I think if Anet made the game you want, OP, most of the people playing the game would leave. The very stuff you see as “stuff to do”, I see as a waste of time.
It’s not the the game is bad or good. The game isn’t for everyone. It works for a whole lot of people and doesn’t work for other people.
Pretty much like every other MMO in existence.
You would stop playing if they fixed the PvE meta allowing for roles besides dps? If they made world events and bosses have a meaningful impact on the game word? If dungeons were fun and rewarding? If there was more armor skins to choose from that didn’t come from the gem store? If… give me a break
Everything in OP’s post are things that are really wrong with the game, and yet every post here is kissing anets kitten.
He didn’t ask for things like “oh I wish we had flying mounts” or “oh I wish we had open world PvP” or “oh I wish we could buy instant level 80 scrollls” etc…
Touché. I agree completely with you and OP (and others I might not have read).
Record him, send to anet. Then they should track his original account and ban that one as well.
One of the big guild leaders on FoW (Psychotic) has made a thread and posted 2 videos with clear evidence of hacking activities… what more do they possibly need?
I suppose they can’t please everybody.
Too bad you don’t like it. I find it quite amusing.
I agree that it’s quite amusing the first 3 runs, but you need like 20+ runs for a skins. Pretty boring.
Anet has been killing open world for a long time now. The living world does that perfectly yes, but also daily boss chests. Now the Champ loot. All of these remove people from zones other than the few that have the new LW or have good champ trains.
The world was their strongest asset and they have been ignoring it instead of building on it.
LOL to be honest, i’m not surprised by this anymore. It’s Anet.
Hey all, is this a viable option for making the world vs. world queues a bit less annoying: we allow people who are in queue to watch their server’s players on the map, follow around with a random character or a famous one. I think some people will even enjoy spectating without the need to go in WvW theirselves, sort of to check if it’s worth going.
As for answerring possible ‘exploit’ commentaries: this will not have any advantages for the actual WvW players, cause people in spectator’s mode cannot whisper to anyone who is in WvW. This way there’s no pointing out where the enemy is.
Also, what about letting commanders track a few players who will function as scouts for him and allow him to watch their characters if he clicks their names in the ‘scout menu’?
Just some suggestions.
I’m ready to buy an expansion.
I’m ready to keep on getting mini expansions for free!
Mini-expansions with content that either makes the original game worse or brings nothing of notice…
What’s the “end game” zone now?
There’s no end-game, how can there be an end-game zone?
So if I can find a handful of negative posts I’ve written then what would you say. Maybe mindless doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Vayne’s posts are anything but mindless. Even when he’s wrong, his arguments have substance to them. I don’t often agree with him. There are times I think he derails threads by getting into kittening contests. In those circumstances, he argues about the letter of a post, rather than looking at the spirit. I think he just likes to argue. Calling him a fanboi is just people trying to belittle his arguments to support their own — which is either a cheap tactic, or the mark of a weak or nonexistent argument.
That said, Vayne, a handful of negative posts is not all that much, given the total number of posts you’ve made.
Be that as it is, his posts may not be mindless, but he is barely ever right and drags so many things into the discussions that they are totally off-topic. So that’s why I come to the conclusion just to ignore what he says. Sure he has arguments, but the general consensus overcomes them.
Tbh, they just need to nerf the dmg on rapid fire (not on longbow in general) and decrease the range of longbow to that of any normal long range weapon (1200), like elementalist staff.
Why exactly? If you are going to call for a nerf you need to provide an argument that holds water.
I think the arguments you are looking for are in this 5-page long thread.. to name a few:
- This is the only weapon+class that has such a far range and so much damage with it: it does not encourage strategic or skillful play, instead it encourages you to stand in your tower and shoot at enemies who have no alternative than to run out of your range.
- Since no other class has this kind of range it’s poorly balanced. Counters are either speccing to counter one specific builds, or relying on high mobility to get out and in fast.
- Rapid fire is a broken skill since it does not stop firing when an enemy goes stealthed, and people who go full zerk can shoot you to death with just using that one skill.
