Dear Anet,
Rock is op please nerf it. Paper is ok.
-Love, Scissors.That sums this all up.
Heres a better analogy.
Warriors are rock
Necro/Thieves/Mesmers/Engies are scissors
Guard/Ranger/Ele are paper
Scissors beat paper, Paper beats rock, Rock beats scissors. Until Rock hits 80 and discover healing signet. Then rock also beats paper, and would beat scissors but he can’t find scissors because scissors are invisible or waypoint. So scissors beats paper and avoids rock…and that is called balance!
You know your trolling when you put mesmer and thief in the scissors category for a warrior.
This game needs stun immunity.
There is, it’s called stability and blind.
Instructions were unclear
Ran into melee train and died.
Bought more Dire gear for my Ele
Much complain.
That is basically what this thread is to me right now…
Fresh Air builds run with similar squishy stats (and utilities), and there are top players in solo queue running glass staff. I’m not sure why you typed that out either. Go ahead and make an Ele and try to perform well in the current meta of tanky-dps warriors & condi builds galore.
Edit: The signet also gives movement speed, positioning and all that junk.
Been on that boat.
There is a reason I went back to dagger/focus.
I hate the staff, compared to the other weapon sets I feel like it is inferior on the survival side when compared to having a focus on the offhand.Secondly, yes, many top players do run fresh air builds, but they do not run the generic trait setup, their builds are tailored to being efficient in a tournament environment..
The signet does give movement speed, again that’s great. It wont help you survive a kill shot as well as the shield or mist form. That seems to be the new problem people are having.
speaking of staff though..
You could have reflected the kill shot.
Or blinded
or knocked him back
or dodged..Also read the sig-
Dat engi
I hate the engi…I hate it so much
Fresh Air builds run with similar squishy stats (and utilities), and there are top players in solo queue running glass staff. I’m not sure why you typed that out either. Go ahead and make an Ele and try to perform well in the current meta of tanky-dps warriors & condi builds galore.
Edit: The signet also gives movement speed, positioning and all that junk.
Been on that boat.
There is a reason I went back to dagger/focus.
I hate the staff, compared to the other weapon sets I feel like it is inferior on the survival side when compared to having a focus on the offhand.
Secondly, yes, many top players do run fresh air builds, but they do not run the generic trait setup, their builds are tailored to being efficient in a tournament environment..
The signet does give movement speed, again that’s great. It wont help you survive a kill shot as well as the shield or mist form. That seems to be the new problem people are having.
speaking of staff though..
You could have reflected the kill shot.
Or blinded
or knocked him back
or dodged..
Also read the sig-
So that’s something i threw together in 5 minutes. That without wvw stacks or wvw buffs.
4k attack, 100 percent crit damage, 50 percent crit chance,20k health, 3k armour.
All Berzerk gear. Look, I haven’t spent a single point in the power line and only 10 in the prec line, yet look at the damage off of that. With the ability to throw out killshots every 7 seconds.
But look at what stats i get if I try to do the same with say…a thief….
Why look!, Oh yes, nice crit damage, good crit chance, good attack,..but oooh! the armour, only 2284, and only 14k health. It’s almost as if I had to sacrifice something in order to gain something in that template.
And look!, I can only do that huge combo every 45 seconds!. from point blank range, now imagine if I could do that from 1500….like say..killshot!.
But yeah, keep your blinkers on and keep claiming that having a huge base stat disparity yet still have the ability to access ranged weapons isn’t somehow ridiculously overpowered in an mmo. Being able to have huge damage/defence without putting any points into power or precision is the problem, no sacrifice is needed to get your stats.
Which is why you see so many warriors in WvW, it’s an easy forgiving class to play and spec.
….Did ….did you just build a warrior that will cost the average player about 800g….over 1000 hours of gameplay between WvW and PvE
With a WvW infusions to boost Vitality…..
by the way you are shy of the 3k mark
How about 19K?
….Do I really want to ask why you went in with those utilities 14k hp and a staff?
Fun in a hot-joins. Ice Bow can kill even kill bunker guardians with the 5 (unbreakable stun) + 4 combo, the signet is a stun breaker that blinds your target, and the arcane aoe is a given for damage/blast finisher.
