Useless or unworthy GM traits:
Thats why you should pop into ds the second after they begin their burst.
As a necro its a given that 3-5 condis will be on your target at all times. While not optimal its certainly not bad.
I dont use shrouded removal. 1 condi every 7sec doesnt sound bad for an active tho. Thats after our other transfers/ heal.
Work more.
you should try power necro.
Its literally a couple posts above this one.
I would never use vital striking or scholar runes because I am up against guild groups that use retal. Thanks for all the info though.
Balance condi warriors too.
Spiteful retal, shrouded removal, target the weak are all fine as they are. There are plenty of others that are pretty rubbish.
Pvp takes out the g in gw.
If you are on a North American timezone then I’m pretty sure Tarnished Coast is the official role playing server, but you should get confirmation on that.
There is an untransmuter thingie on the TP but nothing like making an item unsoulbound.
If wvw servers were separate from each world server then we might see some things in the wvw department improved upon/ drastically changed.
Ele is harder cuz you have to mash a few more buttons.
Check youtube vids and experiment in pvp.
No one is forcing you to stack.
I’m sure there are guilds out there that do dungeons without abusing dumb AI.
I just think that revealed needs to be longer.
Any gaming company wants esports because more recognition = more revenue.
Spectating someone in first person is way better then the current top down view. Even a third person option would be better.
Only having conquest mode is also a huge detriment.
Hahahahahaha woooow an hour long.
I’m not going to even try to swim through that.
I know that retal scaling with damage done would be ideal, but until anet does this (which isnt likely to happen) there are simple alternatives to avoid dieing to retal. Like common sense.
No one in my guild has trouble with retal. Our eles crit 5-10k meteor hits so the damage they receive from retal is worth it and deserved.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
Its a basic tool that should be effective.
Search now applies to titles instead of random words in a post.
Search has filter for most recent, most views/posts, most upvotes.
Search can accept some keywords to narrow it down.
Please update this.
If the staff were to get more obvious skill animations, then I want this
to apply to the staff and the base power damage of Mark of Blood to be tripled.
I agree that the new heal skill will never see any use.
Warriors get another invuln.
Mesmers get an awesome passive.
I dont see whats wrong with halving the current passive and doubling the current active.
The passive would still be double the power of Virtue of Resolve, and the active would be 3 times that. Not counting adrenal health or banner regen, which is a ridiculous combo on a condi bunker.
There dont need to be any active modifiers. Make it instant cast.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
Useless or unworthy GM traits:
There are plenty of skills that dont have obvious animations.
I think the damage is fine but it could use a cleave on #1 and #2.
Very interesting KinkyPotato.
The biggest worry about improving this stat is passive play combos (condis and regen).
So i should avoid to use my only long range weapon – grenades – and my close range ones – flamethrower and bombs – because their autoattack can indirectly kill me. Wow logic yay, indeed.
If you are dieing to retal, dont spam on the train. Instead, throw nades at their backline. Pin their squishies down with chill. Make sure your necros and mesmers know when and where to use boon strips.
Any form of aoe spam is naturally powerful in wvw and retal is the way to discourage abuse.
I see your point.
I would rather the players have the tools then not though know what I mean.
Currently pugs dont stand a chance at all whatsoever unless there are 80 of them. I love crushing them, but in less then hardcore wvw servers it makes them leave. No fights.
I think more cross-class coordination would benefit everyone and encourage smarter and more evolved play.
If the radius was increased then you would not need a guardian in your team for stability. It would promote different team compositions and thus possibilities. Would this make the guardian irrelevant? I dont think so. They still have excellent access to protection and condi removal, best in the game in fact. That alone makes em invaluable.
Torment sure.
Confusion on interrupt maybe.
What if dhuumfire was thrown on wells? 1 sec of burn per pulse, cd starts when well ends. Cd increased to 20 sec. No more auto attack qq, its your own fault for standing in the well. Yes it should proc on 5 inside the well. Why? Its rare to get 3 tics on someone, even in wvw.
I really hate the layout of that site.
Wurm looks cool.
Deathly invig proposed changes are way too op.
Reroll warrior.
Why the hell would you want a new race over a new class? Race has nothing to do with evolving gameplay and is purely cosmetic.
then i think any other class should have their immunity/invul/regen/protection/stability etc. reduced for each swing they do; also the more swings they do w/o landing the hit the less dmg they should do over time just to be fair
did this make sense to anyone?
At least tone down the heal sig + adrenal health + banner regen combo. Going against a condi bunker warrior with those 3 makes me want to uninstall.
What drew me to this game was the expectation that support would be made up for in another way. Its not.
While the absence of the trinity makes for interesting gameplay, the lack of roles to fill is a monumental detriment to the growth of this game.
Play the pvp meta and discover what you want to play for yourself.
If you choose necro for wvw, buff deathshroud (power build) because thats where most of your damage will come from.
Would simply prefer more #1-#5 skills for weapons.
At least 2 choices of auto attack per weapon and 2 choices for every other skill, with the ability to swap the order of skills on the bar.
What this person said as well as a more dynamic trait system.
Give us your top reason. Mine is:
1. pvp is the biggest borefest in the world to watch
Wow what a bore.
Thieves are very hard to play.
I still dont agree with your after cast and skill delay combo. Dont worry about it.
The guardian block bot sounds annoying, but they wouldnt be doing any damage while using all of those defensive skills so I dont see what the problem is.
Your defiant stacking stability might work but Anet doesnt have the balls to test it out.
The thing I hate most is a kittening condi warrior with banner regen. Its a kitten disgrace.
The hell is an ele condi burst?
Yeah it sucks. The worst is a condi s/s longbow warrior with banner regen + heal sig + adrenal health. 3k armor and what around 22k hp I’m guessing. Such a bullkitten build. At least I have a chance against a condimancer.
Strong regen with a lot of condition pressure shouldnt be possible. Its the absolute worst thing to go up against. I hate it.
Whats it at? 5.5 silver per now? I’ve never seen any T4 material go this high. Last I checked it was somewhere around there. Pretty much every scrap is costly compared to leather or ore. I feel bad for all the light armor peoples scrambling around fighting over scraps for their ascended armor. I had enough trouble crafting 3 pieces of heavy.
Just wondering if there will be an increase to drops or something. Most likely not, I am aware that they dont want to meddle in the market. Makes sense. Hopefully the price of some basic materials will not get too out of hand, if they do, then hopefully something will be done.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
Hate: Siege and PPT
Love: GvG style combat