Heya People
Ok here is the thing. Ascended as a reward in Ranked is really a bad idea.
Reason: Way too many PVE players just come there to farm ascended without care about actual pvp which ruins the fun and competitive aspect of ranked for the rest of us.
No matter how good you are you simply can’t carry 3 people from your team that just don’t care about it because they will get their ascended even if they lose every single match thru all season.
Ranked atm is just not fun and most of the time people just get angry and decide not to play.
Atleast you guys should have made those reward Pips for wins only that way they would atleast try to win.
When you confront those PVE farmers you won’t get anywhere because they just don’t care and most common response that you will get is ‘’ it is just a game ’’ or ‘’i don’t care ‘’ that is if you don’t get full wagon of insults.
They just don’t care how pvp part of the community feels!Solution :
1.Make those rewards to award pips for wins only and loss to take pips away like you did in previous season.
2. Make Fractals and Raid only thru Random Queue so that PvP players can go there and mess up their pve part of the game and that way they will learn how other people feel when they come to PVP mess up ranked . This is drastic solution but they need to learn once and for all
I am not seeing this. However you do sound angry so are you sure it’s not you who gets angry and just stops trying in the match?
As for the raids/fractals comment that just goes to show the type of person you are. Seriously you want to go and “troll” other people simply because you get team mates that are not professional players? Maybe try to give tips or advice to these players in a constructive way instead of yelling and shouting at them and then maybe, just maybe they may improve some.
Oh and btw, if your team is always getting the lousy players there is also a very good chance so are your enemy teams. So those times you are kicking backside and winning. Maybe just maybe you are not as good as you think you are and perhaps you were facing these same noob players and actually benefited from it. Crazy concept I know but it is possible!
I think the trick is to get everyone sick of seeing wings so that they demand capes finally. Then the next thing you know Anet announces:
“New to the gem store, you have been asking for them for ages and now they are finally here – capes!”
And then it starts all over again, cape after cape after cape until everyone is sick of them and ask for more wings. :P
That is an awesome story Scarecrow and thank you for posting it. It reminds me very much of the excitement that I think a lot of us had when we were playing the betas all those years ago and then the day it was finally released.
We need more posts like this as I think a lot of threads are from people who have played a long time (possibly/probably burnt out or need a break) or who just forget the basics of the game and just how lucky we are in general.
I also agree with your statement about playing the class/builds that work for you. I am still to this day an Engi main even tho for years many ppl said things like “they suck” or “they are boring”. But really, tbh it was just that THEY sucked at playing the class or it was too much for them to handle.
I wish you MANY years with the game and lots of fun!
“I love my necromancer and my mesmer to death.. but there is no need for them in a group”
I think the important thing here is what you are overlooking. That being the opposite of what you are saying – that there is no reason to EXCLUDE you from any groups for any reason.
That was the point after all.
PS the game is not 6 months old yet, I checked my “age” in game yesterday and it said some 1300+ hours in the last 4 months and I started on early release.
Um what? The combat here is more engaging than most other games, if anything that’s probably the best aspect of this game. Don’t even get me started on animations combat wise in other games, heck games like FF14 don’t even show your missiles (arrows, spells) flying through the air. All you see is a splash on the enemy, now that’s horrible animations right there.
The demise of ESO is its RPG brothers whose combat system is superior. No matter how different the combat system is MMO wise people wanted Elder Scrolls RPG online and Zenimax failed to deliver. Combat feels nothing like the RPG ones – it’s slow, clunky, your main attacks have soft targeting (seriously, why? Tera did just fine with no aim assist) and all extra abilities lock on. It is really not fun.
I have both Oblivion and Skyrym and not once even bothered to think about looking at ESO, I guess the fact another company was making it sent me alarm bells right off the bat. I guess it’s a shame for all the true fans of the series but I guess a plus for us.
Oh also I would like to give basic tips about the creatures you are fighting:
Veteran – pay extra attention, these have a lot more HP and if they have skills such as “summons” be extra careful and ALWAYS make sure to kill the vet and not what they send at you.
