A short time ago, when trying to log in, I got the message that my account name was wrong… When it wasn’t. And I had severe lag after getting in. I couldn’t do anything. Skills would just flash and not work, but the mobs were tearing my toon up. The lag kitten sure didn’t affect them.
Nice patch Anet, I’m not surprised at all. FUBAR is the norm.
I blame being so close to expansion release because “why release new Hair styles now when they can release it on Expansion when a flood of old player return and new players join the game.”
So what would their excuse be for why they haven’t done so in all the previous patches over the last year?
And what makes you think that the devs are going to add new styles in the x-pac? They’ll most likely claim that the x-pac took up too many resources. (even though they’ll still be churning out glider skins by the bushel up to that time)
After a year, another patch with no new hair/beard/horn styles. If you folks at Anet can endlessly come up with more glider skins that one can shake a stick at, and fugly outfits that no one uses, surely you can divert some of that effort to new hair/beard/horn styles. Folks might actually start buying hair restyle kits if you did that.
How about something that we haven’t seen in almost a year? New hair/beard/horn/etc. styles.
I’d like to see the Bunny ears and Cat ears available again. Folks have been asking for them for a long time Anet! Don’t you want our $$$$?
How about some Mickey Mouse ears too?
While I’m no fan of outfits, since I like to vary the pieces of a set for a different appearance, Anet could at least implement the option of hiding shoulders on the outfits. Some of the outfits have shoulder pads that look horrible and, as a result, make the outfit look horrible.
A option to hide shoulders would improve the appearance of many outfits that presently look yukky because of World of Warcraft looking shoulders.
And Anet, how about no more buttcapes? Those look ridiculous too.
I’d like to see some new hairstyles and faces too but then one sees that most of what they’ve created are never used. Most of the human hairstyles and faces look like little kiddie’s.
Maybe Anet will realize someday that there’s a lot of ADULT players who’d like for their chars to look like ADULTS.
Every class will get nerfed except Thieves. (As usual)
“Twelve exclusive hair colors can now be used to dye hair accessories using Total Makeover Kits and/or Self-Style Hair Kits, found in the Services category of the Gem Store.”
More garish colors that few, if any, players will use. How about some new HAIRSTYLES devs? Or is that too much effort for you?
Those look great! Nothing garish about them. Anet seems to have the notion that the more garish a outfit/armor set is, the better it will sell.
I recall Anet saying that it was being “worked on” but obviously it wasn’t. I don’t believe that they ever intended to.
IMHO, they just ignored it hoping that players would eventually forget it.
I don’t know how many outfits the shoulders keep me from buying (several), including this one. I’m surprised Anet has not given us the option to turn them off yet, considering how many customers feel this way and how much more they could possibly sell.
I feel the same way. Why would I want an outfit with hideous shoulder pads?!? Anet please listen to the feedback. Let us hide outfit shoulder pads.
I thought that the shoulderpads in World of Warcraft looked oversized and fugly. Anet seems to get their ideas for shoulderpads from WoW.
Yes please!
I would love some new hair styles. And if it is not too much to add, nice ones. Not strange, crazy styles.
No little kiddie styles either which seems to be Anet’s preference.
Anet’s unwilling to put forth the effort. They USED to make outfits with separate parts but they got lazy and went for the present mode.
It’s been about half a year since the last time we got any new hairstyles Anet. Give me a reason to buy Hair Restyle Kits.
I don’t know how many outfits the shoulders keep me from buying (several), including this one. I’m surprised Anet has not given us the option to turn them off yet, considering how many customers feel this way and how much more they could possibly sell.
A LOT of the outfits would look much better if we could hide the shoulders. I’ve been turned off from buying some outfits because the shoulders make the outfit look like crap.
Buttcapes are another annoyance but not as much as shoulders.
New Players should be NOT able to kill good Players just because of the build.
If you’re getting smoked by “new players” no matter what their build is, in PvP/WvW, then you aint a “good player”.
What makes you think that just because the CHAR is new, that the person playing it is new to the game?
ya cant go wrong with a good ‘ol Bunker Guardian. I rarely die with this char. Lots of healing, very high Armor Rating, and does decent damage with staff and sword/shield. I use Knight’s Armor and Superior Rune of the Traveler.
It don’t matter to me if I complete the dailies or not since the “rewards” are low level crafting mats and Writs of Experience.
BTW Anet, how about giving us another use for Writs of Experience and/or Tomes of Knowledge? It’s not like we’re going to be leveling up 67 chars.
I’d be satisfied with female Human hairstyles that aint little girlish, no ribbons, pigtails, sprinkles, etc.
Particle effects scaling would help greatly to tone down the insane effects. It’s been mentioned before several times but Anet ignores it.
Stop. Just stop. They have already said time and time again WHY they cant, and its a good sound reason. Stop making topics like this every week.
“We don’t want to put in the effort” is a good sound reason?
“the manpower, time, and money required to do this thing, would make the end result cost way more than any sane player is willing to put into it.”
do YOU want 5000 gem pricetag armor sets?
Armor sets, when Anet still put forth the effort to make them, were priced the same as the outfits are.
oh it gets better… the infusions you can’t use now have become account bound so you can’t even sell them… holy.. this is getting scammy.. sorry ANet but seriously why are you making things such a pain?
