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3 Years for 1 Expansion.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Which is why after 3 months the HoT trailer still hasn´t broken 500k views.
As a comparison, the EvE Valkyrie Trailer is now at 800k.

What does that mean, exactly? What kind of ridiculous and arbitrary way to judge a games success than who views a trailer on one site. Which site are you specifically looking at.

The site is called Youtube and has a global counter of views.
Which directly transfers into a precise metric for people who actually care about the game.

An obscure trailer to a barely known (outside their core niche players) game easily beats it in a third of the time.

As usual the rest of your word wall is immaterial to the discussion.

LMAO!!! You can bold all the words you want to in the statement of your opinion….it still is your opinion, and nothing else.

Comparing EvE to any other mmorpg out there is just downright silly. I have played it quite a bit, and while EvE is a mmorpg, that is about all the similarity that exists between EvE and other mmorpgs. It is not surprising that an EvE trailer video commands so many views, as their trailers are very sci-fi space oriented, with really cool graphics and such.

But using a comparison of view numbers on an EvE trailer vs. a GW2 trailer, and then claiming that it is some sort of “precise metric” that can be used to measure customer participation/interest is illogical at best and completely laughable at worst. Vayne is very correct, in that it is a ridiculous and completely arbitrary way of judging a game’s popularity/interest level. Vayne’s comment, imo, is certainly much more material to this discussion than your extremely odd ‘youtube theory’.

Your entire assumption sounds more like it is based on your own wishful thinking, and nothing else.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Will these computer builds run max?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Teon.5168


I think I’m not going to build it myself. Reason being I don’t have tons of time to fiddle around with it. I’d like to do it, but unless I know I can do it in a few weeks with zero issues, I’m just going to order a computer.

Now the question is then, R9 280/285 with a regular i5, or a Nvidia 960 with a superclocked i5?

I would go with the R9 vid card.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Will these computer builds run max?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Teon.5168


This ends up making it cheaper, maybe by $100, $150-$175 after shipping. Though I would prefer the NZXT Guardian 921 RB ATX if it will work with the components.

I also have to make sure that all these components will work in the case (especially if I get the NZXT Guardian) and with the motherboard. Unless pcpartpicker is that good that I don’t have to double check. I’m going to keep playing around with it for a few days.

That case should be fine. It’s an ATX case for an ATX motherboard, so there shouldn’t be any problems. In any case, that build works great as well. I think it’s worth noting that that build has a better CPU+mobo then the prebuilt one, so the price gap won’t be quite as big as it could’ve been, but it’s a great build overall.

Yeah, I added the K version of the 4690. I might remove it as I think its only worth the extra price if I’m going to overclock it.

Keep in mind that you might need to remove some of the drive cages on that case to fit that video card.(I looked at the dimensions on the case and on the card) Certainly not a big issue, unless you start mounting more than a couple hard drives. The mid cases are fine, but sometimes you need to be aware of the video card length/size with them.

Okay, yeah, I’ll make sure it will positively work before I order it.

…If I build it myself. I’m still juggling the idea. Part of me says it’s too risky. The most I’ve put electronic parts together (the part of this I’m most scared of) was a new keyboard for a laptop, and removing and replacing keys on Mac keyboards. I’m not sure that and research is enough. We’ll see.

If you’re too worried about putting it together yourself, you could always order the parts and then check with a reputable local computer shop to see how much they would charge you to put it together.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Will these computer builds run max?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Teon.5168


Keep in mind that you might need to remove some of the drive cages on that case to fit that video card.(I looked at the dimensions on the case and on the card) Certainly not a big issue, unless you start mounting more than a couple hard drives. The mid cases are fine, but sometimes you need to be aware of the video card length/size with them.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Transferring to a Full Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


FA is good…..I transferred to it awhile back for a month or so before returning to Kaineng. But you’ll have queues there, too. But on weekdays they aren’t bad. After reset on Fridays, forget it, unless you’re into waiting for an hour or so.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Will these computer builds run max?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Teon.5168


An R9 285 is better for the same price, though. Even an R9 280 would be better.

I’m definitely setting my sights on one of those.

I guess AMD doesn’t fall down on the job for GPUs like they do with CPUs?

That’s because AMD bought out ATI, and ATI has been a very good vid card maker for years. The R9 280 and 285 are wonderful video cards, and great bang for the buck.

And AMD cpus aren’t bad, it is just that their single core performance isn’t as good as intel. Older AMD cpus still do very good with the game….I have an older AMD 940 BE oc’ed to 3400 with an ATI 7850 vid card, and it runs the game quite nicely for my needs.

If GW2 used the multi cores of the newer AMD cpus, then that cpu would work just fine for the game. As it is, the I5 and above from intel runs it better. And I would go with the I5, as others here have mentioned, the increase in price for the I7 just doesn’t justify the slight increase in speed over the I5.

Best of luck on your new build, and I would wait on the ssd…it will reduce your cost, and it is not needed to run the game fast. You can always add an ssd later on.(when prices drop even more for larger capacity ssds)

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

3 Years for 1 Expansion.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


All players die at age 52? Dear God, I must be a zombie!

I haven’t waited 3 years for an expansion; as far as I know, the game wasn’t even released that long ago. Besides, I was perfectly happy with LSS1. S2 was below par; I do hope HoT fares better.

LOL…..I remember decades ago when I was 16, and how I considered people who were 40 or older absolutely ancient. Just gives one additional perspective on the mindset of the OP.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

excessive use of chat? or excessive filter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


its like an entire thread of consensus here they should recongize how in aggreement the community is and do something

At this point in the thread, a whole 7 people have agreed with you, and you jump to the assumption that there is some sort of consensus, as if those 7 people represent the entire community, and Anet should do something about it because of those 7 people agreeing with you.

