Showing Posts For brannigan.9831:


in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I agree and disagree with a test server for future balance updates.

Major tournaments should play on the server while the majority of the casual community shouldn’t have access to future updates. And/or only the top mmr/win% players should only have access to it. Though many will be dissapointed, this just makes sense for a lot of reasons but I wont go into detail yet.

Then there’s whether or not Anet can cough up the budget for developing and maintaining another server for beta balance patches. On paper it sounds awesome mainly because other mmorpg games has it but, this isn’t a subscription based rpg. Their resources have to be allocated appropriately and I honestly think they can’t fit it in their budget.

So called “experts” are wrong all the time. Markets are almost aways right. You will almost never get worse information by allowing more people and trying to arrive at some kind of consensus.

Extended Off-Season and Other Updates

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Very much yest to solo/duo queue option please!

Its not an option its replacing being able to group with more then 2.

Why don't new players start at zero rating?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


For matchmaking purposes. Why when you start pvp don’t you start out with a rating value that pretty much approximates zero meaning the lowest rating you can have? The better players will quickly move well past that rating and the really bad players will be with the other really bad players. It seems to me that the way it is now is everyone starts out with about an average rating and as long as you not winning like only 25% of your games or some ridiculous bad amount it doesn’t degrade all thatquickly/ much at all allowing you to frequently be a poison pill in matches involving much better players for a very long time/indefinitely.

Anyone else find it funny...

in Necromancer

Posted by: brannigan.9831


It’s a joke and needs to be reverted back to what it was.

Why is DH not competitive at esl level?

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Contrary to some peoples popular belief DH damage isn’t particularly good and top level players know how to avoid it. The class is slow and contrary to the complaints about all the blocks and invulnerabilities the sustain is not particularly good either. Easily avoidable damage and mediocre sustain and no mobility equals not wanted. Also, you can’t stack classes in pro league DH become problematic when there are multiple covering an area with traps.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Necro lack of survivability is unacceptable

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Nobody is asking for anything op just a bit more of a chance not to be a fodder in solo q playing anybody halfway decent. Of course part of the reason Necros are targeted in team fights is because they can be a pain in the kitten over time but they aren’t that valuable that they deserve to be like a 1 on the survivability scale. The lack of defensive cooldowns, super low toughness, and lack of stability all added together are a gigantic problem. I shouldn’t need a group to be built around me to babysit me because of my fragileness to be effective. That’s ludicrous.

Necro lack of survivability is unacceptable

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Just what the title says. I don’t know what to do exactly to change it (new amulet or new abilities or additions to current abilities) but the current situation is not acceptable. The class has almost no stability and super low toughness in the current meta builds. So even with 28k health and you manage to build up some life force you still die super easily to moderately sustained pressure. You are always picked out first to die in team fights as well which proves my point.

Trump plays a Guardian.

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


What class does Hillary play? I don’t know any class built around class warfare, confiscatory tax rates, and race and gender baiting so I’m confused.

Trump plays a Guardian.

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


ya know, you can trigger all the traps with one block, dodge, or w/e. Im not sure how stacking dh is op. I mean, ofc if 5 dh jump on you you’re going to die to traps, but if 5 necrs jump on you you’re going to die to condis, so…

Stacking 5 guards might not be that bad if the game mode didn’t involve trying to capture a point, that is coincidentally the exact same size as DH traps. Stacking lets say 5 thieves, what advantage do you gain?? Well you get mobility… that’s about it. Stacking 5 DH will almost ensure that no one will get a point easily, and coupled with their damage output, and defensive capabilities makes them extremely overpowered when stacked(assuming they aren’t total scrubs).

My point still holds, stacking 5 necros is op cause they can put a lot of pressure in a point with marks and DS

But that pressure is nullified by the tremendous amounts of condi clear that’s available to many professions, essentially canceling out any fatal pressure that a group of 5 necros would lay out. Necro’s are strong, but the general consensus this season, is that Necros are near the bottom, only slightly better than ele and thief in a group composition. So stacking 5 inferior classes would not have as dramatic of an effect as stacking 5 trap laying guardians with direct physical damage.

DH pressure is nullified by the tremendous amount of dodges, blocks and immus flying around, so mood point. Btw, what do you mean by general consensus? forum opinion or what?

He means the general consensus of solo queue bads that post on this forum.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Why PvP gets Toxic

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Because A-net still hasn’t come close to figuring how to create matches consistently that put people of the same skill level and experience together. Too often you get stuck with a bad apple or two and it doesn’t even matter how well you play because of that the match is already decided. It is infuriating and happnes often. Its like a pick up game of basketball where you get stuck with someone’s kittened little brother versus a team of players where everyone else is roughly as good as you. You’ll get creamed.

Anet, if you gonna nerf guard...

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Its sad that someone mentions pvp and everyone starts talking about WvWvW.

