(edited by tigirius.9014)
I think I must be the only person that shakes his head in sadness whenever I see yet another one of these.
Fun stuff to be part of
I am sure you are right on that. I don’t find any amusement in watching it though
Maybe I’m just getting old and grumpy. Stay off my lawn!
LOL! Turn that darned music DOWN!
I guess I feel the same way hehe
plenty of patrols in other zones just haven’t gotten there yet, Orr comes to mine but yeah they should have more.
what you are looking for is called “berserker”. Going full Precision in Power build isn’t worthy. As you can see here http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Critical_hit#Table. Precision without Critical damage and baseline Power will not get you the highest damage output.
And last thing: Conditions can crit in their own way :
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_EarthA Precision+Condition damage stats mix is actually a good one. Ask the Necros!
For engis this isn’t bad either I have a mix of prec condi spec and gear it gives me the ability to take everything down because toughness does nothing vs condi damage.
- Pistols fire as slowly as rifles which nerfs their direct dps overall
- The conditions of bleed and poison behave completely different on my condition built engineer then they do on my burst damage thief (yeah you heard right, the burst damage thief with 0 bonuses to condi damage does more condi damage per tick)
- And the only ability that’s used by the Charr Engineers doesn’t create conditions or gain the ability to pierce even when traited, which is the toolbelt ability Hidden Pistols
Not going to lie, I honestly think we’re going extinct. I never see engineers anymore and when I WvW there are so many people that must have forgotten how to counter us because I see them make stupid mistakes.
For the love up Pete don’t let us be forgotten…..
The absolute only way I can get thru the day of doing a daily on my account with my engineer without cussing is to use a rifle discharge condition build. That’s the only way. Seriously. And I can’t even build might because my toughness is too high for regular mobs to hit me hard enough to get an Elixir B boon series (I use that to fight champions./vets so I can test to see what they drop if anything.) and when I use Elixirs the lightning goes flying off somewhere other then what I am targeting. Still no ETA on that I’m sure. :/
The balance of the classes on this game is so anti-reality it’s no wonder there’s problems in paradise. When a warrior can use a magical fairy signet and do more damage then all the 20th century weapons of war up front and in 1 shot you know there’s an issue.
Oh and MrSilver’s signature REALLY? They closed that down? WOW just wow!
I believe the most I’ve found were in FireHeart Rise in the burning areas.
Agree OP absolutely agree. it’s sad when 1 class can run Arah solo.
Engis and Necros are the worst because the management can’t allocate enough personnel to squash their bugs 5 months into the game. and that doesn’t even cover the design flaws.
This game is in such a need for more personnel and a PTR.
I still haven’t seen anything on fishing which was talked about pre-launch also.
there was fishing? How neat. Would that work the same way some other mmos work where you can afk and ‘fish’ with the chance of getting armors and what not?
you mean how in WoW and Lotro even with heavy moding you can’t go afk? yeah….
I’m talking fish that transform you when you eat them, the chance to fish up valuable items, the chance to fish up resources like T6 mats, props outfits the whole nine yards would be nice. Give us something to do while they play catchup.
Stealth is fine and oh btw they already have delays between stealthing so whoever decided to suggest that needs to play a thief to see what the mechanics are really like. I agree we do need a fix to stealth, there’s not enough of it thief needs more.
no we don’t need energy bars get over it the old days of boring combat are dead, every new game coming out for years will have action combat from now on most likely, AAA titles at least will.
Balanced play should start with them once and for all squashing the bugs on these classes. Starting with pet AI, engineers and necro bugs. that would solve much of the problems.
As for teleports those are fine too, see culling.
And finally, going backwards isn’t going to improve anything in this game, proper resource/time management will be the best fix ever.
If it can be fixed why haven’t they in about half a year..
that is a VERY VERY good question! If i had been online 2 hrs ago i would have posted “in before all the leetness and lrn2play posts” because that’s the only straw man argument the stockholm syndrome sufferers seem to have these days. seriously tell us again how wonderful the classes are and how there’s never a situation where their design fails. I’d love to hear it.
It’s no secret that the pet AI is horrible and that they pets die horribly. Other older titles had to give the pets a 90% immunity to AOE splash damage because it was so bad in those other games where AOE spam was rampant.