Wow, that is some major, over the top optimism.

Fwiw, I have never had a problem with what you’re talking about, and I have been playing since 2 months after release. (and I talk a lot in game)

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Charr need a rework !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I like the charr…..a lot.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Unacceptable Performance GW2 needs optimized!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Teon.5168


I used to like AMD years ago, but at some point, their products started to go downhill, and I stuck with Intel.

Same here. After my 940 gives up the ghost, I will probably switch to intel. Unless I can find another lightly used 940 BE(doubtful, as they’re getting harder to find).

Although, I do still like the ATI/AMD gpu video cards.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Unacceptable Performance GW2 needs optimized!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Teon.5168


Phenom II x4 965 BE @3.4 Ghz
GTX 650 Ti
8GB ram (1600)

35fps in crowded area with worse processor.
Try unlocking cores, set power management to full performance. Instal AMD thing for windows 7 (dunno its name).

Well I would argue that on a core performance basis that they are nearly the same.

This exactly. An FX-8350 actually has worse single core performance then a Phenom II X6 1100T, even though it’s 2 generations newer. It’s sort of sad, really.

Just read this…..that explains it……geez, that is sad. Glad I hung onto my older AMD cpu, as it works a heck of a lot better in this sort of game… it rocks just fine in the other games the OP listed.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

No update today???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I heard that there was no update, yet, today, because HoT was being released later this evening.


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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Unacceptable Performance GW2 needs optimized!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Teon.5168


Yeesh, my laptop with a much lesser amd cpu and graphics card gets better fps on higher settings than the Op’s. And my desktop is years older with a lesser amd cpu and similar graphics card…..and it runs the game much better than the Op’s computer.

Either something is really messed up, or the OP was running a couple of his single player games at the same time?

It helps a little more if you give specifics…

I have a desktop system almost identical to Ragnarox’s…..but with a comparable ATI card…… laptop specs are much lower(it is just a cheap work laptop with nothing special in it….low end ati gpu and a much slower amd cpu….nothing to write home about)

If the OP is truly getting that kind of fps with those graphical settings in that area that the pic was taken and with that supposed hardware……then something is majorly borked with his/her machine.

Either that or that FX-8350 really sucks. (Makes me glad I have stuck with my oc’ed amd II x4 940 BE for so long)

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Unacceptable Performance GW2 needs optimized!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Teon.5168


Yeesh, my laptop with a much lesser amd cpu and graphics card gets better fps on higher settings than the Op’s. And my desktop is years older with a lesser amd cpu and similar graphics card…..and it runs the game much better than the Op’s computer.

Either something is really messed up, or the OP was running a couple of his single player games at the same time?

And you won’t be missed if something like this causes you to rage quit, especially after all the helpful comments in this thread that you basically respond with “my comp is fine”………uh, well, obviously not……something has to be borked with that sort of pathetic performance with what you supposedly have for a cpu/gpu.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Ranger best class for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


Rangers have a pet that can rally from a distance.

My main is a ranger…..but I still got a huge chuckle out of this comment!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I got an ascended weapon chest in wvw a couple weeks back……while it is rare to happen…..that is the way I like it to happen, as there is no way I will craft an ascended weap….they’re only marginally better than an exotic and not worth the hassle, imo. Now, maybe, I might craft a legendary some day.

The ascended lb I got in the wvw drop has a cool look to it, and now I have the skin account wide……so that was worth it. But it certainly is just a tiny bit better than my exotic lb, and only in wvw.

And I completely agree with MrRuin’s post above.

Also, crafting in GW2 is light years easier than in any other older mmorpg I have played. Crafting in DaoC was like watching grass grow in slowmo…….ugggghhhh.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

I can't believe Tequatl can fly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


3. Isn’t really an issue since the game isn’t set on earth. The fact that most real-life terrestrial and amphibious vertebrates are tetrapods (have 4 limbs) is just one of those quirks of evolution, like the fact that most also have (or had at some point in their past) 5 digits at the end of those limbs.

The first vertebrates to move onto land (the ancestors of all modern amphibians, mammals, birds and reptiles) just happened to have 4 limbs, and so most of their descendants do too. (Except where they’ve lost them through evolution like snakes and cetaceans.)

They were equally likely to have 6 like most insects, or 8 or 10. (Because of earlier evolution most animals are also bilaterally symmetrical which makes odd numbers of limbs unlikely. Any more than 10 limbs tends to get impractical, particularly for vertebrates – the downsides of them getting in each others way and limiting movement outweighs the benefits of being able to use them, because there’s only so many things an animal can do at once anyway. 2 is also possible but it limits your options, which makes the type of diversity we see among modern tetrapods unlikely.)

Or there could have been multiple animals that made the shift onto land and we could today see 4 limbed mammals but 6 limbed reptiles, and both 4 and 6 limbed birds (although the two kinds of groups would actually be largely unrelated, a form of convergent evolution).

On Tyria it’s entirely possible some animals that look similar to earth tetrapods actually evolved to have 6 limbs.

As for 1 and 2 however, you’re probably right. It’s a common problem with most fantasy dragons. They’re usually too heavy and the wings are too small to actually lift them (particularly apparent in RPGs where dragon bone/scales are items you can acquire and items are given weight as both are often very heavy for their size).

4. On the other hand heads into the usual explanation. Tequatl is dead. And yet he’s moving around. Something else that is impossible to explain through science. How is this possible? Through magic. He most likely flies the same way – through magic.

Very interesting theory but I think that saying “it’s magic” is much more of a cop-out than an explanation…

There’s a reason it is called ‘fantasy’……plus, it is a video game, and anything is possible in video games.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Hmm, I tried searching before posting this, but the search function is a bit broken and scatters the text everywhere.

