Any EU server that has Balth open atm?
Hi all,
I’m currently using the typical 20/20/0/25/5 phantasm build (GS-Sw/Focus).
I was wondering if anyone has tested the difference, damagewise and in PVE, between Compounding Power (CP) Vs Phantasmal Strength (PS).
Thanks a lot.
There we go! I did the update correctly this time, and will start doing it that way each time :P
Nice stuff as always, thanks you all.
That’s why Pyro’s approach is the way to go. Very smart of you by the way.
@Aberolf: Thanks for notice me that. Nice point.
@Andres: I put time on this. Yeah, I was misreading the table. Thanks.
@ Sabull: Much appreciated. As I run a power build it’s going to be a very useful tool.
Lot of theorycraft to do ^^
OK, let’s says 10 attacks (not taking in account the min 4% thanks for the data).
50% without criting= 5×100=500
50% criting for 50%=5×150=750
That’s 1250 Vs 1000, that’s an 25% increase. Or I don’t understand the table (that claims a 15%) or it is not how are you saying.
That’s the formula that I’m interested in:
Effective Power = Power × [(1 – Critical Chance) + (Critical Chance × Critical Multiplier))] × Damage Multiplier
So, just comparing effectives power is the way to go?
(edited by Ryn.6459)
I don’t fully understand how to proper use this table.
If your have 50% and 50 critical damage, you do 15% more damage than if you have 0% and 0. And then you play with the two values. And that is for a certain amount of power. Am I right?
Hence is not enough to have this table if you have to play with power, chance and crit damage.
So my question is, here where you have “effective power”, is that the number that I have to take in account for maximizing my damage?
Hope I made myself clear with my clumsy English.
They did finally fix the Sharper Images trait though.
The bleed stacks don’t go away anymore when the illusion is killed/shattered
Can anyone confirm?
Ain’t gonna change the big picture right now, but I’m quite happy with this. Will help to have a viable bleeding build (more changes are needed).
I run with sword anywhere, so as boon striping is quite meh (I also have 20 in domination I trait shattered concentration when needed). As condition removal I want fiability, and that’s my main issue.
I was asking due the potential versatility and the low cooldown.
Thanks a lot for indicate the dungeon (I’m not in fractals yet) places where it can be used. I’ll give it a try.
Same problem than the OP here. I’m trying, but I always end up with GS+sw/focus. I’m trying, I’m trying…
Hi all,
I’m trying to use “phantasmal disenchanter”. Potentially looks very interesting (boon removal, condition removal and shatter fuel) but I utterly fail with it.
Does anyone succeded?
Nice video anyway XD
I don’t know why but I can’t get into use staff as a offensive weapon. Need more training I guess
Confusion and retaliation nerf… That’s gonna hurt.
Ryn, I am curious to see if this could be another viable build for mesmers, I will try out the build in a PvP environment to test it out as a possible bunker build.
I have thought out some ways to possibly improve your build theoretically, have you tried your build out yet? If yes, could you give some feedback?
Pistol offhand seems better overall, I agree. I’m not so sure about confusing cry.
Yes, I tested in pvp. Feeling is that is really subpar compared to my normal 20/20/0/030.
My impression is that this kind of condition build will only work if Anet remove the vulnerability of clone’s wind of chaos or if the clones can benefit from condition duration.
Hi Ryn!
Like the idea! What about running Sw/F with staff and bringing Dueling II? Rooting an enemy in place to stack bleeds from a Warden with fury sounds like it would fit well. Maybe even Sc/P if you want to stay at range. Scepter might even allow you to drop Deceptive Evasion to trait the Pistol, and Phantasmal Haste instead of Elasticity? Lots of things to try with this build.
I think deceptive evasion is a must (you want to shatter as much as possible to put confusion and to get might). To star the fight with confusing images (5 stacks at 413damage/skill) plus shatter for more confusion and might, and then change to staff… Should be quite nasty. I like pistol as offhand, problem I dislike to change weapons to travel.
Loved you “thief” :-D
@Psych, mainly by staff autoatacking. Well, is going to be a lot of cover conditions (burning, confusion, vulnabilty…) and take in account that you are focusing in condition damage and not in condition duration.
@Fusschia, well, I thought more in 0/20/25/0/25…|6.1b.9b|b.1b.9b.d.1b.9b|1b.9b.1b.9b.1b.9b.1b.9b.1b.9b.1b.9b|2w.0.2w.0.3w.0.3w.0.2w.0.2w.0|0.k5a.p5a.0.p57|2t.d||e
(edited by Ryn.6459)
Has anyone tried something like this?
As illusions don’t benefit from condition duration I focused in condition damage (I got 1935).
