Showing Posts For Renegade.6240:
Steam typically take 30% of sales, I don’t know what they charge for f2p hosting. Not to mention that GW2 would be just one of hundreds maybe thousands of free to play games there, lost in a sea of garbage. I don’t think it’s true to say that this would get a lot more sales for ArenaNet.
I think steam puts the newly updated games on it’s main page in the store, this’d advertise GW2 on steam and someone who doesn’t know about anything would check it, seeing it’s F2P and the visuals are quite decent they’d try it imo BUT I don’t know about the % steam takes and it might be too much for too little as people have said above.
Why is GW2 not on steam? Wouldn’t it be better for a F2P game to be on steam, we’d have more players especially with good marketing for the expansion the player count’d blow,, as well ass toxicity i’m afraid
Hello everyone, I require some asistance to find my path in GW2, I have a level 80 Thief but I don’t really know what to do, before HoT I used to play Story missions, explore stuff and etc. But after HoT (which I can’t buy) I fell down into an abyss, I’ve finished exploration, can’t do anymore stories cause I lack HoT, I wasn’t used to doing dungeons or fractals anyways, I kinda suck at PvP and WvW so I just log in everyday to get daily rewards, mine ores in home instance and log and cry myself out.
Last part was probably unnecessary
I was just searching for “Guildwars 2 song” and after seeing a guy playing a song with the harp I just remembered a good memory.
In another MMO game called LotRO (Lord of the Rings Online) There are plenty of instruments and they aren’t consumeable like here in GW2, they are like weapons, you can equip them. That’s not my idea though. My idea is ; You can do some little magic and play the song you want in the game. Now I don’t actually remember but it was very easy. I, being a total technological idiot, could even manage to play like The Pirates of the Caribbean on Lute,flute and more things in that game.
The way it works I guess is with codes, you would do something with the codes and you can play it in game. No downloads or stuff like that are required and you can find the codes in dedicated websites for these. What I’m trying to say is, what if we have those in here ??? Doesn’t it sound awesome? It does for me!
I remember about 2 years ago that people would team up and use play together option with different instruments in a festival, it was awesome and it can be as awesome in GW2 too
Please let me know what you think guys.
I still have it
Forever alone ?
When I open the GW2 launcher, I always get stuck in the initializing part. Even my computer stucks for like 5 minutes and nothing works. I searched for the problem in internet but I couldn’t find anything. All I know is (not sure though) this problem started after the last patch.
who has played thief and thinks it is very situational and may get repeatative.
Well I’m up for all the classes, I always change my mood so I can’t say if I like ranged or melee fights and things like that. For example, you know, sometimes I want to be the “hero” and that invokes the warrior or elemantalist love in me but sometimes I just want to avoid attention and thats why I have a thief.
However, I can give you some tips to recommend me a class. I want something that is not very situational, something I can use with same build almost all the time. And also I like the balanced damage between melee and ranged attacks for the physical fighter classes (not ele,necro or mesmer, I mean).
I don’t even know if there is a class that fits all in those roles I ask for but it’d be great to hear your opinions
I opened the topic here because I couldn’t post it on the class balance forum for some reason
With the most recent update, in the hidden-ish Dormand priory library, I found a book, called Krewe Influencers. A collection of tips and tricks that helps the reader through krewe selection. Written by Florggi.
Not all tasks can be performed by krewe members. You may need “special” volunteers to further your research.
For expample, suppose your krewe has a prototype that will allow asura to fly at the speed of a Canthan firework. How are you going to test it ?
Obviously, YOU can’t test it, you are far too valuable, and krewe members can be expensive to replace. So you need a bookah.
Your average bookah (human) is very easy to manipulate with flattery and tends to enjoy going on adventures.
Well I want to rip that Florggi’s head off. In that very wrong text, there is atleast 1 right point he got, or even 2;
Asura are flattering rats.
Humans like going on adventures while asura read their books and do golems that can easyly be destroyed by a dagger.
I atleast think we deserve a torch, for both main and off hand. Think about having a torch in your right hand, that’d be cool which means thief
I don’t know about Torch. Focus & LB make sense, GS…meh. My argument for Focus is in any martial arts you need discipline. In order to be disciplined you need to focus (see what i did there). I mean if there is any class in game you could associate with Martial Arts…its Thief aka the Ninja!!!!!
I don’t think the thief is the most disciplined class, actually I think thief is the least disciplined class, in my imaginations thief is like, takes nothing seriously, laughs at things, has a good sense of humor, not cold like warriors or guardians, etc.
