I agree… anything that could have potentially been farmed/grinded has had all of its loot stripped.
There are hundreds of areas in the game where you don’t get any loot from foes.
I understand that you don’t want players to repeatedly kill the same foes over and over again to get loot…. but you are punishing ALL of your playerbase for a crime that nobody is even able to commit.
Games in the Super Nintendo era knew how to award players loot and experience the first time they killed a group of foes, and remove all rewards if you failed and had to retry and kill the same foes again.
Why, in 2015, is anet cutting these corners, and punishing all players instead of only the grinders?
Lets take path 2 CoF for example.
When you are Defending Magg….. you obliterate a massive amount of flame legion…. not a single one of them drops anything.
The foes should drop loot the first time you kill them while attempting to defend….. and if you fail to defend magg and must retry, the foes should not drop any loot.
Its not rocket science….. but due to a lackadaisical development team everyone gets screwed because someone tried to farm in that spot once upon a time.
Scrapper is okay….. I would have gone with ‘Mechanic’ myself.
…but it beats the kitten out of Dragon Hunter, thats for sure.
So which is it? And what resource should I trust? Is there a way to identify an enemy type in-game? and if not, Why not?
I’ve never heard of gw2dungeons.net…. but the official wiki backs me up
Living World season 2 pretty much…. Anet added two new maps in pve, where most of the living world season 2 takes place…. one wvw map (edge of the mists)
The twilight arbor dungeon path forward up (lvl 55) was replaced with a new lvl 80 path.
Parts of the LS season 1 made its way into fractals of the mists along with some of the LS season 2 content.
Each profession got a new heal skill.
Lions Arch was destroyed and Rebuilt.
Kessex Hills is littered with debris from the destroyed The Tower of Nightmares.
Lots of new miniatures, outfits/costumes, weapon skins, dyes.
(I don’t know if you had the wardrobe system….. but if you didn’t have it before…. now you can unlock all of the weapon/armor skins and use transmutation charges instead of stones to alter your appearance)
A handful of new/reworked jumping puzzles.
We now have a daily login rewards system, which awards players progressive loot just for logging in… dailies have been changed their payout, and mothlies have been removed.
A new activity was added…. Sanctum Sprint
Some new crafting materials… charged quartz, quartz, toxic spores, watchwork sprockets, etc.
We now have items that consume bloodstone dust, empyreal fragments, and dragonite ore in increments of 50….. these items can consume anywhere from 3-6 of said increments and in exchange players receive a small loot bag.
Idk…. I think that covers pretty much the important stuff.
idk where you got your information from…. but you are misinformed.
Lets take path 2 for example.
2 of the 4 bosses you fight are icebrood, (Torn Fur + Jaddeor Icefist) the other two are sons of svanir. (Andal + Wollam)
True… Andal has two icebrood quaggan with him… but if you had to choose one potion for this fight…. and you are going through as efficiently as possible… you would use a svanir potion and the quaggans would die from cleave/aoe used against Andal long before Andal does.
Path three has all Sons of Svanir Bosses (Svánigandr + Sorge’s champion + Sorge) with the exception of the champion icebrood ogre, which is more of a dps sponge than he is an actual boss encounter…. and this fight also comes with two silver sons of svanir rangers.
There is almost always an equal or greater amount of Sons of Svanir over Icebrood in every path.
Unless Arenanet changes the icebrood and the Sons of Svanir inside HotW to all be the same type, you will never really have a better experience running one potion over alternating potions.
Hell… some of the sons of svanir mobs…. like the Rangers and Casters even summon icebrood wolves or elementals.
Either you use a svanir potion the entire time for a slightly better overall experience…. (vs icebrood potion) or you use both of the potions and alternate between encounters…. sometimes switching potions for switching foes mid encounter…
Idk about you…. but to me, in a casual run its really not worth it to keep my inventory open the entire dungeon spamming alternating potions instead of paying attention to my rotations and positioning.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
Norn guardian and hunter
Charr warriors and engineers.
Human…anything really.
I have a dream…. where players will no longer use up a stack of consumables by left clicking ten thousand times and can instead right-click -> consume all…
In this dream, players have the ability to save and load build templates… and they are not punished by the actions of bots and they can send more than two mails before becoming suppressed…
I have a dream…. to one day play a game whose interact with npc key, loot key, revive teammate key, and pick up bundle key can all be bound to separate but equal keys.
I have a dream…. that players of all different races shapes sizes and colors will be able to party up with their friends by using one command, rather than being forced to figure out if they should use join or invite.
I have a dream…
It means you have to work on fighting a champ and clearing the trash mobs with the activated traps. Why can’t you pick up the p2 end boss yet you can pick up its smaller pieces? Why was zhaitan one of the easiest fights in the game, how do arrows turn at right angles, why does my whirlwind lock me in place for a few seconds at the end of the animation, how is necro considered in a good place for raids with little to no group support? At this point I think we can safely say that whether or not something makes sense is a terrible measure for judging content, kind of like using Lorde to measure the length of… things….
uh…. thanks for that, I guess.
