Make Necro Greatsword a raw damage weapon
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DanteZero.9736
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DanteZero.9736
I just hope greatsword isn’t disappointing in terms of being able to damage structures and has a full cleave attached to its auto-attack. I’m personally not a fan of running daggers on my necro because of the lack of vigor and because the d/d skills aren’t as impressive compared to the thief and ele d/d skills.
Based on the info revealed, I have a few thoughts:
(edited by DanteZero.9736)
Thinking about a new race, it wouldn’t really provide much in terms of high level play. Sure, early on you get to explore a new racial city and deal with some low level racial things, but after that, it’s all about elder dragons and the threats they pose. Personally, I am fine with no new playable race because in GW2, race doesn’t provide much of a bonus compared to other MMOs where a certain race + certain profession is expected due to racial bonuses.
As for the new maps, yeah, I am a bit disappointed that Anet isn’t adding a ton of new maps since exploring the same map(s) over and over again but in further depth through small nooks and crannies gets boring for me.
For the new specializations, I can only hope that they lead to faster balance patches for the base professions because many traits and utilities go unused in PvE and PvP (I’m skeptical that most players would take the “on downed” traits).
What is there to stop players from attempting to run low damage, long duration conditions rapidly so that other team members can effectively burst down a target with high damage, long duration conditions via condition overflow?
In my head (and please correct me if I’m wrong or seeing it from the wrong perspective), is that with condition overflow, all the possible damage dealt over time could result in massive bursts (spikes). Players could attempt to “game” the system because high damage, long duration conditions mean long ramp up times to reach their full damage potential (the total listed damage over time on the tooltips) and that means it takes more time.
This ramp up time could be circumvented by purposely having other players run low damage, long duration conditions to fill up the cap with “fluff” (my personal term on the action) and then allow the main condi damage players go to town with the now converted direct damage.
(edited by DanteZero.9736)
The current rewards are rather diverse containing minis, tonics, armor pieces (well, you’re most likely getting it for the skin), ascended accessories, and reward bags. However, I wouldn’t mind seeing more “big ticket” rewards in the bandit crest vendors.
For example, why not introduce a 250 use silverwaste shovel that costs 2k crests and maybe 25 gold? (That would be equal to 8 crests and 10 silver per shovel.) Or maybe a bee backpiece that has bee wings for 3k crests and 10 gold? Maybe a 10k crest and 25 gold mini-pact airship mail carrier?
I still want a dolphin. I see them swimming around…
Swimming around getting killed by random krait just like in the underwater fractal in higher levels??
Lately, I’ve been running around with my guardian and I’ve noticed that virtue of justice with the renewed justice trait doesn’t always refresh. How long has it been like this? I remember back in October that the trait worked properly while I was in groups running around in the Mad King’s Labyrinth so was it bugged since then or was it always like this?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume it’s a branch of the mursaat race that didn’t quite agree with with their GW1 brothers’ and sisters’ ideology and left. Now they’re back and focused on saving their (the “good” mursaat) hides while lending aid in finding the white mantle and to a degree, Lazarous the Dire, the last “evil” mursaat.
Or they could be small parts of Lazarous himself and he’s pretending to be an ally.
Has anyone experienced random at Sparkfly fen before the tequatl event? I have crashed twice in a row today and this was right at reset. What’s weird is that in the past, it was a rare occurrence, but in the past week, I’ve randomly froze about 4 times.
Ok, so I don’t know how long this has been going on, but the female human’s left leg is twisted to a very unnatural looking degree that causes bending and stretching of mesh and texture. I have uploaded a screenshot with three examples.
I’d pay money instead of gold for anise’s armor set—assuming it’s not an outfit and is the same as what Demarca suggested.
From what I understand, the condition damage modifier is getting the boost, not the base damage. So that means instead of 15% condition damage per stack in PvE, it is now 20% condition damage…
The most condition damage I will ever have is 300 from traits and I highly doubt that, with the current condition caps in place, I would ever run a full or even partial condition damage build in PvE.
To be honest, while I think it’s nice that confusion is getting a buff, I don’t think it solves the problem in that most enemies need to attack more often but with less damage. At least this way, we’d see confusion activating more often.
So before the Tuesday (Jan. 13th) update, everything was fine and the windows 8.1 UAC wouldn’t pop up when launching GW2. When I tried to download the update the moment the patch was up, of course there were server issues so I couldn’t properly update. I thought it was no problem so I opened the task manager and closed the GW2 application and all processes associated with it since I kept on getting connection errors and clicking the “x” button wouldn’t close the launcher.
That’s when the UAC started popping up. Now everytime I launch GW2, the annoying UAC window pops up asking if I want to allow GW2 to make changes. So far, I have tried a repair install and updating my graphics card drivers. As for uninstalling and reinstalling GW2, my current internet connection would mean it would take days for me to redownload all the data.
