Showing Highly Rated Posts By Paulytnz.7619:

Let`s speculate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I think Scarlet will marry Trahearne just so that they can have kids who will carry on the tradition of annoying us all for many, many, many more years to come.

What I hope for: Tommygun, make it happen! If not, see my sig.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Level 80+ Maps should have...

in PvP

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


No, go back to whatever game you came from, thank you come again, oh actually no wait don’t. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Excess HoT mastery points for LS3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


More MP’s are fine, now we need a few more for Core Tyria!

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Privacy Discussion [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I agree, there is absolutely no reason for them to not implement a privacy feature. In another game I played they had basic options such as “friends only”, “everyone” and “no one” for whispers.

Why oh why has this not been added here yet? With the incoming mentor system the old excuse “what if people want/need to pm you because they need help?” that I have heard before will be redundant as there will be people available and dare I say it even WILLING to help people out who need it.

This issue needs to become a priority for Anet imo after HOT is released if not beforehand if it would not take too many resources/effort.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Implementation of new reward system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


So, making more grind for this no grind game would be your suggestion? Doing the same 5 hearts for 30 days?
And how would putting exclusive gem shop items in game affect Anets’ bottom line? As Khisanth pointed out—they would prefer players to buy gem with real money. At least Anet allows you to exchange in game gold for gems.

Where did you get the idea this is a no grind game?! Gw2 is one of the most grindy MMOs out there its just not forced on you like others. It takes longer to get raid gear (ascended gear) in Gw2 than it does in games like WoW. I played the WoW xpac and it took me a week and a half to be raid ready and I wasn’t playing as much as one would think.

The more skins and things to get/do in the game more people will play the game resulting in more gem sales. No one is asking them to stop making gem store specific skins. All I am asking for is also skins in-game I can work towards without having to just spam farm gold..

The problem with your “solution” is it makes the whole process very linear and appear MORE grindy. Simply because you HAVE to do xxx content/tasks to earn whatever it is you want.

With the current system you say instead you have to farm gold right? Yet look at all the ways you can do this. You have OPTIONS for “farming” that gold. It is only yourself to blame if you choose the most boring/efficient ways of earning that coin instead of breaking it up some and changing your play mode from time to time.

I gather you are just asking for a “forced” way to play differently than what you are? Because really, that’s all it really is if you think about it…

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Fix Black Lion Chests / BL Tickets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


My fix:

1 – Remove chests/keys.
2 – Sell the skins or Tickets DIRECTLY.
3 – Add a TON more skins that people will actually want with no RNG behind it.
4 – Enjoy gem sales.

Gambling of this form has no place in this game at all. The game is a shining example of being great quality from makers with top notch integrity, well that’s what you think until you discover this part of the game.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Something big is coming in 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I’m thinking things like:

1 – Guild Halls
2 – Player Housing

3 – Some kind of clothing/skin locker (with all our old earned skins such as past holiday/LS events being there exactly like the AP chest skins)

4 – More opened maps
5 – More added to the PS with the dragons

Any or all of this stuff would make 2014 great for me. A lot of polish has been done to the game since launch and some annoying things have been done away with (example, holding right mouse to turn selecting enemies and such).

They have also done all of the backbone work to all of the holiday events as well as have practice with the living stories. So really if we think about it, 2014 SHOULD bring us some exciting things.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Lion's Arch Model

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Please, please, please if Lion’s Arch is to be destroyed (as we currently know it) for perm can we please have said item (in the title of post) as the reward? It would work similarly to the Zephyr Sanctum Model. I feel we all deserve this at worst for any possible reward and momento!

Cheers, thanks, and oh yeah, free the skritt!

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Ruined Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Anet has ruined this game for me. Its no longer fun or competitive for me. That’s why some players left, along with some of the pvp community. I think it’s dying, and I think you people at Anet are so ignorant, that you ignore what I think is the issue, this game will keep dying. Good luck Guild Wars 2, this was a great game, not anymore.

Oh and btw I wont even bother to tell you what I think the issue is or how I think you can fix it!

