Showing Posts For bluestocking.6148:

"Dr Hashbrown" is considered inappropriate

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


^More likely the filter caught LSD.

Ah yes! You’re probably right- can’t believe I overlooked that one :P

Yeah, that’s totally it. I remember someone trying to use “Owlsdottir” and having the same problem.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

My fiancee is in tears over her account.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


According to that email, she’s not banned, she’s suspended. By the time you get a response from support her suspension should be over.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Is this legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


You may want to contact customer support and ask to have a new email address associated with your account, as the scammer may have enough information to switch your account to a new address of their own choosing.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Recent interactions with support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I think you email the forums directly to contest an infraction. I was mistakenly infracted once and handled it that way.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Account Closures: 2 November 2015

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I am not sure how people all got the idea that they’re determining account ownership by IP address. There seems to be a much simpler explanation: he said he bought gems. It seems eminently possible to me that 9 accounts used the same credit card and billing info.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Chargeback, apparently?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


It’s possible that the online purchases are triggering your bank’s fraud detection. Especially if this is the first time you’ve tried to buy gems, but even if you’ve bought them previously. Every year my spouse’s card gets flagged when he buys stuff at the Steam Summer Sale!

Generally if you call your bank you should be able to ask them if any transactions are being flagged, and you can let them know that those are valid transactions.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Ban for "Chat Spam" because of a spoiler?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


This is one of the reasons that I put map chat in a separate tab and only look at it when I’m doing a big event.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Got upgrade, downgraded day after

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Most of these keys were bought through perfectly valid means. Someone, somewhere bought them and then resold them on cheaper sites

Wait, so you think that someone legitimately spent $50 per key, and then sold them to a different site for $20 apiece, and that site is selling them for $10? This works how?
Why would someone do that?

More like Anet has just lost a nice amount of customers.

I submit that if you’re buying illegitimate keys from 3rd-party vendors, you are not in fact an ArenaNet customer.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Seeking advice on secure online purchasing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Honestly, I’ve had my credit card information stolen twice. Neither time was online. It can happen to you if you use one anywhere – the first time it happened I think I hit an ATM with a card skimmer late one night. I shopped at Target in the US which had thousands of card details stolen.

What you really need to know is how your bank handles fraudulent transactions. In both cases my bank caught the fraudulent purchases right away. They shut down my card and I wasn’t liable for any of it. My bank calls me and goes through all recent transactions so I can confirm which ones are legitimate.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Whats Anets phone number

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


There is not a customer service phone number. Customer service is only conducted through email tickets. That way they have a written record of everything.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

What does the 1% do with the dye pack?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


By god, that is the most beautiful Charr I’ve ever seen.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Wedding Attire (no, not about price)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Norns don’t wear froofy sandals!

How dare you tell me what I can and cannot wear!

fite me bro

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Thank You Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I haven’t had a reaction on 2 support tickets which are over 5months old atm.


You should post those ticket numbers here:

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Wedding Attire (no, not about price)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


But TIGHTS? Come on, I am not a 50 year old church lady wearing hose with open-toed sandals!

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Wedding Attire (no, not about price)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Okay I love LOVE that the wedding attire is different for each race. Beautiful. Delighted with that. Just one tiny thing … why is my Norn wearing tights with strappy lace-up sandals? Norns don’t wear froofy sandals!


I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Invisible mouse?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I’ve noticed this happens in games on my Windows 8 laptop if I have the game in fullscreen. If you’re running it fullscreen try switching it to windowed mode and see if that helps.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Why? Pick on the disabled

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Most phone companies will offer a special reduced-rate plan to people who are Deaf and will only use texting features. Or so all of my ASL professors have told me.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

GW2 Phishing Scam

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Do you thing anyone is dumb enough to to actually use the link if they are then they shouldn’t be on the Internet.

Actually if you look through the forums, you’ll see that many people have missed the blurb at the bottom that says it was sent by another player. Or, they have gotten the identical message in their regular email which will obviously not have that warning.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

What to do if Support don't have an answer?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Just to get it right .. you ordered HoT 2 or even 3 times just for fun and now want
you money back ?

