Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
bump, still lookin
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Yo waddup, I’m looking for a static raiding group that’s looking to farm raids and LI’s. I’ve got some light raiding experience with another static but the group is pretty inconsistent and I need more LI’s. I’m available to raid anytime after 5pm cst sun-thurs, and anytime fri & sat. Have every class at 80, have ascended on condi ranger, magi druid, staff ele, scepter/warhorn ele. Working on an ascended set for PS warrior. I’m flexible and if the group needs me to gear out another class i can no problem. Currently sitting at 19,458 AP and 4,862 hrs played so not a complete kitten to the game. Just newish to the raid scene. Just holla at me in game preferably or reply here.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Guys, it’s not true afk. It’s probably less afk than minion necros, and def way less afk than the ranger pet. The engineers turrets naturally blow up after 5 mins (that’s if they stay alive that long, they take a pounding from stampeding centaurs). After that five min you have to go set out the turrets again. Now a player could set up a macro that drops turrets after a 5 min timer sure, but then you run into the issue of placing them. On day one everyone was just dropping them in a zerg ball, but the meta of the farm has evolved. The three turrets are now placed at specific spawn locations. If you don’t place them in these spots, your loot per hour goes WAY down.
I have heard rumors that a dev has confirmed it will be nerfed on tuesday (heard they were in the chat of a WP stream). They called it an “exploit”. I think they are referring to the heavy bags and not the leather hides. We will see tho.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
This kind of thing is why I rarely PUG. I didn’t know much about DPS meters, but I had no idea they weren’t just for one’s own performance.
I agree, bad idea, ArenaNet.
Maybe I’m out of touch here but a quick google search indicates that I’m not.
Guild Wars 2 only sends your damage to your client. You cannot tell how much damage any other player is doing. The only way those would work would be if everyone in the group has the same damage meter installed and that damage meter shared information over the net.
From what i’ve read on the meters (which isn’t a ton) there are three main ones. One that just displays your dps, one that shares your data via a server and it then shares it with people in your vicinity/group that are using the meter, and one that “estimates” everyone elses damage even if they aren’t running the meter. The third one, i’ve heard the estimation is pretty accurate with power but it gets less accurate with condi.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Just think of all the refund requests (and rightfully so) they’ll have if they nerf the size.
First rule of acquisition…
I bought it because of it’s size…I would be first in line for a refund if they nerf it because of some people whining
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
im sorry you are all going on about how meteor shower was nerfed, exactly how was it nerfed? ive noticed no change in it.
Pre-patch, if you cast MS on a large hit box enemy, all 24 meteors would do damage to the target. The meteors drop every 0.375 seconds, so post patch on a large hitbox, after a hit, the next drop won’t hit because it’s on a 0.5 cooldown. So its every other hit (12 out of 24) so 50% damage nerf on large hitbox. You can cast MS and count the number of hits, if you’re lucky you’ll get 12 hits. It’s sorta rng, i seem to always get 10 or 11 hits.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
New ele raid meta? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qylEEXvGtc
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I started playing the game back when crafting was a direct path to leveling (not sure if they changed it recently, i remember they nerfed it at one point). So luckily all of my crafting professions are maxed minus scribe
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Lol, don’t think i’ve ever seen the request for a jumping puzzle build. Anyways, I would run something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhQQFgdncfC1qh9fCmfCEgilhjq+SDVmBAnigKA-TRQSAAw+DCBwE-e
- Asura (obviously) for small size
- Chrono for the alacrity for faster portal cooldowns + passive movement speed
- offhand focus for swiftness for that extra boost on longer jumps
- Pack runes for swiftness duration.
- Boon duration food to bring swiftness duration up to 50%
- Descent into madness trait for reduced fall damage (not that it matters much in jp’s)
- Warden’s Feedback trait for reduced focus cooldowns (more swiftness yo)
The rest you can fill in. If it were me tho, i’d take zerker weapons, armor, trinkets. Would probably drop platinum doubloons in the trinkets to buff that boon duration for more swiftness.
