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Take a breath regarding changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Increased MF will not help with precursor drops.

Trust me, with a very high MF before the patch, exotics and rares were not raining from the sky. Just an increase in blue/greens and higher level crafting materials (T5 instead of T4 for example).

Besides, most of the player base whined about MF and about how useless it was. That is why they removed it in the first place. Not sure how rewarding them with an extra free 20% MF made sense, but who really cares.

Don’t over estimate the value of MF.

MF will not help with precursor drops, yes, but MF absolutely did work in the long-run and with a large enouh sample size.

Check sig for proof.

Also, MF alone doesn’t help you get exotics. High MF + lots of mobs and tagging does in the long run.

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Yay I love SAB.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


Glad to hear others enjoy it.

In order to get past w2z3 you will need a lot of baubles (400 to be exact)

I suggest you rerun through world 1 and buy all the appropriate shop items. It’ll help your runs easier. There is one part in zone 2 where you cannot advance (ignoring secrets) unless you bring a bomb.

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IMO Pay to Win

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


Paying 600Gems for Infinite Continues to win SAB and get Tribulation items by spam spawning. Then I’m assuming later one would profit from said tribulation items. If you dont see it then you dont but me and 30 active of my 80 active/nonactive members in my guild see it as pay to win. About 40 of the 80 members are perma inactive. Just stopped playing before clockwork…. So roughly over half of my guild thinks its pay to win.

That’s nice and all, but tribulation items are account bound.

Nice try, though.

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Don't nerf on the first day

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


How can you learn with just 1live …

Go get more continue coins? Go do jumping puzzles? Go run world 1 and collect them? Heck you need a ton of baubles just to finish world 2.

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Don't nerf on the first day

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


The whining here is nothing compared to the Clocktower. And they didn’t nerf that.

I hope they don’t nerf world 2.

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IMO Pay to Win

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


Infinite coin is a convenience item. It’s just as “Pay2Win” as infinite gathering tools.

I’m thinking you just want everything handed to you and all those achievements unlocked the moment you step into SAB.

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John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


If he was a clever man the precursors wouldn’t be 1000 gold.

Luxury items aren’t meant for poor people in real life

Just as luxury items in a game aren’t meant for poor players

Yeah, as a rule most people log into a videogame to get fed the exact same crap they get in real life.

Oh wait…

Why play a game if everything is handed to you the moment you install the game and log-in? You want a legendary in your mail?

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SAB World 2 Misses the Mark

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


Well, in my honest opinion Anet made world 2 that hard so it feels like the “infinite continue coin” is a must have for the highest amount of players…

Maybe I am wrong but you’ve got to agree that it’s quite suspicious that world 2 abuses that 1-hit-ko mechanic that devs seems to like so much, and that this change comes along with that kind of item into the gemstore.

Personally I can’t buy that coin with gold, and I am not willing to pay real money to suffer a content that I do not enjoy…not even for a bunch of achievement points.

I really hope i’m wrong, since it would be a cheap way to sell stuff in the gemstore.

1 continue coin gives you 10 lives.

By the time you finish world 1 you should have enough continue coins to go through world 2 many times. I personally have over 40 continue coins collected from world 1 and jumping achievements back from April.

Is it cheap? I disagree. There is nothing gamebreaking or OP about the rewards in SAB. And you can easily get continue coins from world 1 and jumping puzzles. Infinite Coin is a convenience item. If you don’t want to buy it, there are alternatives.

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World 1 subtle changes?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


Back in April I completed SAB but didn’t finish many of the achievements.

I tried to do the bauble achievement for collecting all of them, and consulted on Dulfy’s guide.

Right off the bat in zone 1, I wasn’t able to get the 3rd bauble which according to the guide, was supposed to be behind the waterfall. Now you can’t even get in.

Has anyone noticed this? That there were a lot of changes/locations?

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SAB World 2 Misses the Mark

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


If you suck at normal mode, there is infantile mode for ya

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75 Dollars for 25 Transmutation Splitters!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


People here complaining about the price are complaining about hogwash. Do you really have that many skins that you want to move over?

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John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


If he was a clever man the precursors wouldn’t be 1000 gold.

Luxury items aren’t meant for poor people in real life

Just as luxury items in a game aren’t meant for poor players

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Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


Josh, just wanted to say a large majority of us appreciate your work. The only reason why you’re not hearing it is because we’re actively playing it and trying to beat it ;p

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How to fix Meteorlogicus for Everyone

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vol.5241


How about they just revert changes to the old Meteor since it’s apparent everyone was satisfied with it?

