Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
I remember closely watching the 1v1 though and when i say helseth did it first im not trying to take away any innovation from whomever did, that’s just semantics. what I mean is he’s the first one between helseth and misha to use it in a tournament environment.
providing a bit of evidence that mechanical play isn’t the most important factor but the element of “yomi” adapting to a scenarios quicker than the other. forcing misha to decide whether he would jump or stay and try and adapt.
for an average player, i personally think that you should hear them as gospel if you dont plan on ever competing with the best. obviously what they say and do wont work against them if you plan on competing against them. that goes without saying.
This whole discussion is kind of moot, considering there is no esl hence there is no esl players ^^
There are a few druids who were / are as good if not better than Rom was mechanically (pretty difficult to pinpoint it exactly) but none of that really matters. It’s like you’re comparing misha to helseth, no one was strictly better mechanically, they are just different.
its not really that hard to pinpoint, while not being the most important in competitive play (helseth bringing animation extending to shield block to beat misha who was mechanically better in 1v1’s ti win) it can be seen quite clearly in the complexity of moves used in difficult and tense situations. ESL was just a model and originally run by GW2 marketing budget and department. while ESL has been discontinued for GW2 it most certainly doesn’t eliminate the unlikely possibility of large tournaments in the future should they decide to push this again.
All the ESL players, or should i say the people in game that play to win and have tangible evidence of playing so. still retain high power and authority over the meta and playerbase. All this means is now these top players that have a far better evaluation over what is needed to win at high level play will now much more likely share information.
All this defensiveness lol. Seems I hit a nerve around here. You guys need to relax. I’m not trying to take away ATs, I support them. I’m just saying that they’re not going to grow like people say they are. They’re not the answer. You need queues. You need tdm.
Yes, I’m aware that I can’t pug my way to victory. But that’s beside the point. I used my own experience as an example. If ATs are all that the PvP community has to look forward to, we are in trouble.
You can’t really expect ATs alone to hold regular pvpers interest.
Nobody’s angry, they just think you’re wrong; dont dismiss peoples opinion just because they disagree with you. its infantile.
Believe it or not, the best rangers who imo are even better mechanically than ESL players do not stream.
Shadowpass is really good, as well as Fluffball, or even Sevans.
Actually might as well pm them and duel them to get better at ranger.
Hell, I’d be happy to duel you and train eventhough I am just average at best.
Not really impressed by a lot of ESL players when it comes to druid (not to be rude or anything)
I’m not sure if its a troll or not but ROM (a druid/ranger player since release) is widely known as being a high contender for the top mechanical player in the game. the flow of actions are uninterrupted when being processed even when these tactics take multiple keybinds.
take for example your auto attack on staff. to a regular player the staff can’t do anything in terms of wow factor. you dont even get any value of cancel casting the aftercast like you do with mesmer (probably about 0.5% extra damage). but while running away he can keep auto attacking you with staff while hardly slowing down his retreat space and no change to camera positioning.
Its achieved with the following actions
left click to lock free camera in place
about face
auto attack channels automatically
left click to lock camera in place
right click to unset camera and return character to front.
in a cycle this appears to be 4 actions per turn around to auto attack. so evertime i want to around on a new cycle to hit my enemy while running away (assume about face is Q) i would press QLRL
can you begin to imagine how difficult this would be able to pull off in a match without affecting your gameplay, not only is it exhausting the value of it isnt seen worthy of a regular player to learn simply because its too much effort or they physically cant. he does this with many different things that at first glance seem trivial.
its actually mind blowing that anyone would think there are better mechanical druids on this forum
(edited by RedCobra.7693)
Weren’t you one of the players actively participating in match manipulation. why should anyone listen or even take your comment on board after showing such a disregard for the pvp community.
You can thank elite specs for this. Elite specs artificially raise your skill. PvP was better before HoT. It’s not even a comparison. You didn’t have all these faceroll mechanics like you do now. Yes, it had problems but balance was better.
Puff yeah right …
Just like the PU mesmer , when they buffed the Scepter ’s Auto-attack , by giving it Torment .