Champion – Be extra, extra careful if it’s just you and your wife. Some are a lot stronger than others but unless you are familiar with each certain one, consider them to be “group monsters” to kill. Wait for help or try your luck to see if you can take them.
Pay attention to mob names such as Veteran and Champion, it’s basic tips but from reading from your OP it sounded like you perhaps didn’t know the differences between the types and their strengths.
I’m pretty sure it’s every 3-4 months and not 2-3. And to answer your question yes this is it. I am perfectly fine with that. Sure it’s not content every 2 weeks like the old days but at least we are getting this AND future expansions getting worked on as well. I prefer this vs small updates every 2 weeks that only give temp content and no future expansion on the horizon that will bring perm content.
What about vehicles then? I want to take one of those subs for a spin in the ocean. Who’s with meh? What about taking one of those airships out for a fun “shoot the dragons” minigame?
I’ve always assumed the 250 stack limit to be a database thing. In binary the highest number you can achieve with 8 bits is 255. (this is why you’de never see an IP address with a higher number than 254)
Going past 255 requires more than 8 bits = more disk space. 16 bits have the potential for a stack of 65535 though and once you’ve crossed that bridge a stack of 256 or 65535 takes up the same amount of diskspace/computing power so there really is very little reason to charge 3 x for the upgrade.
Interesting stuff. How about 2.5 billion or so in a stack? Because that’s what the last game I played bank offers as well as personal inv spaces for some items like cash, runes etc. So how many bits would 2+ billion work out at, seriously I am interested lol?
No you don’t the whole game is perfectly solo-able. I never partied with anyone unless I was playing PvP and I managed to beat all expansions or whatever you want to call them.
Patience quick little mouse, patience! The cat wont get you if it takes a little whiles to happen. :P
No ty we really do not want buy/sell spam in chat. The first few weeks of GW2 the TP was not working as intended and thus we had to resort to player to player trades. Let me tell you, the amount of trade spam was endless and no fun at all.
I would rather watch people talk about politics or old reruns of those very bad tv programmes than see this garbage.
It’s not that there are few voices of reason to counter the trash talk, but few reasons.
If ANet paid attention to the constant gripes and change the game accordingly we wouldn’t see the same threads pop up 24/7 saying the same exact things.
There would just be new complaints is all. Seen it for 5+ years before on other games forums. no matter how great a game can be/gets someone will ALWAYS find a reason to complain.
Besides if Anet "changed the game accordingly " they could still not please everyone because it’s impossible. Some people like some things one way another group will like it the other way etc. Impossible.
If they changed the game accordingly apologized publically for not making the game the manifesto and the other numerous interviews that the devs put out and setup a non-grind system of advancement with only1 tier, then they’d actually get back the majority of the players they lost post November 2012 when people got tired of being hyped and not receiving what they were told they were going to get for their $60.
Well I got everything so far for my $120 and more so. And yes when I say 120 that’s what I paid because of exchange rates and the stupid government taxes we have here. Not to mention the hundreds I have likely spent on top of that in the gem store.
What grind system is there exactly that you have to do to “advance” anywhere? Only grinding is if you want to lvl crafts or make legendary/ascended. You don’t have to do any of that to enjoy 99% of the game at all.
I should say many of the players they lost would be the ones that spend far too much time here and need/expect more of a grind feature. I would expect a very, very small % have quit because things are not EXACTLY as the manifesto promised. But you have to expect things can’t or wont always turn out as they are first thought/said/promised. Things change and sometimes you just have to change with them.
I hate to say it but I think the types of people that would pay 10 gold to join any guild for any reason would be the type that would not frequent any forums. Just saying. :P
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Anet is about to learn the same lesson other game devs/pubs, the film industry, and the music industry have learned (or failed to learn in many cases). Someone getting a product for free, does not equal a lost sale. A lot of pirates would have never actually bought a game/song/movie, just like a lot of key farmers will never buy a BL key.
