For me the only thing keeping me in-game is the WvW community. On several servers there are organized WvW-only guild that are usually made up out of nice people. It’s lovely to go fighting in WvW side by side, and getting saved, or saving them. It creates a bond and I love it.
If you can’t save up $30-50 since they announced it, perhaps you should stop playing videogames and start working/finding work. You can even do some basic online stuff for money that only takes your time, no skills.
Before saying “that’s really cheap”, “get a job”… it might not occur to you that a lot of gamers are students who are on limited budgets and/or a lot of people spend money on so many other things than gaming, so it’s just not there for grabs. Most people likely have other activities they spend money on aswell, and following the logic of many an economist: many small costs make one huge. :p
On top you don’t take into account that people might think they could spend their money on something better: buying a game/game addition they’d enjoy more than this one. If you wanna pay $50 on a GW2 expansion, go ahead, but if that’s the price they’ll ask for it, might aswell buy another full game for $50.
I’m not sure what this means or if it should be applauded. People like you ruin WvW by running around in zergs to cap cap cap and farm farm farm.
EotM doesn’t have much in my regard. It has a dodgy map which favours aoe and zerging. Most people just karmatrain there. Not the place to go if you want strategic fights. But then, there isn’t any place to go if you want strategic fights at the moment.
my post got deleted again…
Same, got 2 infractions so far. Hooray for Anet censuring!
Inspired by the very useful post from Sirendor.1394 @ the WvW forums.
Lets share constructive posts on this subject!
Don’t know what I posted that inspired this, but nice!
I made this a little long, so going to edit on the go (just 2 points so far)
1. Mandatory: Balance between core specs and elite specs.
This is probably the biggest issue in PvP right now. It affects diversity, competitiveness and ultimately fun.
A- Diversity
In one sense it harms diversity by making Elite specs overpowered compared to core specs; this makes core specs downright unplayable or at the very least weaker. This guarantees that, apart from the exception, core builds are ignored as an option.
Result: many existing traits, utility skills and weapons go down the drain.
In another sense elite specs harm diversity because they serve as a trait line bound together with a weapon, class mechanics and utilities. This forces the player to use these specific weapons, utility skills and class mechanics.
Result: every player running elite spec runs the same thing.
B- Competition
Diversity is certainly tied to competition, but let me focus on the main problem for competitiveness. Elite specialisations essentially divide the playing field into two categories: those who bought HoT and have access to elite specs, and those who didn’t and can only access core specs. Because core specs are weaker than elite specs, players using the latter have an unfair advantage over the others.
Results: blow-out in fights and matches when one side is stronger by virtue of using an elite spec (remember WvW), no challenge for players with an elite spec, core players giving up on the game.
2. Quality of life: Queuing outside of PvP lobby
It was in the game earlier, and there really is no reason not to have it back. Players don’t want to sit in the lobby waiting for a match, it bores them. Yes, there’s the possibility for a chat, but people who want to chat will go there of their own accord, so just leave the others to their business until the queue pops.
3. Mandatory: SoloQ vs. TeamQ
Premades versus. Solo players is just too easy to exploit for the premades. The advantage of premades is too big over Solo players, ergo, really should not be in the game.
X. Idea: Split PvP from PvE & WvW
Some people have mentioned splitting the balancing of classes between the different game modes. This might also be connected with the idea of splitting PvP as a whole off from the other game modes. Why not make SPvP available for sale seperately, or even making a free-to-play version of it? Hell, the core game is already free-to-play for anyone, and SPvP is accessible for anyone with a free account too. The advantages of this are especially big on the side of esports, queue times, population. This is not my idea, but has been detailed in a thread.
More on this idea in this thread by Phaeton.9582. (
[… more to come…]
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
What we need is something like THIS!
Will probably never happen, but still, Guild Wars 2 needs an expansion like this imo.
Thief is really weak without stealth… apart from blinds it’s pretty much only thing he has unless he is running sword evasion build.
Ah gosh. I just noticed the thread, just noticed the fact that it gives extra materials… woh P2W! Delete the sprockets ///
What Spvp needs is this:
a) Progression other than skins:
-> Unlock new gamemodes
-> Unlock new maps to play on
-> Progress in a class: why is there no ‘warrior’ guild, ‘thief’ guild etc, with it’s own area in the pvp zone?
b) Generally more gamemodes
c) Generally more maps
Is there any official response as to it being an illegal activity (i.e. exploit) or not?
Edit: I would like to know this for sure, cause it seems pretty much like any other farm in the game (such as champ trains) and I would do it if they say it isn’t an exploit.