Many more arguments all over the thread, but I think you get the gist. Range is too far which makes it unbalanced when compared with the high damage. Therefore: nerf.
Omg hahahaha. Best thread EVER.
This is an amazing guide for people who need help getting started with mesmer. Should have gotten more attention, but I guess good threads are all hidden away.
Er, so almost all of T1, 2, and 3 won’t be able to play?
50% of them can play, the other 50% should move to T6-9 to be able to play or stay in queue of T1-3, if they prefer.
Agree… please make this game mode playable and enjoyable.
I vote for 50 players per side per map. And please start giving rewards for events: instead of giving chests for killing the champions, give chests for events: defend stonemist? Get 3 chests with badges, rare items and siege.
I really want this aswell…. I just got matched with 2 thieves, 1 ranger, 1 necro and 1 mesmer against 1 war, 1 guard, 1 ele, 1 thief, 1 necro. We didn’t have any bunker and got kitten d. The enemy team just kept killing us and two of us didn’t even get to score a kill cause of this…
OR anet just needs to learn to balance teams, which obviously they are incapable at.
I really love the game, but I refuse to turn it into a job and grind hundreds of hours in PvE just to continue playing on a reasonably level field with my opponents in WvW.
If I find that I’m at a substantial disadvantage in my chosen play style and can no longer compete without grind, I’ll go play something else. I’m holding out a bit of hope that ArenaNet wants to avoid that outcome for me and other players like me.
Quoted for truth. Very nice post.
Well done, you played an average of 9 hours a half a day.
If GW1 was like chess then GW2 is like taking all the pieces and putting them in the laundry dryer.
I lol’d.
Seriously how long are we supposed to wait for something to happen
Wait? WAIT?! I think we have a slight perceptional problem here:
In my regard Anet is amazing:
- free stuff (IN bonus BAGS!)
- amazing new maps (à la skyhammer)
- adding to being ‘pure’ immaterial (-removes glory and any substantial reward-)
- makes us progress (anyone reach r70 yet)
- adds varying game modes (soon?)
- …. and so much more, while succesfully ignoring promises
Very positive balance, yes yes.
I’m terribly sorry, couldn’t resist the urge.
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
As someone who has played 6 classes on level 80 in WvW and all 8 in SPvP, thieves are extremely easy to counter. They rely on a high initial burst, deny that burst, and they have 2 choices:
- run away
- stealth and retry
A lot of classes can deny burst:
- Ele: invulnerability through mist form and potentially an arcane shield. Besides that auras (protection), some CC, dodges
- Mesmer: has stealth itself, can easily disrupt the thief and can use clones to confuse and kill it (cause it has low hp)
- Warrior: you all know he’s invincible :P
- Engineer has a ton of blocks: shield #5 & tool kit #4, not even mentioning the Elixir.
- Ranger: one of the classes I’m not adept in: should be able to keep a thief off with pet’s “Sick ’em” and a few other defensive mechanics on weapons/traps.
- Guardian can keep off most thieves due to their armour rate anyways. (a few days ago 3 thieves bursted me the same time, used a blind, healed when they could hit and finally popped a ward. Watch them bump into it cause thieves don’t have stability… xD).
- Last class is necro: huge health pool, huge damage evasion, sustained condi dmg.
I’d think everyone who dies from a thief has a l2p issue.
Finally!!!!!! Rid of BB blobs!
Alrighty, ready to go.
The idea here is that one year leads to another in a general sense, but it uses self contained stories to form the foundation. That way, they can form the framework for something bigger, while still standing strong on their own. In theory, of course. For a touch of variety, creature features (one month monster focused stories), holidays, and the oddball joke episode are thrown in the mix.
The one big potential problem is the predictability of the campaigns. If it becomes rather dull to gather together and slay the beast in about the same time frame each year, it could turn monotonous by the time we take on Bubbles. At the moment, the hypotheticals attempt to solve that with some hooks to throw in the middle of the stories, but one could also delay the battle with the Deep Sea Dragon and interject something else if it grows too predictable. That’s a conundrum for another day.
