For the toast!
For the toast!
I’ve checked my ping during and after the gliding issues via the ingame options. Again, it rarely goes above 100 (ms I assume), and stays pretty close to this average most of the time. Seems pretty stable.
I’ll look into other methods of gauging this though, like perhaps the one suggested by Slippy, as I know I’ve had issues with packet loss in the past.
@illconceived: I’ll have to make it a habit to report directly after having issues when possible. When I’d reported it, I’d already logged out and came back to test a few things in BF to see if I could reliably replicate it, and then decided to report.
@Slippy: I’ve had the same mouse issue and also figured out it was my hardware – The parts eventually do wear out, usually hastened by spills and such. Drove me nuts til I did figure it out though.
I have a backlit keyboard and the current lighting scheme I use causes keys to light up after being pressed, so I’d be quite aware of false keystrokes or sticking keys. This isn’t the case. Also, I’m not having random keystrokes anywhere else.
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
I can’t replicate your experience. Anything else you can tell us about what was going before or after that would give others a chance to check?
Be sure to also use the in-game /bug reporting tool when it happens (as often as as you can manage). It provides additional details that you might not notice.
Not really no. Gliding just feels very different, everything feels sluggish now, there’s almost a rubberband-lag like effect. I prefer to do dailies in BF and LD while gliding, because I find it’s easier. Or it used to be, before I started randomly falling out of the sky and getting stuck moving foward/back.
I notice it seems more likely to happen when using Bloodstone Fen skills, either actually there or in Lake Doric after interacting with a Leyline to get the skills. Likely because you’re going to be performing a lot of actions while gliding.
But obviously, you can’t use those skills in Ember Bay, where my last major incident occurred. I’d just completed the renown Heart near the Molten Dominator, hopped into the leyline off a rock. I glided normally up the leyline, when just out of the blue, I dropped glide. Barely recovered in time before hitting a lava pool. I took no damage, so I wasn’t knocked out of the sky by a mob, nor did I press jump or any key that I’m aware of.
And yes, I’ve monitored my ping when I’m having issues, it’s quite reasonably low most of the time, below 90 ms.
I’ve reported this ingame once already.
For the toast!
-repair is one of the first things I try out of habit. No luck there.
I just now randomly fell out of a leyline in Ember bay, once more for no discernable reason.
A guildie of mine with the same issue mentioned that it’s like constantly trying to glide with a 5k ping since the patch, and I’d say that seems fairly accurate.
For the toast!
Pretty much as title says. I am randomly changing direction and even dropping glide.
It’s so bad that I just now cast Ride the Leyline in Lake Doric, stopped gliding for no apparent reason, and rode the lightning straight into the ground. I never pressed the jump key, nor was my hand anywhere near my spacebar.
It feels as though there’s some bug with gliding and action queuing. Seemingly the only way to fix it is to press that key again.
It’s incredibly annoying, and it makes doing dailies in Bloodstone Fen and Lake Doric tedious.
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
tl;dr ANet, please don’t worry about fixing the chain. Instead, work on ensuring that the chain has a way of resetting regardless of how or why it stalls.
That’s essentially why I’m eyeballing “restart entire map server regularly” as a solution to these things; they show up enough times, in enough chains, that it seems easier to just restart the entire thing than try to add resets to every single event chain individually.
It’s … not clean, but it’s probably effective.
The issue here is that, the stalls are so numerous and inconsistent that I’ve seen the meta literally stall within an hour or two of a restart.
You could have the server restart every day, but if it stalls in an hour or two, what’s the point?
For the toast!
Moto’s still has dialogue for those with an Infinite Continue Coin, but nothing happens after the dialogue.
I would assume this is either a bug, and he should still be rewarding the Beedog mail carrier, or this is an oversight and they forgot to remove the dialogue since the event ended.
If the latter, you could save a lot of people disappointment by removing it!
For the toast!
Dailies are pretty much the only thing I do in the game now.
WTB LS Season 3.
Oh right, expansion…
For the toast!
Every day. It’s a lot faster than the old systems – on a good day it’s about five minutes.
I am very close to my AP cap from dailies though, so I don’t know if I’ll be continuing after. I may just for the daily login and some of the more decent reward chests.
For the toast!
Considering it’s been like this for at least two years now, it must be a ‘feature’.
For the toast!
So far 353.62 is actually proving to be -stable- for me.
Every other 35×.xx driver in Win 8.1 resulted in repeated and constant display adapter crashes (Windows TDR soft crashes) in games, and even idle in Windows. The last reliable driver being 347.88.
