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Level Gating Doesn't Introduce Concepts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


The first time you head into the Mists, there’s a tutorial area that covers capture points, reviving downed allies, and finishing downed enemies. If sPvP didn’t have skills and traits unlocked and everyone already at 80, these activities would have also been an easy way to unlock weapon skills as you completed them.

As it was in PvE, there was no direct, "Hey, this is what the ’downstate’ mechanic is. And here’s how you can get credit for activities that have a zone to stand in/defend", but -- in my opinion and I wager a significant percentage of others’ -- the skill unlocking on weapons was fantastic. As I swapped to a different weapon and tried it out, I slowly got to see all of its available skills. Requiring kills was, to me, a way to let the player see the first skill, get comfortable with it, move on to the next, and so on down the line.

I feel like taking the best from these two approaches would have been leagues better than dumping skill unlocks behind levels.

danakin’s description of a dodge-based tutorial and an event that forces the downstate on the player to introduce that skillbar are terrific and exactly in line with teaching the game mechanics -- and similar to the tutorial zone for the first time you head into the mists. These are the kinds of tutorials that force players into situations to understand and be aware of game features. And, ultimately, awareness of what the game mechanics are and how the UI operates are the primary goals in helping new players.

Not showing vistas or PoIs on the map immediately and tucking away the downstate AND unlocking its skills behind later levels are examples of great ways to not encourage players to explore these elements. Instead of moving from pressing 1 into 2 through 5 as a weapon is used, learning the weapon(s) through use, a new character can only press 1 until specific levels of experience are reached, regardless of use (for example, explore a city -- which one might not know to do with PoIs and vistas missing -- and get a few levels, suddenly weapon skills despite not having done any combat; how is that learning?). Sure, some of the weapon skill unlocks don’t take long, but why even have them stratified at all like this? Why does going in the water mean nothing until level 8?

The profession skills make even less sense. The very skills that are meant to be at the core of the character are pushed until later? What? Elementalists are locked into less attunements, rangers can’t even control their pets, guardian auras and the diversity of different shatters are slowly unlocked rather than allowing for any experimentation?? That doesn’t seem to make any sense. I would sure hate to see what this does to a new character in WvW. Can you do anything other than press 1 with upleveled stats?

Tossing these changes on top of the arguably confusing and, in my opinion, downright terrible trait unlocking system paints the leveling experience as a process of slowly removing arbitrary handicaps wherein the game engine decides when a character is ready to access things rather than a process of exploration and evolution wherein the player expands and grows as he or she plays the game and progresses at his or her own pace.

I’d love to see a user experience study (or run one, myself, if I had the resources) comparing before and after this change; participants could be asked questions about their experience playing for a few levels (however many they could get in, say, a mere hour), the way the UI and mechanics were introduced, etc. Ideally the population would consist of individuals who had not played the game before, to attempt to remove any bias toward one system or another. I would be interested to see how much of my distaste is echoed in their responses vs. not (i.e. if being a veteran player reduces the appeal).

To that end, I would be immensely mollified if it turns out that these level-gated unlocks and slow, plodding progression steps were only imposed on new accounts and not applied globally, especially if an account has a character at 80.

Feature pack 9/9: feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


Trying to accommodate new players is a terrific aim.
Not allowing a mixed system wherein folks with one 80 already, let alone all of us with many, to ignore this tiered/stepped easing into the mechanics is unfortunate. It’s quite difficult to see it as anything other than a forced handicap for no reason.

Revitalize the Game World, Resetting Hearts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


Don’t reset my completed hearts, don’t make them account-wide so that if I make any new alts they can’t get XP off them.

But I would totally be down for someone being able to choose to reset, or whatever anyone wants to call it, a map zone to do it again and pass the time.

Pre-emptively stop the incoming griefing!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


Yeah, I read that, too, just now. My assumption is that they’ve coded a vote listener that just triggers on an additional click once a kick has been registered rather than one that stores and waits for all party members’ votes and goes with the majority. Perhaps as this moves forward it will get revamped into a proper kick vote system.

Dispelling shadows achievement

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


Oh man

This was super easy (i.e. pretty much guaranteed) when SB only spawned those three portals right near where everyone stacks. I didn’t even think about this since the changes to its phases.