Ice bow is great for killing bunkers if they dont dodge, and dont have back up, though i will concede it does a nice chunck of damage. ( its not a fiery greatsword doe)
The signet is a stun breaker and a blind, great
So is mist form and arcane shield…they break stuns and help mitigate some damage.
You have a blast finisher on staff already..and Im pretty sure people on your team also have blast finisher’s..
If you are trying to run around solo as a squishy staff isn’t the best thing to have…
….though this is also hot join..soo….
I just wasted time typing this..
How about 19K?
….Do I really want to ask why you went in with those utilities 14k hp and a staff?
Congrats, you got hit by one of the most telegraphed skills in the entire game.
You’ve gotta be trolling
edit: I’m saying that because in team fights, you don’t have unlimited dodges. If this warrior has seen you’ve dodged twice, its game over.
No necessarily, you were just ill prepared and got killed for it.
You could have mitigated this in one of the following ways
Air 4 with a focus
Earth 4 or 5 with a focus
Water 5 with a focus would have dazed the cast
Air 5 would have interrupted the cast.
Arcane shield would have blocked the shot
Mist form would have invul’d the shot.
Saving dodges would have mitigated the shot.
Scepter 3 in earth and air would have made the shot miss
This seems to have been an error mostly on your part because you have all the tools to be able to deal with this, if you look for it.
If you run into a group fight and have no area awareness then this will happen.
If you go in with a glass cannon not prepared to deal with high amounts of damage then this happens.
A thief would have killed you just as fast if not faster and you would never have had the time to react.
Overdramatic much? We were playing warriors when they were considered free kills and had a good success rate even then. In fact, learning to play with disadvantages , using the terrain to block/hide from ranged and making optimal use of our rotations made us better players.
Those of us who kept playing warrior (and we kitten love it) were also there when we were hit hard with damage nerfs on most of our weapons and a good number of traits.
We will still be killing everyone that cant dedicate the time to learn about the class and its weaknesses. Healing signet nerf is minimal. Im more interested to see how much the active will be buffed. Im honestly looking at this as a big buff rather than a nerf.
How dare u talk trash to me like that, dude if there is one class i know of r warriors u say u’ve been playing warriors when they were easy kills… so did i. I have played this game since day 1 and also only 1 class guess which one it is. Like i said to the other guy, if ur honestly hoping for a “big buff” rather then a nerf then buddy… no comments lets just leave like that.
I’m not sure if you are trolling..or..
Your keyboard is broken…
It may do people some good to start learning how to run a warrior without the signet. Leaning on a passive skill too heavily leads to bad play and turning an otherwise decent heal into a crutch…
Whatever we say, warrior haters keep asking nerf warrios no matter what.
wait what? I think I can hear that other professions are saying new HS is still OP
Yo bro, all the classes except ele have had a nerf or 2 announced already. Some of them much larger than 8% HS passive reduction (with a buff to active!). We don’t have all the proposed changes yet either. Some shaving all around is probably to be expected due to the upcoming sigil changes anyway. Lose the tunnel vision already.
if u want to take it that way..
name a single class which got nerf’d as hard as eviscorate did right after beta…
Elementalist after the first beta got nerfed to the ground
Mesmer clones after the first beta got nerfed to the ninth layer of hell
Because why bring anything else when you can just Zerk your way to victory.
I’m strictly a PvE player, and twice I’ve had skills rendered virtually useless by changes made for the sake of PvP. The first instance was Hunter’s Shot on Ranger, the second was Unsteady Ground on Elementalist.
With Hunter’s Shot, 10 stacks of Vulnerability was a great opener for some very nice burst against tough enemies. As a Ranger with a longbow, a pet, a Knock Back, and an aoe Cripple, Stealth essentially a wasted slot on my static skillbar. I understand why a PvP Ranger would want it, but for PvE it’s virtually useless.
With Unsteady Ground, Cripple (especially with +Condition Duration gear/food) was great against Veterans and Champions that took longer to kill. That’s been replaced with a wall that blocks targets. That wall is useless against trash mobs since they die so quickly, and it’s useless against Champions since they can simply walk right through it. I understand why a PvP Elementalist would want a wall blocking movement, but for PvE it’s virtually useless.
