[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Here is a really nice blogpost that briefly touches on the difference between a rise in price due to demand and inflation.
It also talks about how the current usage of ‘inflation’ and ‘asset price inflation’ or ‘demand-push inflation’ is misleading. There is only one kind of ‘inflation’
You mean more money = the one kind of “inflation”
Now, thought experiment time. If apple demand was permanently increased by 50%, because it cure and prevent cancer. The production of apple stayed the same, and resulting in price of apple going up. Would you consider that inflation? or just a random blip? (AKA level 500 crafting as a permanent addition)
Just curious.
Even with your condition of ‘permanently’, I would not consider it inflation. I’m no economist, but from my understanding of the theory it wouldn’t be. Apples are just one product. Inflation takes an index of products. Maybe if you had a world that just consisted of apples but…that thouht would be absurd.
And besides. If demand were to permanently rise, that means price will go up right? That would signal the suppliers to start producing more to take advantage of the price. But that would eventually lead to more competitive prices and we would end up at an equilibrium.
Wow, thank you for that! Yes I forgot that in the real world there is finite,
It’s finite for everyone but central banks or well connected entities.
You really need to analyze deeper than looking at prices before blaming it on inflation. Various other things can cause a price increase, such as changes along the demand/supply curve, shocks and speculators. Not to mention, promotions that you have with the gem store.
I could waste the entire weekend collecting endless amounts of evidence in regards to this games inflation.
Why bother? the dev’s already said it’s going on. I don’t need to collect evidence, it’s been said. They said it, and I’ve seen it. I’ve pulled in 350g+ off the market in the past 24 hours and probably 20-35% of that is profit. And that took 30 mins of effort. People have the money to blow on my listings because the game is flooded with cash. That wasn’t the case a while back. I’ve been a heavy trader since NOV, and I’ve never seen people throw money around like they are right now.
Players are going to spend more when they make more, which is going to warp the economy and cause inflation. The more money the less it’s worth.
Yes, inflation is happening but as was said here previously it’s not as rampant as people want to believe.
You don’t seem to understand what inflation is or what causes it.
Farming for an hour and getting 40g worth of materials does not cause inflation
Farming for an hour and getting 40g in pure GOLD doesYou pulled off 350g from the TP in the past 24 hours? Cool, but that didn’t actually bring gold into the economy. Gold actually got removed from those transactions.
woah woah woah. you mean to tell me there is a TP tax fee?!?! WHAT! oh man, I had no clue! I also don’t understand what inflation is.
I hereby state publicly that I am far to stupid to continue on this conversation. My goals are the following:
-learn English better
-understand what inflation is
-learn to understand anet saying “yes there is inflation” means something else, depending on what the next persons interpretation of that phrase means.
-understand that money is magically removed from the game via tax on TPIn the future, please talk to me like I am 4 years old. If you could break out MS paint and draw me images describing what you are talking about, all the better.
Oh, and I’m at 378g since I last posted. I don’t have a clue how the market works probably. maybe. I don’t know. I just click around the screen randomly, don’t look at numbers really and the gold just doesn’t stop coming into my account. It’s actually really annoying.
Awesome, glad you get it
but in all seriousness, what you said earlier wasn’t what my point is. I understand that farming and item does not cause inflation, it will lower the value of that item especially if it is something stupid like a weapon or armor, less so if it has a legit use in game in higher volumes.
I 100% agree with you that farming gold in these events is a problem. In my opinion it is THE problem.
I can give a short example. A coworker just started playing this game last month. He has farmed on his own something like 13 gold. he plays 0-2 hours per day, just hit 80 this week and is an inexperienced and casual player (never ran a dungeon, fract, never entered wvw). It took me a LONG time as an active inexperienced player to rack up 13 gold in comparison starting in prelease.
It’s just to easy to get money.
Well of course, that’s prelease. There wasn’t enough gold generated in the world to have 13g.
How much profit is there in making IL?
I wish they would return all legendary weapons and not make them sellable on the trading post. I my mind this has always been wrong. There is nothing legendary about a weapons or item that you can craft and then just sell to other players.
Very minimal.
The only non-purchasable component that would have a ‘premium’ is the skillpoints. And those have been really easy to acquire due to champ boxes.
So any reasonable player would rather make their own rather than pay a premium for 50 skillpoints.
