^^ And a cane …
diamond tipped no less
I’m serious, let’s assume you live where I live and go by the minimum wage here: 8.43€ / hour for a 38 hour week.
Roughly estimated you’d need to work for 3 hours to buy a 25€ (Because € and $ are apparently equivalent) gem card netting you 2000 gems.
100 gems currently sell for 4g 25s according to gwspidy, meaning that 20 × 4.25= 85
To sum it up: 85g / 3 hours or 28g 33s / hourA good farming standard is 10g / hour, which is obviously blown out of the water by the money buying method by a factor of nearly 3.
In other words you’re better off not playing the game, just don’t forget to buy those gems, valued customer.
That’s the other argument I have people say it’s easy to get gold constantly, not really not without spending gems I agree with you there.
You can’t run a single dungeon anymore, those who were doing the magic find thing are still getting the drops they used to however since mf has changed most people get the same drops now and people who were once getting nothing to drop no matter how hard they tried (ie like my account no matter how high my magic find was I had a permanent DR on my account most of the time in the previous months leading up to this change) who are now getting drops are only getting at most 20 silver off of maybe if I’m lucky 4 drops max every week so it’s really still a problem. They have too many gold sinks and not enough ways of actually making gold without cutting yourself off from making the most easily made exotic items and you still have to buy the T6 materials for many of the runes because they still aren’t dropping.
I’ve long thought it was crazy for them to make things like racial armor and faction armor cost gold in the first place.
They are a Goldsink, and one done right, optional and cosmetic-only.
Not really when the entire game is a goldsink for everything it would cause 0 harm to the goldsink harmony to actually make these items a karma sink where there seriously is not enough of there are people with huge amounts of karma right now with nothing to do with them because even those Orr jewelry boxes are worthless.
I’ve long thought it was crazy for them to make things like racial armor and faction armor cost gold in the first place. It’s not like we don’t have to use those for everything else like expensive superior runesets for example.
They really just need to do to the armor sets what they did to the cultural weapons sets and make them available for karma at least then they will be uniformally available to both new and old players. I also would love to see them change them to actually be more like guild armors instead of having useless stats on them that no one ever uses, make them cosmetic items that don’t need crystals to transform level 80 armor pieces.
I agree I recently made the suggestion that they add store weapon skins to match the armor sets they already have in the store. I thought it was odd I couldn’t buy or find weapons to match things like my magitech armor or the krytan armor set.
I actually kinda like the krytan armor set was going to use it on my ranger. makes sense considering I keep getting so many porous bones LOL
I honestly don’t know the point of healing power. Only in large amounts does it make a lick of difference, and most healing abilities, traits, etc heal pretty decently. It’s probably likely they are not ok with the idea of people running around in full healing power gear healing for obscene amounts. Healway guards already heal for a high amount, imagine of healing power actually scaled in a way that mattered.
well it was originally supposed to scale properly, however most skills aren’t designed properly or were simply forgotten in the early design so they don’t really make a difference when in a group. Some people claim they do but really they don’t on most classes when you heal in your big heals for less than 1k and your little heals are half a k each and your regens are less thant 200 each while in full healing power gear and crit gear there’s something terribly wrong. Then on top of it all the extra heals by cleverly using AOE zones are unequal in their implementation. For example, my engineer has to do 3-4 things in order to get the splash effect while my ranger just needs to buttons to do the same.
It really need a rework from the bottom up and I would suggest that they implement an automatic overload on the healing turret for both the supply drop elite as well as the normal turret that would be a big help immediately.
I would select as the most important:
- A complete trait revamp to make items like % to damage type automatic, conditions on conditions builds only, and cooldown on weapon types merged the focus of the revamp.
- The complete removal of DR using other methods to handle bots thru player reporting and thru the ability of tracking auto-teleports in game that happen faster than humanly possible.