Remember, we can’t chance our weapon skills; we’re locked into whatever five skills you see fit to give us. This means that when you change a skill to make it useless for PvP, you might be doing so at the expense of those of us who don’t PvP. Short of giving us the flexibility to customize our weapon skills (something I’d very much be in favor of), you’ve got to strive to give us skill changes that will be useful in all areas of the game. As the two above examples illustrate, that’s not something I feel you’ve done well to this point.
Spvp and PvE are seperate game model’s and are balanced seperately as well..
If a change or nerf comes to your PvE its because it was meant for PvE and is supposed to affect it thus.
The pvp nerfs and buffs are also stated in the patch notes with a tag usually with pvp in parenthesis explaining that it is only for spvp.
But I’ll grab a pic of it when Im out of class..
Its the scarecrow, sorry, the scarecrow that fears and allows you to teleport to it. .
It could technically be made into a banner or a “Pillar of Soul’s” to fit the necro theme and give us something that will allow is to either get in or out of combat like every other class.
It would be absolutely fantastic to have it on my necro <_<..
Hint Hint….
ok…so…this is still going on…gotcha…
umm.. Have any of you necro’s tried moving away from the condition build and building around wells and damage?
When I left 2 weeks ago that build was working fine in Spvp and WvW denying warriors the ability to sit in melee range with you.
On the other hand your squishy…but lets be honest…with all the -condi builds now floating around you’re almost useless anyway. . . .
Secondly, If you have a means to counter something yet you refuse to, you’re your own worst enemy and handicap. Any complaint you could have had becomes baseless.
30/0/30/0/10 + Knight’s Amulet is really funny, they are not expecting necromancers to do any power damage so they charge you going condition immune and getting melted.
oh good..So it does still work…
glad to hear it..When I had played last with a warrior in Spvp a friend of mine came in with his necro and did exactly that to me..
I couldn’t stay in melee range with him because of the damage the wells would do, on the other hand, he had death shroud up almost permanently so trying to range him was also not a great option.
His build was different from your’s though I think he was 30/10/0/0/30 with zerker’s gear..
He was squishy…but the damage made me cry inside a little bit. . . .Being able to immobilize you into a damaging well that does 10k damage in spvp hurts.
This build?
First one with double well’s..
I believe he had might on life blast…and I am very sure he had life force on crit.
The build my necro used was 20/20/0/0/30
I like crit numbers….
and I found that having the higher crit chance made staying in deathshroud easier.
But yeah…wells that go through blocking skills, denial of stability, and melee made me melt on my warrior.
ok…so…this is still going on…gotcha…
umm.. Have any of you necro’s tried moving away from the condition build and building around wells and damage?
When I left 2 weeks ago that build was working fine in Spvp and WvW denying warriors the ability to sit in melee range with you.
On the other hand your squishy…but lets be honest…with all the -condi builds now floating around you’re almost useless anyway. . . .
Secondly, If you have a means to counter something yet you refuse to, you’re your own worst enemy and handicap. Any complaint you could have had becomes baseless.
30/0/30/0/10 + Knight’s Amulet is really funny, they are not expecting necromancers to do any power damage so they charge you going condition immune and getting melted.
oh good..So it does still work…
glad to hear it..
When I had played last with a warrior in Spvp a friend of mine came in with his necro and did exactly that to me..
I couldn’t stay in melee range with him because of the damage the wells would do, on the other hand, he had death shroud up almost permanently so trying to range him was also not a great option.
His build was different from your’s though I think he was 30/10/0/0/30 with zerker’s gear..
He was squishy…but the damage made me cry inside a little bit. . . .
ok…so…this is still going on…gotcha…
umm.. Have any of you necro’s tried moving away from the condition build and building around wells and damage?
When I left 2 weeks ago that build was working fine in Spvp and WvW denying warriors the ability to sit in melee range with you.
On the other hand your squishy…but lets be honest…with all the -condi builds now floating around you’re almost useless anyway. . . .
Secondly, If you have a means to counter something yet you refuse to, you’re your own worst enemy and handicap. Any complaint you could have had becomes baseless.
