EU Scrub
Did you guys ban Justin from commenting on the forums because his responses were too good?
Please respond— he was the hero we deserved.
Aww come on now, Evan is our hero too, man.
Justin would be answering the swarms of questions we were bombarding him with on Sundays and weird hours. My guess is that we were prolly taking up his programming time or he told his boss that he’s had it with us pestering him 24/7 and wants out of the forum duties.
EU Scrub
More importantly, THANKS EVAN!!!!!!!!!
Goodness my word.
Does this mean I will no longer have teammates who say they will take home and runs to the waterfall when we’re the red team?
Someone say yes and I will be happy forever.
EU Scrub
Darn I though MMR stood for Mainstream Music Rocks (not really, I hate it)
Learnin’ something new each day!
EU Scrub
ITT: People who have never played a MOBA long enough to realize that MMR systems are inherently “streaky”.
The matchmaker tries to force your overall win/loss to 50% over time. So in some games, yes, you have less than a 50% chance to win on purpose. HOWEVER, if you do win them then your MMR increases at a greater rate than it would for a 50+% chance to win match. This is how your MMR will increase over time until you hit a wall of skill and stay at 50%.
The real problem is that people blame “premades” and “unfair matches” rather than their own failures or misplays.
Just take a look at the person posting their stats on this thread, they have an 80% winrate in custom arenas, i.e. not matchmaking games that they clearly stack with friends against hotjoiners. This same person has less than 50% win in unranked/ranked, meaning that they think their losses are to “premades” but more likely the losses result from bad habits picked up playing EZ custom games.
So many uninformed people here about matchmaking.
Just look at the leaderboard. Some of the best players I know aren’t even in the top 100. I see mediocre players rank higher as well as have a higher win ratio than someone with 4x more experience and a higher skill level
So the arguments some of you people make are invalid. Geez, even devs admitted matchmaking wasn’t fair for high MMR people.
Also I find it very rude to use Pimsley’s stats to make a point….whatever the heck your point is when he was trying to be helpful. Just by the lack of understanding you’ve displayed, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s a way better pvper than you.
EU Scrub
Take a moment to consider the number of high-tier viable builds that rely on burning for damage.
Now take another moment to consider the number of high-tier viable builds that rely on bleeds/poison/confusion/torment for damage.
It should be clear that some balancing needs to be done.
Burning is burst condi damage
As is confusion and torment
Poison and bleeds are attrition DOT condi damage. That is why they have a much longer duration.
EU Scrub
Im up for solo queue. Just make everything solo queue because we are the majority anyway. If teams want to go against other teams, they can do it in their own private servers or participate in tourneys. They also have the option to disband and queue solo like everyone else.
It’s unfair if solo que ppl have to feed the minority. I mean, that’s how governments are run…..have the middle class majority feed the upper and lower
EU Scrub
Pim – appreciate your effort. Funny I also refer to that same thread when I’m taken back by how ridiculous some of the matchups are.
EU Scrub
If they played condi longbow magi ranger w/ infiltration rune and pet pigs, it would be considered meta
That’s a fun build, my kind of build. Where your teammates and opponents alike would go “WTF was that”
EU Scrub
Let’s not forget, Jebro was the #2 hero of WTS China last year when things fell apart.
1st place goes to the Chinese hiphop, gangster-rapping, head-banging, teeny-bop boyband
EU Scrub
Ranked matches are no better and expect to see people with an even higher skill level. A veteran ranked pvper could solo down 3 people with the same skill level as the person that killed 3 of your teammates. It’s not uncommon for a d/d elementalist to engage in 2v1 and win.
An important reminder is that sometimes the matchmaking puts you in a losing streak. Its possible that you’re in one right now but it’s not permanent so don’t worry
EU Scrub
Be map aware and prioritize capping over anything else. Then try to defend them for as long as you can. If you cap and defend 2 points longer than your opponent, you win.
Try to master the basics first. Each map has either an npc you kill for bonus points, a treb or a buff. You integrate those things in your rotation as you progress
EU Scrub
You 100-0 that indestructible faster than others would a heavy golem.
EU Scrub
Jebro OP caster. Pls nerf Jebro
EU Scrub
How could we make spvp more appealing ?