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
What you guys say exactly
Anet activated a condition: Real Life – all players are affected by it for a couple of hours (it may stack)
Died. Revive yourself at the next Waypoint
“This waypoint is contested.”
Nah, I guess it has something to do with the Living Story. The attacks are increasing in intensity forcing players to take shelter into the Real World. This is in fact a Group Event.
Will it count for daily?
Only if you slay the Veteran ArenaNet Technicians!
You can compete against elite specs with base classes. Just take a look at your build.
But you’re less effective on an equal skill level, which makes it P2W.
I think this would be a fantastic and fresh change for season 2:
Where instead of 3 servers fightin the servers are split by 3 colours and fight each other with WvW guesting allowed to servers within your colour.
OMG amazing. I love it. HIT THAT +1 BUTTON!!!!
If you’re so annoyed by duelers in WvW, go hunt them instead of complaining on forums?
Also WvW is an open game mode, anyone can do as they please.
What ever costs them less money and consumes less time is what will be approved. How many people and time do you think it takes to create a weapon model, paint it and put bigger numbers on it?
I bet it’s one guy on his lunch breaks.
I recently started using blender, a program which allows you to create your own 3d models for games. I’m really shocked by how easy it is to do so, I’m able to create a full 3d model after playing around with it about a week for an hour a day max. Really, creating 3d armour models is rather easy if you are an adept on modelling.
You can view the program @
It bums me out to see so many folks dismissing wells entirely without considering (1) the different game types and (2) that they are an easily swappable part of our utility set and not the entirety of our utility set.
(1) I only play PvP unfortunately> blink & decoy are superior
(2) That is completely true. Maybe I’ll take them for the elite, but can’t see myself taking heal or utilities.
The other parts of chronomancer I really look forward to using though: shield and the new shatter are pretty amazing. :P
^we had fun 15 chars
If you see 5-10 engineers, with a shield and pistol, and a naked upper body… run away, as fast as you can. The Old Boys are running wiiiiiild this week.
@Tree.3916 …on… “The content isn’t easy, it’s old.”
You’re absolutely right, and I feel silly for forgetting that. That’s semantics, however. More complex mechanics would go a long way in creating longevity. Everything was hard when it was new, but once people learned to stack+burn, things became trivial.
If we had, say, a 5-man version of (amber?) wurm where you had to dodge the boss while killing an add, absorbing it’s debuff, grab a harpoon, get swallowed, DPS the interior, escape, AND THEN stack+burn the now stunned boss…
That type of boss fight would arguably still be more fun 5 years from now (when everyone knows the mechanics) than the current stack+burn strat we have for everything else.
This 100 times.
Sorry Dalanor, but I think we simply cannot agree on this one.
I don’t see all this “great mechanics” you speak about, and I’m faaaar from the only one, nearly all the people I play with have stopped playing PvE long ago, because of it’s triviality. PvE (and that includes dungeons) is stack and dps, even if dodges/luring sometimes comes into it.
I can say that GW1 content was a lot different because of the way combat worked there. Stats were not bound to armour so there wasn’t a “BEST” stat set. You could choose for a more tanky, more dpsy set-up but that was about it.
The thing Xenon describes is what I would like to see. Give us something that takes effort, and not simply a huge healthbag.
I understand that from here on it’s necessary to stop giving negative criticism and start giving positive in the form of a suggestion of HOW to make it better.
A good way to start would be this: give mobs a dodge option, give mobs 10 skills and an elite, give bosses their own special elite you can capture as a certain class. This alone would make dungeons 1000x more interesting.
Amazing new class suggestion by Redrex:
Mists of Pandaria
I ocassionally roll thief in WvW myself, using S/D & SB instead of the common used D/D combination. I gotta say, those using HS D/D aren’t worth the name “Thief”, because they ruin the entire profession’s name. I don’t use the stealth spam neither, so don’t say that EVERY thief is a kitten, although a lot of them are.
I suggest they counter the HS spamming by higher cost of initiative and fix the culling.
I have trouble with those HS/BS thieves myself in WvW, unless you make them waste all their initiative then hunt them down while they are useless.
HS + stealth spam thieves are not the way thieves should ever work.
Omg yes. Let us buy a level for a skill point. That would make me happy and might give me some goals again, aswell as character slot purchases.
