Showing Posts For styx.7294:

Losing SM on purpose...

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Are you new to WvW?
Typically on Friday or when a server gives up because their they have no hope of winning, karma trains will occur.

Its been going forever
As for how the game is meant to be played, meh, i get xp as does everyone else so its all good.

I play for 3 months, and I only play for WvW.

I have no problem with karma trains if your server can cap stuff because the other servers gave up or offer little to no resistance, but lose your stuff on purpose, ask the other servers to cap them and don’t defend at all, now that’t simply wrong.

We can even talk here how Anet failed somewhat on S1 achievements. Having to cap SM 5 times is too much, and the lack of defensive achievements is very bad.

In WvW you’ll find people on both sides of the fence, who feel pretty passionately about this sort of thing. This sorta stuff is what server drama is made of.

Gate of Madness

Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


This “ress-through-gate” thing, been already exploited for ages and I find it silly that it still around when many other exploits like the wall climbing have been fixed already… They could simply put another stupid gate behind that one and the problem would be solved. And no, I don’t belive that such a broken mechanic is “working as intented”.

So since Anet didn’t fix something, it must not be broken. Great logic there.

Let me just kick you from my party in WvW…

Jeknar is saying the mechanic should be fixed…. Maybe have some morning coffee?

Are you offering free coffee??

Tea, earl grey, hot.

Gate of Madness

Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Please, anyone can say “we beat you” but with out video I don’t believe it. You have low standers for your self if your just running main steam builds that do not require skill.

You do realize you didn’t post a video of engi’s throwing bomb kits and warriors running away right?

Haha, we did tell Leet about how we got beat. I was there for two of them even!

Exciting how it makes forum news since we die a lot, hahaha.

Gate of Madness

Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Dear [OBEY][REN],

When you learn how to play, maybe we can duel. Kitting and throwing grenade kit is not skill and warriors run way when they get low lol

<3 Gen

lol. So when we beat your guild all night, whiped your roaming group of 7 with 7 of our own, and your team starts running away when your members start getting downed left and right, now you complain about kiting and running away? Good logic there. Also, you need more hammer warriors in your stun train :P

Not gonna lie, Leet, Junk’s got a point about the running away bit.

Edit: I’m pretty sure we had only 2? Is that more warriors than you had? I can’t remember.

Gate of Madness

Tie Breaker?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


The achievements keep tracking progress even if they are completed, so it would be easy to calculate rewards by your progress towards critical WvW objectives.

Rewarding people is nice and all ‘cause we have to pay the bills but let’s not get too Big Brother on how we’re doing. The ultimate reward is the fun of WvW (and it is fun).

Gate of Madness

5 Utilities instead of 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: styx.7294


The game seems pretty comfortably balanced around 3. You’d have to mess with all the cooldowns to make sure people’s resources still get stretched. Not sure what you’d get out of it, other than a more bloated skill bar.

Right now lots of classes have tons of options. Elementalists, engineerings have crazy options for buttons to press.

Gate of Madness

The NA Bronze League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


The next match-up between SF/HoD/GoM is going to decide who takes first.

And GoM, you get to choose who you dislike more. :P


Well, Devona can interfere on the following week SF/DR/HoD, which will be very interesting if SF win one and HoD win another…

There are people on Devona?

Yes, yes there are and they shouldn’t be underestimated.

Gate of Madness

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: styx.7294


So, if prices for server transfers were based on WvW population, what would a fair distribution of costs look like from the lowest population servers to the highest? Keep in mind that making it completely impossible to transfer to a server puts a burden on other players. That doesn’t mean that you couldn’t have an incredibly high price, just that completely blocked isn’t an option.

For NA I’d say something along the lines of these prices

Ranks 22-24 = free
Ranks 16-21 = 800
Ranks 10-15 = 1200
Ranks 4-9 = 1600
Ranks 1-3 = 2400

There needs to be a large increase when considering the top three servers, their population doubles that of the next 3 closest servers with the only exception being TC.

You would also need to provide incentives beyond lower prices though, as many people will not see moving even if its free worth while if the server is “dead” in their opinion.

I admire your toying with the idea Devon but its almost a case of to little to late to just give reduced pricing. Of course I could be wrong /shrug give it a whirl see how it goes.

I could see this as reasonable costs.

Free opens up the idea of some WvW people tryin to pull a “Kaineng”. Is that a bad thing? I don’t actually know. Even if much of those WvW people transferred off Kaineng, is Kaineng’s WvW population better off than if no mass transfer to it had happened?

Gate of Madness

Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


It’s very cute how ET talks so big….so far behind.

