WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
A few white knights defending dbbl trying to crush the masses of heretics staying get rid of it. Dbbl was voted out in the first poll. Anet tried to force feed it back a second poll, which was a skewed poll asking for a super majority but offering 4 similar options to prevent a super majority ever being obtained.
No, the first poll was actually the screwed one. They asked about 2 options between simultaneos and a option of quartely rotating:
The poll has ended! After removing all votes for “Don’t Count My Vote” and combining the two “Yes” votes, the final results are:
69.7% – Yes (55% Double Alpine + 14.7% Double Desert)
30.3% – NoSince “Yes” to Mixed Borderlands did not received the required 75% of the vote, we’ll continue with the quarterly borderlands map rotation instead. Thank you to everyone who voted!
People complained that there was no option of removing DBL and that it was too confusing since they counted both simultaneos votes as the same option, so they went with the second poll which DBL won:
The poll has ended! After removing all votes for “Don’t Count My Vote” the final results are:
65.5% No: The Desert Borderland map should continue to be supported.
34.5% Yes: The Desert Borderland map should be permanently disabled.This means that the Desert Borderlands map will continue to be supported. Next, the Mixed Borderlands poll will be re-run to determine how the Desert Borderlands map will re-enter play. Thank you to everyone who voted!
Call it rigged all you want. At this point you’re just acting like the people saying “Oh Donald Trump isn’t my President” when he won the election and there is nothing you can do about it.
“Oh but they threatened never giving us another map”. Well, if you are so happy with ABL, why they should bother working on another new map? Every time they give us a new map (EotM and now DBL) everyone call it kitten. Can you really blame them for saying that they wouldn’t bother working on another map in case of DBL losing when you kittens are never happy with anything at all?
And honestly, yall should be happy with the presence of DBL. Since now there is only 2 ABL instead of 3, it means more activity to your maps (that if people really don’t play DBL in favor of ABL) which should be a good thing, no? I really doubt there are 2 ABL and EBG queued all time in some matchup (bar reset) for the ammount of qqing we see about the mere presence of DBL when you are not forced to play it.
I think China has politics of not being open. Every game that have China servers are blocked of any outside interaction, so that’s clearly not possible.
Now about mixing NA/EU, the latency issue will continue with your proposed change. Let’s say Ruins of Surmia become guest for Jade Quarry. In your idea JQ is host, so they use NA servers for that, which means players from RoS will be experiencing the latency change. And if it happen the otherway around such as Eredon Terrace becoming guest for Desolation. Players from Eredon Terrace will experience the lag due Desolation server being in EU.
This is a technological innability and I’m not sure if there is any way around that. Mind you that I play from South America, so for me that make no difference (I have high latency on both EU and NA with EU being slightly worse).
If there is a guild or a smallscale team that wants to run by themselves and politely ask you not to follow them, then by following them you are simply griefing. Sure, it can happen coincidentially that you meet at some supply camp or points but that’s not what I am seeing. It’s not like you can’t do other things in the zone except grief your fellow players.
The exemples the OP used doesn’t really look like “politely asking”.
The drop rates from the reward tracks seem decent to me. I haven’t done fractals for years so I wouldn’t know if it’s better there or not. I’ve gotten several ascended rings and ascended armor/weapon chests from random loot boxes in the dungeon tracks, the maguuma tracks and the triumphant armor track. The loot boxes from the new bloodstone fen and ember bay tracks haven’t given me anything decent, so maybe only a few tracks have boxes with good drop rates.
Just because they drop doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be a way to buy them. You can now buy Ascended Boxes with Stabilizing Matrixes + Gold in the fractals regardless of the fact that the boxes drop from daily fractal boxes.
It’s always better to have a sure way instead of expect RNGeesus to bless you.
You can already buy shards with the karma you gain from flipping stuff, I don’t really see why it’s needed. But I surely wouldn’t mind more things for BoH.
Don’t think it would be very fun.
I think it would. It promote people to stop rellying on siege to win fights.
Another Spanish server is needed
You have already put the Spanish in their own box simply on the basis they are Spanish. Introducing a second server that’s not allowed to link with anything other than the first Spanish server is eqvivalent to increasing the size of said first Spanish server beyond the limitations of “full”.