- 85% to 90% AOE resistance to all pets across the board in all combat venues to eliminate the unfair advantage and broaden the specs available.
the mythical argument by most who claim to be the righteous right when it comes to the forum posts, saying that there is no grind and that nothing is necessary, when in fact it is necessary because they haven’t done enough to make these items which do impose imbalance useable only in the mediums for which they were honestly supposed to be used in originally, I’m speaking of course of ascended gear being used solely in fractals and not in WvW or PVE open world, should stop right here and now. It’s been proven time and time again that even the slightest improvement in stats = gear treadmill in the making and it = an unfair advantage to those who had plenty of time to spend grinding whereas others may not due to their RL time constraints.
Secondly, I agree that there is no longer a place for RNG in mmo’s because it’s been 14 or so years since the first mmos have taken notice to the fans of gaming everywhere and it’s simply time to move on from old constructs which is what this game was supposed to be all about in the first place.
Finally yes it’s true the the enormous amount of candycorn needed for any sort of reward is counter intuitive to their claims about the design of the game because it was supposed to be about playing the game normally not spending hours collecting items to buy or build something. I agree OP.
What you see in these videos was talked about by Anet. They made it so you could see what the skills do. They used custom cameras and setting to demonstrate the skills. It was never meant to say that things would drop dead because you sneezed. If the game was like that, you’d play it for a week and you’d never come back, because ultimately it would be boring.
Actually it is the other way around. It is the games where I get to be a kitten that I tend to spend the most time playing whereas the games where combat takes forever tend to never get completed. That’s probably why I can’t actually get into Guild Wars 2, the combat is so tedious.
It didn’t used to be but there were a series of nerfs across the board for the game that were PVE and PVP at once that broke PVE and that were never fixed. I think they need to fix that first before they move along with making sweeping changes to items that don’t matter and really don’t make anything better for the most part on the classes the need the most help.
The Aether chests dropped nothing but useless garbage for me (go figure..), I just started selling the keys.
Not to mention they really don’t help people get the items they’d like. The one time they did the whole system right was the dragon celebration. They had boxes in all of the zones dropping off of every critter and creature out there that had a high chance of dropping one of those previously online store only ticket. I accidently ran across one and I have one of the worst drop rates in the game for anything (using the older system of loot).
It was a far better system than forcing people into the dungeon yet again. Doesn’t make any sense that LS was supposed to bring people into the open world not just 1 zone and that LS was supposed to be all about the open world, the answer to the critique of them not taking the open world seriously after advertising for so long that open world would be their key focus.
I just wish they’d finally and at long last open a PTR so that they could test these things properly and take out all of the major bugs before they release it live because they’d find people’s reactions to it far earlier and change the way they implement these patches and then people wouldn’t get mad at them when they post a patch that has tons of bugs every month or more yet post patches that don’t have the things they promised us in an online video would be implemented (71% increase in pets hp’s universally).
Tigirius: Thanks. I’ll hope this thread helps them get Turrets to work, though I’d rather they fixed the bugs before figuring out balance considerations; every time they change the balance, they break something, and the plethora of bugs probably makes it difficult to tell whether they’re balanced or not to begin with.
On that note:
1 New Bug Added 2:06 AM, 10/17/2013 Rocket Turret is rolled back to a previous version with Rifled Turret Barrels. Confirmed by staff.I won’t bother making a new thread for this one. I cannot corroborate Rifled Turret Barrels failing to increase range.
I can, two things happened when I was fighting the champion in nageling the turrets weren’t further away than I was and they were spread out but they simply wouldn’t fire at the giant until he was practically right on top of them, then the hp’s weren’t there and further didn’t help the ranger nearby either on his pet because off of them died instantly when the giant did it’s typical stomp wave.
So they have a long way to go and that’s why I’m pushing for the 85% 90% AOE immunity for pets summons and devices because without that protection they’ll die instantly everytime even in sPVP and WVW.
the sheer number of problems just from turrets have not been fixed in my experience especially with the problem of them being instakilled when any mob sneezes on them. Good luck I’ve been waiting a year now for gadgets and turrets to be functional so I can finally move out from being an all grenade or all elixir pistol engineer. Still waiting at this point.