Theres a ton of problems that haven’t even been touched on necros and engis that are not bugs but massive gaping holes in the design of the classes that need addressing and just because a few people have learned to work around these holes doesn’t make you special, sorry, that’s not a lack of knowledge on how to play that’s simply the act of not standing up for your rights as a consumer to have a completed and balanced game and telling them “hey we’re not going to play unless you finally and at long last fix your game” issue, there’s no special status in workarounds. plain and simple.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Awesome thanks for posting this. Once again something not posted to the forums in a stickie but it made it here by a fan i guess I should be greatful for that one.
I am curious about what they’ll bring to lost shore.
One thing tho, I do not agree with one of the commentors on the post to the interview on the first link, the weather effects are fantastic, one of the best things done to the game. I love running thru a desert in the middle of a smoking field of battle and having my vision cloud a bit, gives it a more realistic feel!
I still haven’t seen anything on fishing which was talked about pre-launch also.
NO, it doesn’t need to be any higher, more horizontal progression is required.
Exactly! Planar Attunment comes to mind, ten more points in traits would be great even if we had to go out and earn them open world, new utility skills maybe some poweful ones that one must do a challenge to achieve.
Not to mention ascended gear thru crafting disciplines, T6 mats thru karma vendors, and a chance for Ascended trinkets to drop from champions dragon events would be a good start towards the horizontal.
Er There are Skill quests and other things out there that do give you a bonus say +10 or 20 or 50 skill points or more XD
I know this is off topic a bit but omg Thac0?!!?!? Haven’t used that term in YEARS!
I wish there had been quests to gain new abilities for the utility slots
Ten more points would make the world for engis everywhere.
That’s what it feels like. I think Fractals was the worst thing that happened to the game for the simple fact it yanked the player base from other areas (that were already slowly dying out). I also think the unreasonable dungeon mechanics chased people away from higher level dungeons.
I don’t wish to get 100% map completion. I don’t wish to play Super Guild Wars Bros and do jump puzzles. I’d like to advance exciting story or make some kind of progress w/ my character and see other characters out in the world and join with them and do stuff… new stuff.
I try to log-in and not be negative, but I usually just end up running around aimlessly and then logging out.
The Living Story started out terribly. First impressions are your last, and if fixing broken signs, lighting fires and rummaging dead bodies is how ANet planned on rolling it out… the content managers need Cocaine introduced into their lifestyle immediately.
I can’t be the only person feeling this way. I don’t hate GW2. I enjoyed my path to where I am now… but I feel like I “beat” a console game right now.
What the heck happened to the game ANet was advertising before launch?
Great point! I do want world completion without forced pvp however. thats how you and I differ.
But that shouldnt excuse anyone for not adding DE metas , permanent ones not holiday events. I still haven’t seen a new one since launch. Just the dragons. sigh
Biggest argument I’ve been having about their handling of the T6 materials. Instead of just giving us a Karma vendor for these things they add RNG bags to the laurel vendor that only drop three things at a time. too expensive. tried five of those things, got exactly 0 gossamer scraps. 0
three things needed in a karma vendor:
- Lodestones
- Powerful Blood
- Gossamer Scraps
Those have been the biggest pain to farm since launch.
You get a loot drop!
You get a loot drop!!
Everyone gets a loot drop!
Honestly that’s what they promised. I’ve read a many a pre-launch interviews on what they were telling their potential customers to expect. We were all supposed to get our loot drops we were supposed to be able to help in DE’s in multiple ways (not solely with dps) and still get credit and we were all supposed to get class specific drops from dungeon boss chests each person on equal playing field. Since Nov that has not been happening, not even close. In fact in the beginning I used to find rares and exotics in the secretly found chests in the open world and with the chests heavily protected by veterans and champions. The first month i can’t tell you the number of rares I found in those chests every time i found one until the nerf.
I’m exposed to enough drama in real life, I’d rather not experience it in game.
Same here, been thru drama with leetists and jerks all throughout my mmo lives if you wanna call it that. Don’t need any here or in the next game I get, have enough in RL to last two lifetimes as well. Been thru 2 guild splits, poachings, rude players, etc etc. Don’t need anymore honestly.
Oh and they said something about making changes to the WvW system to make it more fun for guilds to get directly involved. Not sure what that means yet.
I’d much rather them add a fully loaded and fun fishing system.
Hmm… before 11/15 patch (or earlier nobody knows) we had 2-3 rares per event. It was not 1 day. It was many hours and many days in a row, then 11/15 patch boom – less rares (patch promised more rares). Now 3+ months in a row we have 2-3 rare / hour.
