Depending on how the staff is held and what side of the staff is going to be hitting the enemy, I would say mistforged hero’s or the regular hero’s staff. If staves are held the same way most classes hold them, that is, the front side facing the enemy, then it would look weird imo.
… Warriors, come out and playyyyyy.
You made my day
Glad to help out! Clinks bottles with fingers
A baseball bat would be really nice, especially if it had the GW2 HoT logo burned on it.
… Warriors, come out and playyyyyy.
I don’t think wielding only a single one handed weapon (and nothing else) is part of the intended design since that would mean you can only access 3 skills. I’m certain the existence of twisting fangs and the other slot #3 skills on one handed weapons are there just to ensure you have something to use until you get an offhand weapon.
And here I thought it was going to be released when the year of the boar/pig begins! Welp, this is surprising.
Wyverne and Shirley?
Also, the most common pronunciations I have heard are “why-vern” and “wi-vern” with the second version’s first syllable similar to the word “wicked.”
If eles are getting a fifth attunement, it had better be heart or surprise.
No one ever cares for the element of surprise. At least we have heart. Maybe the ele new elite skill will allow them to summon Captain Tyria.
As an owner of Quip, I really want the pistols to be true. Spellslingers should be a thing in GW2. It would be amazing!
Yes please. I too want spellslingers in this game. Also, pistols on a caster class is rare, so why not buck trends with spellswords and give us spellslingers?
If eles are getting a fifth attunement, it had better be heart or surprise. I’m going to be so disappointed in Anet if it’s not heart or surprise.
I suspect living story S3 will be the content bridge between HoT and the next expansion after that. Looking at the current trend, which is S1 and 2 acting as a content bridge between base GW2 and HoT, it would make sense. However, it’s still too early to say for certain.
No doubt. That’s par for the course when any expansion gives new abilities. As far as faith?
Waiting to see.
While re-balancing is something to be expected, at the same time, Anet has done things differently before, so that leaves me a bit of concerned that there might not be an overall major re-balance that suddenly causes a huge amount (4+) builds to suddenly pop-up. At the current moment, it’s just too early to say what will happen as far as balance is concerned.
Male human guardian staff AA animation. That one is my favorite and I wouldn’t mind seeing that AA animation used for both male and female revenants instead of the current animation. However, I also love the blessed hammers and judgement skills of the Diablo 3 Crusader, so throwing golden energy hammers at enemies with the human male guardian staff AA animation would make my day.
How about a dye effect that’s similar to the zodiac armor/legendary greatswords’ special effects? Now that would be something worth calling legendary imo.
CC is our main forte when it comes to staff, other then blasting down group of enemies if were zerker. But i was thinking, what if we gave a few of our abilities a bit more CC to work with. We barely have the HP or defense to really keep us up a times So im thinking atleast a tad buff to our cc may help us.
I was thinking something on the lines of.
Eruption - Now cripples on pulse.
Soft CC to a skill that would otherwise be easily dodged due to the crazy ~3 second delay. That is a nice idea since eles used to have access to cripple on earth staff but was replaced with a hard CC. Still, I miss being able to apply another condition (never hurts to add it back imo).
Static Field - Now Dazes inside the radius.
That would be very overpowered. I would rather see the damage dealt on touching the edge also dealt over time to enemies inside the ring. That could create a form of pressure where enemies standing inside the ring will have to choose between getting caught in AoE while taking damage from the field or possible spending a stack of stability or using a stunbreaker to get out.
Unsteady Ground - Could possibly block projectiles.
I was thinking to myself as i notice that warriors can cripple us with a ground pound that, why couldnt we possibly cripple as well when we control the earth.
While that is nice, considering Unsteady Ground was suppose to be a shorter duration + shorter cooldown version of the guardian’s line of warding skill, I think this would make it a bit too good.
If anything, I would prefer to see the Gust skill buffed or reworked so that it would be more reliable and accurate.
Im really hoping with the new conditions and boons that there will be a reasonable fix to condition stacking on large PvE mobs encounters.
If Anet were to do something as big as removing the condition cap, they would most likely write a blog post and announce it ahead of time—which also means that, chances are, it would be almost ready or completely ready. Removing the cap is huge as it will help make conditions more popular and that’s something I think we, the playerbase will have to wait and see because no concrete release date for HoT has been revealed yet.
Inspecting or`the incurable curiosity of men`
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DanteZero.9736
Skin and dye inspection is ok, but stat inspection will cause grouping up for organized content to go downhill the moment it gets implemented.
What weapon you DONT-WANT? (Specialization)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DanteZero.9736
I wouldn’t want maces on eles now that I think about it. There isn’t a single mace skin that I like and if the specialization has some very helpful skills that get popular, I’d have to run mace in some of the more organized groups in that case.
Some guy figured out how to prevent the fancy wintersday toy weapon summoned golem from despawning, so they’re spawning them like crazy to mess with people.