Bowl of Fried Lotus Roots…
I’m sorry if you’re getting perma stunned by a warrior then you’re just bad…..
End of story.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
You show your ignorance by putting 3.75.
Stuns round up to the nearest full second. It’s 4 seconds with sigil of para
What about immobilize? Does that round up to the nearest full second as well?
It’s hilarious that in this age ANet can’t do fractional seconds of duration. It’s as if time doesn’t exist between the ticks of each second.
Agreed! The recent buff to skullcrack actually ends up being a 100% buff (not just 50%) b/c people discovered that just 1 sigil of paralyzation on the MH increases the duration to 4s. Likewise, shield bash gets increased to 2s, which is a likewise buff. Maybe if we get those things fixed it might help. The inability to handle fractional seconds is just dreadful.
Also, the -40% food makes warriors invincible/unkillable in wvw when combined with melandru runes and dogged march as well as knights armor. I don’t think its intended to be able to ignore what your opponents do and just try to smash them into the ground. I’d expect the food to get nerfed a bit, eventually, which would go a long way to fixing this (i.e. its not class-specific)
I swear people get dumber every day…
Melandru runes are not WARRIOR SPECIFIC..
so that is one -15% stun duration EVERYONE has access to..
Guess what those two in combination do to a warrior stun spec…
that’s right..
Add a little burst and viola…you just beat the easiest and most counterable spec in the game..
There was already a thread with different builds that countered this..
Now I am providing runes AND food that shut stuns down…
This epidemic of noob QQ needs to end.
too much love in this thread…
I hate all of you…
thats right..
every single one of you..:P
(except the the chick in TS with the nice accent……she gets love)
You know what the burden of proof has been passed onto those who point out why this is OP. All I hear is there are counters. I know of a counter build on one class. However, most of you can not post a counter build on any class that actually shuts this one down.
Do not post a skill post a build. Post a build on another class that actually shuts this build down. Here you go You all keep saying there are counters why not take the time to show them.
I have sneaking suspicion that none of you actually can.
@galandor I would love for you to show us that engi SD build so I can rip it apart and show you why it will be lackluster if not useless.
My mesmer build that I run with against pretty much 80% of everything.
So…I have read 7 pages…of people complaining about being stunned..and I cant help but wonder….
Does dodge not work?
Does healing not work?
Did stability get nerfed?
Are stun breakers non existent?
Out of every one of my characters, I have only had problems with my necro and engi….
If this is a problem in Spvp and WvW….why is this thread not in those subforum’s?
So from the last 1 v 1 tournies…find me the mesmer that won them all..
Since they are so OP..
Don’t worry I’m sure you can find it…I’ll just wait here..
Wait so let me get this straight..
A necro who gets access to burning and terror becomes OP…
and engineer with access to burning and confusion is not OP…
Ok seems legit..People need to learn to adapt..
It’s not the fact that necro’s got burning..People were too used to not having to run condition removal..
Just like every class that gets a buff you are going to see more of them until people start learning how to fight them effectively..
It will take a few weeks until someone has a video up to help the people that want to whine..but please be patient..
Until then..not quite that. first off engi does not have access to a cc that can hit for 1k per tick.
you have to think about timing in this case. burning is not a bad idea its more the fact that it is automatically added to a skill rotation. your not expending time or space to add a utility or use a specific weapon, its added to whatever your using….which would normally be okay…..except for the necro being able to stun a with fear that not only interrupts but also adds another rather strong tick of damage.when you apply different damaging conditions your accelerating your damage because they each tick per second. So when you have copious bleeding ,which is very easy for the necro, along with poison, burning and fear. you have a very fast ramp in damage of which every second of fear is garrantying that your conditions take a chunk out of his life. That is not taking torment into account! which is like having a separate stack of bleeding, couple this with the damage we do with our skills and the fact that we aren’t sitting around when the opponent is feared, we are wiping the floor with his/her sorry kitten .
Dhuumfire does bring us something we needed, the ability to quickly reapply conditions that way condi clears don’t wreck us so hard as it did preepatch.
i don’t think its op, just think it needs to be tuned down a bit, but yes people should learn to adapt. I think that loosely translates to learn to play as many a thief would say.