It is not randomness when many people see same image for long time.
May be it is because we had more loot (in numbers) and from them more rares (because big numbers give more chances). I don’t know. We will see if the february patch will solve this problem.
P.S. They fight against exploits too aggressively imho.
I get about 1 rare per 2 events, this sounds like less but I did not play back then so I cannot be sure. Either way this thread has become increasingly irritating.. No offense to people who posted constructively.
I got 3-4 per event and I wasn’t even in a build that worked properly. Also it continued after the first nerf of the engineer class. right up until the Nov fiasco. And I believe it was JonPeters that made it clear that something was turned up too high on DR I think it was Wiki where this and the statement that they liked farmer players and didn’t want DR to affect us. I Just can’t imagine why someone would think that it’s the right move this many months later not to take the issues of DR seriously as well, or that the statement that DR was affecting loot for players is somehow NOT a change in loot that started in November.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
One problem with that. People have been actively counting the stars, there’s a big difference between assumption/anectdotal evidence and counting the exact number one receives especially in the cases where PermaDR has set in on top of the bug that’s already there causing the only person killing a champion to receive nothing.
Specifically, one can count the number of Ambulances on each full moon to determine if indeed that is an increase or decrease of hospital ER visits which is what the playerbase has done. Numbers don’t lie.
That statement was made towards people who said that the November patch changed loot. Which it did not. The problem has been from the beginning, not from that day. So the statement still holds true.
You know what man, you can defend them, and they’re going to say whatever they PR people tell them to say, but as someone who has been around since ~August I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that something changed in November.
Exactly. Something DID change in November they added DR for one and they messed with the loot tables to supposedly adjust the drop rates of solely “unidentified dyes” however we all know from the short history of this game title that they have bugs when the fix other bugs. They admitted to it both things. I hate to burst Geo’s bubble but DR and adjusting the loot tables for 1 item absolutely has an effect on every other loot item drop in the game. So yes they still need to apologize to the public, they still need to remove DR until they can make sure that it’s absolutely 100% not going to bug out and they still need to admit that the loot is not the same as it was prior to November. Everyone who started playing on launch day and who has played since knows this to be true despite the denials of those who are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
I’m not trying to be demanding I really am not I am just working from the standpoint that customer service needs a serious glance and that they need to improve gameplay for players not hinder it.
I’m also working from the standpoint that clearly there is a priority problem in the company, that things like squashing bugs that are still here since launch on both classes and zones doesn’t seem to be a priority with this team. (DR being one of them, it’s obivous that there’s a permaDR problem when whole chests disappear or people get nothing on end for months except porous bones and some whites.) The excuse that It just launched last year doesn’t cut it anymore from those who are defending the lack of proper personel and project management. Hopefully this new patch will prove me wrong.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
I personally would like to see three things come out from this.
- an apology to the players who were accused of having an overactive imagination and “perceiving” the loot issue, and being accused of concocting an xfiles conspiracy theory.
- a direct method of purchasing T6 materials from a karma/laurel vendor (materials like Powerful Bloods, Gossamer Scraps, Onyx Lodestones) that are so rare they might as well be antimatter.
- the permanent removal of DR until the bugs in it and the dial that has it turned up so high can be properly adjusted so that it no longer affects players, along with the destruction of the mechanic that requires that people teleport to not get hit by it because that clearly only benefits the bots with the illegal gold-farming teleport software.
One can hope.
Lol!! Ok, first of all there is no ‘problem’ with the DR. Second, it has always been known that you need to do a certain percentage of damage to get loot. (Why else do you think people get into groups in cursed shore?) Clearly, since this is percentage based, that’s a lot of damage needed to be done to a champion (so get into a group!).
In short, there is nothing to fix. For all those who are complaining, get into a group so that you at least do the minimum damage to qualify for loot. Also, farm other areas once in a while, you will get hit with DR at cursed shore easily since you kill like a hundred mobs per shelter/pertinent event.
How did you come to the determination that there’s nothing wrong with DR? First of all there are people with whole accounts reporting that chests from events and from boss fights in dungeons never appear for them. That’s not the issue that colin has admitted to, that’s a bug with DR. There are also people who report like I have that no matter where we go or what toon we are on we almost always get more porous bones then anything else and we never get rares. That’s what’s happening to people with Perma DR these things have been reported since Nov prior to the 15th when DR was revealed to the public to combat bots (HA), so please tell us again how this isn’t a fact?
There’s an entire MMO history out there where DR has destroyed entire companies because they were too stubborn to get rid of DR despite their fanbase telling them that it wasn’t affecting the bots but it was destroying the gameplay of the players. And no I’m not talking about just open world here, it’s been reported by people who run dungeons as well.
probably because this game is not designed to be farmed.
It was the first month after launch, after that is when they ignored history and added DR.
Oh and then there’s this:
“While we need a safety net to stop unanticipated economy-breaking exploits and botting, we have no desire to stop farming. Farmers are a part every online economy and when they are doing normal game activity they do not cause any harm. If a player finds a normal game activity fun and would like to keep doing it, that’s fine with us.”
(edited by tigirius.9014)
DR is still in effect and drops will still be horrible. We didn’t have 26 pages of nothingness and people complaining just because they wanted to complain. The DR system is horrible, it does absolutely nothing to combat bots, but what it does is drive players to higher level zones for the small chance of receiving better loot. No matter what Anet does to attempt to curb this they will never succeed until they remove DR.
Absolutely right.
DR requires teleports. Players can’t do free teleports or teleports every second to maximize goals. Bots do illegal untrackable teleports all the time and can teleport away long before someone can even take a screenshot. = DR only affects players.
If I am to believe Jon Peters they still have that to fix if they want to keep legit farmer players which he claims are players they like and want to keep.
IMO this DR thing combined with too much RNG for T6 mats (yeah they added 2 more RNG ways of getting T6 mats instead of a direct from vendor type of purchase for karma or laurels.) are just as troublesome as the vet/champion bug.
I guess you’re saying don’t give up on them taking down DR because it really doesn’t do anything to the bots it’s only harming us players.
We got these awesome cities, mostly abandoned because, well, all the action is in LA and it’s free to get there with just a five second detour through the Mists.
Why not have the option to select one of the cities as our home and have a free teleport there, if only so the obviously massive amount of work you guys put into all the cities isn’t completely wasted, as it is right now ? Alternatively, just add portals to all the cities to the central Mists hub ? Include Ebonhawke, for good measure, I love to start my morning dailies in a city full of yawning (NB. why does everybody in Ebonhawke sound like they’re either bored or very, very sleepy?)
Having free portals available in LA evidently isn’t enough to get more people to use the TP, bank etc. in the other cities, and I think it’s a real shame, if only because it robs me of more opportunities to fall to my death in Rata Sum – the little fella is clumsy like that.
Don’t think that will offer the solution to them being empty on non-RP servers.
Just wait for them to make a cross-server dungeon LFG tool built into the game, the cities will fill up with zombies waiting in the lobby to be teleported into the dungeon instantly soon enough.
getting loot because you did the most damage is not the best most honest way of handling it. there are alot of little things that go into these fights like using the cannons killing adds and rezzing players that should ALL contribute to the process. It’s a really bad design in any game to require the most dps out of a situation to determine who gets the best loot. we have too many childish players ignoring everything as it is in these DE’s.
for making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside about the loot fix!
I would gladly “hail” them if they didn’t for a long time deny it completly, not to mention they let people freely bash people for being conspiracy theorists for simply bringing up the subject of bad rng.
Arena net deserves no “props” in this case, they did theyr job, and they took theyr sweet time doing so.
Totally agree they should have given it an immediate response and the most resources to handle the issue (much like the still ongoing bugs/design flaws in the two least played classes, engineer and necro, still waiting on this to be taken seriously as well)
The facts still remain that even with a slightly better drop rate (if that’s to occur we’ll see) they still have an ongoing DR issue, as well as major design flaws in the T6 mats aquisition where instead of adding them to a currency vendor for Karma or Laurels directly (ie I’m going to buy 4 onyx lodestones please, chaching 800 karma) we see them adding yet another set of RNG devices (bags of crafting mats that almost never drop gossamer scraps or any of the lodestones in my experience and cost 1 laurel in a time when there are no retro for the achievements we already have its kind of expensive for only 3 items per bag), RNG is the problem not the solution.
So we’ll see how this affects everything. It’s nice the finally found something but they should never have accused the public of being too imaginative or being conspiracy theorists. That was a terrible PR move on their part. Honestly the community deserves an apology from everyone who told the community that it was our imaginations that the loot had changed.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Still, RNG will be still there and so does farming duno why is everyone so happy about O_O. Yes now you will take credit for kills but 0.00000000000001% chance of a rare will still be there.
He did mention improving the chances of loot from zones so here’s to hoping. I am prolly one of the most outspoken people here about the issues and how I’ve lost the trust of anything they say however, they deserve a chance at the very least when this patch launches.
I deeply hope that update will fix the loot issues.
There are still some questions remaining, but I will wait for the update, see what it does and then draw my conclusions from that.At least , after hard work and long investigation, they found something.
So until now: thanks for that.
Yes thanks for finding something. I thought it was weird they kept saying they didn’t see anything wrong over and over.
I’ll reserve judgement and do testing on release to see if the fixes work as intended, crosses finger, heres to hoping !
Any post worth its salt usually vanishes into the 4th dimension. So mysterious.
Or is so mysterious to them that they call it perceived an xfiles experiment or act like they just now heard about it 5 months later. :/
Just to clarify, the dragon chest bug is something to do with their DR or downscaling which causes the chest to NOT appear. I don’t really care about the abyssal loot drop from dragon chest, I care about not getting one at all
You should care about all of it it’s all connected to the same problem….DR.
Welcome to the “perceived” club. Seriously that’s all you’ll hear is three things from now into eternity.
“our data collection shows nothing”
“we’re still gathering data”
“the investigation is ongoing”That’s what’s been happening now for about 5 months when dealing with loot drops, permaDR account wide, wooden chests that drop things like whites or porous skulls, veterans/champions that drop nothing or something insignificant when you do get something to drop etc etc. The list goes on ad infinitum.
Yep, and this is a red quote for what they think of you and your loot problems:
Thats true, but why now? why only after patch ppl start to complain about the loot!?
People have been complaining about bad loot since day 1 of the fractals. It isn’t new, and generally I don’t bother to answer those questions since it is just RNG and speculation. Some people find a precursor in that chest, and others get blues. Just the nature of RNG whenever you open that chest.
I’ll ask around tomorrow to see if anything changed, but looking at it right now I see no changes to the fractal chest loot.
That’s actually not talking about my concerns I’ve been complaining about the loot since before fractals , was one of the first legit farmers to discover they were up to something or are allowing a beneficial (for them that is) bug to continue beyond what most companies would. I’ve never ran a fractal. The actual loot issues began shortly before Nov 15th.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Welcome to the “perceived” club. Seriously that’s all you’ll hear is three things from now into eternity.
“our data collection shows nothing”
“we’re still gathering data”
“the investigation is ongoing”
That’s what’s been happening now for about 5 months when dealing with loot drops, permaDR account wide, wooden chests that drop things like whites or porous skulls, veterans/champions that drop nothing or something insignificant when you do get something to drop etc etc. The list goes on ad infinitum.
Remember when you could actually get Rare drops from regular mobs in Orr?
Yes ascended are supposed to be better. Like has been said multiple times, its gear between exotic and legendary that is supposed to take time to get, and is acquired while you make legendary progress (ie Dailies for Karma, Fractals for Cores and T6 mats all result in progress towards ascended). But as you can see from the practical example, the stat bump isn’t so insane that it makes exotics redundant.
Hold on a second. Why is “better gear that takes a longer time to get” acceptable at all in Guild Wars? I thought one of the selling points was that you wouldn’t be chasing gear.
Guess it’s moot since they’re clearly going in that direction, but I just wanted to point out that that doesn’t need to be how the game works.
One of the better points against this gear having higher stats imo. It’s not moot to me. I wanted to play the game they advertised prelaunch. People will continue to post nonsense in it’s favor tho and those people are generally people who love the gear treadmill and have a five second memory when it comes to what this game was promised to be prelaunch, they also seem to have issues with the understanding that 5 points per item in 11 slots equals a 55 point advantage in any one score which adds up quickly when an entire set of gear is available with higher stats. 55 points in prec vitality toughness is very important especially in a game where only two classes can 1 shot.
I quit when they announced ascended items as the new gear ceiling. I was happy with exotics being fairly easy to get, and that being the end of the gear climb.
Do ascended items still have better stats? Do their improved stats still count outside of the fractal dungeon?
