Showing Posts For wolfie.7296:

The Santa Charr Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


yay nice list pls

Toy Trolls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


So please tell us – I’m intellectually curious – how is that fun for you? You must be very easily amused, like an infant gazing wide-eyed at the mobile hanging over his crib.

XD you know me so well

Coziest Places In Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


I like being where you know players are and they are too clueless to know you are nearby like in a house, which is what Danikat said.

Verdict on Cannons

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


How about no more siege and we fix WvW. Anet please just hire some RvR vets that are motivated, have them look at ESO, Crowfall, and Camelot Unchained and some of the other RvR type games. We can debate here all we want but lets be real. While WvW is open for all, we got alot of casuals here who are just bout that zerglife and arnt even in WvW guilds, so hard to get good advice imo.

“Have them copy someone else” Is that how game design works now?

Disformed sylvari legs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


We need some leaks from the inside.

Disformed sylvari legs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


The hair still is cut off under hats and helmets. The ‘cliiping’ excuse isn’t the issue since they could modify the hair for that and you already get clipping with many hair styles now. The real reason is more like the helmet models actually alter the size and shape of your body on half the items, and the fact they don’t want to put effort into it, but rather do some pointless inanity like “The zoo-loving gorilla killing mainstream Amercian from Ohio and elsewhere is that the childhood was to act like an aeroplane with wings out. I want all GW2 players to have the arms as wings out and record an adult making aeroplane sounds like a 5yo.”

(edited by wolfie.7296)

A.NET Create an NEW PVP/ESport Game PLEASE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Because ARENA NET has some of the best and the most talented developers and artists in the gaming industry .

I’m not seeing this.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Since I last posted the dye sets have not been implemented………………………….so you can save groups of colour

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


I’m not sure I mentioned this but the female Sylvari release pain sound and the frequncey of it’s playback really gave her flavour and should be an option. It’s not even hard to do.

[Discussion] Your Main Issues With The Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


The original female Sylvari pain sound could easily be put in as an option, and isn’t.

Minmaxers and grinders causing inflation on the store etc, while players who aren’t these do not get boosted or rewarded for not being minmaxeing/grinders..

Lack of non-revealing female armor skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Yup armor is way too revealing.

Nice picture XD she looks so angry she has to wear a tight corset pulling her waist in really hard. XD

Lack of non-revealing female armor skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Actually the opposite is true and the op is wrong. Most of the armour is conservative and about covering up the female.

Is this a sociable game?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wolfie.7296


“very little teamwork aspect of this game actually requires you to interact socially with other people”

Unfortunately, this is not unique to GW2, most modern MMOs are like that. I’m an MMO veteran and things were different 12 years ago. People actually had to socialize in games because they needed parties even to grind exp and level up faster (Ragnarok Online, Lineage 2). It encouraged talking and making friends because you had to spend hours together. Sure, I’m glad we don’t have to grind forever just to get 10% of our exp bar anymore but new MMOs overdo the solo content, people get used to it and want more. They don’t have the chance to learn how to socialize properly.

Remember when they made the Zhaitan fight soloable because people complained about having to group up ONCE in their personal story? Sad. I still do mine with groups and always start talking to “break the ice”. LOTS of people are willing to chat and have a fun time once they realize they are not surrounded by grumpy players. :P

Also, people are too reward-oriented nowadays. They don’t do anything that is “not worth their time”. They chase pixel money, rush through content, buy everything, max their characters and then they quit after a few months because they are bored. I could also take a break until the next story update because my characters are maxed but I still log in every day just to help my guildies and friends. This is what keeps an MMORPG fresh, not the shinies.

Solo content is under-appreciated still in mmos. And no, having other players who have very restricted traintrack playstyle is not fun.

Anet, pls change female GS wielding animation

in Warrior

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Absolutely not!

I like to be different.

in Mesmer

Posted by: wolfie.7296


video plx……………

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Option to restore Sylvari female pain sound to original version that is the creator’s vision of the female Sylvari..

(edited by wolfie.7296)

Accessory Colors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Underwear colour for human plx

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Allow self-selection so players can see what the name/target board looks like with the guild name under the face portrait.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Allow at least one more step at closest zoom for close-up selfies/selcas.

- Underwear colour for human plx

(edited by wolfie.7296)

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Please allow players to save dye sets/combinations, so they can be quickly set and remembered.

If you come up with something that took a while to implement then you have to manually write it down and reset it every time!

Poll to remove Daily Achivement Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Voting to not remove since grinders are annoying players.

Political Discussions in Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


They do, however chat filters and other methods are not justifiable causes for one to violate the terms of service.

….To those with an overly officious and annoying mentality. Players cry harrassment over anything these days even when they’re willing participants. It’s even dangerous if you like freedom. I personally hate being harrassed by groups of people, but that’s another, different level to this generic warning against even the smallest amount of expression.

Is There Any Way To Talk To The Devs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


They’ve had plenty of suggestions ignored. This is just a money making mill mmo.

Political Discussions in Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


@OP players have the ability to block and remove each chats.

“The storerooms are spotless, and I haven’t seen any vermin for a week. That said, I’m pretty sure I saw her fly past on a riding broom just now…”

Having said that, does the store news above refer to “Broomstick One” and what does that say about the background of the developers of gw2 (ie religious since it’s suggesting witches are vermin)?

NCsoft's Earnings Report 1Q16

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


This has been happening with software and software companies from the first day there was software for the masses. Years and years and years of this happening. Every software company has this happen. Are you going to stop having anything to do with computers and software?

Did someone say that here? I must have missed it if they did. What I saw was people saying they wouldn’t be as fast to give ANet their money. Which is a reasonable response when a company fails to meet someone’s expectations or to provide paid for content.

You’re absolutely right. If a company fails to meet your expectations, you absolutely should be wary about giving them more money. That’s all well and logical.

The thing is HoT exceeded by expectations. Because they said it would be small, I set my thinking along those lines. Did I expect more legendary weapons? Sure I did. But I didn’t expect to be able to glide everywhere and that, to my mind, increases the value of the product I bought more than legendaries would have. Therefore my expectations were exceeded.

But the real test of whether the product is worth it or not is the Living Story when it comes out. Because at the end of the day, if you want to continue with the game and the story, you have to own the expansion.

At which point, delaying the purchase would have made no difference to me. $100 isn’t going to make or break me whether I spend it now or a year from now.

I actually like HoT and it was about the size I was expecting it to be, so no problems there.

My problem came when they stopped working on what I paid for for an indefinite length of time. That didn’t sit well with me at all. Now if they had said, “put aside for a few months until we get sufficient content in the pipe and then we’ll restart it” that would have been acceptable enough to let slide. Unfortunately they have a history of “indefinite” turning into years, or never, and after seeing things promised as “one day” slide off into black holes, never to be seen or heard from again, I have no trust in them picking up dangling unmet promises unless they feel a financial bite.

Well I’m far more concerned with the good of the game as a whole, because I like the game. If Legendary weapons aren’t good for the game, I’m happy to let them stop them for now.

I’m sure when they made the announcement they expected more people to buy HOT. But there was a ton of negative publicity and people didn’t. Now people who work on legendaries are a subset of the population to begin with, so people who own HoT would be a subset of a subset of the playerbase. That’s a lot of work for a relatively small percentage of the player base. Manpower that probably could be used to better effect anywhere.

Anet probably looked at it and said, we can appease this small percentage of the playerbase and hurt the game, or we can hurt this small percentage of the player base and make the game better for more people.

I’m sure it wasn’t an easily reached decision. Mike O isn’t sitting on a beach in the Caribbean sipping a martini and laughing an evil laugh. He’s a business man that made a tough business decision based on the fact that the game didn’t sell as well as they thought it would, so they didn’t have the player base to justify the cost in man power. Not while so much of the expansion wasn’t meeting player satisfaction. Not while there’s a big lull in new content for players.

So yeah, kitten decision. I’m sure he hated making it. It wasn’t personal. It was something that was decided to make the game better. I can respect that that’s what he did.

When you start taking this stuff personally….Anet lied, Anet betrayed me, it feels like crap. But really, they had a strong business case to walk away from that feature, even though it was advertised. It sucks for everyone, including Anet.

They simply need to get back on track more than they need new legendaries. So far, at least, that’s working. They are getting back on track.

Just look at yourself and what you’re writing. Most people are more casual and you EXPECT the developers to fight against casuals, but bc there weren’t enough casuals buying it they can’t justify working against their interests

And that’s a “tought decision.”

Really everyone if you want to see what a scam developers are you have to see this inside look at their thinking processes. Meanwhile “there are not enough resources to do anything else” unbelievable.

Ridiculous unfair damage difference

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Guys stop it.

It is not about how much damage I take with a glassy build.
It is not about how good or bad we both are.
It is not about a l2p issue.
It is not about which builds we play or should play.

It is about both running very offensive builds and him doing 4x times more damage in less hits than me, both using highest damage skills available for each class.
It is about he can kill me with 3 hits and I need to land 12-15 hits to do the same.
It is about the burst disparity between professions is at 300-400%

It is clearly a L2P problem.


@OP: You’ve established you’ve spent a lot of time playing your mesmer: over, “2500 hours.” But, have you played Warrior at all? Part of L2P is learning what other’s are bringing to the table; their strengths and especially their weaknesses. Then, learning to react and adapt.

Spend some time as a Warrior if you haven’t. If you learn the class you’ll learn the counters to the things you find frustrating. Just dueling your warrior friend isn’t going to be enough to learn this stuff.

Balance is more than just damage numbers… the strengths and strategies of builds feeds into the why’s of some coefficients being significantly different from one another.

This is why people are bringing up builds and all the other things you’re outright dismissing… because the problem you’re having is more complicated than you’re believing it is.


why don’t you tell him the weaknesses plus CDs on those ‘weaknesses’ and he’ll tell you why it’s kittens.

please allow clicking through squad container

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


why not think of it this way: it represents the close together formations of raids that give you less room and visual line of sight which makes sense.

Bring Back the Desert Borderland!

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


3 months of DBL would be a bad thing for some. Can someone please explain the importants of home BL’s. Why would 2 ABL and 1 DBL not tied to a server be bad??

Hum because some love the Home BL concept ?
Control “our” map, be “at home”….

Yes for DBL lover it’s quite difficult to understand… Because that map feel more like hell and not home… But on ABL you have that “home” feeling… And ennemy are real invaders…

So it would be better with 2 DBL and 1 ABL or with 1 DBL and 2 ABL………………

WvW Poll 04/28: Scoring vs. QoL (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


I’m very glad that reward tracks were added to WvW – I think that’s a great step in the right direction. However, I would like to see these tracks worked on a bit more to have a bit better rewards. The one thing that stands out to me is the ability to obtain a WvW-specific legendary backpiece. I don’t feel it’s right that it can be obtained through sPvP and PvE but not WvW.

You don’t think it’s the fact you get lots of weapon skins and barely any armour skins bc the armour skin is at the end only? That’s pretty stupid if you ask me

Ridiculous unfair damage difference

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


You’re the one bringing it up because why counter with arguments and logic when you can just go “check yourself brah you don’t know stuff yeah”.


Ps I hate that brah crap that’s not me :P

Memories Of Battle

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


1. Why are they not on the daily chest, and 2. are there any plans to put them in there?

What about this……why do you get weapon skins and not armour skins? You need 1 weapon, but several armour pieces. It’s deliberately opposite to what you want. Or you should get a choice.

Dishonored by anti-gambling

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Having to quit is enough annoyance te them as it is just chill and let them do it

What GW2 can learn from Street Fighter

in PvP

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Why does it bug the op so much that ppl can solo content? What’s it to him…

Naw Night Capping Isnt a Thing

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


lets rewind, you(mr ogre) once said that asians is equivalent to rodents for nightcapping (did i hear an apology to that, no)

I called OCX/SEA players that only PvDoor rodents. You’re bringing race up. Should get a Rosetta Stone to freshen up your reading comprehension

you even linked this thread and said all of asians should move to china and learn mandarin for them to play on that server

You said there were no Asian servers. There are. English is a second language to many Asian players as would be Mandarin. Their servers are in fact better than NA’s

gr8 b8 m8


You are nightcappers to OCE/SEA, so I don’t see your point at all.

Black Lion Trading Co. - Dishonest Business?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Being a monopoly, yes.

Bring Back the Desert Borderland!

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


I prefer DBL atm since it was new to me. I hear the traps got nerfed and think they should be increased again.

WvWvW isn't duel zone

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Demoralising people by doing what out in the open exactly? Fighting? Lol ! I guess in your perfect world everyone would either be sitting on arrowcarts or following the monoblob.

I don’t concern myself with what opinions cowards have of me, only the reputation I hold amongst honourable, strong fighters and zergbusters.

As for having a distorted view of my own importance, I don’t get how that is possible when I do not care for PPT whatsoever, haven’t done so since zergbusting got brought to bronze those many years ago.

