Showing Posts For SpyderArachnid.5619:

Gem prices have doubled in price.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


It’s simple.

Players are not buying Gems with real money to exchange for gold. So the inventory of Gems is really low.

Yet players are buying Gems with their gold, causing the inventory of Gems to drop even further.

Thus the price of Gems is going to go up cause they are more scarce. The exchange is all player based. If no one is buying Gems to trade for gold, then no Gems will be available for purchase with gold. The less amount of Gems, the more expensive they become. If people start buying Gems with real money and exchange them for gold, the price of Gems will drop cause there is now more of them for exchange.

Don’t expect Anet to step in at all to do anything about it either. They get paid by people buying Gems with real money. They don’t get paid if you buy Gems with gold. So why would they “fix” anything? They want you to spend real money for Gems.

And from reading these forums, it seems no one wants to give Anet money cause they are unhappy with the direction and state of the game currently. So don’t expect that price to drop. If anything, expect it to keep getting higher.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


These are the things released in the quarterly updates. As their name implies they are released 4 times a year. The next one is in August, and should include the next chapter of living story.

Raids, PvP and WvW updates are done in smaller monthly updates using smaller teams. For instance out of the 300 devs working on GW2, about half are working on the next expansion, about 100 are working on the things you mention above, and only 5 are working on raids. So yes, nearly 295 devs are working on non-raid content.

See now this bugs the heck out of me.

In November, we got the first raid wing. Then March, we got the second raid wing. And now, June, they announce the next raid wing.

All done with only a few people.

Yet we got hundreds of developers supposedly working on other content and we have got nothing. So a few people are releasing content faster than hundreds of people. It’s embarrassing and disappointing.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Confused on latest Gem Store update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


The other minis are available via the tickets that drop from the black lion chest (and have been for the last week).

How has it been for the last week, when the blog post/update just came out today…?

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Confused on latest Gem Store update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Edit: removed response cause you changed yours.

So they are from the Black Lion Chests then? Cause from the blog post, it doesn’t say anything about them being there. It says they are in the Gem Store.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

(edited by SpyderArachnid.5619)

Confused on latest Gem Store update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


In the blog post, it says this:

Be the life of the party, not a beach bum. Wow your friends with Kites, Water Fight Balloon Buckets, Elegant Fan Focus Skins, and Butterfly Wings Backpacks—they’re all 20% off. No friends? No problem! We’ve also brought back the Mini Rock, Mini Southsun Faren, Mini Southsun Kasmeer, Mini Mai Trin, Mini Marjory Delaqua, and Mini Holographic Scarlet to keep you company.

Yet none of those minis are in the Gem Store (except for the rock). It doesn’t say they are in Black Lion Chests or anything like that. The advertisement says that they are available in the Gem Store according to this line:

Available Now in the Gem Store!

Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

So… did they forget to put them in? Or are they found elsewhere in the game? If they are found elsewhere, you should change the information in the blog. Because it is rather misleading and gives misinformation (or false advertising if you want to get dramatic).

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Didn’t even know this thread existed. This is really awesome guys.

Well, figured I’d give it a shot. Birthday today, and one thing I’ve really wanted that I haven’t been able to get yet is the Lovestruck Scepter Skin. It’s kind of pricey though and after helping out a friend with their Legendary, I’m rather broke now lol.

I’m on NA Yak’s Bend. Main character is Lady Bethany Of Noh. Any assistance would be appreciative, thanks guys and keep up the good work.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Think Tank- VIP Subscription

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


infinite trans charges being priced at 5$ a month is probably not that reasonable. The other games you are speaking that let you have access to the game for just 15$ a month, REQUIRE that 15$ a month to play. Do you get free stuff with your 15$? If you don’t pay your 15$ do you get to play?

It’s not the same type of thing; ViP access and a Pay to Play sub are very different.

Yes you still get to play without paying that 15 bucks a month.

But with restrictions. Just like GW2. If you are on a free account and playing for free, you have restrictions. They differ between the two, yet you still have restrictions if you are not paying for the game.

It is up to you to decide if paying that monthly subscription is worth lifting those restrictions. Whether GW2 or the other game. But at least with the other game, when you pay that monthly subscription, it lifts ALL restrictions. With GW2, if it had a VIP monthly subscription like the one I proposed, you would still have restrictions. The one I proposed just helps alleviate some of those restrictions, while still leaving others in place.