Does anyone have any advice or know what to do?
There many possibilities with how Anet could approach HoT and personally, I hope it’s free for current players but for new players, a paid expansion that is bundled with the original game. Once a game is released, the price tends to drop. When you release an expansion bundled with the core game, it at least gives a good reason to keep the price up—if only for a while.
I had a hard time telling if they were updated models (most likely) but I don’t think this is the last time we’ll see them. Perhaps they’ll be in the gemstore or in the big updates/surprise that Anet has in tow for PAX south.
you call that blurry? Try charr armor for a change…then you gonna start to appreciate the dedication and love a-net puts into female human armors…
I do have a charr necro. The amount of clipping is really bad and the floating and stretched pauldrons are what make me hide them.
wow… nitpicking much?
its blurry oh noes!!! OMFG who cares?! it is SO MINOR A DETAIL you DONT even NOTICE it!!
Woah, rage filled much? Are you speaking on the entire player base’s behalf because I’m speaking on my behalf when I posted the topic. All my responses represent my point of view, not anyone else (unless I specifically noted).
I just looked at it a bit more carefully. The skirt, in my opinion, looks blurry on female humans.
I always assumed that with so many tomes of knowledge saved up, I might as well use them on throwaway alts where I level them straight to 80, collect all the mats and rewards, finish the personal story segment for a black lion key, deposit rewards, delete, repeat until all gone.
You could also have level specific alts for opening champion bags to get level specific loot. That way, when you salvage them, you get the crafting mats of your tier. It helped me with gathering linen.
Human female. The textures look really blurry to me, so it might be just me if it looks fine for everyone else.
Is it just me, or are the textures on the heavy carapace leggings really blurry?
I am in aww of your elementalists and your party’s ability to complete this particular path in slightly less than 19 minutes.
Obviously my logic is flawed somewhere. I thought that as an elementalist, using conditions like fire, freezing, etc. would potentially benefit by using armor that, well, you know, had CONDITION DAMAGE as one of it’s stats.
However what I have is a character that is so weak on both offense and defense, that she got killed by a kittening dust mite in silverwastes.Is it to much to ask to be able to kill the simplest of mobs? Apparently so. I really do not understand what exactly people are doing running around on ele’s in Sivlerwastes, because if they are anything like me, the last thing they are doing is dps. Meanwhile I’ve blown a bunch of gold on an armor set that does absolutely kitten for survivability (I will never again use Carrion).
It is depressing and discouraging when I see other players just mowing down Mordrem mobs like they were just running around in Queensdale at level 80, yet it takes me minutes to kill something.
I’ve never considered deleting a level 80 before today.
If anyone would like to show me exactly how an elementalist can do something other than tickle their opponent, I would love to see the traits and gear.
Generally speaking, playing a condition ele isn’t really a smart idea since we are somewhat limited to only bleeding and burning. You’re better off going direct damage. Also, the reason why you’re doing so much better is because conditions take time to build up while direct damage is instant.
One more thing: You have higher critical chance and critical damage with that 6/6/2/0/0 setup. Stone splinters (earth VI) adds 10% additional damage on top of the additional 100 precision and ferocity when you have 6 points in air as opposed to the 4 points in air in your previous build. Also, Bolt to the Heart (air VI) kicks in at 33% so that also affects your damage.
I still want something like this
That’s never going to happen. As for actually useful elites, I’ve been saying this for a long time: the elites are generally useless outside of niche situations. As for actually useful elites, I’m skeptical Anet would make changes. If I remember correctly, they claimed a while back that they don’t have a dedicated balance team. Even with the recent (few months back) posting for a dedicated PvP balance dev, I don’t think many changes are going to happen soon.
Off topic: Maria Traydor’s Energy Blast (I forgot the proper name) is beyond overpowered for that game. Even though it’s her penultimate skill, her final skill with the nanobots is basically useless not to mention you need to keep enemies stunlocked or else they will move away from the beam.
I’ve gone through my first Naga 2014 bought back in January 2014 and replaced (RMA’ed it) around July-August due to the left click randomly registering as a double click and the scroll wheel registering a random direction input. Before that, I went through 4 Razer naga epics due to a variety of failures.
My warning to you if you purchase from Razer: their product quality is extremely random. The sole reason why I still bother with the naga 2014 is because it has the mechanical side buttons and are very comfortable. That being said, if you can go to a nearby store that carries both types of mice, see if you can try them out.
For the sake of completion, we need one for dragonite ore. As for how much material can be consumed, I think a limit is there because of the potential to influence certain item markets since the items can be salvaged. I wouldn’t mind seeing the consumption limit increased to a fixed amount of two stacks though. To me, one stack is too little, while three stacks seems too much so two stacks seems right.
