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Anniversary Sales (What do you want?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Lyssa outfit 25% discount. Sentinal outfit 25% discount.

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Best Way to Make Gold? (August 2016)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Do not gamble with Shadow Abyss Dye

market collapsed

that’s cuz they released shadow dye in the gemstore and on sale to boot… so folks are buying it up like crazy.

Not only that, it’s 4th birthday reward. Same happened last year with Electro blue dye, went from 1000g to much less (at birthday launch 3rd).

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Input on 8/23 Roll-back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Costs me 200 hard wood log, option to finish daily ap and get 2 gold (needed only one more), the progress that the wood gave me to make The Device (Astrlaria I) was nulified (had to craft again), options to do fractals that day (aprox 15-20 gold gain) was gone (server to long down)

So aprox 25g lost.

The way the rollback was executed i think was the best (lesser of multiple evils), but giving everyone 2g (much less then most ppl would have gotten in those two hours), what’s the problem with that? It would be symbolic, replace daily reward 2g, give players a small sense of satisfaction that that day was not wasted.

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did they lower asce box drop rate from t4?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

my drops rates first 4 months after HoT came out was massively bad (0 ascended, much more before, almost 1 a week). Starting then till now i steadely have gotten aprox 5 ascended chests (can be a little more).

Pure rng it seems. In the bad period i suspected lowered drop rates too, but this last weeks, prove otherwise.

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Help I'm stuck in a PvP Match!

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

While i’m not stuck in queue, i’m refreshing this thread, as my friend and at least 9 more people are stuck in pvp. There’s also said, there’s more full pvp maps (of people) stuck, so this issue seems to affect quite a lot of people. Unstuck them Anet

Dofty.9814 is the name of friend who is stuck.

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We will have to roll back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Game is not down, i played 4 hours now.

As Gaile said, if you get error message, let the game do it’s restart attempt (the automatic thingy) close the game, and restart it. This took me aprox 5 attempts. After that i got in and no issue’s anymore.

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Rollback details

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Pro Tip: If you’ve been sitting at the log-in screen, you may continue to get the “Can’t log in” message even though the game is accessible. Close the game completely and start over. Success!
See you in the game!

After rollback game dont work at all

Keep trying mate (make sure that after the message when the game auto restarts, to again close game and again restart). This way of working took me 5 attempts, then got into the game. AFter the I relogged to a few characters without problem.

Anet, you made some mistakes lately, but the way you handled this problem is not one of them. You acted fast (only 2-3 hour ‘game progress lost’ – more would have been a disaster to solve, for customer support etc). You took the right decision. Yes rollbacks are not easy, nor do they make players happy (me either). But still respect for doing it, as it was absolutely the lesser of two evils. And Kudo’s to the team following bugs, on forums, noticing them very fast, then probably have a meeting, to then quickly decide this decision, and then also execute it (some ppl probably worked extra hours). And Mike O’brien communicated well and open (something we don’t always see). I wanna see more decisions like this Anet in future! It’s these decisions that make the game better on long term (obviously not short term, but I think people can live with that).

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

We will have to roll back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

@ Artalion the Sale was flickering red from monday 6pm EU time (sale ends soon, wich means 24 hours left). It ends right after patch. Trade post already had it removing during the playtime after patch.

According to Mike O’brien purchases made in cash shop will not be rolled back, so if you purchased them you should still have them.

So tip for everyone, if it says SALE ENDS SOON (even without timer) it means 24h left, 6pm EU (+1 gmt) time aprox this ends (5-8 hours earlier on day for america, depending where you live). So buy fast, don’t doubt to long.

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sPvP Season 5 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

So SoloQ-people will be forever stuck in Amber or Emerald, except the few SoloQ gods? Even if you get more reward per match for getting stuck, i rather not play pvp at all, then get stuck in Emerald.

More prestige? So more toxicity? More braggin fail rights? With so few (capable) people doing Gw2 tournements? Twice I was at an inch of legend title. Maybe i don’t deserve it, maybe i do. A lot of people got it by an inch (not much better then me huh). They permanently, have a title that they can brag with, permanently have ‘prestige’ that i can never ever get again, if Grouch new theme sets in. What point for me is there to play pvp then? I’m a good soloQ player, (i win most duels, i win not overzerged teamfights, i loose almost all Foefire mid fights – except when necro was top meta, cause i love necro, and my instincs cooperate very well with that profession in a teamfight), but atm, it’s all TeamQ (most of time big one) versus no TeamQ or small teamQ (2 linked ppl). When i TeamQ (duoQ) enemy is 90% of time a 5-teamQ… I get those enemies 5 times in row. Sorry Anet but matchmaking just gave the teamspeak/knowing each other, using builds that coincide with another, abusing team a free win streak. Yes they are better in the sense of winning, but imo not in personal skill. The balance of builds, teamspeak, and knowing one another = free advantage, that barely takes extra skill. The amount of times, against a TeamQ that i win duels (even against professions that hard counter me), and get their cap piont is huge. The problem is then they zerg everything and there’s no comeback, cause ppl run in 1 by 1 to the enemy zerg, to get slaughtered again, solo decapping doenst make up, especially if you are slower then thief (or maybe druid).

The worst thing they can do, (but only thing they can do, to keep people interested in pvp) is to lock reward behind ranked pvp again, wich is true sadness. The worst combo ever.

Another mistake (i know many will disagree): Letting foefire be chosen 70% of time, and reveng of capricorn 0 times in Ranked, hurts player/build/comp diversity. Foefire is massively easy to zerg. And TeamQ+pvp = huge ‘zerg’ advantage, but very low, duel (roaming-) advantage. Guess wich play type foefire support? Zerging. Guess what game type Temple of storm and khylo support? Not zerging, and roaming wisely, or +1’ing wisely. Look at my wins/losses in game Anet, it’s prove, that Foefire gives advantage to teamQ. An advantage that nobody shoudl deserve. If they deserve prestige as you say, they should be able to win, even in skyhammer (yes i said it – and yes it’s not my favorite map).

the 100th mistake of pvp devs is coming in Season 5. The word change will be abused to give people false hope of it getting better. Been there, Done that.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

We will have to roll back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Hmm i farmed 200 hard wood logs for legendary, guess i’l gotta refarm those spirit wood planks require for Astralaria I.