Which begs the question, why would I pay for a VIP service, if it is not worth it? Thus why you need to make it worth it in favor of the customer to encourage them to purchase a VIP subscription.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Think Tank- VIP Subscription

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


On topic, as for the VIP Subscription, I would easily pay 15 bucks a month if that meant I would get like 800 gems a month and infinite transmutation charges. Even if was a yearly thing, where I had to pay say 150 bucks a year, I’d expect a monthly amount of gems (at least 800), and still infinite transmutation charges. That is pretty much all I could see getting from it.

15$ a month and 800 gems and infinite trans charges. 800 gems a month = 10$ a month.. I some how don’t see that adding up in A-nets favor.

The way I see it is, you gotta offer a pretty impressive deal to get people to pay a monthly subscription to GW2.

As it is now, I can pay 15 bucks a month on another MMO and get everything the game has to offer just for that. No cash shop or anything, just 15 bucks and I have access to everything.

With GW2, even if I pay 15 bucks a month and get 800 gems and infinite transmutation charges, I still have to pay even more money to have access to everything the game has to offer.

So in order to make that commitment to pay monthly for GW2, the deal has to be in favor of the customer to make it worth it. Especially when other games will give me everything for 15 bucks a month, when GW2 won’t. So you have to offer a decent enough deal to make that 15 bucks even worth it. And I feel that is reasonable.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Think Tank- VIP Subscription

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Never say never. Anet said we would never get a higher tier of gear above exotic, but look what happened. Now we have Ascended. They said we wouldn’t have account wide dyes cause they weren’t meant to be collectables. Now we have account wide dyes.

Point is, never say Anet won’t do it. Because as they have proven over the years, they can go back on their word at any time.

On topic, as for the VIP Subscription, I would easily pay 15 bucks a month if that meant I would get like 800 gems a month and infinite transmutation charges. Even if was a yearly thing, where I had to pay say 150 bucks a year, I’d expect a monthly amount of gems (at least 800), and still infinite transmutation charges. That is pretty much all I could see getting from it.

Maybe as well stepping ahead of the line if there are queues or anything, but that has never been an issue.

But as for any in game benefit, like no waypoint costs or things like that, I’d have to disagree with those. Cause then people are going to see it as a P2W thing and that’s just a bunch of drama waiting to burst.

So simply just make a Gem Store only thing. VIP access gives you a monthly allocation of gems, and infinite transmutation charges. Maybe a Black Lion key a month or something so you can gamble away with chests, I don’t know. But don’t add any actual in game benefits or then it becomes an advantage.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Anet...slow down gemstore introduction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


I think the main issue is, not everyone knows the ins and outs of MMO workings. So what they are seeing is tons of Gem Store stuff coming out, and no actual game content being released. Which is quite frustrating to a lot of players who are bored and wanting new content, yet all they see is more “cash grabs”.

They are tired of getting nothing but cash shop items and gamble weapon skins, and want actual in game content they can play. They want to earn stuff in game, not whip out their credit card every time new stuff comes out.

I get Anet has to make money via the Gem Store to support GW2, but GW2 won’t be around much longer if the only new stuff we get is via the Gem Store. Then there will be nothing to play the game for.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Sweet FX busted after latest update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Not sure on SweetFX, but if it’s like Reshade, you need to download the 64bit .dll for it. Then paste it into your bin64 folder in your Guild Wars 2 folder.

Like for instance, with Reshade, it has a Reshade32.dll and a Reshade64.dll. Use the Reshade64.dll and rename it to d3d9.dll instead. Then delete your old .dll and replace it with the new one. And don’t forget to paste your files into the bin64 folder instead of the bin folder now.

That should get it to work with the 64bit client, without having to downgrade yourself to the 32bit client.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

New Hair

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Anyone know if the human female pony tail is animated this time?

It wiggles a bit, but not by much.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

10k drinks [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


This I don’t actually mind. Brings back memories of Guild Wars. lol

Just in the little time I’ve played (about an hour), I’ve already accumulated over 100+ points towards this. So it shouldn’t take too long for the hardcore players. Only a few days at most for the casual. And that’s just from opening gifts.

This is actually much nicer than Nightfury.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

When does Wintersday begin ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Maybe its been announced or maybe I just didn’t see yet, but when does Wintersday start ? It should be amazing to see the new Lions Arch all decked out !