Nothing but love, nothing but sweet sweet badge farming love. ;P

Well, we may not be able to beat you in points thanks to our bad start, but we can still take out your WPs.

Really part of our plan to make you slow and sluggish while we stay lean and mean from regular jogging.

Gate of Madness

HoD/DH/AR (Week 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Who are you kidding, Togo? Just transfer back to Darkhaven already. =)

Gate of Madness

Professions - Roles and Difficulty

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I don’t think you’ll find a profession in a zerg that can influence the battle more than an elementalist. You got at least as much CC, support, damage as anyone else.

The feeling of lack of agency or impact is why I avoid following commander zergs. I just don’t feel at all tested.

Gate of Madness

Repair achievement, never again please

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Whoah, not gonna look at you the same away again!
Repair one might be lame, indeed.

Surprise! I totally fall into the female stereotype and I like PvE! (See signature)

I thought your signature was ironic!

Gate of Madness

Level 80 players should get priority in Qs.

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


The elitism is strong in the OP

I am not a commander but I hate seeing our commander stuck in queues when some up leveled players getting thier gathering daily done in WvW bLs….

Well, I could do without posts about queues by stacked servers and posts about how someone deserves to be in WvW more than someone else but life goes on.

How is it you have a whole map queued and no one there can figure out what to do without that one commander in queue?

Tier 1 is so weird.

Gate of Madness

Small group WvW healing video (new 11/27)

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


Well played, i like so much small scale video :p, in this period i’m playng a mesmer in my team, can you link the spec of the mesmers in your team pls? I’m just curious, because your team have a good survival in lot of difficult situation and i’m always reday to improve myself.

Hey i’ll get their spec and message it to you or something, basically if i’m with 2 one is berserker one is alot of valkyrie and thats all I really know besides the obvious from weapons.

You mention having precision. How much? What kinda crit rate you prefer to have?

I like to have 25-30% crit, I guess imho below 20% is really bad, just seems like when I go too low theres times I cant get the vigor proc and it can mean so much.

Thanks for taking the time to record, edit, and share. Always good to see how others play.

Edit: What server? I thought I read in the youtube comments Dragonbrand? If so, then heck, we probably either have, or will, meet up in WvW…

It ended up being mostly sega genesis only a couple of amiga tunes but if you skim through my older videos especially my later Warhammer vids theres alot of cool amiga stuff. Anyways yes we’re on Dragonbrand and thanks, glad it was worth watching.

That’s a lot of precision…

Gate of Madness

Renewed Focus - Change to block?

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


this change to RF marks it as just about on par with Focus 5, but rather damage at the end we get our virtues refreshed. Yeah, so i will be jumping to ToC for zergin. RF as it is in small skirmishes i find im leading with my virtues and pounding RF to come out of a theifs initial burst or a mesmers shatter burst unscratched.

I have been finding its not as reliable as it once was lately, goes on CD without refreshing virtues. gets interrupted etc.

I still find the guardians elite skills lack luster, compared to other classes. I gladly trade it for a defensive version of signet of rage. lol

With boon duration and shout duration, isn’t save yourselves already better than signet of rage?

Gate of Madness

Repair achievement, never again please

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I like the achievements. It caters to my AP hunting self (Currently at 11k).

Whoah, not gonna look at you the same away again!

I didn’t care about achievement points but as soon as they put awards on them I’d like for ArenaNet to make sure I progress on it while playing the game.

Repair one might be lame, indeed.

Gate of Madness

Doubt about siege reach

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


There’s no vertical limit to an arrow cart, only horizontal.

There is a vertical limit. I’m pretty sure at garrison I’ve had arrow carts that can’t hit a location below me.

Gate of Madness

PPT for kills only.

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Terrible idea



Any PvP game that doesn’t have a reason to move players out of a safe spot just ends up with them camping. Making it about kill counts is the fastest way to turn the gameplay boring.

Gate of Madness

Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


This went into directions I did not foresee and rather quickly at that.

Gate of Madness

Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


The API developers did mention the idea of a Chat API. So someday, you might be able to chat with your guild from your phone.

They were talking this up before the game was released. I have been waiting for the chat API ever since. I don’t know about you guys but sometimes I fire up my GW2 and simply use it as a chat window.

Total random note: Pandora just played Legend of Zelda Suite and that made me smile.

I’ve never fired up GW2 as a chat window, but I do spend a fair about of time on TS without booting up the game.

I sometimes just log in to see chat in Lion’s Arch.

Gate of Madness

Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I told ya this would be a boring thread…

It is a very boring thread. It is a fun matchup the past few weeks. We’ve been doing the most kittened things.