Also for anyone experiencing issues with Precision X as I was: v. 5.3.5 works fine for me. 5.3.6 is the one causing me all sorts of issues.
For the toast!
It’s been broken for a -long- time like this, in all gamemodes.
It used to work consistently, but that was well over a year ago now.
For the toast!
It appears my issue was caused by my GPU manufacturer’s software, EVGA PrecisionX 16 as suggested here
I have no idea if it’s an incompatibility with 353.62 or what, but disabling PrecisionX suddenly makes GW2 stable. The current version, 5.3.6, claims to be Windows 10 compatible.
I don’t seem to have any issues in other games with PrecisionX though, which is odd.
For the toast!
Game is unplayable on Windows 10 x64 here.
-Installed a clean copy of 8.1. Upgraded to Windows 10.
-Installed updates and Nvidia’s latest drivers, 353.62
-Installed DirectX
-Repaired the game client, deleted local.dat (latter being pointless because it was local.dat for my previous install of windows 8.1)
I can’t play the game in Windows 10 for more than five minutes before a crash to desktop. No warning, nothing, the application just exits.
I also usually lose the cursor before this happens, though not always.
I also reinstalled my mouse drivers just in case that caused the cursor issue, but no luck.
I still have my old windows 8.1 install on a separate drive. Game still works flawlessly here on 8.1
Core2Quad Q9650
Geforce 970 GTX
8 GB ram
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
It has always revealed anyone leaving it’s boundaries for as long as I remember.
For the toast!
Ehm. No. Chain damage was like this since I can even remember.
Do you recall all those warrior heroes going “my hundred blades hits for 60k”? I do.
Hundred blades does not behave the same though, because it’s not chainable – it has a cooldown. It simply hits 8x over the course of the cast. It stops tallying afterwards.
Flame Jet, Spatial Surge, and Arc Lightning’s damage counters do not reset after the cast time anymore – presumably because they have no cooldown and are chainable. They used to prior to the September 9th patch, which is what we’re discussing.
For the toast!
I personally feel the new Charr animation looks awkward and ungainly. Looks as if though someone who’s never picked up an axe before decided to chop at something in self defense… repeatedly. Over and over again.
The old one was great as it matched the visual effects on the target – you carved and sliced through the air, and the target would have the visual claw marks to match.
The new animation does not match the visuals whatsoever. It looks more suited to a(n awkward) melee attack.
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
It looks like they accidentally switched it with a melee axe animation. My Charr swings it as if she were trying to perform a slashing attack point blank
Please fix!
For the toast!
chain damage has always tallied up like that.
It has not.
It’s a relatively recent undocumented change. Still no word on whether it’s a bug or not.
I wanna say it was introduced with the second feature pack, but I forget the exact timeframe.
For the toast!
Still missing, months later.
Was just at a Caledon jungle wurm, consistently missing the champion giant blighted grub in the pre-event for no apparent reason – lots of people due to daily Caledon events. Relatively flat terrain, out in the open, 7 casts, zero hits, well within range.
We’ve seen some term bugs fixed already, like cascading fall damage, is there any hope for necros?
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
Another patch, still can’t give myself stability reliably.
Even after a stability rework patch
This is a bit silly.
For the toast!
zerker all day errday
As an zerk bomb/nade engineer, I have enough condition applications to even deal with husks.
I may substitute in Cavalier trinkets if I need to feel a little tougher, but otherwise, zerk is fine.
For the toast!
I actually noticed a massive fps increase with Monday’s patch.
I was getting a full 25-30 frames at full Karka Queen this week, which never happens. Many other world bosses too.
I haven’t played much today since the newest hotfix 16 hours ago hit, which supposedly addressed performance issues. But I really really hope I am not negatively affected.
I’ve done nothing locally besides virus updates and a single windows update, so it’s highly unlikely a change on my end.
For the toast!
Same thing during the first beta period here.
Spent points and ‘equipped’ bouncing pad mastery.
Got the message saying I didn’t have the mastery still.
Seems the general consensus for the map I was in was that it was broken – numerous other people in map mentioned they couldn’t get it to work either.
For the toast!
Just obtained Howl earlier this week, disappointing to learn of this.
For the toast!
The Risen Giant near Meddler’s Waypoint in Cursed Shore.
My only precursor drop at ~3800 hours, Tooth of Frostfang.
I normally avoid giant (unless doing the champ train, which is exceedingly rare for me) because it takes so long to kill.
Edit: MF was at about 368% due to birthday booster and some other things, was just about 80 on a new character, so I stopped to poke at Giant.
