I was in game yesterday and I noticed my blighter’s boon trait got ‘fixed’ so it wasn’t OP anymore (was it? or was it a way to be a viable teamplayer as a necromancer and being the actual tank role it was designed for)
Now what I also saw is that every other profession almost was left unharmed
What profession still need fixing imo:
- Dragonhunter: true shots every 4 sec dealing 6k damage/skill, Test of faith: dealing double damage sometimes, dealing damage to you when you’re near it but NOT crossing
- Druid’s ability to almost permablind someone, having massive condi removal, the ability to heal back to full health every time it gets low as kitten.
- Revenant, infuse light: also heals up when ticked by condi damage (no counterplay as you can’t stop your condis from damaging), having 1200 shadowstep ignoring (almost) all structures, dealing a good amount of damage while you’re evading in the meantime, Staff 4 removes up to 8 stability stacks, the ability to have stack permaswiftness, fury and up to 15 might stacks by doing NOTHING.
- Scrapper can have +500 toughness by getting hit… (So that one is allowed to have a massive buff to encourage teamplay but reaper can’t ?)
I’m really sorry to point this out this way.. I’ve been a necromancer player since release, I always encouraged people to play it wether or not it was ‘viable’ , you could make this viable yourself but it was hard.
Now with 2 betaweekends I was extremely happy with the way reaper works mechanic wise, traitwise, playstylewise. Our design to be a tank in teamfights finally came true, and after 3 DAYS after HoT launch the dream was already over because people were complaining already, forgetting to mention their own OP mechanics.
tldr, why did reaper get insanely nerfed (in case as teamplayer, not soloplayer)but all other professions only minor nerfs/no nerfs ?
Reroll nerf hype ?
How is an additional bleed added to the auto attack change going to change anything? Scepter still won’t compete with burn stack. These changes are decent but not drastic enough to make scepter compete in PVP.
They can cut bleed duration without much effect. THe bleeds usually get cleared long before you hit a critical mass with them. Or you are burst down before you can complete an auto attack chain
Just wait for more burning nerfs
Just hope RS and stab is up when they drop their elite well I guess
Problem isn’t mesmer moa , it’s engineers moa.
Axe -> 900 range / Scepter : less casting time on all skills & it’s fine
Yeah, let’s just ignore the fact that scepter 3 is complete kitten.
Kitten ? Used to be useful LF gain on terrormancer
Greatsword is really strong in PvP because enemies are always forced to fight on point with you (or near another objective), it has the potential to nearly one shot people with gravedigger, and its 4 skill is a really strong denial. GS is quite nice in PvP, and the addition of even more superspeed is annoying. That said, I don’t think the superspeed that is accessible is actually going to be used/abused much, it requires a really heavy investment most people won’t make.
Except that it isn’t. Since every other profession will try to permablind you with everything they do, GS hits will be knows as ultimate luck attacks, while d/wh provides the best anti-blind skill ever + acces to immob/daze/swiftness & High damage on mara/zerk.
Cast Plague Signet mid gravedigger to surprise oneshot the blindspammer -> Profit.
Using a 24 cooldown (which has better uses then just remove blind) to cast 1 gravedigger which won’t hurt anyone unless you’ll run zerker and even then can still be interrupted during cast / won’t be able to oneshot anything that runs cele/soldier+
→ No profit.
Flesh Wurm isn’t a escape skill, it’s a minion that can be used to escape.
Reduce it’s casting time can be useful, I will be happy about that, but it’s a minion skill and it last untill killed or activated.The only thing you have to do is place it before you need it.
With my MM I’m a “close-holder” and I put it in range to make it hit the enemy that come to steal my point and at the same time in a safe place that make it to not be hitted by the enemy AoE skills, making it a useful minion for attach and defence.
Anyway, ANet don’t want to make us able to “teleport” or “leap”, making us able to escape when needed. We have only the chance to turn back where we’ve still been (flesh wurn and spectral walk), making us barely unable to flee from a fight.