After the dragons are dead, the next few months are spent on a Reclamation, transforming the areas currently occupied by dragonspawn to mark the dawn of a new day. Meanwhile, it introduces several story threads to act as major plot points for the future. All things sailing smoothly, this should mean that the fifth anniversary of the game is poised to reinvigorate itself and introduce several new campaign themes across every corner of Tyria.
Here’s the big old block. I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for reading through the long haul.
if Berserker is nerfed it wont be the best anymore, so it deserves a stat change
Nor will anything else be “the best”. That’s the objective of the adjusting. They want to make everything equal.
Level cap RAISE?!
I want it decreased.
Has Anet ever given an explanation as to why this basic guild function has not been implemented?
My guess is that they didn’t implement it because it would show 60-80% (I don’t have numbers) of the original playerbase is inactive.
Still zero. I can’t even gather the money for the craft, let alone for the weapon. Sorry Anet, I like GW2 but this is too far a boat for me.
It’s sad, but true. There are always hackers, but at least they should get a perma ban.
Yaksvil Rock.
Or short Yaksville. Only for swag yak.
Andddddd… we reached 1000 posts. Congratulations for anti-skill people, for reacting so long that the pro-skill people could fill in 500 posts in reply!
Just because some games have even worse designers doesn’t make the rng and grind in gw2 acceptable…. It just means it’s not the worst contender. Also GW2 is aimed for a us/eu audience, the audiences who least enjoy long terrible grinds.
Name one MMORPG that has better RNG and grind?
That isn’t hard. Guild Wars 1.
OMG people are pvping in a pvp mode. NERRFFFFF
I’m in agreement with others that simply nerfing berserker gear is not the answer. I don’t agree that the change to ferocity ‘did nothing’ or is ‘useless’ though. It was simply the first step in a long list of things that needed to be done in order to balance the various available roles to make support and cc more desirable.
I think we’re starting to see some of the further changes, although I don’t think their implementations are perfect. The amount of things no longer reflect able might require a bit of tweaking, for example.
And how exactly is zerker interfering with CC?
One is a gear set. The other is a type of skill that is used to knock down or knock back or do mean stuff to a boss or enemy.
How does zerker work against CC?
I’m really sad when I see misinformed posts like this. People (like yourself) actually believe that zerker is the root of all problems in this game. However the truth is different.
A full zerker player can still CC to the best of his/her ability.
Defiant is the reason that CC is not used / not required / not viable.And you shouldn’t forget that a full zerker player can still support his team through:
boon sharing
res mechanics
healsIn fact -the only thing a zerk player will do worse as a support than a full Cleric’s is maybe less healing and less boon uptime.
Thank you, you highlight the issue wonderfully. This is precisely what some of us are talking about. Because of the way support and cc currently works, there is no reason to wear anything other than zerker gear. That’s the issue (Not the gear itself) There is no point for many people to take anyone wearing any other gear type, because it makes them less effective at dps while having no effect on whether they can adaquately support or cc. As I stated in another post, if a group was looking for a mesmer they would take the one in zerk over the one in valk because the one is zerk will do more damage while still offering the same amount of support / cc as the other (assuming exact same builds, blah blah, only diff is armor). That is the issue.
I understand that GW2 intentionally walked away from the trinity, I applauded it. I’m not asking for the trinity back. However, they did state that the game still had roles, in the form of dps, support, etc. That you could play as you pleased; however, with the current set up that’s not true. Right now (in pve) its ‘run zerk dps or gfto’ There isn’t any incentive to run any other armor set up beyond wanting to, which isn’t how it should work. Different armors should have desirability for different functionality, but we lack that with the current set up.
And how is the fact that the amount of value you bring to your party as a player is not tied to your gear an issue?
Let’s put it another way – if one mesmer is wearing zerker and one is wearing valk, considering it is harder to survive as zerker then by rule of thumb the zerker mesmer should be a better player since he’s viable as zerker.
Monk in GW1 took considerably more skill than a lot of other classes, because it was healing based and had nearly no damage to make up for it.
Running clerics in dungeons here makes you weak, because bosses here are mostly dodge or die. Clerics vs. Berserkers won’t make nearly any difference in damage reduction, because toughness makes very little difference. On the other hand the kill speed of the player in Cleric’s is reduced AND the only thing he gets is badly scaled healing power.