Well, you’re going to be disappointed then. It’s only taking place in the Crown Pavilion. No Lion’s Arch. It’s from what I heard, a copy paste of last year’s event.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


I won’t go into which is better or which has more grind, but I will tell you this.

They are two different games designed to cater to two different types of players. GW2 was never meant to be a “WoW clone”. It did things differently for a reason. To get people away from the traditional mechanics of MMORPGs and into something new.

For example, questing. Questing in WoW is done in the traditional sense with hubs that you gather quests from. Then go out and complete them and return to turn them all in. In GW2, your “quests” are the Dynamic Events. Not the Renown Hearts. In fact, the Hearts in GW2? Yeah, they were never supposed to be in the game in the first place. Anet added them after beta cause people wanted direction. Dynamic Events in GW2 are your main source of experience and the equivalent of questing in other MMORPGs.

WoW and GW2 both offer you different things. Some things are similar yes, but they play differently. I currently play both WoW and GW2, and enjoy them both. But don’t try to turn one into the other. They are made to be different for good reason. If you want that kind of stuff, enjoy it in WoW. And enjoy GW2 for what GW2 offers. But don’t try to make it into WoW.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Disappointment with Wintersday Minis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Yeah, apologizes for bringing up an old issue (I guess?). This is my second Wintersday. I haven’t been here for the others. Only the first one, and now this one. So for you guys, this is a common thing. For me, this is new.

Still, it bugs me to see an in game item that we worked for, now behind the Gem Store. In game rewards should never be removed from the actual game to be placed in the Gem Store. People should be able to earn them in game, like they originally were. Not have to buy their rewards now.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Disappointment with Wintersday Minis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


They were there last year too. Did you complain last year too?

I wasn’t here last year. I just came back recently, before the Halloween event. If I was here last year, and saw them in the Gem Store, I’d most likely be saying the same thing again.

Point is, in game rewards should be earned in game. Regardless of how old they are. They shouldn’t be removed and then put into the Gem Store for Anet to make a quick buck off of something we already had for free.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Disappointment with Wintersday Minis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


So for those that remember Wintersday from the first year, we got to actually earn our mini pets by crafting them. We needed glue, stuffing, a frame, etc to make our minis. It was a great reward to work towards in game for everything we did. It was fun.

Now they are on the Gem Store. For 350 Gems each.

Why not give others the joy of making them like we did the first year, instead of making them buy them? I was really disheartened to see that these are now in the Gem Store, instead of being able to be crafted like they used to be. They took an in game reward and tossed it into the Gem Store instead.

This is just really adding to the whole “buy your rewards instead of earning them” philosophy that Anet has been following lately. Just really disheartening to see this.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Tuesday I believe. Same time as the Fractals and PvP Patch. Info is from Dulfy’s site on the notes from the Livestream.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Verdict? HoT any good / worth the money?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Like has been said, it all depends on what you like.

But opinion wise, no it’s not worth it right now. HoT has an enormous lack of content than what should come in an expansion. This seriously feels like a patch with a Living World episode (seriously, the story is that short). If it was 20 bucks, go for it. If it was 30 bucks, eh, but sure why not. But not for the price it is currently at.

The game is kind of a mess right now, especially with Anet not really having any specific focus with the game right now. And it’s now about buying your rewards instead of earning them. The Gem Store and Black Lion Chests has more content than HoT now, just in the few weeks HoT has been out.

But yeah, that’s my opinion. There’s more I’d go into, but most of the other posts have covered it already. Read reviews, check some other posts (though most are negative, but for good reasons), and watch some videos and come up with your own conclusion on if you should buy it or not.

I personally don’t play much anymore myself, as others have said too. Only time I log on now is when friends need help with something, otherwise, I’m off playing other games now. HoT kind of put the nail in the coffin for me.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

(edited by SpyderArachnid.5619)

Forums are negative seem more direct now tho

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


well if they cheat in dungeons they should get banned for it, or maybe anet should fix these bugs ? seeing they are here since day one already.

No one said they were cheating. Running past mobs is not cheating and ANet has never said stacking in corners was cheating either. But it was cheesing and many admitted to doing dungeons the fastest and easiest ways possible to get it done, get the gold and do the next dungeon. There was really no reason for the game to reward dungeoners a gold or more for 15 minutes of playtime and reward open world players a silver or two for the same amount of time played. The two rewards were grossly unequal and now they’ve been brought closer together.