I think that was all there is to it. To be honest, I think the Lawless pieces on their own is not as good looking as most of the other armor sets’ individual pieces—especially the lawless helmet.
If you can locate your AWSD, F, Space bar and Enter, and have the basic reading comprehension skills, you’re ready for GW2.
Sounds about right. The only entry barrier is buying the game.
With the new NPE, even Forrest Gump would make it to 80 and beyond…
Having some semblance of reflex also helps. Dodging is still important and dodging at the right moment helps out tremendously.
I don’t play norn because I don’t like the personality types typically portrayed by them: loud, boastful, and self centered at times.
Also, I don’t really like the voice actors after a large amount of time. In short bursts ranging from 10-15 minutes, it’s ok, but anything more than that starts to feel like a chore just to listen to their lines.
More than 2900, less than 3000 hours. Not a single precursor drop. Still waiting for the supposed precursor crafting update.
Copper is a husk, weak to condition damage. What people really should do is drag a few condi users down there and nuke the bananas off the copper. Also too many people will just overscale the health and that just wont do well with limited condi stacks.
While that is a sound strategy, I think the biggest problem with bringing a few condi users is that other players can inflict conditions which potentially override all the bleeding, poison, and burning that are inflicted on the husk. In turn, this causes the condi cap to max out in less than a minute and renders condi specced users out in the cold.
Something like this has been requested a while back and I think the devs listened up. Also, Colin mentioned this change in one of his posts when he talked about what to expect for 2013.
I know this may come as a shock to whoever made the Meeting the Asura mission, but believe it or not, stealth sections and (MMO)RPGs don’t mix well.
Depending on the controls and the available mechanics it might or might not work which means it depends on the game. As for the stealth mission itself, it was a very refreshing change of pace compared to the usual “kill these creatures, advance forward, kill some more” game loop that was in some of the past episode segments.
From what I read, it works with any of the rare crests so long as you have 3 of each = 1 pile of dust.
A sword or dagger that is a rolling pin, or perhaps a focus that is an oven mitt or a pastry blender. Perhaps a staff that is made from one of those giant wooden pizza paddles (the ones you stick to place and pick up pizzas from the ovens)?
I did this in a full group (5 people). My advice would be to do some (or all) of the following:
My main issue is that it’s too easy to lose the achievement qualification. If you die at any time before or during the fight, you lose it and have to start over. While starting over the fight isn’t a problem, it’s going through all the cutscenes and the large groups of enemies when defending Faolain that is really irritating.
What’s more is that the lack of any ability to reset the fight much like in Glint’s Lair makes for a frustrating episode segment. I could also go on about how there’s seemingly no tell (at least from what I’ve observed) when the little whirlwinds appear on the ground, but I think that’s meant to be part of the challenge.
I think some people are also missing out on something possibly interesting regarding the game design when playing as caithe: stealth missions. While I get that people didn’t like it, this is probably the first public implementation of a stealth based mission where NPCs have a cone of vision. That being said, I get the feeling that Anet is testing out a lot of possibly uncharted territory here.
I’m skeptical that the dagger skin would be made as a reward in-game. Given Anet’s long track record with placing NPC weapons on the gemstore, we’re probably going to have to pay 500-700 gems, with 600 being the most likely target price.
- may not be employed by ArenaNet within 12 months of acting as a Guild Wars 2 Forum Specialist
Poof, there goes my interest in the program.
I loved playing as Caithe, if only because the missions gave me the old GW1 bonus mission pack vibes where you played as various heroes from GW1 lore. Said heroes were Gwen, Turai Ossa, Saul D’lessio, and Togo. As far as I was concerned, this is merely GW2’s take on it (as in, playing another character going through parts of their backstory and additional lore).
I like the pact airship balloon, but I don’t like it as a toy since I want it to be a bit more functional. How about making it a mail carrier so that it looks like a “little” balloon with a tiny spinning motor attached to the back whizzing by as it drops off your mail?
I originally didn’t really know what I wanted out of GW2 when it was announced. I guess I was hoping for GW1 on major steroids which would basically be GW1 with:
Of course, GW2 is a completely different beast, so hoping for what would have or could have been is useless by now.
Around a year ago, or so, my real life friends, and I quit playing Gw2. Now, as life settles and we all have free time. We have decided to come back and play. After reading the well angered forums, and the not so many updates. Is it worth it? You players out there that have been playing since I’ve quit. Should I come in, or just walk past?
Ultimately, that’s for you to decide. Remember, you paid for the game, didn’t request a refund, and therefore still have your account. As such, you should go ahead and give it a shot, the second worst thing that could happen is that you will carry on after finding out that your desire to play GW2 is gone.