Or the unkilables warriors and ElesWhen you love a spec and defend it overjealously , it might leads into Powercreep for the future classes …. just saying
In the previous season you had 33 played and 20 wins = 60% win rate (if you have played 6 matches you would had 1500 rating = Tier 1 plat)
In this season you have played 25 games and won 20 = 90% win rate (Tier 3 plat) .By my calculation the scrubs cannot be Plats , because they needed higher Winrating by your pics .
(even so the scrubs needs 135-145 games , to be ON THE LEADERBOARDS till the end of it)
Edi: I am sorry , but i am trying to win on my own , by my rules . I dont want any1 to tell me the tactics or what to do .
I know bestFirst of all read the entire post^^
The win ratio was how I wrote it and I had to lose a few games in order to get into lower rank + decay to get into bronze.
90% winratio would be 22 wins or something and I might had 80% winratio nevermind who gives a d about that.The point is and was that pvp is not challanging. People who were last season top 250 are in my opinion weak and only like 0.5% of them are good players the others mediocre at least.
PvP season 5 were only a 120 people legendary division including a few second accounts. PvP season 6? I don’t need to mention that even weaker where you get top 250 as gold 2.
If I am already plat 3 within 25 games do you think it’s hard for me to get top 10 within 100 something games lol.The point is still that it should not be able to reach certain things like that.
SoloQ having a winratio over 70% playing with and against duo que teams is not how good matchmaking should work. And as I said by playing duo que I would have got without a problem a 90-100% winratio (100% on those 25 games) this season.
Main problem is people don’t even belong into those ratings they currently are, sad but true.
Even after making legendary under 1950 to 1800 is a joke and only in favour of 3d class players who get into 1800 and think they are the best pro gamers ever. Specially when I had games against and with top 10 players who had 0 gamesense but atleast belong into top 10.A last thing:
There are currently no OP classes due to the fact that each class can get countered by atleast 2-3 classes.
PU (chrono) mesmer is not a problem with DH, good necromancers, and power warriors.
DH gents countered from power warrior, scrapper, druid adn ele.
Same goes for the other professions :-)
Wait….youre in bronze and youre going to tell people pvp is not challenging haha why arent you rank 1? the only person id accept this from is misha/sindrener as last time i checked their rating was 150 above the next best person
To put it bluntly it means that your enemies were lower rating, likely vs bronze player(s) just think of it as a free win
Losing to a Mesmer is NOT cause for nerfs. If anything, Mesmer is seriously weak against people who know how to play.
thats why N1 in pvp leaderboards is mesmer?
i allways smile,when i compare war shield vs mesmers. its just only proof you need,this game have no ballance what so ever.
more hp,2x longer invu time,3x more evades and blink. any skill usable 2x in row, even skills on 120 sec cd…. like common guys…. common.
Tbh misha always queues with sindrener, being the best duo to carry games on. however. Moa and portal have always been ridiculously strong not the class itself. understand that misha is an amazing far point harasser he gets himself into a 1v2 either wins or kites. if someone leaves him 1v1 he sets up the kill for sindrener who is there in a matter of seconds. its nothing to do with the class itself but those two utilities.
OP sounds like the kind of guy to place target on a mesmers head in a teamfight and get angry when people dont follow his orders.
the comment reeks of a controlling undertone
Its quite funny that this argument always crops up. Its simply a player divide in skill what might seem easy to one person seems OP to another. GW2 has always tried to balance around both high level play and catering for newer players in pvp THIS is the problem and why they could never get balance changes right for esl.
A prime example is mesmer. several times it was complained being overpowered and nerfed into the ground only being carried by its portal and moa utility skills (which honestly are broken but i like them in the game). It took them ages to actually nerf. also power guardian. it was never broken never OP was quite easy to play against with attrition. guardians being so weak (bunker not included :P) in 1v1’s simply because they relied so heavily on their cooldowns. for newer players the skills appeared overpowered and they were enough to let the guardian win fights and recharge cd’s but at higher play this just doesnt happen, players try to memorise your cooldowns and work against them.
the same is what youre discussing with condi. condi is terrible in teamfights it just doesnt work. one ele in your team fight and theyre useless. its only in the 1v1’s / 2v2’s that they become relevant. The thing about condi is that before it can do its damage it has to sit on your skill bar announcing itself to the world that you are going to be damaged over time. there are countless skills that can remove it and can also be removed by teammates. to newer players that struggle with looking at their boons/condi’s and their enemies (they’ll most likely be looking at their CD’s/ the enemies actions) they dont notice the damage tick up and they passively spam condition removal.