I atleast think we deserve a torch, for both main and off hand. Think about having a torch in your right hand, that’d be cool which means thief
What is that command to see your playtime
We only have Kryta left. The Charr has Ascalon and Blood Legion homelands. I think things go on pretty well on blood legion homelands that they send reinforcements for Ascalon. The Charr are stronger than us, more intelligent than us ( I didn’t see a human making any kind of machine ) and probably more agile-ish than us ( Ash legion for the win ).
The Asura are obviously much more intelligent than us.
I think a group of Norn could destroy an entire Seraph squad.
The Sylvari are also weak-ish but they have very strong magic compared to humans.
Well, humans have nothing at all, not as strong as the norn or charr, not as intelligent as the asura, not magical as the sylvari.
I am not an expert on lore but this is 90% right I guess. we’re too weak
I meant S/D got heavy nerfed when I said it’s useless. Maybe because of I lack the full gear for it but I feel when I go acro and trickery the damage is way too low, #3 literally melts your initative and keeps missing/blocked/evaded.
Yeah maybe I should try another class :/ Have been playing thief for about 7 months and it’s my only class, my second highest is 24 warrior. So I’m very used to thief but at its current state I can’t chose any build for it,
Edit : Any class suggestions ?
(edited by Renegade.6240)
You know, activating basillik venom then casting CnD and then stealing or signet-ing in is pretty much boring after sometimes, and when someone dodges your whole damage source or blocks it its even worse.
So I thought, what can I do ? Well D/P isn’t very diferent from D/D too. I pretty much think that S/D is useless. I don’t have the condi damage gear for P/D and even if I did it wouldn’t be very good I guess. P/P is a joke. SB isn’t even a damage tool.
So pesimistic, can you suggest me a way to play in WvW please ?
I see a lot of people thinking that thief is really ineffective in pvp and wvw nowadays, I’m also in that a lot of people too, but I saw a thief 2 days ago, to be honest I didn’t understand what he/she was doing but he/she constantly hit me and 2 other guys, evaded backwards and went to stealth, that happened like 10 times after he/she got stomped from our skillfull zerg.
I’m trying to say that there are really good thieves out there but really bad ones too (me for e.g.), some think thief needs a buff because of the bad teefs (me yeah me) but if thief gets buffed, this professional thieves will be like god or something, I don’t really know what should be done with thief. Only thing I know is I regret leveling a thief rather than a warrior/ranger :/ And too lazy to level a warrior/ranger especially after this patch and explore all of the world again
Well, let me introduce myself, or should I say my thief,my only 80 and I don’t think about getting another main, don’t get me wrong, i’m not a proffesional thief, actually my name’s in the list of worst thieves EU, aand yeah think you understand that I’m from Europe, I’m not really ‘only eu guilds’ but I think it would be easier to communicate with eu guilds since My country has about 8 hours difference between America.
Although I’ve been playing for about 6 months ( with breaks tho) There are much that I don’t know and/or confused with, let me give you an expample ; I’m confused about guild-server matching, I’m in desolation server, so if I get in a guild that’s most players aren’t from Desolation how will I be able to meet them for .. you know meetings, events etc. and I’m a poor guy that can’t buy any gems atm so can’t transer too.
I’m 18, that means I have to go to school which will be opening this monday, so I won’t be as active as I have been this whole summer but don’t let this worry you, I’ll always log in for dailies or special events and I’ll be mostly online at weekends
My cons : I enjoy long speechs/writings, you know, you have been reading for a little bit long time compared to other threads.
con #2 when I die in WvW or PvP I always complain about how I suck at thief
Edit: It’s 00.41 in here now, just to help you guys about time-zone-things, I think its um EST+3
Thanks man, especially about traits and healing turret tactic
I’ve decided to play engineer after many hours with my thief and endless nerfs to it, do you have any advice for me ? Anything is appreciated, crafting proffefsions, first skill points, anything
Edit: Order suggestion is also appreciated, My thief is in the order of whispers so that ones kinda out, I don’t know durmand or vigil really,
(edited by Renegade.6240)
It was very difficult for me to pick S/D up, but I’m starting to get the hang of it.
To me, it seems to have to do with timing your dodges right (especially key dodges like dodging CCs & heavy damage also with the help of Withdraw), knowing when to retreat and when to reengage.