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John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


You know what’s really brilliant though?

Introducing a gold sink in disguise by encouraging people to use or TP blues/greens rather than vendor them.

Way more brilliant than the dust/ecto salvage fix.

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Ascended ingredients,not tradeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


The time-gated ones are tradeable. They consist of account bound materials.

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Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


I’ve completed world 2 up to the point after the gong:

-Very, very few baubles in the world. Where are they?
-Some parts of the world 2 really need ranged weapons (the toads/trap room). Could use some melee alternatives, though I found a way past it (may not be intended)
-some mechanics (like the gong part) are really well down and thought out.

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Destruction of Sentinel Insignias

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


You speculated and you lost.

You didn’t see me complaining about investing in a stack of dust and having it drop to 12s in one day.

Does it suck? Yes. But it’s part of the risk.

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People getting rich quick?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


what’s so wrong about being rich?

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Those of us with Mini Legendaries left out?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


The cost was for the skin. Not the stats. But you know that already.

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Legendary STILL soulbound? Really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Yet you said earlier that you would be done with Anet.

Make up your mind

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Holy Grind Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


You guys complain too much.

Seriously, what did you expect?

/Log-in GW2
/Receive Ascended Weapon


Ascended tier is the bridge between exotic and legendary. The materials reflect that.

If you don’t want it, then fine. It’s not needed.

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New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


I have already thought of an easy way to grief this

Get your guildmates/friends to hop on the hylek turrets. Just afk there or don’t do your job.

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Ascended Wep Box Drop Rate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Rarer than exotics and more frequent than precursors I’d say.

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What is wrong with extos and Vicious fangs?

in Crafting

Posted by: Vol.5241


Most obvious exaggeration I’ve ever heard. Maybe you’ll get that many in the first hour with really high MF% boost until D.R. kicks in.

Um… Statement of fact. I’m getting rares steadily during invasions, and I don’t mean those stupid Queen’s Gauntlet tickets, either. I’ve been having to mystic forge the runes heavily because the yellow ones were flooding my bank space. I’m sitting on about 540 Ectos ATM, and I rarely ever buy them.

I typically run magic find in the teens percent. I’m just really good at tapping EVERYTHING. When you’re pulling down 6-8 champ bags per Aetherblade event, you have to expect some other loot to fall along the way .

And to be honest I haven’t seen DR kick in on me since about February.

That’s a great thing – these invasion events are DR free. Even though they are the same mobs, they are from different zones.

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Flush the TP with the next patch

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Oh I for got the other Other main point…being to kick out all the stuff that has been in there where people have used the TP like their personal bank space…

??? I thought sale posts got returned to you after a certain time period. If so someone would have to keep posting a sale order and paying the posting price.

Sell listing never get returned (and I think they should).

I really don’t know why they haven’t implemented it.

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Flush the TP with the next patch

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


They may not have a system designed to do that efficiently. And if not, it’s not worth the time to design and test it since it’s not a harmful thing to have these 1c buy orders.

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Unanswered Q's regarding new ascended items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Why would you think new legendaries would be stronger? It’s the same tier.

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Rodgort extremely disappointed

in Crafting

Posted by: Vol.5241


Nope, and it doesn’t need one. It looks great already.

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Flameseeker Prophecies Updated Graphics

in Crafting

Posted by: Vol.5241


FSP is fine as it is.

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The Flameseeker Prophecies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Oh please guys

Sunrise, Twilight and especially FSP are all legendaries that have great effects.

I have Sunrise and FSP and I think they are fine as is.

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So what's going to happen to Crystaline Dust?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


I wouldn’t know.

On one hand, you have dust being used as a recipe for ascended material from those who want it

On the other, you have dust being sold of from those who get it from ectos when they really just wanted the essence of luck.

Overall I think dust will continue to rise. I think there will be more who will bank the ectos for their own personal use rather than sell

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Essences of Luck thoughts

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241


It will be interesting.

I really doubt MF will operate on a ‘diminishing return’ scale.

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Can't craft eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


It shows i can make select the greatswords … but can’t make eternity …
Support isn’t helping me neither, they are not answering my questions..
What can i do?


try different combinations. Some recipes bug out and don’t work

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Can't craft eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


It’s trying to stop you from doing something dumb.

Why have one flashy greatsword which changes colour on the time of day when you can just swap to the one you feel like using more?

I reckon Eternity will get a graphical fix on Tuesday.

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How do you see end-game progression?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


A wide variety of very rare skin sets that can be pursued.