Edit: just thought of a couple items to pick up for the build as well.
- Head to Lake Doric and get the new shrinking tonic. Can make your character even smaller.
- Head to Fisher’s Eye Bridges in Timberline Falls and talk to Danka. Buy a stack of the experimental teleportation guns. You can use these to jump across gaps, I use these all the freakin time, super useful.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
(edited by UrMom.4205)
Ummm, just to clarify you’re saying that you wouldn’t want to join an organised map because of teaming up with random strangers? What so you know every single random person in an unorganised map?! All world bosses are working with strangers! In fact a lot of metas are too! Seriously what’s next, you expect to solo all three lanes on Dragons Stand?
Also you say because coordination isn’t need on other world bosses, it shouldn’t be on this one, there is a thing called having variety and different challenges!
As usual.. There’s always those that misunderstand, trying reading it again and this time look at “teaming up” as “partying up” As in joining a party.
And NO! I do not expect to soloing any of the bosses! But maybe you should take your time to read my previous post instead of skimming through it and perhaps think a little before you post, hm?
I did point out that the other world bosses are too streamlined and lack randomness and I also said they could be more difficult. They could certainly use some random elements to freshen them up and make things more interesting and difficult, and IMHTGO difficulty on all world bosses SHOULD scale with amount of players taking part in it, But that being said, there have to be a bottom line of how many is required to succede.
As for variety… Randomness give you just that.
Literally the only interaction with other people is joining the squad from the LFG to get on the same map. Once on the map, drop squad and you can go solo the entire time. Just a note tho, you will miss the boss instructions as well as call outs. So either follow the tag and do what they do or get ready to be yelled at for doing the wrong thing at the wrong time (because the commanders usually give directions in squad chat). Every day when I jump on the reset map, there is always tons of people not in squad doing their own thing and following the zerg.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Ah I see.. So it’s either team up with strangers, or GTFO
What’s so bad with teaming up with strangers? What do you expect, to solo the boss with your party? Literally every world boss is technically teaming up with strangers. But guess what even if you don’t want to team up with strangers, Triple Trouble is also a Guild World Event! So that means you can take your guild of non strangers and go to the map and the activate the event for your guild to do! Good Luck!
Seriously, why even play an mmo if you don’t enjoy teaming up with strangers?
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Op, what time do you usually play? NA or EU? This is a stretch but if you can get on at reset, there is always a group doing it. If you look in the lfg under World Bosses at about 30min past reset you will find “Post Reset TT” (TT stands for Triple Trouble), join that squad and jump to their map. They are really helpful with achievements and the boss gets done every single day.
Also #slowbalt #amBURN :P
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
The reason the leather farm is already failing is because it’s boring. Just endless mobs. Why not tie the leather drops to meta events so its at least something different here and there and people are out actually doing the events. Hell i would have been happy with AB ML chests being changed to dropped leather…at least then a meta chain would be getting done.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I don’t understand why they didn’t just make them Elites instead of Champs. Elites seem to be a nice middle ground between face roll vets and group required champs.
That depends on scaling. A lv84 elite is probably worse than a lv80 champion.