There you are, I fixed it for you.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

All zones are pointless after you´re lvl 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


The funny thing is you are ALREADY “experiencing the end game content”. I see this all the time in these kinds of games. People always asking or saying things like:

“how do I make gold fast?”
“what’s the best/fastest way to make gold”
“that game content is pointless because it’s not the best method to acquire gold/xx item”.

Tbh I think there is an unhealthy mentality out there for a lot of players. I am not saying any of you that have posted here but I have seen it a lot in my time in online gaming and not only in this game. That unhealthy mentality is “got to keep up with the jones” or “I must get this fast or have it yesterday”.

I have had many many people on my friends list in another game I played on and off for 10+ years who had this mentality and for the most of them they never did get to really enjoy the game for very long.

Meanwhile I just did what was fun for me and funnily enough the gold/wealth just came with it. You see if the gold is not your focus it will build up without you even noticing it. Yet if your gold is the focus, even when/if you are doing the best methods to acquire that gold whatever you are doing will seem like a chore and you will feel that you are getting nowhere or too slowly simply because you are not enjoying that content any longer.

I am not here trying to preach to others how they should play the game. But I am saying a little of what I have seen a lot in my time in mmos.

Having said that, lower maps DO have worthwhile reasons to go back to them, some are:

1 – For fun or sense of discovery all over again.
2 – Map Bonus items you or others may need for crafting.
3 – Collections as other people have said already.
4 – Other achievements such as JPs, Kill xx monsters xx amount of times etc.

Maybe just take a break from focusing on making that gold for a wee bit and just have fun again? Who knows you may not notice it and that gold may just jump up a bit without you even realising it or worrying about it.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

How does Anet afford this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Well for a start from what I understand they are a small team. Add to the fact they made a ton off the intial sales I would say that alone should keep them going for a year or 2.

Then of course you can add to that the fact they have/had money from GW1 and also the sales in the Gemstore are always ongoing.

TBH to me it’s more “how could they not have cash?”

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Wilderness = PK zone? or Relic Wars?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Run, escape I smell a Runescape player!

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Will open world PVP servers be considered?

in PvP

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


No, this is a carebear friendly PvE game (besides WvW) and that’s just how most of us like it. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Is Zojia really bald?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I just can’t believe a female asura would seriously choose to be bald…..

Why not? They’re basically furrless rabbitmoles.

I do believe you have Asura confused with the Dredge. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Make Tags Accessible for PvE Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


You don’t have to do wvw for badges as they still drop from AP chests.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

stupidest / funniest thing you ever saw

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Before the Megaservers came along I was playing around exploring in Southsun and the map was dead, no other players. Actually I was trying to farm for Armoured Shells I think as the fish drop them there pretty well. Anyway I was searching around in all the water areas of the map and came across the champ shark on the south side. I debated with myself if I should try and solo him as I could solo a lot of champs and would always test myself against any new one I saw. I think I tried him but had to retreat as his charge attack can be deadly and is hard to see coming.

That’s not the interesting part of the story, this next part is, if that. So the next day I went back and was exploring around for the best area to find the fish that drop the shells. Again I come to the champ shark area and what do I see? The champ shark was fighting a npc Jellyfish. I thought to myself, “uh oh that poor jellyfish”. But boy was I wrong, as he was constantly healing himself. In the end the jellyfish won I couldn’t believe it. I don’t think I have seen anything close to that again since. Needless to say I felt useless being that a NPC could kill that champ when I couldn’t lol….

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Leather Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


The first mistake they made was calling it a “farm”. The second was the whole thing lol. Dedicate a large chunk of a piece of a new map for people to “farm” when we have diminished returns, really? SMH! Doh.

Sure yes there are the chests but still……it just goes against a big part of their philosophy and basic game design. It was never going to end well this one….

Do like I say, add an exchange system into the game and be done with it once and for all.

Then you can start working on things we have been asking for – for YEARS. Hello build templates and such anyone?

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Last chance !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Play another game while you wait, it’s what I’m doing. It’s ok to do that!.

Something to remember, this game can never compete with some of those other games some of us came from simply because it’s not a true “grindy” game and thus Anet wont put that type or amount of content in the game. We just have to accept that this is a casual game and as such casual content will come out casually. It’s a great thing there is no subs here because it gives those of us who are more used to grindier games to also play (and pay for) 1 or 2 while still playing this.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

The Death of Alts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


TBH I think those that are always saying “anet hates alts” etc are just too greedy….