Here is a really nice blogpost that briefly touches on the difference between a rise in price due to demand and inflation.
It also talks about how the current usage of ‘inflation’ and ‘asset price inflation’ or ‘demand-push inflation’ is misleading. There is only one kind of ‘inflation’
Wow, thank you for that! Yes I forgot that in the real world there is finite,
It’s finite for everyone but central banks or well connected entities.
You really need to analyze deeper than looking at prices before blaming it on inflation. Various other things can cause a price increase, such as changes along the demand/supply curve, shocks and speculators. Not to mention, promotions that you have with the gem store.
I could waste the entire weekend collecting endless amounts of evidence in regards to this games inflation.
Why bother? the dev’s already said it’s going on. I don’t need to collect evidence, it’s been said. They said it, and I’ve seen it. I’ve pulled in 350g+ off the market in the past 24 hours and probably 20-35% of that is profit. And that took 30 mins of effort. People have the money to blow on my listings because the game is flooded with cash. That wasn’t the case a while back. I’ve been a heavy trader since NOV, and I’ve never seen people throw money around like they are right now.
Players are going to spend more when they make more, which is going to warp the economy and cause inflation. The more money the less it’s worth.
Yes, inflation is happening but as was said here previously it’s not as rampant as people want to believe.
You don’t seem to understand what inflation is or what causes it.
Farming for an hour and getting 40g worth of materials does not cause inflation
Farming for an hour and getting 40g in pure GOLD doesYou pulled off 350g from the TP in the past 24 hours? Cool, but that didn’t actually bring gold into the economy. Gold actually got removed from those transactions.
woah woah woah. you mean to tell me there is a TP tax fee?!?! WHAT! oh man, I had no clue! I also don’t understand what inflation is.
I hereby state publicly that I am far to stupid to continue on this conversation. My goals are the following:
-learn English better
-understand what inflation is
-learn to understand anet saying “yes there is inflation” means something else, depending on what the next persons interpretation of that phrase means.
-understand that money is magically removed from the game via tax on TPIn the future, please talk to me like I am 4 years old. If you could break out MS paint and draw me images describing what you are talking about, all the better.
Oh, and I’m at 378g since I last posted. I don’t have a clue how the market works probably. maybe. I don’t know. I just click around the screen randomly, don’t look at numbers really and the gold just doesn’t stop coming into my account. It’s actually really annoying.
Awesome, glad you get it
I am looking at spidy and it seems its at 28s. Am I that old where I do not consider that high? It used to be 35 back in the day and I’m still waiting for the time when it might hit enough to sell my glob listed for 42 silver.
I don’t think it’ll ever reach that high, at least sustain itself at that price. It could reach that high temporarily – probably within the hour of the patch when people realize glob may be needed in large quantities.
If globs ever reach that high, we will simply see more people at metaevents to push the price down. People will also craft their own rares (which would push the price of t5 up eventually) to salvage.
I’m anticipating Tuesday, took a day off since I have to use my remaining vacation days (and I don’t plan on going anywhere)
However, you need to look forward to their PAX presentation on Saturday. They will be presenting new game content. It cold be minor (next Living Story) or it could be major (huge content dump such as classes/maps)
A good example is ectos.
They were steady at around 18s. Then inflation happened (among other things) and it went all the way to 22s. The gold facuet eventually got fixed.
Then we had Tuesday’s notes and it spiked way up. But that was not as a result of inflation. That was as a result of speculators which resulted in a change along the demand curve.
Wow, thank you for that! Yes I forgot that in the real world there is finite,
It’s finite for everyone but central banks or well connected entities.
You really need to analyze deeper than looking at prices before blaming it on inflation. Various other things can cause a price increase, such as changes along the demand/supply curve, shocks and speculators. Not to mention, promotions that you have with the gem store.
I could waste the entire weekend collecting endless amounts of evidence in regards to this games inflation.
Why bother? the dev’s already said it’s going on. I don’t need to collect evidence, it’s been said. They said it, and I’ve seen it. I’ve pulled in 350g+ off the market in the past 24 hours and probably 20-35% of that is profit. And that took 30 mins of effort. People have the money to blow on my listings because the game is flooded with cash. That wasn’t the case a while back. I’ve been a heavy trader since NOV, and I’ve never seen people throw money around like they are right now.
Players are going to spend more when they make more, which is going to warp the economy and cause inflation. The more money the less it’s worth.
