To disobey game rules is generally considered cheating. It is certainly unfair to represent yourself as a much lower rated player, to get easy matches and deceive the matchmaker.
Yes, it was cheating by your own definition.
Lol this kind of backfired, the ATs use seeding so using a less established account places you in worse seeding, giving you better chance of tough enemies early on.. but nobody is saying they had a harder time, the mental gymnastics only come out when it can be established that they cheated
It requires far more mental gymnastic to defend the people involved than not. Sorry to burst your bubble here, but as PvPers (which they demonstrate) they aren’t bound by the same attachment to an account as say a PvE player would. That’s why the accounts used weren’t permanently banned, and were only permanently dishonored. That keeps the PvE players that paid irl cash for some one to play their account, which means your account should be banned. What they did violates numerous aspects of the rules of conduct (members of ABJ). If Anet’s stance is that it is permissible to dodge bans/dishonor by acquiring a new account (they have ip banned for less), then they effectively have no desire to provide integrity to their game, and they need to make that clear. Because, it is obvious only a certain other subset of players think this is justified. A very small minority.
I think it is important to note, that had they played and won the first AT on their main accounts, they would be receiving praise. They CHOSE a different outcome.
(edited by Vicariuz.1605)
Also, if your team trickles on to nodes 1 by 1 continually, you probably deserve to lose.
Maybe if anet had an actual tutorial for pvp and cared about the quality of players in pvp (aka an incentive to get better at the game and not be encouraged to just press all their buttons and die) we wouldn’t have an issue where the average skill level of players is so low that it takes a disproportionate amount of skill to over come.
Maybe just maybe, if people who understood pvp were working on it, we wouldn’t have these problems. Or are you just not aware that the 1/100 chance of some one listening to directives in chat and being able to appropriately interpret the map, makes the game essentially unplayable to your soloqers who you have proven you care the least for.
(edited by Vicariuz.1605)
End game prestige items are not meant for casual players, regardless if you can still acquire them playing casually or not.
and maybe they are not interested in guild hopping to drop them for extra cash.
How can you turn ToK into cash in guilds???
You sell them to the guild, guild’s need tomes for upgrades, Tomes of Knowledge can be put into the guild storage, they just cant be used to lvl up characters.
Malchor’s Leap and Cursed Shore are the only maps I actually can’t stand in the game. Arbitrary difficulty, every single mob has multiple chill, immob, cripple, or stun skills (and there is no reason to ever fight any of them unless you are doing events specifically), HP blocked by cathedrals. Just overall boring and annoying to map. I genuinely cannot stand having to aggro and clear 8+ mobs every time I need to look at the map for a split second.
And getting no loot for it either.
MMR shouldn’t really matter to you unless you are in range of the leaderboard, it’s not even applicable until then honestly. It’s great to gauge, very relatively, where you stand; however it is VERY IMPORTANT to note that your rating is subjective and WILL fluctuate. It is also incredibly important to understand than when you get into LB range, you are now at a point where you will be subjected to match manipulation (out the wazoo, certain people even continue paying for wins/loss in off season, COUGH COUGH), and equally appalling the actual MM system itself.
When you are high rated in the current system, you are expected to carry (literally) any rating below you. There are no protections for your rating, I have PLENTY of screenshots from the past 2 seasons where the rating disparity between the lowest rated person on my team and myself was over 500, at some points over 700. That’s multiple divisions of difference in skill on the same team. When you are high rated in the current system, the game changes from SPvP to, “which duo can wipe the enemy team silver/gold players first.” Very simply, those players do not have the game awareness or mechanical skill to A. defend themselves and B. make the proper decisions regarding rotation on respawn, which compounds the snowball.
As an aside, the complete disregard for the integrity of the leaderboard (by both the players and Anet) in seasons 5 and 6 was enough, exclusively, to bar the game mode as a whole for the foreseeable future for me after ~20k games played (even bad players can win matches at 4:30am EST playing against OCE players with 1k+ ping while they are duo’d AND sync queuing to throw). The fact that not a single punishment for people OPENLY throwing matches on alts to snipe rating, is disgusting. It happened to me more times than I can count, and every single one of those alt accounts (had to add them to flist to dodge them if I wanted any actual play) are still being used today!
