To hell with stealth that isnt the topic of discussion here.
The problem is that a necro mechanic was reworked for the sake of pvp whilst completely ignoring pve.
Someone started a post about nerfing skills for the sake of pvp which I encourage people to post in.
+1 necros need this. Our life force should be over (30%?) in order to take a full boss hit or it would be too easy.
Warriors also have very limited sources of regeneration and protection, which ALSO balances their high health pool, defense, and heal signet.
People just laser focus on healing signet without considering the whole package.
Mesmer and Ele two strongest counters? Are you kidding me?
The two strongest counters to Warrior are Necro and Ranger. Both of which body warriors pretty hard.
You were saying?
Think inspiring battle standard is garbage? In places like pvp, people do use it, and warriors along with their natural high armor and defensive skills have great condition damage. Its one of the worst things to go up against.
Note that zero Necros use signet of vampirism because it’s absolutely terrible.
Which is where I want HS to be. Supposedly necro is meant to be the life stealing sustain class, but the whole concept is garbage.
Less passive play more active play.Which is exactly why your input is worthless. You are posting out of a desire to destroy a playstyle with which you do not agree. The subject is balance, not forcing everyone to play your way.
Oh so making HS on par with another heal means I want to destroy a playstyle, ok. No argument here, but, what playstyle are we talking about? The one that takes no active participation to excell at?
I definitely want to force more warriors into using passive active regen as a means for victory.
Even if HS was reworked to be half current passive double current active, thats still 200 per sec + regen + adrenal health which would be around 600? Do you think more passive regen is necessary? Should warriors be tic’ing for upwards of 800 per sec on an average wvw setup? I dont.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
That moment you see an enemy warrior using a longbow in a zerg.
Fact: Skill lag in wvw makes one want to play pvp.
Fact: I am now banned for life for revealing anets ncsofts sinister plans.
Despite what people say, Rangers actually do more damage than at least a couple of other classes people speak highly of (Warriors and Necros), but their problem is, they don’t build their ranger properly.
In normal wvw settings ranger does not out damage necro.
I wouldnt know about dungeon stacking but thats what your statement sounds like its referring to.
I suggest watching youtube videos on the classes you are interested. Heck, watch vids on all the classes for all aspects of the mgame, that way you can compare and discover things that you might have overlooked.
Playing pvp is also a fun and easy way to find out what playstyle you like. You can get a bunch of free gear for testing, and you dont even have to go into a match if youre not into that. There are test golems in the Heart of the Mists that you can wail on and they wont hit back. :)
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
Well thats what my guildies and I run on all our guardians.
We take on ~60 every night with our ~25. Must be doing something right.
Not saying there arent other ways of playing guardian, just what I think is more efficient.
Its good for learning your role in wvw, but its a crutch that needs to be outgrown.
Sorry I’ll refrain from stating false and redundant opinions from now on.
im going off of what the OP said. i dont know why youre getting up in my face. maybe youre bored?
meant for wvw zerg bustin but i dont feel like ading in all the details
yeah ah is awesome for learning the class like i said. youre in a pug group it doesnt matter what you play as long as you have fun. but when you want to get serious there are some criteria that must be followed in order to be effective.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
All developers ignore posts with this.
Proof: Condis still suck in pve.
Note that zero Necros use signet of vampirism because it’s absolutely terrible.
Which is where I want HS to be. Supposedly necro is meant to be the life stealing sustain class, but the whole concept is garbage.
Less passive play more active play.
Finally a sub forum where I can relieve myself in public and not feel ashamed.
Its a crutch because its selfish and doesnt benefit your team.
All of that AH survivability isnt needed when you can find and follow a good driver.
up from 25%, been the biggest godsend for me.
In wvw we are kickin kitten . Im landing 2-6k ds1 crits all day.
I have no doubt ds1 will be nerfed soon. Im feeling sad already.
This is what I run for wvw zergbustin:
If your build is meant for wvw, it wont work because:
Toughness, vitality, and healing power are too low
Power, precision, and crit damage are useless for a guardians main role
Need more condi cleanse
Celestial stats work on d/d ele but I think thats about it.