KN & GoM, teach your PvE zerglings to fight better. I’m going to forget how to fight at this rate.

If you guys keep golem rushing with 30+ people I’m sure you’ll forget how to fight regardless.

Finally! Some tears! Tears over IoM golem rushes!

I’m confused as to how you talk to so few people on your server but talk so much on the forums! =)

It’s called being bored at work. If there was an app on my phone to chat with people in game, I would chat with my guild.

This thread is also super dead so I might as well spam. When the thread is livelier I can enjoy it vicariously.

I am quite familiar with being bored at work!

Gate of Madness

Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I told ya this would be a boring thread…

It is a very boring thread. It is a fun matchup the past few weeks. We’ve been doing the most kittened things.

KN & GoM, teach your PvE zerglings to fight better. I’m going to forget how to fight at this rate.

If you guys keep golem rushing with 30+ people I’m sure you’ll forget how to fight regardless.

Finally! Some tears! Tears over IoM golem rushes!

I’m confused as to how you talk to so few people on your server but talk so much on the forums! =)

Gate of Madness

Doubt about siege reach

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


It’s within range but not sure how they’re getting the camera angle to see up top while standing beside a cliff. Maybe that 3 screen nonsense?

Gate of Madness

Renewed Focus - Change to block?

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


Oh oh oh would you make it as stupid as Shelter too? Where when it’s interrupted, it gives no effects and goes into full cooldown? Tomes are already unfavorable, don’t make our elites worse.

What? Tome of Courage has got to be one of the best elites in the game.

Gate of Madness

Level 80 players should get priority in Qs.

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


No, because not everyone will get the chance to enter. Worst case scenario, sub 80’s can be permanently locked out. Everyone paid for this game and should be able to get out to WvWvW if they want to.

An they can get in when they are 80. Not gimping their server also.

They are the server. Get over it.

Gate of Madness

Golem mastery

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Golems need no buffs man. That would be to much.


Once they remove waypoints, golems are already gonna be able to burn through gates faster than you can cross from Bay to Hills.

Unlike rams, you can always bring an arbitrary amount of golems and then build rams on top of that.

Gate of Madness

Mastery = priority

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Yet, they don’t. It’s like I tell people: you gotta work with the zerg you got, not complain about what the zerg’s doing. If Anet gives people an incentive to do something (IE: jump on a ram to get an achievement) people will do that, and they won’t give a kitten about you asking them to get off it.

I was bein sarcastic, heh. If you got people’s trust, they’ll do what you say. You gotta convince them you’re not just a random voice in the chat. If you’re new and on an especially stubborn server that can be difficult.

Gate of Madness

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: styx.7294


Hey everyone,

I wanted to chime in again and say that the discussion around population imbalance and WvW has been really wide-open and interesting. There are some definite things we’ve learned from reading your responses and some really interesting ideas in here as well. The goal of this initiative is to foster discussion about the game and for that discussion to help us make better design decisions in the future. I think there have been some good points raised in this thread and I’ve definitely seen some new ways of looking at the problem. This particular issue is very thorny, which makes it a bit more difficult to wade into the conversation. Population affects so many other areas that it makes it complicated to untangle it and get actionable ideas. We believe that between the studio and the community we can find new ways of looking at the problems that can lead us to great solutions, and we appreciate your taking the time and energy to share your thoughts. Hopefully we can all take WvW and Guild Wars 2 further by being able to work some of these problems out together.

I wanted to further discuss a couple of ideas. Firstly, several posts have called for reduced map caps in WvW. The problem that would create is that we’d be allowing even fewer people to play in a given period of time if we were to do that. So I wonder if there is another way to accomplish the same goal, while not disenfranchising people who would now be unable to get into the maps? It’s a hard problem because the more populated servers face long queues while the less populated ones face empty maps. From my perspective there aren’t a ton of good options, which is why discussing this problem is pretty important.

Secondly, there has been some amount of discussion about the nature of server transfers and how that affects population. I think there is some space for us to make changes there, but there is always going to be a tradeoff. For example, what if we restricted or completely eliminated transfers during a season? I think it has some positives, but it might be overly damaging to people who aren’t intending to bandwagon, but legitimately want to change servers. It may be the case, though, that that number is so small that it is worth the cost. Or, what if we prevented people from transferring to the higher population servers, but not all of them? Again, it runs the risk of being a burden on some number of folks, but it may be worth the cost.

Again, this is a good discussion, it’s really important to consider the costs to any action and to remember that our goal is to do the best thing for as many of our players as possible.