Anet can try to strong-arm us into buying keys all the want, but they’re going to find out that they’re the ones being strong-armed when the players simply refuse to bother with their RNG box weapon skins. Unfortunately, for us and them, Anet doesn’t like to back down from their dumb decisions, so we all get to suffer the consequences. They still won’t get any money out of keys, and we’ll never have BL weapon skins obtainable after the existing supply dries up.
Sadly tho they may actually make more money out of this however. How so? Well those players who DO spend real cash to buy keys may now do so more often as they will start to make a lot more in game cash out of it. How so? You just watch these skins skyrocket, it’s gonna be win win for people who spend real cash. I think this is the point here, entice those who already do buy keys to buy them a lot more often.
Yesterday I was speaking to one such player in map chat who admitted he buys keys a lot as well as a lot of other things from the gem store. His comment on this whole situation is that he approves as it gives those players who spend real money on keys more power and takes it out of the hands of those who do not spend real cash. I can see his point, so I’m not sure yet if this will be win win or lose lose for anet. I think probably slightly a little bit more win win.
So summary I say it again – I think this game has just become pay to gamble to win.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
What about the radiant set? You need to amass a big number of achievement points to get that set. I think it looks great, well what I have of it so far at least anyway (helm, shoulders, gloves and legs). Also only on heavy class that is, don’t care too much for it on light/medium.
So that is one example right there which is not a pure gold grind. Also from the sounds of things new weapon skins are coming with the next map which will be from pure drops, not gemstore. If this pays off for them this could easily be added for armours later on.
So what you are asking for Anet are aware of and I think they are starting to do. Now the question is, will it only be from “RNG” drops only (Invisible Shoes as an example and incoming map skins) or will they also extend this to other content that may be challenging such as raids is?
Oh and I would also like to respond to:
“but once you’ve exhausted every other possible method of playing the game, all that is left is a meta filled gold grind”
Rewarding gameplay does not always have to have cool shiny rewards to them. What about play modes within the game that are actually just fun to play? You know 2 such modes do exist already for some people. PvP and WvW.
Yes there are rewards for playing those modes but I think the vast number of people play them like I do – more for the fun. I mean after all look at FPS games, people play them for the pure fun of it. It’s only really recently they have been trying to add RPG elements to it by adding rewards and level ups.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Why would atrack trolls? that would be nice even for the guild that spend more time on wvw than any other part of the game as well.
Quality of messages posted on the board. If it’s a custom message like the guild adds you see in /map, there would be no reason people couldn’t put other “content” in their messages.
There’s ways Anet can deal with this sort of abuse. Last resort can always be a report abuse system. If they never added things to the game simply because “some” people could find a way to abuse it we would never get anything.
Heck would we even have a chat system at all? Emotes and I am sure many other things that could be mentioned.
I actually think the recent story step was an in joke to poke fun at those who suggest this idea from time to time on the forums.
“ok guys, you asked for pvp in open PvE – here it is!”
Lol. Yet funny enough there WAS open world pvp for a split second (well a little bit longer to be exact) during one of the betas as part of an event.
I downloaded and used the WinAuth myself yesterday and had no issues.
Have you got a mobile phone (doesn’t have to be a smart phone) at all ? The reason I ask is that it’s a better option to just choose them to send you a text message, slightly safer and easier to set up. After reading the blog info today myself, I quickly changed to the text option. I would advise the same for anyone else, especially those having issues with WinAuth.
Worth noting, if you are one of those that don’t have the unlimited text message, go review your cell phone plan to see if the charge for both incoming as well as outgoing SMS.
Thanks for that info as I wasn’t aware this could be an issue for people on “paid systems”. I use a prepaid phone which does not cost me anything to receive calls or texts. Tbh I only ever put $20 credit on it once a year and it suits me perfectly lol…
Yes I know the “average” person probably spends a LOT more than this, but still, if you are on any kind of a plan that charges YOU to receive texts I would have to say you are getting ripped off.
If people block all non-friends from whispering them, how am I supposed to compliment their fashion, skill in PvP, or answer questions they’re asking?