Made my ele during the early head-start event. I can confirm that the AoE indicators aren’t the size of the actual AoE.
Post your reaction: No weapon for eles, but
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DanteZero.9736
My reaction: Aw come on, you guys couldn’t have named it “Heart Attunement!?” We could have had the five attunements of earth, fire, wind, water, and heart! For goodness sake Anet, did you guys stop to consider heart!?!
But on a serious note, I hope we get rifles. Or pistol/pistol. I’d like to see some sort of magic marksman type role to surprise people.
The word here to note is ‘similar’. It’s not ‘identical’ to said gw1 name, therefore it shouldn’t be changed and nothing was wrong in the first place.
So… a move that resurrects the dead but doesn’t hurt enemies is similar to a skill that shadowsteps enemies and hurts them? How is that similar again? Did you take a look at the entire topic post and click on the links?
First of all, I know that the naming of skills and traits are merely shoutouts to their GW1 variants and not all of them function exactly the way they do in GW2 as they did in GW1 (I hope that made sense).
However, something that has irked me about the name for the legendary Mallyx stance on the revenant is that, well, the Unyielding Anguish skill doesn’t do anything related to it’s GW1 variant, which in the Polygon interview, was stated to have a similar effect…
There’s just one itsy-bitsy problem though:
The skill in GW1 that had the similar effect is actually named Shadow Smash while the original Unyielding Anguish merely revived the spirits that caused environmental effects.
In other words, it was a small mistake in memory on the developer’s part. At first I was confused when I read the article because I was certain the author made a mistake. Then I saw the PoI video and, welp, I had to post this small correction request.
Another reason why I made this post: I was the target of Shadow Smash many times back then and I remembered well that the skill wasn’t named Unyielding Anguish when I was forcefully displaced.
I’m just going to assume I am jumping the gun like so many others, but I’m noticing the distinct lack of both a zerk type legend and a melee power weapon.
Ah, so you think the Revenant should have a legend that is superior to all the others in PvE, leading people to using it and nothing else?
Yay -_-
I hope we get:
- Shiro legend: focused on critical damage and mobility, used mostly with dual one handed swords. The attributes of the Shiro related trait line would be Precision and Ferocity.
- Glint legend: focused on support, used mostly with the staff. The attributes of the Glint related trait line would be Healing Power and Boon Duration.
Power would be linked to Invocation, the profession related trait line.
During the PoI, Invocation, the line that deals with stance switching for the revenant, was revealed to grant bonuses to ferocity. Only ferocity was displayed on the trait line and since the devs themselves said Invocation is the class trait line, it would mean the unlisted bonus would be something to do with the class mechanic(s) of stance switching, or energy regen, or even energy management.
As for a Shiro stance, I sure hope there is one, but I don’t think it would grant bonuses to precision and ferocity. Some of the stats left are power, condition duration, boon duration, and vitality.
IDK why people ‘coming back from a break’ are upset they can’t get the tribal armor. it was in the game very early, it’s not like it was there while you were gone.
Perhaps it’s because that armor set along with two other sets were only found in the old PvP reward chests that are now removed? Also, some players just don’t like PvP no matter how enticing the reward, so they might feel left out if there’s no other way to obtain it.
You can deposit money in a guild bank, but you can’t deposit money in your account bank.
From what they said the utility skills are locked to the legend and there will be enough legends to match with your playing style.
The reveal today kind of made it look like there are only going to be four, one for each trait path and then the fifth profession mechanic trait path. Which, is, technically the same amount of utility skills that most of the professions have. But I kind of hoped they would be getting more utility skills because of their utility swapping mechanic similar to how the ele has more weapon skills because of its weapon swapping mechanic.
That’s true, however, take note that some traits are worded a bit openly such as stating that you have to be in a “legendary demon stance” for it to take effect. As far as I’m concerned, that means there might be more than one legendary demon stance. If there’s more than one stance of a specific type, there might be more than one of each type of stance.
- Shiro Tagachi: high mobility, high burst damage, condition spreading, no defenses.
- Kilroy Stonekin: plenty of knockdowns, AoE taunts, high defenses, next to no offense.
Revenant: Designed by ANET Being Lazy? :)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DanteZero.9736
From what I understand, each legend will have their own small selection of different utility skills (7, 8, and 9) as well as a unique healing and elite associated with said legend. However, this is still being decided upon by the developers.
You can also slot and switch out legends similar to how you can slow and switchout current utility skills. The stance switching default button is F1, and there are trait lines the benefit you depending on what stance you are in. Also, the way these trait lines are worded makes it open enough that there will be multiple types of different stances. Example: One of the traits is worded like this “Using a legendary demon stance skill grants resistance for a short duration (2s).”