I’m reading a lot of the posts of the naysayers, and really, most of those issues of dev time, stupidity of how they look, and frivolous nature of the mounts could be dealt with.

Yes, there’s better things that can be added, isn’t there always? Mounts are by no means a priority, because they don’t solve a problem, if anything, they create more problems.

If done correctly, mounts have the potential to add depth and further variety to the game, and wouldn’t it be nice if GW2 steered clear of the #%^&ty mounts system that at least a dozen other MMO’s employ?

Seriously, it CAN be done right, they just need to be innovative.

Mounts are, or can be innovative?


But seriously, if your friends don’t want to play this game just because of mounts…..well, then…….they just don’t want to play the game or have even the slightest understanding of this game. Don’t waste your time with it here, or on your friends.

Now, where is my club? I need to beat on that dead beast some, too!!!!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Needs be restrictions in EotM.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I saw 1,000,008 players in eotm yesterday. Yes, it is true. So many people in the map that thousands of players were constantly falling off the edges to a horrid and bloody death!

Oh, the humanity!!!!!!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

GW2 , No vetran player wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168



There are 2 groups of players in this game, those who love the game and only play a few hours a day/week, and those who play a lot and are bored.

Correction, there is a third group of players, of which there are many…those that love the game and play a lot and are NOT bored. Though technically your play a lot and are bored group don’t really love the game, they just can’t find anything better, how is this so you might ask? Most that love the game wouldn’t be bored, people don’t usually get bored of something they love…that’s human nature and nothing can overcome it.

Agree completely. I too am one of those players not bored with the game. One can change up all sorts of different aspects to add new challenges and fun to the game. That is what I truly love about this game……so many different things to do and try.
But, of course, I am not a minmaxer, nor do I actively seek some sort of ambiguous ‘end-game’, nor am I a gear oriented player. I just have fun with it all, and use the game as a decompressor from the humdrum work day.

I really can’t see getting bored with this game for quite some time, yet.

Plus, I belong to a great guild of really good people(Raw Material on Kaineng, if anyone is interested)……and that helps tons with keeping the game interesting!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

GW2 , No vetran player wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


OP, it’s natural to find things are easier for you in these sorts of games after so long. Anet has put harder content up and, while some of it was taken away again, it has also become easier. It’s just the nature of things. Have a break and then check out the expansion when it comes (if you’re interested), that’s my advice.


I played it even more than 3 years to be accurate..bcs i played it in the first beta.

i wanted to write this..but i though people know the beta started 3 years ago …so i would look stupid^^

and yes i know i played every new area (everything from it) and i also know there is an expansion on the way….but that game is dead for 1,5 years for vetran player

Sorry but you are so wrong. There is a so much to do. If you find things too easy, try making things harder for your self. I have. I’m leveling a Norn warrior using mace and shield, sword and axe as secondary weapons. And I’m having a blast. I’m level 56 I think with him. Not played him for a week while the beta portal thing was on, and been playing some Guild Wars 1 for the ten year celebration.

I’ve used “unconventional” weapon sets for long on my warriors that I find all sort of odd couplings are a walk in the park. Do you know want I find hard? Greatsword! I’m levelling a Norn warrior with a greatsword right now and I feel like I’m starting the game fresh. A change is definitely as good as a holiday.

Ah, the poster responsible for my signature! Good to see you, again!

I have to agree with your post. I have found too that leveling alts with entirely different weapon sets makes for a whole new experience in game. Or even changing to a different, unconventional weapon set for an 80 also gives new life to a once humdrum character. Fun thing to do!

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

GW2 , No vetran player wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


If I am deciphering the OP’s posts correctly…..Moony, it sounds like you just have become bored with the game. I have played almost as long as you have, and don’t find myself bored with the game……obviously there are others who feel like I do….as well as there being players that feel like you do.

If you’re bored with the game, give it a rest for awhile, or quit altogether…..not like you’re paying a monthly sub fee. Doesn’t really matter what an mmorpg does in the way of content and such……after playing it for awhile(and that ‘while’ differs for every player), eventually one will get bored with it. That has been the story for me with every mmorpg I have ever played.

I am not to that point yet with this mmorpg. Obviously, you are.

Best of luck!

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Down ranking / Leveling question.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Being over powered in low level zones with lowbie friends is a blast.

Thank you for your responses, and I suppose we’ll just stay in other online games that allow this then. Oh well.

So people have explained that you can gear up at level 80, return to low level zones and 1- or 2-shot mobs, and that’s still not good enough for you?

I think you already had your mind made up when you started this thread.

Obviously, from the OP’s response, he/she is looking for something where the character can come into a lowbie area and impress their friends with his character’s godliness….lol. Funny thing is, as pointed out by Aer in the above response……you can do that in GW2, IF you know what you’re doing with your level 80 character.

I, for one, love the upleveling/downleveling system of this game. Makes it a lot more fun when you’re helping friends.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Step It Up Arenanet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


You guys can cling to your hipster dream world all you want, but the organization and order of a Trinity-like system would benefit the game more than take away from it.

Anet realizes this. Why else would they have put Taunt into the xpac as a condition?

Complete BS. I have played enough trinity based mmorpgs over the last 20 years to know that it would not benefit this game one single bit. Do you trinity lovers not realize that not having trinity in this game is one of many things in this game that makes it different and unique from all the other trinity based clone mmos out there??

If you’re that in love with trinity, there are TONS of other mmorpgs out there that have it. No reason to destroy this game and make it just another mmo clone.

Or what Sorin posted above. Just read Sorin’s post and realized I posted pretty much the same thing….lol.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)


in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


Yes another ranger QQ post.