If you enjoy dungeons, do them. You’ll get rewarded for the time you spent there about the same as PvE players are now rewarded for playing PvE (and it will be a better reward that PvE players got for playing how they liked for the last couple of years).

That’s like saying you should be rewarded for sitting in town exploring the same as someone who is running a raid.

If you do harder content, you should get rewarded appropriately. If they want to do Dungeons, they should get better rewards than someone who is just running around the open world exploring. Harder content should give better rewards. If everything was equal, then there would be no point in doing harder content.

At OP, the game has gone in different “directions” since its release. A lot of people were happy with the way things were, and the changes upset them. So, they come here to voice their concerns and provide feedback on why they are unhappy with the game.

In all honesty, GW2 doesn’t really have any clear direction right now. Or more like, it hasn’t had one for awhile. Things are constantly being 180’d, and then there are changes that just don’t make any sense. And then the focus keeps shifting all the time. I honestly feel Anet doesn’t know what they want to do with this game. Or they are trying to do too many different things at once, and it just isn’t working.

So yes, the post are going to get more negative as time goes by, cause people were happy with the way things used to be, and then it got changed. Simple as that. Happens with all games.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

How's the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Community is still great as always. One of the best in MMO gaming, hasn’t changed much. RP on Tarnished Coast is still lively and awesome. I transferred off there a little while ago to play with friends, but from last I remember, it was still very very active.

Mechanics are pretty much the same as they have always been. Some content has been nerfed, others buffed, depends on what you enjoy. As for the new expansion and new profession, I have a bunch of nasty things to say about it but I won’t go into it. The new profession is pretty fun though. As for HoT, let’s just say it is not for the casual player.

F2P hasn’t really caused any negative impact on the game. The new expansion though, has. A lot of nerfs to gold farms in the base game, and some stuff taken away and then put behind HoT so you have to buy the expansion in order to get it back (guild buffs as an example). The expansion released with a big lack of cosmetics, then we got a bunch of day one DLC in the store for cosmetics. And they’ve pumped out tons of cosmetics in the store since then without nothing being put in the actual game. The game has a heavy focus now on buying rewards instead of earning them.

But otherwise, feel free to jump in yourself and check it out. The game isn’t a sub game, so you can come and go as you like.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

(edited by SpyderArachnid.5619)

too many transmutation charges

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Psh, I never get these things. I’m always at 0, unless I buy them.

I’ve already got map completion and I don’t PvP, so yeah. My chances of getting them are zero now. I either have to start doing PvP (which is something I don’t like), or I have to buy them from the Gem Store.

Be happy you get them. Seriously. I wish you could trade/sell these.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Colors in-game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Start using Sweetfx or Reshade and voila.

Yes I was thinking about that but I am just afraid I get banned for cheating if it gets interpreted like a cheat or something

They are perfectly fine to use as all they do is enhance the color of the game. They don’t modify the mechanics in any way. They are just graphic enhancers. Been using Reshade for a LONG time with GW2 and never had any issues.

I seriously can’t play without it now. I tried, and the game is so washed out and faded normally, that I just couldn’t stand it. I need Reshade. lol

What’s the perfromance hit of using it roughly?

Depends on the features you enable. The one I use has about a 5 fps hit, not much. There are others that are more performance friendly with less features. There is also those that are heavy in features that will hit you for about 10 fps.

Regardless, the fps hit isn’t that big compared to things like ENB and such. Reshade is very performance friendly, with only a 5-10 fps hit at max.

But that also depends on your system as well. If you’re using an old system, you’re going to feel it more than if you are using a higher end system.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Colors in-game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Start using Sweetfx or Reshade and voila.

Yes I was thinking about that but I am just afraid I get banned for cheating if it gets interpreted like a cheat or something

They are perfectly fine to use as all they do is enhance the color of the game. They don’t modify the mechanics in any way. They are just graphic enhancers. Been using Reshade for a LONG time with GW2 and never had any issues.

I seriously can’t play without it now. I tried, and the game is so washed out and faded normally, that I just couldn’t stand it. I need Reshade. lol

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

So much Hate on HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


You’re new, so I’ll forgive you. You haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of what pretty much most of the complaints are even about.

The reason why you don’t get why people are complaining is for that simple fact. You’re new. You literally just hit 80 not too long ago, so yeah, you have absolutely no idea what has been going on or why people are upset. I’d suggest first actually understanding what is going on and getting a bit more experience at the game, before coming in here and trying to tell people that their complaints are unwarranted.