My question is about astral force generation. theres one mechanic which im unsure of. the 0.75% generation from attacks (power). is there an internal cooldown to this.
if there isnt i would expect to see it fly up when using Hunters call and bristleback special at the same time but i dont notice it.
from both attacks you get 26 hits so it should recharge in combat about 20% but it looks more like 10% to me
The fastest way to generate astral force passively is by using Signet of the Wild, Natural Healing, Dolyak runes, and shouts for permanent regen.
I miss Signet of the wild being unblockable. it was so fun lol pretty broken though however all those utilities give over the 100% for 15secs a bit overkill xD the internal cooldown is something ill need to test but its almost impossible to measure it
well, then there goes to show part of my losses.
I wouldn’t hit hard because I wasnt stacking might, but with dagger I was still living a long time and contesting points vs 2, sometimes 3.The build I play now, the dmg is there…bear bow style :P
That’s still good, being outnumbered is a better winning scenario. usually for druid the best scenarios to climb ranks is jumping on far and being outnumbered, 9/10 matches they’ll keep sending a +1 to kill you. albeit you have to do enough pressure to the home point defender which means being able to damage druids enough for them to need assistance or forcing him to use celestial. when he stealth activate your pet smoke and dodge inside it so he can’t reveal himself you’ll get a decap pretty quick against worse Druids.
In this meta as well with all the bad DH’s they tend to always try and fill the home defender role (GOD KNOWS WHY) but who cares you counter DH pretty hard. The main reason why its so hard to win on druid is that its incredibly easy to get stuck in a 1v1 that can last ages. even if its your own node youre simply flipping a coin to win leaving your team to a 4v4, best case its an ele out of the team fight those things have been broken since release.
I don’t like might stacking.
Might stacking feels akin to playing a engineer= clunky. Doing a thing to do another thing.
Add that with a bad internet connection and lag spikes, it’s too much to manage.
And I’m used to sw/dagger.
Warhorn, doesnt matter where I use it—WvW or SPvP and I’ve never liked it.
I dont take warhorn for the might stacking, although it wouldnt be a bad idea to give it a try with fire wyvern. you’re perfectly capable of stacking might without it. but warhorn or not, to win 1v1’s you need to be good at stacking might otherwise you dont have any damage.
whats the meta like in china huluobo? is it decent now?
So let me get this straight.
Automated tournaments which are literally pure 5on5 where you have plenty of time to set up a comp with your pug, sort out communications and then also time to prepare for enemy comp when match starts are all unfair.
What is fair is you getting 5 people in the same party and voice coms to face one duoq and 3 soloquers.
The reason this is fair is because you cant win an AT. If you get to make a premade and face soloqers you can win. Which is fair.
He said that there should be separate 5 man and solo queue. To me there should be separate tournaments based on your pvp rank without decay. Have a bracket for bronze to silver 2, one for silver to gold3, and one for gold 3 to legend. Make the rewards scale with the bracket.
Having tournament where you have a chance to win makes sense. No sport throws novices and pros on the same bracket. People need to be challenged, and learn how to play as a team, but a bronze level team isn’t going to learn anything going up against a legendary team.
Most sports have a much more limited number of teams selected by a small numbers of elites, so that’s not in any way an accurate comparison. Tennis, though not a team sport, is similar in that basically anyone can try to get into tournaments, which is how you get big surprises like Rafael Nadal winning Roland Garros at the age of 19.
I suppose you could have noob and “pro” tournaments, but really these low-level players should just be practicing their 5-man game more if they want to win. Not ask for easier opponents. True competitors ask for true competition. If you bring a level 10 bulbasaur to challenge the elite four, is it their bad for being so strong? Or should you maybe have evolved it to a Venusaur before challenging them?
Tennis has many levels of tournaments for different skill levels and age groups. You need a certain rank to even be considered for the draw at Roland Garros. The point isn’t to get rid of automated tournaments, it is to expand the number of people playing organized 5 man teams. Right now bronze/silver players aren’t going to learn much entering a tournament because they are just going to get a beat down. If they have a chance to compete with players of a similar skill level they will have more fun and potentially grow the community.
