Showing Posts For displacedTitan.6897:

Season 3 with 2500 viewers on Twitch

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I work in marketing for a living. A few years ago I put together an online advertising campaign that cost over 2 million dollars in ad space that the overwhelming majority of viewers ignored (any click through is a good result and the clients spend ludicrous amounts of money, so the company deemed it a good result.)

Pro league is cheap advertising. Really, really, really cheap.

True story right here, you can tell who has worked for a corporate and who hasn’t if they think 200k is expensive for advertising and marketing.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


You are missing the point, Pros dont get 95 win rate in dota at their rank aka 7k mmr. But if you put them in 4k, 95 win rate in an understatement.

The casuals who come to these forums to cry about matchmaking will never understand that. They will also never come to grips that sometimes you do actually lose in PvP, its not carebear wonderland PvE.

Life After Mastery - Return of Spirit Shards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I agree with this 100% I have no interest in doing their little side games (I know others like them I just do not) so that means I’m stuck at 110 for my masteries.


There are 66 Central Tyria points available and 139 Heart of Maguuma points available of which 30 are from Adventures.

So even without a single point from Adventures you aren’t stuck at 110.

No some of the others are gated behind events that I haven’t been fortunate enough to be able to get to. I personally don’t want to have to read Wiki to figure out how to play a game I play for enjoyment.

Having to read long instructions or research videos to complete is not my choice of play. You may enjoy it and I say more power to you, I prefer to be able to get the Masteries through map exploration and not in gated areas.

Is that OK with you? That was my opinion, I didn’t need to have you respond to me directly with your smart butt response.

NOTE: I have 23 Level 80 Toons and 16 have map completion can you match that?

Sounds like mindless slogging through core tyria and its netflixable content has rotted your brain a bit.

gun flame and other stuff

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Huh and people in sPvP are complaining about bunkers and bruisers ruining the game and making the TTK to long.

Highly amusing.

Matchmaking is a million times better

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Anet got too obsessed with statistics and forgot about common sense.

Every season, they play with the formula and think that’s going to solve the problem.

The problem is right in front of their face…You can’t reliably mix solo players with premades. Period…End of story!

The only way it would be possible is to KNOW things that are impossible to know (i.e. do they have teamspeak, experience working together, synergized builds, practiced strategies, etc).

Some premades are a joke and can get steam-rolled by a bunch of quality solo quers.

Some premades are gaming the system. They know that the only way to reliably string together wins is get a coordinated team and farm the fact that the game will match them against less coordinated solo players.

Let me make this as perfectly clear since common sense seems to have escaped Anet…An experienced, coordinated, full-premade communicating with voice chat trumps ANY formula you can concoct….especially when your formula ALSO has to account for a full premade that DOESN’T have experience, coordination, and voice chat.

Why is this so hard to understand and admit??? You can’t solve this by changing formulas every season.

I think its you who doesn’t understand. What is a premade? Is two people together a premade? Is three?

I would be hard pressed to think of a competitive game that doesnt have duo, trio and solo all mixed together. These forums love to blame premades for their losses even when it has nothing to do with it.

Dear anet, matchmaking is a bad joke...

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


108 games in season 3 ?
that’s way too many games.

we are like, what? 3rd or 4th day into season 3 ?
if 4 day, that’s 108 / 4 = 27 games per day

3 games per hour
9 hours per day ??? ?$ #$^#$^@

so far i only played 3 games in season 3, well, 4, but the 1st game was a desertion since gw2 client refused to cooperate with my internet service provider. my 2nd, 3rd, 4th games were wins so i’m at 4/20 emerald now. i got to ruby in both season 1 and season 2.

i think you played too much.
quality over quantity perhaps ?

Even 4 games per hour means almost 7 hours of pvp per day for 4 days.
You could easily be on a tilt, affecting your gameplay.

What was the advice last season? If you lose 3 in a row, step away from the keyboard and come back in a couple hours or better yet the next day. Otherwise you will continue to be placed with the same group of people. There is simply not a big enough population to provide varied team mates within a specific MMR/Pip range.

There are enough people, you just cant Queue right away. The same thing will happen in DOTA2 if you queue back to back to back. You will get a bunch of the same people since you all have around the same MMR and are queuing at the same time. They matching algorithm doesn’t care if you just played with those people, it only cares about number (MMR/Pip) balance.