You WANT to be able to do content more than once a day and get the rewards more than once a day when solo char players can’t do this.

Yet you overlook the fact that if you complete the personal story on another alt you then get the reward for that and can have 2 weapons with the “pact” skins for your main if you want. Also all the karma and other rewards you get along the way (items to make more legendaries etc) can also be used on your main. Things like this you overlook.

Yes, yes you can say “but we would/could want those same things on the alts themselves”. This is true but as I said you ALSO get the bonus of having them on your main now don’t you? Where as solo char players don’t.

Don’t get me wrong I am an alt-aholic too as I have 8 chars covering every race and class, 6 of them have 100% map done too. I just think you guys want too MUCH out of alts. What’s wrong with just having an alt for variety in play styles? You get bored on one class 1 day you have the option to play on another for novelty. That right there should be your BONUS or reward for having alts. That and being able to switch in better classes for certain situations in WvW etc as well.

Well that’s just MY opinion

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Thank you Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the things that are being worked on and sorted out after we use the report bug feature both in game and also on the forums.

I just started doing my 4th char through the Fields of Ruin map and after completing world complete to 100% for 3 chars already this map would really annoy me at the Hautclair vale heart due to there being very few mobs to kill or things to collect for it. I reported this a couple of months ago for the first time I think on my second char and then a few weeks back on my 3rd char. Now finally I see it fixed. I am not being sarcastic either, I know things take time especially when you must get as many bug reports as you do, I know for example that I have sent in a ton myself.

So once again thank you, if only for this one simple example so far, keep up the good work!

Anyone else have things to thank them for that have been fixed due to reports you have sent in? If so feel free to use this opportunity/thread to also post a thank you. I feel this forum could use a positive post once in a while.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

(edited by Paulytnz.7619)

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Lol you guys will never get a(head) in life with these attitudes. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Precursor Bull Kitten

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I though legendaries were suppose to be hard to get? Go figure.

“Hard” and “RNG” or “getting lucky” are two different things imo….

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

No exp, no loot, no point

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Am I missing something here? Are you making real-world money off of loot? Cause if not, why does it kittening matter? You play games to kill time. You play games to have fun. Loot and exp are just bits on a server. What’s the big kittening deal? Why are you turning this into an optimization problem?

Agreed on this. Gaming is entertainment, killing time, having a good time etc.
Sure, loot is a reward for the time invested, but just compare it to the loot you get from an FPS, or a puzzle game, or racing sim.

I have to counter this by saying times you are not killing mobs for the fun of it. It may be they are in your way or are a slight danger to you. So taking your “time” in the game which you would rather spend on doing something more “fun” to deal with this threat and then getting no loot reward for it can leave you with a sour feeling in your mouth.

Loot comes part and parcel with these types of games, you can’t compare them to FPS, puzzle games or racing sims. In a FPS usually you are playing online/multiplayer and the reward is your skill is better than the other player by taking them down. For racing the same thing and puzzle games its about getting a higher score.

Summary – loot can add fun to the game because it rewards players for taking the time to kill things instead of just running through (which is another part of the problem here). It is also a great way to earn wealth in a game which is NOT a bad thing. People like to do things in games they can’t so easily do in real life and making vast fortunes in game is one of the big things in that regard.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

When did this game become such a grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Getting levels in this game is not a grind at all, takes at most 2 weeks to max out if you play as intended (exploring maps and clearing them and doing personal story). Of course you can get there even faster just by farming events/running the queensdale train. But no one EVER in this game should EVER try “just killing mobs” for levels outside of events because that will truly get you nowhere, that does not work in this game.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Dev Blog: Changes to Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I think this will only make things harder for new players. With this, and the dead maps they encounter when truly exploring and trying to level up (as was originally meant via exploring) they are going to find things truly difficult without the trait line bonuses.

Then again those who run with the zergs farming Queensdale wont have anything to worry about I guess…. :s

PS, we wont be getting refunds will we for all those gold that we spent on our manuals? :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

(edited by Paulytnz.7619)

Black Lion Key "Farmers"..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


The people that do this method of farming do it for 2 reasons, maybe 3.