It still doesn’t make any sense to have one foe running around getting impaled by spikes and taking no damage…. while all his brothers and sisters and cousins and uncles get obliterated like omaha beach.
…and simply because poor design runs rampant throughout the game is really no excuse for ignoring a specific example.
The encounter is already easy enough without the champ taking damage from the traps.
…and if they did change the champ’s mechanics to start taking damage from the traps, the foe would also need its health increased to balance out the change.
I honestly don’t care either way.
…but at least it would make sense.
I just did AC p2 with a friend…. and idk if it was a bug or if it happens like this every time….. but the Champ Breeder that comes during the trap/graveling event did not take any damage from any of the pulled chain traps.
Either the breeder got bugged in this specific instance…. or the breeder isn’t taking damage from the traps.
It never takes damage from traps, only the small ones do
right…. which doesn’t really make any sense…. at all.
I can click anywhere in the red box in the image and get a cursor to appear. If that’s too small of an area for you, I don’t know what to say.
1) This has already been patched
2) You STILL don’t understand how the bug occurred, since you need(ed) to have less than the amount of gold required to purchase 400 gems.
(In your screen, you have enough gold to buy 400 gems)
We might as well be carrying on a conversation with a cardboard box.
I just did AC p2 with a friend…. and idk if it was a bug or if it happens like this every time….. but the Champ Breeder that comes during the trap/graveling event did not take any damage from any of the pulled chain traps.
Either the breeder got bugged in this specific instance…. or the breeder isn’t taking damage from the traps.
Wait, you were caught on the fact it never occurred to you to click on the default 400 gems and change it? How is that not intuitive? It’s just like every other input field on the TP. I will admit that sometimes I click on the Buy More Gems under the field than the buy button to the right of the coin amount.
There is a known bug where players who do not have enough gold to convert into 400 gems (the default value) will be sent to the purchase gems with a credit card screen when attempting to alter the field which contains ‘400’.
The only way around this is to have over 90g on you when you go to convert gold into gems… otherwise it will not work…. period.
I wouldn’t consider that a known bug but a design decision. Player wants to buy X number of gems but doesn’t have the gold for it so you forward them to the buy with cash screen.
It is indeed a bug, and you are completely misunderstanding.
Players are/were unable to input a custom number of gems unless they have/had enough gold to convert into 400 gems.
Meaning if you only have/had enough gold to convert into 1-399 gems, (less than 90g) they will be completely unable to use the interface.
Instead of being able to alter the number in the custom conversion, you are taken to the gem purchase with credit card info page.
Here is a scenario.
I have 200 gold, and I convert most of that to get 999 gems…. no issue whatsoever.
Then, I want to get one more gem to get 1000 gems to make a purchase…. but I have less than 90 gold remaining in my wallet (I just spent most of it on gems).
I am unable to select and alter the 400 gems in the custom pane, since the additional coding was added where clicking on the field (which is default 400) without enough gems takes you to the credit card purchase page.
It should allow players to alter the number in the box, before attempting to tell players they can’t afford the transaction…. since that is not even the transaction they are attempting to perform.
I am unable to purchase one gem unless I have enough gold to pass the check of “does the player have enough gold for 400 gems?” in order to alter the 400 gems.
I’ve explained it 4-5 times now…. please tell me you understand.
The best thing to do would be to contact support.
You won’t get much out of the forums beyond the suggestion I just gave.
Good luck.
Wait, you were caught on the fact it never occurred to you to click on the default 400 gems and change it? How is that not intuitive? It’s just like every other input field on the TP. I will admit that sometimes I click on the Buy More Gems under the field than the buy button to the right of the coin amount.
There is a known bug where players who do not have enough gold to convert into 400 gems (the default value) will be sent to the purchase gems with a credit card screen when attempting to alter the field which contains ‘400’.
The only way around this is to have over 90g on you when you go to convert gold into gems… otherwise it will not work…. period.
I’m pretty sure you open the bags on a lvl 80 and salvage on a lvl 55 if you want to be optimal….. and if i’m not mistaken.
I’m not sure if its the level of the gear that determines the salvage or the level of the player doing the salvaging tbh.
The way I always expected it to go was we would get a new race with every new dragon introduced.
If I were in charge this is what I would give players:
Mordremoth would give the Tengu.
Jormag would give the Kodan.
Primordus would give the Dwarves.
Deep Sea Dragon would give the Largos.
Kralkatorrik would give a new Anubis-like race.
Would pay 2000 gems for bunny ears.
And I would pay the 200 they were the last time they were on sale.
I need them but I’m also stingy.
