so many guilds.
Likewise, if people chose to use a guild as LFG which isn’t meant to be one, it is players’ choice and not by design.
Instead of having so many guilds, why not the guilds consolidate to form a bigger one? If multiple raid guilds combine to form a large one, you easily can find more people to raid with and gets a lot of things done. Likewise for pvp, wvw and pve guilds. Finally, a social guild of a size of your choosing. The main point is the guild is designed to be 500-men large, if people are under utilizing that, it is not anet’s issues, it is players created issue.
Because people’s interests aren’t always the same. PVP players don’t necessarily want to do PVE content, casual guilds don’t want to be bothered with raid talks, elitist guilds won’t want normal players…
There’s a lot of reasons why one big guild simply doesn’t work.And here’s the 100 million dollar argument: If some people don’t need it, it’s optional, they don’t have to spend money on it. If you’re against it, you can simply forget this option exist, no harm’s done.
Guilds that ask for 100% rep aren’t gonna disapear because of that. Anet making extra money, the UI is already built up for more than 5 guilds… so win win situation?
Your first line already don’t make sense because here you are talking about combining PvE, PvP an WvW together elsewhere my post is about putting the same type of guilds to form a larger one.
Somehow, I get the feelings you are replying with prejudice (I don’t even know you, not like this the first time people are doing this, lmao).
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
It isn’t the map issue, the population is bad, is same everywhere, uneven coverage, wvw need to be blew up to fix this.
Instead of having so many guilds, why not the guilds consolidate to form a bigger one? If multiple raid guilds combine to form a large one, you easily can find more people to raid with and gets a lot of things done. Likewise for pvp, wvw and pve guilds. Finally, a social guild of a size of your choosing. The main point is the guild is designed to be 500-men large, if people are under utilizing that, it is not anet’s issues, it is players created issue.
Consider giving the commanders golds or whatever, it is a better show of appreciations.
Leveling was never the main focus, it is not following the old school mmorpg ways. The game difficulty highly focus on couple of things – builds, compositions, teamwork and understanding what need to be done. Gear grind is not a big barrier like old school mmorpg, you get gears rather easily. In the entire pve, the only contents you can consider difficult will be raid and raid too will get easy once you know how to do it since it isn’t randomised, it is base on patterns. WvW is always evolving due to players against players but the slow developments have demoralized many.
Pve still the main focus and if you hate living story 1 back then which personally I consider it was fun because it were massive scale events. I am not sure if you will like the living story now. Maybe we have different taste, you should consider trying it out yourself.
They will continue to make more raids, I assume as many as WoW but unlike WoW, there is no gear progression here so I am totally not sure how’s that gonna be sustainable.
They will also continue to push our living stories.
They are also making expansions, I assume will be about the final battle with the 2 dragons.
They will add more fotm dungeons so eventually will have 100 different kind of dungeons, my brains hurt thinking about it.
Maybe one day they will revamp dungeons once their people got nothing assigned to do.
One day they will revamp the festival events or start making SAB w3 and w4.
kitten , I have made it predictable….
I wonder if there is really something fresh.
I am part of a small/medium guild and we have a maxed guild hall. I also have my own personal guild that I acquired a completed guild bank before guild halls.
A few weeks ago, I decided to get my own guild hall for ease of getting into my guild bank without having to lose my place in the map I was in. My guildmates from my larger guild helped me acquire my GH.
I don’t plan on doing a lot of upgrades in my personal GH, but even alone I know I could do things over times. I know several people who have done just that.
But people want to one step to completion and forgot that no one is force to build a village with facilities designed for village-sized populations.
If want to build village facilities then pay for it. Sad, I don’ understand nowadays people.
anet only server, interesting, very interesting
will we see a anet zerg?
Often these will go beyond roleplay into real personal hatred.
That’s great, we do need more rewards that is comparable to what offered in other modes. I hope more people will speakup and support this idea of adding more rewards through new currency so we can actually get more positive attentions.
I don’t think this is hard to add since we can reuse the assets (meshes, textures etc) already made available in the other modes.
PS: Did you have that in the wvw initiative? I think I come across it before.
I assume you meant that extrovert enjoy the feelings of certain things while the introvert may get annoyed and tired of the same things ?
Not quite, it’s not about what you enjoy or don’t enjoy, that’s a personal preference. It’s about where your energy (physical/mental) is gained and lost. I enjoy many of the same things as extroverts, but I run out of steam quickly (quicker than is socially acceptable), and need to go away to recharge. I am blessed to have an mildly extroverted wife that understands this and doesn’t push me into social situations, and if I choose to engage she knows I will need to leave early.