1 – It can be a nice break from the game and give you something different to do other than farm those mats for your legendary or whatever which can get tiring after a while. I also think of this as the same thing as when you go and buy a scratch ticket for a chance at a prize. There’s a good chance you are wasting your time/cash but there is also a chance you can earn something out of it worth that effort and at the end of it all either way it’s a quick thrill.

2 – The BLTC keys are not expensive when you look at their price at a glance. But when you look at your bank and see almost 2 complete stacks of keys just from general play (this is how many I have) and do the math on what it would cost to buy all of those keys you may think twice about buying them. Add to this it is a risky investment because of the RNG behind it all and if you don’t get a good item it can be junk (boosters/tonics pretty much). So yes you may want to farm these.

3 – The fact that any new weapon skin is pretty much ALWAYS tied to these chests/keys and that it is RNG (again see above 2 for this reason) you will see people try and play for those items without spending/risking money.

I used to farm BLTC keys myself and was probably one of the 1st people to do it. I also sent Anet a support ticket not long after the game came out asking if it was exploiting or not because I was worried it could affect the game in a negative way and gave them fair warning that other people will come to see and do it also in time. They replied back that it was perfectly fine. I still have their response saved somewhere too.

I have to admit there has been changes made atleast 2 times since then and I think they have taken the key farming into mind with both of these changes. I don’t farm keys anymore because I find it boring and rather spend my time outside of this game now when I’m bored in general within it. I am not sure if they have removed entirely the guild point rewards but I can tell you I am in a 2 person guild and have been pretty much since the start of this game with a friend from another game. Through my key farming I pretty much managed to open up the full banks due to my key farming and completing the story on my 8 chars. I think they have nerfed the guild point things in one of those patches obviously to help safeguard selling regular bank upgrade items in the future, which I think is a smart thing to do and I would have done the same.

So again I say they are aware people farm these things and they are probably putting in place things to safeguard things that could seriously be impacted from it all.

Lastly I want to say why I spent time rather than cash on BLTC keys. It wasn’t only the amount of cash (hundreds of dollars, maybe thousands by now) that I would have to spend to open all of those chests and the fact that I would probably get no where near my monies worth back for the cash spent. It’s also due to the fact that I do not support their method of bringing in new weapon/armour skins behind a lottery/gamble type system via RNG such as these keys/chests. I have spent hundreds of dollars in this game on other things that I felt were worth it. 6 or so extra chars, all bag slots opened up for 8 of my total chars, all bank tabs purchased initially (still need to buy a few more since the last update to that), 2 upgrades to the gathering resource upgrades, the krytan armour set, all unlimited gathering tools thus far, Deluxe set right at the start of the game; my list probably goes on and on tbh. My point is, those of us who do spend real cash in this game can be offended at some of the things they sell and how they sell them and as such will not SUPPORT those ways and will NOT purchase into them, hoping that they change how that is done in the future.

Summary, I am an ex key farmer who has no issues with others who do it but I don’t anymore due to the bordom of it all. I am also one that spends REAL cash in the game that has no issues with people who farm keys. So please OP, do not try and make this a case of “us” against “them”. That being those who spends rl cash vs those who don’t (those poor people as you call them).

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

(edited by Paulytnz.7619)

Role-Playing and Interactivity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


One of the devs already commented awhile back on why we don’t have sitting animations.

For one, you have several distinct races, which presents problems when sitting. You’d have to animate everything from a tiny Asura to a huge Charr. And don’t forget the wide range of heights that you have to deal with.

Then you have the different types of sitting furniture. Bar stools, logs, chairs, e.t.c. You’d have to animate every single piece of furniture in the world.

Then you have to deal with clipping issues. Do we ignore them (and have people continue to complain about them) or do we just go forward and spend a ton of time towards fixing it?

All that time invested in fixing such a novelty feature is simply not worth it, especially when there are toher more important QOL fixes this game has.

Not to mention the RP community in GW2 is a very, very small minority.