I’m starting to believe that that’s Anet’s intent with a lot of the stuff they do.
What’s with this crap? On my amulet I want something that’s going to improve my Char’s abilities. I couldn’t care less about a increase in gold drop. magic find, experience or karma. We have boosters for that.
I want to use my INFUSIONS in that slot! Y’know, stuff like toughness, power, vitality, etc.
Anet would do well to go back to sets since most of the outfits, as a whole, are as fugly as the north end of a southbound dog. Parts of them aint so bad and would look great in mix and match.
Most of the reward armors are as fugly as most of the outfits.
How about SETS again where we could mix and match instead of outfits?
I got burned out on the GS a while back. I use Axe/Axe and rifle on my Warrior. Axe/Axe seems to kill mobs faster than a GS and the Rifle is sweet for Elite bosses who have endless deathpool AoEs.
I tried Berserker and wasn’t too impressed. I like my Adreniline Warrior better.
DOH! I just found out what’s causing it. I have Signet of Rage, which grants adrenaline, in my Elite slot. That’s what’s bubbling!
Don’t mind me, I’m having a slow day.
Anything “new” will probably just be more childish hairstyles and faces, so I aint going to get too excited about it. I do have a total Makeover kit in the bank just to see what, if anything, worthwhile comes up.
(edited by Huck.1405)
What’s with these bubbles that are endlessly floating from my Warrior char? This is the only one of my chars that does this.
Thanks folks, I forgot about the PvP reward tracks though I hate PvP with the overpowered Thieves killing me in seconds. (even while playing my Bunker Guardian) I just returned to GW2 about 2 months ago after being gone for almost a year and I’m not in a guild anymore.
Well Fluffy, it would be nice to be able to solo them in Explore mode. Some of us, who cant seem to ever get into a group would like to get some of that Dungeon armor. Unless Anet gives us a alternate way to get Dungeon currency, there’s no other way.
I know others have soloed them but everytime I try I get megaswarmed.
Does anyone think that it may be possible sometime to be able to solo Explore mode in dungeons? The reason I’m asking is that it’s pretty hard getting a group for a dungeon in any mode anymore.
I aint skeered of HoT but I kitten sure don’t like it. It’s a maze and gauntlet run that I find majorly frustrating and annoying. Trying to figure out how to get somewhere while being swarmed by overpowered mobs in constricted areas aint my idea of fun or challenging.
I’d like to see some Human hairstyles that aint little kiddish. (pigtails. ribbons) How about some mature hairstyles and faces? We’re not all kids, some of us are mature adults and would like to make our chars look so.
Any chances of this outfit (Bandit Sniper) being available in the Gem Store sometime soon?
(edited by Huck.1405)
Hi Guys,
will ANET continue to give no information about the upcoming updates and plans, or was this just a Q2-Hype system? I really loved the opened communication but i also saw the problems connected with.
Having no communication on the other hand makes it sad, because there is no more “OMG I WANT THIS” feeling it’s more like “Huh? Oh Update”.
Which kind of communication do you expect from ANET right now? And what do you expect for Q3?
IMHO, no info from Anet means one or both of two things;
(A)They are not working on anything. (except maybe more butt ugly Gem Store outfits)
(B) They couldn’t care less about their customer base.
Both A and B.
My $$$$ is on both.
Medium armor vests instead of trench coats.
Some better options for less-covering armor selections for males.
More pants in all weights.
Culture-themed outfits (finish up the Krytan gods, then throw in Asura colleges, Charr legions, Norn spirits, etc)
This. Plus no more butt capes! What could’ve been some nice leggings have been ruined by butt capes.
Anet has stated that they cannot fix it because they no longer work with the contractor that developed the forum and do not have or want to allocate the resources to fix it themselves.
That shows how high on their list of priorities their customers are.
Thanks Donari. I just realized that it may have been less than 24 hours since the last Golem loot drop. That may be it. I’ll try again tomorrow.
I have twice done the Golem Mk II event with my Revenant to get the Mistward Legging Panel, which all I still need to get the Mistward Legguards but at the end of both no loot dropped from the Golem. Loot drops from the Golem for my other chars but not for my Revenent. Is this a bug?
mallyx/shiro stances? Is that with the Herald build?
I just rolled a Revenant and There’s no way to assign any skills for underwater combat. Is this a bug? Design?
Why are there even Way Points in Dragon’s stand since most of them are endlessly contested?
Thank you Sir Alric!
I’m minus only one item to have the full collection for the Mistward Plate. It says to collect all SEVEN items and skins to forge your Mistward Plate. How do you do that? In the Mystic Forge? There’s only four slots.
Yep two people have issues. Super likely it’s Anet messing up.
Everything else works fine, so it’s not at my end. And since it’s only GW2 who’s ping has gone through the roof; Yeah, it’s Anet.
I’ve had the same problem. And only in GW2. The only “idea” I have is that Anet screwed up somewhere and they need to fix it.
Ever since Tuesday’s patch there’s been delays of as much as 2-4 seconds whenever I do ANYTHING. From char skills to interacting with NPCs and everything else in between. The game is unplayable with this happening. I don’t have any issue like this on other games and I didn’t have it before the patch.
In addition; I frequently get DCd whenever I go to the Character select screen and/or am porting to a waypoint.
(edited by Huck.1405)