I’d like to play Guild Wars 2 again, but I really don’t like gear progression. Exotics are annoying but acceptable, so I put up with them. Quarantining ascended items to their one dungeon would be acceptable, maybe.
Chances are the people who stuck around on the forums are the people who like gear progression and endlessly increasing numbers, so I kind of expect a lot of “go home noob” and “do you want gear just handed to you!?!??” (yes).
I stuck around solely on the forums in the hopes that they’d come to their senses and take the stats away too, it is supposedly solely to help against agony in dungeons despite evidence to the contrary. Yeah you’ll definitely get those stockholm sufferers that will insist until the day they die that the scores on these things aren’t any different then exotics and poo poo the truth that it will affect WvW once the rest of the sets are included. If you thought that 1 shot warrior and that 1 shot thief are bad now just wait.
If they don’t add Retro laurels btw get ready for about 16 months of laurel farming to get 100% geared. Yeah it’s that bad.
Why is this even a debate to begin with if I can party with people cross server anyways to do a dungeon?
Do people have a problem with convenience? The arguement of, “it ruins the game and community” is nill due to the fact that people can jump in and out of any server through guesting anyways.
Why is this an issue? Why are people so ignorant towards a process that would only save them time and lower frustrations for people who don’t have 4+ hours a day to play the game?
It’s not like their would be a queue time because of the lack of a holy trinity.
… So what’s the deal?
It’s also VERY sad that a website like this even exsists;
http://www.gw2lfg.com/inb4 “too hard to make friends” or “join a guild”.
I have 8 guilds and I usually have to go into all of them just to ask for people to run a dungeon, and then usually I have to pick a random up anyways.This method of group finding is just dumb.. Very, very old school, time consuming and dumb. It’s like using a terrible video card in a computer with amazing compenents. Just why do it?
As much as it pains me to say this you’re absolutely right. I hated dungeon only lobby games but it seems that’s what the management at Anet wants so why not have one. They need this type of thing now that they’ve successfully turned this game into a dungeon grinder.
What I don’t understand is how they could let this game turn into a dungeon grinder. Now They want everything to be all about the dungeons, why not make it simple to find a group and stand around in the cities like zombies like all other games before this one, waiting to join a group of strangers get yelled at or do the yelling if some newb drops by and is just along for the fun. Who cares if dungeons have been shown to destroy communities by allowing the worst of the worst players in any community to demand things like dps meters and gear check to discriminate.
They’re going to have to do some major changes to the world coming up to get their casuals back, starting with content. DE metas would be a good start, but before all that they’re either going to have to fix the problems with DR or remove DR entirely until they can learn to program it not to harm the players.
It amazes me the number of “I got mine” groupies in these forums these days that continue in their illusion that nothing’s wrong. Ascended is far from casual and very much a grind, don’t kid yourselves LOL
Not quite as bad as the legendary grind (which they still haven’t adjusted another thing on the list of promises made never delivered) to make it less of a grind to get one (as far as material costs that is, not even talking about the precursor thing, just the need for everything to need 250 of everything left and right) Items that don’t even drop out of the new RNG boxes.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Ongoing problem. I would suggest that since we always seem to get the answer that their software isn’t showing them any problems whatsoever that they have someone look into the integrity of the data gathering software because this has been an issue with me since Nov 15th 100% of the time. On average I tend to see 1 drop in 8 veterans and 1 drop in 10 champions and None of them have ever been rares or exotics since the very launch of this game. The only rares or exotics I’ve received since launch was prior to Nov 15th and only from lesser mobs (ie mosquitos, doe, wolves) or from dragon/temple events before the Nov nerf to loot took hold and DR was implemented.
I rather have a lot of crowd control, useful skills, versatility and fun than spamming 2 buttons that do a crapload of damage.
the king of versatility has both, elementalist. Wouldn’t you like to do the things other classes do without thinking about it as much or trying to work around endless bugs and poor class design? I would.
Nope not anymore. did at launch a couple times.
What’s sad is that the rewards from these chests are better then the loot in game now.
Southsun cove – full explorer gear – 6 superior pirate runes – full explorer jewelry omnom bar 30% bonus – 25stacks on sigil of luck – 542 karkas killed
drops = 4 shells & 6 potent blood not one other item except a few whites
common now that is just insane no one is that unlucky
I’d like to see someone from anet or any of their apologists justify that.