Marauder Explosives PvP build

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I swapped to Rifle (mostly for funsies) and Traveler (I cant handle no move speed) and this build is a ton of fun. I dont think its as good as hammer 4 gyro build but its awesome to just stand back and toss quickness nades on a point. You see some brutal damage on people.

Games with 450k damage are not uncommon.

It's May 15th 2016

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I did quit GW2 in december, because Anet didn’t deliver nearly 50% of promised content on the expansion release. I ran out of content after 2 months. I’m wondering how far is anet from releasing Legendary armor?!

Any news on that?

What content are you counting that ANet missed out on 50%? From the wiki, here are the promised features:

  • Heart of Maguuma: added (and updated 19 April). Four new maps, multiple levels, new metas.
  • HoT story: added
  • Mastery system: added new HoT masteries and several core ones.
  • New prof: revenant — added and, erm, relevant.
  • Stronghold for PvP: added.
  • WvW: Desert BL: added (since restored to Alpine BL, by popular demand).
  • WvW: Shield generator and reworked abilities: added.
  • WvW: World ability: added
  • Guild Halls: two added
  • Raids: as announced, adding wings in waves.
  • Fractals: new system, new masteries added as promised.
  • Adventures: added
  • Map bonus rewards: added
  • Ascended gear: now salvageable
  • Legendary gear:
    • New backpacks: added
    • New armor: not in game yet
    • New legendaries: 4 of 16 promised added; work cancelled (at least for now) on the other 11.
    • Legendary collections for generation 1 precursors: added
  • Commander & squad updates: added.
  • Action camera: added.

I can’t say whether anyone in particular will enjoy the changes. I’m just pointing out that nearly all of the content advertised has been added (the big exception being legendary gear).

LOL I’m sorry but are you serious?

Most of that “content” is grind with a pretty veneer. The action camera? There was a mod for it like years ago. The changes and tweaks to interfaces and skills is not “content” they’re simply alterations to existing content.

The new maps qualify, as does the Revenant. That’s about it. So in actuality, only about 30% of HoT was actual content, the rest just changes to already existing systems or things like Guild Halls which should have been present at launch for a game called GUILD WARS.

“Should have been present at launch” can be applied to EVERYTHING added to any game after it has launched. It is the lamest and most useless of complaints to level at things.

This is not PvP anymore

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I remember a few months ago people were hyping Black Desert Online as the death of GW2, too bad that game turned out to be a dumpster fire of terrible pop in and incomprehensible combat.

Overwatch is awesome, I am looking forward to playing it more but to pretend that its balanced is just too funny. You can find a ton of tier lists already for the game and in the pro scene there is a definitive best comp as of the last tourney. Dont for a second think you will find the wonderland of everything equally balanced over there.

DOTA2 has straight up terrible balance and people love that game. Some of the heroes are pick/banned in 100% of tournament play in a given patch. Most of the larger tournaments feature 20ish heroes being picked 80%+ of the time. Thats out of over 100 in total.

Basically what I am saying is that the grass is not greener in regards to balance in other games.

How long will Alpines last?

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


The current plan is to rotate the borderlands maps each quarterly update. That said, now that we are actively polling the community, perhaps we can start exploring other options.

Quarterly rotation is way way way too long!

If you were to bring back DBL for 3 months, that’ll be 3 months during which all those players who came back will go back to other games and us having 50+ queues, even more now with server mergers, for EB!!!

Again your response shows that not much balancing thoughts were put into the DBLs, as the original plan for WvW was to have several maps one rotation, and those maps should obviously be roughly equal to each other.
DBLs were a gimmick, like EOTM, which is where it would be better suited; and WvW getting a proper new balanced map.

If you are sticking to DBL for the meantime it’d be better to go weekly or fortnightly, cos you know most of us hate DBL, do you really think we would want it for 3 months straight?!
Server mergers wont change players’ minds on the DBL, rather you’ll be forcing players to either play on them, wait for an hour or more for EB queue to pop, or leave the game for 3 months!

I am not sure what server you are on but the BLs are dead again for us. Our home BL has a couple people on it capping but mostly its all on EB again.

DBL was just more interesting than ABL and the rapid drop in population again on the BLs shows that it wasn’t the map decreasing population, its the scoring/rewards that makes people leave for better rewarded/more even parts of the game.

so we're back to 50/50 matches ?