So then just make them lvl 80 elites? I can’t remember what lvl the hp champions are, but it’s obvious that the champs now are too hard to solo…so just move down a step. The jump from champ to vet seems too large for HP, so that’s why i said an elite.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
For just following the random zerg, I usually just run full zerk shatter. Dodge the front line and snipe as many low health squishies back liners as possible. Will sometimes switch out to some wells for some aoe damage and buffs/debuffs. Veil when needed and portal when needed (lol does anyone still do portal bombs??)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I don’t understand why they didn’t just make them Elites instead of Champs. Elites seem to be a nice middle ground between face roll vets and group required champs.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
As a retired WvW player, and now a solo pve player, 25% move in chrono pretty much allowed me to raise the power ceiling on all my power builds. I am still however running travelers on my condi build (doesn’t use chrono and running solo and lazy i just like the passive speed boost lol) I honestly hate movement speed in this game, wish it was a set speed (out of combat and in combat of course), that was only affected by boons and condis, but that’s just my personal opinion.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
…how everyone here on the rev forum would be like 2 years ago and onward as a devout elementalist player who had to face THOUSANDS of nerfs in every single patch and hotfix. As an ele main, I believe us players now have the thickest skin when it comes to changes like these. I remember waiting anxiously before patch notes were up and then crying myself to sleep every night…
Jokes aside, everyone is hating on the 5 second cooldown… The rev threads sound exactly like how the ele thread was years ago when this nerf occurred:
Ride the Lightning skill:
Increased recharge increased 20 seconds to 40 seconds.
Recharge is now halved if the player strikes a foe.
Reduced the range to 1200 from the previous (hidden) 1550.Now, THAT was a nerf
These changes are probably staying for the Rev, so everyone’s just going to have to keep riding the lightning (PUN)…
I main mesmer…just recently been taking a vacation with rev when HoT dropped…i know nerfs and bugs cough cough mesmer bugs thread cough cough. Playing Rev just feels like normal business to me XD lol
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Revenant underwater? 0/10. Complete garbage.
- Can only use 2 legends underwater
- Only 1 underwater weapon? (looked through TP and all underwater weapons apart from spear showed not being able to equip them)
- Legends don’t save based on land and underwater (I run Glint/Shiro…when i jump into water it’s either just Shiro or swap out Glint to Mallyx….then when i get out of water i have to swap back to Glint).
Honestly the underwater combat for Rev feels so 1/2 assed it’s insane.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Mender’s Purity: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from working with the last charge of Mantra of Recovery.
Imagined Burden: This trait now grants might only while you are in combat.
Malicious Sorcery: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from properly applying its increased attack-speed effect.
Blinding Dissipation: This trait no longer penetrates through defenses such as block and evasion.
Confounding Suggestions: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to function improperly with some runes and sigils.
Ineptitude: This trait no longer penetrates through defenses such as block and evasion.
Mirror Blade: Reduced number of bounces from 4 to 3.
Mantras: Fixed a bug that caused mantras to begin recharging as soon as the preparation skill was complete instead of when the last charge was expended.
Mantra of Distraction: Reduced this skill’s recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
Harmonious Mantras: Reduced the damage bonus per stack of this trait from 4% to 3%.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
(edited by UrMom.4205)
Looking at that build link they gave you, that’s pretty much the nature of the build. Full zerk with little to no condi clear will get you rekt by condis if you caught by them lol. Keep at it, the more practice the more you will get better at dodging and interrupting that incoming pressure.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
OK so to say that mesmer has been unviable prior to the changes the way necros or rangers have been unviable is plain wrong.
Here is a simple question: if mesmer has so much counterplay, then what build on what profession is currently actually good against/superior to a mesmer? Certainly not a power build since mesmers right now essentially counter any of those. Against most bunkerish builds mesmers will win now with the worst thing possible is that they might have to disengage. Finally, condi builds are countered by going into inspiration.
You can’t just ask for what specific class builds are good vs mesmer as a whole. Mesmer has different builds too. They aren’t all running some power shatter reflect daze pu perma stealth condi torrment heal cleanse interrupt perplex build.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
inb4 whatever they add gets nerfed 10 hours after release…. #pjsalt
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Everytime someone dies to fall damage, it’s really a perma-stealth PU mesmer oneshotting you from stealth then immediately hiding again.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell if they were really in stealth – or one-shotting you from 9000 range with their unreflectable, unblockable greatsword burst combo.
what makes this specific joke post even more hilarious is people over in the PvP forums actually believe this kitten..