As a solo roamer and small scale-dedicated WvW player I am fairly certain if I say that removing white swords will have a negative impact on my having fun in WvW, because removing them will simply get us in less fights. Most people I know are there FOR the fights. They don’t care about the mindless PvDoor, all they care about is their server, their guild and having fun in the form of competitive PvP.
Guild Wars 2 needs more pvp, not less.
It just means the blow outs either way will be bigger.
Most likely. The map seemed a bit out of scale though, and not a lot of small capture things, mostly blobs, but we’ll see what it gives. Blow-out is very frequent in low tiers, so if we want quality fights, we’ll probs go EotM. Coverage wars is a joke.
No I have not bought any gems with real money. Why? Because I think it’s a rip-off.
In Guild Wars 1 I bought every expansion, because they were all worth it. Each expansion had at least half a year’s content of story quests, normal quests, exploration etc. Then, you still had variable PvP modes, Hard Mode for PvE, the Underworld, Urgoz’, countless cosmetics available through playing the game.
In Guild Wars 2, zero expansions, in 2 years time nearly no good content (living story is garbage imo) AND nearly everything that has been released was locked behind a paywall. I would have bought expansions like GW1 if there had been any, but that isn’t the case, instead we are supposed to pay for armour skins AND (even worse) gamble for weapon skins.
Will I buy anything yet? Not if it stays like it is. If they bring a GOOD expansion, sure.
If Ascended Gear was reversed, you’d have an even larger group rushing to these forums screaming just like you are about their inclusion. The masses wanted vertical progression. The masses got what they wanted. I’m sorry it’s not what you wanted.
It’s never going away. Deal with it.
Proof? Nope. Not going to believe it then.
Uhm condi inmunity is already being spammed so hard that players appear to be having more than 50% uptime on immunity. Yet another kitten to Mesmer. If anything, the immunity is too high as it is.
Anyone who enjoys playing condition mesmer is just to bad to play anything else. Srsly, condi mesmer was always broken cheese. I tried it out once, saw how cheese it was, went back to shatter mesmer.
Blame server vs. server. It doesn’t work.
WvW ranks & abilities are character based. The best way to think of this system is as alternative/extended character progression.
Seriously?! Why the kitten would we care about them then? I like to play ALL of my characters. Why do you need to get all that kitten characterbound again?
Lets see what sucks:
- Leveling characters up to 80 every time!! YAYYYY! (T-T)
I have leveled 4 characters to level 80 and let me tell you… it stops getting exciting from level 30. You can’t play dungeons because nobody wants low levels. You can’t play World vs. World cause you are about as powerful as an ant to an elephant.
- Karma soulbound! Great idea!!! Oh wait, I have 100k karma on this character, but I need to gear up my other character. Buys armour, oh it’s SOULBOUND?! Who invented such a stupid thing?
- Skill points. Need to farm them for the legendaries? Soulbound!
- Nice I finally have tier 3 cultural. Now I’m going to wear that whenever I play.
<Plays other character> What?! Can’t use it, unless I buy 6 fine transmutation stones, get them all to a level 1 item and then get that back to my actual low character’s level with another 6 basic transmutation stones?
And so on… Anet this is TERRIBLE
I hope they get Cantha and Elona back in the running, for then, yeah those weapons would be appropiate.
Probably too honest about the state of WvW.
Or he resigned himself, since he’s not being listened to by the foolhardy developers who can’t accept that they were wrong once again.
I think anet just forgot how to write lore. And Is going down the blizzard path.
Anet was never big about lore. I remember in GW1 that it was the GW community who developed the lore in Tyria and Anet simply expound that their own way.
Gw1 had more story than this part of game …
GW1 prophecies alone had 10x better lore than the whole of GW2
Does Marmatt have a … invisibility ring?
Update: I tried relogging another 4 times now. All times I stay stuck on loading screen.
Two times I have gotten gray screen after a while and a message saying:
“The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again. (Code=7:11:3:191:101)”
Thanks, arenanet, I have just been kicked out of a fractal run. And yes, my connection is fine and has not been affected by anything, because I can post on these forums without sudden connection drops.
It looks interesting, but somehow I can’t shove off the feeling that this will be another disappointment and hyping up people with awesome looking trailers and then when it hits, the actual content is not even worth the name “content”.
Most of the last living story episodes I just completed cause I wanted the armour skins, got through them in 1 hour tops and didn’t repeat. Wintersday was a total letdown, same old content again.
If they make this a paying expansion, I doubt I’d even buy it unless there’s new playable races/classes/PvP modes.. or anything of the kind.
If it’s a continuation of boring living story but behind a paywall… no thanks, cause it’s simply not worth it.