Compliment their fashion – I guess they must be in the same area as you for you to see them – use say. If they have moved on send them mail.
Skill in PvP – See Above.
Answer questions – If they are asking in map chat, do the same. If in your local area ditto. If you need to send them something you want private or not for other peoples ears – Mail.
I ignored it all as there was no loot attached to it. But thank you for bringing this to my attention, now I feel bad.
So atm on land I am using Jalis/Ventari stances. Problem is, every time I enter water I have to choose different stances? The problem here is when I leave water the chosen water stances are saved and I have to change for land again – every time.
Will this get a fix? I main an engi and there are separate saved setups there for land and water why not for Rev?
He’s your father, oops no I meant he’s Trahearne’s Father, oops no, Scarlet’s father!
I come from New Zealand and since we have no real Moa’s left here (except for that one still rumoured to be hiding out!) I can do nothing but support this idea.
Thanks for the heads up. I was figuring maybe Tues, a bit more time to farm ToT bags then.
(and cry every time I kill something in there and see all the exp going to waste).
Halloween has an evil theme to it so I guess they had to make it evil somehow……and this is TRUELY evil. Even more so than Scarlett could have ever been even if she did marry Trahearne and if they did have kids to torment us all with (yes, yes I know lore wise that could not happen anyways but this is my evil fantasy so yeah just run with it lol. :P).
Here in NZ it’s costly for internet so I can give you a pretty good idea. I’m only on an 80gig per month plan fibre and I can tell you just playing GW gets no where near that limit. It’s mainly my brother doing downloads for his xbox that gets us close and even then we have never gone over. So you have nothing to worry about with 300+gig lol.
Actually we got close this month but that’s only because I had to re download the whole game again (20 gig) as my hard drive was low on space. So I downloaded to a bigger drive waiting and ready for Hot.
Dear Anet team,
Recently i only see topics about problems, balance issues and stuff like that.
But I`d like to say: ,, Thank you very much for creating such an amazing game!’’
I know that there are mistakes to be taken care of, but seriously I don`t mind them as long as you keep the game as awesome as it is. I played lots of MMO’s but this one just gave me the chills. It`s perfect in every way I can imagine and i dont want to miss the feeling like no other MMO could give me, but Guild Wars 2 !
Keep up you work, and never give up on your goals !
With regards, alex.
Wow you must have very LOW expectations from games these days. It is a good game but it can be very much better and more near perfect.
But still, yes keep up the good work. :P
I’m not sure when you tried making your new char but I have some info to share. I made a new human Thief for the beta to test out the elite spec and noticed that the char creation system became bugged. As soon as I chose thief the body and head seemed to distort and his head did indeed look very strange for the body (far too small). It just looked plain weird and I have never seen it like that before and I have made tons of chars in the past as I have done world complete 10 times as well as made tons of chars to farm keys.
So maybe this is what you are seeing? Might be worth mentioning it as a bug perhaps.
I still want an Arsonist Thief Spec that main-hands Torch.
Heh heh, now that sounds like a lot of fun! Yes it’s about time that we get to be able to main hand a few of the offhand weapons. (Drools) at the thought of Engi main-handing Shield and being called the riot control or some such!.
To op: Thanks for the title change!
I guess the best we all can hope for is that sometime in the future Anet brings in a new item to the gem store that lets us un-soulbind items. Heck I would imagine you would pay a few bucks for that right now.
A whole slew of dailies and monthlies become much easier when a level 80 zones into queensdale. Especially particularly frustrating dailies like “aquatic killer” or grindy dailies like “daily kills”. It’s also nice finishing up your dailies without being CC’d or swarmed every two seconds.
And this my friends is what ANET needs to learn what we like about Queensdale. It being FUN and still challenging at times without all the dang cc’s every second. They need to put this into MORE of the other maps and maybe just maybe we will go play them more for that FUN factor and not just going there because we have to for this or that reason.
I can’t see it happening sadly.