I daresay Cleric is more challenging than Berserker in the stack and dps meta.
Can we please sell our glory boosters to either glory or gold. I still have a few stacks from the time before SPvP became a killfest.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sirendor.1394
they are different people is it that hard to understand?
im fairly new to the game, ive never made a too easy post or anything.
im just a little disappointed that i wont get to experience nearly 50% of the new maps without the spec i basically stayed around the game to get into.im sorry i didnt mean to offend anyone im just saying how i feel.
and that is disappointed.You have to play the expansion’s content in order to unlock the expansion’s mechanics. Is that too hard to understand?
Well.. the devs misunderstood.
-> Players: “Too easy”
- Easy = not hard
- Players: “Hard = challenging!”
- Devs “Hard = timeconsuming!”
- But: timeconsuming =/= hard!
- Timeconsuming = grindy
-> Players: “Too much grind”You do know how to read right? I clearly stated hero points, and you do have to grind hero points for each and every character you want to unlock elite specs for. Masteries aside.
Grind is not “time consuming”. Grind is not “playing through the game’s content multiple times.”
Grind in the context of video games refers to the repetitious act of repeating the same singular activity over and over.
Doing 40 different hero challenges? Not grind.
Doing 40 different hero challenges on multiple characters? Not grind.
Doing the same singular hero challenge over and over? Grind.
Doing the same singular event in hopes of getting that RNG drop called Sam? Grind.
Please people, get your dictionaries out and know what the words you are using actually mean!
There there pats shoulder
In the context of a video game like GW2… making the game timeconsuming (but easy) is the same as making it grindy. The game is timeconsuming in the fact that it requires you to repeat easy actions countless times (= grindy).
I didn’t want to include all hidden premisses, thought it was clear to everyone? But yeah I wouldn’t mind doing different content each time, but repeating hero challenges PER character is obviously grindy in the sense that it’s timeconsuming, and timeconsuming in the sense that it’s grindy.
Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sirendor.1394
Okay… and what about WvW? Isn’t this totally going to break competition by locking out players who prefer not to purchase this expansion from playing new classes and/or specializing?
Seems a lot like you are forcing our hand here…
I read this
I think the game became worse.
I think GW2 was released as something with a lot of flaws, but also with a lot of potential.
Take Dynamic Events, for example. Sure, many are – boring, telling no story, with no impact in the world. But some are amazing, showing how they could be used to make a truly dynamic world rich with small stories happening all around the players.
But then ArenaNet learned that players don’t care that much about dynamic events, unless they can be used to farm (even if farming requires people to exploit the event). So instead of improving the DE design, and making more of the story-based events, ArenaNet has focused on the opposite: using shallow events with no impact on the world, borrowing mechanics from other places, and repeating the resulting DEs all over the map.
Just take a look at the invasions. The Aetherblade event is just a copy of the “drive away the Aetherblades” events we had to unlock the baloons, which is probably why minions count in a per-kill basis, while pirates are under a per-event basis. The invasions are the same event repeated in multiple maps, just like the Instigator events in Southsun were the same event repeated twice in the same map.
Imagine if the game were like that at release. Instead of the Claw of Jormag, the Shatterer and Tequatl, we would have the same generic dragon minion spawning in three places in the world, using the exact same mechanics in all the 3 places.
This is not an improvement. This is ArenaNet wasting all the potential DEs had, while using events as an easy way to make players farm.
The same could be said about all other aspects of the game. In exchange for minor features (what did the wallet really add to the game? Other than freeing some inventory slots, it’s not really that much of an improvement), we got things that are either making the game worse (champion boxes) or wasting its potential.
Once upon a time, ArenaNet boasted that they would take a hard stance against exploiters. Then they lost a lot of players, and now they are afraid to ban the exploiters, fearing they would lose more players than they can afford to throw away.
I agree, but sadly messages like yours are being ignored by ArenaNet. You have written this very orderly and logically consistent, thank you for putting it so clear and expressing what I had in mind.