It’s like having a siesta and running around in circles at the same time. It doesnt work.
The big difference here is that with a second server it can be unlinked should BB+New Server reach a imbalanced population level. Whereas leaving the server open indefinetely does not allow control over population.
Yeah, it problably would end with 2 server that would stand alone if people stack it hard. But you would still have a second spanish server open, thus not having a issue in keeping the first closed while it’s above the population threshold.
But why should players have to try to negate the obviously unbalaned condis when anet could just balance it out properly! It’s their job to fix it, not ours to try an live with it!
Because they gave us tools to fight it. If you choose to not use them, that’s entirely on you.
Just replace the ele for a superior AC…
The day groups start running dozen warriors once again #WvWisGreat:,)
Plz no… I remember when BS did 15v15 with STAR… They had like 15 Guards/Warriors all full PVT and dropped at least 7 Warbanners during that fight. It was a shameful sight.
we’re sort of like the sith empire, amazing potential if we decided to work together, and have some very strong guilds and players, but put us together and it ends up being like a power grab, with nothing happening but weaker servers than us getting beaten into utter submission.
With Darth Bannok MIA, the Sithbluff Isles have their throne open for the next emperor.
I’m too short to be as photogenic
Getting a good angle can be MITE dificult… Asuras can do it aswell.
Honestly, just remove gear options from WvW and treat it like sPvP. Set amulet, runes, and sigils. Probably make balance 100 times easier.
And ruins people who like to mix their armors. Not everyone run a full set of the same stat combination you know? My scrapper for exemple have a Knight’s Hammer, Marauder’s Armor and Celestial Trinkets. Tell me which pvp amulet would give the stats I gain with this combination of equipments.
I’d like to nominate Juggernatman from Eredon Terrace. He’s from the guild I’m a part of, [KWBH], and when the Juggs gets on, stuff gets done.
As long he’s not drunk…
I think it’s great. Pve-people get in, get to try WvW, and they don’t bother us people playing WvW.
Of course, it would be great to get some more achievement points out of the WvW tournament. But, that need to be implemented in a way that the PvE-crowd don’t “have” to do them.
Why? Did the PvE’rs touched you in a bad spot?
Many servers would be happy to embrace the “filthy PvE scrubs” you top stacked servers hate so much… Giving them incentive to at least participate on the match is already a good start. But making it only 5 events totally broke this…
Some people just can’t let it go can they? Desert borderlands won the vote to stay and will stay… Shut the kitten up about it and play your other maps since you still have them. I really doubt you have all the other 3 maps queued 24/7 so you are always forced to play DBL against your will…
And here comes the DBL haters…
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
People that preffer EOTM over regular wvw either:
1 – Don’t care about WvW
2 – Just want easy loot/karma
3 – Are farming to transfer out of the server they are.
OS still get used sometimes when people prepare somenthing beforehand (like the old thursday fight nights some NA tiers used to do). But that’s it.
The problem is: nobody gonna wait in there doing nothing waiting for someone to show up. Thus why the duels end up happening in the WvW maps… Duelers are nothing more than roamers that crossed paths and decided to duel. And others that saw them dueling and decided to have their shots.
If they decided to duel, it mean they have more fun doing it than doing whatever they were doing prior. Why would someone be against others have their fun when they are not hurting the game in any way?
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
The most stacked condition doesn’t necessarily is the most damaging one though… Poison and Bleed for exemple can stack high and still tick lower than a few stacks of Burning or Confusion (the exemple I gave on the other post cover this). Also, there are some conditions I rather clear right away such as Immobilize because it will be worse to stay a sitting duck.
Actually believe that one was the pve players, ticked off about GoB changes.
Nah… The ticked off PvE players preffer that WvW receive nothing, thus they vote against anything be added to WvW. That’s what one ticket off PvE’er posted anyway…
They should put different crafting station at supply camps or ruins.
Put them on Stonemist Castle.
it takes skill and coordination to be at the top, not just having the most blobs.
YB in tier 1: Why should a game get boring if people are actually trying to play the system? Try to find a way around it by defending, by guessing where they go and ambush them. If they maphop they can only come from uncontested waypoints, so why is it so hard to find them and fight them?