I like how you listed them tho it was very precise!
I sent an email last month the support about how the game suddenly crashes when it’s been on for a certain amount of time. What happens is since last month’s balance patch, it’s been crashing whenever another player with a certain type of color on their armor or a certain type of armor runs up in full view of me after the game’s been on for a while.
I’ve been testing something new for a week now, i told the game to only show my skin at max so now all of the other people playing look like they are wearing generic grey items except their weapons.
I haven’t had a single crash, the game hasn’t tried to take too much memory and I can be in LA for hours now without a hiccup or lag. I tried to tell you guys that it was the same bug I encountered way back in Beta 3 and that until last month I had not experienced it.
This only happens on this game and not on any other all of my other titles I play have all been on max everything and I’ve not had a single crash.
The support team wrongly reported to me that it was due to my system being a 32bit system of windows, that’s obviously not the case.
Even with all their faults I dare say I as a casual player had way more to play in less casual friendly games than GW2 I actually had more activities to enjoy on a day to day basis in games that were more heavily into dungeons than this game and more heavily into the gear treadmill and I don’t mean just logging in and standing around. I’ve made lists before of all of the things missing from this title so saying that it’s much improved while it’s missing these things is not looking at the game objectively by any means.
Add to that all of the problems from poorly tested content or balance patches, the lack of balance in PVE, the missing features promised by the prelaunch presentations including but not limited to the manifesto, the problems of concentrating and giving favoritism to only certain classes making them look nothing like the original videos of class gameplay examples, and what you have is a growing audience that’s taking notice of all of these failings.
Despite certain people’s desires, it’s NOT the fault of the people frustrated at the product’s direction and those who post about their frustrations in these forums hoping the devs will hear them and do something to correct the problems. We aren’t the devil for pointing out the problems.
And laughably comparing an mmo to a console game doesn’t change the fact that it’s nothing like many of the mmos out there and there should be some basics that we’d all expect in any mmo if anyone’s ever played one before.
The game is designed I think specifically to be fun up to the end, and it’s always been a weakness of theirs instead of fixing it in many ways they’ve made it worse.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Is the 2-week suspension only for people who insult people who work for ArenaNet? Or for people who insult people?
I’d be fine with all of this if it was an across-the-board rule of respect for all of us. It’s a serious issue of basic human respect if not.
Right like the daily insults that we receive from those who say they don’t want to read constructive yet negative posts but continue to come to the forums and read them and then post threads about how people are posting negative threads that they had a choice not to read considering the titles most use.
All the stuff getting one-shot in these vids are trash mobs. You can easily one-shot things with any class in a newbie zone if you are:
1) Level 80
2) Optimized for damage via power and critical strength
3) Fully geared with exotic equipment.Some skills have different effects in terms of their parameters and on-hits. I really wish they kept Grasping Dead how it was, but I can also easily see how that would be an optimization issue when you have to consider up to twenty necros generating that visual effect at once.
I don’t really find this painful or wistful to look back upon.
directed at the one shot comment — perhaps warrior methinks?
I would pay real money to play the game shown in these videos. Is there any chance that it will happen? Perhaps a crowdfunding effort via Kickstarter?
You can … its called GW2. What is the difference between what is shown in the videos and what you see in game?
- My graphics seem to be better than what is shown in the video (esp with sweetfx).
- The skills are all reckognizable and usable skills you can find in game.
- The mobs are all common mobs we can find in game.
- The areas seem to be random areas in game aswell.
- The camera is zoomed in o rout and shown at a certain angle to show the animations. But everything the character does can be done in game.
What I see is different:
~ my graphics are worse because culling was in the original
~ the game didn’t have a kernel memory leak like it does now
~ the skills are completely different have longer cooldowns and do less damage for everything other than warrior
~ the mobs never died this quickly cept in beta.
