Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46
I can’t believe people are complaining about the Wurm. We’ve been asking for hard content that requires co-ordination since the beta. Now that we have people are complaining.
This is not only the best content Arenanet has released, it’s some of the best content of any MMO.
Best content in any MMO? Highly opinion based.
Only reason anyone is complaining, TBH, is because Arenanet decided to release this as an open-world raid. Releasing it in a raid instance would have solved so many issues that plagues open-world raids. I want hard content, but not hard content that random passerbys can screw up (by not pulling their weight or otherwise).
Watching you sit on full bars of adrenaline, miss-time healing shouts, and blatantly stand still with longbow and facetank unnecessary damage was not fun. I think the build has potential, but you need some serious practice. Just my 2C.
Guys, there’s an easy solution that has been mentioned before.
Raid instances!!!!!!!
Just give up the unique butterfly thing ANet, and succumb to the superior idea. It’s happened before, you introduced vertical progression 6 months in. This will make players happier and make the boss fights easier to tune, quicker to re-try on a wipe, let guilds have something awesome to do, higher FPS, etc…etc. Do it.
Sorry to burst your newly formed bubble OP, but there really is no endgame in GW2. It’s pretty much WvW or sit in LA.
PvP balance is in complete shambles, the number of active players is lowering each week.
PvE will get dull and boring. It is fun for a bit, I admit, but once you start gearing right and getting groups you will soon cruise all of that pretty easily.
It’s a shame too because there is so much potential in this game, but a huge lack of incentive to play once you’ve been 80 for a while. I find myself playing less and less.
Guardians everywhere, since they can more or less do the 3 roles
Having Trinity officially in the game would force a total revamp of the entire system, so Guardian as we know it today would be different.
I think having “no trinity” is the stupidest design choice Anet made among many bad choices, but that’s just me.
And your opinion is just that – an opinion.
Why would they make their game exactly like all the trinity games out there?!Because well, one famous trinity-based game has been around for like 10 years – with more players SUBSCRIBED then have only PURCHASED GW2. It’s a model that works in the long run.
GW2 was great. But now that we’re in the aging process of the game, the system in place just isn’t cutting it. I’m bored..
WoW at the age GW2 is currently at was a complete wreck of a game too. Botters, hackers, private servers, scammers, account selling, bugs, glitches, poor raid systems, poor pvp, limited pve etc etc. Put some perspective on it.
Yes but that was 2004 when players didn’t know what graphics card their computer had inside of it. It was a complete revolution when it came to opening up the game genre to the masses.
And just as an FYI: MC and Onyxia’s lair were open and available upon the game’s release in 2004, even being present in the game’s beta-testing stage.
The world’s first completion of MC was done at the very end of 2006 – more than two years after the release of the game. That’s called being prepared with something to challenge players with and keep them interested. The only thing we currently have in place in GW2 is the “open world” zerg system (trash). And I guarantee even the new Wurm won’t take more than 2-3 weeks to be downed. Even upon fractured re-release some guys hit 50 within like a week.
I despise the fact they are putting all of this effort into open world zerg bosses instead of organized dungeon raids with an increase of party allowance (10-25 players)
Guardians everywhere, since they can more or less do the 3 roles
Having Trinity officially in the game would force a total revamp of the entire system, so Guardian as we know it today would be different.
I think having “no trinity” is the stupidest design choice Anet made among many bad choices, but that’s just me.
And your opinion is just that – an opinion.
Why would they make their game exactly like all the trinity games out there?!
Because well, one famous trinity-based game has been around for like 10 years – with more players SUBSCRIBED then have only PURCHASED GW2. It’s a model that works in the long run.
GW2 was great. But now that we’re in the aging process of the game, the system in place just isn’t cutting it. I’m bored..
There’s not much grind compared to other games, that’s what they meant.