Honestly, I’m tryin to think of a legitimate reason that a guild would have to transfer to Blackgate right now and my imagination isn’t that big. Like, am I gonna break any hearts when I say stop transfers to Blackgate?

If we can agree on Blackgate, we can then start hagglin about how far we can move the line.

Gate of Madness

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: styx.7294


Server hopping might be reduced by giving incentives to individuals for staying on a server. Improve the WvW drops or give special chests to “server” loyalists, perhaps — make “loyalty” like “luck”, but you lose all loyalty by server hopping.

Make server loyalty a benefit. Sadly, in this society, loyalty is most often bought.

I think it’s time to not think about how to reduce server transfers but how to reverse the trend they’ve been on since launch. People post about 7 hour queues while maps are empty!

Gate of Madness

Mastery = priority

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Because, when you tell someone to do something, they always do it.

Because when you tell someone to do something, they should always do it.

Gate of Madness

The NA Bronze League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


@ Belle

I can’t speak for other servers but leagues was a breadth of fresh air for my server. We had some people who quit the game come back and PvE folk come in. Morale went up and stayed up since leagues started.

Though so far we’ve had 1 win, 1 super close match, and are winnin the 3rd match.. so could just be the fair weather talking.

Gate of Madness

Renewed Focus - Change to block?

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


I think I prefer invulnerability.

In happy fantasy land,
-is a stun breaker
-can’t get cancelled or if it is cancelled still recharges virtues

Gate of Madness

Our Hammer ??

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


In happy fantasy land,
-hammer 2 has like 600 range
-hammer 5 can be cast while moving
-hammer 4 is AoE

Gate of Madness

not a guard->guard needs more mobility

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


Mobility goes beyond having swiftness. Thieves and warriors aren’t fast because they have a lot of swiftness, even though that is part of it.

Gate of Madness

Repair achievement, never again please

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Guard Slayer
Kill 500 enemy guard.
Advanced Mists Invasion Defender
450 Enemy Invaders Killed
something wrong there?

Not really, both are just checks to see if you showed up. Killing hundreds of guards and players should be automatic. What the actual number is isn’t important.

Gate of Madness

Small group WvW healing video (new 11/27)

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


You mention having precision. How much? What kinda crit rate you prefer to have?

Gate of Madness

Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I’m going to forget how to fight at this rate.

All according to plan.

Gate of Madness

Server v Server and Server pride

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


point being – anet is offering so much – it’s making everyone dizzy trying to keep up

This. I don’t know what game the paradigm of an endless flow of random fluff and junk manifested itself but it has ruined true RvR MMORPGs, which this game certainly is not. I know someone who told me he was going to spend his Laurels on a pet. A PET. I didn’t even know this was an option. He told me this and I was (am) baffled.

- Server pride doesn’t come from live events, where the vast majority of players spend time. Chasing a little automated script around

-There is no community within a server itself. No one cares about anyone else because everyone can get everything BY THEMSELVES; solo. Part of a community in MMORPGs comes from being forced to work with others. THIS is how you make friends. ANET’s let everyone do everything roots itself down to class design and all the way to their events. I leveled entirely solo, not once was someone else required. No longer am I forced to work with others. In fact, I don’t know if I’ve spoken to other people except my RL friends… because I have ZERO need to! Even crafting is a joke. In other games you either wasted all your time crafting or you ran a business and TALKED to other people, or you were forced to have others craft missing parts for you.

- Elitism doesn’t exist in this game. It sucks. There is no defining standout guild that the server recognizes. No banter about who is the best. Just random guilds. I play WvWvW a couple hours a night. If you asked me to name 5 guilds on my server I wouldn’t be able to.

- Server rotations. I can’t name a single guild that is unique to another server. They rotate out and I can’t remember by the time they come back around.

No server pride. ~

Wow, you have a sad Guild Wars 2 life and I’m glad it’s nothing like mine, heh.

My guild keeps in touch with most of the Gate of Madness WvW guilds. Even though we’re small, a lot of people on our server and other servers know us and have said kind things about us (as well as not kind things, hahaha). Heck, we try to also keep tabs with the PvE guilds.

I know and recognize regular WvW guild tags on half a dozen servers we regularly face and have friends on a couple of those servers that I regularly talk about how things are goin on our server and their servers. And, like me, they’re all people who care about how their server is doin, the health of their match up, and the health of WvW in general. I imagine there are people like that on every server.

It’s easy in WvW to just show up for some hours, follow a taco (extra points if it’s always a taco in EB), and have no idea about what the WvW heart of your server is. You can earn kills, badges, karma and such doin that but miss out on the context, on the “living” stories that are WvW.