Now this i LIKE!! its a good idea to have different AT’s based on the rank that you are in. many many competitive models outside of esports have this. however it might not work with the lack of players and could easily be exploited when you think about it with smurfs. “kitten it i got rekt in legend AT, time to tank rating and destroy everyone in the gold AT” NA would surely do this without a doubt. EU maybe not im not sure they seem more supportive of a pvp community
I dont understand. i offer an alternative and you whine about that being OP too. you know guys not everything is overpowered that beats your zerk build with 0 condi removal.
okay then try a resistance stacking warrior and duel condi classes
I read your posts and I tried warhorn and I just couldn’t make it work for me.
what is it that didnt work for you? anything in particular?
Bloomin hell didnt expect that twist haha. good show
In fairness though thieves are bad inside teamfights. and the meta has revolved around thief jumping you since the dawn of pvp. when i get jumped or think im getting jumped just kite (so many spots where thief cant steal on you) and be happy that im letting my team be 4v3.
I play druid and I have no problem with these Overpowered builds you speak of. condi druid is a bit of a joke if you ask me. it has no sustain and little dps outside of using traps. which just make it even more susceptible to gank
Good stuff—-most of which I knew. I guess my question, which honestly, I dont care now
was “how is that build stack any more might than the others” and I think that was with guard.
And small update-
I played Lb/GS Remorseless. I love it. It’s a completely different playstyle.
I can’t reccomend if its good enough to take into the high ranks that you guys play at.But at this level (Gold3) honestly it doesn’t play on the same playing field. It can counter it.
As an example, instead of trying to secure stomps against teams with necro, which can be a nightmare….. I just dps them down. I hit downs for 9 and 10k.
And it’s fun. (when we win at least)
sounds good, while a lot of people would scrunch their face up at my comment. something that helped me climb the ranks was warhorn. the unblockable, vuln, extra dps/ and high fury uptime let me stomp 1v1’s allowing me to contribute to teamfights more often. I’ve gotten to the stage now though that thieves are competent enough to understand their role and dagger is simply a must have for me
It´s about facing one or two condi builds per match on the oposing team. Mostly mesmers are condi .. What a surprise … Then splash in condi war, necro and burn guard. Barley encounter other condi builds in EU gold. So basically mesmers make about 50% of the condi oponents i encounter …
Wouldnt that suggest Condi builds are underpowered?
Tbh its not the damage that makes condi mesmer a tough fight, its the sustainability but there are counters which once you have got down they become manageable.
some really basic points from me about each class
warrior – dodge their mace F1 everytime and you will win blindfolded
Guardian – anyhting below platinum and there is an almost 0% chance that the player will cover their burns making them extremely easy to avoid/cleanse (last on first off)
Mesmer – dodge just before their first shield block channel ends, you’ll stop them from summoning their defensive phantasm (just make sure you were the one to hit them)
Necro being the one that i have most trouble with however my 1v1 capability has improved ten fold after dueling a friend of mine who’s really good on it about 200 times over the past week. but its not the condi i had trouble with it was the boon corruption
ughhhh i feel woozy. I need to knuckle down and learn the intricate details of druid theres so many of them. for the record anet thats total bs they count pet healing but not damage.
My question is about astral force generation. theres one mechanic which im unsure of. the 0.75% generation from attacks (power). is there an internal cooldown to this.
if there isnt i would expect to see it fly up when using Hunters call and bristleback special at the same time but i dont notice it.
from both attacks you get 26 hits so it should recharge in combat about 20% but it looks more like 10% to me
Lets nerf condi then shall we while taking a look at whether or not affect meta classes in PVP
Revenant – power based not affected
Theif – power based not affected
Engi – Power based not affected
Druid – power based not affected
ele – power based not affected
Guardian – not meta power based mostly not affected
warrior – not meta
necro – will be affeted, high power boon strip alt available
mesmer – will be affected
Very interesting, by your comment its clear what class youve just been beaten by and you are now coming to the forums to vent your frustration.
Yes that that is why PvP will never be popular in GW2. Such huge burst builds just wreck the low-level game. As for counters the trend now is for one-shots to tag-team up and blow player after player away, irrespective of player skill etc. Players leave PvP faster than the one-shooters rank up, low-rank Qs get longer and long because of the low-pop of low-level players.