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I wanted div loss at first. But now I don’t think the game is in a competitive enough mindset to handle it. I think it would decrease PvP pop.

After seeing the competitive atmosphere forming around OW (and it was only beta) the mindset and the people just aren’t here to support a true comp system.

Basically this ^.

Most of the players in this game are not competitive players and thus have a hard time losing games and going 50/50. They want an experience more like PvE where you die occasionally but 95%+ of the time you just roll over the mobs and have casual fun. There is nothing wrong with that outlook, I enjoy casual fun as much as the next guy. I have also played some form of DOTA for like 10 years and I like actual competitive communities.

BTW, this is why ANet designed the league system in a way that you can get all the rewards just by playing and grinding it. They know their playerbase, as much as people here refuse to admit it.

So, full premades vs. solo/duo again?

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Also, division doesnt mean as much now given that they are matching more on MMR again. Just look how close that game was and how far the divisions make it seem.

Matchmaking seems good. A lot more enjoyable.

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


are you kidding me?

season 1 was good, season 2 was kitten, season 3. I think I’ll just throw in the towel now. also the games feeling more and more clunky. I click skills that don’t happen, or I stop moving after using one, or get stick for no reason. It all just adds up to torture. never mind the MMR. Screen shot of my last game. it was a close game, that is not my problem, it’s the 2 emerald in my game……. it’s just a sick tormented joke.

Competitive games are not for you my friend if you think a close loss like this is indicative of a matchmaking failure.

PvE is a couple forums up and you can win to your hearts content up there.

so we're back to 50/50 matches ?

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


500 – 400 ++ means close games, means the match making is working.

but i hate close games, especially if my team loses.
all those effort, in the end, still minus one pip.

i prefer blow out games where my team steam rolls and rekt the other.
easy plus one pip.

At least you are honest about what most posters in these forums actually want instead of the usual lies everyone on here tells about how they want close matches.

As for my experience yesterday I went 5-5 with a bunch of close ones and only 2 blowouts (1-1). So far so good, I got my wings so I am just here for good matches now, dont care about tier or division.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I’m a Daredevil, but i tried Ele, Ranger and Engie with all similar issues, i played GW2 for a year and a half and just returned two weeks ago because i purchased Heart of Thorns in a sale at EB games…

I very much regret it now and am considering looking for more casual mmo over GW2, its no longer enjoyable.

Maybe find some friends to play with, use LFG, join a guild.

Problem is, there’s no game that has the same quality as Guild Wars 2. GW2 is pretty unique and plays and feels unique.



Pick one.

Are there more MMORPG games with fluid combat movement? or with Jumping Puzzles?…

Yes. And sorta.

Black Desert Online comes to mind. I wish GW2 had BDO movement when it comes to exploring, as you can grab and climb in addition to jumping.

Ya I too wish the pop-in was so bad and combat text so anemic that you could close your eyes and still get the same information out of the game!

More Hack&Slay not Jump&Run

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Wow those first couple masteries fill so fast you can get them done with a couple of the early events in VG. Some people really just want to turn their brains off and press 1 again like in Core Tyria. Sad to see such low energy players on here.


in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


The faster upgrades are nice and whatever speed is chosen they need to at least even it out between Bay and Hills.

Superior Sigil of Draining and Gyroscopes

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Eh even if these worked with the gyro daze, it is so hard to land that it would end up being wasted most of the time anyway. Its hard enough getting them to detonate in a way that you get any use from Final Salvo.

Medic Gyro seriously needs a buff.

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I know this thread is about Medic Gyro and I totally agree that there should be a reason to keep it out and not detonate it right away. Much like Healing Turret should actually be a turret and not just a healing bomb.

There is a larger point though that I think this thread is missing, we have Medkit, Elixer H and AED in addition to HT and the Medic Gyro. At least you can have a conversation about Medic Gyro… the other three are just so bad no one even looks at them.


in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Its worse than that actually. You can name every single build each of those classes are playing and its the same on every team.

There is ZERO build diversity in pvp right now.

Naw Night Capping Isnt a Thing

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Its amazing watching the “off-hours” players pretend that they are fighting for equality when they don’t want scoring changes to diminish their time zones BUT AT THE SAME TIME see nothing wrong with how currently they wield incredibly out-sized power compared to their numbers.

Its almost like they dont see the blatant hypocrisy… but how could you miss it?