From the way they have been releasing these tools it has been 1 each month or two (rough guess off the top of my head) and it seems to fit into what ever holiday event or living story is happening at that time. I doubt we will have this tower/toxic living story for the next couple of months. Also my guess is one of the next two tools will be Christmas themed.
Not tried this but in that video he wasn’t revealed using heartskeeker because he didn’t actually hit anything or even have a target? No idea, if any of the other skills reveal you then I would say definatly a bug and it should have been reported loooong ago.
Rice picker isn’t racism. It’s a joke.
It’s like saying all swedish people are blondes.
It’s not a joke it’s stereotyping which is VERY close to racism. No one likes to be on the receiving end of it.
You know I am not sure how this will turn out tbh to deal with the current issues with pricing but I do think that adding drastic things like this to band aid issues is going in the wrong direction.
From what I have seen in the past:
1 – Too much supply of an item – bring in a sink to balance that out some how.
2 – The sinks soon take this to the opposite side of the problem. Now there is too much demand for what is available and the prices sky rocket and surplus is used up.
3 – Create a new farm to address new problem.
It’s just going to be a never ending cycle and still really does not address some of the lower tier versions. They basically have to address EACH and EVERY tier version in their own way to try and balance it out. I think this balancing act is just too much work and will ultimately always fail.
I propose a more simple solution. But before I suggest that let’s ask ourselves what is the desired outcome here? To keep mats at a fair price and having them still seem like a valuable item no matter how low that price gets? Okay so then we have to ask what is a fair price? To me the answer is:
As long as it is the same price as the other mats of the same tier (leather/silk/wood/ores) then that is a fair price. If it is too much higher or lower than these and the stock is out of balance then that is where we have a problem. Now of course it can be argued that Ores/Wood should not factor in there since they are easier to get. I say lets overlook that for the time being and just look at my suggestion:
The idea? It’s simple really, might be so simple that it might actually just work. But oh yes I am sure there will be doubters and naysayers but here goes anyway:
Add an NPC that allows you to trade 1 mat of the same tier for another. So you have far too much Elder wood or Mith Ores? Take to NPC xxx and trade 1 for 1 for what you need. BOOM! Simple.
Now it could be argued that this is what the TP is meant to do but the problem here that fails is the fact that all of these mats are not so easily brought into the game from the player and so there are these imbalances. Lets just have the game CREATE them and provide them and let everyone get on with their game and just gather what they want/like how they like/want and at the same time have ALL of these mats be balanced at the same worth (which should automatically happen in theory – well to me anyway).
Sure it may seem like it will become too easy and that the TP side of this might cause problems but I really don’t know. Would it really cause problems? I think it would be a HUGE gain just in the fact that Anet wont have to be trying to fix it all the time with new sinks/farms. Taking away their time/resources that could be adding new features to the game instead.
So why not give it a shot!? Add it for ALL tiers of these mats and just see how it goes.
Edit: add Foxfire Clusters/Mystic Coins/Silver Doubloons and whatever else needs balancing to their own lists for this to be golden!
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
3 Simple suggestions really:
1 – Show in or out of range indicator on target skills like there are for regular skills. If you must keep the AOE circle indicator as well place it in the top right corner of the skill symbol instead.
2 – Give us a drop down menu on each and EVERY target skill with the below check boxes to choose how the skill will be used when used (basically removing the need for the options via settings):
A – Cast on target.
B – Cast on myself.
C – Bring up a target field and cast where I place it.
These options would add a whole new dimension to the game I think and add a whole lot of quality of life to the combat system. Some good examples:
I am an Engi I could:
A – For my Elixir Gun Kit I could choose my skill 5 (which is an aoe heal/remove cond and light field) to always fire on myself.
B – Choose my Flamethrower Skill 4 (Fire field) to always fire on my target.
C – For all of my Mortar Kit skills to fire where I aim the circle (the better option since it fires slow and you need to lead the target somewhat).
With the current options we have in settings all of this is not possible. It’s either 1 and the rest suffer. With my suggestion we can cover ALL of that and make the combat system (when it comes to target skills anyway) far more intuitive and more simple.