The solution is to regressively cap burst damage by rank. That way high burst / glass cannon would not be an option at low levels, and consequently more players would have the time to learn – rather that merely grab there profession one-shot build from a web page – and progress up ranks.
As is, broken, with no evidence of any learning whatsoever from the devs over the last four or so years. The only thing keeping PvP afloat are the quick dailies, sans these. PvP is wasted pixels.
also no,
new players should be learning on a completely different meta?? because thats what it will be then they will have to change meta to fight better players? that sounds even more oppressive for newer players.
PvP was essentially designed as a eSports game with professional gameplay. 1-shot builds would have been weak in such an environment just as they are weak in high-level ranked on common servers.
BUT these builds inhibit the grown of PvP because they greatly discourage casuals and new players. Ofc they can load their profession one-shotter and join in only to discover the build weakest as they rank up. How is this any different from my suggestion – isn’t the low-level game being full of one-shotter no a different meta as well??
The other factor is that such huge burst damage stats argue against an anyone-can-play mentality because technical factors come into the game (which would be meaningless in eSport professional play ofc) – for example I could argue that ranking is merely a measure of the PC/connection quality of the player rather than skill. If player A hears that little bell sound 0.25 of a second later than Player B, can Player A ever advance past rank 1000 given the scale of one-shotter in the lowbie game?
Ofc I don’t have the stats but I am absolutely certain that such builds will argue against the growth of PvP, as the last four years clearly suggest.
Capping burst damage by rank is worth a thought or too, existing high level PvPers would be unaffected but it might just encourage more people to stay with PvP, unless ofc the intent is to make PvP elite only.
I’m sorry but its a bad idea in my opinion. I feel that it would make the divide between higher skilled players and newer players even more disparate.
funnily enough, GW2 PvP was not designed to be an esports game, from the get go in marketing they simply stated that they intend to take it in that direction. But trust it from someone who has been directly involved in the esports scene for a while from what i saw the direction of development was done following release (or if youre being really strict you could see around 1-2 years after). not that any of that matters anymore considering esports for gw2 has been pretty much discontinued.
basically he’s saying because higher skilled players finally get a channel that they can operate in, and its something that doesnt suit himself he is upset.
The majority of the gw2 community is really just a bucket of crabs isnt it? its really pathetic.
I know exactly what you mean. 1v1 with a menders build hits like a wet noodle.
Might stacking galore on menders shout? How?
Not how to might stack, how is it any more “might stacky” than the other builds.I don’t care about getting to plat or legendary.
I’m tempted to go marauders, gs/lb- and light some people up.
Eat a tiger/gs burst and make people cry on the forums.Key to might stacking on druid is with “heal as one”. it copy’s any boons that your pet has and gives them to you (predetermined values though not an exact copy) might has the best duration from this if i recall correctly. combining this with pet swapping and your SotP can get some really good might stacks. maintaining anywhere between 15-25 stacks of might. ill list the sources below.
Sigil of courage (staff) – keeps 3-5 stacks of might
Sigil of battle (sword) – optional but gives a burst of 4 stacks might
pet swap (zephyrs speed) – keeps 3 stacks of might with overlap
Critical hits you do give might to your pet – keeps around 3 stacks of might to pet
Sotp – you and your pet grant might to each other. likely value 10 stacks might burst.As with a lot of builds that stack might through passives your APM matter a lot, the fast you can get off your skills the better, healing often is key aswell. make sure you’re swapping pet right at the end of the cast bar for heal as one to benefit the most from quickness.
Well in a way your answer is right. Tho critical hits don’t give might to your pet ^^ and apm doesn’t really make much of a difference (for example you might want to wait with the heal until after your smokescale has done its revenant thing). Also sigil of battle really gives 8 stacks of might (4 for you and 4 for your pet)
What I really meant with the menders shout might stacking is that you have all the might stacking explained above plus the might generated through the utility guard (which generates 2 might stacks every time you are stuck, 1 for you and 1 for your pet)
came back to this thread to mention guard and you beat me to it xD
I’ve been using guard within a variant for low condi enemy compositions. im finding it pretty good so far
you can also take fire wyvern for the fire field which is good but cant really comment on that i havnt used it much. smokescale is still really strong and i love bristleback too much because he sits the kitten still you can los with him.
i wanted to try out soldiers with guard and evasive purity for more team support with condi compositions but i think that might be counter productive with the lack of CA generation from dolyaks.