Except that the engineer can also get burning on any weapon at any time also..
Minus fear we also get an evade, block, and healing field.
Where the necro has a good initial fear burst, a well timed stability and condition cleanse renders that entire combo moot…then its a who has more cc removal game (hint hint its not the necro)
This fear does damage trait has been THE SAME since launch.. what all of a sudden changed with this trait that makes it a problem?
Wait so let me get this straight..
A necro who gets access to burning and terror becomes OP…
and engineer with access to burning and confusion is not OP…
Ok seems legit..
People need to learn to adapt..
It’s not the fact that necro’s got burning..People were too used to not having to run condition removal..
Just like every class that gets a buff you are going to see more of them until people start learning how to fight them effectively..
It will take a few weeks until someone has a video up to help the people that want to whine..but please be patient..
Until then..
May I suggest that those that cant seem to wrap their head around condition removal re-roll to either
A. Guardian
B. Elementalist
pls Ante don’t delete this my another post.. I just wanted to ask how you can pass water gate of overlock while the gate is closed and destroy all seige . IRON you got kitten inside even this …hahah
First of all im not an offical IRON spokesmen im just 1 of the players who “glitched” through the gate. I did it 3 times in about 2 min.
How? I really dont know it, we were manmoding/facerubbing (no siege, brute power)
the gate and 1 after another got through it.All the IRON ran up the stairs and jumped down. Before you say glitch through the gate en THEN kill the siege. Its bullkitten and big fat lie.
Please think before you name guilds on a public forum.
Then everyone starts manmoding gates..
watch it happen…
and the justification will be
" Well ( guild name here) did it so we did it in response to ( guild name here)’s exploiting"
Hi guys, would like to check with fellow guards if your HP has just increased by more or less 1k. i think mine increased. I hope it’s not a bug or something. Thanks in advance for clarifying.
Check your WvW bonuses..
usually a minor increase like that is given because your shard is putting in some type of effort..
No need to get negative. Even though you are getting utterly destroyed when the previous week you thought you may have stood a chance against a tier 1 server.
One player, once upon a time, mentioned that “no one really knows if there’s a gap between T2 and T1” because it’d been static for so long.
You have decided that because of that one remark, ALL T2 SERVERS, especially TC, seem to think we could beat T1 servers.
That is not the case, and never has been….yet you have made it your personal troll campaign and odd obsession for the past couple months. No one from TC went into this week expecting to do amazingly well against SoR. SoR, for all intents and purposes is a “T0” server, not a T1 server, anyway.
If TC was going to be even partially comparable to a T1 server, it would be JQ, and even then that wouldn’t be a win…it would just be a more fair fight than this week has been.
Compounding this week was our obvious 50% attendance yesterday because of this stupid dragon event. These stupid ANet events annoy the hades out of me.
Aurust – Please drop this silly campaign. No one in TC feels the way you somehow got it in your head that we do. Seriously…no one thought we’d stand a chance against SoR. Like…no one.
I don’t know how many other ways I/we can say this to you.
In before they blame it on Dragon event….o wait!
Troll all you want, but sunday and monday nights we queued 3-4 maps and ticked for +350 both times. Last night we barely had half population on all maps. You can discount that as a fact all you want, but the fact remains that this happens on TC every single event-launch day. No one is “blaming” anything. It’s just a statement of fact.
AGAIN: no one thought we could beat SoR. No one said we might. No one even expected us to come close to a tie.
I suggest that you read next time before trolling. I don’t know what your obsession with T2 is, or what your superiority complex stems from, but I suggest you figure that out and maybe consider transferring…
“I look forward to the day when a former tier-2 server goes against one or more tier-1 servers. I imagine the gap isn’t as wide as you like to believe, especially considering the massive coverage gaps all your servers have (as made evident by the fact that there’s at least one time period every day where each T1 server is getting pooped on).
TC has been queuing 3-4 maps for at least some amount of time every night for over a week. As a genuinely curious question, can T1 servers compete with that NA/Late-NA/Oceanic coverage?
As a side note: No one believed that SoS actually belonged in T4."