Why Anet? Why can I not find a decent fight before some no-skill longbow ranger bursts me down from 1500 range on a wall. IT MAKES NO SENSE. There is no movement in their strategy, no thought in their skill usage and no variation in their builds.

It’s a kittening disgrace to a game that used to have fun combat.

This needs to change.

You obviously have never played a ranger if you think good ones have no skill, movement, and/or variation to their builds.

And about getting burst down on a wall at 1500 range……as others have said here….L2P….use the dodge key or just back out of range. It is super easy to avoid the ranger’s long range, if you’re paying attention.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Step It Up Arenanet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I have to agree with a couple other posters here. When it is obvious the OP has already moved on to another game, what is the point of the entire thread? Also, since the OP mainly did pvp, and the first post is mostly focused around pvp, shouldn’t this topic be in the pvp forums?

And as for trinity, absolutely not! One of the reasons I enjoy GW2 so much, is that there is no trinity. Lots of other games out there that have trinity, if you’re that hung up on it.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Do older people play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Mid 50s here, as is my wife, and we both play quite a bit. I have been playing online games since they were text only back in the ’80s.

I know quite a few others in GW2 that are quite a bit older than me. I remember back when I played DaoC, meeting a player that was in her late 70s…..and she was surprisingly good at RvR.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


your right, but my friend, i have 5 lvl80s. i am way over that, i need end content to feel like i can create my own path as i continue to play the game. i need to create a legacy.

Maybe I am just not into the role playing stuff enough, but how, exactly, does one create a legacy in a video game?

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing

I hate to sound repetitive (even more when repetition seems to be your biggest issue), but again, where’s this coming from?

Did you poll every player for this “undoubtable feeling of emptiness” or the consistency of their playing habits?

I’ve asked before on this thread too. I wasn’t going to bring it up again because, as I said, your lack of response is an answer in itself. But then you go and accuse others of not expanding their thoughts:

i simply dont care unless he expands on his thoughts

You also seem to forget that Anet is a business. They’re here to make money. I guarantee that if things aren’t changing, then the money isn’t short. Which doesn’t happen with a player base where the majority feel the way you say they do.

You feel demotivated. As your friends do. That’s a shame. But the game has only grown bigger, and the company more profitable. It’s certainly not because the majority is demotivated.

sounds legit, well obviously i dont have a poll made (nor do i intend on making one) to draw any data from, but w.e.. all im mostly doing is drawing from my own perspective and conversations i have had with people in the chatbox, etc etc. ur right on the fact that what i say seems to sound as if im saying these are actual facts, but nope, just my own thoughts put on text. sorry if it came out that =/. anyways i dont believe i am wrong on the feeling i am describing as many people here have understood the sentiment behind it, but maybe i need to find more pleasure in certain aspects of the game, idk, ill give it more time.

There are a lot of really good things I could say about this……

Not going to……but thanks for taking the time and reflecting upon your opinions with the willingness to maybe adjust your viewpoint based on some of the comments and your own willingness to look at things from a different angle….

That is something that is a super rarity on this board.

Well done. I truly mean that.

(And I know that doesn’t mean anything coming from me……but am going to throw my opinion out there anyways)

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

why does gw2 feel like a grindy f2p?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Tell me 1 MMO that you don’t grind for….if you can of course

GW2 definitely has the least amount of required grind, imo. At least among all the mmorpgs I have played.

But you are correct……ALL mmorpgs have some sort of grind somewhere within the game……..that is just the nature of the beast(especially after one has played an mmorpg for more than a year)

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

why does gw2 feel like a grindy f2p?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


@Leo G

So what you want is a direct or alternate proxy currency to purchase items if they are in the regular Gem Shop or not. Offering a service like that would alienate the player base.

OR some sort of rotational/seasonal schedule for the items.

OR rotating more things through the store more often.

Please don’t try to twist my intent to sound like I feel entitled thus the bad guy.

And this is what many are talking about with the forums at large being toxic. People feel some sort of agenda to create conflict and argument. They don’t see people expressing ill content that could be resolved or mitigated. They’d sooner label people as a minority and thus nothing should be done and dismiss their proposition at best, and at worse label that person a whiner and try to silence them.

You tell me what bad could happen if the devs considered doing any of what I suggest. And a currency to alienate players? You can’t be serious. I wouldn’t go so far as to think people could have such thin skin to feel alienated about purchasing a gem-store only item outside of in-game means. I mean, geeze, I could feel alienated that certain skins are being held from me for no reason other than for false scarcity but I don’t.

Not trying to troll, just trying to get to the crux of your complaint. And as in your original comment, you brought up gem store items you wanted to “pull out my wallet and BUY (not grind) for the stuff they sell”
Which, carries the implication that stuff on the gem store can (in some sort of twisted way) be considered a grind. But the fact remains limited edition gem store items, in no way equate to a grind.

And there is no need for personal insults. Call it ineptitude, call it a comment that is specific to your situation, call it whatever you want. I was trying to understand the point that you were making. Which over all turned out to be “I miss the sales of certain items.” But that wasn’t exactly made clear in the comment.

As far as “daily login grinds”, how is that even a grind by any stretch of the definition? You load up GW2, press “Play” and you get a reward. Thats it.

It follows the same model: you keep logging in, you get free stuff and more opportunities to buy and sell from their gem store. But if you’re stuck off in some other country with your rifle with nary an phone to call home much less an internet connection for months, you’re just out of luck. It basically makes a group of “haves” and “haves not” depending if you have the option to log in whenever. And it’d be different if this was an in-game event item. But we’re talking about gem store items.

There are ways to fix things without pandering to any specific audience.

Or just put everything that has and will be on a rotational basis in the gem store……why not just put it all in the gem store all the time?

People can still get those items through playing the game……or they can buy them through the gem store, no matter their game playing schedule.