I mean, right now 10-25% of the players can ruin the other 75-90% of players playtime because they run around unopposed. SOUNDS FAIR TO ME BOIS!!!

Bring Back the Desert Borderland!

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Allow players to choose. Don’t restrict us. Give people all maps as options at all times. People like different maps for different reasons. Keep as many as possible. Normal decay will remove players overtime. Don’t force any out that you don’t have to.

People did choose. They chose not to play DBL. I don’t get why anyone is arguing for it now.

Probably because many of us realized WvW was dying long before HoT released. Alpine was part of the problem, not the solution.

Give it another week or so and people will get bored again with alpine.

next engi meta

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I think this is just two sides of the same coin, you want the traitlines buffed and I want the weapons that correspond to those lines to be buffed. In the end both would result in another build being worth taking over the All-Defense Boonbot Hammer Scrapper.

A larger issue is honestly that we are stuck with Alchemy regardless of build. Why are all of our boon and condi clear options in a single traitline and utility skill set?

There are just so many useless traits/utilities in this game that its hard to give ANet credit really, its more a happy accident that Engineers are decent in every game mode rather than a conscious well executed design. I bet if you took the meta builds and even the tier two builds for each class you would end up seeing that under 50% of total utilities and traits are selected even a single time.

When they announced the elite specialization idea, I thought it was really cool and would provide for some nice horizontal build options. What we got instead was a bunch of traitlines that pack more value and are just better than any other. Their core design of adding a different way to play each class all but guaranteed this would be the case as they had to make up for a bunch of shortcomings in order to accomplish the goal.

The Floor Is Lava adventure insanity

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


“14 hours” riiiiiight.

Will not be sidetracked...

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I also look at this from a business perspective, which is sometimes hard to do when you’re the customer.

Having 24 servers is expensive, 12 servers is likely half the cost. It is hard to justify having the bottom 2 tiers at all because there was probably a total of 40 people tops a week (between all time zones) on those servers that even entered WvW. From a business stand point, those 40 people aren’t supporting keeping those servers open.

Keep in mind, your $0-$100 you spent to buy the game/expansion doesn’t go too far. Lets say every one of the 40 people paid $100, that is $4000. Now that is enough money to buy a decent server, but it wouldn’t be enough to host it. So basically the lower tier servers are losing money.

Now all of that above is assuming the way that their servers are set up – they may all be hosted on 4 physical servers for all I know, but if each server has its own physical server, that gets expensive quick.

I thought all servers were virtualized clusters these days. If that is how Anet does it, load is more a factor than # of servers. There may be some additional overhead for adding new maps but I suspect the real load comes from active parts of the system … ie the players themselves. IN this case reducing the load of WvW would be to literally get rid of the WvW population. I doubt that is Anets goal.

But I haven’t worked in IT in a long time and have never worked on MMO’s so I could be wrong here.

I’m a software developer personally. I am not sure how ANet had their servers set up though. I figure that the load the servers are under for WvW would merit having separate physical servers but I could not say for sure.

my understanding these days is that hardware is cheap and labor is expensive. I doubt the merger had anything to do with dollars and more to do with making some players happy.

This is capitalism, so if Anet wanted to maximize its revenue it would track who the big spenders are in WvW and try to accommodate them. And then build a misery index to ensure that the desired changes for the big spenders didn’t drive off other common spenders. So long as they maintain a low enough misery score, they wont see the flight of the remaining occasional spenders.

By the time they are done the will have a game that their paying public mostly wants and cheap people like me will go play BDO.

Pay the piper, pick the tune. And maybe the tune makes you the big winner.

BDO – The game for “cheap” people where you need to spend a minimum of $60 dollars in the store after purchasing the game for $30 just to be on even footing with other people. We must have different definitions of cheap. That or you pretend the Ghuille Suit and Pets are not required.

next engi meta

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Good thing we got all those Pistol and Gadget buffs! They are all so useful now and opened up so many builds for us! /s

I think pistol/pistol engi is plenty viable. It’s just not our best choice.

I think the gap between viable and optimal is far too large on Engi right now. Hammer is just too much better than p/p. It starts with pistols having zero useful finishers or utility and ends with the need to take Firearms to get enough damage.