Why are you making it out like “pro players” have access to something regular players dont. AT’s are supposed to be the hardcore content newer players aspire to compete in. after watching a few they dont even seem like that though they just faceroll.
but thats a different problem that’s rewards currently the top players are burning through AT’s like crazy but as the hype fizzles away it will become easier for regular players to win at’s but dont expect to win in a PUG it even works that way with raids so i dont see what the complaint is
I know exactly what you mean. 1v1 with a menders build hits like a wet noodle.
Might stacking galore on menders shout? How?
Not how to might stack, how is it any more “might stacky” than the other builds.I don’t care about getting to plat or legendary.
I’m tempted to go marauders, gs/lb- and light some people up.
Eat a tiger/gs burst and make people cry on the forums.
Key to might stacking on druid is with “heal as one”. it copy’s any boons that your pet has and gives them to you (predetermined values though not an exact copy) might has the best duration from this if i recall correctly. combining this with pet swapping and your SotP can get some really good might stacks. maintaining anywhere between 15-25 stacks of might. ill list the sources below.
Sigil of courage (staff) – keeps 3-5 stacks of might
Sigil of battle (sword) – optional but gives a burst of 4 stacks might
pet swap (zephyrs speed) – keeps 3 stacks of might with overlap
Critical hits you do give might to your pet – keeps around 3 stacks of might to pet
Sotp – you and your pet grant might to each other. likely value 10 stacks might burst.
As with a lot of builds that stack might through passives your APM matter a lot, the fast you can get off your skills the better, healing often is key aswell. make sure you’re swapping pet right at the end of the cast bar for heal as one to benefit the most from quickness.
I can confirm having 3 people who did not speak on my team , our thief (only other real player) , went home at the start , all 3 of the bots followed her. they capped home , then all moved together , exactly together from one place to another
Once you know what you are looking for, it’s much easier to spot, that’s for sure.
I can confirm this is happening in NA silver, but i can’t confirm on other ratings/divisions.
Wait….you guys are actually being serious!?!? you mean this post wasnt a joke? i was, no word of a lie, laughing at this.
Yes that that is why PvP will never be popular in GW2. Such huge burst builds just wreck the low-level game. As for counters the trend now is for one-shots to tag-team up and blow player after player away, irrespective of player skill etc. Players leave PvP faster than the one-shooters rank up, low-rank Qs get longer and long because of the low-pop of low-level players.
The solution is to regressively cap burst damage by rank. That way high burst / glass cannon would not be an option at low levels, and consequently more players would have the time to learn – rather that merely grab there profession one-shot build from a web page – and progress up ranks.
As is, broken, with no evidence of any learning whatsoever from the devs over the last four or so years. The only thing keeping PvP afloat are the quick dailies, sans these. PvP is wasted pixels.
also no,
new players should be learning on a completely different meta?? because thats what it will be then they will have to change meta to fight better players? that sounds even more oppressive for newer players.
10/10 I’m amused haha.
was reading thinking this was serious at first. top rate trolling
Yeah thats the thing about rom, at top tier his mechanics dont make as much of an impact on other highly skilled players (as theyll rotate around matchups avoid bad situations etc) but for pugs, his individual skill simply can’t be dealth with. he’ll go far and could hold 3 players the entire match.
I remember a while back i was theory-crafting with him in custom for ranger meta (wasn’t meta at the time). i simply couldnt keep up, not only in mechanical play but in conceptual knowledge for 1v1 scenarios. after an hour i was pretty much exhausted sat down watched a film and went to sleep. undoubtedly he likely went back to queues with more energy than he had before.
Winning 1v3s at far or any other point all game in high platinum and legendary pugs wasn’t actually that hard back in the earlier PvP seasons for druid. I managed it with skirmishing and zerker amulet because the extra damage made it easier to stomp people in outnumbered fights. Surviving and movement wasn’t a problem since our cooldowns were a lot lower. When the enemy started cleaving, CA 5 comboed with bristleback f2 with quickness was more than enough to stop the rezzing/down another player. Forget my seeker build, that was just overpowered. I would use that against higher tier players because the fights were harder.