I’d say actually the grinds are longer here, there are just fewer of them. Wow for example, every 2-3 months you grind a new set of armor but it doesn’t take long. Here it takes a long time to get a legendary or full ascended armor set, but once you do, you’re pretty much done. There are no real winners because in WoW grind you can usually get caught up to speed but nearing the end of expansions it isn’t as easy to get into the flow of content and you miss a lot of outdated stuff. In. GW2 grind, any progress you make lasts but it takes a long time, gets boring and in the end doesn’t amount to much and you end up in an mmo with no goals. I have no real preference but I do miss seeing group roll loot drop from hard instanced bosses. Everything being based on collecting good to buy 250 of various mats is quite honestly a bad design. Its so dull. If you could realistically grind the 250’of each material it would be better than now. Its gold grinding for mats and a prerequisite weapon and farming non-tradable items. There’s no epic feeling to that. It’s essentially all numbers. That’s the part that makes the current implication of armor-grabbing boring. Even full exotics don’t drop from the dungeons you run! You farm gold and buy some exotic berserker gear… Where is the fun in that?
Although written in a wall of text, +1.
From my perspective, it’s not so much the lack of help. I actually really love the process of learning and fine-tuning encounters.
The problem lies within open world “endgame raid bosses” where zones are limited to X players, there tons of randoms around that don’t necessarily care/try/play well, and many, many other factors that influence the success of said boss.
If they put this or even Teq in a 25-40man instance, I think we would have many more people banding together in guilds and raiding the content often. Instead. we have lagfest clusterkittens in the open world that are oftentimes just demoralizing to be a part of.
Er, “hardcore PvE” small scale is Fractals, and maybe Arah/Aetherblade path.
Fractals was updated in December. Tons of people complains about Fractals but I honestly think it’s a challenging aspect of PvE. I’ve seen my share of bad players that’s just inept at the highest fractal levels though I agree that dungeons are mostly an ignored aspect of the game from the devs.
Very true, and I was even including FotM when speaking about the lack of challenges. I’m currently at personal level 46, and am guildless – have literally PUG’d all content thus far. Higher level stuff does get a bit more challenging, but for the most part are the same fights with the same strategies. I like this facet of it.. but let’s be honest – the scaling and repetition of FotM is just a very “convenient” way of a developer to add a form of content scale without redesigning or adding – they just slightly tweak some numbers (health/damage) per FotM level and voila, as my peon would say work complete.
Because it sums up pvp better than ‘real pvp posts’.
This. Sadly.
I’m a huge fan of organized, tough PvE content. I was a “hardcore” raider back in my high school days when * *cough * * there was a popular MMO out there..
It’s not even so much the vertical progression that entertains me or gets me excited, it’s the conquering of challenges with a team, testing out builds, min/maxing, etc..
There’s just nothing in this game when it comes to PvE or group progression. We group up, skip trash pulls, and zerk down bosses. Again, I’m not talking stat/gear progression. I’d be happy just earning new prestigious titles, skins, new visual backpieces. But we’ve been stuck grinding away the same old dungeons. For what? .0001% chance at a precursor?
I just don’t see it happening in GW2. It’s been a year and all we’ve seen is a Tequatl (and rumors about “upcoming” open world boss) improvements. But that’s open-world zerg content, another topic altogether
With the emergence of some new titles (see: Wildstar) and even existing with a similar F2P model (see: Rift) I’m starting to feel drawn away from the bland content we get on the “hardcore PvE” side in GW2.
Although some time ago I was hopeful, like you, and posted suggestions like these, I have since realized they will have little to no effect on the Guardian class. Everything you posted has been mentioned somewhere before, and makes sense from a design philosophy if you have invested time into a Guardian.. that being said.. I don’t think they want to improve our QOL
Yeah hammer’s a fantastic weapon, but it is slloooooooow. If you’ve ever tried using a warrior hammer for even a short period of time, you will realize how great things COULD be.
Yes, please stop.
Probably freaking awesome.. could you imagine the boss fights?
It’s tough for people to actually put some thought into that – because we’re so limited with the current system. It’s unfortunate because I’ve never played a game with such a fluid-feeling movement and combat system.
Many complain about the “LF HEALER! LF TANK!” Issues. Well this might be news to you, but some people actually like to play those roles. Me being one. Hell, we could even incorporate a trait system that allows every class to play every role, or CLOSE, similar to the WoW system in place right now (to my understanding.. I quit long ago)
I wish we did have trinity TBH
Nice 9/10, I like the hair color. It was between that and the one I have now. But I had to go for the true Guardian colors
It’s been mentioned several times, multiple users actually entering the term “HOBOSACKS!” in the developer live stream recently. With how simple this QoL improvement is, you’d think they would have something for Engineers by now.