Engineer specializations are awful right now in the way you are pidgeonholed. Alchemy is 100% mandatory due to it being our only line that can deal with conditions (also makes E. Gun mandatory).
This leaves us with two lines and its where you see the power level of hammer diverge from p/p. Hammer needs no traits to boost its damage to a competitive level so you get to take two fully defensive specializations in Scrapper and Inventions (note how all choices in these lines for meta build are defensive).
Pistols just do not deal enough on their own so you are forced to take Firearms for the bleed proc/duration and especially for burning proc and duration. This leaves just a single defensive line choices AND you are constrained by move speed which you get for free on hammer by taking Mechalegs.

Until ANet MASSIVELY buffs the damage output on Pistol to the level of hammer, we will never see an optimal Pistol build.

PS. Shield is so bad I usually forget it exists.

Bring Back the Desert Borderland!

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Already bored of the Alpine maps again.

Total of 13 ppl streaming GW atm

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Other than WoW and Runescape (WHY?) no other MMO has any viewers either, especially a year+ after launch. They cost money to play, are a niche genre and are just boring to watch someone stream.

I love GW2 and I have never watched a stream of this game. I use twitch nearly everyday and watch all kinds of games on it so I, in theory, would be one of the viewers here. In reality, why watch an MMO?

If you base your love of a game on twitch viewership you are playing the absolutely wrong genre. You need a cheap/free, slow, easy to watch, pvp game ala DOTA2, LoL, CSGO, Hearthstone, etc. Also note that all the top streamed games have ONE game mode and its usually PvP.

Vee Wee's Scrapnado Build!

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I expected better from you ellesee!

I want to see some of your crazy rando builds like the old Gadgeteer! None of this hammer with alchemy and elixers snorefest!

Balance changes May 3

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


This patch is actually amazing. I mean the patch content is ok, but the real deal is implementing balance changes that isn’t tied to a 6 month huge game overhaul patch! The last balance patch was April 19. Today is May 3. That’s less than a month! This is a huge breakthrough for Arenanet!

I think we should encourage this type of patch more… as in lets get some numbers changes… lets call them “shaves” ever week or so until the top players think the game is fairly balanced.

Oh I was dreaming, sorry.

Balance changes May 3

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


What is more fun?

Watching Revs pretend they are balanced.


Watching Condi Mes pretend they are balanced.

Tough to decide.

next engi meta

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


This is what I’ve been running this off-season.

I find it incredibly easy to 1v1 most professions and really only struggle against revenants and condi mesmers, which is to be expected. I think engineers will probably shift to team fighting this season anyway, letting mes take sides on start.

In team fights the sustain is just absolutely bananas. Paired with a druid or ele you can 2vX a point for quite a long time.

The issue with the engie ‘balanace’ changes are that nothing was given in exchange for the amount of survival gutted out of the class. It’s put engie in a pretty tough spot right now.

Super speed still ticks for 380 a second with baseline healing power. It wasn’t gutted anywhere near as much as people make it out to be. You just can’t run Marauder and expect to facetank in 1v2 situations anymore.

This is the build I was running at the end of last season except swapping Marauder for Paladin. Its also the reason I quit playing Engineer in PvP. Its a super boring build to play and sadly our only build that is even remotely viable right now.

Good thing we got all those Pistol and Gadget buffs! They are all so useful now and opened up so many builds for us! /s

Reduce the impact of night capping?

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I dont understand what people do not get about a points based on the amount of resistance you faced in earning those points. More resistance = more points.

The more fights and time it took to capture objectives the more score you get for capturing those objectives. This keeps everyones “time” worth the same and only scales on how many other people are around when you do it.

Of course, OCX players dont like this idea because they enjoy their outsized power now AND get to claim they are being abused. Some nice parallels to SJW cry-bullying.

Bring Back the Desert Borderland!

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I am very excited for the nostalgia bubbles to burst when people realize how boring Alpine is to play on again.

Fix Chronomancer For The Sake Of Community

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


More mesmer QQ’ing? Every season it’s the same sob story. I get it, Bunker mesmer last season was bad. But we are far from that now. After the way to many nerf that mesmers has incurred in the last year alone, we are left with one viable build. ONE! & the only reason why the class is surviving pvp is not cuz of the merc amulet or the inspiration line or the high skill level that mesmer players are in. It’s cuz none of you keeping the pressure on the mesmer. It’s way to easy to kill it. You complainers are just to use to have to deal with mesmers that does no damage & that you can deal & dispatch with last. With no consequence. I’m sorry, but i feel the game more balanced then ever since this off season we are having more & more close matches then disparities.