You couldn’t pay me 2000 gems to wear bunny ears on any of my characters.
Dyeable Weapons
Open World Dueling
Tengu as a playable race
They actually did straighten the noncaster build from Guild Wars 1.
The first one is Pyre Fierceshot, a ranger hero in Guild Wars 1. The second is a medium armor Charr in Guild Wars 2. As you can see the Guild Wars 2 model is more upright and is in between the caster and noncaster Guild Wars 1 models.
With so many years having passed since GW1 and 2, we can attribute that to evolution
There are so many things wrong with that statement.
Also…. I’m just going to leave this here.
forum bug
Why not just give the mossman some nice scary skills for underwater combat?
he has underwater skills already.
I never said that he didn’t have any under water skills, and I have definitely never seen the mossman use anything under water that I could categorize as scary.
I’m sure if you close your eyes and try really hard you can imagine several hundred ways players could be kept out of the water, with varying degrees of success.
Obviously Anet has some aversion to implementing the teleport in/lockout feature used in so many other areas of the game (mai trinn, clockheart, old tom, molten duo, etc.) for this particular encounter…. unless they are just being lazy with their game fixes.
So if they are avoiding the obvious fix for some reason… why would it be out of the question to just have the Mossman destroy players in seconds once he enters the water?
Hell… he doesn’t even need to hit with an attack… he could apply something like THIS in an area of 5000 around him which only affects players who are under water.
Again…. like i said.
I’m sure you can use your imagination to find hundreds if not thousands of ways to keep players out of the water…
Maybe Anet will put a little more effort into it this time, instead of half-implementing it like the skelk “fix”.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
I actually really like that the gods have abandoned man.
It was really cool how the favor system worked in GW1, and it was also pretty cool how as the game started dying off favor of the gods became more and more sporadic.
Its almost like the gods abandoned tyria because fewer and fewer people earned their favor.
…and (just like in real life), science and technology has replaced worship in many different areas.
…and that’s where we are in gw2.
What ever happened to looting rewards from defeated foes?
Even if they still wanted to do the whole vendor/currency thing…. they should have made the Mordrem foes themselves drop the blooms.
That way players are awarded for fighting instead of just running around the map tagging events.
This system is bad and Anet should feel bad.
Why not just give the mossman some nice scary skills for underwater combat?
This is just another example of why you shouldn’t tamper with tried and true method of delivering rewards with some goofy buff/reward system.
Make the mordrem drop the blooms.
Exchange the blooms at the vendor.
Why does it have to be more complicated than that?
Yet time and time again you remove all the loot from foes, and award the loot through some sort of currency exchange system.
Can we just be awarded loot for killing foes again, please?
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
Post cards could be gem store purchases, the stamps could be bought at vendors or looted from foes….. and i could see this bringing about new collections!
Instead of an unidentified dye…. you could loot an unidentified stamp!
If you are talking about the gate in pre-searing…. you’ve tried politely asking all chat in Ascalon City for a gate opener… and all else fails…. you can type in all chat in Ascalon City, “looking for gate monkey 100g”, and people will be scrambling to invite you to the party.
(100g in GW1 is like 1 silver in gw2)
Just make sure you pay the man after for helping you out.
If I recall correctly, you can also abandon that quest since it isn’t needed to progress through the game.
When you make it to post-searing you get heroes and henchmen to replace real people if you are truly that anti-social… but you are still in the tutorial area of the game, and you are supposed to learn how to party up with other players.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
The ones at the trading post are the worst….
Some ambient npc townsperson with no dialogue should not even have the interact option with the F key, especially when they park themselves infront of an npc you actually do want to interact with.
I was wondering what that sounded like. It does sound kind of like Crystal Oasis, nice find.
that’s right!
Archemorus + St. Viktor
Palawa Joko
Saul D’Alessio
Ilsundur, Lord of Fire
Imagine these new specializations did not get tests…. and instead we just got the professions added to the game in their current broken state when HoT released.
That would mean that everyone playing would be abusing the broken aspects of the new specs…. rather than a few handfuls of people willing to beta test in real pvp.
If testing did not occur this way, the problem would simply be delayed and it would be 80x worse when the problem finally did surface.
Beta testing pvp is a necessary evil, and I can’t think of any other way to handle the situation.
I like the concept behind the smokescale….
You can’t just engage one and faceroll it, you need to pull it out of its aoe otherwise all of your attacks miss.
Great concept….. on paper.
What I have noticed time and time again is that two or more of these foes will engage an allied npc and wrap their smoke fields, making them invlunerable.
The npcs do not know how to properly combat the smokescales so they will sit in the aoe and try to fight…. and since the npc has the aggro of the smokescales, they will never leave their aoe as they continue attacking the npc.
If the smokescales can’t kill the npc, we get an endless battle.
I’ve seen this at least ten times now… something needs to be tweaked.