But this is not true.
If I were you, I’d honestly just forget about it. I’m sure they’re “working” on it. But don’t expect something for like another 6 months, at least.
I’m going to give my view of agony and agony-based attacks, as I’m wondering if anyone else feels the same way.
Agony-based attacks:
- “Force” players to dodge/block/evade them, at least every other one, requiring focus and attention toward NPC tells and animations.
- Feel like a serious threat to party survival
- Can never really be trivialized by the current max amount of agony resist gear available
Problem with current design:
- Completely trivialized with release of copious amounts of agony resist gear
- Turn a specialized tell attack into something players really don’t pay any attention to, as 1% HP per second drain is completely ignorable
- Time-gates certain levels of FotM with strict requirements. For example, my Guardian still does not have Ascended Earrings (I absolutely hate doing dailies) and therefore is heavily restricted from certain levels in the mid-40 with agony instabilities
I’m just tired of watching people sit and take specialized agony attacks to the face. I honestly don’t think this was what the designers envisioned in the development of agony and FotM but it has just somehow snowballed into an ugly stepchild.
Are there any upcoming design changes to improve/change/fine tune agony? Or are we stuck amassing huge quantities of AR and just facerolling through our FotM?
It was also amazing to see how many times this thread was referenced in yesterdays stream
Not that funny.. the word that comes to mind is “unprofessional”
This has more views than all of the stickies combined.
Isn’t that somethin.
So true, never even thought about the implications of Fractured.
My hopes for the livestream:
Screen starts black. A spotlight appears on a turned black chair. It spins and there is our heavenly prince…Robert Hrouda.
“I’m back mother-f***ers” And on the screen it shows his title. Dungeon Lead Developer.
Novel end-game content is coming back with 5 new dungeons as soon as Scarlett dies. He shows a preview, and it looks epic. Boss fights with amazing and interesting mechanics.
Now for the stat changes. Crit damage is not actually being changed, but PvE cond damage is being buffed (something like increasing the number of stacks to 50 in dungeons…that’s going to be some insane vuln stacking). You can almost hear the casuals bursting into tears at the same time.
It looks like the stream is about to end, but wait there is more. All toughness/vit/healing stats for pve gear is replaced with power/prec/crit damage/cond damage (you get to choose assassins, zerks or rampagers).
Now for the skill updates:
Guardian staff #1 – deals damage to user forcing them to stop camping it
Ranger Bear – Now uses an attack which pulls the owner to it. Also switches the users weapon sets from bow to Sword/Warhorn.
Twilight on mesmers is replaced by bolt. They are informed via mail to buy a focus/pistol/sword offhand.And thus the golden age of GW2 begins. One can hope, right?
Nearly kitten myself. +1
On the topic of Wildstar: Looks really good, EXCEPT for the art style. Makes me want to puke. Don’t think I’ll be playing another NCSoft game either.
You’ve never even taken a programming class I’m willing to wager. Tell me… what happens when you and another guy are dueling and I decide to cast a chaos storm on the top of you two?
Also what if someone pulls a champ or enemy mob on them?
Just as a reminder, in WoW (2004) the developers were able to code dueling entities as non-friendly (couldn’t buff/heal them) and mobs that were pulled into the dueling area were still aggressive/hittable/etc (no changes). And it worked fine. So fine actually that I spent a WHOLE lot of my endgame dueling other players and as a consequence got very good at my profession and developed a lot of great relationships with other duelers. And many others did the same.
I think ANet takes everything too seriously. Dueling isn’t something we need an arena / special place for, or rewards or “some new system mechanics we are working on but can’t say more about that now”.
It’s playing out there in the world, meeting somebody, “Hey nice to meet you, want to do duels”, you right click on him / her, Request Duel, she/he accepts/declines it. You both bow to each other (would be a nice addition before the fight starts) while there is a countdown timer from 3, then the duel begins. One will keep standing, the other isn’t. Another nice addition would be to not “kill” your opponent, just simply win when he would get downed and help her / him up.