Thing is that I feel complety overpowered with underwater bleeding, so…
EDIT: I just realized that I should need something to generate more clones…
(edited by Ryn.6459)
put your warden over the temporal curtain
Yes, it is too good to pass. And that implies bad design by Anet (to have a mandatory trait). But, as we don’t have many great grandmaster traits, it isn’t really a problem.
I have made one, seems pretty solid so far, have to test it more though.
I would absolutely love to see a Mesmer guide made by you.
To OP: Funny thing that, for a quite bunch of mesmers, the most feared classes are condi necro and condi engi…
I like the concept.
I enjoy roaming too, but I’m still struggling finding the build that I’m comfortable with. I always end up with the problem that I want near-perma swiftness. And for that there’s not many options/traits distrubution.
So, how do you manage in your build to be fast enough to roam?
I run with a hybrid phantasm/shatter build. Notice that it will some theorycrafting in my answer cause I still don’t have the proper gear but…
20(I-III)-20(II-X)-0-25(IV-VIII)-5. Greatsword and Sword/Focus. Mirror-Blink-Mirror imatges-Decoy-Mass Invisibilty.
So, 3 breaks stuns, 2 invisibilty sources, 3 projectils reflections, 2 interrupts, you can remove a condition every 15 seconds, sustain and burst damage, not bad AOE… And you can have perma-swiftness with runes of air (checked that in the mists).
As I’m using this for WvW roaming hence I don’t plan to go full berserker. I’d like to have 50% crit change with 75% crit damage, then full power&toughness (I can deal with conditions and my healings are about 4000 points so toughness seems better).
For dungeons, I disvover that Skoteinos was running this build,changing some traits (check Fay’s list Phantasm Build by Skoteinos (20/20/0/25/5 – Gsword & Sword/Focus – PvE), as far as fractals 46.
Good thing is that is very flexible. You can remove the shatter part, be more supportative, change utility slots (usually I change mirror imatges for feedback, or veil or mantra of pain -check Pyro PVE build-). Of course I always at least have a staff on my bag.
Hope this helps.
(edited by Ryn.6459)
Very, very useful. Thanks a lot.
I would prefer a blinding attack, instead of the retalation for instance. Glam builds would benefit from it, and for the rest we would have a crowd controlling phantasm.
Noob, but not so much. X-D I meant: spawns randomnly on target vicinity or depens on your position?
Feeling so noob… So, another question. Any tip to control where the warden is spawn?
I actually went full on into it with 30/0/0/10/30 for 1700 cd and confusion stacks that last 10+ seconds.
Is Temporal Enchanter worthy?
And also, Pyro which traits do you pick in Domination (guess that V, VIII and ?)
Thanks guys.
I cast it, stands near the target, does all his spins, and if the target has changed the position, it moves near the new localization. It has been always like that?
EDIT: Did some more tests. You have to go far away from your target, then the target has to go far away from the warden. Then the warden moves.
(edited by Ryn.6459)
Sorry, yes, I was thinking in WvW.
what do you think about this trait? As a begginer, I don’t understant why the typical shatter build 20/20/0/0/30 doesn’t run with it…
Samski, here you have the link to Osci’s Mist:
I did some tests, and… meh.
Daphoenix, a begginer question.
I’m just building my mesmer and one thing that I don’t understand, when looking at mesmer shatter builds, is that almost no one is using “Shattered Concentration” (shatter skills remove a boon on hit). With the typical shatter build 20/20/0/30 that should be mandatory, right? So, what I’m missing here?
Edit, instead of (V) I meant (VI) in illusion
do you think that a hybrid between your build and Osicat’s cat mist would be viable?
Something like 0-20(IV-X)-20(III-X)-0-30(V-IX-XI). Rabid and errr not sure about the runes.
Ok, thanks again Pyro.
By the way, similar discussion in
Jajajaj ok ok
Cygnus, i was considering 10/10/20/25/5 as well, but I think the domination minor trait dazzling is too good (more if you change Dom X for IV).
Pyro, mmmh, I don’t know. How many places are projecticle heavy Vs being useful in all places (taking in acount that you still can do the combos, althought without achiving the 100% proj reflects (would be at 75%?).
Errr, no, just 4 gold X-D
By the way, is phantasmal haste that good? I’ve been playing around… What do you think about 20(III-X)-0-20(IV-X)-25(V-X)-5. That would mantain your versatility, allow staff/GS abuse and increase overall survival by dropping phantasmal haste and fury.
Thanks a lot for you time
Love this build, Pyro .-D
Quote: “The runes in my armor are centaur right now, but I feel like runes of air would be a better choice”
Time to get my runes, so, centaur or air?
I’m trying to build a Death Blossom spamming thief (PVE leveling). I guess that should have as many initiative restore traits as possible. So, 0/20/0/20/30 or 0/0/20/20/30?