Soo.. No teleports ? – Flesh wurm / DS2 & No leaps ? RS2. & barely unable to flee ? Relentless Pursuit trait.
Aka. A good use and knowledge of precast spots for wurm = escape options
Next to that, there isn’t anything like ‘close-holder’ anymore because you will either be outmanned other points or you will get 2v1 and DIE because you take wurm for damage instead of escaping
Axe → 900 range / Scepter : less casting time on all skills & it’s fine
you’ve got to be kidding me ha3… If they buff MM necro even more, I will faceroll solo queue at PVP.
I already do that on MM Q.Q
Nice idea, except that balancing is made through pvp and both DS & RS WOULD BE OP AS kitten
We don’t need any buffs, we get reaper ????
I don’t think anyone appreciated the change to Target the Weak. Should have been left as it was or had its effect moved to another minor.
As a main pvp player, I loved it.
Greatsword is really strong in PvP because enemies are always forced to fight on point with you (or near another objective), it has the potential to nearly one shot people with gravedigger, and its 4 skill is a really strong denial. GS is quite nice in PvP, and the addition of even more superspeed is annoying. That said, I don’t think the superspeed that is accessible is actually going to be used/abused much, it requires a really heavy investment most people won’t make.
Except that it isn’t. Since every other profession will try to permablind you with everything they do, GS hits will be knows as ultimate luck attacks, while d/wh provides the best anti-blind skill ever + acces to immob/daze/swiftness & High damage on mara/zerk.
if you put a skillful [insert class] against a skillful necro, the other class would lose. Necro only falls short when there are more than 2 people or is taking ranged damage and cant gap close.
The whole kill them them before they kill you in dungeons, ive seen fail quite a few times so I wouldn’t say heal is irreleivant.
If thief is blind spamming i dont see how he can be bursting at the same time with the amount of initiative BP and Shadowshot costs.
Anet has mentioned Necros support is mostly through conditions and heals instead of boon application, considering necros can also rip boons and apply a lot of conditions, which ever is better when competing with guardians is up for debate.
just kittening stop with your unfounded garbage. STOP! you obviously have no kittening clue what you are talking about. we are only “good” in PvP if we are being attacked by condis and can TRANSFER them back, we suck for damage in PvE more so since the recent patch, yes we are worse than before damage wise, and we are only really decent in WvW zerging and lack the sustain, mobility and damage for solo roaming. and just to show you just how clueless you are watch the video below.
You’re saying to much ‘we’ → it’s all about YOU that sucks if you’re not able to perform without condi pressure onto you
It will be OP in spvp, can’t be done.
The thing is, play necromancer enough so you can predict when your passive signet triggers. Next to that, start precasting signets during an enemy dodge / CC→Signet / DS2 on blocking enemies. SA → First stunbreak to use (Make sure people hit you.)
I’ll start so you get the idea.
___________________________Heal Skills___________________________
- Well of Blood
Needs to be a water field.
- Signet of Vampirism
ICD should be per foe.
- Consume Conditions
Revert to 25s cooldown.
- Summon Blood Fiend
Needs better AI.___________________________Utility Skills___________________________
- Spectral Wall
- Spectral Walk
- Spectral Grasp
Shouldn’t be a projectile.
- Spectral Armor
Should grant stability?
- Plague Signet
Passive effect sucks. Needs to be more active based. Perhaps have 2 effects; 1 that draws conditions from allies and the other that sends them to opponents. Double stunbreaker? If double stunbreaker, increase cooldown to 60s?
- Signet of Spite
- Signet of Undeath
- Signet of the Locust
- Well of Power
Should pulse stability.
- Well of Suffering
- Well of Darkness
Decrease cooldown.
- Well of Corruption
- Epidemic
- Corrupt Boon
- Blood is Power
Should be a stunbreaker.
