I learned to stop after the 3 loss in a row. Just go do something else in-game or out of game, continue the next day. Helps to keep your sanity, a lot.
I stop after the first loss per day.
But meanwhile on my F2P acct, i am pretty much on an 8 win streak :/
There are always tiny tiny advantages each side will get in a map, but they will never be enough to start a snowball and guarantee a win. For example, Red side on Forest has rocks near the jump stones that lead to the mid overlooks, blue side doesn’t have those rocks and is just a pit you fall into instead next to the stairs.
Will that ever cause a loss for blue team? no, i highly doubt it
When using left-click camera control on a mount, you will have your character change direction to the area you are facing when releasing the camera, instead of it returning to its forward facing orientation
So all the people that complained about the vital persistence nerf are bronze level players? Thats the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. When 90% of a community of players complain about something it is a problem. At least they listened and applied a fix although it still won’t be as good as the old vital persistance. Do you even play Necro you sound like an idiot Shroud is the core of the reaper spec even for glassier condi builds its your main defense.
If by 90% of the community you mean a handful of people on the forum then sure. The VP change was blown way out of proportion.
You don’t die in PvP as a necromancer because of shroud degen. You die either because you where spiked while shroud was on cooldown, or because you where getting tunneled so hard that you where forced out of shroud. In neither of those cases does the shroud degen rate matter.
The only time shroud degen matters is for players that like to sit in shroud for enormous spans of time. However shroud-sitting is suboptimal play and makes poor use of Necromancer’s toolset.
A.) There was a 2000+ upvote post on reddit, so not just a handful of people on the forums
B.) they ALSO nerfed the Speed of Shadows trait to remove the shroud recharge reduction so that also applies to your post.
I’ll chime in with what I said in another thread:
Vital Persistence and Speed of Shadows….why
Vital Persistence just didn’t have anything to compete with, it wasn’t “too strong”, the other 2 options are just too situational or just complete garbage….so there was only 1 option to take honestly.
Speed of Shadows is nice for swiftness since we don’t really have great mobility, but the loss of 20% shroud recharge really make it feel awful, now rotations are even slower and there is less reactionary play when swapping between shroud and weapons.
Maybe the balance team just plays insanely casually and think these are great changes, but to people who actually have mechanical skill and can weave these traits into their playstyle, this is gutting.
Vital Persistence and Speed of Shadows….why
Vital Persistence just didn’t have anything to compete with, it wasn’t “too strong”, the other 2 options are just too situational or just complete garbage….so there was only 1 option to take honestly.
Speed of Shadows is nice for swiftness since we don’t really have great mobility, but the loss of 20% shroud recharge really make it feel awful, now rotations are even slower and there is less reactionary play when swapping between shroud and weapons.
Maybe the balance team just plays insanely casually and think these are great changes, but to people who actually have mechanical skill and can weave these traits into their playstyle, this is gutting.
I’ve recently got a necro to 78 by “living off the land” as it were. Tremendous fun and she’s well away from having where near max stats. Ergo, the game feels awesome all (well, most) of the time to me.
I think it is less about the actual stats, and more about unlocking traits and skills.
Back when you only have 1 trait line and 2 utility skills, it is just not anywhere near as enjoyable
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
Or just die a villain
It makes you unable to join both sPvP and WvW, and more than likely some other instance areas as well…quite annoying
It continues to tell me my client will update after a restart and has 1 hour 45 mins left, but every single time I restart my game, it never updates and just keeps giving me the message when I log in.
It makes it literally impossible to join a PvP match because it says there is an update availaable, but the client will not patch to it.
(edited by Zietlogik.6208)
1.) Conquest Sucks
2.) Everything is too spammy
end of story
Seeing those people not just ignore the person in the base and go play a free 4v5, triggered me a little bit Q_Q
If the thieves are competent enough to actually play the objective instead of chasing, and tunnel visioning on targets, they can do ALOt of work outside of a teamfight, and if they time their engage right, can help a teamfight swing in a few seconds as well (they just can’t, or shouldn’t stay in a teamfight)
If a thief can decap a point, thats great…if they leave that decapped point to chase someone around the map though while the enemy team properly rotates in the 4v4, its bad, and gives up the advantage the thief just gained.
Most thieves are too caught up in the “if its red, its dead” mentality and don’t play to their strengths of super-powering a 2v1, making priority targets waste time trying to kill them, or forcing enemy movements around points for long enough periods of time that the decap/point discrepancy becomes noticeable.
I have had excellent thieves on my team that feel like they are on all 3 points at once, at all times. Then there are others that you can see fighting in no-mans-land trying to 1v1 a DH for no reason….
using the hobo-tron gathering tools all cause you to use /point when gathering, So i’m seeing this over and over :S
All it really needs is for the HoT powercreep to be toned down way more. Its fine if core specs are a bit worse than elite specs, but as it stands, elite specs are still way too good for the most part. That and much more frequent balance patches. Its boring to play the same build on your class for month after month because there’s no balance patch trying to change the meta.
Current problem is that they will nerf HoT specs….then release the next Xpac ones to completely overshadow both the core and HoT specs to make sales :/
you don’t have to quit for the entire match, just going to character select and logging back into the same character will put you back into the match, but give you a roughly 40s death timer for respawn, and no dishonor
I believe the largest issue is the gamemode.
The thing about competitive games, is to keep players engaged and wanting to continue playing.
Conquest simply does not fulfill this role.
Mixing up the meta does almost nothing to improve the actual enjoyment of sPvP in its current state, whereas if you have an enjoyable interesting, dynamic and balanced gamemode as your base then meta shifts happen naturally in 2 ways: as players create builds to counter the current meta, and as balance changes effect the meta.
And at the end of the day, people can handle a stale meta as long as they enjoy the core sPvP mechanics and gameplay.
You have never had a ele, druid, or engi on your team? or even the tablet rev?
You know what would be great,,,making the game more fun to actually play and compete in, rather than trying to bribe players with more and more rewards…
better than the current:
Step 1: Pick Target
Step 2: Spam everything at them as fast as you can
Step 3: Hope your team does the same
Step 4: Start a snowball that changes the games tempo from 0-100
The pace needs to slow down tenfold in order to start being competitive again, the spam needs to be more punishing, rather than forgiving like it currently is. Setting up several skills and positioning to combo damage back at launch is the equivalent to a single skill with a bunch of passive trait procs now.
GW1 was all about restraint, if you rushed in, you would most likely get rekt (most competitive games play this way, fighting games, mobas, hell even CS:GO)
GW2 is the complete opposite though, you wanna full rush and get someone down as fast as possible to start a snowball. It is less about player skill, and more about gaining a power advantage through sheer numbers and aggression by dogpiling the most vulnerable target (I guess that is a “tactic” in it’s own right, but boring, and uninteresting)
I think alot of it comes down to the game type. Conquest does not reward a team’s tactical play, but more an individual’s positioning and mobility, over everything else, so giving your team a numbers advantage means you can cover mistakes your team makes easier.
And even with the snowballing, there is less consequence for dying in this game than other competitive games due to the fact that the shiny circles are the objectives, not winning a teamfight (that just helps a bit) just because there are 3 permanently active objectives to go for, so if the enemy team gets that early advantage but kitten s on defending said shiny circles, the game swings back like it has schizophrenia.
The game needs some modes that do not rely on a completely variable progression bar (0-500, variable based on amount of circles held) such as:
- Annihilation: 0 respawn Team DeathMatch (like most GW1 PvP modes, random arena, team arena, HoH, GvG)
- Keep/Nexus Assault: GW1 GvG/Moba/Fort Aspenwood objective-style “kill lord/destroy nexus” to win. (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_versus_Guild)
- Capture the Flag
- Lattice-style Tug-of-War TDM (respawns enabled, requires capturing points in linear sequence to win, push/pull)
The Bug: Using animations (emotes) will twist and distort the arms of the player model in a spiral causing them to become thin. Like twisting a towel to squeeze out water.
I have tried it on female norn, male norn, female human, male asura, and cannot replicate on anything other than the male sylvari frame
The minions also block projectiles and split Rev Sword 3, etc which makes it nice for plenty of other situations where you just need the enemy to burn a skill/projectile/condi on a minion instead of yourself (in pvp anyways)
lol the warrior build has been around since launch, in fact it was the meta at launch with how strong eviscerate and HB were, they just used Frenzy+bull’s….literally an ancient build
Season 7 updates:
More buffs! yay
- Changed Death Perception for Foot in the Grave (more CC spam now than ever)
- New Sigil reworks slightly nerf the build through removing Chill application. Swapped sigils for Courage (Might + Blighter’s Boon synergy) and Cleansing (to aid in removing mobility impairing effects) on both sets.
W8 how is winning a match more trouble than winning a match with a class?
The difference between playing in a “rated” match vs unranked ones.
Both Unranked and Ranked have MMR and count towards “rated”
only daily that is really that different is the tourny one…which ya, is kinda stupid because it can take forever to get into a tourny.
The reast are pretty much the same.
How much time is “too much time”? generally you can get rank, win, etc in less than 10 minutes
would be too much work, since they still have no way of doing Match replay/spectator mode like GW1, so they don’t have any of these things pre-recorded….and I doubt they would make the effort…
Besides that though, it would be excellent
You realize this wouldn’t work at all right? 9/10 pings fluctuate, before, during, after, at all time during matches or idle.
And on top of that, can be abused bu throttling…
This just wont work, at all
Hello, Ben. The broadcasting system is still broadcasting Grenth & Melandru’s rounds from a couple of hours ago. Is this intended?
It feels quite confusional with the current tournament (Balthazar’s Brawl) quite hard to track the current rounds of current tournament.
Any insights, there Ben?
The entire “match history” window is a mess and doesnt show much useful, or even redable, information either. A jumble of (usually randomized)names and rounds. Too bad it wasn’t an actual visualized Bracket.
The thing about dailies are they are a low-commitment thing to do in the game, this is the opposite
I have to set aside a specific time, get a group of 5 and hope the tournies dont bug out or stall (ahem currently happening)
This is the opposite of the Daily mantra essentially, people won’t be able to jsut get off work, come home, hop on and do the daily…the game will literally not let them unless they fully commit to the time frame.
NA tourny has stalled as well…
It’s great. Don’t see myself getting salty over this. The smacktalkers might though.
it is an interesting concept, but poorly implemented and tbh, a complete waste of time.
They could have used that time to actually create a proper tutorial for new players or something…
Worst use of an interns time ever…if it wasn’t an intern that did this, I don’t even…
At work and haven’t seen the changes but from what i’m reading here, how is this any different than Overwatch’s end of game? I’m trying to get a mental picture.
Imagine all 5 members of the winning team up on pedestals doing /dance, while the 5 members of the losing team have their corpses lying on the ground below them.
it decays after 3 days….this is the first time its been down, and its not even down, just bugged a bit…
you lose 100 per day after the first 3 days, and you get it back quickly by winning matches during decay to equalize
when was it down other than for a few hours today (not even that yet)?
New Asuran Stealth Technology
I do and don’t agree. The Ascension is a pvp back piece. It should involve all aspects of pvp which it pretty much does. It should make you pvp on all classes.
There’s no evidence that multiclassing makes the player better or more skillful. It’s a dumb requirement.
Then don’t do what it asks. Don’t make the back piece. Don’t do anything about it. While you’re at it go design your own MMO and put all the shiney stuff in it you want and just give it to yourself.
As players, we should be giving the devs feedback and suggestions. If anyone has a different idea to do things, they should just quit, raise tens of millions of dollars, and then design their own MMO? does that make sense to you.
If the feedback is “make the game super easy so I can get everything plz” it isn’t really feedback, it is just a selfish suggestion.
every time i see someone complaining about losing their outnumber buff, i call out in team chat that the BL is outnumbered to ensure the buff stays off. The mechanic is not meant for abuse, nor should it be the sole reason to play on the map.w
This is also a poor thing to do, because it would essentially make people go there thinking they would get a buff, then just sit in spawn, not helping any map at all (whichever one they were pulled from in the first place, or the new one)
It does happen, it is happening right now on CD BL for HoD. Right before the tick happens, population fluctuates, removing the outnumbered buff, then after the tick, they fluctuate again and outnumbered comes right back again
Honestly you need to get behind the fact that you will need to alt if you want to progress those achievements. It’s made that way because they want you to go through the effort of trying out new classes. Effort is what makes you earn that LEGENDARY.
The problem with requiring alting is that it means you have to effectively throw a season in order to get it. If you are someone that really cares about performing well in PvP the Ascension is nearly impossible because nobody that cares about their rating is going to go play classes they aren’t as comfortable with.
You literally have to whelp a season to get the backpack.
I doubt they care about their rating in the first place if they can’t play, or can’t learn to play more than 1 class…
it is no wonder Anet dont give a kitten about sPvP with these morons at the top of the boards…
sometime down the road.
Let’s say 1 month per letter? so….19 months sounds about right?
Bet there are some capitalization inconsistencies too, haven;t had the chance to look over all the sigils yet
on hit, On hit, on Hit, On Hit
they removed EVERY chill sigil, even Ice….
No reason to, it is fine how it is, double click it to get rid of it, and keep playing…
Mine isn’t 75 words or fewer…but: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/68wwfk/skepticism_lore_questions_spoilers/
They don’t do much in a match, but the very few things they do, they do far too well, which makes it really hard to balance. Decapping and skill spam are the only thing they can do.
Control a point and want to waste people’s time? run condi 3 spammer
Enemy downed in a teamfight? run vault spammer and punish anyone who wants to cleave/res the stationary downed player.
See the enemy rotate off of their close to help mid? Use your infinite mobility to decap and then just leave when you see someone coming.
These are pretty much the only 3 things thief can do though….
If you took away the damage, who in their right mind would play one? I honestly don’t know if thief CAN be balanced because they just do not fit into the GW2 theme at all, they feel like they are from a different game…
This rating loss is breaking my mind Q_Q
Do we have a definitive end date for season
The end date is literally in your own screenshot….May 1st