Wvw Color

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


Each week, the servers are matched up with one another based on their points at the end of the week (the reset date being Fridays). Typically the top team in a threesome is assigned to green, the second blue, and the third red.

If you are constantly on the red side, then that suggests that your serve has always been last in its matchups. Changing this would require earning enough points to move up in ranking or the system to shuffle your server out into another matchup where it might be placed in/earn a different spot in the new threesome.

a general starting point to read more:

Pre-emptively stop the incoming griefing!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


Kick votes should never require less than a majority. I don’t know why they elected to only require 2 votes and have yet to change that.

I’m not on bored with allowing instance "owners" to be immune, but I can why people would think that’s a good idea considerring a majority vote is not required..

(edited by synk.6907)

More tail clipping!!!!!

in Charr

Posted by: synk.6907


I hate the tail clipping, but unfortunately it’s something I’ve come to live with -- just like the fact that our footprints/pawprints are backwards. In two years, neither have been fixed.

But maybe we’ll have similar fortune as STO did and someone will get hired to address texture issues and in-game artwork eventually.

I'm feeling lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


edit: I took too long to type this post, so some of this is just a repetition of the above.

If that means you’ve done most/all of Queensdale, take a look at other low-level areas. For example, you could head south into Kessex Hills. However, if a 15-25 level zone does not appeal to you, consider the other starting areas -- Metrica Province, Caledon Forest, Plains of Ashford, and Wayfarer Foothills. These are the areas immediately outside each of the other capitals for the other races (just as Queensdale is the first human zone outside of Divinity’s Reach).

You will be able to handle them just as easily, if not moreso, as Queensdale at level 12 and gain levels up to and past 16, and you can do your story missions as you see fit. In general, the story missions can take you to zones such that you can combine map exploration/completion at the same time as progressing through the story, but it is not surprising to need to explore additional zones to pad your XP while leveling.

These starter zones are all accessible to you right away -- head into Divinity’s Reach and go up to the top/central area ("The Upper City" on the city map) and head through the asura gate. This will take you to Lion’s Arch, and from here you can enter other portals to each of the capital cities -- and, thus, the other starting areas.

Additionally, take the time to fully explore all of the cities. That should net you a few levels for your time, as well as a little bit of money and perhaps some transmutation charges (if that still happens in the new system? I remember getting transmutation stones from city exploration).

Lastly, if leveling feels a little slow to you, you can use some of the materials you’ve been gathering (e.g. minerals from mining, foodstuffs from harvesting, wood from logging, other mats off drops/salvage) to level a crafting discipline, netting you additional XP.

Please help with strafing....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


WASD for forward/back and strafing, mouselook all the time

I guess I’ve been doing it for so many years that I don’t get bothered by how I constantly am adjusting the mouse. Maybe for you it will likewise become natural to you with practice, despite it feeling disruptive now. It’s certainly quicker than keyboard turning.

edit: Left-click and moving the camera -- while in motion -- will not cause your character to change direction, whereas right-clicking and moving the camera -- again, while in motion -- will alter your character’s direction to match the camera movement. As a result, if you keep moving and let go during a left-click camera move it will snap back to behind the character, but doing so after a right-click move doesn’t change anything (since the camera and character were in synch).

If standing still, they basically do the same thing as one another - orient the character in the camera’s direction as soon as you start moving.

(edited by synk.6907)

2nd birthday experience scroll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907



Lowbie characters up to level 20 only again? AND they don’t stack with last year’s useless scrolls?

*grumbles and makes a spot in the account bank anyway*

First EP that got My Respect!

in Living World

Posted by: synk.6907


Another thing that’s pleased me in all of Season Two, but it’s again brought out in this particular episode, is that the Player Character is given a better spotlight. The NPCs look to you for aid and decisions, and you’re not playing second fiddle. When that’s combined with the better writing for the NPCs -- both the ones you interact with and the ones in the crowd -- the world comes alive more.

Possible prediction/Spoiler for Anise?

in Living World

Posted by: synk.6907


Considering we get a glimpse of Livia, at least as readers, helping out Marriner with the Shining Blade in Sea of Sorrows, I have been anxiously awaiting finding out where she is, or at least what she’s been up to, in current times. This theory’s not a bad one, but Anise’s line could have just been, as Canach guessed, the result of him finally getting under her skin.