~ the animations are different and many of the skills act totally different (ie single grenades, mines that actually kill, instakill rifles and rifle turret on engineer, shield that absorbs spells)
LOL I know right! Like the rifle on the engineer actually ever one shot anything in the launch. sigh. Much less the turret, you could set the turrets all on overload and it would take multiple shots and that would be if any of them survives any hits at all! Much less the main mine skill that doesn’t do hardly any damage but has a knockback and no slow effect even tho it would normally blow off legs in RL.
Oh and love the jump back on the glue shot, never happened either! sigh…
Try to one shot jump shot an enemy especially in Orr HA!
Oh oh and the piece de resistance was the single grenade throws…sigh. Back when grenades actually acted like grenades.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
If the game is as bad as you all make it out to be for this past year or so, then I must wonder what you’re doing still here.
Oh that’s right, it’s not as bad as you make it out to be.
Seems to be the same people, over and over again. If you quit a game, quit it’s forums too.
Don’t get the hostility for negative post =.=.
That’s all you seem to post :P
Yeah, I’ve quit games from WAR to Aion to Rift. I posted a lot on the forums too. I don’t make drastic statements threatening to quit or try to drag others with me. I just stop posting and don’t bother playing.
Sure, by all means make a thread that lists why you don’t find it fun anymore and what the devs should do. But complaining without offering a solution isn’t really helpful at all.
I think there was a few hundred posts long thread with 100000+ views on Ascended Weapons. I dont feel I am able to say anything new, especially when the devs are not apparently listening.
Oh I’m sure the devs are ‘listening’ to you. But does that mean they are going to make changes? Of course not.
They’ll have open ears, but they’ll never fully commit to an action unless its reasonable and suitable for this game.
Just cause you and thousands others are complaining about one feature doesn’t mean they are going to follow through with a solution.
Still its worth a try till you get heard ^^.
I wouldn’t consider it based on what’s reasonable or suitable for this game because alot of that and I mean ALOT has been ignored that other games from the same publisher are launching with so that’s not a valid argument at this point, maybe three months after launch it was but this is past the 1 year due date and it’s age is showing at this point.
Danicia, you really should remove that last line from the post. From the perspective of a casual observer, it almost sounds like you are trying to pick a fight with people. Don’t underestimate the Streisand effect… if people can’t communicate here, in an environment you have some control over, they will go elsewhere and you will not be able to control that.
On the other note, the amount of mistakes, condescending comments and trigger happy responses from the black post mods at times is disappointing. There have been plenty of times I have seen threads closed when they were not doing any harm or worse, when developers were posting and discussing things with users…
This is what I’m seeing as well. If they are really serious about collaboration then their previous rule would be enough to handle the situation. We’re angry for a reason and making statements like “anet is not doing what they are supposed to be doing as a developer” shouldn’t be a bannable offense.
If they don’t want us to go shouting on the hills thru the very means they used to advertise this game “word of mouth” on every corner that they won’t even allow us to explain our case on their own forums because anything is now considered negative and therefore bannable that’s not going to help their image or increase the number of people playing the game and their track record of making bad patches low priority “fixes” that help no one and patches that weren’t well tested in the first place will further seal the deal especially if some other games in the works get a sudden spike in development funds and attract players away from this title to another in a sudden move. It won’t end well if this becomes the policy I agree.
It’s been broken since the beginning they’d be better off just getting rid of the whole thing because really we’ve never seen it keep bots out, only players reporting has done that. We’ve never seen it actually keep the bots from gathering they port now from node to node using online maps to set their coordinates.
It’s an afront to legit farmers who are trying to make enough gold for their bloated economy prices and it’s doing nothing for the excuse they decided to use to keep it in game.
I vote that they remove it immediately and ban IP’s that are know offenders for spamming in the chat channels.
I’d also vote for them to make it so that enemies that are temporary like the bandit run for the farm in QD and the defense of the path bases in Orr that spawn temporary enemies, place those enemies on a no DR flag so that they actually drop normal drops with the magic find rating in mind, this alone would improve the overall drop rates and participation rates in events all over.