If it’s a hype up for living story that is still free, /care.
Much as I like this game, I would drop it instantly and walk away if there were to be a level cap increase. It would mean that ANet had given up on horizontal progression, and killed one of the most important links with GW1. I’ve got zero interest in seeing a never-ending treadmill.
Me too, going to drop it anyways though… too grindy as is.
You know what this means do you lads? If we nag about something long enough… we will get it!
Can we get free ascended for each character in WvW? O_O
The problem is that Anet wants us to buy gems AND then gamble for dyes, instead of letting us buy gems and just giving us the thing we want for them.
Anyone have a note on the good PvP MMO’s coming out? Might become worthwhile to leave this mess behind. The only good thing we got was that we now get rewards for ranks, hooray.
You don’t need Ascended armor. The stat increase over Exotics is minor. So if you’ve given up on getting these, you can still play the game as normal.
This argument has been used countless times. It has been countered countless times too… so stop using it. It doesn’t change the nature of ascended armour.
Yes. Your counter is that the minor stat gain from ascended is a huge game changer. The argument is that, no, it really isn’t.
Okay, so why do we need ascended at all if they are just a tiny stat gain anyways?
You’re a little late with that argument, as it’s already there. We have it. It’s done. Non-sequitur. Try again.
No actually, this proves that ascended should not have been introduced AND should be deleted.
Wake-up call
I still think this is a viable suggestion which would help the combat become even more interesting than it is at the moment. Variety in skills is what makes players able to construct their completely unique builds and combos that noone expects, making the game more dynamic and making it a new experience every day.
I’m unsure why Devon mentions that this new tournament style will make WvW more competitive. WvW will never be truly competitive because disparity in coverage/numbers removes any form of competitiveness. By nature, WvW can never be a competitive game mode……at least not in its current form.
I am krait and want to make friendsss.
I have come to Divinity’ss Reach to make friendss and learn to ssociety. I have learned the human language.
What sshould I ssee? What is bessst in human life?
Pleasse, I need your help!
Dear scaly inhabitant of swamp.
We humans would like to welcome you this very moment, yet sadly we are busy helping a world in danger of the vicious alliance Scarlet created! Come back in approximately 3 days, 2 hours and 20 minutes. I’m sure we won’t be busy then!
Oh wait…
Zerg Wars 2. You can now found your “Zerg” by tapping ‘Z’, zergs have emblems and you can queue Zerg Missions, Zerg Bounty (World bosses!), Zerg Trek (trains!), Zerg Puzzle (living story, be confused en masse!)
That’s really what guilds do in any MMO, it is not just GW2. Raids? just a zerg with one f tank with a bunch of dps and healers for the traditional MMO. So if you don’t like zergs, maybe MMOs isn’t your genre. If you want the same type of gameplay but play solo or with a couple of friends there are dozens of RPGs with the same grind aspects and progression as any MMO out there.
Then again no one is forcing you to zerg.
I think you misunderstood. I do not think guilds in this game are zergs. I think they don’t get any attention whatsoever.
Nothing in this game revolves around skilled teamplay, everything revolves around spamming #1 skill en masse.
Guilds =/= Zergs
They made the Obsidian Sanctum Arena explicitly for duelers. Come on guys, the EBG queue is through the roof on most servers right now. It really is becoming a matter of griefing if one of the reasons the queue is so high is because of the mass amount of players detrimentally dueling in mid-map locations.
We run all our zergs with a kill on sight rule of thumb for duelers. If you guys wanna do it, go to OS. That, or go to the wonderfully unused Oasis sections of the BL maps. Nobody, not even zergs go there.
Hahaha, sorry what?
I don’t care if duelers fight on EB. Everyone is free to play the way they want. By all means try to kill the duelers, I bet they’ll take of few of “your zerglings” down with them.
They need to bring back /resign from GW1. When you’re down a player and losing 350+::30 just let us end it and get back in queue faster already.
You didn’t see TCG last matches I guess?
“TCG claimed a 501–42 victory in the first match, and cruised past the competition to win 500–34 in Forest of Niflhel.”
If they let it happen at ‘espurtz’ level then it sure as hell isn’t going to happen anywhere else. Not to mention the ddos where they just continued the game when one team was a player down. xD
But what the hell do I know. #espurtz2016
Looks like you didn’t “brake” hard enough, else you wouldn’t be stuck here with the bunch of us. :p
Jokes aside: no not a lot of new things. You might enjoy the living story, but apart from that… more skins in gem store I guess.