Regarding Countess Anise...

in Living World

Posted by: synk.6907


I seriously doubt it’s Anise. Her and Canach were a great addition to the story, and her actions didn’t say, "Let’s randomly betray the world" to me.

But, I was unable to find Caithe after the boss fight, which led me to recall Scarlet's taunting of her about her secret or whatever. I truly hope this isn't the case, but I can't help myself from being suspicious of her, given how the Player Character and Trahearne and others agree that someone set this up.. It’s possible that I just missed her, but I ran around after talking to everyone to no avail.

I will END her!!

in Mesmer

Posted by: synk.6907


I powered through ~15 tickets and downed her tonight. I never attempted her in the initial run of the gauntlet for whatever reason (was probably too chicken/unwilling to keep changing my traits).

I did not attempt the 8-orb achievement. I have to get better at the fight before I feel that will be within my grasp -- one victory is hardly sufficient!

beserker gear all around
I went with a 4-6-0-4-0 trait setup, with the main traits being Greatsword Training in Dom (for phase 2), Harmonious Mantras in Dueling for more cleansing of cripple, and the typical Warden’s Feedback in Inspiration for phase 1. Fill out the others as you want, but for example I took Persisting Images in Insp figuring my iZerkers might last a little longer.
mirror heal, blink, decoy or feedback, mantra of recovery

As you seem to already be doing, phase 1 is just reflects with the focus skills / mirror heal (also slight strafing back and forth is sufficient to make her attacks go way wide). You can more or less sit on greatsword for phase 2 -- reserve blink for emergencies during the AoEs, and make sure to use Illusionary Wave to knock her and/or the shadows away.

I was initially using feedback for additional reflects in phase 1, but that seemed overkill with the focus reflects and the strafing. I swapped feedback out for decoy, and I slotted my elite as mass invis. I found that these, while perhaps a crutch in others’ eyes, allowed me some moments to gain more breathing room.

Perhaps similarly taking decoy and mass stealth will give you some time to sit back and kitten the situation as you need amid the increased number of shadows that are spawned after she’s vulnerable.

Really phase 2 felt like it was just a matter of staying calm and being aware of your common mistakes. For me, that was constantly running in a circle always away from Liadri instead of taking it more calmly and mitigating my speed as the pattern required. I also ignored the rifts in several attempts, which is terrible especially when they pull you into an AoE you just dodged. Some of that is RNG, some of that was surely my poor play in those attempts.

You may also benefit from swapping to the sword/focus set to drop Temporal Curtain on the group of shadows, either to cripple them or to pull them all over away from you.

Perhaps the above is all common sense to mesmers, but having successfully beaten her I suppose I am still on a self-congratulatory high. I need to face her on some other classes now and prove to myself that I really have the fight down.

(edited by synk.6907)

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


I am so glad I am not leveling any characters. This system seems really awful from a pre-80 perspective.

As it is, I have to stand around waiting for certain events that I have done in the past to trigger. I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to have the experience using the former system and trying to level and progress a character in the current one.

What should I buy on the Gem Store?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


I don’t understand all the support for the unlimited gathering tools when you can sell one or two drops and purchase another stack of tools from vendors very, very easily. On top of the fact that the tools bind to a character and not account.

Character slots, bank slots, and trasmutation crystals were what I looked at, before I had gold to convert.

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


How I feel about this will depend primarily on what items are being replaced with tonics.
Which town clothes will be replaced with tonics?

I think that town clothes should not be all or nothing.

I love to use my Wintersday town clothes on my human male, but I really hate how the hat looks on him. I much prefer the coolio aviator sunglasses that he is currently wearing.
I would be very disappointed if he always had to wear that hat. x_x

I do like the Mad King’s outfit on my Norn, but I would also like to show his face while wearing it. I would also be very disappointed if he had to wear the pumpkin head all the time. :/

Both of these are important things to answer, in my opinion.

I typically dislike head-slot gear in MMOs, preferring my characters’ hair and face to most anything else. So if we’re forced to show a head-slot part of the clothing, that’s going to ruin town clothes for several of my characters.

Additionally, there are several skins that include just head-slot items, such as the sunglasses and various hats. Where do these items stand if the old town clothes system is being axed? How do they become part of the new system? Do folks who own them only have the option of swapping head-slot appearance and no longer have the ability to wear, say, the pirates outfit with aviators or the witch’s costume with Thorn’s pumpkin head, etc.?

