Showing Posts For moonstarmac.4603:

Corgi Mount Vote?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Quaggan mounts ftw!

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Any Vega 64 users? 3440x1440

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I know my RX470 runs 2560×1440 with my Ryzen 5 1600x at 40-60fps with Vertical Sync on. The thing to remember is your CPU will account for most of the FPS you have.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Luminous weapon skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


If it follows suit with last year’s backpacks, you will be able to get others in the coming years.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Thank You ArenaNet - Happy Anniversary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Happy 5th Anniversary GW2!

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

5th Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I’m excited to see the 5th year presents. Come to think of it, I need to check in GW1 to cash in on the vouchers I got up to now this year lol.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

So Balthazar wants to be.... (PoF spoiler)

in Living World

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


What if Balthazar is not Balthazar but rather Dhuum? Think about it. Dhuum was banished by the combined power of Balthazar, Dwayna, Lyssa, Melandru, Grenth, and Abaddon. Abaddon is gone, and 250+ years ago Dhuum broke the seal. What if Dhuum took Balthazar out with help from Menzies and assumed Balthazar’s form? Or even better…what if he swapped bodies with Balthazar resulting in Balthazar being locked away in the Halls?

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

more adventures? really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Adventures as side/optional content is perfectly fine. Putting a Vista or MP behind one is not. Personally, I love the Drone Race in TD.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

What's about Kralkatorrik??

in Living World

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


The new map shows Kralkatorrik has moved since its fight with Destiny’s Edge. That was about 7 years from the current events of GW2. It now looks to be in the heart of Vabbi.

Warning: LWS3 Spoiler ahead, read at your own risk.
With Primodrous and Jormag, we learned killing dragons is bad. Aurene absorbed a good deal of Mordremoth's power, just as Tequatl did with Zhaithan's. Releasing so much magic into the ley lines of Tyria would result in the entire planet's destruction. We have to find a way to siphon their power into a safer host before we can truly be done with all of the Elder Dragons.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Level boost from pre purchasing Path of Fire

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


If you use the insta 80 boost on a lvl 80 character you receive the following:
5 Teleport to Friend, 2 Gold, Celebratory Dye Pack, Dye Pack, Celebration Booster, 4 15 slot leather bags, 25 Mango Pies, 25 Superior Sharpening Stones, Mystic Salvage Kit, Orichalcum Sickle/Axe/Pick.

You also unlock waypoints in Drytop, Strait of Devestation, and Frostgorge Sound. I believe you also get the lvl 80 Equipment Package, which includes weapons and armor that are lvl 80 exotic. Usually Soldiers stats. Wiki shows Necros get Rabid, Thieves Valkyrie.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Important things I miss if I dont buy hot

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Without HoT you do not get:
Revenant class
HoT Elite Specs
HoT LWS3 items/stat combos
The Ability to claim Guild Halls
Scribe Crafting class
Gliding and Gliders
LWS3 in general
Legendary Armor/Weapons from HoT

Supposedly if you get PoF and HoT together you get a discount on the bundle…not sure.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Formal complain on POF Deluxe, Ultimate ED

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


The Sunspear Weapon is a pre-purchase item, not Deluxe/Ultimate. As for the armor, it is a copy of a base Paragon armor from GW1. Such was why I went with the Standard. I get the pre-purchase bonuses and the lvl80, or even better, the goodies it gives for using on a lvl 80 instead. I figure why use the inta-80 when I have lots of insta-20/30/40s and over 400 tomes of knowledge. Easy lvl up right there lol.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

This isn't WoW!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I used to see this response alot when requests came up for things like raids, tanks, healers, mounts etc. All of those things are in the game now despite the strong protest of these apparent WoW haters.

So I guess we can go back to asking for anything now, and just ignore the naysayers. What’s next? Capes? Built in open world voice channels?

Edit: Before you start your rant, allow me to clarify that I in no way think any of these changes make GW2 a WoW clone. I was simply stating that it was the response I always saw from people that were against these changes. I was simply interested in what other changes, that were previously deemed impossible/unlikely, people would like to see put in the game now.

I’m personally rooting for in-game voice coms.

As a GW1 player I see thinks a little different on a few subjects here.

1) Raids: Guild Wars 2 raids are closer to the ‘Hard Mode’ missions for GW1. They are more challenging and allow you to go in with a few more people.

2) Trinity: GW1 never really had a ‘Trinity’ per say but it did allow players to build towards more tank or support style roles. GW2 has kept this, albeit by removing the beloved Monk class. The point is, it isn’t meant to be a Tank/DPS/Heal setup but rather a Close/Range hybrid where players can pull back to support others or get in close to the action.

3) Voice Chat, World Chat, etc : Voice Chat would be nice, but many people use Vent for this. Especially in WvW where many of the Worlds have dedicated WvW Vent Channels in play. As for World Chat and the naught…if it was implemented it could be as an Asura gift to the ‘ahem’ lesser races.

4) Capes: GW1 had them…they were not that bad. In GW2 we have Guild Armors…although the HoT guild armors are stupid expensive just for the recipes.

5) Mounts: Technically GW1 had mounts as well…they existed to get places you normally could not. I see the same in the PoF mounts for the most part.

All in all, I see they are keeping true to the Guild Wars franchise, however evolving the world as our characters grow and explore. The story, though some will disagree, is a living thing…we make choices, then we have to deal with the repercussions. LWS3 provided a new challenge to the world as a whole…just like the personal story did way back when. We united the races, we faced foes old and new, we fought battles we have won, we fought battles we lost. Tyria is changing with each Living Story and Expansion, the zones are locked in time as we learned of LWS1 changing them hurts new players from experiencing old content…look at Lion’s Arch for instance…or Kessex. Both completely changed.

And now, after all of this time we hare entering the Crystal Desert to find that many from Elona shifted north, through the Desolation to escape Joko’s armies. I could easily see us moving south over the next two years into Kourna and even Istan. After that, well, maybe north deeper into the Shiverpeaks…or maybe onward to Cantha!

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

A plea from all Necromancers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I would prefer a bone dragon mount. Like, GW1 bone dragon.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Guild Halls Wager Results

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


How easy/difficult is it to move the guild hall? And if you move it, does it come with all the existing upgrades?

  • Moving is as simple as mounting the new expedition.
  • Wiki: " Upon claiming a new guild hall, your current upgrades are transferred to the new guild hall and the old guild hall becomes inaccessible."

What about decorations? Will they remain as they are if you decide to reclaim it later, or will they get deposited to storage?

Decorations are put in storage and moved to the new hall. And if you want to change back later, it costs another 100g and you have to complete the claim event again.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

All we are missing.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I played EQ, EQ2, and WoW in the past…had mounts, never really used them. The mounts for this game appear to be more function than fashion…or at least I hope that. But with that, we need a giant white rabbit as a special mount. Its combat start can be it shrinks down and attacks up to 5 enemies causing 10 stacks of bleed per enemy for 5 seconds. It can be called Tim’s Vicious Rabbit!

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Not pleased with Firebrand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Actually, if you look at the previews for the Firebrand it is like they took the idea of the original guardian tome system and gave it a major overhaul. As for DH spec, I like the bow for my guardian. I never was big on using a staff or scepter for ranged, but I always like having the option.

I guess it goes to show, different players all have their different tastes. Specs like this give us even more options to make our characters a little more unique and allow us to play the way we prefer vs going full on meta.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Returning Player - Can't decide on class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


One of the best ways I can try to help is simply suggest to try everything. If you have Heart of Thorns you get an elite spec you can utilize to change your class up a bit. One way to check out what different skills and weapons can do is to enter the PVP lobby and take on the training golems. It can let you get a feel for the class, its traits and skills, and how you want to handle it.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

no new system specs Path of fire no buy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


no 4K support no crossfire or SLI support . as well as no multi core or ryzen thread ripper or intell I-7 8 and 10 core support

after seeing the announcement for Path of fire and looking at the specs for this new shiny pack . i find it a no buy at all unless specs get changed again , as of right now

WINDOWS Minimum System Requirements
64 bit Native Mac Minimum System Requirements
Windows® 7 or better (64 bit only)
Intel® Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz, Core i3, AMD Athlon 64 X2 or better
NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800GTS, ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT
50GB available HDD space
Broadband Internet connection
Keyboard and mouse

tho i will not be buying this pack . even tho i can buy the $30.00 pack or the $80.00 pack i can get it very easy BUT based on these things i outlined here . i can not honestly justify buying it at all . more so after getting burned with the last pack
heart of thorns . and so till them things happen to the new pack . i will just stick with the heart of thorns pack and call it good . till i see some real changes from this company in regards to hardware and software system support .

but those that do buy the new pack hope you fully enjoy it and it brings you many good hours of fun play time .

Yeah, all I have to say is I do not understand why you are upset about the recommended specs. I have a Ryzen build, 16GB DDR4, RX 470 and I play on High/Ultra settings and get 40-60FPS because I run Vertical Sync…I run this because on a 43" 4k display @ 1440p I get horrible tearing due to a 60Hz refresh rate.

But again…why are you complaining that the recommended specs are low? I mean, the engine for the game was developed years ago and it isn’t something a programmer can simply ‘flip a switch’ or ‘modify a code’ to change. No, the increase the game engine’s utilization of higher end equipment they would need to first take the engine back to baseline code, build up from there, test it with dozens if not hundreds of different spec sets, go back into the code and re-optimize, retest, optimize, retest…etc..etc…etc. At that point they would have to quite literally rebuild the entire game from the ground up because the new engine will not be compatible with importing data from the old engine. So if it took around 5 years from code to launch for the base game, it would take about ten to go from code to PoF.

If that is something you do not understand, maybe I could simply suggest that unless you are familiar with advanced programming and game development you try to be happy with what you have and stop complaining about it.

PS: This is why the dev team interaction is lower than average. Players who think they know more than they actually do trying to tell programmers and IT specialists how things run in the fields we work in every single day.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Please devs be smart!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


The ‘Meta’ mindset is as old as MMOs…even as far back as EQ and Ultima. There will always be those people who believe you absolutely must play with a meta build or you will be trash. Personally, I like taking my own path in things, and that is how I will continue to play.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

PathOfFire price and release date?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


It isn’t too bad. If you do not have core GW2, you get it. If you do not have HoT, you have to buy it separate. Everyone who pre-purchases gets the mini Balthazar, ‘Elonian Envoy’ title, and a Sunspear weapon skin.

Standard $29 – XPac + Max level boost
Deluxe $54.99 – same as standard + character slot, Lily of the Elon access, Spearmashal’s Presence, and Identity Repair Kit
Ultimate $79.99 – deluxe + 4k gems (so technically you get 2k gems free with this)

Lily of the Elon = convenience area like Royal Terrace, Noble’s Folly, etc
Spearmashal’s Presence = outfit (probably similar to Kormir’s)

My choice…standard. I really don’t care too much for the other stuff.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix


in Living World

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Condi builds are perfect for this. However, I did manage to get it on my ranger after about 15 minutes of pet swapping and waiting on CDs to break the bar.

Vipers + Poison/Bleed/Burn will make it an easy run.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Official Episode 6 Feedback Thread: One Path Ends

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Episode 6 is a great end to LWS3. The best part is it touches lore from all over the Guild Wars universe. I have to say, I really love it and I’m looking forward to what is next!

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Fiery Dragon Sword

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


The FDS requires 10 points to get. Linking a GW1 and GW2 account = 3, a single statue is 2…if you go through Nightfall you can easily get 5 heroes to add but you need to upgrade their armors. If you get the full set (prophecies, factions, nightfall, eye) you get MOX, so one hero ready to go.

I’m sitting at 40/50…I really need to work on that lol.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Reminder: Option to lower/turn off particles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Effect LOD – check this and it limits the particle effects. A slider to more accurately control the particle effects would be better.

Personally I would love to see them split Post-Processing to allow individual control over the many options it controls (ie: Bloom, Depth Blur, Portal Distortion, etc) as well.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

SO EXCITED for tomorrow's episode!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I am so excited. Not only do we get a new Fractal, a new Legendary, the final episode of LWS3 and a look at the return of Orr, but the high possibility of Expansion 2’s teaser (if they follow LWS2).

The mission is shifting. We know we can drain the magic from the dragons and put them to sleep. With Taimi, and possibly Zoja, the future of Tyria looks clear of dragons. But then, there’s Balthazar and what awaits us in Orr. Is Zhaitan dead, or did we simply beat him to sleep? So many questions…are there answers to them all?

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

High Ping problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Ping issues normally occur somewhere between your ISP source and ArenaNet’s ISP. Meaning, if one of the many areas it routes through is having issues, your ping will be higher. One thing you can test is using CMD to access the command prompt and Ping other IPs like Also try running a traceroute.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Recent FPS drop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


What settings are you running in game? Also, have you checked to see if your Intel GPU is forced off and only using the 1060? Some laptops still try to forcefully use the Intel GPU from the i7.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Black Lion Hunters Board [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Personally I’d love something like this for Guild Halls, except with options to commission materials like Kegs, Glass Mugs, etc.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Trailer: "One Path Ends"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


From what I can see, the undead…the ones left behind by Zhaithan, have found a new master. Now, who do we know from history that controls the undead and is not that far away from Orr? Joko.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Serious answer: We should call them Skrinkies (Skritt Pinkies). And the really smart ones can be Skrain (Skritt Brain) and they should work together every night and try to take over the world!

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

There's no reason to return to Orr

in Living World

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


You see, if we do return to Orr it could be to move into the Crystal Desert from the west. My theory is we will eventually secure the area just south of Ebonhawke as well, opening a northern entrance. Ultimately I can see us clashing with both Kralkatorrik and Palawa Joko’s forces, the question is will they clash with each other?

After all, we only have 2 dragons left, Kralkatorrik and ’S Bubbles" With two put back to sleep, two dead, and two alive, we may soon set our sites on Joko and Elona and a new mission for the reborn Pact.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

The rules of the game are stupid

in PvP

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


OP: Are you on the primary ArenaNet controlled game or the China server variant? I ask because many rules and settings are different for the Chinese variation of GW2 and not all of those settings are controlled by ArenaNet.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

SO MANY bots! sPvP unplayable!!!

in PvP

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


FYI linking to searches or posting results or details of hacks, cheats, and or exploits is against the TOS if I recall correctly.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

SO MANY bots! sPvP unplayable!!!

in PvP

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


To the OP:

Many more casual players do not respond to PVP team chat mainly because we end up on a team with that one person who thinks they are better than everyone else, running around like a madman decapping but not capping, beating down but not stomping, and overall just complaining how they are “carrying the team”. I normally say nothing in chat unless it is to call a cap point or beast kill. I play on the fly, mixing up combos trying to maximize my numbers for the team.

Sometimes teams simply click, going around killing everything without issue and winning. Sometimes not. But just because a player does not respond to chat does not mean they are a bot.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Jennah's kingdom and Kryta nation

in Living World

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


In LWS2, Entanglement there is a Priory caravan holding a locket that can reveal the identity of the Krytan heir. I believe that either Jennah has a sibling or possibly a child. It is stated the Priory was entrusted with its protection so they move it from one place to another.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

The Mordremoth Final Boss 'Penalty Box'

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I don’t understand, were you with a team fighting him? Because if not, you retry, with him having regenerated his health to max. You can retry as often as you wish (or as many armor pieces you carry with you or repair canisters).

He was teamed with my elementalist at the time. Fortunately, being my 6th run through I was able to finish the battle.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Unplayable FPS; Gaming Laptop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


It sounds like for some reason GW2 is utilizing the built in intel GPU instead of the GTX 1060. There should be a way in windows to force your system to use the GTX over the i7’s built in gpu.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Bladed Armor Soulbound on acquire

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Did you select stats? Once you select stats for any of the HoT armors they soulbind.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Ryzen 5 1600 Performance.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I have a 1600X, 16G DDR 2400, RX 470 4G and I get 60FPS stable, 25+ in zerg situations. My settings are completely maxed out.

A few questions:
1) if you run GPUZ what link speed does your GPU show? – should be PCIe 3.0 x16 / PCIe 3.0 x16

2) I see you are using the 17.4 drivers. Best suggest I have – remove them and go back to the 16.11.2-5 drivers. Go to your Device Manager and use Update Driver, My PC, and point to the 17.10 AMD driver folder (usually under C:\AMD) and manually install the missing chipset drivers. I had to do this and it runs much smoother now.

3) Which Motherboard are you using and have you updated its BIOS?

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix


in Living World

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Got to remember…Zinn DID make 6 very powerful Golems…4 of which attempted to assassinate important people. MOX was the only one that was rational…GOX was just…well…“I can be mon-goose dog” if you talk to GOX 2.0. He wasn’t much smarter in GW1.

In fact, he was banished forever from Asuran society…Blimm willingly joined him during the War in Kryta, but stayed behind to help work with Kryta afterwards. He is buried in the Divinity’s Reach Catacombs.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

[Spoiler] Lazarus' identity a poor plot twist

in Living World

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


An old theory I have had is the reason the gods left Arah is because their magic was being siphoned by the dragons as they neared awakening. Dragons are like ley energy batteries, they absorb the overflow of magic and when it reaches its peak, they awaken and rise up. When their magic is drained, they go dormant (see Primordous and Jormag). The gods came from another world and the magic of Tyria made them stronger. By draining the power of Primordous, Balthazar was able to regain the magic that was siphoned from him.

The Mists and Tyria are not independent of each other, rather they require each other in order to exist. Destroy one, destroy both…drain magic from one (Tyria) and you drain the magic of the other (The Mists). This means, when Mordremoth died, the power of Nature and Mind returned to Melandru and Lyssa. Zaithan’s death restored power to Grenth and possibly even to Dhuum, which could lead us back into the Underworld in the near future.

Balthazar showed in the past he was willing to do anything to maintain his power. The question now, what are Dwayna and Kormir doing?

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Living Story Unplayable

in Living World

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


What are you system specs? It could easily be hardware related. Also, have you tried resetting your router/modem and network card? They build trash over time and could have some file in cache causing issues.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Season 6 Conclusion is... Frustration.

in PvP

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I have to say I still do not understand rankings. I played daily, had roughly a 60/40% win/loss ratio, played since the week of season start. I made it to Silver T2

A guild mate played 1 week, had a 40/60% win/loss ratio. Less matches than me and he was Gold T3 in that time.

How is it some players can rank through with less matches than others? Its like if my team wins +10-15 points. If we lose, -17-25 points.

As for matchmaking, Bronze players getting paired into a Gold team is crazy. Or even better, a player without a Bronze rank yet paired onto a Gold team. The MMR seriously needs work.

Another point, if a person ditches during the match they should receive an automatic 1hr Dishonor for the first offense…2nd offense same week, 24hr Dishonor…3rd offense, 72hr Dishonor. If they manage to do it a 4th time, Dishonor for 1 week.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

9k gold trident ? anet pls take note.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


This makes me think of Nyhm and Summergale’s ‘Ni Hao’ video. If only we could flag gold sellers for PKing when they pop up. Or target them for Wrath of Dhuum.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Why is crafting required for so much?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Last night, I went to complete the Caladbolg quest again on another character. Didn’t realize I couldn’t do the scavenger hunt twice, looked up what I needed to do: Crafting.

If you want the other skins you can take the Caladbolg you got to your home instance and “reforge” it for 1000 unbound magic. This is the fastest way I’ve found…and less expensive.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

FPS Drops

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Sadly it is both a combination of low RAM and older CPU. If you are running a 64bit OS, I suggest running no less than 8GB. The other part is the fact your CPU is 6 years old and really isn’t up to par.

GW2 is like 95% CPU/RAM, 5% GPU. I would suggest upping your ram, 1066 or 1333 DDR3 required based on your CPU.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Preferable Graphic Settings?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


If all you want are FPS…Low everything > Everything but Effect LOD unchecked. The game will look like crap compared to what it can look like, but you will get higher FPS.

As for getting 30-55 in LA and big events…that’s good. Granted I can pull 20-30 FPS in most events, down to 5-10 in World Boss events, so I can say those numbers are much better than many players get.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Login Issues / Region Load Crashing!!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


From what others are posting here: it appears to be a NCSoft issue.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Trying to decide my build - Ryzen or Intel

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I’ve checked out MDFGamingVideo’s posts on youtube this last week. Testing a 1700 @ 4GHz, 16GB RAM @ 3200, ASUS X370 Crosshair Hero VI and AMD Fury Nitro. 50+FPS everywhere, even during Maw event.

His channel:

I just got my bracket in for my AIO cooler, so I’m set as soon as I settle on a MB. I’m still trying to decide ASRock Killer or ASRock Taichi. I like the Taichi’s design better, but other than that they are pretty much the same board, minus a few extra bells and whistles on the Taichi.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

ryzen series

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


One of our fellow players uploaded their vids after testing Teq and Claw on a 1700 with an older R9 290. 15-20 FPS stable with no stuttering.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix