Not really interested but grats I guess. Now go and try to do Shatt and if you success go and try Teq. I see you and the people in the video know how to rez (unlike the not-very-sharp-people in my server) so you may success :P.
And merry Christmas to you
No I was thinking more like adding real raids
Excellent suggestion! This should be Devs main priority! Then they can focus on mounts and then on a new gear tier every 6 months and finally they can work on new races like Orcs and Elven. Maybe add new zones full of pandas
And when that is done, they can focus on rename the game, something like World Of GuildCraft maybe?
She actually explain why she said that.
Her boobies are just an illusion. I am sorry to inform you all, there is no boobies.
That would be a good change. I’m tired of the “BB Only” policy -_-
Aside from the recent bug with female running, the animations in this game have been pretty superb.
I was referring to this “bug” actually, though animation and rigging are 2 different things.
You can have a perfect rigging and an awful animation (like many games) or have a fluid animation and still get pretty weird results (like this “bug”).
Anyhow, I’m pretty sure this is not a bug and “someone” mess with the rigging but well, whatever.
So that’s the reason behind the weird running!
Yep, GW2 animators have no idea how to bone a mesh -_-
Grinding JP’s, Chests and World Events for Empyreal Fragment and Dragonite Ores though I could shoot myself in the foot and have more fun but well.
I guess I know why he is always so happy.
If you take a look at his goggles you’ll notice it’s the same glass.
I always suspected those little creeps were up to something…
Now I know taking my necro with her apprentice armor to Rata Sum is a distinctly bad idea.
Not a bug. Confirmed by Tyler Chapman himself.
Intentional. We could probably add a max range but I don’t think it’s necessary at this time since it isn’t really breaking anything. The bug was what Godless described.
Whole thread here
I’m not going into Tixx’s Infinirarium ever again.
“Guild Wars 2 : The game that made me quit gaming”
I see it, I feel it.
I didn’t want to play anything but the Guild Wars franchise.
I feel so familiar with it I don’t want to.
I just spent $2000 on a new computer in June for an improved experience in this game and now I am playing less solely because of the direction this game has gone.
Thank you Dev’s, for ruining Guild Wars.
Yikes! You just described me and my feelings perfectly (except I bought my computer in April prior GW2 release).
And if fixing events is impossible (after all this time it seems to be the case), at least implement a daily server reset so all troublesome events start working properly again at least a few hours per day.
I miss having faith in the developer.
This and pretty much what everyone else said.
Well, Daimasei that’s the best i came up with. You have a better idea to make the timed dragon events feel more epic? the way it is right now is just go do it once to check it out and forget.
As a matter of fact, no. I do have ideas however, and I already posted in the forum (if my ideas are good or bad is up to other to decide).
And by the way, I wasn’t trying to be rude and like many other, I agree with you. The Dragon Events are awful (we shouldn’t be allowed to even get near the dragons and stack at their foot).
Unfortunately, for the Devs, is way easy to add cheap but somehow desired loot like guaranteed rares and multiply the HP x10, add invulnerable things and insta-kill mechanisms seems to be enough to revamp any event.
Awful idea. Nothing “epic” on that.
its just that necros are still way to op in spvp nerfs would balance it out more
OK, as long as the nerfs stay in sPvP/WvW I don’t care.
Combat is one of the few reason I keep playing GW and fortunately, changing the way combat work in this game would require just too much work so I don’t think ArenaNet will change it despite whining from WoW/InsertWoWCloneHere fanboys (unlike the gear treadmill).
I never understood why anyone would find gathering in video games fun. There are so many ways to gather and the best way they can think of is to run around with an axe chopping a tree.
A dragon is threatening the world? Better chop that tree :P
The problem is the lack of anything exclusive to crafting and the way we lvl up.
Having to craft crap to be able to craft what we want for more gold than simply buying in the TP or need to craft expensive/unwanted things to craft more expensive things (ascended) don’t help either.
Crafting should allow us to improve/upgrade our equipment (basic to master, exotics to ascended) or allow us to “soul-bind” for a boost (and allowing to offer this service to those who don’t whish to craft) but of course, transmutation stones/crystals are way more profitable and soul-binding things by equipping it without any boost is more easy.
Wow! So many responses I can’t read them all so I don’t know if this has been already said but here is my contribution:
“Horizontal” and “Vertical” “Progression” are the same thing in my view. Both are “cheap” excuses to keep the players busy or to “force” them to do unwanted content over and over.
The problem is not having to get a better/stronger armor/weapon or chase more skins/skills. The problem is how is this implemented in games.
If we want the new stronger armor, we need to grind the same JP/dungeon/world boss/champ almost daily for months.
If we want an armor with a specific skin we need to grind the same dungeon for days, even months.
The rest of the game is either get lucky or grind gold/mats/dailies to buy/craft what we want .
There is not a real reward for playing the game. Excluding the RNG change to get something good, Dynamic Events/Hearts/Map Completion rewards next to nothing.
WvW is another RNG-fest. There is not reward for killing players or taking Keeps. If you get lucky, you get lucky. If not, well, good luck next time and sorry for the hours you wasted here.
Now time-gated to get better gear is probably the worst thing I ever seen! There is no reason to have it. Having to grind mats/gold/ for days is more than enough to make ascended weapons/armor undesirable.
The only thing time-gated does is punish players for missing a day. Not to mention what happen if we can’t play for several days.
So, if you really need add a better gear every couple of months, do it in a way we all can enjoy and not only those who love doing the same thing over and over.
Now about level/skills.