Your old quote….. Looks like the gap is as wide as i imagined it after all huh?
Let me extract what I was referring to:
As a genuinely curious question, can T1 servers compete with that NA/Late-NA/Oceanic coverage?
And your response was “we have no coverage holes.”
That’s great. You have no coverage holes.
Monday night SoR was ticking at +220.
TC was ticking at +355.
Given that I was not talking about coverage gaps, I’d say my suspicions were rather confirmed, were they not? Even last night, with our severely reduced attendance, we passed SoR in PPT a couple times.
As far as condescendingly patronizing people….I doubt you have the ability to “finish.”
Why do you feed this troll…not everyone on SoR wants to start flaming against an opponent we already know doesnt have near the numbers we do.
Not everyone wants to/ or is trying to be a troll and a lot of the advice on these forums we have been giving has been actually genuine.
Every server has a forum troll, its best to ignore them and not multiple them to the 100th power and call them the server.
That BG megazerg on JQ BL.. holy crap..
Almost as big as a normal SOR zerg. Not quite there, but we are trying.
I would tell you to fix that hole you have first…but..
Aint nobody got time fo dat
Am having trouble understanding why JQ decided to let BG roll them in what could likely be the final meeting of this T1 line up.
Not sure if serious.
I knew something was wrong when a little cute JQ ran into a BG’s arms..
This whole which servers got the most wvwvw oriented guild got me thinking
Adding numbers to this (# avg it fields-# on reset) correct me if I’m wrongBG (Stole this list from Jahn)
NA (12): KnT (30-?), ICOA (?-?), BT (30-?), RISE (?-?), GOF (?-?), ATAC (?-?), PRO (?-?), RIOT (?-?), RUIN (?-?), WORK (?-?), RESO (?-?), OnS (?-?)
OC (6): MERC (?-?), LOTD (?-?), MEOW (?-?), NOC (?-?), URGE (?-?), XF (?-?)
SEA (6): THAI (?-?), ND (?-?), ND (?-?), WM (?-?), JL (?-?), NBB (?-?)
EURO (2): HB (?-?), RK (15-?)SoR
NA (10): TW (30-30), FEAR (30-30), Tsym (40-60), Choo (35-40), LUN (40-60), Hel (15-20), PLUM (5-5), BMS (5-10), CAPS (5-5), VNG (5-10)
OC (2): OCX (?-?), HIRE (?-?)
SEA: NYS (30-?), SAHP (?-?), AFS (20-?)
EURO (1): IRON (30-?)
Pvx (4): GSCH (?-?), CDS (10-?), HL (20-40), UL (?-?)JQ
NA (12): WARD (?-?), SG (?-?), NORD (?-?), DA (?-?), COF (?-?), AoS (?-?), EMP (?-?), HzH (30-35), Myth (?-?), SF (30-40), EM (?-?), vH (?-?)
OC (1): TKG (?-?)
SEA (6): GE (?-?), ATM (?-?), DC (?-?), EDMW (?-?), FOO (?-?), VAL (?-?)
EURO (0): -
Misc (2): FIRE (?-?), YAKI (?-?)
funny thing…
You will never ever get an accurate list of who has who, who has gotten who, and who still plays unless ..and here’s the key word here.. HONEST people from the server(s) in question post a list of who is on the server..
Its silly trying to make an issue of it when not everyone is fully willing to be honest about who they absorbed/payed into their WvW community.
Just sayin…
HI remember us? We are SBI, we are SOR, we are SOS. We’ve all been there.. What defines you is how you react. Do you fight till there’s no hope left or give up immediately?
You and your guild quit and bandwagoned to the top server in the same tier when kitten got rough, just saying. That something to be very proud off. It defined you all you right. Just Lol. At least SF moved to a different tier and were actually instrumental in trying to keep SBI afloat.
……….You’re Joking right…
When the mass exodus of SBI happened.. SoR was in T2..
When SoR got in T1..Every week they came out and fought..
There wasnt one week where we were losing that ANY commander in TS said..
“owell guys we are losing again lets just do something else”.
So Sorry, her guild didn’t just “bandwagon” to a winning server OR in the same tier SBI fell from like SF did..