And if rollback doens succeed within 2 hour 13 min, European people will have lost all ability to do daily stuff (home instance farm, Converter use, mawdrey, daily ap (2g)), while not a disaster, this feels a bit of let down.

Wouldn’t feel bad that everyone who’s affected by rollback (or maybe everyone), gets a compensation (like at least 2g, wich = what almost everyone gets by doing the daily).

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Scrappers are the true problem of sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Can some people explain to me how some engies feel like godmode against you? I mean i played engie a lot of time (even when it was stronger), and it was not capable of this, i watched a lot of engie player on twitch (like jebro, but also ESL players), and nothing they did suggest the amount of power (defense and offense) i saw today in engie.

A few things: They often run away (hands are in ‘afk modus, no skills cast), feet are just walking. My mind says, ok apart from procs nothing should happen now, suddenly the engie had 5k more health (nothing to suggest an animatin). He was alone. Where does this come from? He did this several times. After this ’proc’ happened he used real heals (with cast animations etc).

How do engie’s with 2 gyro’s, insta cleanse bursts of 6 conditions? I know of the one skill that turns them to boons i think, but wouldn’t the undermine the rest of the skills? Like the reflect gyro all people use.

Random blocks (no animation, or aoe supporting to show they are blocking). No hands up, no hammer in air (ham 4 skill), no F skill reflect (that dome thingy), no aegis. They still block, why?

This is just an honest question, i tried the meta builds and a few variations, and I don’t find any combo’s that seem to pull off what most EU engies are doing at the moment.

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The new Swamp [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I yesterday had one crazy good team (compared to most pugs), smoothest run ever, (though still not without problems and not with no ‘almost death’ situations for several ppl. So with some bad luck that run could still easely have been massively ruined.

Then today i joined 3 pug teams. All try 2 times, fail two times, ragequit two times except me and one other guy. Did we play absolutely horrible? no, we easely have quelled Mai trinn 100. But the finesse wasn’t there, and neither the luck. Getting almost dodge bar back to be stunned 0,5 sec before it fills is just ouch. Getting more poison then usual (dunno why) + all the stuns of the world (oakheart champ + boss) is ouch. Somehow the whole room was filled with poison blooms while all the other time it only filled the outer edge. This randomness seriously kills the fun of this fractal.

And then it hit me why i dislike this fractal: no comeback possible no matter what. One lousy mistake or fatal combo of bad luck rng (unvoidable deaths traps), and boom you cannot finish fractal. If at the point of the over the top massive poison bloom trigger (the bigger then usual one) + double champ (boss + summon) at the point, some ppl get downed, by a ‘death trap’ (next to unavoidable death), then it’s game over! no heroism, no nothing, you fail, you loose. Guess what I had SEVERAL comebacks on vale guardian and that even got the kill! 4 people downed, revived in crazy aoe, healed up just enough, then reload all druids heals and get everyone topped of for a normal rotation again. One mistake in that situation and definitely death, but persistance, and heroism got us true. This is possible in most fractals too, but not at all in bloomhunger. It’s a labyrint and take the wrong turn, and you loose, you cannot step back to take again the correct turn.

I know lots of ppl will disagree with me but meh. Other fractals are FUN while being pug, some are still challenging (maybe not for the elite who only plays fractals, but hey not everyone has/uses meta comps). I’m adjusting my builds as much as possible, even have 3 ascended sets now. the new agony resistance nerf, makes most of my sets not viable for 75+ fractals with is a pain.

Ty for taking the fun out of fractal+pugging combination (the most done fractal combo to my opinion).

Fun fact, I just joined a new guild cause old one to casual (no raid, no dungeon, no fractal). Guess what: They do way more raids then fractal. Nobody answered to do Bloomhunger 77! and plenty people should be capable to do it.

I wonder why that would be ArenaneT? Why people don’t do 77 bloomhunger while being actually capable level to do it?

HINT: fun factor.

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"Golden" title not awarded

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

My friend with recent account bought gems and set them to gold (280 gold). He then immediately got the title. Not sure if this helps, but I thought I’d post it.

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Updated fractals are horrible

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

If you have guild that is older then 1 year with much veteran guildies who play fractal/raids: then new fractal updates are good. If you have teamspeak they are adorable updates.

If you have noone of these (a to casual guild, a to new guild, a to (insert something like pvp) focused guild, then it’s crazy hard. LFG fractal t4 (for lvl 77, 88) can now officially be removed. It’s completely pointless.

To prove my point: All the lfg’s i joined that were already guild premades that ‘lacked one or two person’ peace of cake to finish.

All lfg I joined with low ap points, low mastery counts, wrong meta professions (like to much thiefs, they are garbage in fractals unless mastered), no guild together, not enough agony resistance, or noone of this but still not ‘up there’ for Bloomhunger, they all failed crazy hard. And not even normally hard, they failed over the top hard (4 hour bloomhunger still fail, etc).

Anet killed the pugability of fractals. t3 and below are crap drops. So they don’t exist to me. T4+ is good, but now almost unpuggable. Requiring the utmost (almost a la teamspeak) communication in Bloomhunger, is plain stupid. Teamspeak is for Ranked, Wvw, Raids, etc, not fractals (a substitute of dungeons).

I mean when i succeed them with a good guild I feel very good. When I all evening search for team, and only find fail teams, i feel utterly bad.

Did anet succeed in making it more fun? Yes for 5% of player, no for 95% of players (this would be utopia, but by making bloomhunger not raid level, but say mai trinn lvl 100 lvl, it would be ‘fun’ for aprox 30-40% of players, still a much better decision).

Did they make it harder? Oh boy yes! Did they make some tedious fractals shorter? Not really, the lfg set-up time more then tripled, you forgot that factor anet.

Do the fights feel more epic? Yes on new frac, (but tedious imo sub-bosses), ok on Snowblind (some mechanics i like less, like how to lit fire), superiorly bad on Bloomhunger. There’s nothing epic on that fight. The boss just plainly feels overpowered. Not of gw2’s realm. He feels like a cheater, not a strong entity that you fight with all endurance you got. He’s simply stronger then you, and it feels mostly luck can save you at times. Sure if you know mechanics you survive say aprox 80% of time. But those 20% are still stinking like hell, and seem fixed by ‘guild teamspeak calls: save me i’m down, ress me fast’, something pugging cannot fix. So basically the boss is to overpowered for non ‘veteran guild’ formed parties. There is simply no way at 77+ even with correct build, to do him easely. Especially with the current most played profession in fractal land (Thief, warrior Dh, rev), most of them really not good in bloomhunger, unless specced incredible specific wich most ppl don’t do.