It was mentioned that it will happen in an update that is sooner than “we” think. I would assume that means the change will happen sometime this upcoming week as the Chinese New Year event winds down or sometime next month.
To be fair, Anet would probably announce it in some sort of blog post because removing the cap and “fixing” conditions would be a very big deal. My necro and engi would see far more playtime if it were removed.
I do hope that they have Shiro, or plan to release Shiro in the near future. I always wanted to use a player version of his Impossible Odds skill. That skill alone was what made the fight so tense. The moment he activated that stance, you had to have a stance breaker or the party would die.
For the elite skills, the names are what came to my mind:
- Jade Wail
- Jade Wind
- The Jade Wind Blows
- Wicked Winds
The player could causes a 2 second point blank AoE petrify similar to the thief’s basilisk venom. The only difference would be an insanely long cooldown and AoE effect.
Diablo 2 Paladins could throw magical hammers and create a storm of hammers. So can Crusaders in Diablo 3. Now it’s time for Revenants to do the same, nice!
This sort of info was leaked all the way back in 2013. As far as I’m concerned, the functionality has most likely changed and even if some of these skills still exist, then the numbers have certainly changed. As a precaution, I’m going to keep my excitement meter regarding specializations low until some more concrete info is released.
I wouldn’t mind having a juvenile karka, but I think that’s not going to happen. A safer bet would be a pet raptor, because they’ve been in the game since GW1 and their attack animation is based on the moa bird screech.
I wouldn’t mind having a staff skin based on the tormented spear. Personally, it’s one of the few spear skins I enjoy but I never got to use in GW1 and GW2.
Good luck to him! I can only assume that Destiny’s storytelling will vastly improve outside of reading the Grimoire.
Screenshot and report if it’s that bad.
The outfit looks incredible—except for the pauldrons. Oh my goodness those giant fan looking pieces are absolutely a deal breaker for me. If we can hide the pauldrons, I’d purchase the outfit.
About 3-4 depending on how much dragon ball mini games you can play.
Will we see missing pvp skins return in HoT?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DanteZero.9736
There are three sets of armor missing since the changes to PvP rewards:
- Stalwart armor:
- Tribal armor:
- Apostle armor:
Do you guys think we’ll see a return of these armor sets?
Please do not have Ele specialise as a healer
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DanteZero.9736
I know you are thinking it, due to the impossibility of one specialisation being enough for how varied Elementalists are. But do something like Arcane specialist, or Magma (fire and earth combined). Please, no healer.
What we really need to have is a specialization for heart. Because we already have air, water, earth, and fire. We absolutely must have heart. The fate of the planet depends on it.
On a serious note, I don’t think Anet would grant us some sort of healer specialization. It would go against their focus on preventing damage rather than healing damage.
I’m pretty sure it’s always been this way, or it’s at least been this way long enough that I don’t remember a time that it wasn’t like this. Normal dredge are immune to blind, but the big bosses (at least in SE) are not immune.
So I really am that absent minded when running dungeons then, forum-goers beware.
I was running a few dungeon rotations lately and noticed something odd about the dredge bosses in SE p3: they are not immune to blind much like the regular dredge.
Now, I’ve run SE plenty of times before—to the point where I have the entire armor/weapon collection complete and then some. I do suspect I might just be absent minded when running that path (well, non-Arah dungeons in general), but this is a big surprise for me. Are these changes new, or have they always been there?
(edited by DanteZero.9736)
I’m not a fan of free armor repairs because it feels like it reduces the impact of deaths from combat. From what I’ve experienced, free armor repair also renders repair canisters relatively useless in most situations outside of fractals and even then, it’s possible to “game” it by exiting and reentering.
Nothing prevents you destroying a couple of items whenever you die if you feel that it makes the game more fun.
I never said I found it “fun” to have repair fees, but I do feel that repair fees in some way serve the need to push players to play smarter and be far more aware of their surroundings rather than just have the “oh well, I died” mindset.
3157 hours and finally managed to get a tooth of frostfang from mystic toilet after 10 flushes with random daggers. The lucky flush happened when I used 3 daggers and 1 mystic forge stone which provided me a nice 567 gold boost. Sold it ASAP because I have a main ele and the only legendary I like is the predator.
I’m not a fan of free armor repairs because it feels like it reduces the impact of deaths from combat. From what I’ve experienced, free armor repair also renders repair canisters relatively useless in most situations outside of fractals and even then, it’s possible to “game” it by exiting and reentering.
I see IGN went with a very click-bait sounding title. It seems that they’re a little bit early on the reveal too. As for the video, I see that dinosaurs are seeing a full return (the angorodon-like creatures and what I believe to be Tyranni chasing down packs of raptors) which is really welcome. I loved facing the dinosaurs—well, except when they used twisting jaws and the one boss ele certadon had the crazy overpowered Sliver Armor.
Necromancer, they’re not as popular compared to thieves, rangers, or eles.