Power Shatter took skill and timing to use. The meta condi Mesmer is the very definition of spam and tank playstyle. Its much more like the bunker Mes from season 1 in its play style than the Power Shatter that people were ok with in the past.

Ele+Guard: Biggest number of crap utilities

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I dont think Ele and Guardian have a stranglehold on terrible utilities that are taken by no one in any game mode.

Engineer has a metric ton of useless utilities. Turrets besides HT are useless, (and HT isnt really a turret, its a heal bomb). With the nerf to Slick Shoes, every single Gadget is useless. Medkit, Purge Gyro, Shredder Gyro are all useless.

None of those utilities on Engineer are used in any game mode by anyone.

ANet has a ton of skills in this game that could just use some number tweaks each patch until they are viable. This is what they should be doing with their “balance shaves” but they do not. Its one of the reasons why this game will never be like LoL and DOTA2 balance-wise. ANet just doesn’t understand that you have to move numbers around for more than just a handful of skills per patch.

"Pure" Class Bonuses - Reviving Base Classes

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


These are great ideas and by design it ensures that the buffs wont help the elite specs at all which is a major hurdle when thinking about ways to help non-elite builds.

The meta team comp

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


There is no question here. Mes, Rev, Druid, Ele, (Random). Every one of the people on those classes will be using the exact same build and so will whatever the random class choice is.

This game just does not have a real meta where you can make different team comps. There is a single best comp and thats what will get picked by every team in every game. Just poor competitive design with only conquest basically locking the strategy before the game even starts.

Team Comps MATTER - PVP Needs Selection Phase

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


This game just doesn’t have a healthy meta game and it never has. A quick look at the pro teams shows you just how narrow the “meta” has become. There is one viable build on each profession and even then, there are professions that are just stronger.

No team tries to counter pick because you cant, the best builds in this game have almost no real weakness because they dont trade anything to have all of the defense, CC, dps, healing, etc.

Engineer is a great example of the terrible design decisions in this game for pvp. Hammer Scrapper (post nerf) has more damage, defense, healing and CC when compared to Rifle Scrapper AND Condi Engi. Why would you ever pick rifle or pistols when hammer exists?

How about the joke that are projectiles in this game? Some classes get ranged projectile-less attacks and yet they trade NOTHING for them. Projectiles dont get to deal more or have longer range, having a projectile is pure downside in GW2. I am sure people could think of other examples but this is just a quick taste of why GW2 pvp is fundamentally broken.

Spam boons, spam cc, spam condi, spam direct damage. Boons and Conditions went from tactical choices to side effects of your skills. ANet has done literally nothing to manage power creep over the life of this game and it shows in pvp.

I love GW2 and will continue to play it but it will forever remain extremely niche and honestly not very good as a competitive game.

We need our heal back !!

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I’m begining to think Scrappers should prepare themselves for even more nerfs…

Honestly Blast Gyro with Mender’s amulet is pretty insane.

Do you mean Medic Gyro or is there an interaction with Blast Gyro I dont know about?

GW2016....still condi cheese bunker meta...

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


So, I’ll say again, what exactly is NOT op or broken about conditions?

Many condi builds are weaker than plenty of power builds. This fact alone disproves all arguments about condis generally being superior to power dmg.

How do you define weaker? Conditions bypass toughness. Conditions can stack duration and outlast protection. If I power burst you while you have protection you take 33% less damage for lets say 4 seconds. After protection runs out I can burst you for full damage. If I stack multiple conditions on you for 10 seconds I can walk away from you and after your protection expires you will take 6 seconds of full condition damage. My point is I can condition damage you and not even be there, I can be heading to the other side of the map. How do you define weaker?

Sure and by that logic, if you cleanse the conditions you take 0% damage from them. Sounds like power is better since 66% is higher than 0%.

I can make nonsensical arguments too!

Well Mr.Nonsensical, it doesn’t change my point if you are waiting for condi cleanse to come off cool down. Now what?

Hint: You’re not supposed to be able to cleanse every condi you receive, it’s the equivalent of complaining you don’t have enough aegis to block every attack.

Gee wiz really? Funny but I don’t recall that having anything to do with my question. 90% of the people on these threads get totally of the question at hand and “think” they are offering some kind of deep insight.