For me knowing all the requirements (gear, traits ,skills weapon choice, rotation), skill behavior) is not the issue. The issue is other ppl in lfg don’t have this. And my only fix is joining a ‘elite’ guild. Rising dusk like ppl keep forgetting and forgetting in how luxury spot they are with such a crazy good (still not died after all those downwards guild activity periods) guild.

And there lies the issue of ppl pretending here that OP has no reason to talk or complain. They got a luxury guild position. That is my opinion.

For instance, my friend is in a 10/10 guild for raids, about 1/20 days of the month he asks me to fill a spot for fractals. The run goes like a breeze and i get compliments on being a very good pug. All the other 19 days? Few lucky guild groups +1, rest is absolutely the Fractal maximum horror.

I’d say they should start making a solo Version off fractals that is much harder then any fractal now. Get all those elite boys in there and let ‘making a party’ for fractals again be a fun operation, and not a nightmare.

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[Gift of Battle] What to know

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Good guide.

A few tips: Soloing a supply camp raises quite a lot of participation (i’s say 120% of the earlier bars wich is a lot).

Sentry is quite good. Monuments surprisingly good, and very easy. Killing players also works pretty well.

I didnt play wvw all to much but got 2 gifts of battle already! And I got bloodstone fen reward track completed (means i’ve could have gotten a third). I got 25000 badges of honour felt a bit bad at first, but it makes me like wvw more again and play it more this implementatino of anet.

My recommendation: Do wvw daily ap each time you can. It’s the fastest way to do it. If you are still ‘slowly farming gold’ for legendary, you will get de gift of battle before you get the gold if you do the easy wvw dailies (camps, sentry, dolyak, master of monument).

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Crafting HOPE

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Collection IV takes a while, especially if the events are not up (a few Orr events that sometimes need camping the spot). 54/54 collection size. Took me 2 days and few hours (purely focussing on that, nothing else). If i do my daily things, i’d say 4-6 days.

The others are faster, but have ‘craft’ stops as I call them. If you don’t have the mats or money, or ascended material time gate, you will have to wait to craft the items to get further. 5 deldrimor here, few Damask there, mithril pistol frame there etc.

My recommendation is to have the pre-items for ascended mats (like lump of mithrilium is pre-mateterial of Deldrimor steel ingot). The finished ones are not so much issue but the pre-items are (timegates). Makes 5 of each and aprox 15-25 for deldrimor (the lump thus). If not done, it might make the legendary take longer.

+ ofc the ‘farm the money’ time gate if that’s a thing. Amalgated gemstones getting cheaper, and relative easy to farm in HoT map meta’s.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Nodes on L80 maps

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Another problem is ‘salvage all blue/green’ option. More ppl not use that, wich means more Mithril income. But for instance, salvaging a Greatsword (green) 1,98 silver npc price, usually gives less back (1-2 mithril, being 1 silver), selling to npc is wiser, but people will now use the ‘easy’ option, salvage all.

Mithril is also quite packed on the crater in new map, wich probably also means influx.

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The new Swamp [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Maybe I just had crap pugs, that that is also worth a discussion: why kill the pugability from fractals in first place?

Also I wanna see vid of everyone doing successfull run from start to finish (including failed runs). I’m pretty sure EVERYONE died once to an aoe they could not dodge because:

1) aoe to big, couldnt walk out
2) out of dodge
3) out of swiftness, and boss charges to fast to you
4) poison fields spawning in such a spammy way around you (bad luck, rng) that you can avoid all of them, and take to much damage from them
5) bugged whisps, taking your finaly succesful going run still away.

Afterthought: I just switched from necro to druid all gear. Maybe i shouldn’t. Necro is clearly most overpowered profession for this fractal. Torment scepter nr 3 crazy good, sticking condies like butter on them, compared to other profs much harder. Epidemic the trash away. Charge from golem to break bar from far away. Blood magic, leeching, transfusion. Combine that together, and necro is 10x as good as say, a guardian for this fractal. And no necro isn’t in pve overpowered imo. This boss was just badly balanced around skills of revenent, dragon hunter, and to lesser extend warrior, mesmer. It’s all ranged who played the meta. Engie, ranger, thief to some extend, necro, ele.

Also melee is litteraly suicide there, i’d say 40-60% of my parties where mostly melee tryhards still (denying still it’s to hard). For instance revenent really has overal bad ranged weapon (dps), so they not welcome in bloomhunger runs?

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The new Swamp [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Ok there we go then. A RAID BOSS yes raid boss, Vale guardian is easier then Bloomhunger. There I said it.

Stepping stone? My kitten . Not true in any sense. The dev who made it absolutely did not play it himself (nor did he often play other fractals) cause there is no correlation in feel, execution, whatsoever with any old fractals, including mai trin. If this is the future of fractals, ouch! Secondly ’don’t worry other fracs won’t be changed? Snowblind was also made a lot more annoying. Luckely is more doable then bloomhunger, but they share the same ‘annoying facto’. Situations that are so overpowered that you are helpless no matter what, unless you hit that 0,01% like bilbo had to destroy the Ring from Sauron. If we fail in VG we know why. IF I fail in Mai trin I know why. If i die in Bloomhunger I sometimes know why. Most of times, there’s no correlation wich a opssible wrong action, and the outcome. This means, if i did any other action, it would not have fixed the failure. (Unless perhaps switching to perma dodge thief, but that cannot be the goal of fractals, forcing ppl to limited amount of fractals). I changed my trais 8×. I now have a build with that i feel (druid) is close enough to the way bloomhunger works. There’s still situations that this build cannot fix, and it has more dodges then classes like necro, engie. Snowblind has this same random kitten now with aoe, knockdowns and frostbite (if they hit you at same time you are poop, playing well won’t change that, unless longbow ranger standing in corner of room away from boss and hoping he doenst come to you. That being said, being a very good player, and having very good player in party, usually improves the chance to still beat him, SO much on snowblind that it’s partially forgiven (the annoyance factor still is there, the mechanic is not that fun rather then annoying. There’s way to fix that. Mai trin is pure genius. Yes it’s annoying, but so rewarding if you play it well. Sure Bloomhunger isn’t out long, but I play gw2 long enough (and bloomhunger 4 hour, yes 4 hours in total already), to know he’s overtuned, and not even a little bit.