Anet makes more money, and players are happier because they can purchase whatever they want, whenever they want. Or they can ‘grind’ for them, if they would rather.

And the whole “I did it the real way”, versus the “I bought everything” argument is inconsequential anyways, as that argument already exists as the game currently is.

Problem solved, imo.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

why does gw2 feel like a grindy f2p?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I think GW2 should bring back the old true grind and death penalties of Everquest, just to give ’em all a real taste.

Watch these whiners quit the game in 2 days.

Calm down, calm down……just being sarcastically humorous!

(although would be fun to watch the caterwauling)

And to be honest, I wouldn’t play the game if it returned to that old formula either. I consider myself fortunate to have found an mmorpg that I enjoy, that allows me to be casual about my playing(if I want), while still offering a huge world to explore and challenges(if I want them). And this game does not have the trinity……tyvm, Anet!!!

Sure, there are problems with the game. (All mmorpgs have their own set of unique problems, issues, etc.) And I sure hope that anet does NOT read these forums much, as they’re much too populated with people who take the game way too seriously and think they have the best suggestions next to sliced bread for the game.

So far, I like the direction this game is heading(with a few minor issues), and I am sure I will be playing it for a long time to come.

For the rest of you who think you have such brilliant suggestions and know how to make the best mmorpg in the world……hey, make yourself a game company and knock yourselves out!

I look forward to seeing your solutions in making the perfect mmorpg.

And if you’re unable to do that and are truly that unhappy with this game…….you know what’s next……..

And go ahead and call me a white knight/fanboy/whatever the current term is……I won’t mind a bit.

Disclaimer: The above opinion is just my own…….there ARE suggestions on this board from time to time that are quite well thought out, logical, and practical to implement, imo. But for the most part?……..nah….just little kids wanting all the shineys on their terms.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Majority of players in game don’t even READ the forums let alone post on them. The whiners are definitely in the minority.

^ i see a few posts like this so i will answer for every1 of them here

understandable. how many players play the game casually? AKA what the game is known for. when you play a game casually (me included), you touch it once every 2 days? maybe an hour here and there and then u play a bit more on a saturday? do you get what im saying? those that play it regularly, well then that’s nice, but i am sure you can agree its a casual game. i can imagine that the devs wanted players to pickup on content immediately when logging in and not have to go on a gear grind fest every year, but do you believe they intended for the game to be picked up so casually? on those boring days when u say “meh, let me turn this on for a bit”. i know plenty of people who have touched this game, including co-wokers, friends, etc. and even those who like it….find themselves not really playing it anymore. i will be pretty clear, i have seen the most garbage games that require you to pay HUNDREDS to have any fun in…..still running with a player-base. LOL yes there will ALWAYS be people playing this game, that is not the problem. yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing. its a casual game to leave on the shelf and pick-up every once in a while when you get bored. its not a game to quit entirely, this game doesnt provide that sort of system, so full-blown rage quitters are rare.

That is your opinion, and nothing else…..and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But, you have absolutely no facts to back up your opinions/assumptions, no matter how many words you capitalize.

You’re basing your opinion on the actions of a few of your friends, and on your own personal experiences, and then taking a huge illogical assumption that this is what the game is about and what the majority experience. But you don’t stop there, as you continue to make broad and generalized assumptions in how the devs feel about the game, and what their true intents were.

Well, I have several friends in game, that by their actions prove the exact opposite of what you’re saying. So, I guess that means that I can also take a huge illogical assumption that this is how the majority of players feel, based on a few of my friends’ actions. Then, I guess I could come up with a whole different vague generalization on how the devs feel, and what they believe the game should be and how it is played. Oh yea, and the devs love hazelnut breves with double shots and whipped cream while they’re working.

See how that works?

so you deny that this is a casual game? you also deny the FACT that devs didnt want players going on a grindfest for new gear every year, even though they themselves stated it? i am taking actual things and branching off from it. the branching off part is assumptions and ideas, but thats it.

See how that works?

Well done in completely missing my point.

I have friends in game that don’t treat this game as a ‘casual’ game, so based on their actions, I can leap to the illogical assumption that this is not a casual game.

Would love to see some links for your ‘facts’.

i understand exactly what you mean lol. you can look up that devs dont want a gear grindy game for yourself….its not hard to find. anyways, if you can provide any reason as to how this game is the opposite of what i mentioned, then hey i will respect that, until then ur word has no value, at least not to me.

Completely understand. Just as your opinion/words have absolutely no validity to me, either. You state your opinions are based on ‘fact’, therefore it is up to you to produce that ‘fact’ that you speak of.

Do I really care if you ever do that? No.

Just another opinionated blowkitten the forums……like the rest of us.

(See my sig)

there are no facts except the fact that devs said they want to avoid a gear grind fest like the gear grind fest they have with WoW. lol, you think ur making sense, but in reality ur making me feel bad for u. stop this nonsense there is no point in what your saying.

Before accusing someone of not making any sense, it might help your point if you wrote in some sort of intelligible fashion.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Majority of players in game don’t even READ the forums let alone post on them. The whiners are definitely in the minority.

^ i see a few posts like this so i will answer for every1 of them here

understandable. how many players play the game casually? AKA what the game is known for. when you play a game casually (me included), you touch it once every 2 days? maybe an hour here and there and then u play a bit more on a saturday? do you get what im saying? those that play it regularly, well then that’s nice, but i am sure you can agree its a casual game. i can imagine that the devs wanted players to pickup on content immediately when logging in and not have to go on a gear grind fest every year, but do you believe they intended for the game to be picked up so casually? on those boring days when u say “meh, let me turn this on for a bit”. i know plenty of people who have touched this game, including co-wokers, friends, etc. and even those who like it….find themselves not really playing it anymore. i will be pretty clear, i have seen the most garbage games that require you to pay HUNDREDS to have any fun in…..still running with a player-base. LOL yes there will ALWAYS be people playing this game, that is not the problem. yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing. its a casual game to leave on the shelf and pick-up every once in a while when you get bored. its not a game to quit entirely, this game doesnt provide that sort of system, so full-blown rage quitters are rare.