Another player posted that they lost the desire to login after this patch and I have to agree with their position. He described his experience as a patch full of problems that the team was heavily criticized for because they didn’t deliver, they were still considering logging in because of the long list of problems players who had already logged in were describing, but instead of the team rolling up their sleaves with the intention to fixit, the forum had a threatening message about critical threads. He described the atmosphere as toxic.
I’ve gotta agree here, the phrase “you have been warned” combined with the vague description of “cleverly disguised” add to that all of our previous experiences with overzealous moderation on threads where our concerns are very warranted doesn’t give us much hope that this game is heading in a direction of improvement at the moment.
I mean I remember complaining with hundreds of posters about the serious problems with loot which was a combination of magic find and DR apparently but we were met with not one but multiple deletions of these threads as well as being told we were basically imagining the whole thing after these threads were filled with people’s posts being deleted left and right for the slightest sense of being frustrated about the situation. I’m hoping this isn’t a repeat of that incident coming over the bend.
Weapon Skins in Store that match the in store armor skins. I have the magitech armor and I’m thinking of buying the old Krytan armor but I’d really like some weapons skins for my engineer that would match the armor set…
or at the very least the ability to reskin my weapon skin colors.
I’ve gone thru all of the images in game for the weapons and there simply aren’t any pistols and rifles that come close to the colors on the default magitech armor.
The Krytan armor is for my ranger.
gave a +1 at the first request Reload UI has been needed since beta 3
Love it! Love the mounts suggestion as well! It would be so awesome to have a charr or motorcycle mount for my Charr Engineer! I’d love a mount that would stay out for a period of time allowing me to mount or dismount because it would be nice to have one on display nearby as part of the little enhancements that make a game seem more real.
yes please! or better yet pickup by mail! that would be nice!
I never did understand why they penalize people for working hard towards a goal. They really overdid the DR thing. Farming events and dungeons is a lot of work. Shouldn’t we be rewarded for it?
Don’t understand why they still have it? Neither do I. Saw a bot in DReach today. Apparently it did nothing in 1 years time to get rid of them because they are still port farming the nodes.
So why have something in your game that harms your players but doesn’t do anything about botting?
I’ve been hoping for them to buff gadgets in the engineer, to make it possible to trap-combat play (where you lead the enemy to their death) totally can’t do that with mines or with ranger traps at all in PVE they keep messing with them so they hardly do any damage now.
I still can’t believe that they have two people working on class balance at this point with the lists upon lists of problems in every class except for warrior and guardian in PVE. smh
I would hope that this report on some large patch that’s coming will do the trick but after todays patch I’m just not hopeful anymore I’m quite conflicted about playing now. I mean sure they did alot of fixes like magic find, the ui like the wallet, that have certainly improved the game but the recent patch and the way it was handled really made me start looking at going and playing another older title today.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
I miss the professionalism of other mmo companies I honestly do. I play an Engineer main and I unfortunately got my hopes up again about them actually doing something about turrets. Was of course disappointed because I expect the patches to actually work properly because I expected the testing to work prior to the patch going live. I know crazy right? anyway, in other games, and I’ve played games for years now, they’d patch that into the game whatever they might have missed or didn’t work properly immediately not because they made the mistake but because they knew it would foster a negative image. Here however apparently that doesn’t matter because we’ll still see threads like the ones praising the devs for a job well done but not specifying WHAT exactly they did right, and we’ll still see threads from people who join the forums complaining that people are complaining but not really understanding what the forums are for.
Sure rangers have a generalized feel but they’ve consistantly nerfed rangers on all fronts outside of burst damage and wonder why no one likes to play them. They’ve done the same with condition damage types which are severely hurting, they’ve made it impossible to use anything other then elixirs and grenades on engineers effectively leaving out all gadgets because they are pretty much useless or weak in PVE, they’ve seriously destroyed even their own trinity.
