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Possibility GW2 Never Gets Full Expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


But I’m sure they would be able to present as such.

A quick analogy I can think of:
Expansion = Movie
Living Story = Mini-series

Now consider the production values of a mini-series vs that of a blockbuster movie.

Well you can go compare Saving Private Ryan with Band of Brothers, both of which are highly acclaimed.

The relevant thinking here is comparing it in MMO terms.

If you try for an expansion you’re going to have a game with no updates for a long time. Your playerbase decides not to play and you lose out on revenue

As opposed to Living Story, it keeps things fresh and keeps people playing. And they can also provide themed microtransactions to help supplement their revenue.

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New Player: 'This game is too complex'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Yes, they are going to be including a more indepth tutorial for new players in the game. They have acknowledged that a lot of players have had trouble getting the hang of it.

Details at the bottom

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Possibility GW2 Never Gets Full Expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Not everyone will stick around to wait for an expansion.

To be fair, the Living Story isn’t keeping every single player, either. There are as many things to dislike about temporary content as there is to dislike about long waits, although many an MMO has done well without bimonthly minigames.

One of the higher ups (not Colin, I believe Mike Z) said a few months back that their internal metrics show that the playerbase plays more with bi-weekly releases than monthly releases. That’s why they announced the rate of content releases.

And now we have confirmation today from Mr Cartwright that the playerbase is on the rise

So I think Living Story is more of a success than a failure that is portrayed around here

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Appreciated Customer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Gamers are the most entitled social group today

But within that social group are MMO players and they’re the worst.

I understand that when you play a subscription every month, you’re entitled to stuff.
But I don’t think people understand the maintenance and development costs of an MMO compared to a single player game. So it boggles my mind that people expect the world out of an MMO, as if every single patch should be bugless and that if it doesn’t cater to one subset of the playerbase, it is an immediate failure.

And here in GW2, we don’t even deal with subscriptions. So it is also surprisingly we have that level of entitlement in this game.

I really think that Elbegast is trolling but it would not surprise me if he isn’t. There are plenty of people that think like him and it’s a shame. Because I know the devs read these threads and probably feel like all their hard work is pointless. It must stink to work in the gaming industry because you very rarely hear tokens of support from happy players, while all the disgruntled players do their best to beat the kitten out of you no matter what good you did.

Yeah, is 15 minutes too short? It is, but I’m not going to complain about a gift. It was unexpected. I wasn’t promised anything. It’s a bonus, even if it won’t affect me significantly.

This rant went too long so I probably strayed off topic..

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Accessing playhouse & multiple chars.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Vol.5241


Have you at least tried entering the instance with your warrior?

You do not need the items to enter in (I tried it by banking the items).

I suspect entrance to the instance is based on your achievement.

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"One Legacy Armor"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Why do you guys, who bought the edition many months ago expect to be entitled these new perks?

These new perks are not for you. They’re for new customers to the game.

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Possibility GW2 Never Gets Full Expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Expansion is big part of the world opening up, living world is small updates. I prefer the first one.

It only seems small because you get small bits and pieces of added content. In the end it equals to an expansion. I prefer LS.

Seriously, imagine if this game had zero updates since release? Do you think you or I would still be here?

Not everyone will stick around to wait for an expansion.

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Angry at lack of invasions in overflow

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Vol.5241


At first I loved this event! It was awesome, chaotic and thrilling. Even the overflows had invasions going on so I didn’t care if I was in an overflow or not. With the last update invasions no longer occur in the overflow.

How the heck am I supposed to complete the title if I am constantly being put into overflow where there are no events?

Shame on you Anet! You need to seriously rethink the overflow if you can’t provide the same experience.

And you need to seriously rethink why they put that in place.

You want to join in on an overflow at the bottom of an hour, with 20-30 minutes left? How exactly are you going to finish that in time? You won’t.

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Suit of Legacy is only for new customers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


It’s meant to lure in new customers.

It’s like signing up for a gym membership and they give you all these nice perks

5 months down the line they release new perks for new customers, but they are not meant for you.

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Possibility GW2 Never Gets Full Expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


I really don’t see what the fuss is about.

The only difference between an expansion and the living story is how the content gets pushed out.