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
“Last time to nail down your strategy!” …looks at other team….see’s mesmer….changes utilities….clicks ready
Mesmers have been in a bad spot for a loooooong time (go back and watch some of the past gw2 pvp tournaments, i bet mesmer will be hard to find). They’ve just now finally gotten buffed to be more in line with other professions and it’s just people aren’t use to it. I’d suggest dueling a mesmer a bunch to learn their tells, rotations, etc.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Not sure if it’s been said but I would be ok with:
Confounding Suggestions: Chance to inflict stun whenever you daze a target. Increased stun and daze duration.
changed to:
Confounding Suggestions: Inflict stun whenever you interrupt a target. Increased stun and daze duration.
Confounding Suggestions: Chance to inflict stun whenever you interrupt a target. Increased stun and daze duration.
This change would make locking down a target actually require some skill. You wouldn’t just be able to spam the mantra.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I’m really unsure which one to main, I like both, my warrior has better gear overall however ranger is also close to his gear.
I’m really unsure which one I should play if I focus on PvP & Roaming in WvW (I can’t zerg, like 20-30 fps max with everything on minimum, can’t even see the enemy it sucks).
Neither right now, go thief or mes. Stealth makes these two classes absolutely unassailable right now. Seriously you can go right into a zerg burst someone down and disappear without being touched. So if you want to roam like a god so one of those two classes.
This answer is dumb. Both warrior and ranger have movement skills, invulns, and stun breaks that allow them to get away (warrior sword jump, greatsword 3 and 5, ranger greatsword 3, sword 2 chain, warrior invulns, ranger invulns, ranger entangle, etc.). I’ve seen plenty of warrior roamers and plenty of ranger roamers. I’d suggest checking out some Twitch.tv streamers to see how they roam on those classes. They all have viable builds, and i’ve seen them all wreck thieves and mesmers before. (warrior: shinryuku_ku and Wilsonstorm, Ranger: Gladomer)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
i’m fine with a couple yellow mobs here and there but there were too many on this map though. I was running dps gear and a single imp in the north section hit me for 75 of my health…not sure if working as intended or what lol.
I’ll second what Rave said, too much EotM gimmicks is bad bad bad. I mean look at the current borderlands maps compared to this one and EotM….they are just towers, siege, and players (for the most part). It’s just raw large scale pvp. Pretty much anything that can instantly swing a battle is bad design in my opinion (i’m looking at you auto cannons in EotM, wind turrets in beta map). Let players win their fights with their skills instead of some lucky cheap shot.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I can live with condi nerfs. The problem I have is why the dev team felt it was neccessary to nerf mesmer…when you still have guards doing 7k burns, engis doing insane condi damage, and i’ve even seen condi rangers doing 5-6k burns. Why haven’t those classes gotten any nerfs? This kitten always happens to mesmer.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
inb4 stealth nerf
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Here’s what’s going to happen, condis are going to get a nerf because they’re pretty powerful after the patch…but they won’t rever the MtD nerf.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
…quaggans can now jump and dodge “roll”
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: UrMom.4205
Would something like this (see PHOTOSHOPED image) make everyone happy?
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I’ve heard stories of T1 servers having dedicated nights where the masses will log off in attempt to try to squeeze in more players. I think sometimes a full server will pop open for a brief time if enough players are offline. I’m not 100% sure though. Maybe have them try to join your server on the off hours. Maybe even thursday off hours when the wvw match is pretty much over.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
the remaining roamers will just morph into zerg surfers/zergling wolfs. Trail the zerg, know their position, bait and pick off straggling reinforcements.
If you are between the zerg and their waypoints then, perhaps, but it’s still not the same, and that is a different playstyle when near the zerg and large fights are very different from the small scale fights roamers typically enjoy… Sure it can be fun occasionally, but if I want to follow a zerg I could goto eotm and do the same thing. The reinforcements that die and run back typically are about as easy to kill between the 2… not really a lot of fun after doing it a lot :/ Roamers tend to fight better than those running to their zerg… I’ve done that to help take things before, but it’s like shooting fish in a barrel… The actual fun is smaller more even fights where it takes skill and maybe luck to win.