I’d like to add that for me GW2 was supposed to be a neverending, ever evolving world, which threw challenges at you and asked you to act, or else the consequences for the world would be grave. Instead of using dynamic events throughout the world that would change the world, based on if they were succeeded or failed by the players, they simply threw them in as a world-filler, always the same things being required of you and no real challenge involved.
Instead they started with “Living story”, a term so abused in this case, that it’s hard to tell what it even means anymore. The story doesn’t seem to do anything at all, it doesn’t matter what the player does… the story goes on without change even if nobody fought the a) Molten Alliance b) Aetherblades c) Holographics d) More Aetherblades e) Pointkitten sses in QJ f) Scarlet…
The example I like to use for what it should have been is the currently existing Centaur Event chain in Kessex Hills. At a certain moment the centaurs start to build a bridge, the players destroy the bridge and so on. The problem is, the event isn’t hard at all. Downleveled aswell as on-level players can succeed without difficulty.
But instead, what if the event was really hard and required you to rally players all over the world, because if you didn’t… the centaurs might become a real threat and change the world forever. They raid the villages in kessex hills, destroying structures (that’s right, destroyed permanently). This could set a whole of missions in motion. Players needing to recruit NPC soldiers to help them in the battle against centaurs, big battles that mean something. If the centaurs get through they permanently change the world, eventually possibly threatening trade routes (cutting off black lion trading?) and permanently killing npcs, buildings, mobs… maybe invading the capital of Kryta, Divinity’s Reach itself? Also, skill should be a major part of this, not the mindless zerging we see now. Depending on your ability to face of enemies alone (that’s right, the reward scales with the difficulty), you earn ‘allegiance points’ and can climb into a world system, becoming a noble with your own estate, or a thief that works for a local thief guild.
Of course this is a dynamic event… but one on a HUGE scale. This is what Guild Wars 2 needed… not the silly Living Stories we get right now.
^Indeed that seems like a most reasonable explanation as well, it wouldn’t be hard to counter the ladder (and maybe the mesmer), but instead would allow for more challenging fights.
If you see a ladder appearing in front of you, and aoe thrown up against the wall to make sure nobody pushes the ladder away, you’ll need to work together with other members of your server to get the ladder down, at the cost of defeat.
Another point I’d like to add is maybe that ladders have to be built within your server’s own towers/keeps, cause if they were to be built anywhere, you could just drop one where you want, with the hope that nobody of the enemy sees you, and slip inside.
Instead, the ladder should be build on your own terrain, and transported to the enemy fortification, being pushed by 2 players. This way, the ladder wouldn’t be quite such an element of surprise, but would be visible from afar (cause it’s of course higher than the players).
Not this kitten again…
1. Even if you nerf zerk into oblivion something will always be the “meta” and people will look to utilize that.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong.
The PURPOSE for BALANCING is to make sure there ISN’T A META.
Make everything as efficient as everything else and be done with it.
The entire reason the majority of players wanted Alpine back was to go back to Pre HoT WvW while reversing course on WVW plans to make it Less " Tactivator" focused and more on player skill.
Spot on. Skill as a player and as a guild should matter in WvW.
I feel like GW2’s game mechanics are purely about quantity rather than quality of gameplay.
Ha, and here I just wrote in another thread that legendaries only reflect the amount of time you are willing to grind… quantity over quality indeed.
Just a small but important guild change:
- Show your guild announcement or message of the day in the chat every time you log in.
- I’ve encountered the problem several times that when you put a message there for your guild members, half of them never even see the guild message. Please fix this: In guild wars 1 they just showed the message in the chatbox the moment you logged in, in a different colour from the text.
which other MMOs had JPs? None
Well thank god for that. They’re horrible.
Without reading the entire third+ page of back-and-forth arguing, I’d like to chime in here and say that I love the jumping puzzles. They’re fun, and I’ve never felt more accomplished in a game than I did when I reached the top of the Mad King’s Clocktower last year. I hope they bring it back again.