Perhaps it is so small in this game as well as in other games because the game itself does not encourage it by design or by intent?

I remember reading or watching a video in the past I’m sure in which I heard them clearly say they don’t want this to seem just like another mmo. They want you to feel like you are in this world, in another world actually living there as part of it.

To me it seems they have done little to push this so far but I understand they are polishing the core game right now which is much needed. But from what they described I certainly don’t think that JUST dynamic events/living story are or should be the only ways for them to add this to be a “living world”.

You need things such as player housing (yes, yes I know it’s coming), game content that is not just combat, combat, combat, combat such as fishing etc. Heck go as far as give us “jobs” if you have to, to make it believable that we are existing in this world and playing our part as well as give us something ELSE to do.

And yes even the little things like sitting in a chair and such makes all the difference in the world to all of this. They could slowly work on these small things. I undersand for some races there could be issues but they could work around them for now. For example they could have Asura, humans, Sylvari be able to sit on chairs possibly even Norn if not they and charr could instead sit on the edge of a table or the floor. There are ALWAYS work arounds if a little bit of time and thought are put into it.

I also remember reading so many months ago that Anet fixed a glitch that people were abusing to get into the Home instance in Divinity’s Reach so that they could RP there. Seemed a shame to me that was done but since it was a glitch I agree it had to be done. Even Anet themselves however said they liked that the community were embracing the RP element and such and were looking into more ways to implement it into the future. So lets just all hope it’s not too far off and yes, some day, maybe some day we can do something as simple as sit in a chair.

Lastly I would like to say, while sitting in a chair may seem silly and small just remember that once upon a time jumping was looked at in the same manner. Woah me look how much that one silly little thing impacted on this game!

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Downgrading Crating Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


So we can upgrade crafting materials via the Mystic Forge as in this example rugged leather upgrades to thick leather etc. Perhaps we should be able to downgrade materials so the above example will also be true backwards, ie we downgrade thick leather into rugged.

I think something like this could be a great way for us to do something with the over stock of mith, thick leather etc. We will ALWAYS have a lot of this in supply due to the fact no matter where we kill enemies if we are lvl 80 we will always get drops that salvage into those tier mats. The problem here is even if we are in certain areas trying to kill for certain mats our lvl 80 can actually work against us. An idea such as this could really help out I think.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

I would pay to play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I understand where you are coming from but TBH I wouldn’t be saying that a subscription system would be better. In all honesty all they need to do is take out the RNG for any new Skins they bring into the game. People would probably spend MORE on them if they did this. Who cares if x amount of players don’t feel special anymore because “too many” people now have that same skin.

As for the mystic forge and the RNG I do not think that there should be any way ever that any player can get these items by spending real life cash like you are asking for with a subscription. Soon they are bringing in crafting of precursors I’m sure I have read on these forums so perhaps that can help you with that issue.

I would also like to say that this game going to a subs service would not ease the issues you have right now with keeping up to date with the content that comes out. If anything people would be demanding MORE content since they would be paying a subs.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I would like to see:

1 – Build saves finally.

2 – Better Target skills options as I have suggested here:

3 – More privacy/chat options as discussed here:

4 – Placeholders on both Our UI and the Target’s UI for Conds/Boons.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

(edited by Paulytnz.7619)

Can't farm gold in other map?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Pffft farm? If it’s for gold my opinion would be “not playing the game right”. Now if its for certain mats for collections etc I would say “this is what Map Rewards is for and is the reason we can go back to MANY MANY maps to farm”.

Sure the general argument “but you can farm gold instead of mats/what you need and just buy them” could be used here but my counter to this is then you have people coming to the forums with such complaints as “this game is boring and just a grind as all we have to do is farm, farm, farm, grind, grind, grind and there is only 1-2 maps worth doing this on”.

It’s a mentality that people place on themselves which could ultimately kill or make the game less fun for them – sheeple, that’s all I can say. :P

Now if you are needing gold then yes by all means do what you can to make it. But does this mean that you have to do the best method which will have you soon bored/burnt out of the game?

You could instead like, you know, play various game methods for fun which also are not too bad at making cash while also working on other goals in a passive way. Some examples:

1 – Fractals – not too bad for cash while also working on achievements, building up your agony and exploring new areas/stories while doing so.