I totally agree, I was just saying that’s what roaming is going to become. Pretty sad actually. I miss the solo roaming days.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
the remaining roamers will just morph into zerg surfers/zergling wolfs. Trail the zerg, know their position, bait and pick off straggling reinforcements.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
i dont understand why they removed the map completition reward too
not like it hurting me
but i dont see the need for it
They’re trying to make the WvW maps as worthless as possible so hopefully everyone will stop playing it so they can finally kill the game mode…and/or make the “new” borderlands map more exciting so more people buy the expansion.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Once again…another big middle finger to the WvW community.
Let’s not force WvW on all the PvE puppy dogs, so lets remove WvW maps from the world completion. Anet, can we remove the PvE maps from world completion for all the WvW players? Or are you just going to keep spiting on another side of your community?
you kitten right i’m salty right now
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Yet again..another big giant middle finger from Anet to the WvW community. Good job.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Here’s my take on it. I understand the arguments from both sides. I personally don’t agree with the change. I feel like if a player wants to get a legendary they should have to experience and become a master in all aspects of the game. I’d even go a step further and say they should add some sPvp requirements (even if it is just exploring the sPvP lobby map) in order to get the Gift.
If I were Anet I would make world completion into a tiered achievement. Complete 100% pve gets you AP, the title, maybe the star on your name. Tier 2 , which adds WvW and some sPvP exploration gets you the gifts for legendary.
Otherwise based off of their statement “to align the systems of Guild Wars 2 more closely with their connected content” they should remove the use of legendaries in WvW.
The issue I have with that in WvW is that a single player may find it extremely challenging to get people to cooperate with him to get the map completion necessary to get the Gift of Exploration. It will no longer be about mastery of the WvW aspect as opposed to waiting for an opportune time for them to face inferior servers giving their said server enough supremacy to breeze through the maps without fear of enemies charging at them.
I’ve done map completion 3 different times and was able to do all the wvw maps solo each time. It doesn’t require some grand “everyone let us run through the map untouched”. It’s just a matter of juking and taking smart paths. Will you get killed a few times? sure, but honestly stuff like that is just part of the game.
I would suggest the map’s poi and a few vistas adjusted to allow for a player to get them even if their server doesn’t own the tower or such. So say you run by an enemy tower near the gate, it activates the poi. Vista in a tower gets moved to a nearby cliff outside the tower. etc.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Here’s my take on it. I understand the arguments from both sides. I personally don’t agree with the change. I feel like if a player wants to get a legendary they should have to experience and become a master in all aspects of the game. I’d even go a step further and say they should add some sPvp requirements (even if it is just exploring the sPvP lobby map) in order to get the Gift.
If I were Anet I would make world completion into a tiered achievement. Complete 100% pve gets you AP, the title, maybe the star on your name. Tier 2 , which adds WvW and some sPvP exploration gets you the gifts for legendary.
Otherwise based off of their statement “to align the systems of Guild Wars 2 more closely with their connected content” they should remove the use of legendaries in WvW.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I’ll just throw out what I found recently as I just leveled two toons. EotM is pretty quick, especially if you can get on some good maps with solid zergs and solid commanders. The issue with EotM is it’s so dependent on those factors. Now map completion on the other hand is something you can do on your own time and relatively quick. However it’s not as fast as EotM (if EotM conditions are perfect). So for this question i’d say EotM.
Now one way that I don’t think many people know about or consider (because it gets kinda boring)is kill streak boosters.
“Wait how is this going to help me level fast?” Well i’m glad you asked that. Here is what you do. You pop one of those boosters along with any other xp booster, food, utility, etc. Then you party up with some buds, and port into a mid level map. Preferably one that isn’t too busy. Start in one spot and work your way around the map. The KEY here is to target Yellow mobs. This method uses the bonus xp mechanic.