[Question] Mesmer Grandmaster Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: synk.6907


Anyone else but Carpboy and myself interested in clarifying the new traits?

Oh, definitely, but I am also worried about what else will break.

Light Armour aestetics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


If you’re going based on aesthetics, shouldn’t you go with whichever of the two you most like to look at and dress up as you play?

Would you even WANT a new class/race?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


I was disappointed that not all classes were being brought to GW2. I have no idea how the monk class would work in a non-trinity system, though. Still, the lack of dervish, paragon, and ritualist is disappointing, even if I do enjoy guardian.

Guild Wars books: opinions needed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


Ghosts was the best, in my opinion, for its story, pacing, and character detail. It could stand on its own as a fiction piece better than the others so far, and then on top of that its ties to the Guild Wars elements helps bring it to life further. I was super excited when I met some of these NPCs/elements related to them while leveling back around the first couple of months.

EoD was good in that it filled in background for GW2’s major NPCs (pre- Living Story) and setting part of the tone for the interaction of the various races and cultures in GW2’s Tyria. However I would agree with the sentiment that it was a bit shallow, especially if you don’t award it bonus points for some of the GW1 call-outs. Still, of the three it’s probably the most relevant to the main story and bridging between the events of GW and GW2.

SoS was definitely pretty plodding at times, but if you like Lion’s Arch as it is now/pre-Scarlet it’s a nice history. It emphasizes the horrors and threat of the elder dragons like Edge of Destiny with more detail about Zhaitan and Orr’s rise. There’s some great stuff that gets dropped on you towards the end, and if you liked any of the memorial plaques and stuff added to LA and its founding history you’ll appreciate getting the background context.

[VOTE] Is Guild Wars 2 heading a good way?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


I am pretty skeptical of the incoming trait changes.
I can’t honestly say if it’s bad or good yet, of course.

Looking back at the LS, while I have had plenty of fun logging in and doing things in PvE and exploring group combat in WvW at times, I don’t think I’d still be around if the game wasn’t loosely associated with GW1.

So I suppose my answer is, "No."

What do you Do with your 80 Alts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


I play them each. One session I might decide I want to charge into battle with illusions, another night I might want to apply conditions and spam wells, etc. I don’t really relegate mine to specific tasks, though in fairness there are a couple I don’t feel are appropriate for me (i.e. for my playstyle and comfort levels) to take into WvW and as such they are typically stuck in PvE.

tl;dr version: I don’t relegate any to certain tasks and just play whichever class or character I am in the mood to be.

Dear Kasmeer... I am not your "friend"

in Living World

Posted by: synk.6907


That’s fine, you all can go on not being friends with Kas.
She and I will go on adventures and make our own sound effects and save the world and make pretend clothing and have a good time without you.

* child-like sticking-out-tongue action goes here *

I think I know who E is ...[Theory]

in Living World

Posted by: synk.6907


While I don’t suspect this person is E, I am still waiting for Livia to pop up again. She already did in Sea of Sorrows.

What if Scarlet was another race?

in Living World

Posted by: synk.6907


People say Forgal and Tybalt are amazingly well written characters, no one ever talks about that Sylvari one, you know, the irritating one that you do not know the name of. This to me shows that it is not just the character but the race at fault.

I don’t think you’re looking hard enough or speaking to enough players. Sieran is every bit as good as Forgal and Tybalt, with respect to development and potential emotional impact. Subjectively, depending on who you speak with she may even be better.

Personally, I liked my optimistic, cheerful sylvari mentor just as much as I liked my warrior father-figure and apple-joking goofball pal. As she was my first character’s mentor, the impact was bigger with her than the others. Perhaps more people went with Vigil or Whispers first, making the other two more important in their eyes.


As for the overall thread subject:
In any case, I don’t know that anything would have been improved with Scarlet being a different race. We don’t honestly know much about the Largos, as our interactions with them currently are in a handful of situations: one as an ally, from the shadows and seemingly without most of our NPC allies even being aware of it, here and there on the path to Orr and others as minor NPC interactions - both as adversaries and as friendlies - in skill point challenges or the like.