Expansion – content comes out all at once
Living Story – content is gradually pushed out

So when juxtaposing the Living Story with, say, Guild Wars: Factions or Guild Wars: Nightfall you really see no difference other than release schedule?

I barely played either so I can’t comment on how they would release it through Living Story.

But I’m sure they would be able to present as such.

A quick analogy I can think of:
Expansion = Movie
Living Story = Mini-series

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The August 6th growth

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


So, I don’t do a lot of trading, honestly, but I was doing some shopping and decided to buy my next bulk of mats for my legendary and I noticed almost ALL of the mats I currently need, crashed right before August 6th and then grew like crazy during the next week. Now that was update day, Crown pavilion I believe, but out of curiosity, what caused this to happen to soooo many mats?

During May, June, July it was pretty even, but man, August 6th, the TP jumped…

That’s the work of inflation.

No, that’s the work of players not out in the world anymore acquiring most mats but instead fight in the CP or QG.

Depress supply and prices will rise.

Well then how can you account for the 6s increase in a common commodity such as Ectoplasm? The +8s increase in Vicious Fangs?

Heck, look at precursor market all across. I’ve personally been following the Storm market and it rose by nearly 60g over the last few weeks.

Every single investment I hold has increased by several silver.

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Possibility GW2 Never Gets Full Expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


I really don’t see what the fuss is about.

The only difference between an expansion and the living story is how the content gets pushed out

Expansion – content comes out all at once
Living Story – content is gradually pushed out

People naturally hate change and still think of the old MMO mentality. Expansions are just as dated as paying for subscriptions.

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New items with game purchase

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


OK… I just did some extensive studies regarding this and so far all the data readings seem to indicate that someone else getting something for free in GW2 won’t affect my game whatsoever. I’ll continue to do research and keep everyone updated.

Please remember to cite your sources and use MLA format please.

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What to invest in to maintain value

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Yes, we have pretty much reached the peak of inflation (or maybe the peak was when anchorage/deadeye was nerfed).

So if you are holding a commodity, now would be the time to sell.

As for speculation, there are countless items that are underpriced due to gauntlet farming.

You should take a look at the T5 mats that are below 80c, for example. Pre patch they were 1.1-1.3s.

Personally I have invested in over 100 Crystal Lodestones as speculation. But that is more of a long-term investment.

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Simple Solution for Champion Loot in Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Well it is permanent..

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


I only have a Quad-core, and I don’t get disconnected. Maybe you should try contacting Tech Support.

As an aside, I thought this thread was going to be about disco balls or disco dance or disco clubs. Lol.

I was going to make a ‘quip’ about the ‘Moot’, but realized my puns aren’t all that flashy

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Anet!! You have outdone yourselves!!!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Vol.5241


This is a VERY important point. Something like this should be clarified in the patch notes. In bold.

Actual release note:
All overflow maps created within 10 minutes of the start of the invasion will host a concurrent version of that hour’s event.

Except that the player has no way of telling when an overflow was created. They join within the 10 minute time limit, get into an overflow and…..nothing…..“return to your home world”, etc.

So, what do you have to say about that?


-joins overflow
-observes there is no metaevent
-concludes that this overflow was created past the 10 minute cutoff

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Are you getting disconnected or are you getting a bug report – two different things

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Scarlet is not smexy.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Vol.5241


By default she’s ugly because she’s Sylvari.

I don’t like Sylvari.

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Simple Solution for Champion Loot in Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Never before would I imagine that people on these forums would promote DR just to slight farmers.

That’s because “farmers” ruin the game experience for everyone who don’t wan’t to farm and be part of the zergfest.


When I was playing GW1 I wished to see other payers around so badly… now I just wish I have GW1 mechanic and play single player again.-

Btw, nothing more satisfying that completing events that farmers are expecting to fail

Well if you expected the mechanics for a non-MMO (GW1) to emulated in an MMO (GW2), you’re going to have a bad time.

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Simple Solution for Champion Loot in Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Never before would I imagine that people on these forums would promote DR just to slight farmers.

That’s because “farmers” ruin the game experience for everyone who don’t wan’t to farm and be part of the zergfest.

And ever thought that people can also ruin the game experience for farmers? It can go both ways.

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That last 5% of polish..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


You have impossible expectations if you think a game will be completely without bugs.

If you gave them even 2 months between releases there still would be bugs.