Breakbar is overtuned (to much stun required), hp is overtuned (with so much hard mechanics, a high hp bar is the worst way to make it harder. Bug is a devil. Whisps not working at crucial time is suicide by devs. Poison aoe simply is to big, and to hard to wipe out fast unless everyone is power longbow ranger. I can go on and on, but Bloomhunger is wrong in every way. Except perhaps the walk him from X whisp to another, including adds who support him strongly. Makes for interesting mechanic. However the numbers supporting the skillset of bloomhunger is the most crazy dev input i’ve seen. His skills respawn to fast (though this perhaps is not the biggest issue). His skills are to big aoe. His charge is good, but some other skills are just meh. The random confusion you get (instability?) makes the frac even harder then it already should be. It’s just trolling on an already hard situation (aka force ppl to take cleanse spamming). Another issue: if you dont have swiftnes or mobility you can’t really do you thing in this fractal. This is a big balance issue. The small poison aoe’s the he spams is ok and not ok. IF that where his strongest attack, sure np, keep it good balanced. Same goes for most of his abilities. But with all the things grouped together, it’s simply to strong. This guy stole the skill ‘Impossible Odds from sHiro’ Shaved the cooldown 10x, Added 7 skills with also that level of ‘legendary impact’, and now comes together as one Boss. Not 1 but 7 Impossible odd like skills, that hugely impact the battle. To much. Not even Raid bosses are this bad. Now that I think of it: Gorseval is ALSO easier. Yes easy to die, but if you know what to do, big chance for succes. Eeasy to know and see moments to dodgE. His room wide aoe killing = predictable after a while, counterable, and mechanic wise good implemented. Bloomhunger is the opposite. Worst implementation in mmo-scape i’ve seen.

My dream punishment for the lead dev: he is forced to pug with ppl who only own the game for 1 month, and he must succeed Bloomhunger 10 in a day at lvl 77+. My brain says he will fail (and he should know every mechanic very well). That doesn’t correspond with community tuned instance, but more like a dev experiment. Failed experiment if i may say so.

PS there bug where the whisps (that if not place wiped the party) do not work, is the worst bug in the world. You first invent a world breakign hard boss, to then BUG ppl who are an inch away from succes. Unintended or not, shipping like this, kill the love for gw2 in me.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

The new Swamp [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Chaos is ok, thoug unlucky situations can mean an automatic death no matter how good you play (bar players with shadow step maybe).

Bloomhunger is a huge fail imo. Mathematical sense is nowhere to be found in this fractal.

Hint: Lvl 100 Mai trinn is 100000x more fun and doable then lvl 77 Bloomhunger. Bloomhunger is insanity.

PS stop mixing raid devs and fractal devs. They got nothing to do with each other, and Bloomhunger 100% certainly has raid dev influence.

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Merchandise Ideas - Open (even if the survey is closed)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Simple: Next expansion = Collector’s edition again, with on CD all songs that don’t belong to jeremy soule. Statue of Caithe (or another main character), some photo’s of special moments in gw2, and a poster. I’d buy that. More so, it would feel right and very nice. Not so much a business decision but making fans happy.

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The Amulet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Yeah. Yet another change that Anet did not think through. I would rather have the laurels. And where do you get enrichment infusions? They aren’t in the Laurel Merchant in WvW

All pve merchants have them, wvw has no discount (+ badges of honour) mode for them, i guess hence they are forgotten in npc list.

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Tempest in Raids after the patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Nothing changed, but maybe thiefs finally have a chance of getting into raids (dps diff is smaller now, and dps spike of ele is now more situational (big hit box, longer cooldown on Meteor shower (33% cd reduction now 20%)), + lava font nerf. D/Wh stays in dps, but was very close already to thiefs. I’m curious if thiefs will get raid spots now.

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So... now what with +16 AR infusions? [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Another question: I now lost 7 agony resistance, (i use +7 infusions, and +10 and 2x +11 to get the old +150 infused).

It feels ultra over the top expensive, to compensate for the loss of +7 amulet infusion; Please tell me how to compensate for it (and don’t tell me the matrix thingy, that litteraly is super expensive).

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[Request] Please lower LI for Legendary Armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

The only thing stopping you from getting LIs however, is yourself.

Says the guy in one of the next two luxury spots:

Joined raid guild before Vale guardian launch. Had all LI up till now cause of perfect preperation. Never gets kicked cause 60+ LI

Or 450+ member guild with enough people, that are ‘hardened’ enough for raids, to organize and succeed one. Not everyone has this luxury. Guilds like this, usually play very few wvw/pvp. No guild is perfect for all following aspects: Guild mission, pvp, pve, dungeons ,fractals, wvw, raid, world bosses, living story, etc. The 450+ guilds that do raids usually lack in pvp, wvw and living story. (I know it from own experience, i researched many guilds CAUSE OF THIS HUGE ’can’t join raid’-problem).

Join a small guild, or a pvp (represent guild) or wvw, or a dungeon/fractal focussed guild, and then talk to me about raids. Next to impossible to join.

The only thing stopping you from getting LIs however, is yourself.

Let’s proof you wrong. I do the only thing possible: I join a Lfg after hours and hours of trying that doenst kick me for having 11 LI. 2 people fail 8 vale guardians in a row to stand on green spot in time. I don’t fail ever. The group gets frustrated and disbands. ‘The only thing stopping you from getting LI, is yourself’… right heh? I did my job for VG and still the boss failed + LI failed.

To many people in luxury positions here. I would like Anet to temporary disband all guilds and making a guild. Then see how hardened these LI defenders are to purely LFG form groups. They would epic fail hard. And again this proofs the problem. Good guild = lucky. Wrong guild = bad luck. Most good guilds are closed now for recruitment (to much raiders already), etc. Or have a lot of drama (i don’t game for drama). The guilds closest to perfect i could guess are the ones like Aurora peachy has. She’s a good, (but lets admit it not ‘very good’) player. Yet she still got all raid bosses done without problem. Cause her guild is just (probably) very motivated, focussed and tolerates all kind of people. Stop thinking it’s easy to get in a raid viable guild, it’s not, not if you play all game modes.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Speaking of LI request on join

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

As always:





Nothing easier than that, but stop complaining about pugs not even able to handle boss mechanics when you are on your way back to this forum afterwards .