To go from such a tiny representation to a major, year-long adversary character has its own potential issues with respect to player buy-in. Why would a member of a race that is pretty secluded/reclusive and seemingly not one that trusts or is trusted by the players’ races suddenly become an accepted member of the asura colleges and freely move about within Tyrian societies? On the other hand, sylvari are known for their curiosity and dedication to a cause after awakening, already have "ins" throughout Tyria with the other races, and provide a lot of neat theorizing about what exactly the Pale Tree could be or ideas that might give more meat to the conflict between the Nightmare Court and the rest of the Sylvari (and even the Soundless). It’s true that making her a largos might have presented an opportunity to learn more about the race through her, but I can’t help but feel it would have raised more eyebrows and questions than answered and been even weirder than a sylvari who wow’d everyone she met.

I understand that I am just one person and cannot attempt to represent a large/significant percentage of the GW2 player population, but I do feel that the negativity associated with Scarlet comes not from her race but from her ability to do whatever she wants/the devs want the villain to do. She’s got super intellect, advanced engineering skills, endless resources, endless minions, etc. Make her human, charr, asura, largos, kodan, tengu, whatever -- I don’t believe that would affect how the collective whole of her lore and background was received.

(edited by synk.6907)

Admit it, you forgot to loot Scarlet's chest

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: synk.6907


It spawns right where Scarlet starts shuffling away. My problem the first time was the opposite -- looting it and worrying that I hadn’t done appropriate damage to Scarlet.

"Skip to End..."

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: synk.6907


There are a lot of cutscenes* in things like this and Personal Story that need a "Skip to End" option.

* the in-game rendered ones, as the pre-done scenes usually do have the skip option

Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: synk.6907


Thanks for the heads-up about watching summons/pets in addition to the attunement. I don’t think I was even worrying about that when fighting.

The Scarlet Holo fight begins 5 minutes after the first Knight’s death; originally, this was not an issue because a map divided into groups of three would take down the Knights within 5 minutes of each other. However, with recent player tactic changes, the first Knight is dying as much as 10 minutes before players get up to the Breachmaker, meaning that you will portal up into an active fight, possibly die before you load in, and you can lose time on the Scarlet Holo Fight timer. We are working on ways to make sure that players will have much less risk to portal up to an in progress fight.

For what it’s worth, I would think you’d want to base it off the last Knight’s death, not the first’s. Worst case scenario players have a little time to talk mechanics and prepare for the hologram fight, and they’d not be porting into active fire.

The intent in the design is great -- the first time I went into LA to fight the Knights I was all set for the map to take them down in unison. That makes sense to me. But GW2 Living Story mentality is usually more along the lines of zerging through content, making it a little naive to base encounter timings off of the first of three objectives. Consider the Three-Headed Wurm encounter - all three have to be defeated in the time allotted in order to progress. Perhaps relevant code to check that condition can be ported to the Knights.

Can you make Scarlet?

in Sylvari

Posted by: synk.6907


Plus you would still have the default sylvari voice, and as nice as it is it cannot compare to Scarlet’s.

Sylvari And Necromancer Just Seems So Ironic

in Sylvari

Posted by: synk.6907


I thought of that thread, too, having posted in it before.
There are several ways you can consider necromancy and a sylvari as going well together, actually. Have fun with it!

i hate my character being the main hero

in Lore

Posted by: synk.6907


Kiel’s not a member of the new Destiny’s Edge-like hero guild. Its five members are Braham, Rox, Kas, Marjory, and the player character.

Donating gold to a buddy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


Oh, they do?
I had assumed they did it via the mail system. I’ve never seen them in action, outside of getting spam in-game mail that I report.

Please definitely do ignore my suggestion if it’s what gold sellers are doing.

Please make dailies feel more natural

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


The problem with comparing PvE dailies to PvP dailies is that the activity is much less varied in sPvP. You have a set thing you go and do, and the objectives/combat is more or less the same regardless of what day. In PvE, a player might select one of many things to do, leading to the impression that one is "going out of their way" or whatnot to complete the checklist.

Creating additional checklists isn’t so much a solution as it is just a means to trivialize the idea of a daily checklist. May as well just give them to folks for logging in.

Or, better yet, leave the dailies as they are.

No, bad idea.

Dailies should not to be forced into a checklist of things to do.