Either change it so that the smokescales can kill the npcs or change the npc ai to leave the smoke field.
You guys really need to play warrior differently to utilize the berserker.
Make sure you are using your burst skills, both in berserker and out.
I know its something that many of us never did, simply because we deal more damage with a full adrenaline bar…. but this is amazing.
I find that “To the Limit!” when coupled with the Restorative Strength, and Phalanx Strength traits, provides an excellent way to utilize the burst skills and immediately replenish your adrenaline after while buffing your party with might stacks. The new skill, outrage, also works wonders with a build built around bursting.
My rotation is
100b->burst-> frenzy -> to the limit->zerk->burst->outrage->100b-> burstAnd that’s probably not even the most optimal of rotations…. i’m still learning but it definitely works.
Try it out.
im sorry but no… and for many reasons
One of those reasons being that you are xenophobic and/or afraid to try new things?
Warriors were once dps characters long before they took a back seat on the dps role to become a might/banner bot.
I really believe that berserker has the potential to put warriors back up in the dps ranks.No because you don’t know how to do math. However what you are right about is berserker and its role for dps. That’s what it’s there for, it just can’t do it. I already went over this in the feedback thread. But by all means keep trying
I can tell that you have a hard time letting go of axe mace by the way you complain about having to drop tactics for berserker in the traits… instead of dropping arms.
Camp greatsword and you would have no issues with losing damage, since you won’t be swapping to weapons you aren’t traited in, and the increased attack speed hands down demolishes any attack speed increase axe autos would give over gs autos.
Imagine every time you would swap from gs to axe mace (since you burned your cooldowns), you instead went into berserker mode.
You’re doing it wrong.
but it doesnt work this way. The entire reason I wouldnt drop arms isnt because of axe mace, its because its the only thing that supports any kind of condi/1hs/bleeding. Why give us a condi/dps elite and not condi and and not improve dps? even if you CAN dps near or equal to warrior with berserker, which you cant, why bother? youre losing support and doing the same or less damage. It just doesnt make sense
So you are saying you wont replace arms with berzerker for two traits, the one that applies bleed and the other that deals more damage to bleeding foes…?
…and you don’t think that being able to use your burst skill every few seconds more than makes up for this? in addition to the burning? and the blood reaction trait?
And you CANT use your burst skill every “few” seconds, they have kitten cd and berserker lasts 15 seconds.
Since you dont care about the burning anyway…
Smash Brawler Trait.
come on man…
The gs primal burst has a 5sec cd which is reduced to basically nothing when traited. You can burst ~3 times while in berserker mode, and then it goes on cd for 15 seconds, which is when you use your normal bursts which have a cd of ~7seconds.
to the limit, signet of fury, frenzy, headbutt + outrage all restore your adrenaline at such a pace where you are indeed bursting every few seconds.
The only time you wont see a bursts every 2-3 seconds is if foes aren’t dying, ie a boss encounter.
which isn’t even that big of a deal if you are the one grabbing the ib.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
You guys really need to play warrior differently to utilize the berserker.
Make sure you are using your burst skills, both in berserker and out.
I know its something that many of us never did, simply because we deal more damage with a full adrenaline bar…. but this is amazing.
I find that “To the Limit!” when coupled with the Restorative Strength, and Phalanx Strength traits, provides an excellent way to utilize the burst skills and immediately replenish your adrenaline after while buffing your party with might stacks. The new skill, outrage, also works wonders with a build built around bursting.
My rotation is
100b->burst-> frenzy -> to the limit->zerk->burst->outrage->100b-> burstAnd that’s probably not even the most optimal of rotations…. i’m still learning but it definitely works.
Try it out.
im sorry but no… and for many reasons
One of those reasons being that you are xenophobic and/or afraid to try new things?
Warriors were once dps characters long before they took a back seat on the dps role to become a might/banner bot.
I really believe that berserker has the potential to put warriors back up in the dps ranks.No because you don’t know how to do math. However what you are right about is berserker and its role for dps. That’s what it’s there for, it just can’t do it. I already went over this in the feedback thread. But by all means keep trying
I can tell that you have a hard time letting go of axe mace by the way you complain about having to drop tactics for berserker in the traits… instead of dropping arms.
Camp greatsword and you would have no issues with losing damage, since you won’t be swapping to weapons you aren’t traited in, and the increased attack speed hands down demolishes any attack speed increase axe autos would give over gs autos.
Imagine every time you would swap from gs to axe mace (since you burned your cooldowns), you instead went into berserker mode.
You’re doing it wrong.
but it doesnt work this way. The entire reason I wouldnt drop arms isnt because of axe mace, its because its the only thing that supports any kind of condi/1hs/bleeding. Why give us a condi/dps elite and not condi and and not improve dps? even if you CAN dps near or equal to warrior with berserker, which you cant, why bother? youre losing support and doing the same or less damage. It just doesnt make sense
So you are saying you wont replace arms with berzerker for two traits, the one that applies bleed and the other that deals more damage to bleeding foes…?