Right now we have very limited choices in armor sets. The most expensive right now are the T3 ones, but there is only one set. The other rare ones are from dungeons, and those are time gated and easy to acquire.

I want very rare, appealing and difficult to acquire armor sets.

edit: would be nice if we had an armor set that has graphical effects to them, kind of like Tosh from Starcraft 2:

We have a lot of weapons now in game, and that’s good. But I think the focus should now be set on armors.

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(edited by Vol.5241)

To whoever listed 39 genesis at 220 gold...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


That really is amazing. Perhaps someone misclicked and bought 10 instead of 1? ;|

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Anyone Else Anticipating Tuesday?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


I think Saturday’s announcement could be, in order of likely to happen:
-GW2 ‘raid’ content
-new WvW map
-new class

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How is GW2 doing financially?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Guys, remember that sales is not the only metric to judge whether a company/game is doing well or not.

It is very unreasonable to expect a company to have increasing sales year after year after year. There will come a point where you hit a wall and you simply can’t get any more sales.

Anet/NCSoft have budgets and forecasts. They predicted a decline in box sales. Everyone should know that.

As long as Anet is operating according to or exceeding their plan, they are fine.

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Tribulation Mode - I am ready

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vol.5241



^ pretty much this

Forums complain that there is no challenging content

..then hey complain that the content is too challenging

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Glob price increase, why?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


With all the cores dropping, maybe people needed globs to get dust to fuse them to lodestones?

I was talking to a guildy about this yesterday.

Cores are a very reasonable investment to speculate in. Along with cores comes the demand for dust, but since they are reliably and largely obtained by ectos, and since ectos have a wide variety of uses, investing in ectos would be a better choice than dust.

I’m just unsure of what the price of ectos will stabilize at. I can see it touching 40s but I don’t think it’ll stay there. Maybe 32S? I don’t know. But I’m not holding ectos for investments at the moment, only personal use.

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Storm(meteorlogicus precursor)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Vol, do you think the precursor prices, for Storm, and other precursors will fall eventually?

As a player that hasn’t played from launch I feel very behind everyone else in terms of acquiring legendaries and whatnot, which is only a problem if I make it my problem.

I have 150 gold to my name, and no idea how to make it count.

Yes, the old set of precursors will fall eventually. It’s contingent upon
a.) new legendaries
b.) precursor crafting
c.) scavenger hunt

New legendaries will more than likely push out the demand for old precursors. Precursor crafting and scavenger hunt both provide alternatives to buying/gambling for a precursor. However, I strongly believe Anet will not make these alternatives easy – they will be challenging enough that the average player would still consider the TP or forge as a viable route. Precursor prices will drop, but I don’t think they’ll crash hard.

We don’t know what will happen on Tuesday. We don’t know if precursor crafting will come out, or if new legendaries will be coming out. Luckily I will be in-game on patch day to be able to quickly react to any material news.

If precursor crafting and new legendaries come out on Tuesday, I will pretty much sell to the buy order ASAP

If not, I will hold on to Storm for a day to get the market acclimated to the redesigned Meteorologicus.

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To whoever listed 39 genesis at 220 gold...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


I was one who purchased Genesis about a week ago for a buy order of 180g. I reasoned that I think it would go back up since everyone was busy doing invasions. Boy was I wrong.

Either there are servers out there that continue to farm Orr, demand is stagnating, or suppliers are dumping their stock on mass. I think it’s the latter two.

I gave in and sold it for 90g or so. So that’s a loss of 90G. Not happy about it, but then again you win some and lose some.

Wow. Tsk tsk Vol this is a rookie mistake. What’s happening to you dude =(

Pretty poor assumptions, basically lol

Assuming that the demand for Genesis would remain high and that the supply growth rate of Genesis would slow down (not to be confused with supply itself)

As mentioned, either I grossly underestimated the number of people still farming coffers, or sellers have started to dump all their stock, or people have fallen out of favor in terms of pursuing Genesis.

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How is GW2 doing financially?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


It’s still pretty unfair to compare L1 and GW2.

For one, L1 is a game that has been around awhile and has been a cash cow for them for many years. It’s insane in Korea.

It’s not good to compare games within a company since more often than not they are not comparable.

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GW2 Anniversary Bash - PAX Prime - 8/31/13

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


I think I will be going. This is my first time at PAX, I’ve read all the guides on what to bring and comfy shoes, etc… but I have no idea what Anet is going to be doing. They are pretty much the only reason I am going, it would be great to stop by their booth and meet some of the dev team. Have they posted anything about what they will actually be doing at PAX besides this event on Saturday?