Do you know what servers where in what tier?…you may want to brush up on that next time you want to call out an entire group of people..
On that note…I wouldn’t call switching servers for the benefit of your members and friends bandwagoning.
Also..who has the popcorn >:O..You better not have left it with that pot guy .
To be fair, we had some great fights in Bay, we actually hopped to EB cause we changed commanders and thought we might have some fun on EB. If you ever see us on a map / disappear from a map and want to fight just give us a whisper
No worry’s that is what i thought. Every one moves like they wan’t to i don’t mind.
It was fine for us we where only there for another 30mins after all RK can only be active for 3-4 hours a night because we are still a small guild. Very active, but no numbers to stay active for long.Now i will ignore offski for now because every guild have blowhards with little sens who can’t see the bigger picture of a fight.
The two best fights was the fight in between bay and garri when we where staring one another down for a bit to see who did what. I was trying to get you to charge us, but in the end our vale faint worked.
The other fight is when we went inside BAY with your forces on the Bridge and took the top of the walls. You sent +10 around back to flank.
My plan was to let your 10 get closer, charge them in a faint and then come plug op the stairs and it worked, but you where to many. At least we manged to down a ton of yours so it was all good.
Umm…Maybe you should go outside because…
Do not despair BG, I hope this was a clever ruse to save up energy and gold for this week; when your place at the end of the week is going to matter.
SoR has gained coverage, and it might be asking too much for you to take the Gold (and to be honest, I’m rooting for SoR). However, taking out a JQ that has taken a month straight on the chin…I don’t think that’s asking for too much.
Just lean-in, and push them to T2 so they can have a proper round of the blame game and send their fairweathers off to other servers. Let them be purified in the fires of shame and if they can then retake the silver or even maybe the gold someday; then I’ll acknowledge that they are truly the best NA server ever and not just the beneficiary of luck and timing.
You seem upset 0_o?..
I just received word that EMP left JQ to DB is that so when SoR knocks BG out of T1 JQ will have ties with DB via EMP so they can take out the behemoth SoR. They decided to goto DB once they heard words of talk between SoR and the IRON BEHEMOTH from EU and that this is the only way to stop the BEHEMOTH SoR brought to the NA. I’m very excited and cannot wait for DB to take BG spot because we need to take the behemoth out and teach him his place and that NA is no place for a EU BEHEMOTH. Its great timing as well because the living story should be over and done with so our numbers will be fierce and mighty SoR will be nothing but an insect compared to us with this great timing.
I don’t even know where to start.
…………….Lets start with the behemoth……….
Good Fights ladies. Let’s line up and punch face again. Pot, meet you behind the camp with the briefcase of gold again at 7?
Bring your assets please.
You know….out of context <_<…There is something really dirty about this >_>…
just sayin….
you DO know I’m sending you Solo! <3
But really Pot, I love you.. stop fighting with us. It breaks my heart.
. . . . .
woman did you just sign me up as an asset?! -_-
Good Fights ladies. Let’s line up and punch face again. Pot, meet you behind the camp with the briefcase of gold again at 7?
Bring your assets please.
You know….out of context <_<…
There is something really dirty about this >_>…
just sayin….
Score update lul
Notice the locale of said score update.
Gave me a chuckleYup HoTM. The fastest place to load in and out of the game or wvw.
You know I really want to see the day when Pot and Kettle post in the same thread
Play to win, win or lose. Whether it’s “just a game” or real life, if this isn’t your attitude, start shopping now for a comfortable rocking chair and a house with a big front porch to watch sunsets from.
[uncensored clip]
thats sor right there xD
Indo needs to recreate this for our reset meeting.
We need to start “lending” indo out to other servers to do inspirational speeches.
300g per speech of epic proportions, paid directly to the First United Bank of SoR.
Speeches will be kept at a maximum of 14 minutes. :Pminimum of 14 minutes* xD
no..maximum…if indo wants to do a 30 second speech he can :P
as long as i get …i mean…we get paid… <_<
Play to win, win or lose. Whether it’s “just a game” or real life, if this isn’t your attitude, start shopping now for a comfortable rocking chair and a house with a big front porch to watch sunsets from.
