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Top 3 unskilled professions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I’d strongly oppose any label that implies that thieves are ‘easy’ to play. They’re deceptively fragile and require constant environmental awareness and excellent reflexes to play effectively.

Well Read achievement: Anyone got it?

in Lore

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Don’t forget to read the books strewn about the Durmand Priory library in Divinity’s Reach. Maybe they count as well!

Don't be one of *those* roleplayers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Was this on Piken Square in Kessex Hills, by chance? I saw something very similar play out today and all I’ll say is that some of my fellow role-players make me cringe. We’ve got a living, breathing world to interact with and yet there’s still countless role-players who would rather sit around in an inn eyeing up passing females than actually participate in events a stone’s throw away.

There is no real way to be 'invisible' or anonymous

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Even the best of friends and most intimate of lovers find it healthy to have some time away from each other now and then. Not everyone is a social butterfly, thankfully – especially in a day and age where the amount of views or ‘friends’ a particular person has on an online profile defines how ‘popular’ or ‘great’ they are.

Piken Square roleplayers in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


The amount of misinformation is pretty cringe-worthy, considering Piken Square has been dominating WvW for quite some time in our group.

I sincerely hope developers arent considering this.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


It all boils down to compromise, really. The ‘hardcore’ crowd wouldn’t be so vocal if it wasn’t for the ‘casual’ crowd demanding that they have access to everything the game has to offer. What’s wrong with the odd dungeon or zone out of many that offers an extreme challenge and offers a sense of accomplishment for those who manage to complete it? It’s an age old argument.

Gathering tool question

in Crafting

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


We actually could sell them, not so long ago. I believe it was changed since you can purchase them from both vendors and karma vendors, with the latter being a somewhat awkward but ‘profitable’ way to make some easy copper.

Voice talent generally not so… talented?

in Audio

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I’ve found the voice acting to be pretty decent. It’s not perfect, but it’s far from the worst I’ve seen in a game.

The coolest class with the lamest graphic

in Mesmer

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I don’t mind too much, though giving each class some different colours to choose from for their abilities wouldn’t go amiss.

Vote. Does guild wars 2 forum moderators encourage community involvement?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


We all agreed to the terms of service when we purchased the game and made our accounts. I do think that moderation has gotten harsher over recent years on pretty much every major site, though. Probably partly due to shifting laws and regulations.

Generally speaking, though, petition threads seem to be unwelcome on pretty much every forum I post on. You need only look at Facebook to see how they can rapidly become annoying – ‘like dis if u think x shud get a medal111’.

If you're grinding Karma, why bother with Orr at all?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I love Orr, though it’s frustrating how many dynamic events are left untouched for hours on end. Not many players have an interest in doing pretty much any of the underwater events, or so it seems. I’d love to do them myself, but I’ve seen people just laugh and ignore me when I’ve asked around for some help with them. Increasing the karma rewards given in Orr would make it all the more tempting for players to band together for such things. It makes sense, considering Orr is a group zone.

Vanilla (and the lack thereof...)

in Crafting

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I suspect it’s intended, considering vanilla is used in one of the most sought after chef items in the game. I think people need to get out of the mentality that just because a crafting ingredient is ‘low level’ it should be abundant.

Rather than complain, make the most of it considering it’s one of the few ways to make a reliable profit at the moment.

Kiting vs. well uh... Not Kiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


It’s not as easy as people make it out to be, considering it relies heavily on situational awareness which…well, isn’t the typical MMO player’s strong point. I can do it, some of my friends can do it…but others I’ve seen are completely awful at it and show no signs of improving.

Have you gotten an Exotic drop yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Well, I’ve gotten a few to drop even without stacking magic find. Maybe I just got lucky, but nothing that dropped was anything I could use and I simply ended up salvaging it for runes and ectoplasm.

Anybody else miss "punishing" games?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Not really, no. I enjoy a challenge, though I do not enjoy losing progress due to other players making it their intention to screw over their peers. That’s not competition or rivalry, that’s just people being jerks for the sake of it.

There was an MMO I played a while back that led people to lose a piece of their equipment, a portion of their total experience and their backpack of supplies each time they died unless they invested in an expensive amulet that prevented losses. The main flaw in this system? Players made it their mission to trap and kill other players through unsavoury and illegal means.