It is definitely much harder than most other weapon sets but way more rewarding and satisfying.
well most people think its no more rewarding though, thanks to anet
I read the recent topics and I see that almost everyone thinks S/D and D/D is dead, P/P is already a joke, P/D is only useful against melees in 1v1 situations, that only leaves D/P which I don’t know much about, fail much, and think its not very reliable too
Woah forgot the S/P, may be good in PvE but don’t even worth trying in WvW and sPvP
Since we get 20 secs of revealed instantly I gave a little break to my D/D and went for S/D since it depends more on evasion, but ? cant really get why you would want to use it unless you have extremely awesome reflexes and dodge everything (which ? can’t)
not high damage as D/D, not useful against melees like P/D, ( though I thing its easymode, press 3 and watch your enemy die in torment stacks)
I’ve seen some awesome guys with S/D in youtube and in game, even today, a guy just wrecked me, but I fail at it for some reason, maybe the lack of complete gear,or.. i don’t know really I fail at D/D too, if I miss my first burst i just leave my pc and go get a cold drink, think its time for me to play ranger press 2 and watch ’em all melt at 1500 range, but what has thist o do wit the topic ? Well, umm yeah why is S/D used ?
I bought influence with gold and now my guild has about 3036, but I don’t really know how to open a bank searched the net but couldn’t find anything useful
I’ve read some comments about the next patch and how the S/D and D/P will only be useful, but I don’t really know what has got nerfed with d/d builds, will they still be a viable option after patch ?
I earn about 20~30g a day just selling all my item drops on the trading post, and I’m a noob to the game. I’m sure others have far better money making ways
Sorry but I have to say ‘no kitten’ to you, I made about 100 gold in 6 months, spent about 20 and now have 80,
Read my post again, you can easily make 50-75 gold a day, and I don’t even do dungeons.
Yep, I almost do it the way you do but got 2 questions, how can I turn karma into gold and what is phat lewtz
I earn about 20~30g a day just selling all my item drops on the trading post, and I’m a noob to the game. I’m sure others have far better money making ways
Sorry but I have to say ‘no kitten’ to you, I made about 100 gold in 6 months, spent about 20 and now have 80,
I mean, they cost about 4 thousand golds,
I made a little calculation, You get about 9 gold and 70 silver for 100 gems, and you can buy 8000 gems for 100 dollars, if you turn all your 100 dollar worth gems into gold you get less than 80*(fail, check edit) gold, which can’t even make 2% of the money you need.
I’m not a prof tho, made that calculation while listening to music so I may have failed.
What about grinding that much gold ? well I had about 10 gold when I was 80, so that takes a little too much time to grind I guess.
That only leaves crafting… or gold selling place-thingies, I think they’re illegal tho, I almost know nothing about crafting in GW2 sadly, once I grinded about 600 iron, crafted them and the weapon level advanced only 4-6 levels, I stopped crafting that day.
Whatever back to topic well there isn’t much to say left for me, am I wrong ? Is grinding gold easy ? Or crafting ? Or am I right and most people that have flashy gear visited some gold selling thingies ?
Edit : epic calculation fail, you get less than 800 gold, BUT still its a ridiculous amount of money you spend and still you can’t even get the 20% gold by spending ( this is actually wasting ) 100 dollars
I’ve seen only 1 necromancer and 1 ranger commander in WvW, other were full Warriors and Guardians, why is that ? To survive zerk fights and lead the group ?
Thanks, I actually have SB as 2nd, just forgot to put it
Yep my armour and weapons are all exotic, trinkets are half/exotic and rare, I think the traits are alright because I look them from other liked builds, but I don’t use food buffs
Ah, I already have berserker gear
Yes I’m talking about WvW and my thief is 80, got a question tho, what is the zerk gear actually ?
Though my warrior is level 17, thief was my first character :/ People say warrior is easy thats why I said that
I can’t really understand, I tried all the builds -though I don’t understand some items, like zerker armour, valkyrie armour, there isn’t any items named like those- I have about 2300 power with my thief, but I do about 500 damage with my auto attacks, back stab ? Well I don’t remember since i rarely can backstab somebody because the time i cast cloak n dagger I have about 2k hp left
What should i do ? run back to warrior ?
Maybe some more guides for noobs like me ?
- edit
(edited by Renegade.6240)
Speaking of lacking facts. Are you suggesting the facts her offered are inaccurate?
Are you suggesting that thieves cannot use their access to stealth, perma blind, tons of evade, heavy stun lock for survivability? He listed these as his facts
Are you suggesting they have zero access to boon or that they cannot steal and strip them? Because those are the facts I see stated.