Yes, inflation is happening but as was said here previously it’s not as rampant as people want to believe.
You don’t seem to understand what inflation is or what causes it.
Farming for an hour and getting 40g worth of materials does not cause inflation
Farming for an hour and getting 40g in pure GOLD does
You pulled off 350g from the TP in the past 24 hours? Cool, but that didn’t actually bring gold into the economy. Gold actually got removed from those transactions.
I stopped bothering to listen to him a while back as there is nothing of worth to gather from the words he is permitted to say to us. Kinda like the words of a fortune being meaningless as they are so generalized that they may apply to anything.
Yup, precisely. John is barely allowed to tell us anything and when he does it’s so vague and cryptic that it’s essentially worthless.
I can think of absolutely no reason why the player base shouldn’t be permitted access to basic information about the economy. His remark about the median returns from gauntlet farming is a perfect example. The median alone tells us almost nothing. What was the mean? What about gold earned by the top quintiles or deciles and the population statistics to match?
That was my problem with his old posts. He gave some information out that was so vague it could mean a lot of things from completely different sides of the problem. It was so vague that it was borderline meaningless.
I can understand that he can’t give out specifics because people will use that to their advantage come time to implement change, but as I said earlier his statements were very Baghdad Bobish, i.e. “No American tanks here!” as they roll in the background instead it was (not a quote from him) “No significant problem here!” as large parts of the games market are in ridiculous situations.
Inflation is happening. All you have to do to see that is look at the gem price and other common commodities and compare that to the games 1st quarter.
-Iron ore was a flat ~10c per unit almost since launch up until late spring. Its over 60c right now and it was slammed up to 82c during these new farming events.
-Gold ore was around ~23c right up until late spring, went insane in June, got 100% of control with these events at 1.kitten at the top.
-Platinum ore was a super low and very flat ~11c since release up until late spring and commited suicide during these events maxing out at 1.kitten during these events.
-Gem prices have steadily risen since release but in a stepped pattern that looks like it gets a bump around each main event. The thing is, it doesnt return back to the pre event price level. It just keeps going up and up and as a result the value of gold goes down and down.Makes sense. Gold is worth less as the game ages and commonly used commodities like basic ores go up with it, although with some lag in time depending on the severity of the impact of the event. The previous Halloween, Xmas and early spring ones were not so damaging. These farming extravaganza summer ones have been.
bugged post notes
~the “1.kitten” price is bugged and I can’t get it to show the correct price for platinum there. the max price for platinum ore was one point forty six silver.
~Max gold ore price was one point forty three silverJohn, respectfully, that is the type of post we are talking about. It doesn’t mean much. It’s a post. It’s in English. Thats about as far as it goes in terms of precise explanations of it.
You really need to analyze deeper than looking at prices before blaming it on inflation. Various other things can cause a price increase, such as changes along the demand/supply curve, shocks and speculators. Not to mention, promotions that you have with the gem store.
At the start of Queen’s Jubillee it was at 18s. Then after awhile it inflated to 22s and stayed there for a bit due to gold inflation.
Then came Tuesday’s notes that revealed lvl 500 crafting would come out. This led to a price increase from speculators which led to an even higher price.
Of course they won’t
We’ve known this forever.
Oh I am just curious if ANet will take deflationary action or just let the inflation sit.
…the next patch is Inflationary! (for non gems transactions). Rush on mats will drive up prices and the loss of supply due to end of invasions will push up BLTC prices.
Gems however will deflate and fall off a cliff. Thus make your trades now!
Indeed it is so…
An increase in prices for mats will not lead to inflation or caused by it. The more mats that are created and traded, the more gold is removed from the economy. Removing gold does not cause inflation.
Yes, prices of mats will increase but it’s a result of a shift along the demand curve (and probably the supply curve)
Inflation – general rise in prices over a period of time
Disinflation – general decrease in the rate of inflation towards the price before inflation
Deflation – general fall in prices over a period of time
I don’t think you will ever see deflation in this game. You would have to have more gold sinks than faucets. Disinflation has happened and will continue to happen.
edit: on second thought, there could be deflation by next patch. People may be less inclined to vendor blue/greens and sell them directly on the TP (which is indirectly a faucet). We shall see.
(edited by Vol.5241)
There seems to be a sweet spot for encounters—too few people and it wont work, too many people and it’s colorful snoozefest, you need just the right amount of people to hit the threshold of feasibility vs challenge.
While i admit there is something novel about seeing 100 people run around as a group— it really is cool to see that, but eventually you forget about that because you’re frantically trying to tag mobs and wade through the spell effects.
I’ll compare it to a 40 man raid in WoW. 40 people was the right amount of people to keep the encounter challenging while also give you the epic spectacle of 40 people working together for the same goal.
In GW2, you have the equivalent of a 40 man raid being accomplished by either 4 people or 80 people. The encounters run best when you hit the sweet spot of just the right amount of people, but there are no controls in place to ensure you have the right amount of people participating.
Too many people just ruins all challenge and is boring, but too few people really make it too slow/impossible, for example 2 people is definitely not enough to take on a Champion.
They should make bigger dungeons like “raids” as I’ve heard them called, when you get a medium size group doing a dynamic event chain, but not too many people, so it’s still a challenge, that’s pretty much the pinnacle of enjoyment in the game for me.
There really isn’t any reason you can’t do that now. Take a not-so-popular event like Karka Queen, organize i guild run (if you guild has enough people, or team with other guilds), and drop the Karka Queen.
The only issue is there is no framework for doing this and no explicit design. You can’t make a raid group (beyond a squad), you have no idea how many people you need to hit the sweet spot for fighting the Karka Queen. And I imagine when all is said and done, the payoff for completing it doesn’t compare the effort that went into organizing it.
So, you can do this in theory, but in practice, it’s easier to roll with a zerg through popular/profitable encounters.
Yeah but zergs aren’t challenging gameplay and mechanics wise. It’d be cool to have content requiring groups larger than dungeons with some complicated mechanics, requiring skills, positioning etc. that won’t be mobbed by hundreds of players farming it.
They are currently working on something akin to raids, so that is something to look forward to. We just don’t know if it will be instanced or open world. But most likely open world.
Right now the closest thing we have to what you want is Southsun Queen…and look at how no one wants to do it.
When new legendaries come out, I guarantee you people will be selling gems to fund their legendary ASAP. Precursors will cost +1000g and all those t6 mats and lodestones will be painfully expensive.
this is maybe most depressing thread i read on this forum.
after reading it, i really have to ask myself a question: is this game gonna happen? i mean, i have been going for it since i loved what anet did with GW1. that game was unique. now i read people on forum defending what GW2 is, saying its completely different game. well one thing is sure… GW2 is not unique, so it can’t be anything else then a different game from GW1.
so back to beginning: is this game gonna happen?
Even WoW had more world-changing events in it when a dragon landed in a field and put fissures in the ground forever. I’ll continue to wait for better content, but I won’t hold my breath.
Well you could ignore the landscape changes in Southsun, the lighthouse being obliterated in LA, the Lion statue being destroyed by the Mad King..
Were those permanent changes?
Yes other than the statue in LA that has been rebuilt after a few months.
I don’t even understand what they have in that spot right now. If I recall it looked like some wierd asuran structure.
Perhaps, but it might be cheaper to just use a transmutation stone. You didn’t make that weapon for the stats, but the looks, right? So just craft any ascended weapon to your liking and transmute it.
That said, I may not have to. In the next patch it looks like you can craft precursors using T7 mats you get from JP’s and mini-dungeons!
It’s unconfirmed
We know precursor crafting is coming. We don’t know if it’s coming in Tuesday’s patch. If we inferred from that post we would also infer that new legendaries would be coming as well.
Even WoW had more world-changing events in it when a dragon landed in a field and put fissures in the ground forever. I’ll continue to wait for better content, but I won’t hold my breath.
Well you could ignore the landscape changes in Southsun, the lighthouse being obliterated in LA, the Lion statue being destroyed by the Mad King..
Aww man. This sucks if its true. He was one of the devs that was pretty consistent at posting on the forums and answering questions.
Why are we jumping to the conclusion that they fired a bunch of employees? Maybe they are actually expanding job positions and hiring more people to keep up with the ridiculous demands of the playerbase?
Isn’t that what people here wanted? Hire more devs to fix bugs and such? Hire more artists to update and create more skins in the game?
Well the did post on twitter that they are hiring:
ArenaNet ?@ArenaNet 18h
ArenaNet is hiring! Positions are listed on our site, incl. server programming, localization & more: http://www.arena.net/ #gamejobs ^RB
Yeah, so? They could be expanding? If they were having layoffs they wouldn’t even be doing any hiring to begin with.
….He’s posting a tweet that supports what you said.
I looked at it as “the reason why they are now hiring is because they had a bunch of employees fired/laid off”
I’m actually a bit ‘worried’ about China. Just look at the trailer they had and the # of views – they only have 44K in a month. That’s a really, really low number.
But then again, I don’t even know if the Chinese use youtube as their main video site. They don’t even use twitter or google.
Aww man. This sucks if its true. He was one of the devs that was pretty consistent at posting on the forums and answering questions.
Why are we jumping to the conclusion that they fired a bunch of employees? Maybe they are actually expanding job positions and hiring more people to keep up with the ridiculous demands of the playerbase?
Isn’t that what people here wanted? Hire more devs to fix bugs and such? Hire more artists to update and create more skins in the game?
Well the did post on twitter that they are hiring:
ArenaNet ?@ArenaNet 18h
ArenaNet is hiring! Positions are listed on our site, incl. server programming, localization & more: http://www.arena.net/ #gamejobs ^RB
Yeah, so? They could be expanding? If they were having layoffs they wouldn’t even be doing any hiring to begin with.
There was an interview 1-2 months ago from one of the game devs (Mike Z I believe) who said that the current revenue model for the game is more than enough to sustain itself that they don’t need to resort to expansions.
So it is doing well. And they are producing enough content. Why do you think they can afford to have 4 teams working on Living Story to push out 2-week content intervals? While it may not seem large-scale for you, in the grand scheme of things, the # and quality of content produced since release IMO would equal to that of a game that had no content releases for a year, and then suddenly released an expansion.
I know everyone wants a new map, class and new dungeon every 2 weeks but it’s not going to happen.
The same economist that wrote there would be no players with 350k gold?
I stopped believing everything he says when he stated that.
I personally know 2 people in the hundreds of thousands of gold. Not even counting all their current investments.As I said: Thats just a worksheet with numbers and headers. Not a proof.
Did they send you full screenshots of their inventory? I’m a rich player with +4000G in liquid assets, but nothing is stopping me from overexaggerating and telling everyone that I have over +100,000G
Yes…it could only mean those 2 things. There’s no other possibility.
I suppose it could mean the game is crashing hard and they are downsizing to keep profits up…
but that seemed a little extreme so I didn’t include it. I definitely don’t see SWTOR levels of failure here.
If you have another reason they would fire a large number of employees I am open to suggestions.
Why are we jumping to the conclusion that they fired a bunch of employees? Maybe they are actually expanding job positions and hiring more people to keep up with the ridiculous demands of the playerbase?
Isn’t that what people here wanted? Hire more devs to fix bugs and such? Hire more artists to update and create more skins in the game?
Do you prefer zerging around and fighting mobs and champions with large zergs of players, or the smaller groups of maybe 5-15 players?
In the recent invasions I’ve almost always had more fun with the smaller groups. Not only do the Champions have less HP, but everything is generally a lot faster and more tactical rather and just sitting there spamming 1. You have to dodge more, manage agro to an extent, and focus down the smaller, bigger damage enemies.
About 4 of us took down an Aetherblade captain in an invasion yesterday much faster than in the giant zerg, even if the rewards were worse.
Can your 4-man group take down a Captain in <30 seconds? A large enough zerg can.
On the other side of the coin, I could make the argument that you don’t have to stress about strategy when running with zergs and that you could farm peacefully.
A large enough zerg (and I’m talking +30, not 15 or so) is superior to the small group. Not only do you get more mobs and more loot, but you kill stuff faster and have better use of your time.
Most of the other veterans have left the company and many are still leaving.
Glassdoor is nice but reviews are hard to judge. People are more likely to post rants rather than praises.
Personally I think the Moot is fine as it is. It’s really shiny and does look like a disco ball. And the trails are pretty unique.
Thats just a worksheet with numbers and headers. Not a proof.
We can choose to believe in the tin-foil posters here on the forums, or we can choose to look at the hard data provided by the game’s economists.
I think it’s time we have Josh Foreman transition from SAB to dungeons.
As much as I love the man behind SAB and Clocktower, if I recall correctly he’s a map artist? I’d think Arenanet have people with more appropiate skillsets for the dungeons?
Anyways, back on topic. While I’m not a huge fan of the Southsun stuff, I’m really sad to see Hrouda leave the company
I hope him the best!
Foreman is literally superman. He can do anything.
Do not underestimate him ;D
It can be either. It’s just the way grammar works.
Robert has been the only dev who really sat with players. Like going to ranger forums, talking, exposing, discussing. Same for DG forums, back in the days there was a DG team.
Anet should hire like 15 Robert, not lay off (? unsure, only rumors seems here) the only one you had.
Arena.net has a no lay off policy. Hrouda most likely left out of his own accord.
No lay offs policies are rare. NCSoft West had layoffs last December and even though Arenanet is their own subsidy, I’d think NCSoft has a say on their budget.
Yeaaaah no. An economy is integral to any MMO.
And you can’t really compare GW2 to D3. D3 has little to no goldsinks. D3 is a perfect example to what happens when you do not monitor inflation.
I think it’s time we have Josh Foreman transition from SAB to dungeons.
If you want to be cheap
lvl 0-10 normally since it’s quick and easy
lvl 11-70 using crafting
lvl 71-80 using current world invasions.
That said, I may not have to. In the next patch it looks like you can craft precursors using T7 mats you get from JP’s and mini-dungeons!
It’s unconfirmed
What I personally would do is sell all your blues/greens that are currently occupy space in your bags/bank.
And then start farming invasions like hell and collecting stacks of champion boxes.
After the patch, open them all and sell the blues/greens on TP if it’s profitable to do so. You can hold hundreds of blues/green through no more than 10 stacks.
Careful now… let’s not forget that changing loot tables from containers already has precedent…..
Watchwork boxes awarded from the Queen’s Gauntlet no longer contain coins.
There is always that risk, but I think doing that would reverse their intent on champion boxes.
I would blame it on these forums, people can be really cruel ;(
I don’t know where you see that. I don’t see “former” at all in his profile.
When we had anchorage I was making 40g on week days. Made 100G on a Sunday
Now with invasions I’m at least 10G on weekdays, though I never sell my ectos so it could be higher.
Weekdays I farm for about 4 hours.
I was one who purchased Genesis about a week ago for a buy order of 180g. I reasoned that I think it would go back up since everyone was busy doing invasions. Boy was I wrong.
Either there are servers out there that continue to farm Orr, demand is stagnating, or suppliers are dumping their stock on mass. I think it’s the latter two.
I gave in and sold it for 90g or so. So that’s a loss of 90G. Not happy about it, but then again you win some and lose some.
The reason is not the extra gold is the speculators buying up every precusor
It’s a little bit of both.
As a hardcore player and farmer…
I used to spend a lot of real $ on this game. I topped off at $1000 and that was at January or so.
But ever since I accumulated a lot of wealth through in-game transactions (and tremendous luck), I have had very little reason to buy gems with real $.
I assume that’s the case with other farmers who can acquire items more efficiently through game gold than real $
Yep, thats like 60c for blues or <2s per green.
I must wonder though how the market will react to the MF change – how much will players pay for a blue or green? And if the TP fee > the npc vendor then, awesome for the economy.
Well – I got my bags full of blue’s and green’s after a little session – not sure if they will sell for too much. But it will mean me not selling them to the vendor.
Edit: Do they sell right now to mystic forge them into rares?
What I personally would do is sell all your blues/greens that are currently occupy space in your bags/bank.
And then start farming invasions like hell and collecting stacks of champion boxes.
After the patch, open them all and sell the blues/greens on TP if it’s profitable to do so. You can hold hundreds of blues/green through no more than 10 stacks.
Secure trading will never happen. The TP is in game for a very important reason.
So that we can take forever getting the legendary we don’t care about.
Yeah sure
Or maybe it’s role as the primary gold sink in the game
I wouldn’t put it past you guys to introduce several gold sinks in the next few releases to handle inflation
- materials from vendors for 500 crafting
- new cultural armors and weaponsAlso: with the upcoming changes to magic find, I bet there will be a lot less gold coming into the game from the ‘merching’ of blues and greens.
Yep, thats like 60c for blues or <2s per green.
I must wonder though how the market will react to the MF change – how much will players pay for a blue or green? And if the TP fee > the npc vendor then, awesome for the economy.
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