Where are you getting that from? I see one purchase of HoT, that didn’t work. So he got a refund and tried it again and it’s still not working.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Fake GM mail of account suspension.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Yeah I would create a new email and open a ticket asking to change it. With the email and serial number they might be able to get enough information to get into your account.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Display Name

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


And by “real name” they generally mean your full name. Brad might be your real first name, but no one is going to be able to track you down via that.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Stolen Laptops

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Oh, man Acheleia I’m sorry. That is a crappy policy.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Stolen Laptops

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I know it’s late for this, but if you didn’t have renter’s insurance, please look into getting it. It would cost us a fortune to replace all of our electronics so we’ve got a robust policy in place even though we practically live in Mayberry.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Profanity Filter

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


There’s two kinds of profanity. “Oh, kitten, I hate this kittening jumping puzzle!” is unlikely to be a problem. You’re not directing it at anyone.

“You’re a kittening kitten who kittens kittens” is probably going to be a problem.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

GW2 crashing my entire computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I’ve got a cooling mat on my laptop and it’s still overheating and crashing.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Please Take Care with In-Game Mails

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


And 4. ArenaNet doesn’t warn you that they’re going to ban you. They just ban you, and then you have to communicate with them to resolve it. The only “warnings” you get are in the TOS and sometimes announcements on the forums (like Chris’ warnings about 3rd-party gold buyers being banned).

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

I got Phished son

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


You should submit a support ticket immediately and let them know what happened. You already said you changed your passwords. However, you should also run a full virus scan that includes checking for Malware and keyloggers. Once done and if you are sure your system is clean you should once again change those passwords. Those sites often carry nasties with them.

Thanks I already did a scan. guess Ill open a ticket but not sure what for since I still have my accounts.

It would probably be best to change the email associated with your account as well.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Random account name change out of the blue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I especially love the Wikipedia link, because apparently we’re expected to believe he was “hunting” … a novel? People with that last name?

Seriously, grow up. We all knew what you meant.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

1 week ban on the 2nd offence?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


The solution is really easy. I’m sure you can figure it out.

Is harder than you think, the mystery is getting deeper and deeper :P. Some people think that they know and some people find answers. I guess what i have to do now is to use the F word again to see what it will happen, will you be the vic… PARTNER of my test after 1 week?

I’m sorry that you have such a difficult time controlling yourself.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Computer turns off randomly while playing.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Have you checked to see if it’s overheating? My laptop was doing the same thing during some of the newer content. It didn’t feel very warm, so I assumed it was fine. There’s al sort of programs that will monitor the internal temperature for you. I bought a cooling mat for mine and now everything works fine.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Personal Story

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


The personal story is gated by levels now. You’re probably not at a level to access the first/next part of your story yet.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Changing the server(world)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


If you only want to play with your friend, and not participate in WvW, any server in the same region will be fine.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Gem Store sent me the wrong item.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I had the same thing happen with a different outfit, figured I’d just clicked the wrong button. Support should be able to sort it out for you.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Full Servers.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Well my friend hasn’t even played the game yet. So he is really just trying to set the same homeworld as myself so we can play together.

You’ll be able to play together with the megaserver system. Just make a party and travel to the same map and you should be automatically placed on the same server.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Free server transfer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I’m going to assume you are mistaking the time period in which server transfers were free for some sort of “voucher” that allowed one free transfer at any time. There was never a voucher or a ticket for free transfers with purchase. There was a period of time where transfers were free. It was basically a sale. You can’t show up to a store 6 months after their Black Friday sale and demand that sale price.