Should we discuss how much IRL $ certain people made these past 2 seasons because they knew they wouldn’t be punished???
When the system changes to prevent rating disparity like in past seasons (200 rating is acceptable across the entire team), punishes those who match manipulate (with permanent bans), and prevents class stacking (very real reason it wasn’t allowed in tourneys or did we forget double rev or even 5 man dd ele?), I may come back. There is currently far too much wrong with the system. So the frustration is not solely on your shoulders, Anet have catered to it greatly.
(edited by Vicariuz.1605)
I can appreciate the notion, however, I think it’s not in every one’s best interest to have the game automated, you should have to look (to a degree) at the map to know what is going on, the map is fundamental to the game, and should be respected and utilized. Having an alarm go off to inform you you are being negligent is not the proper way to handle the issue, and it seriously impedes the ability of you or your enemies even more with regards to movement on the map. It’s not good design to know instantly what is being taken and what isn’t, there has to be some level of input for you to grow and learn.
“Structured PvP will also be updated with a custom arena map for 2v2 battles and a new and improved PvP lobby to hang out in.”
So does this mean we are going to be able to queue 2v2s now instead of just 5v5 conquest? Am I reading it right? Curious cause no one seems to be talking about it.
Only custom arenas. We don’t have plans to support a 2v2 game mode with a queue.
Do you believe it is a good idea to implement things like this in the same way you did courtyard? Are we still not learning from our mistakes, or ignoring that there were any? I understand this is a test phase for 2v2 development, but honestly, I’m not seeing much difference, or hearing anything (as per policy) to persuade me to believe that appropriate steps will be taken to ensure actual timely development. Forgive me if I sound like a cynic, I’m just genuinely worried the same treatment will be shown to a 2v2 format that the rest of the SPvP game mode has been shown.
(edited by Vicariuz.1605)
On the other hand, if you’re at the max rank threshold and come in third place in every skirmish, you’re guaranteed 8 pips per tick. That puts you in the ~15 hour range.
I think it’s ok that some rewards are beyond the reach of the average player. That means that people
who have no lifethat go above and beyond get rewards that go above and beyond.
I agree with this, if people want to invest lots of time into the game mode, they should be rewarded proportionately to those who do not.
Funny I made a thread about this method of acquiring GoB, and the “veteran wvw” players, berated me, insulted me, flamed me, and if they could they would have hanged me for it. How interesting this board is now full of threads of people complaining about the afks.
Careful I made a thread about this exact subject and like 15 people tried to jump down my throat for it, and I WAS THE ONE infracted.
No, you just need to make a decision in a more timely manner. You can’t get mad at a business because you can’t make up your mind. If you are already aware of how the system works, then the onus is on YOU to act.
The polar opposite of what the FEAR guild is known for.
Agree. Luckily I have most of the truly toxic members blocked already.
Great vid, you and min are the heroes we need.
The con for the No vote is subjective, the rest is objective. People not being educated enough to swap or being stubborn, isn’t a con for the no vote. It’s a lack of game knowledge on the players part. When they strictly prohibit class stacking, impose roles, and balance those roles, then we can have a yes vote.
I was VERY vocal about the consequences of both actions when the poll was up, and what I warned about, population, balance, etc ended up being true. You cannot subject every one to a broken system and then grade people on their performance accurately. It will never happen, 1 because people are allowed to abuse the current systems in place, along with abusing uncontrollable things (queue dodging/alting/alt dodging at 4 and 5 am during the week). Especially when that type of behavior is encouraged. It’s an illusion of activity. Just like the current US government administration, Anet ONLY cares about the optics, of pvp. It’s time to accept that the developers themselves consider this a side game, BARELY even a game mode. They will just never admit the real problems because it makes them look bad, and PR is way more important than game balance and apparently quality.
It is going to continue for several more seasons before any real change, you are all in our prayers.