While some of the game’s features has changed noticeably, you might not see a vast amount of playable content that most other MMOs at this point in their lifetime might have. However, do note that this is beginning to change (2 new maps each with a map wide meta event) and I advise you and your friends to be patient.
Personally, I would prefer to have the tokens moved to the wallet if they aren’t an ingredient in MF or crafting. That being said, I hope that each new map does not add a new token/currency to it. I would rather see a specific token/currency for each map region E.G: Geodes specifically for the Magus Falls region maps(the map does look like it’s branching south) and Bandit Crests specifically for the Magumma Wastes maps—which happen to look like they’re branching north.
Another thing was that you could use the skill again to summon a new spirit even if the old one was still in play. This would result in the old being unsummoned. Not the most effective way at moving them, but still a option. This because the cooldown of the summon skill started on use, not on spirit death.
End result was that you didn’t need to blow up or pick up. You just abandoned and summoned again at the next fight.
That’s because the spirits back then had duration timers. GW2’s turrets and necro minions don’t have timers (unless it was the necro’s jagged minions). I do admit, having no duration timers on turrets and most necro minions in GW2 is really nice, but I don’t think turret repositioning should be a trade off.
Then again, turrets are just a symptom the “designed for SPVP” illness that is plaguing GW2. the cooldowns are not tuned for the run and gun nature of PVE or WVW, but rather for SPVP capture point sieges.
If the silverwaste forts were more like capture points and less “keep this airhead NPC alive!” things may have been more interesting. But as it stands it is just another NPC escort event (where he will happily run right into a ball of griffs just to rez another NPC).
You mean the lack of splitting between PvE and PvP like in GW1 which caused balance headaches for the devs but made things more enjoyable for me because the skills were, for the most part, useful and didn’t follow too closely to PvP rules (can’t say the same for other players). Of course, this took years for the patches to drop, but I think it went very well—except some of them were released after GW2’s release. Sheesh.
The point I’m trying to make is that I’d like to see some form of turret repositioning in GW2 to return. The thought of being able to reposition turrets can, in my opinion, add a lot of strategic value and any sort of buff to turrets is always welcome.
I originally assumed that 5/5 would have awarded an exotic items bag, but then I found out it was only 3 rare bags… I was very disappointed since gold and silver teragriffs required more coordination than the other champions and are typically the last champs to go down and three rare bags just didn’t seem that alluring to aim for 5/5.
Of course, thinking about it now, it could crash the exotics market, probably cause the precursor market to plummet, and cause the t6/t5 crafting mats market to skyrocket.
That sounds pretty nice. After taking a break, the inflation has caught me quite by surprise.
Yeah, the inflation is a bit on the crazy side ever since the first Queen’s Pavillion which eventually led to Scarlet’s Invasions. Then prices have begun to seemingly rocket upwards as the value of gold continues to lower.
So recently, while running around in silverwastes on my engineer, I decided to try, once again, to run a turret focused build to see how things went. It didn’t go too well mostly because GW2’s combat is highly focused on mobility and being able to avoid damage completely by moving is a big deal.
That being said, even when traited, my turrets didn’t help too much. This made me think about how my GW1 ritualist’s spirit build was conceptually similar: placing immobile turrets with effects and attacks. However, the one thought that I kept going back to involved my ritualist using skills to reposition them—in other words, a sort-of semi mobility (can’t think of a better description).
I remember a long time ago that engineers were said to be mechanically similar to the ritualist in the form of turrets. However, the ritualist spirits back then could be repositioned one at a time in all game modes (draw spirit) or all at once in PvE only (summon spirits). Just being able to reposition the ritualist spirits at long range made running spirits very worthwhile due to the long cooldowns of most spirits. Basically, it allowed stationary turrets to become mobile on command.
This made me wonder, could turrets become more useful (AI and bugs aside) if they could be repositioned at range? After all, to run a full turret build, you have to sacrifice stunbreakers, kits, and every other utility skill type. With such a big drawback, shouldn’t running turrets mean you could make them mobile—at least reposition to your location like summon spirits/draw spirits once did?
I saw a sylvari Engineer named Kabloomium which made me chuckle. I also, saw a pet drake named Nathan Drake.
Are you suggesting that once you have a level 80, of any profession and race, you get some sort of advantage for every other character, including those of different professions, races, or personal stories?
Do you mean, for instance, that you play your Level 80 Mesmer, but the benefits (XP) go to your Level 10 Engineer and your Level 31 Thief? All of them? One designated one? Does that apply to karma and other attainments?
I’m curious about what you have in mind with this suggestion, so thanks for the details.
Perhaps an account “mentor” system where you can select one max level character as the “mentor” and another sub-max level character as the “student.” The mentor’s experience is then passed to the student until then student reaches max level (or some other limitation of the devs’ choice).
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