The list is long on what’s wrong with the game but we have people in these forums that just ignore the problems entirely and make it seem like we’re the devil for pointing out the flaws that yes we do expect the devs to fix in a timely manner because yes this is a product and we expect to get what we pay for including the statement about how the combat is in the game on their advertisement main page (which is far far from the truth at the moment sadly.)
Trickery combat doesn’t exist in this game. What I mean for that is strategy. All we have seen even in PVP is people running around using direct damage skills, no one is really doing trap trickery because it’s nerfed to the point of being pointless. In PVE it’s even worse. There are plenty of ways that mobs can trap us but players aren’t supposed to trap kill enemies? That’s not how it would be if this were anywhere near RL. For example, it wouldn’t take 40-50 hits of a flame thrower to kill a mob undead or not if this were RL, Mines would cripple, bombs wouldn’t take so long to go off. The physics are all off.
We were promise support changes but I really haven’t seen any of those either. My heals in my support armor are still tiny at best. Imagine doing a 4 step AOE heal process and only healing 3% of your friends health. Yeah that’s really what we’re looking at and then the engineer takes 4 steps why the ranger takes 2. Wheres the equal chances while fighting where is it that certain classes aren’t left out? I would totally come up with a better set of fixes and have this class revamp on track within a month hands down.
I’ll just startoff by saying I completely agree with you they should all have gamepad support. I’m disabled with lung damage so I spend alot of time at home with nothing else to do as well. People don’t understand the frustration that builds from having that change in your life come about suddenly.
There are a couple of titles out there that give the controllers already on the market like the usb xbox controller the ability to be setup with keyboard commands.
I personally use the Logitech Gamepad F310 sometimes on other titles it works well and you can map the keys to the keyboard. For this one I use razer nostromo so I can keymap the keyboard functions.
There are two other titles out there that give mouse mapping as well I’ll go look those up and let you know.
only two suggested to me were Joy2Key and Pinnacle Game Profiler the second one is shareware tho.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
This is the balance patch we waited for … for months? THIS? this is it? do you have like 2 people working on balance changes?
This also disturbs me. It was considered a rumor months ago when we first heard about it but now I think it’s a reality I don’t think they have enough people allocated to this task and I definitely don’t think they have anyone playing the other classes so we see imbalance in PVE constantly that’s never fixed.
they need advocates for ranger, engineer, ele, condition damage builds, and pet builds because those are the least balanced classes and the least used builds right now in PVE.
wait till you reach lvl 80
Yep things to look forward to at level 80:
- grind
- different loot algorithm than level 1-79, so your loot might drop off entirely until you get 300% magic find
- new exotic gear grind now that karma is nerfed
- if you’re playing a pet class, pets that die continuously in every boss fight
- unless you’re playing a warrior, severe imbalance in pve
Just keeping it honest.
I would hope that if they created such a thing it would give rewards in GW2 for playing.
Welcome. I remember that feeling when I first started. It’s long gone, but I have the memories. You’ll see in due time. Welcome again.
I’m playing as long as you and I still enjoy the game.
I’ve been playing since headstart and I feel as he does, the honeymoon is always when the excitement is there until something happens like them failing to add the 71% health to turrets.
I agree with most of your points however the one on one dialogue wasn’t working for me at all. I’d much rather have the bubbles and talk outside of that backdrop, I’m still waiting on my character to have it’s own voice however.
been waiting for the meat of the world for a long time too and when I say that I don’t mean more dungeons or more hearts or more gear, I mean the types of activities that flesh out the world and make it seem real.
/silly, /joke, housing, fishing, farming, props, cosmetics (not sold in the store), outfitter/wardrobe, hunting mini games, rare pet skins for rangers, lotteries, mobile apps, collecting artifacts, guild halls, fun crafting (I miss making a motorcycle mount in WoW engineering, a loot-a-rang for collecting loot from a distance, a dimensional device for getting around easier and for free, attaching rocket launchers to my gloves to fire occasionally things like that were fun!)