Because once you find them they map hop again….
I dont have a lot of hours to play, I’m not going to waste my time playing hide and seek and never getting a decent fight.So if they run it’s not good, and when you get them to fight it’s also not good… No way to please you then man.
Sorry I guess I should have said “any fight”. Most of the people I ran across would head for the nearest portal as soon as they saw me. I’ve also had a stupid amount of people just stand still and let me kill them without trying to fight when I caught them out in the open.
Well, I roam a lot for YB and most of time all I find are people waiting for friends to engage one of the “so-bad-YB-player-who-can’t-fight-back-or-wp-at-sight”. For servers who claim to be so much better, I don’t see why everytime I need to be fighting outnumbered. Pretty sure they should be able to fight on even ground, no?
Honestly, all servers are just as bad in that regard. All the hate on YB looks silly to me. There is no promissed land of balance and good fights.
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
Well, it’s a temporary change, so I guess you can call that a event.
Funny you posting this when someone on other thread said PPK is too relevant and that’s why people are avoiding fights.
His point has literally nothing to do with anything, people are talking about the CD quad server, say it with me, the CD quad server.
People are complaining about CD quadserver even when CD quadserver isn’t able to compete with the 2-server links from T3. Honestly, you weren’t in T4 to see the ammount of moaning about CD having 4 servers that I saw right on the reset of the first week. People DID QUIT even before seeing how the populations would fare simply because 2v3v4 wasn’t fair. Hell, we’re losing a lone server server now! You gonna tell me that the 3-link of SF+ is unfair to YB? Because these people would.
The ammount of linked servers isn’t the issue, the population is. They can link 10 servers if they want as long the population in the match get somewhat balanced.
As smart people mentioned before, if you do not have the numbers, there’s no way you can successfully defend/take the DBL. My server has it this week. We aren’t doing well. We can’t. We are habitually outnumbered on any BL we enter. It’s doubly bad on the DBL.
If you don’t have the numbers you’re not going to defend anything anyway. This isn’t a map problem.
In NA 3/4 red servers are leading their matchups. In the only matchup where red is losing (T4) it’s somewhat par with 2nd place.
In EU 1/5 red server is leading (Argueable the fattest server in the EU pairing currently tho). 2/5 are second however pretty close to the leading team and 2/5 are losing, however pretty close to the team in 2nd.
If DBL actually hurt the red server as all you DBL haters claim, all red servers would be losing bad (except maybe for FSP) and unable to even keep up with the other two servers that have alpine. That’s not the case here.
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
Before we got Badges of Honor in achievement chests, the only way to get the GoB was by actively playing WvW, since you could only get Badges from playing WvW.
You could get Badges of Jumping Honor from the Jumping Puzzles in WvW. And in fact, that’s what a lot of people did… The only thing that actually forced PvE players to do WvW was when they needed map completion of all WvW maps which was removed.
They are a test so yeah. It’s written on the pool option: “After players have had a chance to test deployable cannons we will hold a follow-up poll to determine if deployable cannons should become a permanent feature of the game.”
Oh you guys know nothing… SoR hired TC and FA to never let Kain go up… It’s simple…
Yep it’s totally numbers
It’s definately not
1. You commanders go for an objective and half your forces go for a door.
2. You are not coordinating multi map efforts
3. Everyone is using there own comms
4. Your pugs aren’t trained to stack / buff / field / etc
5. Your golem strikes were not organized and drivers died to cannon fire instead of rotating out 3s (golem shield)
6. Your roamers failed to prep keeps for strikes , ie destroying cannons / oils
7. Your roamers failed to keep waypoints contested during attacks , allowing for instant reinforcements
8. Your omega drivers stacked under oils.
Yep definately numbers. You guys are so kittenen awesome.
That being said. Some of your groups have operated as a team. So those getting rolled all over the place might want to man up and talk to the commanders who made something happen.
I will want to see your superior tactics work against vastly superior numbers like Stormbluff Isle and Fort Aspenwood (The difference between their population and yours, must be the same as yours and ours)… Then I’ll accept defeat by superior tactics and not by superior numbers.