There are three types of bugs.

1. “Bugs happen” bugs are the bugs that slip through the cracks, no matter how vigilent the developers and QA teams work to catch them. I don’t think any reasonable person would hold these against the devs.

2. “Sloppy bugs” are bugs that exist because the developers are either too lazy or too incompetent to catch or fix them. Again, I don’t think any reasonable person would accuse ArenaNet of being guilty of not putting forth maximum effort into ensuring their game is smooth and polished.

3. “Deadline bugs” are bugs that bugs that would have otherwise been caught had the developers or QA team had enough time to properly test and polish the product. With a two week turnaround with content, these are slipping into the game. While there’s hardly been anything game-breaking, I think it would be hard to argue the level of polish we’ve come to expect from ArenaNet hasn’t slipped.

The release so far is above acceptable and the bugs right now are not gamebreaking.

Again, the bar for quality and polish has been set high by ArenaNet. A perfect example would be the support tickets. Though not by any stretch gamebreaking, support tickets for an election dropping a week after the election ended just isn’t what some of us have come to expect from the team that lived by the credo “when it’s ready”.

And that’s just one example. There are others (such as the lack of PC voice acting). I’m not saying you should be bothered by this lack of polish, but I am.

Sloppy bugs could be sloppy, or they can just be low-priority. I would hate to be someone in charge of fixing bugs since it can take awhile to diagnose, write and test one bug, and then suddenly you’re handed another bug to quickly fix (which turns out that it isn’t a quick fix)

Then you end up with a dozen reports on your desk and having to multi-task and go back and forth.

There are only so many devs to make these changes and so little time to fix and test them.

Support tickets are an oversight, yes, but it’s not game-breaking. It may seem like an easy fix to just remove an item completely from the game. But there could be stuff behind the scenes that be affected by removing it.

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What to invest in to maintain value

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


I want to maintain the value of my gold compared to something that is stable in value, such as gems or real money. Buying gems would be a significant loss if I wanted to resell, so that is not a very good option though.
So say if there was an item that had constant supply and demand (despite the world events) that I could buy now and sell later when the farming based events have ended or new gold sinks have been introduced, I could get the same amount of gems with the gold I get back, as when I invested it.

If farming events end and gold sinks are introduced, your prices would drop. There would be a period of disinflation, and depending on how far we go, deflation. You would lose money.

e.g. Before the last Living Story, ectos were 18s. Then inflation occurred and they are around 24s (last I checked).

Ectos are possibly the best item to hold since they always have value and are constantly traded. But if you were to invest in them now, they would lose value. Disinflation would slowly occur as we scale back to the old price of 18s.

Then depending on what what happens to the economy, it could deflate below 18s.


Now I think what you are truly asking for is an item that is currently underpriced and you wish to speculate in the future. There are several of those in game but they are very risky rather than holding on a commodity that would increase in value due to inflation.

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suppressed for being helpful commander

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


They didn’t have a decent way of dealing with people that spammed in GW1, and I think they might have over compensated a bit in GW2.

2 emails to the same person….then suppressed
3 quick messages in almost any chat…then suppressed

Just sort of makes me roll my eyes. Thankfully my husband and I are in the same room when we game, so I can just tell him which waypoint to pop to when it stops letting me link them in party chat.

Hopefully in time, Anet will find a happy medium between what we had in GW1 and what we have now in GW2. Its out there, they just need to take a deep breath and relax juuuuust a tad.

afaik quick messages don’t suppress you.

sending three of the same message (ty x 3 or stop x 3) will

and it doesn’t have to be consecutive.

You could have 10 lines of chat and if the 1st, 5th and 9th are the same, you will get suppressed

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the value of laurel

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Laurels are slightly worth more than the best item you could trade them in. It’s time-gated and limited.

You only get 1 per day and 10 per month. You get more for hitting achievement milestones.

I personally would hoard them and only spend them on stuff you can’t get anywhere else (tonic, ascended, e.t.c)

Selling them off for mats would be risky if Anet releases new items for laurels

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What to invest in to maintain value

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Why would you want to invest now when inflation is at a high? You will lose money when it goes down.

You should only invest now if you think inflation will continue to happen (which I doubt it will)

That being said, there are items right now that are currently underpriced due to the Pavillion. I’m not going to point them out here because I’m currently processing thousands of buy orders.