2 – PvP – Ideally during the Seasons as the gold is a lot easier to come by. Again besides the gold other reasons could be achievements besides that what else fun/challenge.

3 – WvW – similar to PvP fun/achievements.

4 – Achievements in general, especially collections. Doing this will send you to other maps which will have you doing events/achievements etc.

That’s a few off the top of my head and I am sure there are many more.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

(edited by Paulytnz.7619)

Privacy Discussion [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I really don’t understand why there is always people who try to shoot something down or say “no” to things especially when it will have NO negative effect on the game. It really does make me wonder…….

Maybe they just like to argue for the sake of it?

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Fun, Fun, Fun...

in Living World

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


TIme to upgrade from Dial-up I guess…..

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Again, ANet built up too much hype...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


While these changes apart from the wardrobe system may seem small or over hyped as you are saying there is something you are forgetting here. That being that ALL these things are things that many, many, many people have asked for many, many, many times since launch. So in that context to a lot of people these are HUGE updates and will kill off a great many number of topics on the forums from ever appearing again.

Should these things have been in since launch? Possibly, again either way tho in the end it’s us the players that are getting heard and finally getting things in game that we are asking for and I for one think that is a great thing and a good step in the path ahead for the game.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Well, thank you ArenaNet :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


It’s good from time to time to get positive posts like these in amongst the mostly negative ones. I’m sure Anet appreciate them too.

So I’m gonna add my thumbs up too! Thumbs up

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

New Player Has Regrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


All their testers were over the age 40

Hey I’m almost 40 and if anything these new updates make me feel like I’m 5 again or should be that age to play this game….

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

How much of your money does Anet have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Ive probably spent 100-200 dollars or close to it in my currency (NZ dollar). Depending on what I’m buying I feel its well worth it. Such things as extra char slots/bank/bag slots are well worth it just for conveniance alone.

Extra item’s now and then just for looks (krytan etc) I think are fun and worth it if you feel like Anet deserves a bit more extra cash from you or you can afford to trade in game gold for gems.

However I will NEVER buy keys. Doing that only promotes the bad form of gambling.

I will trade ingame gold for gems for such other things also as I said like backpacks etc. Heck why not gold is easy enough to make in game and you don’t need it for much. And NO I do not farm dungeons all day. I simply hate the idea of that, goes against the intended purpose of them in my opinion but thats a whole other issue for a whole other post I guess lol.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Guild Wars 2 - What happened?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I don’t get this post at all…

It’s related to a video that was made and commented on 4 years ago. Adding to that there were only 316 comments total when the vid has been seen 100k+ times.

So can someone please tell me how they can think this game failed or is “hated so much” or whatever based off a vid that was made/watched 4 years ago and then commented on by so few people who probably never even gave the game a try or even a decent look before commenting.

Edit: in fact just browsing through the comments they all seem to be positive, so again I ask wtf is this post about lol? Not too mention even if they were negative comments they would have been about a game that was not even released at that time and barely even showed 5 seconds of footage of GW2 anyway in said vid…..

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

(edited by Paulytnz.7619)

Mastery Leveling Change Request

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


While it would be nice for this to happen it really wouldn’t make sense or be fair to those who have levelled up their HOT masteries in those maps.

Think about it, what do the HOT masteries give you? Pretty much ALL (except gliding which I can think of) of the HOT masteries give you bonuses or rewards to help you while in those maps. Mushroom jumping, Speed boosts, talking to the new races etc. So it makes perfect sense to “learn” or “unlock” all of that while you are facing those challenges and content.

Gliding could be thought of as the same since at first we could only glide in those maps as well but then anet were kind enough to also let us use it in core Tyria and we should never forget that.

So in summary all I can say is, you bought HOT and you want to enjoy those rewards so go and play that content and have fun while doing so! That was not meant to sound rude but yeah that’s pretty much what it is lol.


Actually what it sounds like is you want to skip all the content and get to all the rewards. Compare it to someone else making a similar post along these lines:

“I want to play Fractals but I don’t want to level up my Fractal level from doing Fractals. Can’t I level it up while doing dungeons, WvW etc and then once I have mastered it go back and do the level 100 Fractal when I feel like it?”