Forums for any game are always the vocal majority, and they are mostly always negative. As any gamer will tell you, this is common knowledge. A lot of the players here have been here for over three years. They’ve seen the game change over the years, and have very valid complaints. For a new player to just walk in here when you have no idea what is even going on, and to tell them their concerns are uncalled for and they should just quit, is rather rude.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

IGN review of HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


It’s actually a pretty decent review. It hits the mark on what a lot of people have been voicing their opinions about, but it does miss a few key things still. There’s another review in the comments section that covers a few of the other things as well.

But overall, not too bad.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

please dont lock raids behind masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


So Raid requiring Ascended armor isn’t that bad, but requiring Masteries, the main part of progression in the expansion is? You’re silly OP.

Raids don’t “require” Ascended armor, it is just recommended is all. Shoot, you know how this community is. Give it a week and people will be clearing the raid naked like they do with everything else lol.

It’s Anet’s suggestion to recommend Ascended for raiding. But it’s not a requirement in the least. Masteries on the other hand, from what I’ve been hearing, are going to be a hard requirement.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

the flameseeker prophecy ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Dumb question, but have you unlocked the collection for it yet? You won’t have access to the recipe without unlocking the collection first.

Notably this one, The Flameseeker Prophecies I: The Experimental Shield.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Just an honest question :|

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


HoT was designed with group play in mind, not solo play. It was designed to be challenging content for those that enjoy it. The Hero Challenges give ten Hero Points each, so expect them to be a bit more harder than regular Hero Challenges in the old content.

Though, with the lack of people in maps now, I see why they are an issue now. I’ve got several Hero Challenges on my map that I haven’t done yet cause no one ever wants to do any of them. They are all too busy farming the events instead, making getting these Hero Challenges a pain and basically impossible to do solo.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Invisible Mushroom Spore Broken?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Yeah this really bugs me as well. While it may seem a bit excessive, they need to have the item unlock for all collections instead of randomizing what collection it goes to.

Alternatively, they need to allow us to set a collection to active, so all collectibles you find for it will go towards that specific collection instead of being randomized. I’m having the same problem now, and it is frustrating to have to constantly sit there going “Did I get it this time? Did I get it this time?” and see the item going to different collections that I haven’t even begun to start.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

please dont lock raids behind masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


I’m actually perfectly fine with raids being locked behind masteries.
Ley line gliding from gliders, stealth detection from Nuhock, adrenaline shrooms from Itzel and at least exalted assistence from the Exalted line should be a requirement for raids. Otherwise most masteries would be pointless. Map completions don’t even require you to have them with all the portaling mesmers and portal to a friend.
I would be very happy if the masteries I worked for were useful and mandatory in the end game content.

That is pretty much the same kitten thing as a gear grind but with a different name. If this happens Gw2 wont be different than any other MMO out there with a gear treadmill.

Well no, because raids will give you the experience you need to level masteries too> If you don’t like open world content you’ll be able to level by doing raids.

You just pretty much proved their point. It is still the same thing.

For GW2: Raids require Mastery, but give you the XP to level your Masteries so you can do the raids.

For other MMORPGs: Raids require certain gear, but give you the gear you need so you can do the raids.

Still not seeing the difference here. It’s a disguised treadmill. The same as other MMORPGs. You know, the thing that O’ Brien said GW2 wouldn’t fall into?

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

please dont lock raids behind masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


This thread reminds me of this quote from Mike O’ Brien:

Like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun.

Locking raiding behind Mastery’s goes against that philosophy completely. Shoot, most of the stuff in this game goes against that philosophy. But there it is regardless.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Purchasing HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Well, I don’t “forum stalk” people, so I didn’t know about his entire post history. I just go off of what I see currently in the thread I am responding to, not what a poster has said over the years.

The point I was making was, regardless of who the person is, don’t form your own conclusions of what you think they are saying and then try to argue with them over something they never said, but what you formed in your own mind.

Oh absolutely you wouldn’t know, but I have noticed a pattern with him (without forum stalking he just has an easily remembered name and has posted a lot in threads here in the HoT subforum).

Also your second paragraph is basicly saying “ignore past behaviour” which is pretty bad advice for dating, science and meeting Stalin for the first time.