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That last 5% of polish..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


You have impossible expectations if you think a game will be completely without bugs.

If you gave them even 2 months between releases there still would be bugs.

The release so far is above acceptable and the bugs right now are not gamebreaking.

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The August 6th growth

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


So, I don’t do a lot of trading, honestly, but I was doing some shopping and decided to buy my next bulk of mats for my legendary and I noticed almost ALL of the mats I currently need, crashed right before August 6th and then grew like crazy during the next week. Now that was update day, Crown pavilion I believe, but out of curiosity, what caused this to happen to soooo many mats?

During May, June, July it was pretty even, but man, August 6th, the TP jumped…

That’s the work of inflation.

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Simple Solution for Champion Loot in Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Never before would I imagine that people on these forums would promote DR just to slight farmers.

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Which farm do you enjoy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


I find farming enjoying.

In ranking the most favorite to least


-anchorage/ember was the best simply because it’s loaded with champs, you have a high kill rate/hour and all the mobs are +80.
-Gauntlet/Pavillion is a terrible farm considering the champs there are buffed massively and take much longer to kill than static champs. And the mobs there don’t drop good loot.

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suppressed for being helpful commander

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Thanking people 3 times in a row is enough to get suppressed for over 10 minutes. They need to improve the suppression filter.

Oh dear god that just sounds stupid…

And there’s nothing you can do about it.

What’s stopping me from griefing people in LA and spamming “ty” or “thank you” despite not even having anything to thank for? People would abuse any sort of phrase that gets listed as OK.

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Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Sorry but if you’re dead, you’re selfish for not running back. Most of the meta events in the map are close enough to a WP. If you are too cheap and selfish to pay the 1s to WP, then you don’t deserve my time to rez you. And people who wait for a rez probably don’t even realize that they are missing out on loot.

If I had to rez every single person who had died I would spend the entire event doing no damage.

Now if you’re downed, it’s a different story (but more often than not you need to play smart and realize that if there is a mob nearby that is almost dead, you can rally off him rather than waiting for a rez)

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What armor look should i use with entropy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


OH god the colors?!!

Entropy has a purple effect so you really should consider using contrasting colors.

I can see silver/black working quite well with it. Pretty much any dark color.

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Anyone hoarding fused weapons?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Better sell now while the economy is still inflated and we don’t have new legendaries yet.

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Just came back, what class to roll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vol.5241



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New Dungeons!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Do we really need more dungeons? We have quite a good selection.

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What do you actually do in GW2 to have fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Making lots of gold.

And then sharing it, this one would hope …

Last month I gave out 100g, 1g to every new player in Queensdale. I may be a rich snob, but I’m also a philanthropist.

If you want to have fun, make up contests. Do a hide-and-seek in Lion’s Arch, or a race in Queensdale, or an unofficial jumping puzzle. People like feeling that they worked toward their rewards, and it gives you something fun to do/watch!

Hmm good idea. There are loads of nice places in LA to do hide and seek.

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What do you actually do in GW2 to have fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Making lots of gold.

And then sharing it, this one would hope …

Last month I gave out 100g, 1g to every new player in Queensdale. I may be a rich snob, but I’m also a philanthropist.

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Scarlet events ppl failing it to farm champs

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Vol.5241


I hate how everything must be farmable and rewardable. I’d rater have them all removed, and only a small group doing them with less events / mobs then those greedy zergfarmers that live only for their sweet shineys and nothing else.

Is an MMO without loot really an MMO?

Cause that’s the only way to get rid of farmers. Get rid of loot (and gold).

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New WvW Abilities Coming

in WvW

Posted by: Vol.5241


Guild Wars 2 ?@GuildWars2 44s Hugh Norfolk will be presenting the new WvW abilities in tomorrow’s livestream at Noon PDT, with a surprise! ^SL

Save your points!

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Scarlet events ppl failing it to farm champs

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Vol.5241


ArenaNet should reward players with a box for every event they participate in the invasion while removing champions spawns during the event.

and what exactly will entice players to do these events now?

If they give the champ boxes for every event completed in the invasion it actually promotes finishing the entire thing and completing multiple events instead of a clusterkitten on an single Aetherblade event for 10 minutes.

That’s not nearly enough. I can get 1 box per minute in Orr leading a zerg farming static champs. The same can be done in FGS.

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RNG broken. Love the game, think I'm done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Crown Pavillion was not a good place to farm.

I theorize that any sort of place where you can farm with a NPC-provided boost (such as Pavillion or the Karka Settler event we had a few months ago) has a much lower loot table since the huge boost in MF would have massive influence on the value of rares/exotics.

Not to mention it is entirely possible that useless rares/exotics such as the gauntlet/voting tickets, or the watchwork recipes that sell for copper may be interfering with the loot table.

I should also add another reason why I get so many exotic drops is because my kill rate per hour is high. The more mobs you hit, the more opportunities you get to roll for loot.

When we had anchorage farm last week, I farmed with plenty of guardians. You could tell those who have no clue about farming as well as those who are pros. The very bad guardians don’t know that moving around is essential, and not needing to keep hitting the same mob 10 times. Or that you don’t always have to spam 1, and that a properly traited symbol guardian can attack two places at once.

Remember penitent camp? You could have three waves spawn at the same time. And as a guardian, you are capable of attacking all three waves (+15 enemies) at the same time within 2 seconds. The pro guardians know this, since 1 tag on each mob is enough to get loot. That’s +15 chances at loot.

As opposed to the bad guardian who would only face one wave and spam 1, hitting no more than 5 enemies.

All I can say is, the mechanics of the game are right there infront of you. If you do not wish to take advantage of it, it’s not the game’s fault. It’s yours.

Pro Farmers eh? Doesn’t this make you feel a bit squeamish inside that your only objective in this scenario is to tag as much loot as possible while not really contributing much in terms of effectiveness in actually playing the game?

When you have a zerg with you that is more than capable of completing the event due to sheer numbers, then yes, all I care about is tagging.

Do you actually enjoy this style of play? You wouldn’t rather be rewarded for effort versus mindless zerging ad nauseam?

I play games for fun. I find farming/zerging fun and relaxing. But in the end I find making lots of gold to be my prime objective.

I don’t want to deal with the stress of memorizing boss fights and having to deal with strategy after a long day at work. Especially when the reward is not worth the effort.

If there was a way to make more gold doing dungeons or doing the gauntlet, I would do that instead.

Thank you for the reply, I am certainly glad that you get enjoyment from these types of activities and that they allow you to reach your goal, after all that is what game experiences should be about as you said “fun” for the individual. The problem however is that different people have different ideas as to what is “fun” so how can a fair system be implemented that rewards players that do not find this activity to their liking? I know I don’t enjoy the zerg farming even in the slightest, but as you pointed out the monetary rewards are no where near sufficient for doing other activities without basically placing myself at a disadvantage in what is going to become a extremely inflated market. RNG as you well know rewards time spent and nothing more and as such needs to be seriously looked into in reducing the amount of it in this game to ensure a healthy future for all gamers. Surely there has to be a way to reward people that enjoy the zerg style of play without making it based simply on chance.

That’s the thing that Anet needs to balance. They need to find the right balance of activities with rewards. But it’s an impossible game – just like class balancing.

But no matter what Anet does, players will gravitate towards what is most efficient. It is pretty much guaranteed. Right now the most efficient way to make money is the meta events for LS. Before that it was gauntlet/anchorage.

If anet suddenly made, say, jumping puzzles the most efficient, you would see zergs doing jumping puzzles.

If anet suddenly made dungeons the most efficient, you would see more dungeon runs

If anet suddenly made WvW the most efficient, you would have wvw queues every single day at every hour.

No matter what Anet does, people will flock to it and they will doing it enmasse. So it’s a losing battle if you try to make everything rewarding.

The only way to counter this is to remove loot in game and provide fixed rewards for every single player on time spent in game doing anything. But at that point, we don’t have an MMO anymore.

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Can't get Past 10/13

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Vol.5241


Really.. no you cannot say just do it enough times and get passed the bug.. It is stopping progress of the story. You cannot finish any other achievements until you get at least 5 for Vorrp and my husband is stuck at 3.. 3 today none counted overflow or home server.. It needs to be fixed you cant say just do it over and over again with it almost an hour each event.

If you’re talking about the Play house you can do it if anyone in your party has the ability to open the instance – doesn’t need everyone to unlock it.