Are you suggesting they cannot exploit their initiative mechanic for some massive burst damage, because that is the fact he listed to support the damage aspect.
How do you expect to be taken seriously when you claim someone who is using provable and commonly known facts, is making false claims?
Yes, I indeed say that his “facts” are inaccurate. While stealth is definitely used as a defensive mechanism (and hence the community’s cry for nerf is bullkitten), there is no such thing as “perma-blind” unless you stand in the black powder smoke field. Blind-using builds also lack any “evade-spamming”, which probably adresses the 1/2 second of Flanking Strike.
Now for stunlocking, that made me think we talk about Warriors because that is something the thief simply cannot do.
There is also only a single build that can boonstrip – and steals one stack. Boon access built in the class? Nope.Do you mean “using” initiative by “exploiting” it? The highest burst a thief can do is Basilisk Venom, then precast CnD, steal and backstab and going full glass – which can be countered totally by a single dodge. Or invulnerability, block, stasis aura, mist form, blind…
After that you need like 3 autoattacks to
down him. It is a troll build that nobody uses because it works only on total newbies. As I said, if you go full zerker and invest only mildly in survival, a typical backsab will deal 7K damage – on a long setup. It will deal less damage than a walled Whirlwind Attack (which has 3/4 sec evade, such evade spam).Well, that is my take on the thief, a class I played and battled since launch. If your expertise surpasses mine, please tell me about the permablind build and especially the stunlock build. No, tell it to the countless thieves I wrecked in the last week on my Triple Meditation Guard, they surely need it.
Saw much people talking about theives were useless in this meta, got curious and opened that thread
Like hambow for warrior, I’m really tired of looking 30 different builds -which I always fail- each day, do you have a ‘Jack of all trades’ build which you feel comfortable and don’t be in panic ‘oh, my build is weak in that situation, if they catch me on it, im done’.
I’d really be happy if you could share that kind of builds you have
Edit : If you don’t have such a build, please tell me the weapon comb. that would fit in every situation
(edited by Renegade.6240)
Other classes have that, like ‘warrior for WvW ? go gs and lb if zerg, take hammer if roam’ but this is not the case for thief, and im asking why
I don’t have a choice, my thief is 80 and I’m too lazy to level a warrior to 80 again, so I’ll have to roam with my thief, I tried it, and died in my first 1v1,ran that long way again, died again and rage quited
a thief just killed me, popped basilik venom, shadow-step on me and ? was on floor, 2 hit kill oh my god.
(edited by Renegade.6240)
I saw really good thieves in wvw, they took me down in 3 seconds, I coudln’t even hit them, yeah I think you understand that im not one of these great players, just a noob and afraid to ask for builds cuz everyone just flames when you do so- what ever, which class is the most effective in wvw in your opinions ? I saw some great warriors too, and the great thieves I just talked about were just kids compared to these warriors, so that made me come here and ask that question, cuz you know, I suck at thief..
OK, it would be a problem to mix different kinds of armour, but let us use their skins as a set, ? mean let me use a light armour set as a thief, OK don’t let me mix it with others but let me use the set, this wouldn’t cause any problems
maybe some thief guides ? I SUCK at thief :/ searched for guides in everywhere but they were way too old, I need a new guide for wvw or i ‘ll break my keyboard.
nevermind, think i’ll play a warrior :S
(edited by Renegade.6240)
like I said, this wouldn’t hurt anyone
e.g : A thief wants to use light armour skins because he believes they are awesome while medium armour skins are just terrible.(exception ofc.)
I don’t understand why this isn’t in the game, in WvW where this could be a problem (it won’t tho ) everyone would understand that that guy with light armour is a guardian when they click on him
for WvW ?
I’ve looked up for builds in youtube and other pages but most of the builds I found was veery old, the most recent was 4 months ago :/
I won’t say D/D or S/D specially because I don’t know what to do in WvW, when I join crowded groups I just feel like a less effective range with my SB and a less effective warrior with other melees, I just can’t find speciality of thief and I am way too lazy to level another class because stopping 78% world exp. thief, just feels like a waste of a month
PvE: Warrior, closely followed by guardian.
WvW: The Zerg
PvP: Classes that fit into the meta
what does Zerg mean ??
Think I’ll stick with a Ranger, I was thinking about it because of the long range and now I’m quite certain
for PvE,PvP and WvW ?
I have a level 80 thief but I get rekt in WvW and PvP most of the time, some people say thief is quite hard, I don’t want a hard class actually, so would be happy if you could share your ideas of the easiest class for different kinds of game(pve etc..)