(edited by tigirius.9014)
With many players a few things happened that I’ve been keeping track of since head start.
- Headstarters got in that first month powerleveled before they messed with the drop rates 2 months after launch, a time when you could even get exotics from open world chests without magic find.
- The event in Southsun allowed multiple players to login to every Alt they had and get multiple precursors, since then the economy has been completely wacked.
- The lopsided loot algorithm that existed prior to their changing the magic find system caused some players to get all of the loot all of the time making it and unfair advantage in most cases many people like me stopped playing during this time due to this problem. (you could literally get your magic find up to 300% and it wouldn’t make a difference in your drops at all).
It’s different now tho even tho some people are still holding onto their gold they earned way back in the beginning.
We get new minis!!
And that was it. A whole year and no pistols or rifles. sigh.
Yeah they took something that was already nerfed and nerfed it some more, traps. Traps are the ranger equiv of the Engineer Grenade kit now back when the explosive radius was about the size of a fart from a midget. LOL hehe sigh sniffles…..I need a tissue.
Pets omg pets. not only did turrets not get a drop of the 71% health in PVE but ranger pets did and it didn’t make a single bit of difference predictibly! Seriously Anet 90% AOE immunity. It’s the only way unless you’ll be giving pets the Champion Boss level of hitpoints and the resists the bosses have to CC and burst damage.
- 90% AOE resistance for all pets
- Fishing complete with props outfits crafting recipes minis
- Guild Halls/Player Housing on the scale of LOTRO and Rift Dimensions
- Separate dailies per character rather than per account
- New skills per weapon/new weapons/new kits for Engineers.
The honeymoon is always good.
My sentiments exactly
90% resistance to AOEs is all I can say…..still haven’t learned it yet….let’s see 5 years of WoW before Blizz finally learned guess it will take Anet 5 years before they realize Hey turrets need AOE resist hmmm.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
Can we finally and at long last get 85% to 90% immunity to AOE on all pets across the board now pleasE?! Because seriously just did the champion giant in nageling and they were all isntakilled even the 1 ranger that was there his pet kept dying so even if the extra hitpoints were there it wouldn’t make a bit of difference At All!
I have already said this before, and I’ll say it again. Giving AoE immunity is a bad idea because because this game isn’t wow, you have target limitation and anything giving almost immunity can break down the damage done by AoE if you focus turrets or minions on a single spot.
And for the ranger part, you were playing with a bad ranger, I could do Nageling Giant well before the health buff and I could just switch whenever I needed to my other pet when he was chaining his 3 shockwaves at it to make its attack completely miss. So the guy you played with was one of the 75% rangers who camp longbow with bears and never heard of F4.
Extra heath is always helpfull, even if it just prolongiates the inevitable and it would also make autotool instalation a bit more effective too, maybe usefull enough to make your turret survive a couple of extra hits.
And I’ll say this again, it’s not WoW however combat is combat the same numbers that affect WoW combat also are calculated in this game, if you can’t understand math then don’t make the argument about something you don’t understand.
Every game has had to wrestle with this and they all have the same concepts it doesn’t make any difference if you personally can’t see that.
HoTs, DoTs, Resists, Buffs, Debuffs all exist in this game like they do in any other mmo out there action oriented or not, and ignoring one of the most well tested and easiest fixes to the pet problem because of a sense of superstition about a game is just ignorance.
The games pets need resistance to AOEs, I’d argue that they also need the ability to NOT be allowed to be tab targeted as well because that would make combat so much more smooth as even in PVP and sPVP players aren’t trying to kill pets initially.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
trinity sucks, especially in ff14.
tired of 1 hour queue times when you’re a DPS using the duty finder.
That’s the problem (and lol look at my sign). After 15 years of MMO I can tell that almost everyone always wants to be full DPS in every game but its because game designers lacks the skill to make other roles (not tanks and healers necessarily) appealing.