But yes, there are I think two achievements that you are prevented from completing until you get 5/5

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What do you actually do in GW2 to have fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Making lots of gold.

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RNG broken. Love the game, think I'm done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Crown Pavillion was not a good place to farm.

I theorize that any sort of place where you can farm with a NPC-provided boost (such as Pavillion or the Karka Settler event we had a few months ago) has a much lower loot table since the huge boost in MF would have massive influence on the value of rares/exotics.

Not to mention it is entirely possible that useless rares/exotics such as the gauntlet/voting tickets, or the watchwork recipes that sell for copper may be interfering with the loot table.

I should also add another reason why I get so many exotic drops is because my kill rate per hour is high. The more mobs you hit, the more opportunities you get to roll for loot.

When we had anchorage farm last week, I farmed with plenty of guardians. You could tell those who have no clue about farming as well as those who are pros. The very bad guardians don’t know that moving around is essential, and not needing to keep hitting the same mob 10 times. Or that you don’t always have to spam 1, and that a properly traited symbol guardian can attack two places at once.

Remember penitent camp? You could have three waves spawn at the same time. And as a guardian, you are capable of attacking all three waves (+15 enemies) at the same time within 2 seconds. The pro guardians know this, since 1 tag on each mob is enough to get loot. That’s +15 chances at loot.

As opposed to the bad guardian who would only face one wave and spam 1, hitting no more than 5 enemies.

All I can say is, the mechanics of the game are right there infront of you. If you do not wish to take advantage of it, it’s not the game’s fault. It’s yours.

Pro Farmers eh? Doesn’t this make you feel a bit squeamish inside that your only objective in this scenario is to tag as much loot as possible while not really contributing much in terms of effectiveness in actually playing the game?

When you have a zerg with you that is more than capable of completing the event due to sheer numbers, then yes, all I care about is tagging.

Do you actually enjoy this style of play? You wouldn’t rather be rewarded for effort versus mindless zerging ad nauseam? I am not concerned with the argument, that this is the system that is in place and you adapted to what was available. I am curious if this is actually the type of game play you find entertaining?

Actually yeah it’s really fun running around with a whole load of people killing stuff since I’m not a teenager and don’t have 10k hours to devote to learning a video game the way I used to.

OP: I’ve been playing for almost a year and haven’t gotten a precursor either. Anyone who says they’re getting 10 exo’s/week or something is either playing as their job or lying to you.

Given recent events and changes it’s not that rare anymore. I’m not disagreeing with your other statements but exo’s are definitely dropping a lot more. Certain ones especially, there are some going for 40-70 silver on the AH now.

They seem to be dropping more because of the champion loot. But I think the loot tables for exotics from champion boxes are different from mob drops.

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RNG broken. Love the game, think I'm done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Crown Pavillion was not a good place to farm.

I theorize that any sort of place where you can farm with a NPC-provided boost (such as Pavillion or the Karka Settler event we had a few months ago) has a much lower loot table since the huge boost in MF would have massive influence on the value of rares/exotics.

Not to mention it is entirely possible that useless rares/exotics such as the gauntlet/voting tickets, or the watchwork recipes that sell for copper may be interfering with the loot table.

I should also add another reason why I get so many exotic drops is because my kill rate per hour is high. The more mobs you hit, the more opportunities you get to roll for loot.

When we had anchorage farm last week, I farmed with plenty of guardians. You could tell those who have no clue about farming as well as those who are pros. The very bad guardians don’t know that moving around is essential, and not needing to keep hitting the same mob 10 times. Or that you don’t always have to spam 1, and that a properly traited symbol guardian can attack two places at once.

Remember penitent camp? You could have three waves spawn at the same time. And as a guardian, you are capable of attacking all three waves (+15 enemies) at the same time within 2 seconds. The pro guardians know this, since 1 tag on each mob is enough to get loot. That’s +15 chances at loot.

As opposed to the bad guardian who would only face one wave and spam 1, hitting no more than 5 enemies.

All I can say is, the mechanics of the game are right there infront of you. If you do not wish to take advantage of it, it’s not the game’s fault. It’s yours.

Pro Farmers eh? Doesn’t this make you feel a bit squeamish inside that your only objective in this scenario is to tag as much loot as possible while not really contributing much in terms of effectiveness in actually playing the game?