It’s a complex sense of honor and unofficial rules of engagement I know, but it is far from a uncommon thing and I hold a lot of pride for it.

You’re completely deluded and you’re the coward. What’s the bet you sit around minmaxing your 1v1 potential?

(edited by wolfie.7296)

HoT vs Core = Unfair Advantage.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


So, how does the op think Anet can survive with 60$ from 3 years ago? It’s not like everyone buys gems or there are tons of new players buying the core game every month.

Anet started it.

Amalgamated Gemstone supply unsustainable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


So you need 2250 orbs, crest, etc. to craft 250 gemstones needed for a HoT legendary. Now this is not exactly a bad idea, in fact I like its a great idea but the issue is that there is NO reliable way of getting these said orbs, crests, etc. Anet NEEDS to increase the drop rate of these. One way they can do this is buy giving a guarenteed any 1-3 orb or crest from completing a dungeon path.

Another grinder complaining about grinding.

How long will Alpines last?

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Best areas for Alpines for me is the SE corner.

WvWvW isn't duel zone

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Basically for me the issue lies in the actions of allies.

No it doesn’t. It’s wvw and you are demoralising people by doing it out in the open while people try to defend keeps etc.

Duleers also do it out in the open for attention, which also shows your motivations. You have no respect at all from anyone on the server playing wvw. Sometimes there are people queing in to help in wvw. You have an extremely distorted view of your own importance.

Thief needs work- possible suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


move the fastest of all, move in the shadow

They move in open plain sunlit sight too.

The online of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Or does lfg mean nothing and majority of players don’t use it at all?

Basically. In general, the majority in MMOs tend to play solo.

And look how much benefits and attention guilds get. It’s ridiculous from a monetary perspective even Idk why companies repeatedly do it.

option to delevel to 1 (not what you think)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Sadly, it will never feel like during the betas and launch four years ago

That’s also not what I’m expecting. It’s a very realistic, practical suggestion.

option to delevel to 1 (not what you think)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Nope. You miss the point. It’s the same name and character appearance etc. You keep everything and achievements I even say this in op right before your eyes. Plus if your slots are full then you can’t

option to delevel to 1 (not what you think)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


It would be cool to be able to delevel to level 1.

This would not remove any skills or ablities etc or storylines or achievements, but instead locks them out…no skill points are lost they are simply gained automatically again. Or, they are kept and only the level 1 appears again.

There’s something about the idea of being level 1 and actually being level 1 that is very appealing. You would restart at the beginner stage.

DBL/WvW Change Suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


I would like to see some more changes to the DBL when they comeback.

Extending the towers walls, all four of them, so they can hit other objectives. Like north towers in the ABL could hit garrison. The south west tower could hit bay.

Having a route out of spawn directly into north camp. On ABL, the rush to save north camp was one of the great things. Also, this would help people rush to Earth keep for saves. Those rushes were also amazing because a mesmer could port you from spawn to Garrison when the wp was down in ABL. I would love to see this in DBL.


Hated the knock back thing in air keep that blows you off cliffs, glad they scaled it back a little (but please just disappear completely)

Popping up rock walls can die. I don’t mind if they’re permanent structures though.

I love traps and seeing players knocked off heights etc.

Borderlands very empty

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


I really don’t know why chores are part of the game. Let me post a thread to show what I mean.

Why does account sec. revolve around this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


A mystical far eastern-looking dragon? Because it seems to me that would most appeal to Asians and why would Anet want Asians in particular to get more account security?

Seems wierd to me…..

DBL/WvW Change Suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


The weak part s of the visual aspects of the map imo are the north camp it’s just wierd and nonsensical for no particular reason….all that tech and you still use mules? XD the ne necro keep/tower is a weak looking area. the east and se are pretty good…the cliffs being the best parts.
Best areas is sw spawn at night and west molten keep looks great. Have not seen nw keep/tower.

Again the problem with wvw is often 1v1 balance because you spend time getting somewhere only to have some necessarily grinding 1v1er with an op build and class (HOT class now) come and kill you. Then you have to walk back. That is seriously not fun if it’s repeated. All the hardcore 1v1ers roam which puts them up against people who aren’t nolife grinders….which just unwarrantedly fuels the ego of the nolife 1v1 grinder because they think they are skilled when they kill people more interested in doing things and who knows duelling is grossly unbalanced (hthese people don’t understand that).

(edited by wolfie.7296)