That’s all dailies are -- an artificial checklist.

Fortunately, some days that checklist coincides well with what a player is doing. Unfortunately, some days it might not.

In either case, they’re still about 10-40 minutes of "work", tops.

(edited by synk.6907)

No More Tricks, Scarlet, In Tune

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: synk.6907


I did not. I stopped attacking when the buff had around 10 seconds left every time, and I don’t use damaging conditions in my build.

Did any nearby guardians give out Virtue of Justice that affected your attack, applying burning that might have hit after you were out of tune?

I don’t know the details of how this works out, but I am just offering a possibility.

My dumb kitten gets hit by a laser or scorch area at least once a fight, so I cannot offer words of wisdom/advice.

Scarlet's last stand.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: synk.6907


Anise summons all kinds of illusions a few times in personal story missions, and of course the human queen has been shown to be quite stronger a mesmer than any of us.

In any case Scarlet’s design and skillset are desirable, for sure, imo.

[GUIDE] Six Minutes to Knightfall

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: synk.6907


Apologies for being off-topic, but the OP was not nearly snarky/sarcastic enough and did not threaten my life at any point. 0/10 would not believe was GLaDOS.

Interesting to read that some folks have gotten it without it being all three in one engagement. I believe I have never started at green, so that might be an option.

The dodging for the knights is key -- I see people down all the time as a result. I know I went down when I shouldn’t have until I paid attention to the timing. Not always easy if there are enough people to slow your FPS to a slideshow, but the OP’s list is a good one.

Best Guild Names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


I saw a guild by the name of The Skrittsburgh Steelers (4got what the tag was)

Clever, but I can’t help but think it should be “The Skrittsburgh Stealers”.

Donating gold to a buddy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


Assuming you are scared to do it via mail:

Have the friend put the money into the guild bank, and then you can withdraw it.

If you are super paranoid, list something low-level/super cheap on the trading post for the amount of gold you want to exchange and have your buddy buy it. The downside, of course, is that you will pay a listing fee and some of the sale will be taken automatically. This is the worst idea, though, economically.

Best Storyline Options?

in Charr

Posted by: synk.6907


Dinky is a good choice for some amusing lines.
Euryale is neat for comments about the lack of trust in magic users within large parts of Charr society. And for telling it straight.
Reeva’s perhaps not as funny as Dinky but it’s sometimes nice to have an upbeat partner in crime.

I don’t have experience with the other two.

As for the other choices, I’ve liked them all. I am a big fan of the charr culture. I might be inclined to go with "Sorcerous Shaman" for a little more GW1-flavored Charr experience, if that might matter at all.

[Suggestion] Your own private DPS meter

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: synk.6907


The combat log already shows damage done by me and to me, so something that turns this into a visual for fights might be nice. I’ve got my assumptions about my characters and their builds but have never done any kind of number crunching.

Dungeons and Berserkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: synk.6907


Are you a bot, responding to trigger words? You don’t seem to read the full sentences.

Dungeons and Berserkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: synk.6907


Removing dodge would cripple GW2’s intended style of combat.

Altering dodge to still cause damage, albeit a small amount, seems like a slap on the wrist of players who’ve learned a fight’s mechanics and know the attacks. Moreso considering that we all have endurance and a limited ability to dodge in succession.

The game tossed out the idea of tanks and healers, so everyone has to be able to save themselves. To punish players for focusing on that seems wrong and counter-intuitive to me.

edit: I’ll re-state again that I don’t think folks with other gear selections are playing wrong, and you have a lot more room for error and to take hits gearing otherwise. The "issue" isn’t built-into the game at all.

(edited by synk.6907)

Aetherblade diving goggles

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


I think I had 2 - 4 failed attempts before getting it, though that was back when everyone was in there -- it was easy to follow someone, if they seemed to be on-target. That and video/images of successful jumps give a good idea about where the sweet spot on that platform was.

I imagine the worst part of this is how much of the JP you must re-do in order to even get to the goggles again. Best of luck!

storyline rewards

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


At 80, you’ll get some skillpoints I guess.
And it takes some of the clutter away from the top-right of the screen.

You might enjoy some of the forks in the story, as well, so that could be a little reward.