When you have a zerg with you that is more than capable of completing the event due to sheer numbers, then yes, all I care about is tagging.

Do you actually enjoy this style of play? You wouldn’t rather be rewarded for effort versus mindless zerging ad nauseam?

I play games for fun. I find farming/zerging fun and relaxing. But in the end I find making lots of gold to be my prime objective.

I don’t want to deal with the stress of memorizing boss fights and having to deal with strategy after a long day at work. Especially when the reward is not worth the effort.

If there was a way to make more gold doing dungeons or doing the gauntlet, I would do that instead.

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Can't get Past 10/13

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Vol.5241


It’s only been 2 days, you’ll get it eventually.

I don’t think that is the reasoning behind the OP.

There are some wierd bugs, like one where if you are in an overflow and you move to another you won’t get the achievement.

Do this event enough times over the next few weeks and you will get past the bug.

Not to mention this is permanent content and you can do it after this LS is over.

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[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

RNG broken. Love the game, think I'm done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Crown Pavillion was not a good place to farm.

I theorize that any sort of place where you can farm with a NPC-provided boost (such as Pavillion or the Karka Settler event we had a few months ago) has a much lower loot table since the huge boost in MF would have massive influence on the value of rares/exotics.

Not to mention it is entirely possible that useless rares/exotics such as the gauntlet/voting tickets, or the watchwork recipes that sell for copper may be interfering with the loot table.

I should also add another reason why I get so many exotic drops is because my kill rate per hour is high. The more mobs you hit, the more opportunities you get to roll for loot.

When we had anchorage farm last week, I farmed with plenty of guardians. You could tell those who have no clue about farming as well as those who are pros. The very bad guardians don’t know that moving around is essential, and not needing to keep hitting the same mob 10 times. Or that you don’t always have to spam 1, and that a properly traited symbol guardian can attack two places at once.

Remember penitent camp? You could have three waves spawn at the same time. And as a guardian, you are capable of attacking all three waves (+15 enemies) at the same time within 2 seconds. The pro guardians know this, since 1 tag on each mob is enough to get loot. That’s +15 chances at loot.

As opposed to the bad guardian who would only face one wave and spam 1, hitting no more than 5 enemies.

All I can say is, the mechanics of the game are right there infront of you. If you do not wish to take advantage of it, it’s not the game’s fault. It’s yours.

Pro Farmers eh? Doesn’t this make you feel a bit squeamish inside that your only objective in this scenario is to tag as much loot as possible while not really contributing much in terms of effectiveness in actually playing the game?

When you have a zerg with you that is more than capable of completing the event due to sheer numbers, then yes, all I care about is tagging.

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Magic find works.

Will China share the same economy?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


Does that mean that NA/EU accounts and Chinese accounts can’t mail items to each other? Because if they can and there are 2 different markets, there is potential for problems.

Which is why they won’t allow that. Arbitrage would be insane.

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[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

RNG broken. Love the game, think I'm done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Crown Pavillion was not a good place to farm.

I theorize that any sort of place where you can farm with a NPC-provided boost (such as Pavillion or the Karka Settler event we had a few months ago) has a much lower loot table since the huge boost in MF would have massive influence on the value of rares/exotics.

Not to mention it is entirely possible that useless rares/exotics such as the gauntlet/voting tickets, or the watchwork recipes that sell for copper may be interfering with the loot table.

I should also add another reason why I get so many exotic drops is because my kill rate per hour is high. The more mobs you hit, the more opportunities you get to roll for loot.

When we had anchorage farm last week, I farmed with plenty of guardians. You could tell those who have no clue about farming as well as those who are pros. The very bad guardians don’t know that moving around is essential, and not needing to keep hitting the same mob 10 times. Or that you don’t always have to spam 1, and that a properly traited symbol guardian can attack two places at once.

Remember penitent camp? You could have three waves spawn at the same time. And as a guardian, you are capable of attacking all three waves (+15 enemies) at the same time within 2 seconds. The pro guardians know this, since 1 tag on each mob is enough to get loot. That’s +15 chances at loot.

As opposed to the bad guardian who would only face one wave and spam 1, hitting no more than 5 enemies.

All I can say is, the mechanics of the game are right there infront of you. If you do not wish to take advantage of it, it’s not the game’s fault. It’s yours.

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