Takes a day to add it to the game.You’ve never even taken a programming class I’m willing to wager. Tell me… what happens when you and another guy are dueling and I decide to cast a chaos storm on the top of you two?
If you’re implying that a “AAA MMO” doesn’t have the know-how and knowledge to code-in dueling, after the game has been out this long, you are kidding yourself.
To be honest, open world duelling is the only simple fix to re-populate the beautiful and under-utilized zones in this game. Could you imagine seeing people hanging out, chatting, and dueling in all the scenic areas? Some call it a negative, I call it taking advantage of the beautifully crafted game world. Because right now all I see is the inside of FotM, some random dungeons, LA, and WvW.
Yes, please. Yes.
I’ll post my suggestions to the shield as I have before, this not only adds a 1 second block to the shield #4 ability but gives #5 a bit of a boost by providing additional team support.
Shield of Judgement:
-Cast time increased to 1 second
-Now blocks all attacks while casting
-Cooldown reduced from 30 to 25 seconds
-Standard protection uptime increased from 5 to 6 seconds
Shield of Absorption
-Cooldown reduced from 40 to 35
-Dome duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
-Allies in dome now gain 2 second regeneration every second spent inside the dome
So happy to see others who share the common feelings – who hate crafting and really don’t have any interest in pursuing the current design of vertical progression. Add some others ways to do it, sure. Say, tough world bosses (Tequatl), high level FotM, drop chance in high level dungeons (Arah) etc, etc..
But crafting, no no no! I’m siding with the dredge on this one. My Guardian who was once the best geared for the game will now fall behind. I too have lost most interest in WvW with roamers running around with ~10% stat increases and 5 stacks of each buff (I don’t GRIND WvW, I roam, so I’ll never achieve this either)…
So, exactly ZERO.
Pure gold.
I’m sure there are many other players out there like me – those who hate crafting. ANet’s take on a new crafting system seemed novelty and interesting at first, and then was quickly extinguished as I slashed my sword through Tyria.
But why are we forced into crafting Ascended gear?
Many people will say.. “You don’t need Ascended” “if you want it just craft” “buy the materials” “it’s only X% better” etc, etc.
Is it a lost art to fight for the best gear? I understand there are drop chances for ascended items in FotM, however, I am at level 40 (and have repeated other levels) and have only seen one person get this weapon chest. So rare at high fractals, but craftable?
tldr; let us fight for loot, make ascended more accessible through fotm play
Here, this shows my temps, usage, card usage, and ingame fps (21). My processor is nearly at 3.6, card usage not 100% (expected) but frames are still not NEAR where they should be, and this is without supersampling and even certain “very high” options enabled.
Bought a new rig, thankfully not for GW2, since I’d be more angry at these results:
Core i5 4670K Quad-Core Haswell @3.4GhZ (non-OC atm)
Gigabyte GTX 770 4GB
8GB Corsair Vengeance
240GB Samsung SSDFirst time firing up GW2 on the rig, auto-detected all settings to high/max. Upon loading Lion’s Arch, I found frames dropping to as low as 16.
This is disappointing, tbh. Are there any plans to change this for the better?
CoreTempuse CPU-Z to verify your PCI-E Link speeds (needs to be 16x or 8x), as well as core voltage
use GPU-Z to verify Graphic Load/Utilization and Temps
use Coretemp to verify Core Load% and Temps
I suggest the following for your i5;
Disable HT
Disable Turbo boost
Verify stable temp of 45-55c, then set your Clock to x45/x46(if you have a z87 Motherboard).
Have verified all temps, core/ht speeds, etc via these monitoring tools very early on (before launching any of my games).
This thread brings me great joy.
Bought a new rig, thankfully not for GW2, since I’d be more angry at these results:
Core i5 4670K Quad-Core Haswell @3.4GhZ (non-OC atm)
Gigabyte GTX 770 4GB
8GB Corsair Vengeance
240GB Samsung SSD
First time firing up GW2 on the rig, auto-detected all settings to high/max. Upon loading Lion’s Arch, I found frames dropping to as low as 16.
This is disappointing, tbh. Are there any plans to change this for the better?