How? 80% in friendlist that do raids are in raid, full represent, straight hours, show up time or get kicked guilds. Others are in lucky 500 man guild that is strong enough to have a core that does raids.

But asking those ppl, ‘wanna raid with me now or later’. Always no. ’i’m busy, i’m raiding in full team already, my guild doesnt accept pugs, etc.

Only way is LFG. And lfg is PLAGUED with LI show off request.

You clearly belong to two groups:

Either superior lucky to be in a good guild (for raids). These guilds are rarity = luck
Or you are in hardcore raid guild (wich usually means you sacrafice quite a bit of the rest for game, bar soloing the rest).

You are not in a wvw, pvp, guild mission (focussed) guild, that’s for sure. Stop acting like everyone has the luxury of you, there isn’t.

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[Request] Please lower LI for Legendary Armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Legendary armor is just that: a thing to farm, to put your mind on. Of all legendary pieces it’s one of the lowest in viability, cause runes are so often needed to be switching.

For me legendary weapons (that are suspended in production), are a goal to work towards to.

As a PvX player, wvw completion never bothered me, it was a nice completion. But here comes the hugely important part for the Raid hardcore ppl in this tread (with 60+ LI) defending 150 LI. When they nerfed it so that wvw map completion is NOT necessary for legendary, was I dissapointed? A little bit. Do I think it’s the wrong decision, even though i loved that part about legendaries? Nope, absolutely not. It doesn’t affect my playstyle, and meanwhile more people can at least ‘hope’ to make a legendary. 150 LI is same thing (and even worse in some kind). With good planning i could do wvw completion in 2-4 weeks. 150 LI (with the have LI or get kicked nature, with the guilds not accepting non represent, i can go on, but basically superior hard to get in adequate (not 10x noob ppl) raids, then 150 is to much. Same issue with Wvw. Good servers had it relatively easy. Bad servers had a disaster. Same thing exists for raids. In dungeons/fractals if you (20% of group) play superiorly well, you can compensate for them and still make it succeed. For Raids you only count for 10%, and mechanics are direct (fail them 1x and could be wipe already). You basically count on all other players not making a mistake, rather then just playing well.

Either way, as it stands, Legendary armor is way expensive (atm) to get for me, i know it won’t get cheaper, but perhaps, my other ‘investment’ plans wil be completed someday so I can go for one. Still the LI thingy is ‘elite’ in nature. Kinda: Vizunah square (old days) , SFR, etc or gtfo for map completion. Finding ‘right’ people = issue (and again ppl who had the ‘start up hype on raids should be exluded from forming opinions, they joined the LI train so fast they cannot ’fail’ anymore to find parties with that amount of ‘proof’ of their skill. The people behind (like me with 11), just do not get into proper parties. People with 60 LI cannot share this experience, simply cause they don’t have it. They cannot know/talk about how easy it is to join raid with 0-19 LI, and No Eternal. They just cant. And that lack of empathy is dishearthening.

‘but but make your own group’ (other players posting this), tried this, and failed for the 100th time. Not correct time for guildies, friends all in a raid team that exludes me on the grounds of LI requirement. I don’t have The Eternal (only an inch away from it, someone died at 97% hp removed Sabetha).

Funny fact: in raids i have more proper gear (Ascended, expensive runes like Berserker), better food (toxic focussing crystal) as most people. And no this is’nt pay to win, just realizing my duty for the team.

PS I got enough ‘goals to achieve in gw2’ to be able to ignore raids atm and still like the game enough to play it. The message that Anet gives me: ‘you won’t get legendary armor anyway, so don’t even try to come raids, it’s your best choice’. A bit of a weird hidden message don’t you think?

Or let the elite player in me arise (very small % of me): LI requirement is crazy high (150)? Reintroduce wvw map completion! Require it for EVERY legendary armor piece. It must be ‘LEGENDARY’ right (Argument of LI 60+ crowd)? I would have no problem with it I play enough wvw to have an easy enough time to get it. And here is where all this ‘defenders of 150 LI’-situation is so twisted: it’s elitary and selfish. I’m not that kind of person, so I distance myself from it. Hence I here admit the above proposal was hypothetical only, I would never want it in the game, even if it somehow helps me feel more exlusive (i get legendary armor and others not). That feeling is just, plain wrong, and to many 60+ LI holders in this thread are suspect to wanting to being exclusive.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

It's not easy to get into raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I’ve spoken with enough people to know about them. One of my friend is now in his 7th raid only guild, he’s a good insider.

Ppl with 10-32 members doing mostly that: raids. They might do very sometimes a fractal, but not enough for continous daily runs. Anything with more members and more global in what they do, = Not specified as me as ‘raid only guild’. Perhaps person above is in a ‘big guild that also does raids’.

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It's not easy to get into raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

The reason i’m in the 960/1000 person guild is two-fold.

It’s nice and friendly. (don’t laugh with this, I had my share of drama in over 15 guilds that failed because drama). I once even shortly quit gw2 because of all the drama. I set a new rule on my comeback: I play the game to enjoy it, any drama i can avoid I will. I mean sometimes, a word can happen and a little fight, nothing bad if quickly worked out. But unnecessary guild drama, killing the fun, nope, no thanks. I avoid it. The guilds that often had the most drama were: Wvw/pvp guild with a very elite nature.

The guild has a wide (but not perfect) variety of playstyles. Worldbosses, HoT maps, Guild missions (don’t laugh some guilds to small to do this good enough), perfect guild hall (lvl 64), do pvp sometimes, fractals often and dungeons. And… The teamspeak is nice, like really nice, rarely shouting, rarely kittened of people, rarely to much dirty talk (this can get annoying after a while). I can go on, but these are the reasons im in this guild. They very sometimes organize a raid, but i’m often that 11th’s guy. It’s also the ‘old core’ of the guild (veterans) and i’m newer member of guild. I’m not gonna ‘fight’ for my spot in the raid, i ask, and if i get a no, it’s no. (Drama prevention remember). also in a wvw and pvp guild (no represent required, yeahaaa!!). Works perfect (example for how raid guild should work!!!)

I got one slot guild left, and I keep it empty until it’s filled with a raid guild that has my requirements: friendly, non represent. No other requirements. And i tried one so far (found via LFG, as all these ppl could not get into another raid).

Raid experiences from extremely good, to very bad:

Very friendly guild (that i am not in) invites me (i’m in their friendlist). I join their teamspeak. Happened a few times (diff guids/ppl). This situation: The cream of raid experiences. If i could sign for this permanently, i’d even pay gems for it. People are friendly, happy, cooperate well, admit mistakes, are motivated, team speak they invite you (normally closed for outsiders) etc. This often were the fastest boss kills also (and even if not, still enjoyable experience). These are represent only guilds, so don’t come with the suggestion to join them.

Second best experience: The slowly dying raid guild (non represent) that I was in had a victorious evening: we killed VG first time (laugh with it what you want, but new people, new coordination, takes practise to get it right). WE struggled a bit on Gorseval. Another friend offered to join between his other raid appointments, and explained litteraly everything to us. He then left for his raid, and we succeeded gorseval same evening, totally unexpected.

We tried Sabetha and failed. The leader left at this point, so some issue’s were there already, but they didn’t really bite yet, the guild issue’s. The same guy showed us what to do where. We almost succeeded.

Now the average experiences: you join pugs. Coordination is not so nice. Sometimes lucky VG kill, often not so much. But no drama (still ok i guess this way of raiding).

Same situation but people point fingers a lot at each other, drama is in the making, people get kicked, group slowly dies. This is very common experience (hence a raid guild is almost requirement, not so much for FINDING people, but for finding good ‘raid coordinating’ people (wich lfg lacks). This situation why I rarely open lfg anymore.

People in lfg require 25 LI. You negotiate. Another guy (not raid leader) lets you in. He then notices you got in. He asks your gear (mine is perfect), my food (perfect again, expensive ‘toxic focussing crystal’), asks my LI: he kicks me and accepts a guy with 20 LI in exotic gear.

Now to even worse experience: Don’t bother noob with 11 LI you are not welcome. Me ‘but but if i was noob, where Did i get these’? Answer ‘screw you noob’.

LFG ‘you don’t have right gear’, Me: ‘if you really want i can make it’, them ‘ok we invite you next week when you made the gear’. I make the gear, wait a week, pm them, their answer: ‘did you really think we would invite you? Hahahaha go away noob’. PS this was at a time most ppl did not have Ascended raid gear yet and I had 3 sets specified for raids ready…

I’d only sign up for top 4 situations. Anything else: Nope. And I want that situation without having to leave my guild (you read up why). I don’t think that’s to much to ask (wvw and pvp guild succeed in this way). But alas, i’m here sitting in forums rather then succeeding raids.

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[Request] Please lower LI for Legendary Armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

All this ppl in ‘raid only guilds’… luckers. You litteraly have paradise of raids loot at your feed. 10 capable ppl, coordination, best build checkup, skill of player checkup = 90% chance to win a raid boss in 3 attempts.

Joining a raid only guild, punishes joining other guilds (pvp, wvw, pve, dungeon, fractal). So as a ‘everything-gw2 player’ i cannot forsake those modes. I have no problem killing VG, overall it’s piece of cake fight (I might make a mistake here and there, but most of time noone, and if i make one often not a crucial one), other players make much more mistakes (like not dodging blue).

Now with that theory out of the way: RAid only guild: garanteed succes 9 legendary insight a week, but they suck in the rest of game (hence they complain t6 mats). They build a wall, around themself to throw of anyone they think is a noob, to protect their speedclear of LI. Hence they create a void where lots of players cannot join raids (yes this responsibilty is to you elite raid only guilds a lot).

Then the other ppl NEEDING to pug in their situation to even find raid: Less c apable players, less coordinations, less gear check (ascended trinket especially in viper etc), less often online at same time, you name it. With each parameter the chance of success drops. With that in mind 10+ attempts often are needed (and sometimes still fail) to kill raid boss. Most of these ppl pve enough to have stacks of t6 mat. But LI is growing superior slow on them (even 1 legendary armor piece will become hard at their pace).

Result: two groups: completely opposite of each other, and Anet favors one completely, the other not at all. What’s more they have tools to bring the groups closer together but they don’t. And as if that’s not bad enough they nerf non stop damage skill, making raids in essence harder to success (less dps on same hp boss).

In this topic i only see ‘raid only’ elitist, among very few others.

Best solution: make raids more accessible (not easier doh, just make tools so that all levels of skilled players find each other easely). Punish ‘show LI or go home’ kind of treatment, otherwise it will never go away this culture. This culture kills for a lot of (decent to very good) players to not succeed raid.

Second best solution: If above doesn’t work (lemme guess by WoW, i’t wont): Bring rewards more spread for both groups.

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It's not easy to get into raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I see a large number of pub training runs when I pub, and I also train up anyone in my guild who’s interested in raids when we go together. You just need to find a group willing to take you and be willing to spend some time looking. Seriously, search the guild recruitment forum on this board and you’ll find tons of hits.

Raid guilds ‘Represent or get away’.

Result: you either join a Raid only guild, or a large guild, with a few members that do raids, but often can’t come together because issues of synergie of being online, or you don’t join raid guild. All have downsides.

Raid only guild: you almost can’t do pve, dungeons, fractals , pvp , wvw with them.

Big build, but that’s not as interested in raids then ‘raid only guild’: You can do more stuff with this guild. But often you just fall out of boat (12/10 raid members), or people are not online at the required time, or you want to pvp, but the guild is to pve focussed for that, etc. One guild cannot ‘sustain’ all modes. Even the 480/500 ones, bar a few exceptions maybe.

No raid guild: All the issue’s described in op = correct.

Non represent raid guild: Tried, done it, failed. You need a ‘leader’ figure, setting some rules in raid only guild, and our guy left gw2. When that happened the raid guild (non represent) just died slowly. Dicussions, people not showing up etc. And ‘non represent raid guild’ is an absolute over the top rarity, i’ve been searching non stop for them and only found this one that got ‘killed’.

And to all these big forum guru’s, (often being leader of guild or being well known in their guild): you are lucky to be in a good guild. Now i could be a traitor and leave my very fine friendly, big (2x 480/500) guild, but i won’t. Finding drama empty guilds is hard, I’m not taking a chance. Ofc this guild requires represent most of time (they would allow represent during raid, but definitely not perma represent other guild). And rightfully so.

Conclusion: OP is correct, and people like Rising dusk do not realize the luxury throne they are sitting on, currently for raids. No offence meant, just a wake up call.

I got 11900 hours, 30710 ap (no bragging, just showing how close i should be to raid viable), 4 chars fully Ascended raid viable, 11 ‘Legendary insight’, all achievement except eternal in raid 1, yet people keep discarding me as trash.

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Percent of Players-POP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Yes i tried joining guild. ALL guilds no matter what require representing (and usually only are good for raids, nothing else).

As a wvw + pvp + pve + fractal + dungeon + raid player this is hard.

Wvw you can join ts and stil have fun.

PvP soloQ works, except in Ruby+ imo. Diamond+ TeamQ is necessary. While friendlist can work, a pvp guild is the best solution. Lucky (and this should be the example how raid guild function!!!!) most pvp guild don’t require represent.

PvE: Most stuff you can solo. Fractals/Dungeons is ‘pug-able’. Not much issue there. Guild missions requires good amount of activity within guild (not inactivity). For me this guild, the chat must be warm and interesting first and foremost. Hence I am in a huge but (sort of) casual guild atm. Almost never conflicts, we do a lot of of stuff, but raids rarely work (or not all people that want can join), fracts/dungeon rarely done together. Having had to much ‘drama queen/king’ stuff in guilds, i’m not the kind of person to give up a guild that has proven to resist this drama stuff for long time. Representing is required though (understandable imo).

Raids: Guild or go home (imo). I joined guild, not represent (unless within the raid). Worked well, but then some ppl went other games. We got frustrated, we started to quibble. Raids no longer organized, then it slowly died, and i left when only 4 members left. 4 weeks after i tried joining SEVERAL other raid guilds. All of them require represent. All of them… Perma represent or not allowed. This is the biggest culprit imo. While raids are fine high-end content, they (if done well) take very few time in the week of a gw2 veteran that loves all gamemodes. For such low % of the week, raid guilds should not force represent, it’s just wrong.

Result: as long as that ‘culture’ full time represent exists = me no longer doing raids… And i got 11800 hours on the counter lol.

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Reached 30K AP milestone. Now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Welcome to the club Smooth Penguin of Wondrous Achievers.

As to what to do: grind gold i suppose? Always something to spend it on, like trade post skin or something else. I know it’s boring.

Make different characters (like sylvari engineer, norn engineer).

But yeah i’m playing LESS then before i had 30k ap. 30K goal kept me alive during HoT.

Raids are potentially incredible endgame content. But the elitism, the lack of people to do it, the frustrating mechanics (not all but some bosses), the indirect pvp nerfs affecting effectiveness in raids, etc, make it very dissapointing.

A good goal is to make ascended armor of all the new powerfull stats, commander, wanderer, viper, marauder.

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Hardened Leather Squares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Also generally Elonian Leather square is more expensive to make now (Thick leather is now in the old Silk spot!! even a bit more expensive).

This makes using cheap leather to upgrade to hardened leather not really possible. 1x Thick leather square requires now 4 thick leather (it used to be 3 or maybe even 2 if my memory is soft).

This + what others said, pushed the whole Leathers up in price. All armors (including heavy!) now need quite a bit of leather. And people making more ascended cause game starting to require it.

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How I defeated the mmr hell

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

OP is incredible lucky. Normally the downside of playing ele is: you meet stubborn (not so good most of time) ele’s that don’t want to switch. Result: either YOU LOG or you loose. Unless the other ele has a surprise dps build, or your dps is like top tier in skills (and can sort of fight 3 vs 4 dps (with double ele as support), it won’t work and you’ll loose. Especially in the lower mmr tier brackets.

So it is 40% matches on ele (you alone ele in team) and 60% matches ‘switch to other prof you play very well or go home’.

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How many PvP seasons will be up?

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

It was all clearly said (still somewhere deep on the front page news list).

Season 4 is last opportunity to get backpack in normal way. They want an ‘not normal way’ to also get backpack for ppl who did not get it this season. but that is ‘TBA’.

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Server-side lag spikes

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Same here. My internet is very constant and fast. Very few times a short dc, but that’s about it. Now i’m getting 2000-3000 ping moments. They usually 5-15 seconds. They often mean my skills act 2-4 secs slower then imputted meaning often death in pvp.

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Bring back Water (not so water) map PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Agree, this was one of the biggest dissapointments in pvp.

“We to lazy to fix underwater combat pvp balance”.

Boss of Anet: "ok we avoid the issue, remove Raid of capricorn’…

Bad decisions. By now they could have made a ‘water free’ version of the map already, or say, have the cap point only reachable by water, but once it’s reached it’s above water in a cave. I don’t think offpoint water fight’s will throw things that fast out of balance then.

The two beach points where one of the most fun area’s to fight, with all the line of sighting, etc.

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Choose a Name for Tyria’s Heroes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Very bad names Anet. Very bad. And no blanket box with ‘your own suggestion’? Please, how bad.

The 3 names are bad. Destiny’s Edge is much better and will always feel like the true hero’s of gw2. Changing the name will remove the glory from it, remove the deep lore they filled the game with, will remove a timeless feel of gw2 hero’s (wich essentially make then wet noodle hero’s).

Also just because you suicide 2 characters, and sidestep some, doesn’t mean you need new name. Nope, not at all needed. So we will have another suicide soon? Rytlock will die, so that’s why this name is being chosen?

Narrative team will feeel ‘wow we did something new’. Reality is, they screwed something good (= Destiny’s Edge).

Story is already subpar in gw2 to other games, and now one of the most heroic feeling thing is getting removed (destiny’s edge)? Oh please. Anet you have no clue what to do with the game. New isn’t always better. Might as well make gw3 if that’s what you want. This is still gw2 and gw2 timeline = the hero’s that cross new lands (= expansion) keep the same name, so their glory feels true and not faked.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Ping Spikes

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Uhm this almost never happened in past of gw2. And now it’s happening to me too. A window of 5-15 sec, ping of 3000. Then it suddenly goes away. My usual ping is extremel low (10-30, with some higher ups to 30-60 tops).

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Lord too easy to rezz

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I failed many times to ress lord because… Stun spam. It’s real in the game, especially engie and revenant have some serious stun spam available. Daze on trap usage (DH) too. Daze on head shot.

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Year of the Ascension... how many seasons?

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

4th Season is the LAST season to get the achievements. I’m pretty sure of that. You need 9 division crosses aprox, so you should start now if you want them (this is the hardest part).

Secondly Anet promised in the NEXT ‘pvp achievement themed year’, that there still will be A WAY (not current way most likely) to get the wings. What, or how, is unknown. Probably sacrafice ‘assets’ of the new years ‘themed reward’, for the old one.

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Chuka and Champawat Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

All new legendaries have to short footfall duration (compared to old weapons).

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A Note about the Next Raid Wing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Almost everyone i see in raids has 166 mastery points, so should be no problem.

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Fractal loot nerfed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Well i Quit fractals for now because: harder then in past to pug (and don’t give me this ‘guild’ solution, just doesn’t work for everyone).

That and for a month almost all t4 fractals gave me NO ascended apart from materials. Not even infused rings. Sorry but then it ain’t worth it.

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Dear anet, matchmaking is a bad joke...

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Same kitten. It’s a dice roll. 3 kinda of matches: you get all the bad mmr players, you get your (medium most of time) mmr player in team (good/ok chance to win), you get best mmr players in your team (almost certainly win).

Like one time, I personally did almost everything good i could do on thief. I decapped 7x, capped 2x (that had good use cause the point stayed capped for a while), won 3 duels concerning those cap points, +1 4x mid to make the fight go from loosing it to winning it, saved the lord kill. At the end, the ppl decided (with a double cap on our side), to suicide on the point that had 5 enemy players. Score was very close (440 vers 450 from us). The zerg won very quickly, got the points from kills, decapped fast, then zerged me down. Even the boss i stole last second, (25 pointsn for enemy but for my team cause my actions), was not enough to win the match.

After that match i started to think different. Usually i’m between ‘Did i make tons of mistake, could I improve’? and ‘what mistakes did my teammates make’. Now i knew for certain I did (almost) make no mistakes.

With that in mind, Arenanets system is basically at fault for this matchup.

But there’s even worse matchups: afk ppl, leeching ppl, or other ‘worse ppl’ in your team versus slightly higher mmr (to my feeling) enemies. blowout for enmey. The ‘worse ppl’ i mean ppl like a necromancer i met. He litteraly said ‘i have more points then you (pvp score) so i did my job, you are all loosers. You know what he did? He camped close all the game, lost all fights concerning it (he just recapped it on reswpawn). Because of his lack of strategy, the enemy did perfect splits 5 mid (to zerg us) then one player to our necro (who lost all duels), then back to mid, etc, they had 2-3 cap all game because of it. And our team really fought well, at some point we almost won a 3 vs 4 at mid, but a player just in time had a strong cooldown back, wich costed us the battle. The 4 players at the end agree’d, that necromancer costed us the chance to win (not saying we would have won, but we might have been close to win at least (400-500 or closer).

Then suddenly i get 8 wins. 3 first was like the game was trying to compensate for my loss streak (finally) (good mmr ppl in my team). The next 2, were incredible close games, i fought at my edges as thief to mathematically get the most points out of it’s capabilities. I think the game expected us to loss but we beat the system Then we were 3 points behind in foefire all the time. I moved so fast to 1 to prevent us from a wipe (at start we had wipe at mid). I barely had time to cap/decap. Then they rushed our lord. I first capped a point ( decap of them) to give us a slight score adventage, then run like mad to the lord. I used my best rotations i could to interrupt the enemies (luckely they didnt have much strong cooldowns left), and just before lord died, we stomped them all. Result, the point tick that i realized during the lord defence, gave us the win at that time of the lord defence. A game i think that was meant to be lost.

Then i had two games wich (one) weak enemy player, either afk, or not doing what he has to do for his team. Those were free wins. Then I had the usual win, loss win loss, win loss again for about 8 matches. After that I got 3 loss in row (the enemies i beat a few matches ago in my team now, felt like it was meant to be lost).

A few theories:

Players with medium mmr are in bad spot (system doesn’t cope well for them). Why? The game seems to favor large groups of ‘bad mmr players’ and large groups of ‘good mmr ppl’ (to have them raise faster). Medium mmr is a toss up what the game does with you. Sometimes you get a great medium versus medium match but those seem rare. The game seems to use the medium queue’ers, to fill in the blanks of ‘good mmr /bad mmr) teams. And this plays in disadvantage for fair matches for those players. I had other players like this too, just above average (55-60% win rate if it’s fair matches) sort of players, that get pulled in this kind of way down. Wich raises my suspician this is correct.

The game wants ‘better mmr’ player quicker in higher divisions, using the medium/low mmr brackets as a punishment group at first, to get this action done, rather then let even from start have high lvl ESL players or just below meet each other yet already.

The ‘filler matches’ (aka to much ppl queue, it fills both the ‘good mmr’ and the ‘bad mmr brackets’, but then there’s 2 left overs (a good and a bad team, with nobody else queueing). So it pulls those two together in an unbalanced match. It seems these matches do not count towards the 50/50 ratio the game is striving for. It’s ‘necessary evil’, and in such won’t be compensated cause it would make things even more complex. That is my feel at least.

The best thing is class balance. Though certain setups still have huge advantage over others. I found now a good way to rotate mostly between 2 professions to keep a good rate to be flexible enough in the team yet have good enough profession knowledge to use it in high level pvp. But most profession can now do great things.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
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i don't complain but i ask for understand

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

A profession with lots of interrupts will do it. Also necro’s are easy to kite (relatively), stuff like Dh’s might surprise them from far with some burst.

Also the ‘unkillable facto’ might be because of aura share (cleric/mender amulet) elementalist giving the necro huge amount of heals. Take that into account. Necro itself has very few heals outside of heal skill and a few traits.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Questions about The Ascension

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

You need to cross 11 total league divisions, with only two seasons left, that’s pretty hard. If you never crossed before a division you need diamond and legendary (and I can tell you those are not easy to get unless you play lot of times or are very good at pvp).

Just wanna prevent dissapointment.

Though Anet said they want a system in future in place so that player can get older skins, but probably in a slightly harder way cause out of season.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Pips question

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

As i said the DC was on the WINNING SIDE. I was not the dcing person. Will i still get 0 pips then? or is that bug.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
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Pips question

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

So my team won, but a teammated DC’ed when we were 150 ahead. He didnt came back before match end. We still won the match.

What happens to pips? If i understood right, the dc’er get punishment, and the ppl who won still get a pip no?

Well now my game window says: Ranked matches played 3, games lost 1, games won 1. One game is lost in transition, and i’m still at 0 pips. If this is how it will go arenanet, i might not play this season. Earning pips is hard enough as it is.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.