…and you don’t think that being able to use your burst skill every few seconds more than makes up for this? in addition to the burning? and the blood reaction trait?
You guys really need to play warrior differently to utilize the berserker.
Make sure you are using your burst skills, both in berserker and out.
I know its something that many of us never did, simply because we deal more damage with a full adrenaline bar…. but this is amazing.
I find that “To the Limit!” when coupled with the Restorative Strength, and Phalanx Strength traits, provides an excellent way to utilize the burst skills and immediately replenish your adrenaline after while buffing your party with might stacks. The new skill, outrage, also works wonders with a build built around bursting.
My rotation is
100b->burst-> frenzy -> to the limit->zerk->burst->outrage->100b-> burstAnd that’s probably not even the most optimal of rotations…. i’m still learning but it definitely works.
Try it out.
im sorry but no… and for many reasons
One of those reasons being that you are xenophobic and/or afraid to try new things?
Warriors were once dps characters long before they took a back seat on the dps role to become a might/banner bot.
I really believe that berserker has the potential to put warriors back up in the dps ranks.No because you don’t know how to do math. However what you are right about is berserker and its role for dps. That’s what it’s there for, it just can’t do it. I already went over this in the feedback thread. But by all means keep trying
I can tell that you have a hard time letting go of axe mace by the way you complain about having to drop tactics for berserker in the traits… instead of dropping arms.
Camp greatsword and you would have no issues with losing damage, since you won’t be swapping to weapons you aren’t traited in, and the increased attack speed hands down demolishes any attack speed increase axe autos would give over gs autos.
Imagine every time you would swap from gs to axe mace (since you burned your cooldowns), you instead went into berserker mode.
You’re doing it wrong.
Beta weekend players, HoT worth it or not?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360
Ok. I can play too.
Anet hasn’t specifically stated the weapon types that the first three HoT legendary weapons will be. They’re going to all be staves.
Anet hasn’t specifically stated the number of story episodes that will be in the expansion. I say that we only get the one that we saw in the beta with the rest being released biweekly.
Anet hasn’t specifically denied that every player in the game is actually a Skritt wearing racial disguises. We’re all Skritt.
You cannot definitively say anything I just said above is false just as I cannot definitively say any of it is correct. I could ignore that, say I’m correct, and then say anyone who disagrees with me is just a fanboy but I won’t. I would be doing actually what you’ve been doing if I were to do that.
What you’re doing is holding something only to be true if Anet has specifically stated it to be so to the most minute detail. Anet stated on the HoT website that there will be four explorable maps. They didn’t specifically state that all four would be included on release so you took it upon yourself to shed doubt on it to further your own agenda. You make a lot of assumptions with no sources and yet call out anyone that does the same. There’s more evidence against your position(s) so that’s why you place such a very high burden of proof on anything that you disagree with.
I have played the beta, and myself and many others have seen one single, solitary, incomplete map.
When I see 4 maps, I’ll believe it.
Until then have fun riding the hype train.
Come find me when the expansion launches, and I’ll be happy to bow down to you and admit I was wrong if that is indeed the case….
I have nothing left to say that you guys are willing to listen to.
If I’m wrong… everyone wins… and I really want to be wrong… but I don’t think I will be.
You guys really need to play warrior differently to utilize the berserker.
Make sure you are using your burst skills, both in berserker and out.
I know its something that many of us never did, simply because we deal more damage with a full adrenaline bar…. but this is amazing.
I find that “To the Limit!” when coupled with the Restorative Strength, and Phalanx Strength traits, provides an excellent way to utilize the burst skills and immediately replenish your adrenaline after while buffing your party with might stacks. The new skill, outrage, also works wonders with a build built around bursting.
My rotation is
100b->burst-> frenzy -> to the limit->zerk->burst->outrage->100b-> burstAnd that’s probably not even the most optimal of rotations…. i’m still learning but it definitely works.
Try it out.
im sorry but no… and for many reasons
One of those reasons being that you are xenophobic and/or afraid to try new things?
Warriors were once dps characters long before they took a back seat on the dps role to become a might/banner bot.
I really believe that berserker has the potential to put warriors back up in the dps ranks.
Beta weekend players, HoT worth it or not?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360
Thank you sir…
This doesn’t confirm or deny anything I’ve said so far though…I still feel as if we may be receiving these other three maps later…. not part of the initial release but delivered through the course of Living World Episode 3.
Anet did say somewhere that they will be continuing the Living World after the Release of HoT…. and I mean we don’t even get to fight Mordremoth until the story is over.
“Buying HoT” is just a paywall between players and Living World Episode 3.