- Corrosive Poison Cloud
- Bone Fiend
- Flesh Wurm
- Shadow Fiend
- Bone Minions
__________________________Weapon Skills__________________________
- Axe Skills
Axe 1 and 2 suck. Do something to them.
- Staff Skills
- Dagger Skills
- Warhorn Skills
Warhorn 4 should fear, not daze.___________________________Elite Skills___________________________
- Plague
- Lich Form
Should have more utility than 1111 spam.
- Flesh Golem
Needs better AI._________________________Shroud Skills_________________________
- Underwater shroud skills should be same as on land for balancing purposes.
- Dark Path should be a ground targeted teleport like it was in alpha/beta.
- Life Blast should inflict poison by default so that it’s useful in condition builds.____________________________Spite____________________________
- Axe trait should be a 10% damage increase not dependant on vulnerability.
- Spiteful Spirit should have no ICD.___________________________Curses___________________________
- Master of Corruption shouldn’t kill yourself with no benefits._________________________Death Magic_________________________
- Too many minions mandatory traits._________________________Blood Magic_________________________
- Merge vampiric traits and make a better trait._________________________Soul Reaping_________________________
- Gluttony is a terrible trait and needs replacing.
Plague Signet
Passive effect sucks. Needs to be more active based. Perhaps have 2 effects; 1 that draws conditions from allies and the other that sends them to opponents. Double stunbreaker? If double stunbreaker, increase cooldown to 60s?
Don’t you kittening dare to change it back to 60s cd.
I like the vids, but offhand focus makes me wonder wether or not you are an experienced necromancer, or just a complaining one like everyone else :/ (take plague instead)
I was waiting for you guys to start complaining, here is the first post, congrats.
1. L2P or gtfo
2. You haven’t seen or practiced kitten and already complaining -> Makes me remember 15yo teenage girls.
3. We already have a warhornLittle late then? We complain about the reaper shouts since we saw them on stream…
I know, but I was waiting for you to whine even more over ele shouts
I was waiting for you guys to start complaining, here is the first post, congrats.
1. L2P or gtfo
2. You haven’t seen or practiced kitten and already complaining → Makes me remember 15yo teenage girls.
3. We already have a warhorn
You’re literally asking devs to make your profession OP so you won’t suck that hard. Sad day.
With the introduction of death’s charge—there is a bit of hope. Leaps on necro are needed desperately, and they gave us one. One.
Agreed. But – 600 range leap with casttime of 1s., if they would lower this to 1/2 or 3/4 it might actually work !
Let the necro handle with is. Joke ofc. Mesmer should be able to kite around by preventing to burned at have right timing on burst.
I have no clue on warrior except for berserker stance rampage mode.
Change the shouttrait to make them convert enemy boons into conditions. (Or just remove boons idgaf. + lower some cast time, gg wp
Why would we get nerfed for 1 mobility like skill (not a dodge) just to gapclose (ON ELITE!). The thing is since chill/cripple/immob doesn’t affect leaps/rushes etc anymore, Anet dev said on the balance path that they’ll have to give something to necro to keep up. Aka 1 mobility gapcloser would be nice.
Change the Flesh golem charge: You and your flesh golem charge forward (without knockback on player charge) – 40 sec cd.
Ah, the old “people who disagree with me should L2P” argument. Sloppy thinking.
The fact that necros can be fun and situationally powerful does not alter the fact that the class has serious design flaws.
All classes have their strengths and weaknesses hence the point of even having different classes in a mmo
learning to play a class is the most basic of things you need to learn how to do
you can’t just slap zerker stats on everything and start hitting things and totaling up the dps then define a whole class by that..
No.. Necros don’t do as much raw DPS as say a Warrior with HB.. and they are not ment to.. if they did then what would even be the point of them even being different classes with different playstyles and traits..