“An exploration bonus is earned based on how long a creature has been alive in the world”
You get the kill xp in addtion to a huge bonus xp. So you target yellow mobs because they aren’t killed as often as the red mobs. Sometimes these yellow mobs can be literal xp pinatas (with all the boosters). Basically you have to kill something within the 60 second timer to keep the 10 stacks of the killstreak booster. It’s not the most exciting way to level but you can get xp extremely fast using this method. My guildies and I used this method on a couple of our toons roaming around maps getting waypoints. Did the hearts and everything after we hit all the yellow mobs and the boost wore off.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
i agree with above the double energy is nice. I also run double doom to keep that poison up. One sigil that works nicely with doom is sigil of hydromancy.
I never run hydromancy in PU. The issue is that the aoe hit of hydromancy is a standard hit that will reveal you if you swap weapons near someone while in stealth. This restricts your combat options fairly significantly at points.
True, I agree with that and i have noticed that in the past in some occasions. I tend to use it with that in mind, were i’ll consider my stealth before a weapon swap (almost as if it was a 6th weapon skill if that makes sense). I also run sword/pistol + scepter/torch(hydro’s in my offhand torch) so my weapon swap happens right after sword swap>blurred frenzy combo. They’re usually imob’d so they get hit with chill, poison right on that weapon swap, which then leaves me open to stealth if need be.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
i agree with above the double energy is nice. I also run double doom to keep that poison up. One sigil that works nicely with doom is sigil of hydromancy. The chill+damage on weapon swap also procs the sigil of doom poison. So if you are within melee range when you weapon swap you get an almost 99% guarantee application (unless they dodge right at the moment you swap weapons) of poison and chill. And if you aren’t in melee range when you weapon swap no biggie, sigil of doom still queues up like normal.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
For some reason, people just aren’t getting the point of T2. If you come to T2, you have to not care about winning the PPT game. A couple YB posters get this point and don’t want to be a part of it. Fair enough. But the wonder about not having to worry about getting the most total points in the week is that you can actually enjoy best aspect of GW2: combat.
So all those posters saying that WvW is made to be played as a PPT-centric game mode? Sure, maybe. But in general, people play GW2 for the combat system. So you have to get the fights to maximize the experience. WvW is the best game mode for this, in my humble opinion. PvP can be fun for the fights, but it simply isn’t as dynamic as WvW. So people go to WvW for the fights. In fact, I’d be comfortable with saying that most WvW people play the game mode for the fights, not winning the week due to some flawed PPT system.
So here’s the point. In T2, you can focus on the fights, for once. You know how in T3+, you have people organizing those fight nights one or maybe two nights of the week?
Guess what?
In T2 we never have those because every night is a fight night. There’s plentiful roamers to find and fight. There’s guilds to fight in open field or GvG. There’s zergs to bust. And yes, there’s even a place for PPT-centric guilds. It’s an environment that is entirely accommodating for every game style, as long as each server accommodates every play style.
That’s why I’m unsure if YB will be a fit. I don’t think they have all those styles or are willing to sacrifice focus on PPT to give other styles breathing room. I could be wrong since YB has definitely changed from an outsider looking in, but the posters seem to point to the former.
In any case, come to T2 for the fights you want and crave. You’ll learn a lot and subsequently will have tons more fun when fighting. You’ll find that T2 guilds have a lot more sustain, while also having dynamic group composition and higher all-around damage. So fights are constantly interesting and constantly on the edge of defeat for either side. Even the groups/guilds that are learning are having a blast.
If you have any doubts, talk to a recent transfer to T2. I know [RAGE] from Kaineng just moved to FA and they’re already having tons of fun with all the fights they’ve had. Yes, it’s different and more challenging. But that’s the fun of it, especially if you win those fights.
tldr: Just come to T2 and try it. It’s not about losing/winning the PPT game. Ignore the fact that you’re losing the week. It’s about having tons of fun in fights.