We are on a forum. Where discussions are singled out in separate threads. I didn’t tell you to ignore their past behavior, I simply said, and I’ll put it plainly, don’t put words in someone’s mouth that you made up.

I go off what is written in the current discussion. I don’t go run background checks on posters to see what else they have been saying, so I can judge their current post to their past history. I stick to the discussion at hand and comment on what is currently going on. Did they say bad things in the past? Sure, why not. Is it currently affecting this thread? No, it is not.

This thread has gone way off topic, and I apologize for partially being at fault for that OP. I’m going to stop responding in hopes this can get back on track, or, till a moderator closes/deletes it.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

(edited by SpyderArachnid.5619)

Do you regret pre-purchasing HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619



Though you would think I did with everything I dislike about it. I’m not happy about HoT, I think it went in the wrong direction. There are a few things I do like, but not enough to warrant the money I paid for it. I don’t like the direction Anet is going, and I don’t like the path GW2 is heading down.

But I don’t regret buying HoT still. I like to make my own personal opinions off of what the game offers myself, instead of going off of what people say on the forums or reviews. While I wasn’t happy with the direction Anet was taking this game before HoT, I had to see for myself if HoT was going to change things for the better.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Purchasing HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Well, I don’t “forum stalk” people, so I didn’t know about his entire post history. I just go off of what I see currently in the thread I am responding to, not what a poster has said over the years.

The point I was making was, regardless of who the person is, don’t form your own conclusions of what you think they are saying and then try to argue with them over something they never said, but what you formed in your own mind.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Purchasing HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Test have you even bought the expansion?
I mean you seem to have explored the only 4 maps pretty extensivly to say they are only as big as 4 core world maps.
Please finish 4 core world maps then time it (on a new char), then finish the 4 hot maps without any masteries in the same time.

What? They just said four PvE maps. They never said anywhere that they are only as big as 4 core world maps. Where did the translation go wrong for you? You started adding your own stuff to Test’s post that was never said.

At OP, it’s 50 bucks for the expansion. Plain and simple, Anet isn’t budging or reducing the price. They don’t care if you are a veteran or new, they want everyone to pay the same, regardless if you have already bought the core game.

From what I remember, as long as you bought your account before a certain date, you got a free character slot as “compensation” for being a veteran player. But I have no idea if they are still doing that or if it was only for pre-purchases.

All you can do is either buy it now, or wait till it goes on sale some time in the future. For now, there is still plenty to do in the core game, and with you being gone for awhile, I’m sure there is plenty of new stuff to keep you busy till then hopefully. Like, for example, Living World Season 2 if you missed it. If you’re not keen on getting HoT just yet, pick that up instead in the Gem Store and play through that to get up to date on what is going on with HoT.

And really, it’s $50,00 for basically 4 new PvE maps. Only 4.

Maybe its just me but this sounds to me that its only as big as 4 core world maps, since its only 4 emphasized.

Not saying that each have 1-4 layers ontop of eachother making them much bigger then core maps.

Maybe I should go to mcdonalds and complain that its 20$ for only 100gram of hamburger meat when I buy a combo meal aswell.

Except you’re reading into what they said too much. You’re adding your own conclusions, and then trying to argue with them based on your own assumptions of things they never said.

They simply said 4 new PvE maps. Only 4. Yeah they have multiple layers, but they are indeed only 4 PvE maps. Those multiple layers are not entire maps, they are only pieces. It’s not like an entirely new map on each level. It’s only a few platforms or a few tunnels. So technically, it’s like one and a half, maybe two maps in one.

And here you are proving my point its more then 4 maps, we even dont have to load bettwen the layers as we do in every core game map. 1½-2 for each map is bigger then 1

And yet, it is still 4 PvE Maps. Regardless of layers, they are PvE maps. So… only 4 PvE maps.

You do realize some of the old maps have multiple layers as well right? There is plenty of old maps that have lower levels and upper levels too. Are they not considered PvE maps because they use multiple layers? No. In the end, they are still PvE maps.

Again, you’re trying to make a big deal out of something that was never said.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Purchasing HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Test have you even bought the expansion?
I mean you seem to have explored the only 4 maps pretty extensivly to say they are only as big as 4 core world maps.
Please finish 4 core world maps then time it (on a new char), then finish the 4 hot maps without any masteries in the same time.

What? They just said four PvE maps. They never said anywhere that they are only as big as 4 core world maps. Where did the translation go wrong for you? You started adding your own stuff to Test’s post that was never said.

At OP, it’s 50 bucks for the expansion. Plain and simple, Anet isn’t budging or reducing the price. They don’t care if you are a veteran or new, they want everyone to pay the same, regardless if you have already bought the core game.

From what I remember, as long as you bought your account before a certain date, you got a free character slot as “compensation” for being a veteran player. But I have no idea if they are still doing that or if it was only for pre-purchases.

All you can do is either buy it now, or wait till it goes on sale some time in the future. For now, there is still plenty to do in the core game, and with you being gone for awhile, I’m sure there is plenty of new stuff to keep you busy till then hopefully. Like, for example, Living World Season 2 if you missed it. If you’re not keen on getting HoT just yet, pick that up instead in the Gem Store and play through that to get up to date on what is going on with HoT.

And really, it’s $50,00 for basically 4 new PvE maps. Only 4.

Maybe its just me but this sounds to me that its only as big as 4 core world maps, since its only 4 emphasized.

Not saying that each have 1-4 layers ontop of eachother making them much bigger then core maps.

Maybe I should go to mcdonalds and complain that its 20$ for only 100gram of hamburger meat when I buy a combo meal aswell.

Except you’re reading into what they said too much. You’re adding your own conclusions, and then trying to argue with them based on your own assumptions of things they never said.

They simply said 4 new PvE maps. Only 4. Yeah they have multiple layers, but they are indeed only 4 PvE maps. Those multiple layers are not entire maps, they are only pieces. It’s not like an entirely new map on each level. It’s only a few platforms or a few tunnels. So technically, it’s like one and a half, maybe two maps in one.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Purchasing HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Test have you even bought the expansion?
I mean you seem to have explored the only 4 maps pretty extensivly to say they are only as big as 4 core world maps.
Please finish 4 core world maps then time it (on a new char), then finish the 4 hot maps without any masteries in the same time.

What? They just said four PvE maps. They never said anywhere that they are only as big as 4 core world maps. Where did the translation go wrong for you? You started adding your own stuff to Test’s post that was never said.

At OP, it’s 50 bucks for the expansion. Plain and simple, Anet isn’t budging or reducing the price. They don’t care if you are a veteran or new, they want everyone to pay the same, regardless if you have already bought the core game.

From what I remember, as long as you bought your account before a certain date, you got a free character slot as “compensation” for being a veteran player. But I have no idea if they are still doing that or if it was only for pre-purchases.

All you can do is either buy it now, or wait till it goes on sale some time in the future. For now, there is still plenty to do in the core game, and with you being gone for awhile, I’m sure there is plenty of new stuff to keep you busy till then hopefully. Like, for example, Living World Season 2 if you missed it. If you’re not keen on getting HoT just yet, pick that up instead in the Gem Store and play through that to get up to date on what is going on with HoT.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Guild boon disabled for non-HoT players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


That is just literally insane that a company is producing a product and providing incentive for customers to pay money for that product.

I mean, we are all entitled to full access to someone else’s livelihood without paying for it. I have this argument every time I need to fly somewhere and I call a taxi. Since my wife normally drives me to the airport, why should I need to pay for the taxi?

It’s complete elitism and infringes my freedom and needs to stop.

Think before you speak. You missed the entire point.

The boons were available pre-HoT for all players to use. Now they were removed, even if you had them before, you lost access to them. Now you have to buy HoT in order to access something you already had.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

HoT Story going forward [Spoilers]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Kasmeer and Majory have definitely earned it. I’d also like to see them wed on the palace grounds.

As I mentioned in another thread, if you talk to Marjory at the end, you’ll find out that Kasmeer and her are having “personal issues” with their relationship. So I see a falling out more likely to happen than a wedding.

On a side note, use a spoiler in your title. You’re spoiling the story for those that haven’t seen it yet.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

"ELITE" specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Look at it like this.

They are called Elite specializations because of what they unlock. Unlike the other specializations, you get new skills (regular and elite), new gear (helmets, shoulders, weapons), and of course the new traits and the ability to wield a new weapon.

All of that in one specialization. The others don’t offer any of that except for new traits.

So thus, since it is superior to other specializations in the sense that you get more from it, it is considered an Elite specialization. Thus in order to use it, you must sacrifice a lower class specialization and let the Elite take its place.

It’s not meant to be stronger, it just offers you more than a regular specialization does. And on that note, being able to equip it along with your already chosen specializations, giving you four specializations, would make you indeed stronger. Which is not the path that the Elite specialization is meant to take. It’s not there to make you more powerful, but instead, there to give you more options.

Oh, did I say specialization enough times?

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

1 glider skin with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


How many free glider skins you should have received to make you feel happy?

Unless you have actually read the thread, don’t comment. Your ignorance does you no justice. No one, not once, asked for anything for free. They simply asked to add glider skins to the game so we can earn them, instead of putting them on the Gem Store (as day one DLC at that).

We paid 50 bucks for this new expansion, and all we got was a couple new armor skins, couple new weapons, and one glider (two if you got the collector’s edition). I mean, really?

And now, right after the expansion releases, they are already throwing up new items in the gem store. Hey a new outfit, new gliders, several new weapon sets in the Black Lion chests, etc.

Just feels like we got a bum deal/shafted on the expansion. I get Anet loves money, but to release all this new stuff for the gem store after we just paid for an overpriced expansion (my opinion), just feels like a slap in the face.

Sounds to me that at least some of the writers are complaining that there was not enough skins included in the price of the expansion, so my question was, how many glider skins there should have been to make you feel happy? 2, 3, 5?

No, your question was how many free glider skins should have been there to make us feel happy. And again, I’ll answer your question by saying, no one wanted anything for free.

When the game released, the one skin was fine for free. But there could of been other skins we could of earned via achievements or drops, or even collections. You know, being rewarded for your efforts instead of having to pay for them? So yeah, we hoped for a few more skins to be able to be earned in game via effort. Not locked behind the Gem Store as day one DLC.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Agony resistance in the new fractals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


As well, while doing Fractals, look at the right side of your screen. The area where it shows you the next Fractal coming up, what your level is, etc etc.

When you reach level 20, it will show you the recommended Agony Resistance for that Fractal level. For instance, it is recommended to have 8 Resistance at level 20 (I think that was it, or was it 10?). Just look at the right side with all that Fractal info next time you are in the Mistlock Observatory, and it will show you how much you should need.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

1 glider skin with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


How many free glider skins you should have received to make you feel happy?

Unless you have actually read the thread, don’t comment. Your ignorance does you no justice. No one, not once, asked for anything for free. They simply asked to add glider skins to the game so we can earn them, instead of putting them on the Gem Store (as day one DLC at that).

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Got 100% map completion on VB, no reward [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that affected map completion.

So guessing this bug fix didn’t fix the fact that we aren’t getting map rewards? Just went to Southsun, Dry Top, and Silverwastes and still nothing. No rewards even though I have 100% completion on all those maps.

And it appears still no rewards for HoT maps either.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

1 glider skin with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


We paid 50 bucks for this new expansion, and all we got was a couple new armor skins, couple new weapons, and one glider (two if you got the collector’s edition). I mean, really?

You are amazingly short sighted if all you see is armor skins, weapons and a glider.

I’m talking cosmetic wise, not all around content. It’s kind of obvious given the subject of this thread.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

1 glider skin with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Honestly, this is something that eats at me as well.

We paid 50 bucks for this new expansion, and all we got was a couple new armor skins, couple new weapons, and one glider (two if you got the collector’s edition). I mean, really?

And now, right after the expansion releases, they are already throwing up new items in the gem store. Hey a new outfit, new gliders, several new weapon sets in the Black Lion chests, etc.

Just feels like we got a bum deal/shafted on the expansion. I get Anet loves money, but to release all this new stuff for the gem store after we just paid for an overpriced expansion (my opinion), just feels like a slap in the face.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Is the story to short?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


It all depends where you start from.

If starting from HoT, yes the story is really short. Especially for an expansion. With an expansion, we should of got a full length long story like we did with Zhaitan. But what we got was about the length of a Living World episode. If you don’t count the Mastery leveling we had to do, the story is very short. You’ll see this when you play through the story on an alt who already has all the Mastery requirements unlocked.

If starting from the beginning though, it is LONG. Longer than your Personal Story. Because, it all started with Living World Season One. That was the beginning that lead all the way up to HoT. If it wasn’t for Scarlet, none of this would of happened in the first place. Well, eventually it probably would of, but it wouldn’t of been till way way in the future when we are all gone and dead.

So it’s all a matter of perspective. If starting from the beginning, it is a long story. But if starting from HoT, it is extremely short.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]