Jumping puzzles are magnificent. Best part of this game aswell. Just think about all those incredible experiences. <3
Apart from that… a lot of this game is rather annoying. Dungeons are an endless repetition, after doing them 100+ times you get reaaaally bored. Dynamic events don’t have any real impact on the world and reward players badly. Champions are a zerg-fest, not an unique boss fight. WvW is a zergfest aswell, no tactics. Personal story is cliché and bland. The gear system… is rather useless; needing different armour sets for different builds? That’s just bad managing. Also ascended gear is a totally unecessary addition. Structured PvP has no progression. So overall PvP is rather disappointing. Living story has no impact and feels like filler (carrot/stick) content. Achievements are numbers without a meaning.
The lore however (that is, the racial backgrounds and world) is incredible and unique!
The combat is one of the smoothest in any game I played.
The classes, especially engineer, are unique and feel useful.
The fact you don’t need specific healers is also very nice, but it’s sad that the pure damage output is stronger than any other build.
Play the game for another 2 years, and you’ll soon change your opinion to “leveling is slow”.
It’s not like “levels” is a concept of this time and age. In my opinion, their worth has been compromised long ago. I simply do not care about seeing a number go up every few hours. Games should be a lot less about metrics, and a lot more about “playing the game”.
If you haven’t played the story missions of the game… it’s really a must. I loved playing the story of GW1 because the whole game was built around it. It made me buy GW2, but it’s not the same, because GW2 story is a lot more shallow.
I don’t get why PvP is lowest reward in the game. Come on, it’s the hardest thing there is to do, reward it properly.
So are you saying it’s Anets fault that you and 3 others are stupid enough to play DH in this meta?
Great, great submissive behaviour, mate. Anet makes some classes too weak and you are just like… “Oh well, it’s not their fault. Let’s just all only play 3 classes, that will be fun”
PvP in a nutshell.
You realise that your suggestions won’t help new players at all? If a buff is accessible to everyone, then it helps the veterans just as much as the newbies. Infact, it helps the veterans more, as they know better how to take advantage of it. So, instead, newbies are actually disadvantaged by your suggestion.
I’m all for ways to make it easier for beginners to get involved in WvW, but these suggestions are just horrible.
As many progression based players are keen on wxp abilties, what specific trees what you suggest instead?
Any kind of direct buff to combat is just never going to work. The way to get people involved in WvW is to make it easier for them to access community forums and teamspeak, beginner-friendly wvw-guilds, some decent guides/videos explaining gameplay/builds etc.
If you give a buff, you give it to everyone, which as I’ve explained, doesn’t help newbies at all.
While I understand your point i’m afraid I have to disagree, while I recognize that clearly adding any skills to the game will allow any person to buy them it’s important to keep in mind that perception and motivation are powerful factors to consider. Experienced players are already confident in there abilities whereas newer players are not. I feel that this or at least something in a similiar direct could really enable newer players to dive into WvW. At that point forward I agree it would be best to get them to log into ts and forums and such, but players will never use those resources without first being confident and feeling enabled.
How are new players going to feel enabled when they’re getting rolled over 20vs100 buy an immortal hardcore guild that can never die because they have massive buffs to downed-state?
Most of the time the organised guilds are <20 and they face 2 or 3 times their numbers of unorganised players with success. This is normal, that’s what they trained for.
guys the threads gonna have to be 4+ pages before any reds think about reading it, lets get crackin
Btw! what about combinations?
Oh wait, someone already suggested this.
Inbe4 “Git gud”, “L2p”, “Play meta”
I feel like GW2’s game mechanics are purely about quantity rather than quality of gameplay.
Ha, and here I just wrote in another thread that legendaries only reflect the amount of time you are willing to grind… quantity over quality indeed.
Legendaries really aren’t a good example. They are intended to be a time sink grind. Just like Oby and Vabbian armor were.
They aren’t a good example? Because that’s the exact same way masteries, scribing (and guild halls), PvP leagues, fractals (agony resistance) work.
Pretty sure that’s quantity over quality. And I know that the devs are not able to create enough content over time to keep people busy, but really, if people enjoy themselves they will keep playing even if there’s nothing to grind for.
And GW2 does have a lot of nice content, but there really should be more tools for the players to entertain themselves with (i.e. sandbox elements).