I get what your saying with the “its about the fights thing” but for me personally, the ppt game is something that keeps wvw for me interesting. I usually solo roam or roam with my guildie (yeah only two of us still play you wanna fight about it?) and we look for fights but we do that in working actively on the servers ppt. IF I was just out there looking for fights and not thinking about ppt at all well i would get bored with it. I like to have a general goal that I like to work towards. So one night it might be starving an enemies bl of supplies, or hold a tower, etc.
I know there are a a bunch of “looking for fights” guilds on YB but one common denominator in all of our players is working together for the overall goal, ppt. Even our for fights guilds raid and work on defending or capturing objectives. In that process fights just naturally develop. I dunno to me this mentality that we have on YB it just seems like we wouldn’t fit in very well in T2.
In a perfect work I would like to see t2 de-stack a tad to create a t2-4 spread. That would give us 9…FREAKING NINE servers that could all be interchanged. That would lead to different matchups almost every week. PPT players would be happy because the coverage gaps wouldn’t be as severe. GvG would be happy as each week you would get a different matchup which would lead to different GvG’s for the week. Fight guilds, all week, then new matchup and a new batch of guilds to fight. Roamers would also be happy, players spread more so not as big of zergs to suck all the players into. It could honestly be a WvW oasis.
Just my .02 cents on the whole subject.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I played on the ranger all last night in wvw, and it felt unfair, most fights i had started with me at full health and them at 50% (sometimes lower) before any of their skills even hit me.
That’s the advice I’ve been giving glass LB rangers for years. If your opponent doesn’t start at ~ 50% health, you’re pretty much hosed. You could literally find dozens of posts of mine that say “you need to get them down to 50% by the time of melee”.
LB rangers use all their traits and most of their utilities just to exist.
aight dude, agree to disagree. I think it’s a little much having both traits. You don’t. It’s all good. GLHF
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I said this in the other forum post about it, the speed and damage and all that isn’t op, what’s op is the range. The fact that the ranger can initiate a burst from so far away without allowing the enemy to counter is kinda op. I know a few classes have range extending traits that can reach that distance, engi grenades at 1500, grenades that travel super slow that you literally can just move left or right to dodge. Thieves’ 1500 steal, but they still have to get close to do damage. I think if they made it where you could only take the increased speed OR the increased range it would be more balanced. Having both is a little much.
Anyone know how long it takes to cover 300ish range? .25 seconds? Instantly with movement buffs? Hop on a ranger, UrMom, and actually see how this stuff works. The reason everyone laughed about LBs in the past is because closing the distance is absolutely trivial.
My main and first class is a ranger, I know how this stuff works. Engaging and even finishing off players trying to run with the rapid burst still makes a difference. Not to mention having a 1500 knockback so they get within the range and the knock back just knocks them back out of their range again. I played on the ranger all last night in wvw, and it felt unfair, most fights i had started with me at full health and them at 50% (sometimes lower) before any of their skills even hit me.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I said this in the other forum post about it, the speed and damage and all that isn’t op, what’s op is the range. The fact that the ranger can initiate a burst from so far away without allowing the enemy to counter is kinda op. I know a few classes have range extending traits that can reach that distance, engi grenades at 1500, grenades that travel super slow that you literally can just move left or right to dodge. Thieves’ 1500 steal, but they still have to get close to do damage. I think if they made it where you could only take the increased speed OR the increased range it would be more balanced. Having both is a little much.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
After playing with my LB ranger last night the only problem I have with it is the range. In most cases the enemies had zero chance to even counter attack because all of their skills were WAY out of range. Then they run and well you can’t run from a sniper rifle lol. That being said, if you have good reflexes and can dodge the initial burst then it isn’t that bad, a burst LB ranger will be glassy so the challenge is just getting close to him or within range.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB