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Rampage And Head Butt Are Switched

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


Rage skills give you adrenaline, which in turn makes it easier to use a burst skill or pop berserker form. Headbutt, being an elite, gives an entire bar. That adrenaline gain makes the skill indispensable for HoT players. Rampage would not only defeat the purpose by removing access to burst skills, it has a crazy long cooldown.

Settings changed, not saving when reset

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mooty.4560


It didn’t break just yesterday, I’ve been having this problem for at least a week or two. Although it wasn’t till yesterday’s patch that my general settings were changed around and won’t save, prior to that it was just a couple key binds.

Settings changed, not saving when reset

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mooty.4560


Since about the start of December or so I noticed some of my key binds had changed to binds I’d never used before, I’m thinking they’re default choices. However, the vast majority of my binds(non default for the record) remained the same. I discovered that no matter what I changed about these new binds, closing and restarting the client reverted them to the undesired choice.

More recently, I noticed that some of my general/UI settings had changed around and those too will not stay as set upon closing/restarting the client.

Is anyone else having this problem? Am I experiencing a glitch?

People were saying to me nice build.

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


Looks alright but I’d consider bringing balanced stance/outrage over endure pain for a much more reliable stun break + stab than just headbutt/activating berserker mode.

Seems warriors are stuck in the rut of using marauder gs/x for the foreseeable future.

Berserker vs. Balthazar runes for burnzerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


If you’re running a hybrid build, a la sinister armor, then Berserker runes make a lot of sense but if you’re purely burning focused then Balthazar runes are the way to go. There is one caveat, however, and that’s the co-efficients on the weapons you’re using to apply conditions in a hybrid spec. Warrior tends to have weapons that are solid no matter how you swing them so it’s probably okay, but don’t try this on ranger. In a pure DPS shoot-out with one warrior running sinister-based hybrid vs something like rabid-based burning warrior.. I’d go with the hybrid because burning application still feels a bit too spotty to compete with raw damage.

Best rotation for a warrior burning spec?

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


Since the condition revamp I’ve found bleeding to be very underwhelming, despite the stack cap removal. Unfortunately warrior condition builds seemed to rely heavily on bleeding with other conditions being more of a complementary thing. So I was excited to learn that warriors now have a number of new tools focused around burning with the berserker specialization. I’m still unsure as to if there’s a solid, viable warrior condition spec here but burning is now the centerpiece to any condition spec and more tools for applying burning can’t be anything but good for the class.

I’m just curious though, what have those of you fooling around with these builds found is the best rotation for maintaining burning stacks?

I’ve been using S/T and LB, alternating between the two. I can’t say I’m a big fan of Scorched Earth over Combustive Shot but Flaming Fury is solid. The peaks are nice (see pic) but there is a lot of fluctuation in the number of burning stacks I have active at a given time, however. It seems like I’m truly averaging somewhere around 10.


Are WA state digital purchases of HoT taxed?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mooty.4560


Will I be taxed if I purchase HoT through the gem store and I live in Washington state?

No exclusive reward for thetop 1%

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mooty.4560


Is it unthinkable that having high difficulty content and associated carrot on a stick can still attract players even when they don’t complete it?

My kinship (guild equivalent) in LOTRO spent months in a raid it couldn’t master and ended up having to wait until a future level cap to beat it. We had a blast, though. There were some frustrating moments when we stalled and some very satisfying moments when we made progress.

No exclusive reward for thetop 1%

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mooty.4560


But given that GW2 is a very casual orientated game in general (relative to other MMOs) and it’s not at all hard to find people, even launch-day players who have multiple level 80 characters, who have never done Fractals or even a normal dungeon it’s not hard at all to believe that a significant chunk of the playerbase will never even attempt a raid, and will therefore be unable to get legendary armor.

If legendary armor is akin to legendary weapons in that it’s simply a fancy cosmetic with infinite stat conversion then the exclusivity is a minor quality of life difference at worst that already exists. It’s already difficult to obtain legendary weapons for the average player. Some players, like myself, aren’t even interested in acquiring one. They were designed to be something players work toward acquiring over the life of the game anyway, but many people aspired to own one as quickly as possible.

No exclusive reward for thetop 1%

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mooty.4560


This is really only an issue if those rewards translate to advantages in PvP.

It is no secret that exotics are often more than good enough for much of the current content except high level fractals where the agony mechanic demands you have more ascended gear than not. If not for agony, exotics would likely be adequate. That said, ultra powerful items would only benefit players WvW. Some might take issue with that, although WvW is sparse and varied enough that I think the impact would probably be minimal. I have long felt that WvW should use sPvP’s restrictions and equipment system anyway.

Otherwise you’re only complaining because of what.. jealousy? If it doesn’t translate to an advantage in the game besides maybe that particular player being able to more efficiently complete already easy PvE content… I just don’t see the problem.

[Suggestion] Remove aquabreathers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mooty.4560


Having different equipment and builds for underwater usage is a good idea since the dynamics of each class changes completely with weapon selection and the way underwater combat works in general.

Just keep in mind that if you have like 5k less health on land than you do in water then you probably don’t want to leave the water with low health and especially not with that huge burning tick on you xD .

Out of curiosity, how viable is it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mooty.4560


Celestial builds are very good in sPvP in the moment due to the viability of might stacking and their all around capabilities. Might stacking has been nerfed a bit and the addition of specializations has made it hard to get optimal stat distribution around your celestial gear/amulet… but they’re still pretty darned good. Also, I rarely visit WvW but I don’t see why the success of celestial builds wouldn’t carry straight over to the WvW format.

As for PvE.. well, they would work, it’s just.. there’s nothing that requires them per se or can’t be done better with other stat spreads.

Are fractals worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mooty.4560


If you make good time completing fotm, the rewards can be well worth it but the process of building up your ascended gear collection just for additional AR is questionable. People tend to want gear progression anyway, so there’s that and it’s something to do. Sometimes it’s good to just have a goal or something to aspire to within the game because optimally using your time to make fake game money can have it’s drawbacks too.

Unique item procs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mooty.4560


Something I enjoyed about LOTRO and even GW1 to some extent were items with unique stat distributions or items that trade stats for unusual procs.

GW1 tries very hard to be equipment balanced through-out both PvE and PvP with the trade-off being powerful PvE only skills, but there are some items with unique bonuses that can not be assembled with parts via the PvP-only character system. You can acquire them in PvE and then use those items to great effect for builds where minutiae are important. For instance the famous grim cesta with -50 health, a non-repeatable quest reward from an early part of the game where developers seemed more intent on experimenting with equipment. The cesta makes 55 monking (a common farming build) possible.

LOTRO has items with outright statistical trade-offs for unique procs. One such proc that comes to mind is a ring that had a stacking critical buff that triggers so often on hit. There are several though, with many of the procs coming from items created by developers early on—not unlike GW1.

I would much prefer something like LOTRO has where the procs function like late rune set bonuses (4th & 6th piece). You could have an additional might proc on damage or maybe a small heal.

I would envision this as being a PvE only change and I realize that would extend into WvW. That may not actually be a huge problem but if it’s any consolation I would prefer WvW share sPvP’s restrictions and equipment system anyhow. However, that debate is another can of worms I’d rather not indulge in.

A warrior revamp?

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


Did you ever play GW1?

Granted, this is a very different game and a very different team of developers from what I gather. However, something people pointed out about GW1 was that many skills in the “skill sandbox” were out of date, inferior to others or very niche use. I don’t know offhand but I would gather there was probably ~150 skills per class in that game and since you had dual classes you could potentially choose from double that amount. During a given meta there were a lot of, more or less, useless skills. Arenanet had a habit of buffing certain skills and nerfing others for rebalance in order to keep the game from getting too stagnant.

It was the same problem you’re describing with the GW2 warrior and if the same Arenanet developers are in charge of balancing, what you’re more like to see is something like greatsword being debuffed or made obsolete in favor of the mace or maybe even 1h sword. I think they expect you to try different classes to find more variety. Although, you can still play the other warrior weapons and they can be viable, there’s just other classes/weapons/specs that fulfill similar roles and trump them.

What to play now

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


Hambow is still completely viable, it’s just a touch slow for getting around.

Nerf warrior please, it's too good

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


Warrior GS and axe used to be very popular DPS options for PvE, but both have been nerfed heavily. It’s arguable that they were inferior even in the early days but rose to prominence simply because they were more accessible than other class’s DPS specs. Now, GW2 PvE has always been easy enough that most class specs and weapons are plenty viable, it’s just in terms of raw numbers the warrior class has fallen further behind others.

Yes, warrior benefits from the highest base health bonus and heavy armor. It also has very straight forward defensive utility that is suited to face tanking. Invulnerability, stealth and avoidance on the other hand are not at all a warrior’s strong point.

The mobility ranks among the best for getting around in places like WvW maps but seems to be mainly geared toward gap closing your foe and lacks built-in evasion. So while the mobility may help you escape, catch-up or just move around in general, it is not the best for in-combat scenarios where you need to avoid getting hit while moving about. In a game that is plum full of stalling abilities like teleporting mesmers, stealthing thieves(or vice versa), evasive eles, blocking guardians, 50,000 health necros, kiting/cc spamming rangers etc. the warrior is very high on the list of immobile and easy to kill targets. This class is my main for the record and I still prioritize warriors as among my first targets in a team fight.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mooty.4560


We might be pleasantly surprised by the upcoming PvE content, but I can tell you what I know for sure.

As you outlined in your post, current GW2 instanced PvE content is sub-par. I would go farther to say that probably 90% of the cooperative PvE content, including guild missions and world bosses, is totally sub-par. Part of the problem is design but I would wager that most of the problem stems from a sheer lack of depth in GW2’s gameplay mechanics.

I think it’s also fair to say that GW1’s PvE was totally lacking. Luckily, GW1’s gameplay mechanics were quite strong, just under utilized in the PvE format. So despite some very uninspired designs on the NPC side of things, players could expend energy on unique team comps, hero builds and farming builds which exploited gimmicks in the skill sandbox.

[BUG] Natural Healing doesn't even work

in Ranger

Posted by: mooty.4560


The regeneration tick doesn’t seem to be working on the pet. It’s possible it’s unseen as a green pop-number and also in the combat log but still present. However, if you check your pet’s stats the extra 450 is added to Healing Power and appears to contribute to Invigorating Bond with about a 1:1 HP ratio. It would be nice if there was some indication of this regeneration working if it does indeed work.

Stat point pool instead of amulets?

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


Stat combinations is literally the only thing separating wvw from sPvP. I don’t know why they’ve kept the stats separate, but I’m thankful. So many cheesy wvw builds -cough-condithief-cough- can’t make it through here. Imagine, for a second, if every condi spec was given the option to run dire. Imagine nomad bunker guards. Eughhh, no thanks.

So because you don’t like going up against particular builds you don’t want more variation? You never know, they might release a Nomad’s amulet at some stage. More over I’ve suggested in the past ( that the gearing/attribute system of sPvP be introduced into WvW for vastly easier respecs and to prevent the advantages gained by imbalanced foods/buffs as the previous poster mentioned.

I think players deserve the freedom of fine tuning stats but don’t deserve to use foods and other consumable type buffs in PvP formats of any kind(cough, WvW). Also, WvW would be a lot easier for up-levels at that stage who are hugely disadvantaged without leveling and grinding out gear(not everyone’s favorite thing to do).

Stat point pool instead of amulets?

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


If it’s true that the introduction of amulets was to simplify things for more casual players then “balancing around known stat combinations” shouldn’t have anything to do with it. What I would propose in this scenario is both. Let players choose to toss on amulets for quick respecs(sort of like a template system) as well as offer a stat pool for the more discerning types. Don’t diminish the depth/quality of the game for simplicity’s sake.

Stat point pool instead of amulets?

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


I’m sure this has been mulled over but I wanted to talk about it anyway. It seems to me that with jewels already long gone, the last little bit of stat customization is now completely gone from sPvP with the move to specializations. I like the new system but I don’t like that we’re dependent on amulets to get stat spreads. It doesn’t allow for enough flexibility.

I propose that in sPvP players have access to a stat point pool that gives X amount of points which a player can choose to invest in base stats as well as condition duration and the like. You could still use this system to emulate something like celestial by slowly raising the amount of points required to move up in any one particular stat. That way if a player chooses to spread their stats out a la celestial, they’ll be able to do so albeit each stat will max out much sooner due to increased investment costs. Mainly, though, this would allow for far more customization when it comes to stat spreads and I for one think that’s a good thing.

Bring back skill meters/notifications?

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


I could only imagine how easy this kitten would be if I could see a cast bar for every skill.

Could you elaborate on how it makes the game easier? I don’t see the connection here. I think it’s a quality of life thing in that the game would become more readable. Maybe you would lose some immersion but frankly GW2 never struck me as a game that took itself seriously.

Bring back skill meters/notifications?

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


I realize this was a feature of GW1, which I’m well aware was a completely different game.. but not so different that this feature wouldn’t serve GW2 well.

If you contrast the two games, it seems they went backward with this design choice. First off they removed skill meters(and notifications for skills without activation time, i.e. stances) and secondly they added an awful lot of blitter and glitter that obscure character animations which might otherwise be a strong tell for opponents.

I also realize you can change a few settings to make animations more visible, but it still remains an awkward system compared to its predecessor’s. Just being able to quickly read over a few skill choices and uses will tell you a lot about what your opponent’s build is and what they might be trying to do. That is incredibly useful information in a PvP environment.

Please bring Raid on the Capricorn back

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


UW combat was/is kind of clunky but the map was fun to play from time to time. Would have to restore UW weapons in tPvP and put the map in unranked rotation or something.


in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


I think this map is great, personally.

That’s why we get to vote on the map played, to satiate the different tastes of different players.

Now, while I don’t dislike maps such as Foefire, I’m definitely tired of playing it. Often times when there’s Courtyard available as well as Foefire, the latter gets picked and I’m left kind of cringing a bit. It goes both ways.

HoH style gameplay

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


I miss Tombs/HA too but formats that worked in GW1 aren’t going to work as well in GW2. For instance, the more action on the screen the harder it is to read animations. You can normalize character models and turn down your graphical settings but it’s still an issue. This game just isn’t equipped for large scale micro-type fighting.

I suggest just asking for more sPvP variety and hope they deliver something cool. Crossing my fingers that Strongholds is more interesting than Conquest.

serious pvp guilds/players

in Looking for...

Posted by: mooty.4560


maybe you dont think there is anything serious about pvp but thats your opinion. i dont remember asking for an opinion xD silly mooty <3

Okay mang. GW2 PvP numba 1.

serious pvp guilds/players

in Looking for...

Posted by: mooty.4560


It will take years, they have no reason to make it any time soon. It would actually make the current playerbase riot if they did.

I think I should mention that GW2 was first announced in 2007, a mere two years after GW1 was released. The Eye of the North expansion was released that summer and featured storyline meant to bridge the two games together. That was the last meaningful content update GW1 would see.

Now, circumstances are obviously different and I don’t expect Anet to abruptly give up on GW2 as they did with GW1 and move on to the next title, but that is the track record we have to go by.

serious pvp guilds/players

in Looking for...

Posted by: mooty.4560


Honestly, even if you’re in the wrong forum, I would suggest waiting till GW2 PvP offers anything worth being serious about. Perhaps the expansion will change the outlook on PvP.

When is the ranger going to be nerfed down?

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


The power ranger spec has a nice burst and, lesser players spam pb shot on recharge. That’s the problem.. this build is [bold]annoying[/bold]. It’s neither great nor overpowered.

Remove hot join contributions from dailies.

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


Maybe for a player with some degree of logic, but unfortunately not all players fit into that category and will just spam the queue until they get a team that can carry them.

Seems to me you get that anyway and players have to start somewhere. It’s also much more taxing to try to get faceroll wins in a queue then it is in hot join. The nature of the queue, wait times, being forced to play a match or not play at all… those things definitely count as a deterrent of sorts.

Remove hot join contributions from dailies.

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


I disagree with this. What would happen (and is already happening to some extent) is that people will wander into arenas on a class they don’t play and ruin the experience for the rest of their team by essentially feeding kills to the enemy team.

That may count for match participation but it wouldn’t count for wins or anything else. So if you want those daily achievements, you have to actually try.

Remove hot join contributions from dailies.

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


Hot join has always had some level of gamesmanship involved that hurts the overall experience, which I suppose can be expected given the format and the instant nature of it, but I’ve grown tired of players that join the winning team at the last moment to push quick wins. It’s predictable that such players will join given the right circumstances(teams aren’t full, score lopsided, a few minutes elapsed). I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this sentiment.

The type of players I’m referring to are shameless, they don’t care about the sPvP gaming experience and in fact do their part to lessen it without a second thought. They only want superficial in-game rewards to share with others but that’s another conversation entirely. The main issue is steering these types of players away from hot join. I think a good place to start is to keep any kind of hot join accolades from affecting dailies. If they’re forced to queue then they have to commit to a team and try to win.

Anet's stance on siege trolls?

in WvW

Posted by: mooty.4560


I can see two problems with trying to punish “siege trolls” reactively.

First of all you have people who are legitimately taking supplies, etc. for one particular group and purpose and another person/group decides that it’s a poor choice or maybe even that a siege troll is involved. Although I don’t doubt for an instant that people intentionally troll in this manner, sometimes it’s just a battle of wills and egos and folks just have to get over it.

Secondly, WvW is the most casual PvP format available—it’s the link between PvE and sPvP. Players constantly come and go, populations fluctuate like the tides, potential team mates are as random as they come in terms of cooperation and ability and, as mentioned above, there are always clashing egos. In terms of control in WvW, as an individual or a group, you have very, very little of it in the grand scheme of things. Do you want to do everything you can to assure victory in a PvP match-up? … Then grab four team mates of your choice and queue up in tPvP. Crazy idea, huh?

People who stress over things they have no control over are wasting their energy. WvW isn’t much different in that regard.

Nerf Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


The tightening up of longbow and greatsword means the rather mediocre power ranger spec is now slightly easier (and fun) to play.. but that’s all it means. Condi/sustain and even spirit rangers are still way better for tpvp play on the majority of maps.

If anyone here legitimately thinks rangers are now OP, I suggest you make one and queue up.

Merge WvW with sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: mooty.4560


Thanks for the feedback folks. I will answer a few key points here.

You don’t have to PVE to get gear for WvW.

Not all stat combinations, sigils, and runes are available in sPvP. Many WvW builds use a mix of different stats.

Yes, certain rune sets and sigils wouldn’t be available unless Arenanet decided to vet them and introduce them into sPvP. For instance, Torment focused builds would be sub-par without runes of tormenting/sigil of torment. Players who enjoy mixing/matching various pieces of gear to get a specific stat balance simply wouldn’t have that luxury.

It’s true that the potential for build diversity would suffer as a result of removing this capability. However, having immediate access to nearly all available gear would also mean players could swap builds as needed and, while that’s a quality of life upgrade in it’s own right, it also means players wouldn’t have to wait to acquire anything from PvE before they test out a new idea—thus potentially improving build diversity. Simply saying “You don’t have to PvE to get gear for WvW” doesn’t make it the case.

Consumables don’t make things unbalanced considering everyone can use them.

Everyone “technically” has access to them, but like PvE gear(particularly ascended gear), not everyone “practically” has access to them. I believe one of Arenanet’s old development philosophies was that time spent playing a game should not equate to ability in game. There are players running around in WvW decked out with a full set of ascended gear and a seemingly infinite supply of the highest tier consumables(spendy stuff!). It’s far from practical for a player like myself to expect to rival that without a lot of cunning. Think about the casuals who don’t have to time to grind for all the extra advantages.

I would go further to say that I find it hard to believe that things like +40% condition duration or passive life steal on crit are appropriate for a PvP setting.

in PvP “Play the meta or go home”.

That’s only true for sPvP as much as it is anywhere else in the game. I spend probably 75% of my time in sPvP and I rarely run meta specs unless I do well with them. It’s about what works, not what you want to run, but I digress.

It is the power creep introduced by ascended gear, food, Bloodlust, Applied Fortitude and Strength and sigil stacking that completely broke combat.

I can’t help but think of the Precision stat when it comes to power creep because it’s a finite stat while other offensive stats continually scale up. Power creep is such in PvE/WvW that you can reach a respectable quote in Precision(let’s say ~50%) and completely ignore it, where as in sPvP it is weighed against and balanced with all other stats to make it (mostly) equally as valuable.

Merge WvW with sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: mooty.4560


I’m sure this has been mulled over before but I couldn’t seem to find any posts on the subject.

I feel that WvW, being a PvP arena at heart, would be best served by being combined with the up scaling, weapon normalization, quick gear swapping, consumable restrictions, balancing etc. of sPvP. This would make it much easier for low level toons to jump into the action(be honest, up scaled toons are somewhat kitten) and allow experienced players to quickly swap out build specs and test them without having to acquire all the equipment via PvE. It would also prevent the non-sense of PvE consumables giving players access to unbalanced statistical/game mechanic advantages.

I don’t know how difficult this would be from a technical standpoint and I don’t know much about the pros/cons of the matter since I’m sure it’s been discussed before, but from my perspective it feels like a bit of a no brainer that it should be the case.

Why rabid is better than carrion, with math

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


Necro isn’t so different from other classes that this comparison isn’t just the same old ubiquitous MMORPG dilemma of health vs armor. If you need to worry about raw damage, you stack armor. If you need to worry about armor ignoring damage, you stack health. Try to find some balance should you have to deal with both.

That said, I will say that Necromancer has a respectable amount of base health as well as a number of viable tools to deal with conditions(Consume Conditions, Deathly Swarm, Putrid Mark, etc.) In addition, Barbed Precision is one of the best bleed procs available in the game so there is a clear reason to consider critical chance to bolster your damage.

However, seeing that Death Shroud is such an integral part of Necro play, you might also want Life Blast to hit a bit harder. You can use something like Carrion for a boost in power and still trait Deathly Perception for a decent critical chance on top of condition damage.

I’d probably opt for something like Celestial to get a better balance but it’s anyone ’s prerogative here. Weigh the pros and cons and decide for yourself.

pls help 5-6 freezes in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


Are you certain it’s an internet lag issue and not a performance issue? Are you sharing your connection, is your connection being worked on, are you being traffic shaped?

You’re your own best advocate here, not some random forum user like myself. Best thing for you to do is try to consider what your problem is and narrow it down by process of elimination.

Why not base the PvP off of GW1's already?

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


I’d wager that the problem with importing PvP concepts and game modes from GW1 is that the game mechanics are very different. People ask for GvG, as it was in GW1, like once a month and the reality is that GvG would be very, very different in GW2. This game is only a “Guild Wars” installment in theme and title only.

They have to come up with new arenas that work within the foundation they currently have, not what they had in GW1… so perhaps that’s just a steep challenge and they’re undecided on it. I’m sure some additions are coming, sooner or later.

Sword main hand burst skill delay?

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


Final Thrust is awesome, but I think we were talking about Flurry, the F1 skill on Sword.

Nothing bursty about flurry. :-D

What's needed to make Warriors "balanced?"

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


I think warrior tends to be a low skill cap class that is easy to pick up and be effective with at the lower rungs of sPvP, but as you progress against tougher opponents, it becomes much more difficult to use. You may soon realize that warrior, despite some amazing defensive utility skills, is actually a bit of a stick in the mud and after cooldowns are exhausted, it will be focus targeted a la necro.

If any GW1 players recall the original Defy Pain nerf, seems it was mainly due to it’s stalling nature because lower rung players didn’t understand how to counter the skill. More experienced players understood there were a number of counters and probably didn’t gripe too much.. at least until it was nerfed. I think warrior as a class is in a similar boat here. The class is easy to pick up and use, the lesser PvPers don’t understand how to deal with it and therefor it’s unbalanced. I just hope the developers share my point of view.

Buff the Grandmaster trait "Furious"

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


I never unslot Furious for warrior condition specs. Multi-hit burst skills will recharge themselves a small amount with this trait and, as mentioned, a fair amount of critical chance will keep your adrenaline up. Although, I’m not ready to call it equivalent to Burst Mastery. Don’t forget that Burst Mastery includes a 7% damage bonus and doesn’t require as much contact with your opponents to maintain adrenaline. It’s more or less about having the trait in the Arms line where you’re likely already invested if you’re running a condition spec.

I can live with it as it is but if they decided to revert it to +2 adrenaline then I wouldn’t complain.

Sword main hand burst skill delay?

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


Delay with Final Thrust is probably as intended because the skill has a 3/4 second cast time. It may also be that it has a slightly longer animation(pre cast) but let’s not forget that it’s a powerful cleaving burst skill with immediate use and a 15 second cooldown—it’s not inhibited by adrenaline.

I’ve been using it since they replaced Hamstring with it and changed it’s functionality to something more akin to Eviscerate, so I can readily suggest that if you want to make the best use of it; figure out the timing and activate the skill before you align yourself with your target to make sure it hits.

protect me vs endure pain/zerk stance

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


Why does protect me prevent point contention?, why does the ranger’s pet have to take the damage where as warriors sacrifice nothing with endure pain?, why does this, why does that.. blablabla ranger blablabla…

The reason ranger is kitten in general because arenanet has always overvalued the pet companion. An extremely clunky(but completely optional!) class mechanic from GW1 was brought over to GW2 as a staple of the class and the class itself has been balanced around having a pet.. which isn’t quite as useful as arenanet thinks it is.

Just the facts.

Pvp isnt skillbased.

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


“Stunlock Condispam” seems like a decent name for a warrior character.

Disables and conditions are of course a nuisance but not unstoppable. It’s all about learning about different classes and various builds to tilt the scales in your favor. Don’t just play a couple matches and be like “well, these cheap tactics kitten d me so this pvp is crap.”

I will say that I do agree that PvP is somewhat shallow in GW2. I like to compare it to an arcade game designed to steal your quarters. You can try to think your way out of situations but in many cases, good twitch and a bit of luck saves the day. Still, it’s pretty fun all the same.

Feels like thief will be nerfed by relativity

in Thief

Posted by: mooty.4560


the main problem of the thief which anet cant seem to handle is the stealth
true community may qq on it but an average player by now knows how to deal with it

You deal with stealth by guessing/predicting, mainly, and a bit of luck. That’s not a good game mechanic given that it can’t really be overcome with skill.


not so true … the stealth isnt the problem. the ppl who think they can just auto attack and kill are!. so anet want to grant their wish its not guessing its knowing your opponent play style

tip: if thief went to short stealth get rdy to be burst so move move move and cc around you . or count 3 sec and dodge.
if thief went to SR or cc/aoe the area or get back for 15 sec range
believe me it will help you 80% on the time

p/s i went on my newly condi ranger and took 2 dp thieves just with traps and entangle when they stealth to BS HS chain. luck ?

I don’t think you read my entire post. I said stealth is a poorly implemented mechanic, but could be much more balanced if more restrictive as one player outlined. Stealth is annoying but stealth alone is by no means the problem with the thief class.

Feels like thief will be nerfed by relativity

in Thief

Posted by: mooty.4560


the main problem of the thief which anet cant seem to handle is the stealth
true community may qq on it but an average player by now knows how to deal with it

You deal with stealth by guessing/predicting, mainly, and a bit of luck. That’s not a good game mechanic given that it can’t really be overcome with skill. Sure, it’s great for those classes(almost necessary), but it’s still an incredibly overpowered mechanic taken on it’s own merits(can enter in combat, basically undetectable, full movement). I’ll just call it a design flaw and arenanet would be way too proud to ever remove it from the game, so it’s here to stay and be coped with.

The problem with thief arises when you combine stealth with other things like mobility, evasion, shadowstep, blind, potent burst damage. It’s really the full array of thief class features and how well they come together that makes the class pretty formidable.

I also don’t buy into the idea that thieves are done the moment they take a hit or two. They’re one of those most forgiving classes when it comes to disengaging, so they can easily back away, stealth, what have you and get to safety without dying.

I think the solution to balancing thief is what they’re doing currently—just make small changes and gauge how viable thief remains in the meta game. Drastic overhauls would be unwarranted and might be too severe, cause new problems to crop up.

Ideal team compositions?

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


To be honest, GW2 is pretty casual PvP in general, especially compared to it’s predecessor.

I like to roll with something along the lines of;

-turret engi
-bunker guard

utility/aoe spam
-power nec
-staff ele
-condi engi

2 roamers;
-condi warrior
-d/d ele

whatever else…