In general (not just in regards to GW2) is it better to set the options for such things as Anti-Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering, Texture Filtering and Vsync via a games options or through the Nvidia CP? Is there much, if any, difference?
I generally set them inside a game but was wondering if there would be any sort of performance gain if they were set via the hardware’s own software. Would it hurt to have some overlap…such as having FXAA enabled in-game as well as in the control panel? How about FXAA in-game and Antialiasing mode set to Enhance at 4x?
Vsync seems to be the most confusing to me as I always prefer it on due to my extremely low tolerance for tearing. Does it hurt to have it enabled in the NCP Global Settings and have it enabled via the in-game settings?
Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the whole idea of a cosmetic endgame to eliminate the sense of competition between the haves and have nots?
Absolutely not. The ENTIRE POINT of cosmetic endgame is competition between players over looks – with stats being largely equivalent and non-competitive.
I spent 8 months building an Infinite Light instead of pursuing a Legendary skin. While I did so because its a look I liked, there is no doubt that its not intended to show up in the hands of any and every player that decides they want one too.
You have to want it. You have to want it enough to commit to some massive multi-month farming or a not inconsiderable amount of gold-making.
I think you’ll find that only a tiny percentage of people who play games like Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 “compete” on this level.
Most people don’t care what your character looks like or what he’s carrying. Most people in this type of environment are making a character that looks like their image of who that character should be.
I’m pretty sure only a very small minority of players are competitive about looks.
And that was the point I was trying to make…
When stats are required for endgame then stats become a competition. However, since nothing cosmetic is required for endgame then by its very nature cosmetics are not competitive. The subjectivity in how one looks makes them mostly equivalent depending on ones view thereby rendering them non-competitive unless one chooses to see the cosmetic endgame as competition whereby that is a players choice; not game design.
So in essence if one feels that a legendary skin or any other cosmetic item thrusts them ahead of others then that is on them, not the game. Self induced concern over how others look is of no concern of mine.
Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the whole idea of a cosmetic endgame to eliminate the sense of competition between the haves and have nots? Now people are saying that itactual is the opposite?
I’m confused by people.
(edited by BioFringe.7945)
Most people are always so quick to judge in these sort of threads. Let’s all keep in mind that…
We’re only getting half the story or in the most only one side of the story.
Let’s not be so biased in our responses as it doesn’t help anyone.
@OP submit a ticket if you feel that you’ve been wronged and let Anet sort it out. You can also post on the Suggestions board if you have any decent ideas on how to change the situation for the better. That is all you can really do.
No need to adjust anything I guess…I believe that my mistake came from not realizing that server time was based on PST/PDT. I really don’t know what I was thinking to be quite honest. O’well. I plan on taking the day off for the event so I’m highly looking forward to it.
You can transfer to any server for free if you delete all your characters. Doesn’t matter if it’s US or EU.
Indeed…except that PST will be 12 noon and Server Time will still be 1pm…Thus
1pm Server Time will = 12pm PST, 1pm MNT, 2pm CT, and 3pm EST
Note: Server Time is not affected by DST thus 1pm ST will always be 1pm ST
I might be mistaken but with Daylight Savings coming up I believe the times would not be…
On November 10th at 1pm server time (3pm central, 4pm eastern)
but rather…
On November 10th at 1pm server time (2pm central, 3pm eastern)
Nope. The word has lost all meaning to me.
This might have been brought up before but does anyone else get the impression that the devs were all drunk one night when one of them said…Hey pass the Tequatl.
Thus the name was born.
You promise? Well I beg to differ. Have you attempted to reach out to others? Have you joined a guild? Have you used the LFG tool?
This game isn’t going to hold your hand when it comes to grouping. That’s entirely on us as players to decide for ourselves. I would suggest making better choices.
I can tell you without a doubt in my mind that if you make the effort then you will eventually build up your friends list and you might not ever play alone again. It does take time though as I’m pretty sure that the other game you played didn’t drop you into a group right out of the gate. I’m pretty sure that it probably took you a bit of time back then to get to where you were grouping wise but might just not remember how it was when you first started playing 8 years ago.
tl;dr give it time & effort…it will come.
Just my opinion of course but I make no promises.
Just a friendly reminder for those that might have missed it…
Hey everybody,
I’ve noticed some posts in here suggesting WvW and PvP topics. Chris has posted separate threads for those issues here (PvP) and here (WvW). Going forward, please limit topic suggestions in this thread to PvE topics and post your WvW and PvP suggested topics to the appropriate threads.
Also, please keep your suggestions as concise as possible to aid us in identifying the most-desired topics for discussion. We understand the desire to elaborate on your choices, but there will be time for that in follow-up discussions.
1. Build Diversity
2. UI / Options
3. Quality of Life
be left behind.
Where exactly are you headed in this game that you feel as if you will be left behind?
Hows that going for you? Do you have a release date yet?
If it’s one keystroke per macro, there’s quite literally no point in a “macro” key on the keyboard. The only purpose for a key like that is to do more than one thing with one keystroke.
By that opinion my 18 G keys on my G510 are completely useless for GW2…why do I even bother to use them?
Oh, and take screenshots while viewing vistas as you’ll get plenty of scenery without your character within view during the flyovers.
You will need to log in and out in order for the screen to refresh.
Guess it’s my turn to keel this thread on the forefront.
Been away for about 3-4 months but I just patched up the game so I’m looking to possibly make a return. Here’s to hoping that I might see some of you all in game real soon.
Game on.
When was the last time you said to yourself while in PvE “wow, that guy is an awesome player”? If the answer is “never”, then PvE is probably too easy.
I say that every time I watch my character kick some booty
Oh, and to answer the OP…
Yes & Kinda of
Which is funny, seeing as (according to someone’s research that was posted somewhere on this forum), both EU and US servers are physically located in the same place.
Can you post a source please. I’m interested in knowing this as I’ve always been lead to believe that 1 is in Texas and another in Germany.
Each of the 3 books can only be used once per character at or above their appropriate levels. There is however a Respec option that the same NPC sells for @ 3.5s at level 80 which isn’t expensive and can be done as often as you can afford it.
@Clay & killcannon, et al…
I’ve been monitoring the World Selection screen over the past 24 hours and it seems that you all are correct about server population (home vs logged in). Unless of course no-one has logged off any of the servers in the past day but that’s highly unlikely.
That is all…just wanted to admit my mistaken beliefs.
Just because such terms are common, it doesn’t make them any better. EA also is well known for putting such regulations in their agreements, and they’re often breaking local laws and are considered the worst publisher in the industry for a reason.
This is called arbitrariness, and such passages are probably legally void depending on where you live. Just because I sign an agreement that allows NCSOFT to remove my organs and sell them, that doesn’t mean they’re actually allowed to do so.
You seriously didn’t just compare organs with pixels that you don’t even own did you?
What’s going on here? Is this thread for real? Am I still sleeping?
I don’t agree with these terms
You already had agreed to them or else you wouldn’t have been playing up until now. If you’re saying that you no longer agree to them and thereby will cease to play, well then the only thing I have to ask is…really? Over this?
You can only have access to 1 skill per slot during battle. It is meant this way so that you’ll have to make specific decisions about your build. No way around it.
(All male ofc, it’s a RPG after all)
I’m sorry, I really don’t mean to take this thread off course but I’m so curious that I have to as…what exactly does this being an RPG have to do with playing all male characters?
No problem with that^^
Nah it’s just I personally do not like playing female characters whatsoever. Just can’t do it. Others may like it, I don’t.
Cool. No problem with that what-so-ever. I just thought that I might be doing something wrong and that you might know something about RPGs and Gender that I didn’t.
Thanks for the response and Peace!
People claim server population doesnt indicate players, but it does. It indicates players online, and servers have a higher limit than they had at release, the limit has increased gradually since release. Some servers also have a much higher population now.
This is wrong, as confirmed by ANet:
Not to burst anyone’s bubble here but that quote doesn’t really say one way or another. Especially if you take it in context of the original question…
“What does it actually mean when the server populations says “High” or “Full.” Does ANet go by the number of people CURRENTLY on said server, or by the number of accounts MADE on said server.”
Oh, and thanks for the signature comment…I think.
It goes by the number of accounts currently residing on the server, not current players. It only fluctuates if someone deletes their account on the server or transfers. Guesting has no impact.
That quote was from before guesting so that doesn’t matter.
I personally see it the other way around but that’s through my own experience, which is exactly what everyone else has to go by when drawing conclusions in this matter as that quote and everything else that any other devs has ever said on the subject is ambiguous at best.
EDIT: I’d love to test this for ourselves though. It wouldn’t be difficult. Just organize a mass log-off of everyone on a given server and see if the population indicator drops down a level. I’m sure we could get enough people to agree to a 10 minute simple test.
(edited by BioFringe.7945)
(All male ofc, it’s a RPG after all)
I’m sorry, I really don’t mean to take this thread off course but I’m so curious that I have to as…what exactly does this being an RPG have to do with playing all male characters?
People claim server population doesnt indicate players, but it does. It indicates players online, and servers have a higher limit than they had at release, the limit has increased gradually since release. Some servers also have a much higher population now.