I don’t really understand, base on multiple personality tests, I am both introvert and extrovert, something like a middle ground? /shrugs
It’s a sliding scale, most people are within the middle range leaning one way or the other. It’s when you are and the far end that it comes to the surface. This applies to introverts and extroverts. BTW, extremely extroverted people can drain extremely introverted people in a matter of minutes.
Pretty sure it has something to do with age and life experiences.
Your talking about psychological experiences, they do play a part. However, introverts process information in different parts of the brain than extroverts. Introverts also have a less active dopamine system. Dopamine is the drug in your brain that provides reward and pleasure, the high feeling you have when something exciting is happening. Because it’s less active in introverts it can cause them become overstimulated by things most people get excited about.
I don’t mean to lecture, sorry. It’s one of those things that are commonly misunderstood since we live in an extroverted world.
The science thing says that we all have same level of dopamine but just that we process these dopamine differently. However, at the same time, as people aged, the way they process the dopamine will change as well.
So yes, I understand. There are days I get really hype up and there days I want to be quiet, I switch in and out of the two zones. I guess people on the extreme sides will be more consistent in their social needs?
On the side note about you spending a lot of time composing your posts. I do that sometimes though the reasons might be different, whenever I compose a post, I just type whatever that comes into my mind and many times new thinking just come up and I end up typing or modifying more and more. kitten those new thoughts.
Ascended gears are different from discounted trinkets which is pretty common.
Which matters how?
They could easily do it so that for X amount of hero badges or XX amount of honor badges or XXX amount of skillpoints, you can either buy a chest or – if cheaper – an ascended insigna. And they could easily add other ascended materials for purchase in the same way so you can balance and reduce costs. Just like how the newer sPvP ascended aquisition works. It doesnt have to be easy. The costs could be like 1000 hero badges. It would however be an option, yes.
But Anet havent done this because clearly they dont want to or they dont think ascended stuff should be in WvW.
You got a point there but as mentioned, it serve different purposes. If tokens are to be universal, then why would we have so many different type of currencies? There is reason behind it, we want people to grind for it now and not use whatever reserves they already have or it simply defeat the purpose of getting people in.
Btw, your last statement is unnecessary because is just your own negative perception of anet and also has nothing to do with the suggestion.
The main question to you is, do you want ascended gears to be added into WvW or not?
Edit: I too have a lot of abilities points and badges but that is not the point. It isn’t about selfish gain, it is about sustainable future. On a side note, they could also make HOT insignia and inscription purchasable through the same currency, likewise hot trinkets. I think that would make wvw even more rewarding and really helps in getting the newer wvwers players to gear up easier.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Those currencies serve different purposes but it isn’t a big deal either since currency doesn’t take up your bag spaces. PvE has way more currencies, it isn’t abnormal for WvW to have more than current either since WvW is a entire mode by itself.
Uh… we already have this. In fact we already have two WvW currencies (three if you count ability points). Anet has just chosen not to let you buy any ascended other than trinkets for it, on one of the currencies.
Ascended gears are different from discounted trinkets which is pretty common. I am sure anet do not want people to be farming those ascended chests easily just by farming badges so we will need a cap just like the cap in PvE. One can argue to use weekly cap on purchase but that is not thoughtful because it uses up bag spaces while currency doesn’t use up bags space so it is more logical to have a currency that is weekly capped to serve that purpose.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Small guild is not equivalent to tiny guild. Your’s a tiny guild.
I meant to post this earlier but I have been busy for many many weeks, actually forgotten all about it.
Anyway, WvW team should consider adding a special WvW tokens (which can be weekly capped) to the WvW itself. We can earn these special WvW tokens from special WvW reward tracks and those tokens can be used to purchase ascended boxes just like pvp shards, raid shards and fotm pages.
Then make these WvW reward tracks earnable only in WvW and not EOTM. Doing these will kills three birds with one stone. You will make the WvWer slightly happier by giving them a option to get ascended gears that cost less. You will make WvW more rewardings. Finally, the increased rewards can appeal to more people to try out WvW.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Indeed. sPvP devs can control the unbalance by adjusting the stats wherelse WvW is at the mercy of the slow cycle of balance patch and PvE’s needs to consistent push out gears contents. Not only that, WvWers are forced to spent a lot more on swapping gears every now and then due to it while PvErs can whine about unfair things and get compromised the next. Don’t forget WvWers don’t earn as much as PvEers who can get ascended from more sources like raids, fotms, world bosses etc.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
Introverts can, and do, talk to people. Though I do spend a ridiculous amount of time composing my posts.
At it’s heart introversion is about where you gain and expend energy. Introverts (the minority) expend energy when engaged with other people (socializing) and recharge when alone. Extroverts (the majority) gain energy while engaged and expend when alone.
It’s not that introverts can’t be social, it’s just that we can’t do it for long before we are exhausted. We tend to be selective in how we socialize in order to conserve energy.
I know it sounds like a bunch of carebear talk, but there are actual chemical and neurological differences between introverts and extroverts.
Sorry for the lesson.
I assume you meant that extrovert enjoy the feelings of certain things while the introvert may get annoyed and tired of the same things ?
I don’t really understand, base on multiple personality tests, I am ambivert, both introvert and extrovert, something like a middle ground? /shrugs
Pretty sure it has something to do with age and life experiences.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Valid comparison when your usage of terminologies are questionable? Fine, believe what you want to believe.
A “Raid” or “content to attract Raiders” needs to have some very specific aspects. Team work, builds, encounters that make you think, proper team composition and balance. This is the meal that Raiders want, this is what makes Raids, Raids.
There was explicit mention that dungeons would work like GW1 elite instances, which combined most of the above features. There was also stated that their dungeons would appeal to Raiders, which means they would include the above features, otherwise they wouldn’t appeal to Raiders. After all, how can something that doesn’t provide what Raids do, appeal to a Raider? It doesn’t make sense otherwise.
A Raider wants to eat meat, and “meat” is the above aspects that were expected to be in dungeons. Dungeons were supposed to be meat in order to appeal to those who love eating meat.
But in the end, none of the above aspects could be found in dungeons. They were advertised as meat but in the end we found out it was soup. They spiced it up, they used new recipes, but in the end it was still soup. And by offering soup in your restaurant you can’t appeal to someone who wants to eat meat.
Now they added meat, as advertised so many ago to be on their menu, to actually and truthfully this time appeal to that crowd. Will it work? Who knows, maybe the GW2 raids will also end up being well disguised soup in the end. Time will tell
What advertised to you and to me seems very different. What I saw gw2 advertise as is a casual game targeting casual mainstream players. With that in mind, whatever gw2 wrote later, I basically see them all as marketing gimmick with a exaggerations here and there.
Regardless, dungeons were slightly harder at launch but a lot of balancing were made and our general DPS have been increased over the years. Now, dungeon is just childplay. Same thing can happen to raid as gw2 has never been very consistent in their balance approach and power creeping is very real in gw2. When our overall dps increase, raid too will get easier.
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
Anet needs to do more to encourage guild-centric play in WvW.
HoT encouraged guild-centric plays by introducing guild hall, guild arena, war room upgrades, and removal of guild influence, etc.
It encourages the formation of larger guilds because of the time and effort required for many of the upgrades.
Are these changes working out as intended? Or more time is still need to measure thier impact?
That is mooted. Guild hall can be upgraded by rich individuals, we already have many level 6x guilds and many of which are not large guild size.
The OP point is……how people talk to each other and often, we all should know that many times it degrade to personal attacks or scurrilous attempts. Some comments that seems innocent at the beginning can easily become hostile the next moment base on how they choose to view it or the way to reply.
To start with, everyone has alter ego and often the common kind of personality shown over the net but some are just a bit too over. Honestly speaking, I encounter this kind of thing way more often in gw2 which supposedly a casual mmorpg than compared to hardcore pvp mmorpgs where we drop items or golds on death.
I have to correct myself…
“WvW did have updates, not major updates but many polishing.”
“WvW did have updates, not many major updates but many polishing.”
The auto upgrade can be viewed in two ways. One is that it eliminate the arguments over what to upgrade first and also the cost to upgrade it, assumed directing those cost to tactivator instead. Another is that upgrade is made easier to everyone and naturally the bigger coverage get to take better advantage of it.
Yes, I did miss certain things, infact, there are a lot more things I have missed out but the point is there are more wvw updates compare to the past, just not many that really important which means that anet should focus on things that matters to players more.
First, we need to look at the history of WvW and anet approach towards it.
2012 – Launch year
Comparing to 2013 and 2014, WvW did have updates, not major updates but many polishing. However, anet did not address the things that really impact the players. To be fair, anet did do more for WvW than used to but it will take a lot more to make up for the time wasted and bad decisions made.
Yea, they had the buy in bulk thingy but doesn’t seem to be made compatible with that vendor.
kitten , why you pump old thread.
You are indeed wasting time defending about things you claim didn’t exist, good job. Regardless, it is off-topic enough.
It happens again, always during SEA prime time and this time lost connection to gw2 for a few minutes. It is a new route for hop 15 and packet loss at that hop 15.
Tracing route to 64.25.38-30.ncsoft.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms RT-N56U []
2 4 ms 3 ms 4 ms []
3 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms []
4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms []
5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms []
6 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms []
7 4 ms 3 ms 4 ms []
8 5 ms 4 ms 4 ms M1C-0004.10026.telstraglobal.net []
9 8 ms 6 ms 7 ms be3.wr2.sin0.10026.telstraglobal.net []
10 163 ms 163 ms 164 ms te0-1-0-0.gw1.lax3.10026.telstraglobal.net []
11 163 ms 164 ms 163 ms xe0-0-0.gw3.lax3.10026.telstraglobal.net []
12 166 ms 165 ms 165 ms ip-202-147-61-251.asianetcom.net []
13 164 ms 165 ms 164 ms unknown.telstraglobal.net []
14 169 ms 166 ms 164 ms i-93.tlot02.bi.telstraglobal.net []
15 * * 184 ms l3-peer.tlot02.pr.telstraglobal.net []
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 225 ms * * 64.25.32-9.ncsoft.com []
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 249 ms * 227 ms 64.25.32-82.ncsoft.com []
21 214 ms 215 ms 215 ms 64.25.38-30.ncsoft.com []
Trace complete.
Heard they disbanded guild development team which was formed during HOT launch so it is good to assume there won’t be any new guild contents for awhile.
Not sure why they didn’t sell infinite continue coin on gem store, luckily I still have mine from when SAB first released though I didn’t use it much for current SAB since achievement didn’t reset.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
You did a lot judging but is fine if you deny it.
Heard that anet disbanded the guild development team, I hope that answers your request.
The topic is about asking if there is any other rotations that can deliver higher dps for high ping users and while ButterPeanut.9746 was helpful enough to provide some suggestion, you were judging while ignoring the already highlighted latency issue and not being helpful, then nvm, I explain the latency issue (again after testing) thinking you missed it but only to be judged again. Really…
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Impossible. As much I try to mimic, even getting the bow F1 out before berserker ends has only less than a second opening so switching to sword f1 is the best alternative for smoothness.
250ms compared to 50ms, every 5 skills casted will be 1s behind. There are 20 skills casted throughout a single set of benchmark rotations which means 4s behind. Also about 3s behind at the ending of berserker. I guess the only way to get higher dps for high ping is rotations that consist of as little skills casting as possible.
Yes, mag tanked and tanked really hard by ignoring borderland while the foolish people continues to cap their borderland which allows them to tank harder. They can go to t1 if they want to but obviously, they don’t want to. Regardless, no t3 or t4 server is capable of rallying as many people within the same given period of time. I don’t mind fighting mag (despite how annoying their roamers skirmishing playstyle is) if we have the same numbers even if losing but not so if we don’t have the equal numbers and what make it worst it they tank, so it killed my interest to tryhard. I am not sure why mag still tanking this hard despite being too big for t3.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Can I still maintain 25 furious without the sword f1 during the sword part?
Yea, but there is a like 5k to 6k dps difference just by missing out that one rotation =(
I was wondering if there’s any rotations that will provide a higher dps for high ping ppl like myself =(
Has anyone noticed that the note though has funny elements, it also shown that devs do read the posts and hints of disapproval on somethings.
Or is it just me?
It would be a cool feature, it isn’t new since pvp mmorpgs do have this but it is not possible for gw2 kind of game as it has different targets.
I was trying out the [QT] rotation for ps condi but the problem is the high latency (250ms) I have means that I can never hit the sword F1 rotation at the end of berserker and even the 2nd last bow f1 has a tight timing. Anyway, since I can never hit the last f1, any suggestions or rotations that is like 2nd best?
PS: For those who wonder why latency matters for dps, as the high ms accumulate throughout the rotations, it will add up to seconds differences when rotations generally is timing sensitive
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