Reached 80 Started an Alt but just got bored of it...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I only had to read the title of the thread and the first sentence to get the gist of it. You rushed to reach level 80 and are now burned out on the game. There’s plenty to do, though no MMO exists to entertain someone 24/7.

Base Health Differences Aren't Fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I agree to an extent. I’m sure Arena Net have a reason for it, though it definitely seems like it needs to be adjusted. As it stands, some classes can easily get away with not investing in any vitality whilst others are almost forced to do so if they wish to survive – especially in dungeons when unavoidable splash damage is a real possibility.

I know it exists for the sake of class balance, though since every class has the ability to be very formidable on the battlefield, it’s flawed logic.

(edited by Garenthal.1480)

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Apparently a human can only be ‘gritty’ when they look like a homeless person, according to some.


I for one find it very refreshing that I can actually make a human that looks both rugged and sexy.

A Roleplayer's Questions On Lore (Spoilers Involved)

in Lore

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I feel that GW2 suffers from the same issue that WoW did when it comes to technology, namely that a lot of strange and unusual devices are explained away under the excuse of being <insert race here> technology and yet don’t seem to be used as effectively as they should or could.

The setting seems to shift from being fantasy to steam-punk and back again for the sake of plot convenience. For example, if we’ve now got access to airships…why aren’t we creating a fleet to go to Cantha and Elona?

Seasonal Events~

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


It’d be great if we could see a MMO make some unique seasonal events instead of copy and pasting a lot of of the stuff going on in the real world but with a few slight twists.

Am I too old for gaming?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Keep in mind that the game is rated T.
That means the stories must be aimed at people at that age.

Not necessarily. There’s plenty of games out there that touch on mature themes and intricate plot points without stretching the rating too much. There’s a lot of stuff in GW2 that could be considered pretty dark, though a lot of it is unfortunately not used to the extent it could be. I’d point to the likes of Vagrant Story, which had a number of pretty dark story elements throughout it.

So I wouldn’t say that the OP is too old for gaming, it’s just that most companies seem to insist on playing it safe and therefore offer heroic, generic or ‘funny’ plot points instead of embracing the more mature aspects as much as they could. Just look at how the target audience lapped up Tybalt. He’s tolerable, but there’s more fleshed out characters who fall under the radar because they’re not ‘funny’.

(edited by Garenthal.1480)

What happened to my server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I’d agree that there’s little incentive to run dungeons at the moment. Some of the gear offered as a reward is nice, though what about those of us who are currently happy with the gear we can obtain much more easily? The game has a lot to offer, though I think it will benefit more from offering more ‘fun’ stuff along the same lines of keg brawling.

I’d also like to see more way of obtaining town clothes and miniatures. Just because there’s a gem store and trading post it doesn’t mean that everything should be obtained there.

What happened to my server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I’d say it’s a combination of many different factors. To name but a few:

- A lot of people have rushed through content and ended up getting bored due to the flawed mentality of ignoring the journey to a particular destination.

- The game is currently infested with a great many bots, to the point where the economy is genuinely being ruined.

- A lack of communication between Arena Net and players regarding what exactly is planned for the future. Patch notes need to be released before a particular fix so we have plenty of warning as to what to expect when we next log on.

Yahtzee reviews Guild Wars 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


The best reviewers are those who stick to a genre they like and are knowledgeable about, whilst avoiding bias in the process. There’s far too many self-proclaimed reviewers with legions of rabid fans following their every word even when they show that they’re not even all that interested in reviewing a particular genre/game.

There’s far too many reviewers who see fit to review anything and everything, sadly for the sake of the money and income that comes with hefty subscription numbers on sites like Youtube.

Black Lion Mining Pick & tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


It’s been brought up quite often over the last month and I’ve yet to see an official response or acknowledgement. It’s likely a bug, though either way the item description is very misleading.

Yahtzee reviews Guild Wars 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


It’s easier to take people seriously when they don’t fake an accent. I’m British myself and we tend to define that accent as someone feigning being ‘posh’. Aside from that, if someone hasn’t actually gotten to the meat of a game they really shouldn’t be doing a review at all.

Alas, the days of in-depth reviews and research appears to be over in favour of everyone spewing out their thoughts about things they’re not familiar with.