See, your DR problem really begins from your 20-30th karka kill. After that you are farming too much in the same area so, by ANets definition, they make you hold hands with a DR buddy whilst continuing to roam through karka-island.
IMHO, the number of complainers about DR is insignificant in ANets opinion. We are an outliner bound by RNG, therefore we are a minority that gets crap most of the time, while the rest gets decent loot because they don’t complain.
Pitty that we are the minority of the GW2 community – but hey, doesn’t any minority in real world also get shafted?
I don’t think we are, i think loads of people left already due to this ongoing problem and now they are stuck. either pony up and admit it was a mistake ensuring people are happier but new player profits drop, or continue on the same path that new players might not notice and continue playing anyway. It’s a gamble with the players as the losers either way honestly because if they did it once they’ll do it again at this point it’s obvious to me that it’s not only not a mistake but that it’s being kept this way to ensure profits and people these days will throw money at anything. The guy fighting the Karka with 540x kills sounds exactly like my experience everywhere in the game.
completely disagree with his assessment that DE’s are the problem, DE’s were fine and they gave them the tools they needed to add to them, but Anet decided they wanted to attract WoW players so instead of adding new DE’s like they claimed they would for 7 years before the game launched they focused on dungeons and a gear treadmill and temporary holiday events. THAT was the flaw.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
EG was supposed to be the support but most of it’s damaging effects (3 out of 5) do damage without cures. It would be nice if we could have the #1 ability have a heal on it like the grenades or something or maybe the #3 ability have a stacking heal when blasting players with it perhaps?
I want to say this was changed at launch but I can’t really say for sure since my first character was a warrior. It has been like that for awhile and that is one reason I am running with the healing turret now.
It didn’t it must be a new thing I just used it about a week ago to take off bleeding and chilled in Diessa Plateau. WOW just wow… sad. Guess the bugs are stacking up again like normal Just read about the speed boost of slick shoes.
They have WAAYYYY too many in combat out of combat situationals for this class. The same goes for power shoes. Seriously, why in the world would I want that to give me 25% in combat only? Really? And why wouldn’t melee users of the toolkit not want this to work as a gap closer BEFORE they reach their target to start combat? hmm?
Personally, I think Engineers need more specialization with its weapons and kits. We need our P/P #1 needs to stack 2 bleeds at the expense of raw damage, poison dart needs to shoot in a fan-close up stacks 5 durations, far away multi target.
Wrench kit needs to go more way of the condition build. I’d suggest the #1 skill stack bleeds and on the third heavy hit do a burn.Does that mean that grenades and flamethrower need to go raw damage? Sure.
Actually no, they don’t need to remove the sorry excuse for damage the pistol already does. It’s gimped enough but they do need to increase it’s speed so it’s not as slow as the rifle and they do need to revamp the way they do the bleeds because our condi damage shouldn’t take backstage to someone elses.
Half the abilities we use should absolutely cause burn without traiting (because physics demands that these things burn) but they don’t.
The one trait we do have doesn’t happen like it should and has been stealth nerfed (yep, that 3 second thing was added later during the time when we didn’t get a patch note one about anything).
Poison darts needs to actually shoot in a row much like the shots from the rifle on the warrior but cause an aoe cloud like the spit from one of those grubs.
ok dont hate me for this.
on the wiki engy page it states that engineers were originally suppose to have heavy armor, Personally, it does seem to me that engies were made with heavy armor in mind but then got changed to medium at the last moment. I mean., just take a look at alot of our abilities, they basically want us to get into melee range all the time ( more damage the closer you are etc).
when i see my survivalness versus a theif or a ranger its laughable unless i trait heavily into it, then i lose a lot of damage and severely hurt my ranged abilities.
That’s actually something i had no idea about thanks for that!
Well that sortof supports the ideas I had about engineers. The one in TL II has heavy armor has the option for a shield to turn on protecting him when he’s hit by anything (it’s not limited to being crit and this engineer on GW2 doesn’t even have the thief’s stealth response to losing a small portion of his hitpoints at once). There’s no cloak when we’re downed. We throw junk not explosives. We don’t have an electrical attack when downed that stuns. We don’t have turrets that move with us even as an option. We don’t have an on all the time speed bonus.
If they are going to insist that this class needs to be a leather wearer we need traits like an adventurer class, if they insist on this class being as gimped as it still is they need to make this class a heavy armor wearer but either way they need to seriously revamp the traits.