Necros have issues.. sure every class does but people who say they have no point, purpose or use in the game are severely ignorant
and most of the time regardless of build the Necro will be the last one standing because of death shrowd
Necro is the only class that can epidemic conditions
Necro is the only class that can counter Bleed out
Necro is the only class that can Pull downed players out of AOE to revive them
Necro is the only class that can give party wide Life Siphon
Necros have a lot of access to control skills such as fear, cripple, chill, imobalize, poison.. they even have teleport and easier access to stun breakers now
Necros slow condi stacking has been countered through new reworked corruption mechanics
Necros have access to plenty of condition manipulation such as purging the party of conditions and corrupting enemy boons into conditions
and if im not mistaken Necros also have the most access to Condition transfer as well
and I know for a fact that Necros can also now self buff and sustain 25 stacks of might..So yeah.. when people rip on Necros as a useless class.. I beg to differ and frankly all of the arguments I see are more often than not based on peoples lacking knowledge or skill playing the class..
some people just want the Necro to be something else.. something similar to thier playstyle they like to play with their warriors and their thieves etc..
doesnt work that way and the Necro is its own thing with its own strengths and I for one love it for what it is and how it works
Thanks for typing everything out when I was too lazy to.
+ 50% weakness uptime
+ Awesome boon removal
+ Zerker Wellomancers are perfect for downstate target cleaving
I am, playing necro is easy, you just need to put more effort in combos & awareness instead of facerolling over your keyboard. The Necromancer isn’t broken. It’s just harder to play in soloq situations, but better rewarded in team based comps (if you don’t suck at the class like 4/5 of the necros you face in EU).
Next to that, PvE sucks kitten after 2 years playing against the same AI mobs.
What the necromancer is missing
- Projectile reflects, blocks
- Mobility
- Forms of team support
The OP seems very sPvP/WvW oriented.
- Mobility :
Flesh wurm, 25% signet, 25% traited dagger, spectral walk.
- Forms of team support :
Vampiric aura, Wells, Life transfert, Blood is power (for might).
- Projectile reflects, blocks :
Death shroud can absorb damages.To me, if you want to buff the necromancer in a PvE and make it viable in a group, Arenanet has to tweak wells :
- Increase CD reduction from -20% to -33% on Vampiric Rituals.
It will both boost up necromancer’s damage and team support.
- Well of power pulse stability and last longer.
With a reduced CD (50-33% = 34 sec), this well should last at least 6 sec to be balanced with a traited guard (hallowed ground / master of consecration ).You will be able to replace a guardian by a combo mesmer / necro as you’ll get enough stab via mantra + well, the mesmer can reflect via focus (trait) / feedback and the necro can sustain heal via life stealing.
Both can remove condi.
ALL Balance changes are PvP oriented + PvE has computer preprogrammed mobs that are too easy atm.
kitten alert → a condition that already doesn’t do much.
Signets with signet trait do not always give the 3 stacks of might when used
Stab doesn’t always get converted to fear
(Not sure if bug: Hitting a foe with 1 boon + aegis gets blocked b4 conversion)
Somethimes a necromancer signet won’t give might when it’s activated and on full cooldown.
Hey Anet, thank you for listening to all forum QQ’ers, Just made another ascended armor so I could have the 10% boost and there would be no chance that I could swap stats, any chance to pay me the 580 gold back ?
(edited by Falcon.8713)
Barbed precision was and still is a crappy trait
Dude, hand in your necro card on your way out :P
Let’s do some math:
Every critical hit you have a 66% (maybe 33% in the future) to give an enemy 1 stack of bleeding of 2sec (3 if traited) for a total of 300 damage (traited). For each extra bleeding you do that you might crit. The only thing is on a carrion necro you don’t have crit chance at all so the trait is just Inneffective. Next to that if you attack with scepter on a rabid amulet you only have 50% crit chance. So that becomes 66% of a 50% chance on a slow attacking weapon —-—> Not worth it :p
+ I stopped playing terror since shoutbow, so for my powernecro it’s even more useless.. :p
rabid? sinister
If they imply sinister in pvp be my guest
It’s a twitch thing.