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
I would settle for being able to reliably cast Toss Elixir B stability on myself.
It seems rather extraordinarily unfair to me that almost every other form of stability automatically prioritizes self, unlike Toss B.
For the toast!
First person + engineer = 0 frames per second for me.
My video card handles transparencies very poorly. Fully zoomed in with the old camera system, my frames would dip into the teens even peering through a single engineer’s smoke cloud. Or Thief blinding powder.
I’m afraid to even try bombkit with FPV because of this.
For the toast!
For over a day now, Megadestroyer has been stalled on ip This appears to currently be a Tarnished Coast home shard, as I’ve ended up on the map several times, as well as some friends.
The meta-event status is ‘The volcano has erupted, spewing a fiery inferno across the region’ (Or something to that effect) reflecting the bugged nature of the world boss.
The problem appears to be that Krewe Leader Ambr as part of the Defend the Advanced Arcanomics lab pre-event at Magmatic Waypoint has not spawned. She’s no where to be found, and the event cannot progress.
This has happened a few times in the past as well.
For the toast!
Flaw – not so cool magitech.
Get rid of the shoulders and gloves, don’t put a helmet and you’ve got a solid base. Aetherblade shoulders will go nicely, and dredge gloves fit better.
This is solid advice for any (light and medium usually, but sometimes heavy) armor for Charr.
But I’m very happy with my Charr’s full magitech look, personally. Granted, I’ve been using outfits for a few months now…
For the toast!
Aside from this, if you have any amount of Badges of Honor, upgrade siege and sell.
For the toast!
I dislike the UI changes since 9/9, honestly. It’s cluttered and overwhelming.
I still can’t really fathom why ‘Outfits’ needs it’s own category in the Equipment panel, other than to facilitate interaction with the gemstore. It made more sense as a subcategory of Wardrobe.
I don’t believe Mail Carriers, Finishers and Minis should get unique categories either – they should be subcategories of some greater category to minimize the initial on-screen clutter.
At this rate, the equipment panel is going to have dozens of tabs. Now it appears to be migrating to the achievement panel…
For the toast!
I don’t see anything unusual here.
The buff with the ‘regeneration’ icon indicates that the wurm is devouring a player, and thus immune to all damage for the duration.
A very intended mechanic – the buff description describes it too on mouseover, if I recall.
Also, the dust devils are always invulnerable.
For the toast!
Didn’t have this problem, but I did it on first day stuff came out.
He mostly dropped the sanctuary on me when I was there, I wouldn’t go searching for it if I were you…
Questionably useful NPC abilities aside, the simple fact that the dragon can launch through stability seems rather broken.
For the toast!
Obvious spoilers ahead… Related to the Mystery Cave living story instance.
The attack in which the dragon’s head bursts through the ground to chomp away hits at least twice and will launch you no matter what. Stability does nothing whatsoever, whether it’s applied by you or Braham.
It’s hard enough to decipher where Braham will cast Sanctuary next, much less reach it.
It seems rather broken to me that the bubble only effectively protects you from one of the dragon’s two attacks.
For the toast!
Been testing with Soul Reaping VI – Unyielding Blast for piercing.
Lifeblast is still missing as bad as ever even with the trait. Was just at a Maw, sitting about 500 range out from the Svanir Shaman. Piercing Lifeblast failed to hit over twelve consecutive times. Switched to staff auto, hit every single time.
I have this same problem, noticing it mostly in Edge of the Mists as well. Sometimes I can get it to work again by strafing, but just as often it doesn’t work.
Less frequently i’ve also gotten this problem with the necro staff auto-attack. Makes me a very sad necromancer.
Personally I’ve never seen staff auto nor the lich form auto ever unexplicably miss or fail to connect, except in cases in which a projectile absorb/block skill was used. Which is obviously working as intended.
For example: Like I said earlier, the fire bomb skill of the Champ engineer ogre at BL keep indeed has an absorb – seen this in use personally a few times now.
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
Had this happen to me as well for Dancer in the Dark months ago.
Purple instance, no party, eligible for achievements buff.
Simply no mote at all.
Reentered instance several times, guested to another server (confirmed different IP for Silverwastes).
Still broken. I went ahead and did the instance for other achievements, only getting Light ’em Up. After completing with this achievement, upon re-entering, the Challenge Mote was there finally for some reason.
No idea if that’ll help anyone else, or if there’s any correlation at all – certainly won’t help those who’ve completed the other two achievements.
For the toast!
Anet still has not fixed the problem after 2 years of you reporting it. I have reported it as well at least twice over the last few months.