I think I would know a little bit about gw1 pvp, I was gold trim r12 and r12 zkey with Mac random and team arena titles. And I could buy whatever I wanted in the game. You understate the significance of the rewards because they weren’t “average player” friendly, but that does not mean the rewards were equivalent to what we have now. PvP rewards aren’t meant for the average player, unless u mean zkeys which were the casual friendly reward, u could buy from other players. The zkey chest was the second most profitable chest in the game, and with zkeys at 5 Plat ea, while being good at pvp, meant you were making 200-300 plat per hall session. Ontop of hall chest drops, again with things like Dwarven axe, crystalline sword, and other extremely expensive skins, again again with everything being tradeable.
And implying that only the best players ever won halls is not true, there were plenty of r3-r6 players farming first few maps, r6-r8 players getting to and winning a hall or two, and then r9+ players holding halls for hours, and being justly rewarded for the effort. That does not happen here, u get a title for being “the best” pvpers in the game, that’s it.
(edited by Vicariuz.1605)
Device, League of Legends is a moba,
GW2 is an mmo, and usually in mmos you do various activities.if they dont give good rewards in pvp then people will choose a different path to advance their accounts its simple as that.
at the time pve gives good stuff and it also has almost endless progression with fractals ,raids and story areas.
in pvp once the season ends everything falls apart.
i would rather get rewards like masteries from pvp rather than go find dive locations and do jumping puzzles.
generally those who want to pvp will pvp more , i dont see how this is bad for the game.Alright let’s keep it familiar then… Gw1 had an awesome pvp scene with hardly any rewards. But people played it because it was a good game.
That’s what anet never understood: players don’t play a game for rewards. They play it for fun in the first place. Rewards have always been and will always be secondary after gameplay.
That isn’t true at all, in gw1, u needed to control hall of heroes to gain access to end game pve content (with the most lucrative farm), however by winning and holding halls you got access to the chest, which dropped the most expensive skins in the game, along with other incredibly useful and tradeable items like the guild hall sigil, required to form a guild hall. Then they even further upped the rewards with zkeys, another form of PvP progression that made a ton of money.
Nah it’s buggy, I had to play “an extra extra game” to show on the board for no reason, I had won my last game and had the rating to show but did not.
Anet needs to do a 180 and force casuals out of Ranked PvP. The terms “Casual” and “Competitive” are opposites.
That’s literally in every game… Your LoL user base wouldn’t the Twitch King in terms of viewership if it wasn’y for casuals. That games Esports wouldn’t be a thing without casuals…
I understand why you’re being so dramatic but let’s not put a torch to the game that’s already losing players.
I remember that you’re one of the better players in PvP. But even you can’t carry bad players 100% of time. Wouldn’t your ranking be better off if casual players weren’t on your team randomly?
100% True, mathematically speaking yes he would have less losses if he played more games with more dedicated players, but it’s not random, it’s designed this way. 1 change that needs to be made is the range of rating allowed per team. It’s currently seemingly infinite, meaning there is always a chance to have a bronze player in your team regardless how high you climb. That’s a bad system. People do not play games where that is to be expected every time you queue. The 2nd change is how rating gain and loss works, I’ll leave an example: This is a dota player win/loss, and his rating gain and loss, compare this to ours and it becomes very very very clear, there is a problem.
Ok. I think Anet sees our complaints about Ranked matchmaking, but don’t understand without visual cues. Now I will help Anet understand where Ranked PvP is broken, and how to fix it. Data charts below show current season matchmaking that Anet thinks is ok, and how it should be next season.
One reason current season is bad is because Anet allows low rank players to play with too high rank. This handicaps high rank players on the same team. Ranked PvP is a competition, and allowing low skilled players on the same team as higher means it’s no longer a competition for one team. It’s a free win for the other. This is not fun.
Next season Ranked can be fixed by blocking Silver players from being matched with Gold+ league until they gain enough MMR to be tier 1 Gold. Bronze and Silver players will play Ranked with each other. Then Gold, Platinum, and Legend will be group in their own MMR spread.