More levels for what? Levels are pointless, specially in GW2 where your lvl 80 is lvl 5 in a starting zone. Raising the cap 5-10 levels at the time is beyond ridiculous.
Besides, people always find a way to rush and get the max lvl as fast as possible. Why punish people who hate leveling or don’t care?
Now, I’m not against more skills but again, for what? Some of the newest healing skills are far from being useful. Some of the old skills are useless too.
People will always use the strongest/useful skill. So unless you make older skills useless, then new skills are pointless (in GW1 necromancers had 142 skills a yet, few use anything beside SS/MM).
Again, I’m not against new skills but first, make sure all the skill we have already are balanced and especially, useful.
Want to hear something funny?
I was at the Godslost Swamp. 3 Putrid Skelk (red mobs) in front of me, some Fireflies (yellow mobs) around. You know what happens? The “Target System” picked a Sparkflie (ambient creature) -_-
I once took an awesome screenshot while fighting Shatt. It would look awesome with those effects. Shame I deleted it
And at least half probably made some pics in deviantart lol.
Sigh… I wish I could draw.
Isn’t Friday the 13th considered an unlucky day? Because I got 3 exotics in the mystic forge and a soldier inscription and that’s actually a very good thing.
By the way, nice char! He looks pretty awesome! I’d post mine but she is a cutie
(edited by daimasei.4091)
Why this always happens when I’m not around? Q_Q
It seems they forgot Mesmers (ArenaNet true golden child) use light armor.
But seriously, 11 days? Wow! Nice move -_-
I solved all the puzzles (I didn’t fight anyone, so that should count as solving – right?) but didn’t get the achievement after beating the tower again. Anyone know whether this is bugged or is there somthing I missed?
The Watchknight have 3 solutions. If it exploded you need to do it again. For the puzzle, you need to deactivate it.
Another event bugged? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Wait, there is more events bugged? GODS, STOP IT ALREADY SCARLET!
Now in a less dramatic tone. Maybe it was just sunrise and her disappearance was delayed?
And sure you remember the bans right?
and Kasmeer is too innocent/simple minded to notice.
I highly doubt it. She is most than “aware”. All that about “her illusion” was obviously a nod to encourage “Jory” to make her move
(edited by daimasei.4091)
One year saving those useless cogs for nothing??? Geez…
And you cheated, congrats, you must be really proud -_-
Next time you wanna brag or compare the “Legendary Defender of Ascalon” with your cheap “Shameful Defender of Shaemoor”, try to doing without cheating.
Not that it really matters -your time, not mine- but still…
A lot of you weren’t around at the time, but when the first guy got level 20 in Pre-Searing, he had very similar reactions for death levelling. “It’s cheating, you’re not really playing the game”, so on, so forth.
This person did what few would have. Just like the first LDoA.
Erm, as a matter of fact, I was there. And that’s exactly why I can’t be impressed by someone who crafted (and get many other goodies) to lvl up to 80 in the tutorial area.
The first guy to got lvl 20 in pre-searing spend months working on that. Many followed him and invested hours and hours and finally Anet reward them with the title (or screwed them). They did it without crafting/exp boost/better armor or weapons. Just what they had available in pre-searing.
Even getting the title with the new quests take many hours and days (I got it 5 times and each time took me like a month and just got it again like a month ago after 1 year) and of course, we didn’t have access to thing available in our storage.
So nope, not the same.
Wait… You actually need to know something to “solve” these puzzles? I just clicked randomly and did them without problems o_O
FYI, Scarlet isn’t a dragon’s pawn/champion/whatever. Dragons are Scarlet pawns.
Please, just let it go. I don’t need a conclusion, I don’t want a conclusion, just forget about Scarlet. Let her banish like a bad dream. Nobody will miss her.
You don’t need to add new content, just polish the game, fix the bugs or take a long holiday, idc, just finish with this nonsense already.
Gods, I hope is fixed. The least I need is more useless sigils.
Ah, missionary… Well, good luck.
And this game just gets better
Claw revamp maybe? Or just a bug, who knows?
So… You make this thread about you leaving for 2 years but don’t share with us where are you going? How rude >:-/
Good thing I only have 1 main and 1 alt. Free mules FTW!
A REAL norn will catch a cold.
With his bear hands.
Then unleash it on his enemies, drive them sneezing before him, and add to his legend.
Dont get self conscious! Get sexy!
LMAO… Best thread in a long time
And if people can read it in the wiki, why they would read it in-game?
I mean, not against the idea but to be honest, how many of us read the text in-game?
I do it but sadly, most people just want to rush, get rewards, demand new content, repeat.
Money. Simple as that.
Adding all the lore (in an appealing way like a cinematic) would require just too much work and resources and Devs don’t work for free.
That and time. Devs must work with what they have and they don’t have too much time either.
im not new to the game, i guess i forgot but i just lost a a no longer obtainable skin which is my gripe, i made a small human mistake and i didn’t think it be that big of a deal if i could reverse what i did, hey if i could buy it again i would
Ya, I still miss my Polla and my devil horns Q_Q
Sorry for your lost but it was a human error. Nothing you or ArenaNet can do about it.
Demongrub Pits in Queensdale.
Note: Even when this and Shaman’s Rookery are really easy and fast to do, I managed to die in there -_-
(edited by daimasei.4091)
Posted 2 hours ago and still up? What happens with “we want a healthy community”?
Ya, thanks for the bugs, not only in any new content but all the new bugs on older content.
Ah, and for the ascended armor I can’t get.