Dungeons and Berserkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: synk.6907


When you focus combat around the push of one button to negate any incoming damage, you cannot really tease out nuances of gear. It doesn’t matter what stats a character has if he or she can dodge through the appropriate attacks and hit their own heal if needed. Thus doing the most amount of damage in the shortest amount of time is the preferred aim.

If conditions worked better, they might be what folks ran.

When learning an encounter, it sure might be helpful to have soldier’s stats or someone with more healing power and/or water fields. But honestly dungeon content seems (I must admit here that I have several explorable paths yet to do) more about awareness of the boss’s skills and proper management of dodges. Gear stat choices play no role on whether or not a dodge works.

If encounters are made that do focus on gear, then the game becomes unfair, in my opinion. While players may prefer beserker stats on characters to kill enemies more quickly, any stat combination can manage the dodging and fight in the current setup. If an encounter is made to, say, constantly apply pressure in a way to encourage more vitality or healing or something to the extent that it is actually impossible to complete with beserker-slotted characters, then I would argue the design is flawed in a game that promises anyone can use whatever stats they like to build their character however they can.

Note the difference -- currently, the only exclusion folks face is from fellow players forming parties. Unfortunate, but not inherent to the game when it happens. If dodging and healing skills alone aren’t sufficient to pass an encounter, where a certain gear type is needed, then the game would be excluding a specific build. That would be a poor design choice for a game like this.

It would be much lessened, however, if we could select stats on our gear instead of having the carry several different sets. Maybe a GW1-inspired system of prefix/suffix components, and as long as we build them once and apply it to the gear those selections would remain available. But this is an off-topic idea.

Stuck on 14/15?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: synk.6907


Whenever a new LS checklist/achievement set comes in, one of the first things I do is count the number of achievements listed and the number required for the meta achievement. Then I figure out if there are any I don’t want to do or, if I am unable to do any of them for whatever reason, how many LS-specific parts of the dailies I need to do.

If you are 14/15 I am unsure why you haven’t done 1 single LS daily in two weeks.

If you’ve just started the day before an update, well, them’s the breaks.

In either case plan better for the next one.

edit: Sometimes just reading what they do provide is sufficient, dulfy or the wiki isn’t needed to play the game.

Personal Story in LA

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: synk.6907


I decided since I was done rescuing citizens(1) that I’d run one of my lower characters through their personal story.

And then I got to the Destiny’s Edge and Order meetings in Lion’s Arch.

I couldn’t help busting up laughing. There we are, in the middle of fire and destruction... and there’s the kids playing, and the Ogden’s Hammer guy talking with another Norn, and other citizens just standing around talking. It was just so *silly* looking.

I was honestly a bit shocked that it was just the ruined LA instance, myself. It was almost as unfortunate as the choice to do 2-person story drama cutscenes instead of just having them in the game world.

As far as the living world and all that goes, I think it’s really cool that you have to sneak into LA and that non personal-story content is reliant on fighting to open the entrances and heading in to save folks.

But the personal story, which takes place before any of this happened, shouldn’t be affected. It’s an bad limitation, and I hope that whomever works on this kind of content in the future will do a better job of separating things like this. Something that has occurred in the past, even if a character is currently playing it, shouldn’t reflect present-day Tyria.

edit: My only character still working on PS is past where you mentioned, Eleri, but I can imagine the absurdity of those children pretending to be DE and Caithe’s serious meeting all with the backdrop of a burning, razed Lion’s Arch despite no one seeming to care or notice.

My engineer got to meet with the Orders in order to push for them to form an alliance and re-take Claw Island, all with Scarlet’s giant drill in the background. The city’s in ruins and Scarlet is up to no good, but even though we’re all right here and could do something about it hold on we have to go back in time to fight Blightgast!


(edited by synk.6907)

I'm a victim of dungeon selling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


I don’t see yet how it would work for normal dungeons, and i did though on "not possible to be kicked while in combat", but some people just learned how to exploit and never lose in-combat state, wich would make them impossible to be kicked. So much fixes are needed for a proper system...

Oh, that’s unfortunate; the no-kicking-in-combat was something I was assuming should have been included from the start. WoW’s LFG parties can’t kick in combat, and you couldn’t keep calling for a vote to kick repeatedly.

Hopefully GW’s gets a bit more mature/robust, or they fix that issue somehow.