Sure, just like you think asking “What if you have your skills on cool down?” is a real question.

You can ask that about ANYTHING. That is one of the dumbest questions imaginable, its like “dies to removal” in Magic. Its regressive and proves nothing.

What if my dodges are gone when someone uses Eviscerate!?! Eviscerate must be OP!

GW2016....still condi cheese bunker meta...

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


So, I’ll say again, what exactly is NOT op or broken about conditions?

Many condi builds are weaker than plenty of power builds. This fact alone disproves all arguments about condis generally being superior to power dmg.

How do you define weaker? Conditions bypass toughness. Conditions can stack duration and outlast protection. If I power burst you while you have protection you take 33% less damage for lets say 4 seconds. After protection runs out I can burst you for full damage. If I stack multiple conditions on you for 10 seconds I can walk away from you and after your protection expires you will take 6 seconds of full condition damage. My point is I can condition damage you and not even be there, I can be heading to the other side of the map. How do you define weaker?

Sure and by that logic, if you cleanse the conditions you take 0% damage from them. Sounds like power is better since 66% is higher than 0%.

I can make nonsensical arguments too!

GW2016....still condi cheese bunker meta...

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Good thing most of the meta last season was Power builds, otherwise you could have been right for once.

Buff Rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


P/P buff didnt change a thing about how our core weapons are all worse than hammer anyway.

Rifle, Pistol and Shield are all still pretty bad compared to the all mighty hammer. It would be one thing if ranged attacks were actually valuable in pvp but they arent, in many cases having a ranged projectile is a liability rather than a benefit. This might be the only game where being ranged is not flat out better in pvp.

new patch

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Pistol/Pistol is still terrible.

You still lack all the things you were missing before and the extra couple stacks of confusion and slighter more burning will do nothing to mitigate the amount of cleansing. 14% damage increase on Fragmentation Shot will not even be noticed.

P/P still has no real control or defense to it. Shield is still total garbage so P/Sh isnt a thing either.

Overall they buffed skills that won’t see any play in sPvP regardless of other changes.

Hammer Scrapper will still be king.

HoT Failures: Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Guild Halls provide almost zero benefits for their huge cost and time sinks.

I can use a portal.. oh wait I have Waypoints already. I can farm some mats… that will never recoup the cost of the node. I can craft some Weapons/Armor… that are frankly both boring and too expensive (Crystalline Ore). I can pvp in a tiny Arena… that uses PvE stats…

Seriously my guild is basically dead at this point. We had a ton of people come back and play the XPack, we upgraded our guild hall, did raids for a couple months and then over the last month or so everyone just quit logging in. Nothing in this expansion has added any lasting content or need to keep playing. Guild Halls were supposed to add systems to keep the guild playing together and doing content. WHY DID THEY ADD ZERO NEW THINGS FOR GUILDS TO DO TOGETHER!!

ANet time and again misses the basics in pursuit of some lofty design ideal.

Rifle Net Shot Needs Buff

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


my biggest gripe with engineer is that all our skills are ranged yet meant to be used on Melee range

the only non melee skills are the auto attacks both on rifle and pistol

This is the single biggest problem with Rifle, Pistol and Shield. Its also why Hammer is better in every way possible. ANet gave Engineers mid range weapons which was fine when they were our only option, now that we have a real melee weapon there is no reason to even try some midrange type playstyle.

Honestly I have no idea what they were thinking when they designed hammer or the other elite specs, its pretty clear the same devs who designed the core classes and balanced them with drawbacks were none of the people involved with the trait overhaul or the new elite specs. The new stuff just doesn’t have any weaknesses and makes no tradeoffs whatsoever, same is true of all the classes.

would you like to see gyros again?

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Blast gyro in spvp ftw.

So a couple weeks ago I saw you post about Blast Gyro and thought “This dude is an idiot.” I was wrong, I tried it and you have now converted me to the cult of the Blast Gyro. It wrecks people so hard in PvP and I love it.

Rifle Net Shot Needs Buff

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


What is this “Net Shot”? Is that on the weapon we all used to use before the ANet released the clearly OP Hammer?

Seriously, Hammer is so much better than our other weapon options they should just be deleted (I say this as a proud owner of The Predator).

Brace you'reselves Mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


TIL: People actually think double moa is balanced.