This has the right idea, but would still never work, because the rating disparity is still way too high. No person on the team should be more than 200 rating from another. Equally the other team as well, should not have a player more than 200 rating difference than the each other, or the enemy team. The difference between a legend 1 player and a plat 1 player, is visible; allowing a gold 1 player is essentially no different than the current system. Too much value is given to the gold division, people believe this to be “The average player” but that isn’t actually true, and even if it were, an “average” GW2 player is not going to be able to defend themselves against some one in the top division of the game mode, let alone be on the offensive, they simply do not have the mechanical skill or game awareness to do so.
Now the reason why this isn’t what Anet is doing? Because queue times would be 20 min+, stemming from them having taken a hands off approach to the game mode. I’m willing to bet, that the majority of the current players will not be accepting to those kind of queue times, because the majority of current players are casual, and are ENCOURAGED to be so. You have to realize that casual =/= bad, it means not concerned or relaxed. Because people are casual (they have no reason not to be) the quality goes down. The attention to detail is just simply not there.
Even in a balanced matches , the gain/loose whould be the same (6 for win/ 36 for loose) … in order to create a Leader that FORCES YOU TO NOT LOOSE …TO SHOWCASE SKILL AS MOST PPL WANTED !
Combined with a Soloque … where Top players skills will be highlighted(hight skillplayers can shutdown 2-3 opponents) and more teams will be created or those top players be inv as replacements for future Tournaments
( is the 2013 plan ….
They stopped reinventing the wheel …
Why are you all not happy???/THROW KEYNOARD………….
Edit: /pick up pieces …
These huge amount of lose rating , give to other ppl below you a chance to play in you ’’division’’ rather than having back to back 10 players fighting each other again and again for 6 points win and 9 for loosing/THROW AGAIN KEYBOARD
You completely fail to acknowledge that each game has teams comprised of multiple divisions. Just with that, not a single match, can be competitive. In a competitive match, where every person is near each other’s rating, which means within 150-200 rating, a person is not going to be able to 1v2 or 1v3. Plain and simple. That ONLY happens when there are players in the match that should not be there (other than certain builds on certain maps against certain builds).
You also fail to acknowledge anything about how the MM forms teams, and as far as giving people a chance to play in a higher division, the whole point of entire thing is to EARN that, not be given it by a faulty system that the devs WILL NOT fix, because it will highlight their complete and utter failure on the game mode as a whole. That’s why they have chosen to go with queue time over quality. That’s why no one is playing, because it’s OBVIOUSLY terrible, and the people with the power to fix it, refuse to.
I like the mob mentality bois, keep up the Lord’s work.
Oh and I personally love the rich kid reference, really dove deep down to pull that one out didn’t we hahahaha. I’ll just ignore the bronze god peanut gallery. Keybind some skills then come back bud.And reaper, I’ve read ur bronze kitten posts for long enough, try to actually read something before commenting. It’s not MY article lmfao, nor my dads, for the other uninformed screeching ape. And it will absolutely be impactful, my network is solid. U mad doe LUL.
OK evan, now that the wittle toddwers are on nap time after their bottles, still waiting to hear how enjoyable, fun, and cool, my last match was.
Wait what, quote me here on this thread when I was complaining? Also resorting to personal attacks, just proves you acknowledge the fact that you lost the debate. And have no more ground to stand on. So you lash out against the person instead of the debate. Your personal attacks here, is not even coherent at all. But I am the child. Very funny.
A.) What are you talking about?
B.) Who are you even?
C.) You are pretty comical, you would make for a simi decent jester.(I mean that in a respectful way, by the way)Almost a proper troll on the forums. Keyword there almost. Keep at it, you’ll get there sooner or later.
As a player who played since game release for about 4-6 hours a day who hasn’t played in 2 weeks now, none of that will make me return.
Changing the matchmaking how ever, will. Hard capping games so I don’t have to play with Bronzes and top 20 players while I’m in Gold WILL actually let me enjoy the game, the purpose of a game is enjoyment after all.
TLDR: Matchmaking is horrible and is killing the game, reducing population and creating a downward spiral that’s only getting worse.
Then you clearly don’t understand the issue.
The reason you are getting bad matches is because the population is low.
If they were to change the algorithm to favor better matchmaking in this low pop state, you’d get NO matches because there aren’t enough people at your skill level that are playing at the same time.
Nothing has changed between season 5 and season 6, yet the population went down… It’s not a mystery to anyone as to why that is.
No I understand the issue perfectly. I’ll simplify it for you though.
Active game > People having fun.
Rating comes around > People see how broken matchmaking is > People leave.
People leave > population gets low.
Population gets low > matches get worse.
Matches get worse > More people leave.
downward spiral from there.You’re more than welcome to speculate why some of us are leaving, but I’m telling you from my personal opinion that I left because of matchmaking and your ideas to help me come back, won’t work because it’s the matchmaking that killed the game, or having rating to allow us to see how broken matchmaking is. Which ever way you look at it. But the defining factor and what is making people leave, is matchmaking.
You know what changed from S5 to s6? It was hope. Hope that season 6 would be better, but it’s not. There’s no mystery to it.
Your ideas were good, but only for people who are still playing the game but sadly even those ideas won’t make me sit through insufferable games.
My old friends and I also left because of match quality. The community that is left playing ,just needs to face up to the fact. People left the game because the PvP match quality is much worst then most B rated P2W titles.
Sry to inform, there’s no debate. And just throwing back what I’m getting, fun isn’t it? And as for the sentence regarding u, I’ve seen your posts, low skill, low tier, suggestions. And LOL, I’m sry u think that’s me lashing out, couldn’t be farther from the truth hahahaha
And Evan, still waiting.
I like the mob mentality bois, keep up the Lord’s work.
Oh and I personally love the rich kid reference, really dove deep down to pull that one out didn’t we hahahaha. I’ll just ignore the bronze god peanut gallery. Keybind some skills then come back bud.
And reaper, I’ve read ur bronze kitten posts for long enough, try to actually read something before commenting. It’s not MY article lmfao, nor my dads, for the other uninformed screeching ape. And it will absolutely be impactful, my network is solid. U mad doe LUL.
OK evan, now that the wittle toddwers are on nap time after their bottles, still waiting to hear how enjoyable, fun, and cool, my last match was.
Hey Evan, tell me the ratings of the players in my last game. Surprise me.
Then tell me that it’s acceptable and “cool” and “fun.” I’ll wait.
So is this officially a dead game mode or what? The rating give away ur system just gave me is nothing short of astonishing, +6 for a 4v5 win -16 to -18 for putting silvers on my team against top 25 duos. I’ll be passing the word on to a few connected friends about the current state of this game.
Enjoy the articles
Oh crap we are doomed.
oh noes hes going to ten ton hammer gw2 into the ground!
no no no u misunderstand it’s not a doomsday thing, just a factual analysis of the current system
for a wholeeee bunch more to see!
Can’t wait to see how many people care. My prediction: 0.
and i care about u equally thx xfor the negative input!
So is this officially a dead game mode or what? The rating give away ur system just gave me is nothing short of astonishing, +6 for a 4v5 win -16 to -18 for putting silvers on my team against top 25 duos. I’ll be passing the word on to a few connected friends about the current state of this game.
Enjoy the articles
Oh crap we are doomed.
oh noes hes going to ten ton hammer gw2 into the ground!
no no no u misunderstand it’s not a doomsday thing, just a factual analysis of the current system for a wholeeee bunch more to see!
So is this officially a dead game mode or what? The rating give away ur system just gave me is nothing short of astonishing, +6 for a 4v5 win -16 to -18 for putting silvers on my team against top 25 duos. I’ll be passing the word on to a few connected friends about the current state of this game.
Enjoy the articles
EU players do not have superior skill to NA players, judging QUEUES (where rating can vary over 500 points between team members) is a very stupid endeavor. Especially when that problem is compounded by an even greater disparity between the populations of both servers.
EU has MANY more players than NA does, THAT is why Gold on NA is top 250. Not because the top 250 on EU is better than NA…..
Too be fair, The Ascension is very simple to acquire, you play ranked games during the season and win X times on each class, doesn’t matter what rating u are. It can very casually be crafted, not to mention a decent chunk of gold to purchase t6 mats with by the time you complete the achievements, essentially allowing you craft the back piece upon completing the achievements. But I agree that more content should be added into the game via achievement than simply purchasing it.
Except not everyone is good enough at PvP to win matches. I know for a fact that whenever I play PvP, my team is carrying me and I’m 99% sure i’m the downfall of any matches we lose. That’s just the simple truth. I suck at PvP. It’s not casually acquireable for those who can’t PvP.
Luckily, that doesn’t matter. As any win on any class you play, counts toward the progression. So you can be free to win or lose as much as you want, every win (no matter how close) puts you 1 step closer to the backpiece, and you can play as many matches per day as you would like. Benefit being, you also accrue shards toward Ascended gear at the same time. There is a reason why many Bronze Gods have the backpiece, while being the lowest rating division, because it does not require skill to achieve, you invest the time, and unless you are at a 100% loss rate, you will eventually craft the backpiece.
Casual =/= bad , Casual = relaxed and unconcerned
(edited by Vicariuz.1605)
There’s also the fact that the two backpack/glider things are LEGENDARIES. So yeah, practically impossible to get for more casual players. Casual friendly non-gemstore gliders please!
Too be fair, The Ascension is very simple to acquire, you play ranked games during the season and win X times on each class, doesn’t matter what rating u are. It can very casually be crafted, not to mention a decent chunk of gold to purchase t6 mats with by the time you complete the achievements, essentially allowing you craft the back piece upon completing the achievements. But I agree that more content should be added into the game via achievement than simply purchasing it.
yeah they only had how many years to work on it?
I still much prefer the suggestion mentioned in another thread of “feeding” sigils and runes to the legendary gear, after which you can select them just as you would the stats. It stops the completely ancillary inventory management from carrying around 10-15 sigils (for no real reason). It’s a much more streamlined and professional approach.
I was able to get this done by starting with the “Escort the quaggan emissary to the kodan camp” step. I successfully escorted the quaggan, then it almost immediately goes straight to the “Defeat the largos before it kills Silent Snowfall” event. No tournament is necessary. If the tournament section is bugged, you might want to start with the quaggan escort.
Because the tournament is bugged, the escort can never begin.
are you sure it’s bugged and not in a different point in the event chain? are you actually waiting around for the event chain to start/progress, or do you wp in, see it isn’t up and wp out again?
if all you do is wp in and out, you are almost guaranteeing that you will hardly ever see the event running.
if you’ve waited to see if it starts, or the quaggan escort event before it starts, and they just aren’t you should probably send an in-game bug report, as it logs the IP of the map shard you are currently on, and can help Anet identify where the problem is.
I have spent more time waiting for the quaggan escort to start than doing the rest of the entire collection.
no i am not just wp in and out. thats stupid. I’ve sent like 15 tickets in and have never gotten a response at all about it.
This is literally the hardest part of making the legendary because it has a 99% chance to be bugged and just never give u the event u need to complete.
In-game Bug Reports will garner no response, as indicated on the Bug Report window. Again, for a guaranteed response, you must contact the CS Team via the ‘Support’ link and use the web-form to contact the Team.
Good luck.
Like I said, I’ve sent like 15 tickets in, meaning, using the support website.
Which part of this is bugging for you?
I remember I had to go a few times until I saw part of the chain active, then shepherd the chain through when I was on that C&C step. The wiki does note a bug at the bottom that can stall the chain.
The escort never begins. They are permanently preparing for a tournament.
are you sure it’s bugged and not in a different point in the event chain? are you actually waiting around for the event chain to start/progress, or do you wp in, see it isn’t up and wp out again?
if all you do is wp in and out, you are almost guaranteeing that you will hardly ever see the event running.
if you’ve waited to see if it starts, or the quaggan escort event before it starts, and they just aren’t you should probably send an in-game bug report, as it logs the IP of the map shard you are currently on, and can help Anet identify where the problem is.
I have spent more time waiting for the quaggan escort to start than doing the rest of the entire collection.
no i am not just wp in and out. thats stupid. I’ve sent like 15 tickets in and have never gotten a response at all about it.
This is literally the hardest part of making the legendary because it has a 99% chance to be bugged and just never give u the event u need to complete.
Hi Anet, The Kodan Claw event has been bugged every single time I’ve gone to it the passed month, is there a way I can get this achievement to progress to the next level of the collection or am I just doomed to never be able to craft my legendary because of your bugged event? Please help.
Every amulet back except Cele amulet (it allows to much hybrid stuff, while we need more non-hybrid builds) wouldnt be bad I think.
u WANT merc reaper/mes again? u WANT cleric ele back??
Please think before agreeing with crazy suggestions, ty!
I wouldn’t mind the return of some amulets, but definitely not all of them by a long shot.
Merc was introduced when a lot of other decent amulets already were removed. I doubt it will be that powerful again when older amulets (such as settlers and soldiers) will be introduced again. I’d rather have them put every amulet back than doing nothing. We have so many amulets that are totally useless right now, it is pretty hysterical and illustrative for the lack of vision in the PvP team. Adding some amulets is step 1, nerfing a lot of traits/utilities to reduce the OPness of certain amulets would be step 2. Build diversity is not a myth, it has been made a myth by Anet.
It doesn’t matter what the name of the amulet is, if you add in cancerous stat combinations you are going to have LESS fun overall. There was a reason they were removed. I wouldn’t advocate for adding Celestial back into the mix, unless you enjoy every game going to timer.
Every amulet back except Cele amulet (it allows to much hybrid stuff, while we need more non-hybrid builds) wouldnt be bad I think.
u WANT merc reaper/mes again? u WANT cleric ele back??
Please think before agreeing with crazy suggestions, ty!
I wouldn’t mind the return of some amulets, but definitely not all of them by a long shot.
Go GS M/Sh power war, u have a different variety tankiness compared to DH, and similar dmg, bonus being you are much more mobile.
Interestingly you dont even have to change the traits, and you can change to the condi varient.
It is absolutely hilarious that people still believe change for the sake of it is a worthwhile venture, take a hint from the current GOP republicans / president, it’s not.
Some of these matchups really are bad but it’s been like that since s1. The only way to make matchmaking a bit more “accurate” is if each character/profession had its own individual mmr. Even then, it’s a challenge for matchmaking to differentiate how a player performs in a given comp. Matchmaking reads numbers on a spread sheet but it doesn’t take things like Build & Team Compositions into consideration.
But the community voted for a no on Profession mmr because it would be bad.
They voted “No” on class locking before the match started. Whatever classes existed ingame were indefinite. Because of this there would be “class/profession MMR” and no class stacking to ensure the best experience. Thing is people can’t trust Anet / people thought class stacking was still gonna be a thing.
Anet said specifically that class stacking would still exist, you need to read more thoroughly.
Do you have the expansion? If so, DH / Berserker are great choices for entry level, high dmg, high sustain, although some what slow. for build guides.
Cannot comment on RP.
<1500 player (not even present on the leaderboard), but its double duo (with other leaderboard present players) against all solos
If they are not present on the leaderboard it’s likely that they don’t have the 30 games required to be on the board. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are low rated.
That was referring to me, my current rating at the time was not enough to be within the top 250.
My rating now:
Pretty steady climb, I should probably be plat by the end of the day
“How was it not enjoyable or competitive? If you never looked a their rating or saw that they were low ranked, would it suddenly be more competitive/enjoyable?”
Here’s why, it is NOT enjoyable for mid gold players (and below), to be queued up against literally the top players in the region (who are exclusively duo queued); it’s ALSO not enjoyable for top rated players to be matched WITH and AGAINST those average players. For those same reasons, it is also not competitive.
Can you answer the bolded question please? I’ll answer yours.
And as an aside, if all you care about is winning, then why don’t you just play hotjoin.
I don’t because it’s not competitive nor rewarding.
I’m not fully grasping the scope of the question so forgive me if this does not answer it, I assume this to be talking about my team, I never checked their mmr, I regularly play against the top rated players, winning a majority of my games (this season I have very little interest in even queuing because of the severe under-development).
Anyway, no I don’t think hiding rating or refusing to acknowledge it would make the game more competitive/enjoyable, I have played with and against plat+ for seasons/years now, the account names and play styles/patterns are easily recognizable at this point. I’m much more concerned when I have players I’ve never encountered before (usually lower rated than me).
It’s not a matter of I don’t think I should be playing against good players, or that I don’t want to; it’s playing with spreads of divisions in every game that bothers me. I hope that answers your question.
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While what you say isn’t incorrect, there are nuances to take into consideration. “Balanced” is a term I wouldn’t use in this scenario, because the ends do not justify the means. Just because the point total ended closely, does not mean that the match was enjoyable or competitive.
How was it not enjoyable or competitive? If you never looked a their rating or saw that they were low ranked, would it suddenly be more competitive/enjoyable?
Your main concern is rating disparity… when Anet themselves said the only difference between #1 player and the 100th player is an extremely small mmr deviation (not individual player rating) so it makes sense as to why. Because it’s true.
Anet is not going to have these top 20 players wait 15 minutes for a game. Matchmaking HAD to give them the best possible match at the time of the wait… who are you to neglect these players?
To add salt to the self-inflicted wound, You Won The Match & It Was A Close Game. Nobody here is taking you seriously, bub.
Well that’s unfortunate if they aren’t taking the population of the game seriously. Who cares about playing subpar quality matches if you win? Right? Really shallow point of view. How am I neglecting these players when I’m queued with and against them? Please tell me? Or do you have to win a popularity contest before being “taken seriously?” And yeah, I have a pretty big issue with rating disparity in teams, which is a symptom of continued poor development, I’m just inviting Anet to comment on the subject.
“How was it not enjoyable or competitive? If you never looked a their rating or saw that they were low ranked, would it suddenly be more competitive/enjoyable?”
Here’s why, it is NOT enjoyable for mid gold players (and below), to be queued up against literally the top players in the region (who are exclusively duo queued); it’s ALSO not enjoyable for top rated players to be matched WITH and AGAINST those average players. For those same reasons, it is also not competitive.
And as an aside, if all you care about is winning, then why don’t you just play hotjoin.
As I was in this game I feel pretty free to comment: you shouldn’t complain, you won. I know you said it was pretty “decent game,” but that’s not really the case. I waited quite a long time to get this game and I’m pretty sure Naru & his partner likely waited just as long or longer.
Sucks for us, but it’s the system working as intended.
I’m not complaining, and I truly do not care about winning ranked gw2 matches, trust me. I used the term “decent” because it ended relatively closesly, with just 2 Boss kills changing the outcome, not because of the caliber of play, I hope that makes sense. I waited a long time for that queue just as you did, needless to say I load into map and my team is saying things like “uh is that naru from the leaderboard? why am i in this match” to which I responded, “Yes it is, just peel for each other and it will be ok.”
These kind of games should not happen, period. Regardless of win or lose, this game is not fun for either team.
Considering it was a close game even though it was full solo-q versus 2 duo-q, I’d say the matchmaker did its job of providing a balanced game.
While what you say isn’t incorrect, there are nuances to take into consideration. “Balanced” is a term I wouldn’t use in this scenario, because the ends do not justify the means. Just because the point total ended closely, does not mean that the match was enjoyable or competitive.
@OP this has been a problem since the start of seasons, simple answer is: Population is too small for the MMing to even work.
It has! I’ve played in every season, reaching legend in all of them, and it is just a merry go round of inadequate development.
Looks like a real success by matchmaking to me. Was able to take a broader spectrum of player skills with a mix of duo and single and came up with a competitive game.
I just do not agree with this outlook, there should not be hundreds of rating disparity across teams in addition to solo v duo, in any given match, that is NOT competitive, in fact that is essentially the polar opposite.
EDIT: Anet, what are you going to do about you’re obviously inadequate population problem? Are you even allowed to speak or have your mouths been sewn shut?
(edited by Vicariuz.1605)