Barbed precision was and still is a crappy trait, the only thing nice about it now is the 20% increased bleeding duration passive.
BUT: Target the Weak: Your critical hit chance is increased by 2% for each condition on your target. Additionally you gain condition damage equal to 13% of your precision. Is a very nice change to the trait – Rabid Necros inc
CC will be a good thing for terrormancers.
How? Terror and cd reduction for CC compete for the same spot.
Transfer the vuln. & Isn’t that the same thing as it is now ? I think it’s an easy choice.
But OP, it’s cooldown is 5 seconds longer and it gives us some vuln after the cast! Necros don’t have any way to take advantage of that. Might as well just delete my character, uninstall the game, and drive my car into a lake.
Because the necro forum is raging again (classic) I already wrote that on other posts.
It’s a good thing for condimancers: Transfer the vuln
Bad thing for powermancers, unless they decide to run D/D or the Shrouded removal trait (or plague signet, but kitten that kitten)
And what stops you from transferring the vuln (or converting it to protection with well of power) after using your heal? Hmm… I guess there is always the warrior for passive condition builds…
let’s see evades, dodges, blocks, invulns, reflects,…
The only thing I see is something you can’t handle with Kappa
CC will be a good thing for terrormancers. – For powermancers you’ll either have to run with D/D or Shrouded Removal.
It seems we’ll have to use the shout healing anyway BigKappa
If you’re new to necro you might struggle with rangers spamming 2, but after a while killing them is the easyest thing you can do
Not bad, all classic cleric MM builds ? or were there some DPS-MM aswel ? (+ If you want to blind enemy with fiend to safestomp activate it the second before you start stomping )
Dark field giving blind on leap + blast is better. It gives us defiance breaking fields.
Yeah. but if you look at the PvP perspective :p
We can achieve 100% or 96% in PvP:
RS: 66 – Melandru: 25 – Fire Aura: 10
RS: 66 – Hoelbrack: 20 – Fire Aura: 10
Since we’ll have a leap finisher on a VERY LOW CD (6s – 15% if traited) we can COMMUNICATE with any ele/warrior when they’re going to drop a fire field and leap through it Kappa
I suspect there may well be some combo changes.
Maybe some trait that gives ‘vampiric aura’ could be named aura of the vampire.
I just think it’d be cool for nostalgia purposes to be so similarly named to a gw1 skill that did something equally similar.
Dark field + Leap/Blast will give Single/Aoe Vamp Aura (I HOPE)
I think it will be fine
Take traveler runes + Spectral grasp
Staff+GS → OpieOP
Deleted – re-experienced the truth of this game. 5 classes +1 = meta.
Necro will never be top in meta due to defensive and mobility issues. never. it can do nothing against an organized team. no necros in EU tournament, one maybe, in the NA tournament, and I can’t see him continuing to play necro in the current state. This is utter bias.
Guard, Warrior, Ele, Engie, Thief = top 5 classes. Why? because each has multi condi clears, multi blocks/invuln, or insane evasion, and ways to completely mitigate focus fire or get out. If anet wants to be blind to why these classes continue to be meta, then by all means, let them be blind.
Can’t even point these issues out because anet ignores you or you get chewed to crap by fanbois touting because they see a lot of necros in pvp that they are meta. Did anyone else watch that eu tournament? how many necros> FREAKING NONE. WHy?
Why would Nos stop playing Necro ? It’s not because you have big L2P issues that he does aswel Kappa
GS+Staff Will be awesome
→ Staff only thing that has 1200 range as a weapon on the reaper set
→ Staff gives chill (+poison aka downstate messing)
→ Staff has a condition removal : 4 Putrid mark
→ Staff has a fear → Which will now also inflict chill