Just to think about it… Warhammer Online (even though it had LOTS of bugs and bad things to mention) never had that problem even though it had a party set up of TWO tanks, TWO healers, and two dps…. You never had to wait in that game for a healer or a tank… simply because tanks and healers in that game were amazing classes to role with and people enjoyed playing them.
What if I told you I actually enjoyed playing a Prot Pally in WoW?
Of course you did, thats why I said almost everyone as I did with my healing shaman and tank warrior
Are you going to tell me now that tanks and healers are popular classes in wow? because… the whole 2 spec thing was implemented just to deal with that issue.
Something else happened in WoW that people rarely talk about. The PVE zones could be played in healer specs on WoW you could actually do damage enough to go thru the game normally without a hitch, the devs that didn’t do that in games are the ones to blame for poor designs because if you’re a healer but can’t do quests because your damage spells are nerfed than that’s actually the devs fault not the trinity.
They could easily make this game trinity lite so there’s a choice between a full party of zerkers and an actual well thought out planned party like the old days. It’s not that hard they already have the ground work they just have to fix CC and condition damage.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
Can we finally and at long last get 85% to 90% immunity to AOE on all pets across the board now pleasE?! Because seriously just did the champion giant in nageling and they were all isntakilled even the 1 ranger that was there his pet kept dying so even if the extra hitpoints were there it wouldn’t make a bit of difference At All!
This sure is constructive.
Well at least they put a reason for the thanks this time, it was for free stuff in the mail. smh
So guess what happened with pets. Absolutely nothing. Was on my engineer going the champion in the town of nageling, that 71% more hitpoints thing Completely Worthless instakilled every single time!
Can we finally and at long last have pet AOE immunity of 85% to 90% now so that they survive without a hitch??? Seriously because I think waiting a year is long enough you know!
(edited by tigirius.9014)
While I still personally have over 2 million karma, I think Anet has gone too far in limiting karma. People who can’t play as often but do want an ascended weapon are struggling to get enough karma just to get obsidian shards to put in the mystic forge for clovers.
Those who got that done fast have a huge advantage.
I’m not saying karma wasn’t given too freely before. It probably needed a nerf….just not the degree of nerf it was given.
Honestly the first post I’ve ever agreed with you wholeheartedly on! Seriously the 600 per daily is bad, they need a daily per character not per account especially if they want people to be able to gain items for ascended for multiple characters. It’s fine that they limited the karma boosters to not work with these jugs but to reduce the size of these jugs to almost nothing daily is too far.
I personally have a stack of the old ones I’m about to use for my third toon, but there are people who bought 8 character slots that are hurting that came into the game late that shouldn’t suffer for this change. This game is getting less and less alt friendly everyday.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Class forums often have suggestions on how to quickly and easily fix many of the major issues found in the classes however they are very confusing because people often don’t post which aspect of the game they are referring to so I think they are disorganized and they need four tiers to post in WvW sPVP World PVE and Dungeon PVE because there are different needs for each player type and they need a clear method of posting for these problems to be addressed evenly.
I do love the run speed boost on Charr personally tho as a Charr engineer the toolbelt skills from racials needs a serious damage boost they are terrible!
Tokens are a great idea however they need to improve the bag drops as well. At no time should these new improved raids be dropping the same things that the jungle worm in the beginner zone for sylvani drop. Seriously, it’s out of wack and useless. It’s like the dungeons because they don’t have the kind of rewards I think dungeons should have for being more difficult than the average open world boss I won’t set foot in one, it’s worthless to me especially without the structure of trinity lite.
The other glaring problem is the lack of ui for joining a party for this event. There’s no medium to allow players to instantly and easily join in and keep track of each other’s movements or to communicate fully on what needs to happen next in the raid sequence. Raids just don’t come together and do whatever, that’s a sad dream that most hardcore players have but it’s never happened in my entire time playing any mmo with raids in them there was always communication before and during the event to let people know what they need to focus on.
(edited by tigirius.9014)