[uncensored clip]
thats sor right there xD
Indo needs to recreate this for our reset meeting.
We need to start “lending” indo out to other servers to do inspirational speeches.
300g per speech of epic proportions, paid directly to the First United Bank of SoR.
Speeches will be kept at a maximum of 14 minutes. :P
O O…dude I have the solution to this. I found out a few days ago when I fought this thief in WvW..
The first thing you do is use y…….
~This user was backstabbed repeatedly and died~
Huh, it appears they fixed the crash issue in wvwvw
Your welcome :P
Gratz to BG for picking up BT and VK. Looking forward to seeing you guys in the battlefield.
Recent post by BT spokesman seemed to imply all their members completed the transfer and will be ready for reset later.
Fun! Fun!
Start your engines boys and girls…This is going to be one kitten of a night
(edited by Solori.6025)
Okay Leto, Hoots, TW and some others. How about we lay off the antagonistic Blackhole comments? I know there is a history/rivalry here but it’s pretty uncool to those who are out there every night, as well as those who have chosen to make BG their home but may be struggling with attendance.
Regarding transfers to JQ, I personally think they may be at a bit of a disadvantage due to human nature. People tend to like to see the “big dog” fall, and the “underdog” rise and become the new “big dog”. The fact is, of the current T1 servers, even with their recent slump, JQ still has 12 more T1 wins and 15 more medals than the next closest server. Until there is a bit more balance in the overall win count, this may be a continued drag in their efforts to recruit WvW guilds (assuming my thoughts on the matter are even remotely valid).
but ..blackholes make pretty slurping sounds
The SoR spin-doctors say that SoR coming in 3rd place at 100K+ out of 1st, and 50K+ out of 2nd was showing up and putting up the good fight, but BG coming in 3rd is not showing up or fighting.
Using SoR spin tactics:
In the recent race to finish in 1st place, SoR was the last to do so.
What took them so long? How can they cope at being last?
See how easy it is to put a riduculous spin on any situation?
Funny thing though.
Even in T2, when SoR had no chance of winning because they lacked the EU, SEA coverage their NA crew came out, everyday, to fight. Knowing they would lose it all and have to start over.
I was their for that. I’m also sure people on BG remember this quite well..
When SoR made it to T1 and had to fight a stacked JQ, SoR still showed up, they still fought, they still tried.
This week, I havent seen the tenacity that BG had when they first got in to T1.
I haven’t seen the push I know BG is capable of when they are actually trying. I remember quite well how much damage Icoa can do. I know how damaging MERC can be in havoc squads( basically being 4 places at once).
I miss that..
Im not trying to chest thump or come off as standoffish. But I honestly want BG to come back out and TRY.
Dont worry about PPT, dont worry about placement. Fight to fight, that’s all anyone could ever want.
JQ has done it every single time, and have the track record of being in T1 to prove it.
BG didn’t make it here by sitting around and giving up. As a server, as a community, you shouldn’t start.
We want Beastgate back.
More things and stuff and things and other stuff and stupid crap nobody is really reading when they quote it and make detailed responses.
I don’t know why you think sammiches should always be bumblebee tuna. You’re out of your mind, dude. When I ask for a sammich, I want PB&J and if you can’t handle that then you might want to reconsider our LOVE friendship.
In fact, a detailed response is required here. Ultimately, if you think about it, peanut butter and jelly is better than tuna sammiches every single day of the week. Personally I prefer butter on my PB&J’s for more cholesterol, but that’s just me. Also, chips (crisps for the cueq’s out there) go great with that meal.
At the end of the day I’m sick of it shinigami. I’m sick of the detailed responses I have to write about sammiches because of you. GET A GRIP MAN.
Peanut Butter and Miracle Whip.
I vomited from this… owe me a new keyboard -_-……and some skittles…..
Ranger doesn’t have protection
……………….Well…Actually…rangers do have protection..
It’s part of the culture to not show bones or skeletons, hence the look.
-goes back to eating popcorn-
Yay! There is plenty to go around. Refill anyone?
yay popcorn..:D
You know…T1 threads should be turned into web would be like a dramatic operatic comedy :P