Don’t be silly. He said nothing about trouble with anything, your being needlessly defensive simply because someone disagrees with you. Frankly, I have to agree that its a great skill, and it seems ridiculously close minded of you to use the term “useless” when referring to such a solid skill.
If it’s such a solid skill, then why do I so rarely see it being used in WvW roaming and sPvP? Let’s be honest, people are going to use abilities that have strength and potential. While a stunbreak and 1Sec of stability is good, putting it on a 45 second CD and psedo-self stun is not.
I love my engi build. Sadly I’ve hit my personal skill cap with it and lose to classes I know I should beat. Sometimes players will simply be better than you but I feel like Engi requires more skills than a good deal of the other classes.
(I am referring to solo roaming in WVW)
I agree with you in that it does require more skill. I think it’s probably got one of the highest ceiling in the games.
I personally run EG/BK/GK with P/S, only allowing me ONE stunbreak. This creates a proactive playstyle that can get locked down and screwed over easily if I don’t control the ebb and flow of the battle.
Keep practicing and playing, and take an honest review of your hotkey setup. you should be able to hit every skill 1-10 and all four toolbelt skills without sacrificing movement and positioning.
Personal setup: 1,2,3,4,5,F,Q,E,R,Shift+R – Toolbelt – Shift+1,2,3,4
Yes, Warriors stomp. A stunbreak that gives stability and launches is “useless”.
If you’ve seriously had a problem with warriors running stomp, you need to re-evaluate your playstyle.
I cannot believe people actually complain in this section.
You have amazing trait lines, heavy armor, awesome skills, and 3 signets as your class mechanic.
How can you whine about being underpowered?
Another troll engi who just got one of the biggest buff patches for his class.. come over knowing nothing about how guardians are played and tells us we are great… go back under the bridge troll….
They fixed fundamental design flaws that have existed since release, and buffed something so that you don’t need to trait into it for it to be viable.
And they also broke turrets.
Guardians are one of the best classes in the game. Stop complaining.
Yeah this guy posted in Engi forums too. Seeing as I main both Guard and Engi, in my opinion Engineer is in a MUCH better spot than Guard currently.
Turrets have always been completely borked, just like Guardian spirit weapons, let’s just accept it and move on.
P.S. 3 signets as a class mechanic? Hmm
I’m a necro, and this thread is non-stop hilarity for me to read.
Yeah, it’s kinda like how the necro forums looked a few months ago when they were in a bad place.
Enjoy your spot at the top, with your bud the Warrior!
I just wanted to discuss the standing of the Engineer in the game currently, especially after tweaks to the bomb kit.
I’ve found that my Engineer has multiple useful specs; Condi nades/bombs (with P/P or P/S, my current fav), bunker healing bombs, longrange rifle SD burst, durable/balanced rifle control (try this one with battering ram, so fun), confusion stack condi with TK, HGH, and multiple in-betweeners that switch up certain kits/utilities.
I agree that currently, turrets are completely whacked. They suck kitten . But, look on the bright side, other professions have worthless utilities too. Guardian spirit weapons, Ele conjures (except for PvE), Warrior’s Kick and Stomp, Ranger pets, etc.
There is still more to be improved, but at the current standing I feel very useful and powerful from an overall standpoint whilst playing my Engi. Do you guys agree, or does anyone actually feel disadvantaged out on the battlefield?
Blame the people on this forum who keep insisting that our class is fine.
By the way, there are people in the Guardian forum complaining. You can’t get more ridiculous than complaining when you’re the most powerful class in the game.
From an objective point of view, since I main Guardian and Engi, my Engineer is completely outshining my Guard in sPvP and WvW (no contest), and feels more useful than my Guardian even in PvE.
If you’re seriously having problems killing a Guardian, you need to learn how to play.
P.S. Warriors are the most overpowered class in the game (maybe tied with Necro)
ANet really screwed up. Focused mind should be introducing cripple into the Guardian’s aresenal, especially since meditations are supposed to be an offensive-focused gameplay set.
Fury? Lol. I’ll just drag my feet while every other class with perma-swiftness or move signets kites me around. But dat fury tho.. well, at least now that’ll get hit by corrupt boon, too.
Idea: A big part of the Guardian is they play as an anchor of the team, specialize in controlling areas of the battlefield.