You will get one map in the Maguuma Jungle when HoT is released…. and you will get the others in bite sized pieces every two weeks as the living story progresses.
Seriously read that site, they are literly saying four maps, that doesn’t mean living story, that means at launch. I do not get how you can read something and then still try to deny it. Btw They also said that the current story would wrap up in the expansion.
I know you want to troll, but at least accept it when someone brings the facts into it. If you don’t like the expansion so be it, but this is being hatefull and intentionally misleading.
Do you honestly think I’m trying to be hateful or misleading?
How on earth do I get called an anet fanboy and an anet hater in the same thread?
Here are the facts:
I bought the expansion before I knew anything about it because of the hype train.
Now that the hype train has crashed, I have yet to see anything that would make me want to encourage others to buy the expansion, and I would not purchase the expansion today if I had not already purchased it in the past.
Anet has become rather adept at twisting words and leaving out details, and I would not trust what you think they are saying without reading between the lines.
Anything that could be considered a plus or a feature for HoT would be advertised…
…and anything that would be considered negative or a flaw in HoT will not be advertised…Examples:
Anet – “The Maguuma Jungle will have 4 new maps.”That could mean
A) We will get all 4 new maps in the jungle on release of HoT
B) We will get one new jungle map on release and will get the remaining maps over time.Neither of which make the statement false.
But I ask you this…
Has anyone seen any of these other maps?
Does the one map we have seem anywhere close to finished?
Do you believe we will have three more maps, in equal size and quality to Verdant Brink, finished given the release date of HoT?Anet never said anything about a Mordremoth encounter
That could mean
A) We will be able to fight Mordremoth on day 1 of the release of HoT, regardless of no mention.
B) Mordremoth won’t be defeated until a future Living Story episode is released.Both are possible….
But I want you to know…
Since Anet never said anything about a Mordremoth encounter, they are likely hiding the fact that we won’t get to fight him till later, otherwise they would be advertising it.You are denying 2 things that have been stated in interviews by Arenanet to be fact. They did confirm our current storyline will come to a conclusion in HoT, whatever conclusion that is, of course they aren’t gonna tell you the specifics, but the entire mordrem jungle story line will be completed.
They also stated multiple times that there will be multiple maps at release, and colin uses the words “as players venture trough these maps” all the time when talking about the expansion + you have the official website listing it as a feature or heart of thorns + they confirmed “not all maps in the expansion will have 3 layers”, clearly showing multiple maps will be in there+4 maps have already been found in datamining + it’s on the official GW2 wiki+they clearly stated they are only showing us verdant brink to not spoil everything.Plz stop making stuff up just to have an oppertunity to be negative. Start from the facts. This site https://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com/game/#maguuma is factual info on what will be there on release. If it isn’t there on release, like raids, wich will be added a few weeks into the expansion. It is specificly mentioned in the blog post. Also note that the living world season 3 is NOT listed as a feature here, since it’s not there on launch.
Stop trolling, if you don’t like the game, don’t play, but do not feed lies into the playersbase that is asking for honest information. There are plenty of people here able to build a reasonable argument towards the OP, both positive and negative, without making stuff up.
Oh and btw i hope you learned your lesson about pre-purchasing something blindly, that is your fault and your fault alone. I pre-purchased because i have faith in the developper, wich has given me over 10 years of awesome gameplay in both GW1 and GW2, if you don’t then you should not pre-purchase until you have all the info you need, and make an informed decision
You literally did not even comprehend what I posted… at all.
I’m saying you need to read between the lines.
Here is an example from the not-so-distant past…
Anet says something like
“New competitive game mode where guilds can compete, guild versus guild”
Fans hear GVG, everyone is talking about how great gvg is going to be…
Developers refer to new game mode as GvG in interviews….
New gametype is revealed as stronghold…. and
Stronghold is no more of a GvG than regular vanilla Spvp is.
…and yet anet never lied
All you have to do is type GvG and Gw2 into a search engine and you will find hundreds of blog sites raving about how GvG is coming.
How did such a miscommunication occur?
Because Anet twisted their words, and made stronghold sound like GvG.
They gave people what they wanted to hear, but didn’t give them what they wanted to see.
I’m not making this stuff up, man.
Please, continue calling me a troll, you are only insulting yourself and your own intelligence.
If you don’t believe me, fine.
but when the expansion comes out and I’m right…. don’t say I didn’t tell you so.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
You guys really need to play warrior differently to utilize the berserker.
Make sure you are using your burst skills, both in berserker and out.
I know its something that many of us never did, simply because we deal more damage with a full adrenaline bar…. but this is amazing.
I find that “To the Limit!” when coupled with the Restorative Strength, and Phalanx Strength traits, provides an excellent way to utilize the burst skills and immediately replenish your adrenaline after while buffing your party with might stacks. The new skill, outrage, also works wonders with a build built around bursting.
My rotation is
100b->burst-> frenzy -> to the limit->zerk->burst->outrage->100b-> burst
And that’s probably not even the most optimal of rotations…. i’m still learning but it definitely works.
Try it out.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
Beta weekend players, HoT worth it or not?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360
Thank you sir…
This doesn’t confirm or deny anything I’ve said so far though…I still feel as if we may be receiving these other three maps later…. not part of the initial release but delivered through the course of Living World Episode 3.
Anet did say somewhere that they will be continuing the Living World after the Release of HoT…. and I mean we don’t even get to fight Mordremoth until the story is over.
“Buying HoT” is just a paywall between players and Living World Episode 3.
You will get one map in the Maguuma Jungle when HoT is released…. and you will get the others in bite sized pieces every two weeks as the living story progresses.
Seriously read that site, they are literly saying four maps, that doesn’t mean living story, that means at launch. I do not get how you can read something and then still try to deny it. Btw They also said that the current story would wrap up in the expansion.
I know you want to troll, but at least accept it when someone brings the facts into it. If you don’t like the expansion so be it, but this is being hatefull and intentionally misleading.
Do you honestly think I’m trying to be hateful or misleading?
How on earth do I get called an anet fanboy and an anet hater in the same thread?
Here are the facts:
I bought the expansion before I knew anything about it because of the hype train.
Now that the hype train has crashed, I have yet to see anything that would make me want to encourage others to buy the expansion, and I would not purchase the expansion today if I had not already purchased it in the past.
Anet has become rather adept at twisting words and leaving out details, and I would not trust what you think they are saying without reading between the lines.
Anything that could be considered a plus or a feature for HoT would be advertised…
…and anything that would be considered negative or a flaw in HoT will not be advertised…
Anet – “The Maguuma Jungle will have 4 new maps.”
That could mean
A) We will get all 4 new maps in the jungle on release of HoT
B) We will get one new jungle map on release and will get the remaining maps over time.
Neither of which make the statement false.
But I ask you this…
Has anyone seen any of these other maps?
Does the one map we have seem anywhere close to finished?
Do you believe we will have three more maps, in equal size and quality to Verdant Brink, finished given the release date of HoT?
Anet never said anything about a Mordremoth encounter
That could mean
A) We will be able to fight Mordremoth on day 1 of the release of HoT, regardless of no mention.
B) Mordremoth won’t be defeated until a future Living Story episode is released.
Both are possible….
But I want you to know…
Since Anet never said anything about a Mordremoth encounter, they are likely hiding the fact that we won’t get to fight him till later, otherwise they would be advertising it.
Beta weekend players, HoT worth it or not?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360
Doesn’t seem quite worth it, but it is unfinished right now. Hard to tell how good a movie is by watching the first 10 minutes.
I think it’s funny that TheBlackLeech sounds so bitter about HoT, but decided to pre-purchase it anyway despite claiming to know how little there is in the expansion. Fanboy in troll’s clothing.
Do you think its funny that someone who has been with Anet and Guild wars for over 10 years is would be insulted by how cash grabby Anet has gotten lately?
Do you also think its funny that Anet continues to lure in more and more new players with shinies while neglecting their veteran players who have supported them the whole way?
Anet said “Buy whats behind this curtain” and I trusted them… and I got burned.
For no other reason than I trusted them, like a fan would.
There was nothing behind the curtain when I prepurchased…. and there is still barely anything there. Lesson learned.
They don’t care what the players get as long as they get their money.
We got fooled into paying for content we were already getting for free.
Players – “We don’t have enough content to keep us busy… can we have an expansion?”
Anet – “The Living world is not enough content for you guys?”
“Let me just take the exact same living world releases you were going to get for free….. not give it to you for a while…. and then put a price tag on it. and sell it as an expansion”
Players – “This isn’t what we asked for”
Anet is no longer the master of delivering enjoyable worthwhile content, and has instead become the master of twisting words, and leaving out details. They lure in new players to get new wallets, and don’t care about anyone else.
How can you not understand why I am upset?
I have always been a Guild Wars fanboy…. but I assure you I am NOT trolling.
I mean all of this from the bottom of my heart.
Anet did not always operate this way, and it is sad that they are so different now.
Beta weekend players, HoT worth it or not?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360
Thank you sir…
This doesn’t confirm or deny anything I’ve said so far though…
I still feel as if we may be receiving these other three maps later…. not part of the initial release but delivered through the course of Living World Episode 3.
Anet did say somewhere that they will be continuing the Living World after the Release of HoT…. and I mean we don’t even get to fight Mordremoth until the story is over.
“Buying HoT” is just a paywall between players and Living World Episode 3.
You will get one map in the Maguuma Jungle when HoT is released…. and you will get the others in bite sized pieces every two weeks as the living story progresses.
Beta weekend players, HoT worth it or not?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360
Why so cynical? LS3? I don’t remember previous living stories bringing Raids, a new class, a large expanse on total skills, new trait lines that alter the base class, role necessity, harder creatures, new legendaries, legendary armor, fractal and pvp revamped systems, a new pvp mode (short of Courtyard if you consider that a pvp ‘mode’).
If you don’t think 50 dollars is fair after 3 years of playing the game and many much more time to follow, then… I’m sorry. But even 60 dollar console or PC games don’t amount to many hours of non-social entertainment. I’m not sure where you’re basing your views of “worth”. If you don’t like the game, don’t play it, but as far as content goes, saying its just a new Drytop is simply wrong and deceiving…
I think that after three years an MMO needs a true and real expansion… not this dressed up living story Heart of Thorns nonsense. Its a deviant scheme to squeeze more money out of its playerbase. Also…. price is not an issue…. obviously I’ve already purchased the “expansion”. I have been starved of content and have been dying for an expansion for years now. Living Story wasn’t enough…. so what did anet do…. they cut off content completely… saved up a handful of free releases… and then put a pricetag on it…. It is honestly insulting.
There will be 4 maps, anet have said so. You haven’t played the beta and have false information – your opinion isn’t worth much.
The new area we’ve seen is great – fun dynamic events, gliding is awesome, interesting mobs to fight. Hopefully all the maps will be like this with varied themes and layouts.
The Chronomancer is so much fun, I am sad every day my Mesmer isn’t one yet.
I paid £35 for HoT and got such good value from 3 years of GW2 so far I’m sure it will continue to provide more.
Do you have a source for where Anet said there will be four maps?
Also, I have definitely played the beta…. how does your foot taste in your mouth?
4 maps.
“There is literally nothing that would make me want to buy this” sorry when I read THIS I made the assumption that you didn’t buy it – because NOTHING could make you…
I stand corrected on the ‘playing beta,’ I do wonder what the something that made you buy it was though.
Again… that wikipedia entry is not sourced.
Anyone can edit the wiki.
Disappointment with Verdant Brink zone
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360
Thank you for not being a super fanboy and telling the truth about what Verdant Brink is… (the next silverwastes and dry top, complete with the annoying grindfest that exists on those maps)
Beta weekend players, HoT worth it or not?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360
Why so cynical? LS3? I don’t remember previous living stories bringing Raids, a new class, a large expanse on total skills, new trait lines that alter the base class, role necessity, harder creatures, new legendaries, legendary armor, fractal and pvp revamped systems, a new pvp mode (short of Courtyard if you consider that a pvp ‘mode’).
If you don’t think 50 dollars is fair after 3 years of playing the game and many much more time to follow, then… I’m sorry. But even 60 dollar console or PC games don’t amount to many hours of non-social entertainment. I’m not sure where you’re basing your views of “worth”. If you don’t like the game, don’t play it, but as far as content goes, saying its just a new Drytop is simply wrong and deceiving…
I think that after three years an MMO needs a true and real expansion… not this dressed up living story Heart of Thorns nonsense. Its a deviant scheme to squeeze more money out of its playerbase. Also…. price is not an issue…. obviously I’ve already purchased the “expansion”. I have been starved of content and have been dying for an expansion for years now. Living Story wasn’t enough…. so what did anet do…. they cut off content completely… saved up a handful of free releases… and then put a pricetag on it…. It is honestly insulting.
There will be 4 maps, anet have said so. You haven’t played the beta and have false information – your opinion isn’t worth much.
The new area we’ve seen is great – fun dynamic events, gliding is awesome, interesting mobs to fight. Hopefully all the maps will be like this with varied themes and layouts.
The Chronomancer is so much fun, I am sad every day my Mesmer isn’t one yet.
I paid £35 for HoT and got such good value from 3 years of GW2 so far I’m sure it will continue to provide more.
Do you have a source for where Anet said there will be four maps?
Also, I have definitely played the beta…. how does your foot taste in your mouth?
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
Beta weekend players, HoT worth it or not?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360
From what I have seen, all we we are getting another “drytop” or “silverwastes” type of map. Complete with the absurd amount of busy work grinding also associated with the aforementioned. (which we would have gotten for free in its entirety already the same way we got drytop and silverwastes if anet hadn’t decided to start withholding living story in order to label it as an expansion and sell it to us)
There is literally nothing that would make me want to buy this, and unless anet is just acting like verdant brink is the only map we are going to get to troll us, and we are getting a lot more than a grand total of: one new map, one new profession, the specialization system, guild halls, a few new legendaries… and one raid.
This is not an expansion…. this is living world season 3 with a price tag.
…and I’m already bored to tears with what we have available.
I’ve already got my pitchfork in my hand waiting for the day the expansion releases and everyone realizes the same.