Gate of Madness

Server v Server and Server pride

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I kinda like how it is in lower tiers, where servers have a sort of personality. It’s filled with people who have a lotta pride (sometimes too much, haha). And it’s always the same old friends too.

Gate of Madness

Vabbi & WvW - make it playable for us?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Your absolutely right, they should force people to transfer to Vabbi rather than give people a option to move to a more appropriate environment.

Classic T1 logic: People should absolutely not transfer to the bottom tier! They should transfer up tiers instead!

Classic unoriginal expected response. You know there are a lot of tiers between vabbi and T1 right?

Yeah, if you check you’ll see I accounted for that.

Gate of Madness

What is the general view of buying guilds

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


What do you claim is buying guilds? Is it paying for their transfers, either in part or wholly? Is that buying guilds?

Is buying guilds paying gold in excess of transfer to fees? or would it be buying guilds if you paid them 2 transfer fees for their entrance and exit from a server. and gold on top of that?

define buying guilds please.

I would define it as givin them gold, whether for transfer fees or whatever.

Gate of Madness

What is the general view of buying guilds

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


We’re probably 15 months too late for this conversation.

Gate of Madness

20+ second immobilize (movie)

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Yes, my condition warrior runs dogged march, melandru, and lemongrass while at the same time being able to chain pin down and flurry for roots. So, this change is AWESOME for my condition warrior. That still won’t stop me from calling it out for being extremely bad for the game from both a balance and mechanics standpoint.

Probably the difference between how immobilize affects your warrior and your necromancer is what gets me. A long immobilize kills some people while it gives regen to others. What sort of balance is this?

Gate of Madness

Vabbi & WvW - make it playable for us?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Your absolutely right, they should force people to transfer to Vabbi rather than give people a option to move to a more appropriate environment.

Classic T1 logic: People should absolutely not transfer to the bottom tier! They should transfer up tiers instead!

Gate of Madness

The NA Bronze League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Here is my prediction for how the rankings will shake out, along with the week by week, match by match analysis of how I got there. It’s a tough call on who will take 1st between DH and FC this week so I basically assumed FC wins this one and DH wins the next time the two meet. I’m on Darkhaven, so I was trying to stay objective.

ET will end up being ranked higher than Kain (personal opinion after three weeks of fighting Kain and then ET just before and during leagues). ET seems to have a larger playerbase and coordination.

Surprised to see Eredon Terrace so low, last time we fought them they were much stronger us. I would have had them in the running for top 3.

Gate of Madness

The NA Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


It would be much better if they made platinum league with JQ/SOR and BG and gold league with TC/FA/SoS/MAG/SBI +X.
No one enjoys fighting top tier servers.

Plat: JQ/SoR/BG
Gold: TC/FA/SoS/Mag/SBI + (YB lets say since they beat bp and will beat db easy)
Bronze: DH/FC/ET/HoD/SF/GoM
Iron: DR/AR/KN

(Possible Switch in Bronze and Iron, Idk those server numbers anymore)

How hard is that.

The bottom 3 cant have even fights except between each other, and same with the top 3.

Only 3 leagues away from being back to tiers.

Edit: I get the impression Northern Shiverpeaks is having the most fun in the league?

Gate of Madness

WvW Environmental Abuse

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Back in the day, duels in japan between generals sometimes consisted of only one pass. If one would turn around after the initial pass and stab the other in the back, capitalizing on an attack of opportunity and successfully kill the other general, he would be considered a military genius. If he failed to kill his opponent with the sneak attack from behind, then he would be considered a coward.

Take it how you want to. Either you capitalize on an opportunity or you don’t.

Could you have a more ridiculous analogy? The game has had a history of all sorts of exploits (like buggin through gates without siege) that shouldn’t be used. Further, this isn’t a matter of life and death, it’s a game with buggy code.

Gate of Madness

10/25 DH/GoM/FC (Week 2 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Not surprised we’re not doin so good. I dunno about other people but I thought about staying up all night but it wasn’t close enough that I could justify to myself showin up to work half asleep, heh.

But for all the warriors in Ferguson’s Crossing and Darkhaven, keep at it! To the finish line! Still less than 1k apart!

Gate of Madness

Speculation: Merging WvW Servers soon

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I do not believe this.

Gate of Madness

10/25 DH/GoM/FC (Week 2 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Aint nobody kitten with GoM!

Okkkkk Server Police

1. This is not EB.
2. Come on, who DOESN’T love a robot army???

2. Sarah Connor

Gate of Madness