Problem: Consecrations (minus WoR, really) are freaking useless. With the mobility that every class except us has, there is absolutely no reason why anyone would fight in the middle of Purging Flames or I Don’t Even Know The Name Of The Stability Consecration After 1000Hours On My Guardian.
Self explanatory.
Let’s make consecrations emulate out from the Guardian himself, creating either a ring of Flame or Stability, radius/range adjusted for balance, accordingly. This will not only open up consecrations for viable builds but require Guardians to position correctly to apply support/damage/etc to friends and enemies alike.
Don’t compare yourselves to others. For every amazing Warrior that does great things with the class is an equally terrible Warrior who has no success at all. They’re both having fun, as should you. The HP discrepancy between Guardian and Warrior is there for balance (at least, as much balance as can be managed with Warrior). It’s well known that we have the smallest health pool. That’s not an indicator of our effectiveness.
Sorry if you misunderstood my post, this has absolutely nothing to do with fun. This has everything to do with effectiveness with a given class at a given skill level.
Do I think I’m as good or better than the warrior featured in this video? Definitely
Have I ever done so much damage, while disruption so many foes, AND staying alive without much support from allies? Not even close.
The problem is currently Guardians have to sacrifice everything for something.
1) Healway: Warrior-esque survivability, PITIFUL damage. Worse especially against condi as much of the damage is based off retaliation
2) Glasscannon/Meditation: Great burst and damage, but simply put, get destroyed by kiting. Better hope you don’t run into a condi engi or necro who have more tricks up their sleeve than you have skills on your toolbar.
3) AH + 15radi or something considered “balanced” : Decent damage, decent condi removal/sustain, bad at keeping targets in range. Okay at a few things, however great at nothing. Trivial when compared to a well-played hammer warrior
Can we please get answers on this? Hard to believe this is even an issues 1 year in..
Watching warriors like this with 22K HP (which is more than I’ve ever had on my Guardian, ever) wrastle around the battlefield with crazy mobility, sustain, AoE disables AND AoE burst, just makes me so sad.
I’ve put many hours into my Guardian, and nearly every build. But honestly have never seen battle effectiveness like this.
Don’t get me wrong, Guardian has access to a lot of heals—if you build and trait for them, that is. But when I go from playing my Warrior with Healing Signet to playing my Guardian I’m still amazed at how superior Warrior regeneration is with so little effort. For example, Healing Signet + Adrenal Health (minor trait) grants a warrior approximately 500 health per second in full Berserker gear and full Berserker trait. Pair that with Warrior’s health pool and I rarely ever pay any attention to my Warrior’s health in PvE gameplay. That’s pretty insane.
Currently Virtue of Resolve heals for ~100 with a full Berserker build. Now I’m not suggesting it be anywhere near Healing Signet, but surely increasing it to 150-200 wouldn’t be game breaking considering Guardian was given the lowest HP pool in exchange for “more healing”
So ya want it to be 250, then be able to 1250 hp/s (to 5 group.)
On a non-#6?
Sure, as long as you buff every single passive heal in the game to compensate.
Oh no, he’s infested our forum again.
Let’s think, to achieve that….
1) Sacrifice 30 points into honor
2) Completely bypass PoV which is probably one of the best traits in the game, so that’s never going to happen
3) Have all party members within 600 range, permanently, otherwise they lose out on this Resolve HoT
Shout warrior can achieve near-same results by traiting healing shouts, except have better results, because in the end they can still sit in berserker gear no matter what.
Please, leave the forums. Every post you have is either
1) Completely overpowered warrior suggestion
2) Completely irrational reasoning against other classes getting improvements
Honestly, the last thing I want is Guardians adding to the petting zoo issue.
Realize that the concept while cool on paper, is terrible in practice. Admit it, address it, scrap it, and move on.
I honestly think its mostly the ego thing. I like AH build because while I get a little boost in survivability I also maximize the +critdmg I get from my trait line – 30% nothing to just shrug at.
The gear I run with is still zerker, regardless. It works quite well for me.
(inb4 AH so selfish. Who in the right mind doesn’t use shouts with AH anyway? Shout=groupbuffs.)
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