The dialogue... oh lord, the dialogue...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I’ll admit, he was entertaining at first. Then I realised I was stuck with him for pretty much every Order of Whispers mission, which automatically gave them a much more light-hearted theme than I would have liked.

But this is the problem with the whole game, isn’t it? It tries to present this really epique!~~ tone, but then undercuts itself constantly with cartoonish buffoonish characters and plot elements. I mean…Star Wars quote jokes? Seriously? Not just one, but three in gradual succession? From the Order of Whispers plot character? There’s nothing WRONG with Star Wars quote jokes, inherently, but GW2 doesn’t seem to divide clearly between the moments when it’s taking itself seriously and the moments when it isn’t.

Again, the comparison to Secret World is apt: almost every character in TSW is funny, but it’s with a very dark, dry wit that the character is sometimes unaware of himself (look up Andy’s Kingsmouth monologues if you need an example). It’s not the banana peel slipping that seems to pervade Guild Wars. It’s not that it’s -bad,- as such, but it’s -childish,- and the game hasn’t set itself up to get away with being childish. If you wanna be childish and doofy, embrace it, the way Warcraft has (uh, mostly). Don’t pretend you’re some big involved plot one moment and then have exaggerated characters saying “Aren’t you a little short for a pirate?” the next.

Yeah, I guess. It’s just bitterly disappointing since I ended up leaving WoW because it relied so heavily on silly pop culture references. Arena Net promised they wouldn’t go down that route, though they have even if they try to brush it off as subtle. When I read through the game’s lore and played GW1 I found it to be pretty dark, yet GW2’s insistence on a PG approach is pretty irritating at times.

Then again, I’m a role-player so I tend to try and invest in a particular setting as much as I can. I guess immersion is an afterthought even in a game that prides itself on it.

There’s some pretty good stuff to be found, it’s just a shame it isn’t used more.

(edited by Garenthal.1480)

Bots in Guild Wars 2 [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Arena Net promised to take a harsh stance on cheating in this game. I’m hoping they’ll live up to their words, though I’ll admit it’s getting frustrating to see the problem so swiftly getting out of hand.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Honest question, why do bots bother people so much? I mean obviously they should be banned, but I don’t see why there’s so much anger about them. Are they killing everything in the area before you can, do they stop you from playing the game somehow? What’s the major issue?

They’re an infestation, as the title states. From what I’ve heard, a good number of the accounts were obtained illegally through hacking for sinister purposes. They’re also contributing to ruining the economy by driving prices down to ridiculous levels, making it even harder to make a profit on a great many items.

Furthermore, it leads certain enemies to be killed as soon as they appear, which makes portions of the game world awkward to traverse. It’s also unsightly and can ruin immersion when players suddenly teleport around or lay naked for hours in a location after being killed over and over again by strong enemies.

It’s a glaring issue that needs to be addressed and swiftly, both to deal justice and restore faith in the systems put in place. I realise Arena Net are working hard, though if need be they should consider hiring someone to actively monitor the situation and ban those caught engaging in such behaviour.

ArenaNet, don't listen to every negative post in the forums.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Well said. I agree. Constructive feedback is good, though a lot of it…isn’t or surrounds requests to change core game features. Hopefully Arena Net stick to what they’ve set out before them and appease those of us who do enjoy the game!

We really Need Something to get addicted in this game! (ANET)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


There’s plenty of players who have yet to see everything. A new content patch would be nice, especially since we were told monthly content patches would be on the table. With that said, however, it’s not the developer’s duty to keep us occupied 24/7 hours a day. It’s your choice to burn through content rather than taking your time to appreciate it.

Your thoughts about Orr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Aside from the bugs which have now been fixed as far as I’m aware, I love Orr. It’s exactly how I envisioned it to be after following the personal story and learning more and more about the Risen. I’m also glad the developers have the balls to make such a lore heavy location look and feel as threatening as it should be.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Perhaps it’s time people stopped blaming everything but themselves for the choices they make in this game. If you want to fully complete something, then be prepared to put effort into it and even do things you dislike. WvW is a combinations of both PvP and PvE so I’m not sure why people get the flawed idea that it should be separate from achievements bound to exploration.

As for the transfer thing? That’s a risk you take when you’re not prepared to settle down in one place.