This is wrong, as confirmed by ANet:
Not to burst anyone’s bubble here but that quote doesn’t really say one way or another. Especially if you take it in context of the original question…
“What does it actually mean when the server populations says “High” or “Full.” Does ANet go by the number of people CURRENTLY on said server, or by the number of accounts MADE on said server.”
Oh, and thanks for the signature comment…I think.
Sorry but you can’t.
Also, if you won’t help the Char then you’re not paying attention to the point of the story so whatever choice you make should be trivial at best.
I think that exactly 3,141,592 people play this game.
I concur
With all due respect, this is misleading information. The reason is because the news is the game sold 3 million copies from launch until a specific date. That cannot be compared to any other MMO for one reason. The reason is because the company offered “PRE-PURCHASE” of the game and is including those numbers in their sold copies. The other gaming companies didn’t offer that but only pre-orders which aren’t considered part of the sold numbers. Pre-purchase of Guild Wars 2 opened on April 10, 2012 which is at least 4 months prior to game launch.
Also remember, the game was offered to be completely refunded to anyone that bought the game. We don’t know what those numbers are for the people that took the refund.
I’m confused as to the difference between Pre-Order and Pre-Purchase. Once the game launches the Pre-Orders are filled and count as sales…just like Pre-Purchases would count towards the sales. In the end, the sales totals are from launch…not from when they started taking Pre-Orders or Pre-Purchases.
Can someone link this GW2 is the fastest selling mmo? Everything I see by google is saying that SWTOR is the fastest sellling mmo.
Read the thread…all the links are here as well as an explanation as to why you’re seeing what you’re seeing via your Google search.
Sorry but not any longer.
Since you didn’t bother to read the link…
“To start the chain if it has not started yet, clear the Son of Svanir Tags and the Sacrificial Offerings at the grawl camp due south of the Heart of Corruption Point of Interest”
There isn’t an active trigger for Maw. The Grawl just decide to start attacking. It’s on a timer. Period. Now it’s on a VERY LONG timer.
I’ve trigger it before when there wasn’t another soul in sight and the time was well past the 30 minute mark. There is a trigger for it…it doesn’t just keep repeating every 30 minutes whether someone is there or not.
Are people actually trying to trigger it and therefore coming to this conclusion or are they just standing around waiting for it to start?
“Wayfarer Foothills: Reduced the frequency of grawl attacks on Tor’s supply tent in the Frozen Maw event chain.”
So at least the Frozen Maw chain will happen less often than it used to now.
That could just be that the waves of grawl in that event will occur less often…meaning that you’ll have more time to re-coup between waves. I could be wrong but that is how I read it. I’m under the impression that if they changed the frequency of the entire event then they would have listed it as a change to The Frozen Maw instead of just one of the quests within the chain.
Runes are for Armor…Sigils are for Weapons.
Read the following and see if it helps with your questions…
Basically…if you put a Rune A into an armor piece you’ll have 1 of 6 armor pieces with that particular rune so you’ll get the 1/6 bonus. If you put Rune A into another armor piece you’ll get the 2/6 bonus. If you have all 6 armor pieces with the exact same rune then you’ll get the 6/6 bonus.
No other ppl have the middle mouse button problem?
Why not try to describe your middle mouse button problem instead of just leaving very nondescript one sentence posts?
Same as every other monthly patch so far…when it’s ready.
They don’t set a time. They’ll let us know a couple hours in advance but that’s about all you can hope for.
EDIT: Also keep in mind that it’s still the 25th for them. They need to go to bed, wake up, get to work, then decide when they’ll launch. So my guess would be sometime within the next 12 hours or so before patching begins and that’s a low end guess.
Pointers I can understand.
However, panhandling threads should not be allowed on these boards and compliance by others to the OPs outstretched, open palm will only encourage others to attempt the same.
Teach a person to fish and they’ll eat forever…
Oh, and the GM book is 2g right? What’s the extra 1g for?
You need to complete all 3 if you’re going for 100% map completion.
Does anyone know how to remove the target mark once the mob is dead? I usually just mark one of my guildie teammates and let them run around with it on until we find the next big mob to kill. Kinda funny but I’d really love to know how to do this without messing with my teammates.
This has been bugged for awhile now (like since release or earlier) so you’ll just have to keep an eye on the patch notes. In the meantime, pen & paper are your only real options.
What exactly is the “paradox” here? Do you mean…Misunderstanding? Misconception?
The following wiki page shows the types of acquisition possible for each piece…
You can’t pick which one to use…they are Chain abilities. Meaning that once the first one is triggered it will be replaced with the second…trigger the second and the third will become available. If you kill the mob that you have targeted the process resets back to the first ability for the next target.
If you have a chain on your auto-attack you’ll probably hardly ever notice it going through the sequence.