3 – Alongside the right click option for every Target (as well as every other skill) an added option to select weather or not that skill will auto target an enemy if no target is selected. Atm we have a separate option for this in the settings which covers ALL skills. I can see this being helpful for some certain skills – think Engi Rocket Boots, any speed skills where you simply want to get away fast and not draw any aggro etc.
Thanks for reading and please support if you have similar issues with the current system.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
I love the idea of horizontal progression unlocked by actually doing content in the game world…I love that it will be easy for them to add a greater variety of traits for players to choose from. This system is definitely a step in the right direction.
This isn’t really horizontal progression, though. It’s more of a horizontal digression. It’s taking an existing feature of the game’s vertical progression, and locking it behind a barrier that you have to overcome or bypass. Outside of those Grandmaster traits (which you can’t see until level 80), there’s nothing actually new here.
Maybe there’s an appeal to that that I just don’t get. So many people seem happy with the idea, and I don’t see why.
I think people are happy that we are finally getting to change our traits for free etc and are taking this as one and the same thing and that we can’t have one without the other. :S
Yes I’m happy about that side of it, but for new players I do worry. I have all classes at lvl 80 and I got them all there by completing their world completes. I can say things will def be a bit harder without those trait line bonuses, especially in these dead maps… I really don’t know why so many people can’t see this, maybe they all run on just one warrior class and faceroll everything or forgot how things are at lower levels.
incorrect paul; your pvp rank and completion medal are shown with your username. and @chad i am talking about on my physical character that has completed 100% of the map in 2013 and more than likely now in 2016 that I can’t see it on my character and I am not even ranked within pvp so Paul case wouldn’t make sense either
I am sorry but YOU are incorrect. I have world complete on 11 chars now. I could NEVER see my own star on any of those chars. Everyone else can see the star on my char tho.
If you want to test this, message me in game and I will take a screen shot of your char, I bet you I will see the star. However YOU will never be able to see the star on your own char.
As you can see in the pic below: I have 22 gifts of exploration and you can see no star above my char. This is my main char who was the first to get world complete. So if the star was ever visible to us it would be there – but it never has been, only to other people.
Don’t forget we could never even see our own name let alone anything else. It was only recently that anet has allowed us to even see what we can see. I guess they think it’s not important for us to see our own stars or that it would be too much clutter.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
You are not the first to want this race be playable and you are def NOT the only one. I am with you on this topic – the Skritt are just too cool. Shinies! I absolutly love the acting that was put into these characters.
Sadly if we could play the race we wouldn’t be able to hear our own skritt voice or act silly like them, unless Anet makes that part of the skills – ah yes that’s it! A skill that goes like this "we go, yes, no, yes? basically you muddle about for 5 seconds before attacking. :P
Oh oh and a “dig up treasure” skill pretty similar to the “pig” F2 skill that lets you find weapons to use but this skill provides – Treasure!
Oh one last thing I would like to say is the Jumping Challenges I find in this game (be it the puzzles, vistas and some of the skill points) remind me a heck of a lot of an old, old, old game I used to play on the genesis called “Landstalker”. I swear someone in the Anet team used to be a fan of that game I just know it.
Can I please have confirmation on this from someone who designs or came up with the jumping challenges idea lol?
Maybe he bought the game thinking he could get better gear to “pwn” players in and sees that where GW2 shines is skins and he’s upset about it because he don’t like to play dress up like the rest of us? Poor guy I almost feel sorry for him….
Question OP do you wear the same clothes in real life every day? Do you have multiple pairs of the exact same clothing? Ever hear of a popular game called The Sims? That game people can spends hundreds of real life cash just for expansions for extra clothes and furniture. Nothing wrong with that, people just like to be creative and collectors.
Grind in GW2? If you want to know what grind is go and play a little game called Runescape…..that my friend is grind. This is all fun fun. :P
I think we have to face it, with Colin gone (Engi main player if I recall), most of the enthusiasm/knowledge or focus for this class has probably gone too. But then again I could be TOTALLY wrong and am hoping so!