Adventuring in Gendarran

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Part of the issue may be due to the initial launch excitement having settled down somewhat. A lot of people have also likely gotten bored or just burned themselves out on the game due to investing too much time into it.

Certain zones are also almost always ‘dead’ no matter the time of day, though. I can’t speak for every server but things do tend to be quiet in parts of the game world. As for the bots? They’re irritating, but all we can do is report them. Hopefully they’ll be dealt with soon in order to ensure people don’t start leaving because of that.

Guild Wars 2 is fun.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I’m still enjoying GW2 immensely. It’s a solid game and I suspect it’ll thrive for quite some time. There’s a few features it could do with adding, though I’ll patiently await content patches.

I suspect some people are just burned out after playing excessively.

End Story Loot. (spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


…no one is asking for ‘free loot’. Considering the length, time, emotional investment and effort that a player puts into the personal story then it’s really not unfair to want something more meaningful as a reward. Something that lasts and shows that we’ve been on a journey and completed it.

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Anything that fits the typical naming conventions of the playable races.

Risen Grubs disabled? Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Perhaps a better compromise would be to ensure that enemies that spawn additional combatants can only do it a certain number of times before their minions cease dropping loot?

End Story Loot. (spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I wouldn’t consider myself as having a strong sense of entitlement, though I’m going to agree with what other posters have said regarding the reward surrounding the personal story. There’s currently nothing that really lasts and spawns pride for the journey and obstacles that we’ve faced. A few random generic rewards that are more likely than not going to be sold to a vendor or salvaged just doesn’t cut it.

I’m not even going to ask for better gear. What I’d like is something that acts as a memento – be it a title or a choice between a handful of unique weapon and armour skins that can be kept and applied as we see fit.

On a side note, as an avid role-player it would be very much appreciated with the lower ranking titles within the likes of the three ‘main’ factions were made available after certain story steps. Please take a leaf out of other MMO’s in this regard, especially since there seems to be an abundance of ‘silly’ titles and yet very few ‘immersive’ ones.

Why Charr Have the Best Story *1-30 Spoilers*

in Personal Story

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


For me, the worst part of the Human and Norn stories is that the main characters just feel like total do-gooder wusses. There is no “renegade” sort of route. Even if you choose something like Street Rat and Ferocious, you’re some happy pleasant do-gooder. It just feels bad.

I remember this one Norn story where I actually listened to a guy threaten to kill me that had killed a bunch of people in some cave, and then told him some sappy heroic do-gooder line about how I wasn’t going to kill him or some nonsense.

I just really miss traditional RPG story telling where you can actually have that “bad a__” (p.s. someone wanna tell me why ‘bad’ + a 3 letter word for donkey is censored?) kind of feel to a character if you want to go that route, rather than being locked into a total do-gooder no matter what you choose. It just feels like even if there are 3 options, right now all they really do is say something a different way without any real effect.

Charr is a LITTLE bit better about that. It’s never about being a hero or a good guy, it’s about doing your duty.

‘Duty’ is something that should apply heavily to humans as well, though for some strange reason the charr have shifted from being one thing to something completely different and thus humans are shoved into the boring trope of being the eternal victims who love Queen Jennah.

(edited by Garenthal.1480)

Runes of Holding way, way too pricey

in Crafting

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Yeah, the price is pretty ridiculous considering the bags themselves don’t even make a profit. I get the feeling that the crafting professions are more designed around people making stuff for themselves instead of being able to make a profit – which is not working out very well.

By the time I’ve gone out and acquired the materials needed to craft something exotic, the price usually shifts to be increasingly lower as time goes on.

Puzzle Griefing in WvWvW ruins the Game experience.

in WvW

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


…people are really complaining about this? Have they even looked at the jumping puzzle? It’s pretty obvious that it’s intended to be a challenge based around PvP combat considering you can use environmental traps, siege weaponry and your own abilities to eliminate the enemy.

Stop whining and stop asking for something many of us enjoy to be removed to sate your own selfish desires. I’m so sick of hearing about so called ‘casual’ players being able to do something when all it takes is a bit of asking around in map chat and people will usually come and aid you.

I’m far from a PvP orientated player myself, by the way. I just enjoy a challenge and have the common sense to play tactically to get what I want out of this game. In addition, nothing is forcing you to get a particular point of interest or reward right this instant. If it’s contested, wait until things calm down or gather up some like-minded individuals and work for your reward.