I don’t know if I will go to this Saturday thing you have linked, but it does sound fun maybe I’ll try to make some room for it.

Why would you not go to the Saturday event if you’re only going for Anet?

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GW2 Anniversary Bash - PAX Prime - 8/31/13

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


If you’re going, make sure you stop by the WvW team. Apparently they have some in-game goodies that you may be able to get for attending.

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Gold losing value at an accellerated rate

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


u wot m8?

I’d be skeptical too… But judging by your comments on Ectos, it seems you were surprised by them almost hitting 30s, is that not too much of an exaggeration? …okay well I anticipated it, and had bought 20 stacks of T5’s weeks ago specifically to craft a stack of Ectos to then sell at 28s…. which I’ve been doing. And I’m not even a market guy, I don’t flip, I don’t racketeer, I hardly even touch Gw2Spidey. And other casual friends of mine were PM’ing to make similar remarks on the market. I’m not saying I’m like smart or anything, I’m just saying, stop underestimating us more casual folks plz. We’re not all a bunch of newbie stereotypes

I’m more surprised at how quickly it rose to 30s (and if it will stay there). If it rises too much the suppliers of ectos will come out in force.

Not sure how you’re relating casual players with market discussion. I admit I don’t like playing with casual players, but that has more to do with in-game ability rather than smarts. Both hardcores and casuals can be very clueless on other topics as well.

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Gold losing value at an accellerated rate

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Here is a really nice blogpost that briefly touches on the difference between a rise in price due to demand and inflation.

It also talks about how the current usage of ‘inflation’ and ‘asset price inflation’ or ‘demand-push inflation’ is misleading. There is only one kind of ‘inflation’

Please excuse me that I won’t take an assistant professor’s/phd student’s blog post as the end all be all of economic inflation.

That said what is driving the increasing demand for some items? Fad? Novelty? Increased utility? Increased funds?

As a side note what keeps the term “inflation” from being applied to the micro?

Economists are a fickle bunch and can’t even agree on theories (Smith, Keynes, Marx, Hayek, Friedman, e.t.c., though Keynesian economists is quite popular)

I think it’s primarily a combination of several things.
-Increased funds (imore money to spend thanks to the increased gold supply from gauntlet)
-speculation (people want to buy because they think it will go up)
-player needs (the playerbase wants to get lvl 500, so they are willing to pay a premium now)

You also have gold holders who have a lot of gold and didn’t have much of a reason to spend it until now. As such, they are willing to pay a premium.

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Anyone Else Anticipating Tuesday?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Whatever they reveal, prepare for the endless complaining and whining.


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Gold losing value at an accellerated rate

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


The strength of GW2’s money sinks rests on the 15% TP fee – because it scales up with the amount of money in the economy. Even T3 cultural armor is only a one time sink, and only pulls a flat amount of money out. The TP fee takes 15% over and over and over again – the game cannot generate more money than the TP fee can sink.

The Strength?? …heh, that’s the weakest strength I’ve ever heard. They wouldn’t be changing how magic find works if that was the case. What you’re leaving out here is the psychological / cognitive factor. People just automatically subconsciously adapt to that 15% “Captial Gains” tax. Often by using subtle exploits to save atleast 20% more time and then nullify that constant sink. Those very bankers you lauded for keeping the RealWorld rate low, (2.25% by their claims when many conservative economists are saying the real rate is 6-8% Y.o.Y.) have done the same thing by cooking CPI and hiding real inflation rates while also doing this Too Big to Fail hostage taking crap that forced currency printers to flood an already overcapitalized market during record low interest rates (b/c they manipulate those too). Up until this month, it even looked like Gem prices were seeing a similar 15% week over week mystery suppression when they should have been nearing 5G per 100 almost 2 months ago….

Even when you can fool most people’s frontal lobes and get the Marketeers themselves to drink the koolaid… there’s still that not quite yet fully explained by science instinct clawing at the back of their skulls telling them that something bad can still happen and they have to keep cheating their way around the agreed-upon framework. And there is no possible better place to observe this behavior than an MMO. Especially with double-blind seller data and the history/fluctuations having to be tracked by 3rd Parties (just like how we still don’t have a Looking for Group framework either). ….I guess if you were a humanist/optimist you could say they just automatically work 15% harder. (maybe many casuals even do??) But let’s get real here… that only works all around when there’s compounding rates & diminishing returns on exploitive behavior to really keep it in check.

…No I don’t know the exact point this intersects with the current inflation trend but I’m pretty sure it’s atleast an 8-15% deviation over that first layer of 15% already being canceled out subconsciously

u wot m8?

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