Engi main here and I dunno about this update yet, still haven’t logged in and assessed all the changes. But I’m gonna miss my Elixir Gun Skill 5+4 Retaliation combo. Gone for what, a measly 1 cond removal? Sure it’s meant to aid in “supporting allies” but really just 1 cond? Come on it should be at LEAST 2-3!
I don’t know what you are smoking but both my Engi (my main) and Ranger (second char) both kick backside. My engi is great in dungeons, Fractals, Pve, sPVP and WvW in dealing damage, support healing and removing conds etc. I think you may need to learn the class a bit more.
As for my ranger, the pet does more damage than my ranger does! Honestly I feel more like HIS pet. I really dunno what you mean when you say the pet does no damage. Invest in the bottom trait line and equip the traits that constantly heal pets and buffs their stats per kill etc. ALSO every pet works DIFFERENTLY, some are just plain stronger than others etc. Again I think it’s more a case of you learning the classes more….
My 2 cents.
With a thief and Mesmer anything would work…..just saying lol. I assuming you are meaning for WvW?
I have had my guild since day 1 of the game and there was just 1 other in it besides myself. Before HOT came we had all bank and vault spaces open and a few other things. We didn’t do missions back then because we didn’t think we could do them.
Fast forward to now and since HOT arrived. Since then we have both started to do missions for points and found there are some we can do. Now there is only just me in the guild and guess what I can still solo some of the guild missions!
Ones I can do:
Bounties – I can solo Poobado and that Skritt with his bear in Harathi. Can be tricky sometimes but you can get lucky if other people are around to help.
Races – You just have to make sure to turn up when the time of the day is busy for your server location. You just need to activate the mission and join in another guild’s race and if they reach the total amount needed – bam it will count for your guild if you talk to the NPC at the end of the race.
Trek – you only need to find 5-6 places in their easy version of this. Perfectly doable if you have the Wiki up and a fast enough computer for the loading screens. Only if you get hit with some of the annoying/tricky JP’s will it be a problem.
So having said all that, it is still perfectly fine to level up small guild halls. You just have to give it a try! Not only that but now I can even earn commendations which I never used to be able to.
Could they make it easier for small guilds? Sure they could I guess but will they? Probably not but good luck with that!
Just a tip: You can start the higher tiers of treks and just complete ONE of the required places and you will get the chest reward for doing so. The same goes for races you just need to complete the race once yourself and you will get your personal reward. However doing these wont count as the mission being complete for the guild points.
I don’t accept these reasons at all…
All they needed to do was create a testing area similar to the area that was in GW1 that let you test fighting/defending, dealing with conditions etc.
They could have had a NPC you talk to that puts you in the downed state, where you have an unlimited amount of time to hover your mouse over the downed skills to read them and test them.
TBH the same is needed for transforms and other time based elites as well. I like to play around with builds/skills and when testing these you hardly ever get a chance to read the tooltips let alone test the skills a few times before the transform/elite runs out. Then you have to wait up to 3 mins to try it again and all for the same exact results…sheesh.
If you want people to learn these things give them a chance to play with them in a safe area with NO time limits or other distractions, seriously….
That place in L.A with the training dummies was a semi good place to play around with things, something like those dummies and others that actually took conditions would be a great start. Build it into the pvp area or something, you DON’T take things away from the main game to force it in, that just punishes everyone else who knows what they are doing….
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Well, if they invite us all to an island resort any time soon, we’ll all know what to do.
Take off our clothes and swim with sharks?
“then to claim to make it easier for us to do but slap a price on it? Really though Anet?”
Umm what price where? If you are playing the game as intended (clearing maps, playing PvP) you will be getting charges as you go along. You can BUY charges if you really MUST have certain looks NOW or often but that is your choice. You could just wait or make a char and go clear the cities for free charges. No one is forcing anyone to PAY here for looks. If anything they have given those of us at lvl 80 a system to now earn charges FREE without HAVING to pay like we used to.