That is your opinion, and nothing else…..and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But, you have absolutely no facts to back up your opinions/assumptions, no matter how many words you capitalize.

You’re basing your opinion on the actions of a few of your friends, and on your own personal experiences, and then taking a huge illogical assumption that this is what the game is about and what the majority experience. But you don’t stop there, as you continue to make broad and generalized assumptions in how the devs feel about the game, and what their true intents were.

Well, I have several friends in game, that by their actions prove the exact opposite of what you’re saying. So, I guess that means that I can also take a huge illogical assumption that this is how the majority of players feel, based on a few of my friends’ actions. Then, I guess I could come up with a whole different vague generalization on how the devs feel, and what they believe the game should be and how it is played. Oh yea, and the devs love hazelnut breves with double shots and whipped cream while they’re working.

See how that works?

so you deny that this is a casual game? you also deny the FACT that devs didnt want players going on a grindfest for new gear every year, even though they themselves stated it? i am taking actual things and branching off from it. the branching off part is assumptions and ideas, but thats it.

See how that works?

Well done in completely missing my point.

I have friends in game that don’t treat this game as a ‘casual’ game, so based on their actions, I can leap to the illogical assumption that this is not a casual game.

Would love to see some links for your ‘facts’.

i understand exactly what you mean lol. you can look up that devs dont want a gear grindy game for yourself….its not hard to find. anyways, if you can provide any reason as to how this game is the opposite of what i mentioned, then hey i will respect that, until then ur word has no value, at least not to me.

Completely understand. Just as your opinion/words have absolutely no validity to me, either. You state your opinions are based on ‘fact’, therefore it is up to you to produce that ‘fact’ that you speak of.

Do I really care if you ever do that? No.

Just another opinionated talking head on the forums……like the rest of us.

(See my sig)

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Majority of players in game don’t even READ the forums let alone post on them. The whiners are definitely in the minority.

^ i see a few posts like this so i will answer for every1 of them here

understandable. how many players play the game casually? AKA what the game is known for. when you play a game casually (me included), you touch it once every 2 days? maybe an hour here and there and then u play a bit more on a saturday? do you get what im saying? those that play it regularly, well then that’s nice, but i am sure you can agree its a casual game. i can imagine that the devs wanted players to pickup on content immediately when logging in and not have to go on a gear grind fest every year, but do you believe they intended for the game to be picked up so casually? on those boring days when u say “meh, let me turn this on for a bit”. i know plenty of people who have touched this game, including co-wokers, friends, etc. and even those who like it….find themselves not really playing it anymore. i will be pretty clear, i have seen the most garbage games that require you to pay HUNDREDS to have any fun in…..still running with a player-base. LOL yes there will ALWAYS be people playing this game, that is not the problem. yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing. its a casual game to leave on the shelf and pick-up every once in a while when you get bored. its not a game to quit entirely, this game doesnt provide that sort of system, so full-blown rage quitters are rare.

That is your opinion, and nothing else…..and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But, you have absolutely no facts to back up your opinions/assumptions, no matter how many words you capitalize.

You’re basing your opinion on the actions of a few of your friends, and on your own personal experiences, and then taking a huge illogical assumption that this is what the game is about and what the majority experience. But you don’t stop there, as you continue to make broad and generalized assumptions in how the devs feel about the game, and what their true intents were.

Well, I have several friends in game, that by their actions prove the exact opposite of what you’re saying. So, I guess that means that I can also take a huge illogical assumption that this is how the majority of players feel, based on a few of my friends’ actions. Then, I guess I could come up with a whole different vague generalization on how the devs feel, and what they believe the game should be and how it is played. Oh yea, and the devs love hazelnut breves with double shots and whipped cream while they’re working.

See how that works?

so you deny that this is a casual game? you also deny the FACT that devs didnt want players going on a grindfest for new gear every year, even though they themselves stated it? i am taking actual things and branching off from it. the branching off part is assumptions and ideas, but thats it.

See how that works?

Well done in completely missing my point.

I have friends in game that don’t treat this game as a ‘casual’ game, so based on their actions, I can leap to the illogical assumption that this is not a casual game.

Would love to see some links for your ‘facts’.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I would like to buy some white space and capitalization. If you want to express your idea or opinion have the courtesy of making it readable.

I’m a solo player 99% of the time, yes, I know it’s an MMO but that just means there are other players in the same map as you, doesn’t mean you have to team up.

Of course as it turns out that the few activities here than do produce the most gold per hour of play (which I find ridiculous as a metric for playing) are team activities. Except they are team activities which the collective “wisdom” says you must play a certain way with certain builds with certain gear slotted a certain way to participate with groups getting that high gold per hour rate. Why go to all that trouble? What does an extra day or week to earn the same amount of gold without all that grief?

ANet didn’t decide on the dungeon Meta, players did. Min/Maxers. Players who are trying to recreate the limitations that a standard MMO trinity enforces in terms of play during raids. And no matter how many things ANet changes with Trait 3.0 will alter things. A new Meta will be found quickly and those who want to join the elite groups will have to have. Same with changes to skills, upgrades or whatever else ANet tinkers with.

So the choice is either conform to this rigid style of play so you can get your reward quickly or choose individuality and accept that you can’t get everything yesterday. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither should your character. MMOs aren’t sprints, they’re marathons.

Very well said!

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Majority of players in game don’t even READ the forums let alone post on them. The whiners are definitely in the minority.

^ i see a few posts like this so i will answer for every1 of them here

understandable. how many players play the game casually? AKA what the game is known for. when you play a game casually (me included), you touch it once every 2 days? maybe an hour here and there and then u play a bit more on a saturday? do you get what im saying? those that play it regularly, well then that’s nice, but i am sure you can agree its a casual game. i can imagine that the devs wanted players to pickup on content immediately when logging in and not have to go on a gear grind fest every year, but do you believe they intended for the game to be picked up so casually? on those boring days when u say “meh, let me turn this on for a bit”. i know plenty of people who have touched this game, including co-wokers, friends, etc. and even those who like it….find themselves not really playing it anymore. i will be pretty clear, i have seen the most garbage games that require you to pay HUNDREDS to have any fun in…..still running with a player-base. LOL yes there will ALWAYS be people playing this game, that is not the problem. yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing. its a casual game to leave on the shelf and pick-up every once in a while when you get bored. its not a game to quit entirely, this game doesnt provide that sort of system, so full-blown rage quitters are rare.

That is your opinion, and nothing else…..and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But, you have absolutely no facts to back up your opinions/assumptions, no matter how many words you capitalize.

You’re basing your opinion on the actions of a few of your friends, and on your own personal experiences, and then taking a huge illogical assumption that this is what the game is about and what the majority experience. But you don’t stop there, as you continue to make broad and generalized assumptions in how the devs feel about the game, and what their true intents were.

Well, I have several friends in game, that by their actions prove the exact opposite of what you’re saying. So, I guess that means that I can also take a huge illogical assumption that this is how the majority of players feel, based on a few of my friends’ actions. Then, I guess I could come up with a whole different vague generalization on how the devs feel, and what they believe the game should be and how it is played. Oh yea, and the devs love hazelnut breves with double shots and whipped cream while they’re working.

See how that works?

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

why does gw2 feel like a grindy f2p?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Ugh please, have any of those people complaining actually played an actual f2p MMORPG game?

I remember when I first started MMOing with Maple Story almost a decade ago. Forget skins and money, it took me and my friends MONTHS to grind a single character to 4th job, not even to cap level. We didn’t even had time to worry about skins or stats or whatnot. We had to GRIND on mobs just to to able to ACCESS content. Hundreds of hours of pressing a button, killing mobs, taking advantage of every double exp events, doing the same thing over and over again just to gain access to higher level content. In the end, the grind was too much and we all quit the game.

Fast forward a few years, and me and my friends played Dragon Nest, and again, still grinding. Running the same dungeon DOZENS of times to get a single level, with no variety. You HAVE to run this dungeon to get to the next level, as other dungeons either took too long, or barely gives any exp. People used ‘boost’ others, helping them clear dungeons quickly with a high level character in their party for a price.
That’s not mentioning the pay-wall you have to pass to get to the final content, as without good gear, you won’t get a place in a party to clear raids. Without doing raids, there is no reliable way to make money, which means you don’t get good gear.
Only way to get pass the pay wall? Spend hundreds of hours farming gold to have a chance to get mediocre gear to be ‘barely’ accepted into a party, or open your wallet and buy things foo the cash shop to sell/ buy equips from players using cash.

THAT is GRINDING. If you don’t DO THIS, you will not get to do ALL THE OTHER THINGS AFTER THIS.

What you guys complain about is FARMING, which is OPTIONAL.
Can you enjoy the game withoutAscended Gear/ Legendary Gear?

Do you NEED to repeatedly run dungeons to enjoy all the content?

Do you NEED to get that awesome looking Legendary/Skin to play the game?

Those “grindy” items, such as Legendaries and Ascended Armor are more like a status symbol, a sign that you have invested time and money into the game. They are hard to get for a reason.

And, if there are no ‘grindy’ things in GW2, then what is the point? There will be nothing to work towards. It might as well be a single player game with a multiplayer function.

And btw, I have yet to see an F2P game with more customizing option then Gw2, especially for free.
Arguably Maple Story had larger variety of outfits and skins, but 99% of them are DURATIONAL and is only purchasable by using REAL MONEY. No ‘convert in-game currency to cash shop currency’.
And the skins of Dragon Nest costs more than 30-40 USD for a single ‘low grade’ set, and to get the best skins, you have to pray to RNGesus and spend MORE money to combine two lower grade skins (with the obligatory extra fee of the combination device of course) for a chance to get a better skin. None of that BS in GW2.

I’m still amazed that GW2 has no subscription fee, and it is ridiculously cheap (I got it during a sale some time ago), which is definitely a steal.
So for those who compare gw2 to those F2P mmos I’ve grown to detest so much (especially after playing gw2), I dare you to actually try to get into a real F2P mmo, filled with Pay-to-Win ideologies, before QQing about GW2 just because you are too lazy or too cheap to invest time and/or money into the game.

Agree completely. You are so completely right on with this post.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Anet, hear me out.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Answer me this, when was the last time a post was made on that thread that didnt get lost in the sea of hate or thankful posts?

Not to sound snotty, but how is your post any different from posts in that thread? You’re not saying anything here that wasn’t already said by (many) other people in other threads before theirs were also pulled into the merged thread.

Completely agree. This thread should be merged with the others. It holds no more importance than any of the other threads on this subject.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Anet, hear me out.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Not sure whether to offer congratulations…or condolences.

Dedication or obsession..

That sort of time investment into a video game goes way beyond ‘dedication’ or ‘obsession’, imo.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Anet, hear me out.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Tbh i opened myself up for alot of critisism here, i know that. but after spending 9,920 or so hours in the game, i have to take a stand against anet and say.. things need to go back to the way they were, this is becoming another generic mmo.