Again, does not really make much sense does it?

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

(edited by Paulytnz.7619)

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Yes, yes you are selfish. But that’s ok, I don’t hate the player I instead blame the maker of the game.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Completing events in Cursed Shore - bannable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


If anything I would say those telling you not to complete it should be banned for “EXPLOITING” the event. Go ahead COMPLETE any and all events you have a chance to, forget the greedy sods who try to EXPLOIT everything they can.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Knock backs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


No you are right……….

Too many different creatures have knock backs and of course when ganged up by just a few of them you can be disabled for some time and this REALLY takes the fun out of the game. It does not make the game difficult or a challenge as Anet might believe it does it just makes it dang frustrating and stupidly boring.

Yesterday I happened to be in a fight with 4 creatures who were all knocking me down, that was not fun but I still over ran them in the end.

They really need to take into account each enemie’s skills with regards to skills like these when deciding mob placement. Or they could actually work on synergy between said creatures in areas rather than just give the same creatures the exact same skills and just copy and paste them in a certain area. Pure laziness…..

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

New idea: Class specific loot drops!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Before I go into the idea part of this post I would first like to say that I do NOT hope to change the current loot/drop system. I think that is far too complex for me to go into and would be best looked at from Anet when it comes to that. I would also like to say that this idea is in it’s very basic form and is more of a “off the top of my head” thing. I would of course think if implemented that Anet would do so in such a way that would be balanced for all classes involved and game balance and not being such a big impact on the current economy.

Now that I have got the “not’s” out of the way I will say what I hope to achieve with this idea. Basically add a bonus drop system to the current drop system which would be seen as a bonus. Why would I like such a thing? Well, I think it would be a fun/cool new way to obtain current in game items as well as possibly give players an incentive to get out there and kill regular monsters again. Another bonus would be an incentive to play other classes and possibly get players into “alting” more. Also it would help with those complaints people have had before about reality/immersion (brief example – why can’t I skin animals?). Lastly it will make killing regular creatures feel MORE REWARDING being that it pretty much assures you a drop 100% of the time or per kill depending on the situations of course. Now to the idea in itself.

Basically each and every class will get a “bonus drop” per kill depending on what class they are and what creature they are killing. I had at first thought this would be a new “skill” that we could use after or during each fight or kill. In the end I dumbed it downed. However if Anet feels this idea is too “powerful” or rewarding they could have it as a skill that we have to perform per battle (for ele/thief) or after battle (for everyone else besides engi) which may even have it’s own cooldown and skill slot on the UI. That or the drop itself has an internal cool down and requires no action on our part. Anywho onto which classes get what:

Thief – Can actually “steal” and gain reward TO KEEP and profit from. Their targets would be any mob (I will use the term mob to mean monster :P) that drops loot bags. They would get one random item from loot bag per kill. Anet could adjust the contents of loot bags for this if they feel they have to.

Rangers – They can FINALLY skin any creature that drops hides/skins. One per kill. There could also be a chance of gaining instead “meat” from those that drop meat or it could be an extra bonus on top of the skin/hide. Again up to Anet.

Ele’s – Use the power of the elements to absorb Gems/Dust from elementals, wood from Oakhearts and other wooden creatures. Perhaps ores from dredge as well.

Engi – The power of repairing goes to them. Basically they can turn all those “vendor trash” “trophy” drop damaged “fine mats” such as broken claws, fangs, teeth etc into the actual “good” versions of them. I would not suggest 1 for 1 and would leave the actual ratio up to Anet. I would think maybe 5 to 1 or perhaps 10 to one would be fair. Not totally sure, but then again that means they are not getting an assured drop every turn but instead gain the bonus from pretty much every creature so this would need major thinking/number crunching here.

Before I move on to the last four remaining classes keep in mind I kind of got stuck for ideas here and just went with what was left over.

Warrior/Guardian: These heavy armour using people can salvage (get as drop) ores from dredge and leather from any creature that drops leather (usually humanoids that drop loot bags – example centaurs/ettins).

Necro/Mesmer: Similar to Warrior/Guardian but instead these light wearing classes can salvage cloths from creatures that drop them (again usually humanoids that drop loot bags – example bandits).

And there we have it. Remember I do not wish to change the current system or have this be too much of a problem with regards to the economy. However I feel something like this could do wonders for the game in it’s current situation (see above – paragraph 2).

Please if you like this idea don’t just think “cool” and then move on. Please post something, it does not have to be a whole book (like me :P) or a lot, even if just “cool idea bro” or “I like this”. We need a lot of support (replies) to get something like this to happen and to all those who read all of this, ty good work!

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

(edited by Paulytnz.7619)

I miss the old dialogue scenes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


No I don’t miss them. I do miss the GW1 versions tho. That being your char was shown in the actual cut scenes in full action, running, fighting etc.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Player Housing? anytime soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Since HOT released I have secretly been hoping that Player Houses would come with the next expansion. And why not? After all we could say that the guild hall decorations and customization may have indeed been a testing ground for Anet with regards to the player housing part.

Also they wowed us in HOT with Gliding and the Guild Halls/decorations part. So again I say why not? They will have to do something pretty cool to wow us again like they did the first time around. So I am still hoping for it!

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Knock backs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


You guys are talking about game balance and such which I find funny. Considering some of these knockdowns can have you down for 5 seconds yet when my warrior uses his knock down it is for a measly 2 seconds if even that. Also the cooldown on my skill is like 3 times longer than any enemy mob cooldown. Yet you say the combat system is all balanced with regards to this?

The problem is not that we get knocked downed or lose control of our character. The problem is the way that they have distributed mobs and the skills that they have and how they use them. For example you get something like a devourer which can knock you down. Not one “type” of devourer like you get when dealing with humanoids who all use different weapons thus they have different skills/combat mechanics.

So you get into areas with these types of mobs and if over run can get into the problem of continued loss of control of your character – NOT FUN. Also like some of you even agree most times you wont die or be at risk of dying (depending on build/class/player skill) so what then is even the point of it all besides just annoying the heck out of us?

All I ask for is more diversive skills to non humanoid mobs as well as placement of them with other mob types so combat is not so repetitive/annoying with these types of mobs when in their areas. Hopefully too this could ADD more of a challenge and exciting combat system/mechanic rather than just the “oh noes not an area with another knockdown mob – time to just run through or ignore them because they are so boring/time consuming to deal with” moment.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

[PREDICTION] April Fool's Day Prank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


My prediction is they will turn every single NPC in the game into Colin Johanson for the day and they may even swing swords no stop!

A nice way to do April Fools as well as a final send off for him. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Not Fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


By the sounds of it he tried to solo the dungeon, got confused and just gave up…..

If people are not answering your questions in game it could be you were in a dead zone or the opposite, a zone too busy with so much chatter that people soon miss your chat off the screen. You could ask your questions here and they will usually always be answered, I mean you did manage to find the forum to post this post right?

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Commander tag now visible above chara..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Hahahahaha I have a commander tag and have had it since pretty much the 3rd month of the game or so. I NEVER use it unless I am in WvW and need to use it there or in the rare cases it comes in handy in PvE. I think this is GOOD for all those “commanders” who run around with it on 24/7 just for the glory of it, serves you all right. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Work, work work... what's the fun in that?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619



They didn’t eliminate mounts, simply because they never had them in the game in the first place. Crafting is fine, unless you want a particular skin/weapon/armour you really don’t have to do it. You can get through the game with exotics if you HAVE to.

I played GW1 and I know of the crafting you are talking of and tbh that was not crafting. That was gathering for a vendor, plain and simple. People wanted a more in depth crafting system for GW2 so Anet gave it. If you think about it compared to a lot of other MMOS GW1 had nothing to offer players except – combat, combat, combat. GW2 is not that much better, in fact it still suffers from that. Many players enjoy a lot of other MMOs for the various types of content they have. I would say if they addded a lot more content to this game that did not revolve around – kill, kill, kill and hey I swung my sword again and KILLED again then maybe, just maybe this game might get those extra players that they want that they think all this dumbing down of the game was meant to solve…

Then again maybe I am way off base here. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?