I’d say one of the best ways to improve mechanical skill in terms of dodging and using skills appropriately is to practice fighting a gs/m-sh berserker warrior in melee range while using lb/s-d. You’ll get the hang of dodging, evades, and interrupts pretty quickly.
that’s actually good advice at the bottom, i learnt most of my mechanics when first starting to come up against hambow in pvp so i’d recommend it to anyone wanting to become better at ranger/druid.
hambow was really fun to fight against. in the hands of a good player feints could cause some psychological strain on you in an extended 1v1 doubled up with the APM that rom achieves you tire after about 2mins.
I’d say another piece of advice for anyone even remotely interested would be to understand the potential of dueling for practice and to not shy away from them simply because you’re afraid of losing. losing honestly is good in a practice 1v1, especially if you’re the winning match-up. it means you have someone to learn from, keep dueling until your win rate is 70-30 or until they get bored with you xD
its most hilarious when you get a player whispering you with profanity about how youre really bad because you didnt stand on mid point when it was a 4v1 and that your lack of top stats shows youre a bad player they have the evidence.
you take a look on the details panel to see you have every top stat very troubling indeed. not that top stats mean anything valuable considering teamfighting always gets more healing/dps/kills/resses etc compared to a side node class/build. i wish they would just remove the silly things, theyre not as bad as the old scoring system but its still pretty bad
I only login to pvp for my daily, since it is the fastest one to do, other than that is plain boring with brainless community. Hell, even Grim Dawn is way better than this MMO :O
that’s the sad part, gw2 has the best mechanics ive ever played for pvp. the combat system in my opinion is unparalleled. however the structure of the system is questionable. the community i never rate simply because its the same in all other games.
Yeah thats the thing about rom, at top tier his mechanics dont make as much of an impact on other highly skilled players (as theyll rotate around matchups avoid bad situations etc) but for pugs, his individual skill simply can’t be dealth with. he’ll go far and could hold 3 players the entire match.
I remember a while back i was theory-crafting with him in custom for ranger meta (wasn’t meta at the time). i simply couldnt keep up, not only in mechanical play but in conceptual knowledge for 1v1 scenarios. after an hour i was pretty much exhausted sat down watched a film and went to sleep. undoubtedly he likely went back to queues with more energy than he had before.
“Gladomer is pretty good” oh my hahaha
ROM is purely out of this world when it comes to druid, some of his plays are questionable and wouldnt reccomend following them but rom pulls it off with mechanical play that is out of this world.
I’d consider myself a faily good mechanical druid but watching rom always makes me feel depressed. recently started copying his about face trick with staff auto were he kites away while still autoattacking without dropping speed. rarely needed in pvp though but its good to practice
Its a double edged sword, for me i hate how open it is, no sneaky decaps etc. hard to rotate without it being obvious to even the simplest of players.
however, this map pretty much makes theives irrelevant. i hate those overpowered sons of kittens.
That amount of Dishonor essentially bans them for the entire season. I doubt they’d care if they were banned from the main game or WvW.
I would IP ban them all together, permanently, at least those who abused account sharing. Adding dishonor won’t do anything.
You can’t IP-ban knowing most clients in the world are using the same IPv4-address behind a NAT from their provider, to save money.
Thought you would know this.Banning the IPv4 address could result in banning hundreds of people carelessly.
IPv6 isn’t really a thing in providers their NAT’ing, just so people know here.
Just blacklist the layer 2 address instead
let me summarise what OP is really saying:
“Dear Anet, Rock is just too overpowered, paper is fine as it is, sincerely scissors”.
I’m in work at the moment so can’t test, but im going over my skills for druid to make sure i know them inside out and i came across allies aid something i regularly take advantage of but dont know the inner workings.
so my questions are as follows about it:
Is the CD same as the utility or is it 85secs as metabattle suggests?
Does this trait benefit from resounding timbre (reduced shouts)?
I was thinking about something along those lines anyway. Can’t really tell you what is going wrong n your fights considering I haven’t seen any myself. Might try record some 1v1s /work through my footage.