They have not changed the content of the product, they have merely put different things on sale.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

RMT Purchases - Expect them to be Removed

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


This sucks, I only started playing GW2 3 months ago and have saved up every single penny I earned. I now have 300 gold, and that is nowhere near enough to get me a twilight. I was thinking about getting RMT gold, and it seems to hit late joiners like me worse than others

Congratulations, you can still get your gold. By purchasing gems and using the exchange. Problem solved.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Day 19.
I’m now getting angry. I am going to spam forum once everyday until I get a response. If I don’t get a response by this weekend. Come Monday I will spam once every hour and so forth on until my ticket is reviewed.
Ticket 1377693

I’m sure you’re frustrated, but this tactic is more likely to garner you a suspension from the forums than results.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Is there a way to fix the April's Fool?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Sorry you quit over such a minor, silly thing, but obviously another game would suit you better.

Good luck.

Oh! And next time….no need to make another thread. Can just post in your original.

Again, good luck.

Annoying your customers on purpose is not a minor, silly thing.
I was on PSN when it went down for a month. I was on Diablo 3 at launch. Or waiting for transfer on Warhammer for weeks – getting annoyed I admit , but not quitting. I tolerated those because I knew the people behind were doing their best. I have no faith in someone who is knowingly and willfully spoiling people’s fun. I too wish you all the best in your dealings with Arena Net.

I stopped noticing it entirely after about 20 minutes. I’ve seen a lot more annoying things than some airplane noises. But then, I was a preschool teacher. And I’ve got two teenagers.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Giving it until Noon then uninstalling....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148



Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, buddy.

I’ve been playing for only one month, and I found it cute and harmless. The T-pose affects NOTHING of your character(s) except visually. Get over yourself.


My sister got the game 3 days ago and she was cracking up while we were playing. Honestly I stopped even noticing it after about 20 minutes. Except that sometimes I would wield my weapons really awkwardly – like firing a bow while my arms still stuck straight out!

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

New player, wrong server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Awhile back they enabled “megaservers” which group people into maps regardless of server (region-specific again). So if you make a party with your friends, and all go to the same map, you’ll be put into the same megaserver map and be able to play together. It’s pretty nifty.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Region exchange - Help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Most people switch regions because they want to be in a time zone that has players at a time they’re on. Since you’re just going from North to South America, that shouldn’t be too much of an issue for you.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Problems with Account Balance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Sometimes the balance is delayed in showing up for transfers. If you wait a bit, they usually show up.

Be aware, you don’t need to transfer to play with your friends, except in the case of WvW. MegaServers allow all other kinds of play with your friends, regardless of Home Server.

Good luck.

Unless some of you are in EU and others in NA. Megaservers don’t remove that restriction.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Account Refund Policy

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


There’s been people before who bought the game from Gamestop or Wal-Mart or another retailer with a no-refund video game policy, who have then tried to get the refund through NCSoft directly.

That’s like if you bought a book from Amazon, didn’t like it, and drove to the author’s house to ask for your money back.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Character name is no longer valid

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Charr Iz Ard?

… yeah sorry, my husband names all his Charr with horrible puns.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Changing Email address

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


You’ll need to open a ticket with Support to change your email. It’s for security purposes.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Account will be shut down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I got this exact message in an e-mail from Anet twice, however. And both of them were legit. Unless, of course ArenaNet <>is not the correct contact info for Anet

Look up “spoofing” of email addresses. You can make the “from” address look like anything you like. Otherwise all those emails I apparently send myself about enlarging an organ I don’t even have are totally legit.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Delete this thread please Admin!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


“Issues with the game” can mean technical issues as well as issues of confusion.

Regardless, they can ban any name they like. It’s their game. WoW wouldn’t let me name my Hunter’s pet “Merlin” because it was a “well-known character”. If they want to ban the use of the word “banana” or “sesquipedalian” they can. So yes, to answer your question, it makes perfect sense to me.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

WARNING! Fake anet mails!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Ahahaha “germs”. That’s beautiful.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Christmas Scammer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


The horrible, obviously badly translated grammar gives it away.

Well, that and the big notice at the bottom saying it’s not from ArenaNet.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Forced to rename character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I don’t think the question is offensiveness, I think it’s copyright, as Ellieanna says.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.