The quaggan escort event that passes Urgulp village, also in Snowden, has also been broken basically since launch.
Have reported both issues several times too.
For the toast!
One of the most annoying bugs I’ve encountered. Experienced it every single day this week as well – today I was bugged three times in a row. Leaving stage didn’t work, rejoining didn’t work. It wasn’t until a new round started that I was fixed.
(I used 0 ‘elite’ to leave the second time, still bugged).
I asked in map, and at least a third of the Bell Choir instance I was in piped up saying it was a very common bug, and have experienced it themselves.
For the toast!
It’s the same with the Lich form’s skill. It appears to be related to the Z-axis in some fashion as non-stationairy targets that aren’t on the same, level ground, always seem to be missed.
Maybe, but you can see in some of my footage that I’m on very flat terrain much of the time.
it might be that it’s not a problem with the skill itself. during the last days it occured to me in champfights that random attacks “miss” as u say. i cast them, they should hit (no reflect etc.) but i don’t get any numbers.
can’t exactly tell u which attacks though, was on mesmer in eotm.
According to the wiki, the BL keep lord apparently has a projectile absorb on it’s firebomb skill. (Have not personally verified) That would explain some of it perhaps – but there are far too many targets I’ve seen Life Blast specifically miss on.
For the toast!
This bug has cost me kill credit on countless mobs at this point.
Was also missing the Jungle Wurm again today. I’ll try to record next time.
For the toast!
In the latter part of the video, I’m at a Golem MK II in which I am never able to give myself stability the entire fight. It fails to apply to myself, going instead to other players. Every time I do get stability, it’s not from my Elixir B toss, as you can tell from the hover over ‘Source:<playername>’, as well as the shorter duration.
Mouseclick the toolbelt skill instead of using F* buttons, it will target the surface you’re actually standing on centering on you instead of whatever the green circles decide they are targeting.
It does not make any difference. I toss the elixir at my feet every single time, and I still do not get the boons.
That also depends on what setting you have for Ground Targeting – I personally use fast with ground targeting – again, this has no bearing on the fact that the effects simply do not work because they are given to other people over yourself
Try it yourself – Stand in a group of more than 6 targets, toss at feet. It’s pure luck if you get the boons, rather than prioritizing yourself as it used to. (Without a party)
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
New patch, same story.
Still can’t buff self without party, outside of sheer and complete random luck.
For the toast!
If there were no Charr, I’d probably stick to Sylvari.
The remaining three are at about equal levels of uninteresting to me for whatever reason, with human leading the pack slightly.
For the toast!
Still broken with today’s release and patches.
For the toast!
I had this issue as well: Solo, no party, entered purple instance for achievements.
Had all 3 achievements eligibility. No challenge mote anywhere to be found.
I restarted three times, with no luck.
After completing the Light ’em Up achievement and entering the instance again, the challenge mote magically appeared.
For the toast!
I noticed today that I was missing the Caledon Jungle Wurm, even at point blank.
Missing static objects is pretty silly.
For the toast!
On my first playthrough, I found the Teragriff boss to be by far the most difficult living story boss yet.
But that’s because I went into it very poorly spec’d on my engineer – pistol/shield and a bomb/nade zerk build. So I couldn’t use bombs, nor could I land any grenades. Pistol was basically zilch for damage.
I ran it again for achievements later with a rifle respec, and it was easy breezy.
Point is: If you’re having difficulty, try different things before you come to the forums and gripe that you got your rear handed to you on the first try.
For the toast!
They should have gotten the “watch the ledges” guy to do that voice.
Hahaha, yes please.
I noticed that I too melted very quickly on stacking with the NPC’s during this encounter. Given that the previous instances have taught us to listen to the dialogue for clues on how to do the fights, this is a very mean trick indeed.
If you notice, the teragriff actually sends out projectiles in the ground that home in on a target. When it connects with a target, it does damage in a radius. This is why it’s dangerous to stack.
You can trigger the projectiles by dodging through them and avoid all the damage – but you’ll quickly run out of endurance as the teragriff usually sends multiple your way if you’re unlucky enough to be the target.
For the toast!
I follow Dulfy’s guides and she plays mesmer. She also mentioned that for one or some of the fights for this latest story caused her clones to instantly be killed on creation.
- Anet has released broken Ranger pet, Mesmer clones and Necro minion AI. This has been broken since release and they have yet to fix this.
Not true, minion AI was working for a glorious 3 months or so, when they reworked it about a year ago.
Then it broke, and we still have idle minions to this day.
For the toast!