We can also go through your vods at some point and I’ll try point out a few things, considering my recordings will be on Dagger. (could also be that Warhorn just doesn’t beat necros
I dont have a channel to share vids at the moment as i just use shadowplay to review footage. but ill look into setting one up. last night in queues i took the necro 1v1 everytime youre right winning seems to be easier if i play for the long haul, sustain is obviously the thing necro loses out on but my fights are 3min+ I won the last 6 matches ive had which is good warhorn still not being accounted for in 1v1’s by my enemy no one seems to play around it which in high plat seems very sad considering you just need to dodge.
First soloq legend druid inbound?
big contrast to me sitting on zerk druid firing a volley of arrows at thieves as a past time, making the arena even worse off for them
each to their own
Make unranked give the same rewards as ranked. As i expect anyone playing ranked are playing to win, and any laziness when it comes to recording your footage and reviewing often tells me that they’re not doing everything they can which in my eyes is
Dis ru specting mah onor
It’s not the algorithm’s fault.
It’s match manipulation.
That is why match making feels terrible this season.Despite what your friends and friends of friends may admit to or not, I’m telling you right now that almost half of the participants this ranked season are running at least one kitten method of match manipulation. The try hards are running them all and since there is no division segregation anymore, that means that we all play together. Thus, no one is able to avoid the match manipulation mole throwing. It will happen to you and if you are a legit player that isn’t partaking in all of this, g’luck. I don’t even mean that in a cliché sense, I mean it literally. Good luck with who’s in your que when you hit that button.
Are you NA? im EU and havn’t experience any manipulation at all.
Queue at 5 am for fun.
yeah, i play many differents timezones, and noticed this.
In the previous season, it was remarkable a certain level of skill in the silver. This time it was very strange, I’m silver, but taking matches with people who do not understand the basics of the maps.
This gets worse in certain TMZ.
Trust me, the only tier where the skill level is consistently better is legend. im in plat atm with druid. being druid means you have to often take those 1v1’s which leaves your team to 4v4, <<< right there. that reason. it turns to a 50-50 fight win ratio if you average out every single game, meaning that the quicker i win that 1v1 and help my team the faster i can +1 and turn it into a 70-30
Its this kind of mentality of placing yourself into winning scenarios such as taking rotations or your match-up in account that doesn’t really come into play until legend. its luck what i get on my team so i need to give them the best possible chance of winning. people who usually just say “im losing because of bad teammates all the time” are very likely the players that dont understand these concepts.
lol Justine.
More seriously tho, Staff 2 and 4 need to be looked at. So boring. 4 is just terrible.
I actually really like 2 and 4. 2 Is great for circle kiting on a tiny PvP point or when your thief/warrior/scrapper buddy is on someone, and 4 is a nice soft CC cleanse. Also nailing someone with 4 right after they cleanse ancient seeds is just so satisfying.
yeah 4 is amazing if you take vig training over evasive purity as chill can really mess up your rotation as a druid and the no4 skill clears it on yourself
They do not have same constraints -_- because due to their MMR they already land at 2k rating after placement so for most part they will be always on team A.
It also doesn’t help that those “pro” players (especially on NA) resort to exploiting/cheating/wintrading (not all of them but you know who i mean).
Helseth proved that wrong with an alt account that he purposefully tanked down to bronze 1 (so total kitten mmr) and got to legend .
They’re just better. :P
So much this ^^^
I should take it back then if you think this is a L2P issue, I’m probably rather rusty as this season is fresh I lost motivation once ESL was shutdown, a lot of effort and time trying to support an active community in pvp killed off. Purely 1v1 on node i cant contest at all against a necro (might stacking being the issue) i find myself constantly looking back at videos and scratching my head at what i could do better. not that im being that guy and asking you to prove anyhting but if you have any vids of current season 1v1’s between druid and necro i could watch id be a happy fello.
personally i think this is a bad application of suiting a role to a class rather than the opposite that you should do. if you want to be a boon bot play mesmer. your healing is quite low similar stats to pvp mender just bad healing and high toughness your condi removal is limited to just cele but dont drop VT if you have warhorn. i havnt watched the vid do you have an ele?
But i undoubtedly have low MMR, since i’ve been away for about 6 months until this season. knew i would have to climb, started top of silver with 7/10 placements won and have climbed to plat 1 all soloq, without warhorn i couldnt do this. it allows me to kill bad players (more specifically engis) much fast to make more of an impact on the game. fighting 1v1 doesnt help anyone when lower tier your teammates just get cheeseburgered
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