NSP is linked with DH, which is super fairweather heavy… I wouldn’t be suprised if all the PvX guilds from there are actively raiding WvW now that the server isn’t struggling.
I’m already picturing a line of 3-4 cannons along a wall, with ACs and/or ballis to protect them and repair hammers on standby.
It seems nightmarish.
I always been curious about how hell would look like… I bet it’s sieged like a YB keep.
But now that we have condition bursts which deal equivalent damage to many power bursts, this is no longer the case.
I’m still waiting someone to name which condition skill can burst like Decapitate, Gunflame, Backstab, Mindwrack, Coalescence of Ruin, etc. Even with several stacks of burn, the strongest condition atm, I haven’t seen a 12k tick (maybe if I /sleep under a mortar like the people on this forum seen to do). But I’ve been hit with 12k by these skills.
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
I am not from your server but just wanted to suggest you have it someplace else other than LA to avoid overflow’s, like one of the racial cities.
Other than that, all the best!
Overflow? What’s that? I know i’ve heard that name back on Blackgate, but i can’t really remember what it is…
Now everyone has condi gear, knows how to trait for better cheese and knows how to spam 1 while putting 4 different condis on you.
It clearly doesn’t matter to you.
Yup, it doesn’t… Chest thumping isn’t my thing. If I wanted to bother about ppt and all that crap, I would still be in Blackgate (which I left waaaaaaaay back in February).
Also, seeing that we are upsetting FC by taking their stuff, I’d call it a victory… Forum tears are delicious.
On a side-note, why don’t you start talking crap about how AR control all your borderland? Is ET the only thing that matter for you?
Fractals are easy and raids are boring and don’t appeal to me (and PvE in this game as a whole doesn’t, either). Learn the monster mechanics and it’s all just repetition.
Isn’t that how PvE work in ANY game?
“oh my T1 server is dead because it can’t win a matchup”
Suddenly a thread that was meant to show how bad solo roaming is these days turned on a Thief versus Druid discussion.
Is rediculous how hard downed state carries too many players.
Couldn’t agree more.
Can’t tell you how many kitten times I’ve been winning an outnumbered fight and lost because I couldn’t get a stomp off in time. Drives me insane when I’m doing well in a 1vX but I end up losing because I can’t safe stomp or because one of them rallies.
I enjoy outnumbered fights but the downed state thing can be a huge hindrance at times.
I don’t think you can really count it doing a 1vX when you were surrounded by allied blind/stun spamming NPCs or in the case of the OP also a Champion tower lord.
People won’t rally off guards if you are not fighting by the guards… Simple as that. If you people are seeking the NPCs help, you’ll have to deal with the mechanics.
Step three;
good luck
2hard4the average player…
Exactly, players dont have that kind of passion for WvW since HoT came out.
Players never had that kind of passion tbh… That’s why we always have server exoduses.
Why should they close the game mode when this acctually does not affect anyone in any way? What difference does it make if you win or you lose in WvW? And what about the players that only play WvW? Should they be denied of their game mode just because of server issues? Then better off shutting the whole game as people on PvE are suffering the same issues (in fact I lost my T4 Solid Ocean party 4 times because of the disconects).
Your first sentence is incredibly wrong.
Most of the other two server didn’t log back in over the last outage, leaving us, YB, free to finally get some properties back for the first time this week.
If you haven’t seen what can and does happen when some and not others have access, you aren’t playing WvW much at all.
I’m still trying to see what’s the problem of losing some structures in a game mode where “winning” means nothing.
The whole argument about how members behave on the forums has been removed.
If anyone thinks that a post of another member is inappropriate, please report it instead of discussing it.When I saw this post I had hope. but it was smashed into the ground and kitten on.
Please, do not necro threads… Thank you…
No Condition Damage just needs a condi version of protection, and retaliation. Then condis will not be nearly as easy of a play styles as it is currently.
Your version of Protection is called Resistance (Which is much more powerful mind you as it reduce 100% and not only 33%).
Your version of Retaliation is not needed as people playing condi take retaliation damage when they attack to apply condis.
Since you high tier people keep saying to T8 shut up about our situation:
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