If she gains weight and started growing facial hair.
EU Scrub
If you haven’t tried engie yet, give it a chance. You might like it.
EU Scrub
Yeah a dueling area sounds good so I can gank abc
I’m sure you’d want to gank me after I beat you in a duel, friend.
EU Scrub
I don’t care much for in-game gold rewards. In fact they used to only give out glory points as rewards. 50s or 1g sound reasonable. I like gold IRL more.
EU Scrub
Thanks for sharing the Helseth video. That guy is epic.
EU Scrub
thieves still have a few important roles, surviving isnt one of them
but feeding is? ok
Thief is the new necro so for the devs its seems so.
Another thing thieves and necros have in common is their powerful rezzing.
Thieves have one of the best and most reliable rezzing abilities yet they struggle with their own survivability which is sad.
Necros are even better. They rally downed opponents, sometimes even an entire team!!!
How can you beat that!!!
EU Scrub
Capable rangers are pretty frightening. Before the d/d ele madness, rangers, along with mesmers were the predators of 1v1 combat. In fact I’ve seen capable rangers down eles with almost full hp left.
The little effort needed to land LB skills has made rangers an entry level class which makes experienced ones stand out even more.
EU Scrub
thieves still have a few important roles, surviving isnt one of them
EU Scrub
“That was absolutely bloody amazing”
EU Scrub
Maybe what he really wanted to know is how one could counter melee rangers, no?
EU Scrub
I started a thread about how it doesn’t make sense for d/d eles to run vamp runes because it’s already an insult how much sustain they have (back when vamp was bugged for them) and how I preferred strength/hoelbrak on my d/d
Was kinda taken by surprise when a few of them justified using the bugged rune and said it was needed to survive bursts. I was thinking, but you’re an ele…..
So many d/d baddies got spoonfed to easy wins.
EU Scrub
Rangers can get perma swiftness too from shouts if traited. OP was complaining about super-speed (i think he meant quickness) and swiftness.
EU Scrub
Or add a portal to Obsidian Sanctum inside hotm. Wtf is that place all about anyway? What a waste of real estate. How much fun would that be if you could kill (and be killed) by bored people waiting for queue.
RIght now theres nothing to do while waiting for long queues except troll the forum and read celebrity gossip
EU Scrub
I thought super speed was an elementalist thing.
Did OP mean quickness and swiftness?
If quickness, there is a build that can get a good amount of it but it’s not permanent up time.
Ranger underpowered. Pls buff ranger. Make perma quickness baseline.
EU Scrub
Drama sells.
A lot of not so real reality TV manufacture some form of
dramanews to make it more interesting to viewers.
I hate E! News. I’ve missed so many queue pops being distracted by celebrity news gossip.
EU Scrub
My guess is that interns right out of Community College University worked on the engineer’s traits.
EU Scrub
Eat your heart out Kim Kardashian. Taylor Swift is the new queen of Instagram.
EU Scrub
Mjolnir, Phoenix, Pact and Aetherized skins. Thinking about getting Scientific, not sure yet. How’d we get so vain?
Bud, you are mad pro and Im sure you carry all the lucky scrubs that end up in your team. Friend, did you lose weight? For some reason you look 5 years younger and 3 inches taller. You are so smart, mate. Did you get a double PhD in chemical engineering and bio-informatics when you were 15? Coz you come across like you did.
Can I have the Pact skin? Or like 200 gold?
Lol just kidding.
But if you don’t want it coz you have like 3 awesome skins already, I will cherish it.
EU Scrub
Drama sells.
A lot of not so real reality TV manufacture some form of drama to make it more interesting to viewers.
I love being a spectator to drama but not participate in it. IRL, women cause most of the drama but in-game, it’s interesting when men start and be part of it.
EU Scrub
+1 to OP for putting the effort to writing and sharing this guide. Im sure some mesmers will find the tips to be useful.
EU Scrub
Mjolnir and candy cane.
I might use my mom and dad’s credit card to buy gems for Mjolnir. Im only 9. Candy cane I think I have enough copper for.
The legendary hammer is fugly. It looks like a low level staff tbh.
EU Scrub
I want to try to help out with the misunderstandings because I understand whats going on.
I think the point ABC was making is weather or not burns are more powerful now. He was just using that as an illustration, to better explain that burns or conditions in general is more powerful now because they stack.
Keyword is stack
In the past burns didn’t stack like they do now. But if you had condi dmg of say roughly 1500, your burn damage was around 700 per sec per stack. Now for 1500 condi stat, one stack does far less. However, burns in general are more powerful because some builds apply multiple burns stacks.
Now the nades for the celestial build is weaker because the base damage of conditions got scaled back while nades did not receive any stacking condis.
It’s confusing at first but I understand what hes trying to say.
Because after all, this thread is about devs not hearing what engies need. And the June patch has really messed up the traits.
It’s all good. I wasn’t even mad. What you explained is part of what I was trying to say and that’s – the June patch disfigured a lot of our builds and felt as if they outsourced the balance changes to some firm in India or hired interns to work on the engie.
EU Scrub
I too am in favor of healing bombs. Even though I don’t spend much time outside of hotm, the most fun I had in pve was dropping bombs while getting chased by 4-5 monsters.
Soothing detonation, I don’t even know what to say. Maybe they hired an intern when going thru engie traits for the June patch.
EU Scrub
No way. No just no. Are y’all serious?
I’m going to try it now while on this long queue.
Anet will make a killing off of fotm eles if celestial ammy and vamp runes were sold thru the gemstore.
EU Scrub
So overall they got a lot more powerful.
I like how this abc guy is agreeing on condis getting more powerful without recognizing it…
….sigh omg.
You’ve lost track on what this was about. You are putting words in my mouth. That’s actually very rude. And it doesn’t change the fact that you were unaware of the difference in base damage. Pre patch no engie could deliver multiple STACKS of burning. You didn’t know that?
Anyway, this discussion was in relation to engie nades and celestial amulet not condition damage as a whole.
Damage from nades were reduced because condition damage got scaled back and NONE OF THE CONDITIONS from nades ever got stacked.
/end of discussion
EU Scrub
Conditions are crazy over the top atm, in fact damage in general. But to say that condis got scaled down is just plain wrong.
Burning is a prime example, it is so busted now, i made a burngineer video because im not sure how it made it past play testing. Do Anet even test this stuff before rolling it out?
Med Kit needs a total revamp, it needs to be usable in the fast paced action environment of PvP/WvW. Using some clunky skill, placing the ground target circle, throwing the bottle/bandage, having it fly through the air and then needing someone to walk ov…… oh nm they died about 2 seconds ago.
Then there is the med blaster, so i can sit there spamming it and doing nothing else for a while. Or i could drop the healing turret blast it once or twice healing everyone and get back to applying pressure to the target. Again who designed this? Did they realise that they have access to healing turret(which also clears 2 condis). Which also requires no investment in healing power at all?
The inventions line, clearly this was the support line meant to replace EIB’s whilst SD is a minor fail and not worth taking, MDF is plain woeful and not even worthy of being a minor trait or worth taking, ever. What was wrong with EIB’s? Why did they need replacing? And who tested these traits?
These traits, med kit, it’s baffling how bad they are, at what point do you sit around a table after play testing this for a while and go kitten yeah, this is awesome!!!??
Maybe Anet read here, maybe not. But whoever the Engineer dev is needs to get out there and watch some twitch tv of engineer play at a proficient level. If there are actually any left that bother to stream, everyone probably rerolled mesmers or eles by now.
BASE DAMAGE got scaled down. Meaning one stack of burning prepatch did more damage than one stack of burning postpatch.
What happened was they made conditions more powerful thru STACKING. Prepatch, it was way harder to deliver more than one burn stack.
From patch notes:
*Condition Updates *
Damaging conditions were all reworked to better ensure damage is properly delivered in large-scale combat. All damaging conditions have been changed to intensity-stacking, and the maximum number of stacks for each damaging condition has been raised to a much larger number that should never be hit under normal circumstances.
•All damage conditions will now stack up to 1500 times.
•Bleeding: •The formula for this condition has been rescaled to account for the new behavior of damaging conditions and to put more focus on the condition damage stat.
•New damage over time: 2 + (0.25 * Level) + (0.06 * Condition Damage)
•Burning: •This condition will now stack in intensity. The formula for this condition has been rescaled to account for the new behavior of damaging conditions and to put more focus on the condition damage stat. Creatures that apply burning have been rebalanced to account for this change.
•New damage over time: 7.5 + (1.55 * Level) + (0.155 * Condition Damage)
•Confusion: •This condition now has two damage components—damage over time, and the damage dealt when an ability completes. The damage has also been normalized between all game modes. The formula for this condition has been rescaled to account for the new behavior of damaging conditions and to put more focus on the condition damage stat. The skill-use damage will also now trigger when the affected target is interrupted during skill activation.
•New damage over time: 2 + (0.1 * Level) + (0.035 * Condition Damage)
•New trigger damage: 3.5 + (0.575 * Level) + (0.0625 * Condition Damage)
•Poison: •This condition will now stack in intensity. Poison’s healing reduction will not depend on the number of stacks. Any poison will result in a static -33%, just as it currently does. The formula for this condition has been rescaled to account for the new behavior of damaging conditions and to put more focus on the condition damage stat. Creatures that apply burning have been rebalanced to account for this change.
•New damage over time: 3.5 + (0.375 * Level) + (0.06 * Condition Damage)
•Torment: •The formula for this condition has been rescaled to account for the new behavior of damaging conditions and to put more focus on the condition damage stat.
•New damage over time: 1.5 + (0.18 * Level) + (0.045 * Condition Damage)
•New damage while moving: 3 + (0.36 * Level) + (0.09 * Condition Damage)
•Vulnerability: •This condition was changed so that it not only increases direct damage, it also increases condition damage. Each stack will increase direct damage by 1% and condition damage by 1%.
•Slow: •This new condition is now present on some profession abilities and slows the activation of skills by 50% while active.
EU Scrub
kdaddy – if you really want to play an OP condi build, consider Mesmer. The problem with high stack burn builds is they get shut down easily with generosity sigil. It prioritizes burns over other conditions. Burn builds I feel are far easier to counter.
Then you have your cleansing from skills and traits and Cleansing from a few other sigils and runes.
Mesmers deliver a lot of conditions including confusion/torment and burning/bleeds. They are trickier to cleanse.
EU Scrub
OP, the answer is yes, they hear us BUT with deaf ears.
You see, unlike elementalists, engies are under-represented in all 3 game modes. So if a popular class complains about us, rest assured we will get man handled until we are a threat no more.
Then there are idiots on this subforum that start threads about how engies are doing fine just fine.
It’s mind numbing how inconsistent our traits and utilities are. One example is the flame thrower. WTF is that a condi utility or direct damage? It cant be both because Anet made sure that the celestial amulet is out of reach for us.
You know, stuff like that…..
June patch scaled back ALL condition damage so in order to be effective, your condi skills and traits needed stacks. Eles got burning stacks, guards have burning stacks. Engies? Nope. Nades became a power based utility and the conditions it applied did not receive stack bonuses.
Then they put incendiary powder out of reach as a grandmaster trait under firearms. Meanwhile eles get high burn stacks with low cooldowns, a free cleanse that also applies 3 stacks of burning AND elemental attunement baseline.
You know, cow manure like that….
coz before the patch, cele rifle engies OWNED elementalist.
Another build that OWNED elementalists pre patch were celestial shoutbow warriors….
Edit: Im referring to engies in spvp
WTF is this post oO
First of all, popularity doesn’t determine how fast/slow a class gets buffed/nerfed. Ranger & Thief are perfect examples for this.
2: Why do you feel the need to insult everybody? Can’t you contain your teen-angst somehow else? Besides, depending on your preferred play-style, the class very well may appear totally fine or utterly broken to you.
3: FT is neither. On condi builds you additionally pick it for its belt ability, beyond that it’s just cc + frequent blasts + savestomps.
4: With the June patch conditions got scalled UP dramatically. Have you even checked the numbers before/after? Also we have one of the single fastest burn application, covered by the single most accessible condis in any class, further covered by a metric cat-ton of cc. If you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Especially when it comes to nades which only had a nerf on their #5 skill. All other nades are the same & even more dangerous now thx to bigger impact range, faster projectiles & the new shrapnel grandmaster. Actually nades of all our kits are extremely powerful when played as condi. And here’s why everybody is playing them as power now:
5: ICP did not get put out of reach, it actually sits atop a traitline that most builds currently run, especially condi builds. Why? because of the increased bleed-duration, bleeds on crits & 40% crit chance for free. The reason why we play them as power is that we don’t need precision anymore. Firearms comes with so much crit chance that we can happily run full-tank soldiers gear while still hitting like a truck.
6: If you really believe that pre-patch cele ele got owned by these builds, you’re not playing the same game as us. If all, they were stalling each other.
Please consider getting a few thousand hours playtime more, before ever attempting to call someone idiot again.
Lol I’m a friendly guy and you two go on ahead with your interesting argument but from my experience in-game, Vapour is a competent engie and plays like someone who knows what he’s talking about. I suggest you add him and team up like I did.
I’m also going to point out that pre-patch, celestial rifle 2 kit engineer could easily beat celestial d/d elementalist of similar skill level.
June patch scaled back all of the base condition damage. Not UP like you said. That is incorrect. What went up are the number of stacks that made conditions more powerful. But the base conditions were scaled back.
You sound like you play condi builds yet you seem unaware of the difference one stack of burning did pre patch relative to one stack of burning now
EU Scrub
@ meow, sagat – ele underpowered pls make blinding ashes baseline. add f5 and f6 for extra utility and elite.
eles will suffer from reaper. pls nerf.
EU Scrub
Vampire rune bug fixed Sep 15 update according to Grouch
So now I wonder how many eles would still use it.
EU Scrub
But those days are long gone.
I think a few people have pointed this out in the past and I agree that forum necromancers are the least arrogant and some of the most helpful in their community.
I started playing necro to learn its mechanics to better defend my main class and it really shocked me with how slow they are and how they get focused with very little escape options (pvp)
You guys have always been helpful and less pompous/stuck-up when I’d post my noob questions on here (from my main account but it got banned for posting screen shots of toxic ppl in-game lmao)
I’ve had so much fun with the Reaper recently and hope that it could help necros secure a spot in more team tournament comps.
You guys are great. I <3 necros
an engie main on queue
EU Scrub
It’s great that Tarcis, a top tourney player is reaching out and helping fellow pvpers.
I feel d/d eles are OP but I don’t hate it and I don’t want to see it get nerfed badly because I play it too sometimes, haha.
I’ve seen Tarcis on his ele in hotm a few times lol but not in matches. I only encounter his big brown warrior in matches haha.
Haven’t seen the ele and big brown warrior but have been eviscerated…ouch… a few times by his asura warrior.
EU Scrub
Anet loves:
-mesmersAnet is neutral towards:
-warriorsAnet hates:
-rangersIt’s more like russian roulette.
Russian roulette or anything Russian like the KGB and this guy seem dangerous
EU Scrub
I’m a bit rusty on mesmering and the last build I truly had fun with was the 4/4/0/0/6 gs/staff shatter.
I thought condi builds were tied to PU. If not, this gives the Mesmer a bit more diversity.
Burn guard
pro – higher overall condition damage from burn
pro – blinds
pro – medi heals
con – only one source of condition damage which can be countered w/ generosity
con – no diversity to build
Condi Mesmer
pro – stealth
pro – multiple condition damage sources which can’t be fully countered w/ generosity
pro – blinds
pro – greater build diversity
It seems like a toss up to me with mesmers having a slight advantage. I’d love to watch these 2 builds 1v1.
Edit: I removed PU from the title because I thought conditions and stealth goes hand-in-hand. Even after pvping for 3 years, goes to show that I still have much to learn.
EU Scrub
(edited by abc.5790)
Who’d win between the two from players of equal skill level? Just curious because there seems to be a lot of complaints about burn damage but I think confusion and torment is as bursty and even more nerve wrecking with stealth. I’d like to know from those who regularly play these 2 builds.
From my experience, countering the burn guard is far easier than the condi Mesmer. But if the two went head-on, which one will have the slight upper hand
I play a bit of condi but from necro (transfers) , engie and ele.
EU Scrub