(edited by Garenthal.1480)

Can we get some more realistic top end weapon skins?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Also, the whole “gravity THEREFORE…” thing is a load of tosh. Yes, some rules of the real world are replicated in a fantasy setting. It doesn’t therefore follow that the rest of them apply.

No, it isn’t tosh, and I never said anything about “the rest of them”. I specifically mentioned gravity (since it patently is in the game) and linked that to momentum & mass. I’m not an expert physicist, but I think you’ll find it very hard to rationally disconnect those three. Then again, you chuck in terms like tosh & appease, so it doesn’t strike me that you particularly want to be rational. Nice of you to allow that we might have our choice, though.

Hardly. He brought up a pretty good point, you’re the one resorting to passive aggressive attacks on people who agree with your core request but disagree with your flawed insistence on relying on real world laws that are only partially applicable in a fantasy/steampunk setting.

If you dislike the genre, that’s fine – though I’m not sure what you’re trying to achieve beyond a misguided sense of superiority for being ‘gritty’ and ‘realistic’. It’s a genre best taken with a pinch of salt.

Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:

in Personal Story

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Did people honestly expect the personal story to revolve entirely around their characters, though? I certainly didn’t, nor would I want to have my character turn out to be one of a handful of special snowflake saviours of Tyria.

There’s the illusion of choice, but ultimately everyone is going to end up at the same destination regarding their personal story. That’s my biggest pet peeve, since even without factoring in Trahearne I’d much rather spend my time getting to know and then work alongside a handful of NPC’s and then continue to work alongside them.

I’d say one of the greater flaws with the personal story right now is that it’s not nearly as unique and ‘character centric’ as it advertises. I’m not sure why the personal story didn’t just paint our characters as being part of our respective racial societies/orders and then the Pact itself instead of shoehorning everyone’s character into the role of second in command.

I mean, let’s be honest here…this is an MMO. Such plot points work much better in a single player game.

(edited by Garenthal.1480)

Can we get some more realistic top end weapon skins?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


We take damage & even die when we fall. That suggests that gravity works the same way as the real world. If gravity works the same way, then mass & momentum are the same, and those are the main influences over the way you design & use weapons. That’s even true of firearms, to a degree.

…and yet the technology in Tyria is far more advanced than what we see in the real world and magic exists as well, which in itself leaves plenty of room for explaining how people can swing around the larger and bulkier weaponry with apparent ease.

As I said, I don’t disagree with your request. I just think more people need to acknowledge that fantasy/steampunk settings aren’t going to follow the laws of realism as we know them. Nor should they.

Can we get some more realistic top end weapon skins?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Whilst I wouldn’t mind seeing more ‘realistic’ weaponry, bear in mind that ‘realism’ is subjective to the setting. The laws in Tyria are not necessarily the same as the laws in the real world when it comes to physics and biology.

Charr storylines are a little stifling

in Personal Story

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I’m having the exact same issue with the human personal story. My character is forced to agree with and fawn over Jennah at every turn, despite a lot of the lore surrounding political intrigue. Why can my character not sympathise with Minister Caudecus? He’s of Ascalonian heritage too, so being able to doubt (but not oppose) the peace treaty instead of claiming it to be the best thing ever would be brilliant.

A lot of racial depth is ignored in favour of forcing our characters down the path of tolerance and acceptance.

Problems with Charr Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


It’s a bit silly that the charr are willing to undergo a huge cultural and behavioural shift in the space of 250 years and yet humanity is expected to roll over and forget about most of their problems, though.

Achievement(s) for collecting dyes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I agree. There’s already a title associated with collecting a certain number of miniatures, so for those of us who enjoy having a ‘complete’ character, it’d allow us to have another perk to doing it!

Arah rushing ? authorised or not ??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I do hope that Arena Net live up to their earlier promise of punishing those who exploit the game to the fullest extent possible. I took my time exploring the game world and found the journey to be incredibly captivating. I still haven’t even seen every zone yet!

Though I’m reluctant to enter dungeons. I want some of the gear pieces that are available from the various tokens earned within, though I feel indirectly punished for being a honest player when I see people in full dungeon attire (some of whom even brag about cheating to get it).