Its a nice concept but it just doesnt fulfill the requirements of a frontliner.
Its good for learning your role in wvw, but its a crutch that needs to be outgrown.
Im not talking about conditions or boons.
Please re-read the post.
It was a joke, obviously….
I would use corrosive poison cloud against melee and sigil of doom against ranged. You could also use corrupt boon and transfer that self poison.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
This is what I run in PvP. Maybe it will give you some ideas. I would recommend using a soldiers amulet with zerker jewel at first to get used to the pace of PvP.
Shroud Dancer
Things to consider switching out on the move:
Offhand dagger for focus against boons
Dark armor for shrouded removal against condis
Vital persistence + deathly perception + reapers might against bunkers
Corrupt boon + spectral grasp + corrosive poison cloud + plague sig
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
why is this thread still active. its not “constructive” or “positive” enough for my tastes.
meh, could work. if the change was implemented im sure that the active would be increased.
The OP suggestion doesnt make sense, same with some posters here.
Make revealed state longer and call it a day. Force thieves to adjust to the higher skill floor.
What the hell.
Conditions dont work because they are DAMAGE OVER TIME.
What is so hard to comprehend about that?
Passive applies only while taking direct damage.
Anyone?That’d be difficult to implement since damage, technically speaking, doesn’t have a duration- it just hits by stair-step amounts. As a result it’s difficult to use the word “while” in this regard.
acts in a somewhat similar fashion.
Just because you want dungeons to be played a certain way doesnt mean others want that.
Join a RP guild.
Ending zerker meta:
Join a role-playing guild.
I feel like our relationship is one sided.
as a power necro im in no position to complain
warrior in zerg: 1111134 F1 1111131111 F1
necro in zerg: 234521111121111102222222
nec moar hards
Oh noes my ppt is more important then enjoyment.
Necro’s can’t be beaten… can’t kill something that’s already dead.
this is the necro mantra people. Say it in your sleep. Say it before you log on/off. Say it in the shower.
It will bring you peace.
new weapon concept
Nerf Bat
1. Werk dat VAMP. Self Hit. Hit yourself and steal life from (actually damage) yourself.
2. Life so GOOD. Steal life from any other necro on your team. Damage 3000 Siphon (actually does damage) over 9000!
3. Best JH NA. Create a jagged horror that explodes instantly, destroying your monitor.
4. YUNEEDis? Lock your keyboard for 4 hours.
5. Well of Poop. Create a well of poop. Only necros can enter well of poop. Any necro inside well of poop is properly flushed.
Passive applies only while taking direct damage.
Thats ridiculous.
Whatever you do dont invest in boon duration armor/ weapons. The stat bonus you give up is horrendous. If you want to stack boons here is the equation:
30% trait + 45% rune+ 20% food = 95% duration.
You could use a doubloon in one of your accessories if you are that picky, but 1/4 sec isnt that big of adeal.
Bringing sword/focus for blinds in large scale wvw is crazy talk.
Pretty sure whirl + light is only 1 condi.
Every post about buffing healing power needs to consider its passive combination with condition damage, which is ruining the game.
s/s longbow condi bunker warrior with hs, adrenal health, and banner regen
that needs a look at imo
There is a reason warriors have not and will not get protection. Stop suggesting it because it wont happen. Throwing boons on the HS active isnt a balance either.
Halve the passive double the active.
Suggestions should be posted in a sub category.
Most of the suggestions in the now disabled suggestion forum werent constructive.
They are an all in one class that cant spec into anything useful in a zerg. (besides immob, but thief does it just as good plus has aoe damage and a great blast finisher)
So its one of those small things. When I have 15 buffs I cant check the timers on my food or sigil stacks because my minimap covers them. It would be very appreciated to condense these buffs into some sort of pop up notification thingy:
Guild Fortified buffs
Banner buffs
Please, thank you, cherry on top.
Thief is easy because you can spam stealth/blind/cc with 50% uptime to vigor/swift/fury plus shadowsteps.
Dont stand in it.