Showing Posts For Magnus Steelgrave.6580:

Can we try not to die?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

After much thought and previously supporting the idea for an HC mode I’m not a big supporter… BUT I do really like the idea of expanding the survivor title or making a title that begins at character creation and doesn’t reset after death and have various tiers for titles for it.. just my 2 cents.

Survey: Want Ascended Armors & Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

I’m fine with it under the circumstances that it doesn’t cost me laurels, badges, shards, commendations, dungeon tokens, fractall bullkitten, or any other account bound thing they can throw at me… anything that isn’t straight gold for it can gtfo

Is the BLTC down or is it just me?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Generally I’ve found with tp issues if just restarting the client doesn’t work then resetting the router generally does, 99% of my issues with the tp come up when I’m also having DNS errors outside of the game.

UFO over Divinity's Reach

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580


I went to grab a similar picture.. noticed you already had it :/ haha

Get a good look at the future weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Sooooo … rifle is a hand cannon? All I can think of is MEGAMAN!!! LOL
(Or Samus Aran)
Defiantly not complete :P

It would be blue if it were megaman… this is OBVIOUSLY protoman’s hand cannon

Does Anet play the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

I used to see anet people really frequently (almost daily at world events) on FA… but the last like… 3-4 months I have barely seen them at all.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Poobadoo hammer… long hammer with poobadoo head that licks things when you crit

What is with the freakin' CC in this game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

While I don’t think they’d ever do much about it I fully agree.. It doesn’t make mobs that already can’t deal damage beyond my perma health regen and high defense on my warrior any more challenging it just obstructs me from running to where I want to run to for a couple minutes and makes me swear a few times as I hobble along.. shake it off and then immediately get cripped or pulled again… The plus side.. all these dragon coffers dropping have given me a reason to stop skipping these easy mobs since it takes 1 100b to just rip through them.

Gw2 played by cat...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

That’s adorable… But on the last picture I’m pretty sure the cute kitty there is wondering why it sat there through 3 pictures and you still haven’t picked up your tp profits

Whys mystic forge disabled?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

because people were forging mini holo knights for exotic minis and making the market tank

market manipulation through patches

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Let me preface this with saying I bought 2 stacks of crystalline dust to finish my gifts of fortune a couple weeks ago when the dust was at 34s.. but …Seriously? Welcome to the world of guild wars… patches dramatically change things and it will always be like that and has always been like that since even before gw2. If you’re new to the whole guild wars franchise I can understand why this is frustrating, but anyone that has been around for a while should have seen this coming, there was no way they were going to let one of the most used t6 materials stay at 40s… they did the same thing when they needed to balance out ectos with all those additional rare drops and as an added bonus this whole thing is helping to stabilize the ecto price as well since that had been getting a little abnormally low. And they were able to do it in less than an hour.. kudos to your efficiency anet.

(sits and patiently waits for them to target charged lodestone prices next)

(edited by Magnus Steelgrave.6580)

Exotic Mini Pet Price Drop

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Forged 30 rares? You converted 20.000 gems (500 gems for 3 minis, need 120 green minis for 30 rares. Actually, multiply this by 5 since the succesrate is 20%, so 100k gems) worth of minis and then you “understood what was happening”? Ehhhh… No? Too bad you didn’t get any exotics in this purely harmless undertaking, eh?

…or they could have just bought the 30 rare minis off the tp for like 40g when they were 1.3g and skipped the gemstore entirely.

Ectos and piles of crystalline dust

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

i still hate how much they dropped, i can’t believe it, lol..

ectos are already falling again.

ectos are already falling because of how many 15s rares there are on the tp and the fact that there are hundreds of settler’s exotics that are on the tp around 50s too.. But really as everyone else said this NEEDED to be done, dust was used for far too many things in addition to making legendaries for it to have been at 40s

I'm boycotting the gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

umm.. I’m not sure now cause I’m at work.. but when I left the risen mini thats combined with those 3 was like 4g… hardly anything to be worried over

Rich dragon coffers clarification pls

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

It’s insane you pay money for the chance to roll a dice, really !
Why do we let this slide as if it’s the most normal thing in the world ?

Hmm…but it is the most normal thing in the world…all kinds of lotteries, poker and casino sites…you pay money up front, and you either win or lose

LOL that’s gambling for the idiots that actually believe in that crap.
I used to do the books for a casino trust me the house always wins LOL

I’m talking about the following:

you go in to buy a pair of sneakers or jeans, you pick it up go to the teller to pay and they tell to you I’m sorry sir, you can’t just buy what you like directly ! you have to pay for a chance to roll a dice and win a coupon which you can redeem for the item you like

Now doesn’t that sound absolutely bullocks ??
same thing with these kitten coffers, I will pay for a ticket with real money but NOT for a chance at one, I have never gambled in real life and I refuse to do so in-game !

Gambling is for the IQ impaired that actually think they have a big chance of winning !
of course they have no idea about the insurmountable odds against them.

And when someone does hit the jackpot we think it is a common occurrence, that a lot of people hit the jackpot everyday, when in reality only a very hard controlled low percentage is allowed this joy in order to keep the money bleeders paying and playing till they exhaust all their monetary resources.

They aren’t anywhere offering you the item directly aside from your ticket… now if they asked you to roll the dice then that would be an issue…

This is like going to the store and seeing a set of 10 items… 9 of which you have zero interest in and could get out of a quarter little toy vending machine… the other 1 is something you really desire with an advertised VERY LOW chance of getting them via buying this particular “sale” box… You’re right… no one in their right mind would do this for an ordenary pair of pants or something… but for a premium or status item like a big 3d tv or for the sake of this argument some say… $1000 Designer pants (yes they do exist and much beyond this price too).. there are people who will be more than willing to roll the dice for something that is exclusive in this way and something that not your average person would own.

And just because someone likes to gamble doesn’t make them IQ impaired (say someone wants to buy some boxes just for the fun of opening them)… gambling WITH the purpose of winning big makes someone IQ impaired… The thing is unless you are offered something directly, no matter how much you pay for the chance at it you’re never guaranteed to get it… And as for the house always winning… my dad always told me when I was young, A fool and his money are easily parted…. that’s all they’re doing, it’s not their fault people are extremely foolish with their money.

Colored chat / Item link abuse

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

There’s a reason my map chat tab is called “Stupid Main,” and there is also a reason why my current tab is 99% of the time on filtered whispers/party chat only.

Once I started seeing coloured guild recruiting on main I groaned.

I’m not sure why more people haven’t organized them like this as well.. My main is guild/party/whisper… no need for me to see what people are saying in town or on a map unless its a real slow guild day.

Anyone else feel that the RNG is not random?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

I SWEAR it feels like some people have better chances for certain things than others.. like I was forging exotic shortbows the other day to make a lover and I had 10 different kinds of shortbows in my inventory i was mixing up in the forge… I got the same NAMED shortbow 4/5 forges… (i did about 50 forges and ended up with 7 of them in total)

Time grind and you! un alt friendly systems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Well.. the thing is… Anet promotes a casual gaming experience… they don’t expect nor do they encourage people to have 8 level 80s at this point… they want people to take a more casual approach to the game as to extend the games life… So they want to make sure you have to put in ample time on an alt to make sure you keep logging in if you want each alt to be spec’d to the max… (right clicks tinfoil hat, clicks equip)

Rich dragon coffers clarification pls

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Its sounding to me from the link on gw2s front page that the rich coffer will have a garunteed ticket and the regular coffer will act as the previous rng boxes had.

regular coffer: rare chance
rich coffer: chance…..

(I read it somewhere (Anet post), but lets say just look for upcoming patch and people reaction)

Yeah you’re right, I just went back and re-read that… though I’m still under the impression that the regular coffer will act as the normal rng boxes we have been getting and I’m sure the rich coffer (I’m gonna assume THIS is the one that will be put in the gem store) will have a much better rate of ticket acquisition… even if that rate is just 5%

Suggestion: Introduce Ecto -> T6 Exchange

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Mystic Clovers.

Mystic Clovers are pointless after you get the amount you need for the legendary. If only players could exchange those for something else or downgrade them to some materials it would be an effective way of introducing T6 materials.


Even assuming Mystic Clovers are a loss, once Ectos become cheap enough, and t6 mats become expensive enough, the Mystic Clover recipe will become profitable (if it isn’t already)

I had already started considering this a couple weeks ago… I’m figuring ecto ~15s and average t6 mat minus bone and venom is around 30s… that’ll be around the time to start crafting.

Improvements to Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

I, too, am an achievement wh*re lol! Almost every other game (even Steam) allows you to view others achievements so you can compare yourself to others.

They have leaderboards specifically for this… I don’t feel that people need to be rooting around any deeper in what achievements I do and don’t have beyond my total points. (though it’s not remotely impressive anyway hahahahaha)

Rich dragon coffers clarification pls

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Its sounding to me from the link on gw2s front page that the rich coffer will have a garunteed ticket and the regular coffer will act as the previous rng boxes had.

Colored chat / Item link abuse

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Seconded… I see people throw a kitten fit in map chat about this quite frequently now and have no idea why… so the text is another color… big deal.

I am not one that throws a fit, but happily put those on ignore/report. It is not the colour, but spam in any colour is annoying.

No complainta about reporting spammers here regardless of text color as it needs to be done, I’m talking about the people that casually chat in random colors

More cosmetic mounts = get my $$$$.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Umm…. No thanks. People already clogg up my screen. I don’t need more clutter.

Also, if you have such a big mount, you can block npcs (like the bltc trader)

I would rather they stick with the more simple “mounts” like the broom stick and tunneler.

But.. but… if I had my dragonite mount I would be flying so high you wouldn’t see me anyway

Mystic Forging 4 Legendaries=End of Tyria?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

You can’t put legendaries in the forge. It does not show up as an option and you cannot drag them in.

The only legendaries you can put in are Sunrise and Twilight – combining both gives you Eternity.

/case closed

Why is this still open?

Because apparently the rest of them don’t hate fun like you do.

Colored chat / Item link abuse

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

[ who ] [ cares ]

[ that’s ] [ fun ]

[ what’s ] [ wrong ] [ with ] [ some ] [ fancy ] [ chat ] [ tricks ] [ ? ]

Seconded… I see people throw a kitten fit in map chat about this quite frequently now and have no idea why… so the text is another color… big deal.

What new weapons do you want from expansions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

2 handed chaos axe plz.

What would you do with 50,000 gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Already have my bank unlocked, 9 total character slots so i have one for each class and an extra, have all my bag slots on 5 of my 8 characters… I’d probably end up just saving em.. There’s always bound to be more stuff added that I’m going to want… and that should at least take care of 1 or 2 weapon tickets at some point… if im lucky

August is approaching...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

You guys are all so optimistic. We’ll get 20% off of Black Lion Chest Keys. Sale Ending Soon!

“50% off gem store purchases for 24 hours beginning when you eat this coupon enclosed.”

BLTC blank screen

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Have you tried closing and restarting gw2? I get that same bug among others with it and all are generally solved that way.

Dragon bash and beyond questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

More than likely once others are implemented…
Possibly but something tells me it’s doubtful.

Dragon Ball Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

I’ll pit my Galic Gun against your Kamehameha any day.


Colin, I realize this is all in good fun, I get that. But when was the decision made to turn Guild Wars into a cartoony, theme-park game that appeals to either very casual, or very young players?

Honest question. :/

I’m 26, I grew up watching DBZ when i was real young even. It’s been around forever, not just the youth would enjoy these references

Things I would GLADLY pay Gems for

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Anything that allowed me to loot items automatically as I ran past definitely qualifies for ‘go ahead, take my money’ status. Anyone who does a lot of WvW will open their wallet without thinking twice for such an item.

i do alot of wvw and ive started leaving loot on the ground until quite some time after the battle, im guessing ive lost a bit doing this as i wouldnt want to be disturbed when trying to fight, i would 100% rip my debit card out of my wallet and buy this

That’s funny, a fellow guildie and I were discussing something like this earlier, I would be all for buying something to loot for me .

The new armor and weapon skins

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

PS If your goal was to increase Karka shell prices it has backfired spectacularly. As soon as people saw what the new items were like shell prices dropped by about 60%.

Yep, that’s why I was saying earlier, the skins shouldn’t cost any money, just karka shells, start thinning those out

High prices on Axe?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

People also buy them to transmute skins to other characters on their account because they wont soulbind on transmutation

The new armor and weapon skins

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

We’re aware that people want new armor skins. I want new ones as well, and we’re working on things. Armor skins are much more time/resource consuming and difficult as opposed to weapons.

Yet, we have all these useless town clothes and kitten hats you keep cranking out.

Okay, I laughed really hard at that picture in your original post. Like really hard. I was wondering when I would see a picture of that.

There are certain pieces of gear that are easier tan others. Hats and gloves are generally easier than a full suit of matching gear, since a full suit requires it for 3 different weight classes (light, medium, heavy). Fun hats and one-off gloves don’t require near as much resources.

That’s fine and I understand that part of it… but why make them so expensive when the skin isn’t rare and the stat combo is marginally good at best? It should have been a straight trade for karka shells or AT LEAST have let us forge/salvage them.

The new armor and weapon skins

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

I wouldn’t even have a problem with them being those generic skins if they would just be a straight trade off shells for item instead of making me also pay just as much as i would have to if i wanted to buy a rare or exotic off the tp… at least if i could just trade shells for them i could get rid of my shells and forge a bunch of stuff.

needs to lower gold to gems exchange rate

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

I do find the gem exchange ridiculous though. I’ve been purposely using level 78-79 armor just so I don’t have to pay the exorbitant costs of transmutation crystals.

That’s actually a really good idea for alts, thanks haha

Crafting Guide Question

in Crafting

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

I generally use… But I wanted to know if there was a website that had something like a spreadsheet with the total amount of materials I need for ALL of the crafting classes combined into one.. I would rather avoid having to go through each guide beforehand and write out each type of material i need so i can add each together if possible… The ordering process for all those is already so tedious haha

Guild missions story driven and guild halls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Well, to be fair, with a name like Guild Wars, I came in expecting more importance on guilds. I do think more options should be open to smaller guilds though, such as my own.

You can always align yourself with another couple larger guilds then invite members of those guilds over as a “bounty” tier of members with no access to anything but that can come over and do guild stuff with you guys to help with your numbers issues, there are a lot of people that are generally more than willing to come help with stuff like that because they will have missed when their guild has done it or may not be able to make it to their guild’s weekly whatever and wanna get their reward real quick.

I understand that’s not an ideal solution, but it’s a very viable one that I’ve seen work personally with the guilds I’m in.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

yea…im just leveling alts now, but i might stop playing cause end game is terrible, crafting is awful, don’t want to waste time leveling to 80.

If you just stick to one character and not waste gold and time on alts you are gonna get much better and enjoy the game more… get on your warrior… take a few hours over the course of a couple days and learn to dodge which is arguably the most important mechanic for any class in a dungeon.. esp a melee warrior.. don’t worry about crafting cause unless you need a legendary crafting is virtually worthless unless you wanna quick craft an alt to 80 as you can buy whatever youwant on the tp or get a guildie to craft it…. just practice.. sitting on the forums kittening won’t get you better at the game… however practice will.

Why no /inspect ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

/inspect option would be just like interviewing for a big company and having your boss physically look over all the tags on your clothing (your armor) and thumbing through everything in your briefcase and wallet (build) to decide if you’re worthy of working with them rather than them evaluating by your actual skill and experience at the job. Wouldn’t you feel like your privacy was invaded a bit? And honestly… is there anyone that really wants to play with a person who acts like this? Really?

but in the game, the gear you wear is an essential part of how well you will perform, right (how about you try wearing all white items and go to a dungeon to feel what im saying)? irl, your clothes are just worn to cover your naked body.

Not really… just cause someone is pvt not zerk doesn’t make them less effective all the time … I also know a lot of people I would rather play with in rares than a random in exotics just cause I know how skilled they are… its not all about gear… the worst player in the world could slap on some zerk gear and look like everyone else til you get down to the real action

(edited by Magnus Steelgrave.6580)

Mathiesin Guild Wars 2 Review

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Awful conclusions derived about almost every class by what is quite obviously a lack of personal experience physically playing them… complains its too hard to find armor in the auction house even though its pretty easy to just type in the armor name… says dynamic events aren’t the definition of dynamic even though they are because they come and go from the real world they aren’t constantly 100% of the time spawned making it “dynamic” …yes tedious and at times boring but it IS dynamic. And ranting about LFG even though the game is called GUILD wars (im in a mid sized guild and never have an issue finding help with something i need to get done)… all horribly opinionated rather than giving the perspective of both sides you only give the negative… you honestly couldn’t have expected this to go well could you? At least I got a good chuckle out of it thinking the whole thing was a joke rant til I saw this in more than one place..

Why no /inspect ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

/inspect option would be just like interviewing for a big company and having your boss physically look over all the tags on your clothing (your armor) and thumbing through everything in your briefcase and wallet (build) to decide if you’re worthy of working with them rather than them evaluating by your actual skill and experience at the job. Wouldn’t you feel like your privacy was invaded a bit? And honestly… is there anyone that really wants to play with a person who acts like this? Really?

Guild missions story driven and guild halls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

IDC if I have to kitten out each and every one of my characters on the corners of lions arch and pay a stack of merits and 100k influence for a guild hall… I would do that and more…

Mini Reef Riders

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Everything limited time with no expected re release will go up after its not available… now as extremely common and awful looking as they are there is no tellling when after the event they’ll go up.. but eventually they will

More cosmetic mounts = get my $$$$.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

wtb Dragonite mount w/ hyper beam… 10k gems please.

New Consortium Harvesting Sickle animation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Very happy with the new animation… you’ve now convinced me to in the next few days buy 3 of these bad boys to go along with my mining picks… great job guys

T6 mats going all up

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

They aren’t going any higher then they have been before.. this is just response to farming nerf on that “exploited” broken quest in orr

What GW1 feature would you bring to GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Heroes but only for dungeons and IMO the most important part of the game that’s missing is quite obviously the guild hall… it is guild wars afterall…