If you really played that much, you played more than 10 hours EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. SINCE. RELEASE. ON AVERAGE.

I am just baffled that’s… just. What… how can? I mean what do you do in your life? This is not healthy, nor funny…

Yeah.. look at this. very few have the ability to actually claim they have done so, but i can.

Don’t think I would treat that ‘accomplishment’ as some sort of badge of honor.
I know that if I were to play ANY game for that many hours a day, on a consistent basis, for that many years, I would go completely stark raving mad.

Just curious, and don’t mean this to sound degrading or anything…….but do you have any sort of actual life outside the game?

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Looking For Good WvW Server (Ideally EotM).

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


Go FA. They are probably the best choice for being green for a longer time if JQ isn’t open.

If you want to be on a server where many don’t and can’t speak your language, yep, go to FA.

I didn’t find that while I was there.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

No grind philosophy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


GRIND is for end game gear and that not hard to get,other stuff like gold,epic skins are are meant to be hard to get or it would just be meaningless as everybody would have them.

They are not hard, they are a never-ending boring brainless grind.

Heck, I would love it if they where locked behind some hard challenging content in steads of this easy but boring brainless grind.

Yea, and after one has played the same game for a few years, that ‘hard challenging’ content certainly would never become old/tired/easy/brainless, huh?

Same complaints from years ago in the very first mmos. And the same solution now as way back then.


No, it will likely get boring, that is why I am also in favor of having yearly expansion in stead of these LS and then an expansion after 3 years. But that is a completely different topic.

So sure, content can get boring (while good content does not have to get boring, I still love to play Wolfenstein:ET even after 10 years and having done some of the maps probably well over a 1000 times) but that is not an excuse for having everything a never ending boring brainless grind?

Not everything is a never ending grind. Maybe to you it is, but not to me.

Just like Wolfenstein:ET. You love that game even after 10 years. It is a decent game for it’s genre, imo……but beyond that….meh. I doubt if I could get very enthusiastic about that game even if you paid me. Just not my kind of game.

That’s the whole issue about threads like these. Personal opinion and perceptions, and nothing more. That’s why the whole ‘grind’ complaint thread to me is so completely pointless/useless, and a complete waste of time.

Speaking of that, I got better things to do……like watching the grass grow.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

[Engineer] Condis on turret

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


We can play the logic game if you really want – you just have to be a bit imaginative!

Poisons? Easy peasy – a corrosive poison eating away the turrets! Bleed? Pretend you’re causing said machinery to leak vital fluids/lubrication/etc, leading them to overheat or jam up.


I really like the way you see it, and totally agree.

About fear, a dev said that they won’t move, but the interruption and damage in a necro is traited for it will be applied

I meant my post in a silly, sarcastic manner.

I don’t know….might be kinda funny seeing them scream in a little metalic voice “run away!!!!”, hop up on some tiny little feet and scramble a few feet away.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

No grind philosophy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


GRIND is for end game gear and that not hard to get,other stuff like gold,epic skins are are meant to be hard to get or it would just be meaningless as everybody would have them.

They are not hard, they are a never-ending boring brainless grind.

Heck, I would love it if they where locked behind some hard challenging content in steads of this easy but boring brainless grind.

Yea, and after one has played the same game for a few years, that ‘hard challenging’ content certainly would never become old/tired/easy/brainless, huh?

Same complaints from years ago in the very first mmos. And the same solution now as way back then.


Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

[Engineer] Condis on turret

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


So turrets will get up on their tiny legs and run away now when they get hit with fear?

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Controlling all three sides of EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


I am a little confused by this thread. The OP states the topic in the opening post, talking about people apparently don’t think eotm is real wvw, etc……the post comes off as someone who is somewhat new to wvw and eotm. But then, when other posters disagree with the OP, suddenly the OP becomes some sort of ‘expert’ on T1 and how it works, and wvw, yadda, yadda, yadda…….

I don’t know…..smells like a troll post to me.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Looking For Good WvW Server (Ideally EotM).

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


I moved to FA recently (Feb I think it was) for the WvW but also play in eotm during queues. So as a veteran freshly (somewhat) transferred to FA here is my experience and opinions.

Fort Aspen has a great WvW community and welcomed me with open arms. Many guilds are very open and are happy to have you run with them during open ops (and once they know you sometimes closed ops)
They have been steady in T2 without fault and I honestly can’t remember the last time they lost a match up.
As they’re often the victor of the weekly match up that means they are primarily Green (Overgrowth) in EotM and we all know how much OG kicks kitten in nearly all match ups.
There are guilds that do have a strong hand in EotM while doing some roaming in WvW.
They have a communal TS where you can join your guild or just join the wvw channels that are full of roamers, scouts, and the pug zerg.

The only downfall I have been able to find in FA is the queue times for wvw maps during NA time. Each map is often full with an approx 30min-1hour wait. And during reset if you don’t get in early you can forget it for at least 4 hours.

I hope you enjoy whichever server you choose.

I would agree with this. I transferred to FA for a little while a few months back, and your description is very accurate.

Worst thing about FA is ques. Lots and lots of ques……

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Looking For Good WvW Server (Ideally EotM).

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


The OP must be meaning WvW, and not EotM. Why would anyone in their right mind want to spend the majority of their time in eotm? I mean, it is great for leveling a lowbie and karma…….but serious wvw?

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

No grind philosophy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Oh, goody! Yet another pointless thread complaining about “grinding”.
If you don’t like playing a game with grind(no matter your definition), then you shouldn’t be playing ANY mmorpgs.

Don’t like the “grind”? Then don’t do it. Simple as that.

Darn, there just went 30 seconds I will never get back.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.