Sustain Builds Need Changing

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I don’t see DH as particularly hard to kill. Shield of Courage is on a long timer so lets not exaggerate the blocking. I do feel like the heal trap could use some tuning however.

No changes on Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: brannigan.9831


And with that totally lack of changes on pvp or classes, we will be the first target forever.
Time to find another profession for who hoped a totally necessary improvement on the necromancer survavibility or build diversity?
Or stay and play the “always first to die” class like we did in this previous seasons?

Its certainly not fun to be picked out first and rushed 90% of the time every group fight. You can get by without dieing fast if you play smart and its all solos but against groups or all good players they can train you down so easily. Something needs to be done about it.


in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


He’s probably ranting because of bad matchmaking and will likely never reply in this thread again.

If we were these unkillable machines we’d see more in the proleagues but he’s not taking proleagues into account I guess.

In defense of some of these lemmings it does suck when its all solos on both teams and there are like 3 DH on one side. Because with that many you can get some lucky insta gibs even against decent players. That’s not a DH problem though thats a class stacking matchmaking problem.


in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


OP yet almost non existent in pro league.

Seriously: Just play DH

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


The problem is there is nothing that prevents class stacking and yes at lower levels of play 2 or 3 DH spamming traps on point is not fun. The class singly is midde of the pack at best.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Helseth Post Champs Interview

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Now that he is making money off A-net its all about not killing the goose that lays the golden egg and I don’t really blame him. He is just a troll that is good at GW2 no need to make him bigger or more important then he is.

M0o'bs 1v3 rektage

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Those people he is killing are an embarrasment to the game.

Meta is Balanced - Except for Guards

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I think the sheer amount of them is the problem. People are getting vaporized by stacked traps and I admit myself its not fun when that happens and sometimes there are so many dh on the other side its almost impossible for it to not happen a couple times in a match. The buffs the class got have almost nothing to do with traps though. Lol at people talking about things like nerfing symbol regen thats ludicrous its so small to begin with. I think the heal trap should be nerfed and maybe DH f2 but thats about it. The blocks from f3 is on a looooong timer.

Rapid Fire Broken Against Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Why do players not lose target with channeled skills such as rapid fire when their target goes into stealth? .

Why do you assume that people should lose target when enemy goes into stealth mode?

Gee, I don’t know. I guess rangers are just gods that can hit a target 10 times without seeing them. It’s also a thing in dota 2.

It’s also bad because longbow druid is the scrubbiest build in the game, even scrubbier than DH.

Bringing real world logic into a video game is always genius. It just how the game works. Stealth is over-powered so A-net allows it is probably the reason. Its a counter to stealth.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Rank 1 Legendary Prestige LB/GS build

in Ranger

Posted by: brannigan.9831


This is an example of superior twitch player being able to take a bad build and beat less skilled people which there are plenty of even at legendary level.

Give necromancers Blocks

in Necromancer

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Necros are the weakest kittening class in this whole kittening game

because they are the easiest to kill first. Has been the motto of GW2 since release.

necros are focused not because they’re the weakest…its because they’re the biggest threat…

necros END midfights, a skilled necro (or even an unskilled one spamming blindly) breaks up a stalled midfight where neither team makes much dent beyond maybe getting a target to 50%.

What a big fat lie this is. They are the easiest to kill and that’s why they are targeted first. And I don’t know what game your playing with the unending middle fights we are way past the bunker meta. With some coordination anything can be killed fairly easy with Necros by far being the easiest.

Why Making SPVP P2W?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I don’t think having to cough up 40-50 bucks every couple of years is a big deal personally and pretty far from pay to win in the sense of most MMORPGs out there you would have to spend a lot more money. I know a lot of you are 10, or at least act like it, and thats like 3 years of recess money saved up at that age but really if you add that to the tooth fairy monies you should be able to get HoT. Last resort steal Mom or Dads credit card.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Show the MMR of every one.

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Im ok with showing MMR but it wouldnt be necessary if league placement was actually equivalent to skill. If they knew what they were doing with matchmaking legendary players would be vritually all high MMR players for example.

sPvP Season 5 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Don’t worry about the average match score too much things snow ball often in matches making the score difference at the end larger then the actual difference in skill between the two teams and sometimes is not indicitive of the competitveness of the match. You’ve adjusted matchmaking several times already and there is no evidence the average score of individual matches got any better under any of them. Worry about make league placement more presitigious and about actual skill and rewarding people better after they have plateaued so worse players don’t get upset when they can’t get out of the first few leagues because they have reasons to play to try to improve.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


How is that possible that we could come full circle? The devs declare something is not working well enough and go away from it with totally different matchmaking and then come back to it? WTF? This is just going to punish higher mmr solo, duo, and trio players by forcing them to group with much worse players to make teams even out MMR wise. Can we even get an actual pvp dev, not the forum pr flack, to explain why this is more fair and better then what we had in season 2 and 3? And why the better players experience should be degraded to prop up the performance of worse players in leagues which are supposed to be about skill and prestige? This is a joke.

Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Grats on listening to the whiners. Now we will have even more people in diamond and legendary that don’t know the basics because they got carried there. Seriously what can be more fair then being grouped with people of your own skill level? So instead we are going back to forcing higher mmr solo players to be stuck with garbage half the time. So when I duo with antoher player of high MMR ill get three morons for help and the other team will be all average players and we’ll lose. This will lead to just as many compaints and you’ll change it again. But thanks for reducing the prestige aspect of pvp i mean its not important at all to be considered skilled or good. Lets just make everything available for everyone thats willing to put x amount of time. This company has zero guts.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

GZ on buffing Dragon Hunters

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Scepter and Sword got boosts so somehow Traps are a problem again? At least read the changes that were made to the class. Nobody that is any good has been complaining about DH traps since they got nerfed patches ago. This patch didn’t do anything to make traps or trapping stronger. Ignorance must be bliss I guess. I honestly don’t know why there are so many more dragon hunters right now imo the best Guardian build right now is some combination of sword, scepter, shield and focus with the old trait lines. I put out much more single target damage then a DH and I have no problems beating DH 1v1 with it and I don’t have to worry about easy to avoid traps and having to sandbag morons with no awareness to be successful.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Add Hero points to PvP

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


You have elite spec at sPVP by default and if you are PVPer then go WvW and farm them there ive did so 1 day 250 HP ^^ GL

Well in sPvP players get alot of very nice rewards and such. With the absolutely minimal effort, just for showing up in sPvP. So he don’t even want to put any effort towards earning Hero Points as well.

Me personally got 7 out of my 9 elite specs. from HoT land can go from 0 to 250 in less then 3 hours per a toon, and if you bring a friend or two along under a hour and 30 minutes.

If you don’t want to WvW or PvE what do you want the hero points for anyways? I smell a successful bait thread at work here. WvW before hero points was account wide could take upto 10 to 20 hours per a character.

If you want hero points just for showing up in sPvP. Fine you can have them only if I can get a legendary back piece for just doing WvW, which requires much much more work and effort to progress through the reward tracks then in sPvP. It’s only fair right?

It’s not about being lazy or minimal effort, it’s about playing a game for fun, because its a game.

Not everyone thinks grinding = content and fun.

Hero points can be earned in every aspect of the game except PvP so it’s a fair request to ask for a HP reward track. Not exactly sure how you managed to bring the Ascension into this as that is a skin and not a class mechanic.

It takes no effort to progress WvW, just afk in the keep so that’s a really bad example ontop of the argument of people progressing to level 80 dragon in PvE world that’s also a really bad example because PVP ranks only gives finishers and loot, therefor it’s classified as cosmetic, and not class mechanics.

I personally would not care if someone else got 10 hero points for doing PvP, especially if it was tied to champ titles or reward tracks or even if it was just 1 HP per win.

I dont see any grind in collecting HP dont mess up things. If someone dont like pve\wvw and still wants HP its their problem. Mb i want fractal weapon skins in reward track, I simply go and farm fractals yeah its not so fun for me but if I want some skins I know dat I need some farm to do.

I didn’t realise fractal weapons came with extra skills? I thought they were just cosmetic?

You didnt realise what I said, Im talking dat as it is now ppl trying all content bcs they want smtng but if we could get every skin\weapon\backpiece\hp\etc in every mode pvp\wvw\pve\fractals then player base will be separated in those groups pvp\pve\wvw and then Anet will need to rebalance speed of how fast ppl can achieve what they want.

You don’t seem to understand that allowing people to earn everything they want doing a particular game mode they enjoy actually helps the game and other game modes in it. I might be convinced to do more pve and WvWvW if I could make my character competitive in those modes by doing spvp only. Since I can’t I won’t play those modes. Many of people are like me.

auramancer build are fine, use magi amulet.

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


You can’t really afford to have a slot that does zero damage at least at even skill level even if it supports well. Why would you play it over Druid spec that does better damage and also supports?

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I feel like some combination of sword, scepter, focus, shield and healing meditations is the way to go now. Most things would be pretty much the same but with room for some changes based on personal preference. I don’t like any of the two hand weapons LB, GS, or Hammer for pvp anymore. Scepter is superior to Longbow and Sword when you have the advantage of a defensive off hand it puts it over the top versus the other weapons along with the increase speed of the projectiles on sword 3, hitting more often with part three of sword 1, and the symbol on 2 increasing its damage potential.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Ancestral Grace and Ride The Lightening

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


You can’t compare skills in a vacuum. Im not saying AG cooldown is fine or not but to compare it to a similar ele skill and say that it should be nerfed because of the CD difference is pretty specious reasoning at best. Staff would be a pretty weak weapon if AG had a 40 second cooldown there would have to be changes to other skills imo.

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Why don’t we just have one do it all class and everyone can play it. That’s what we seem to be heading toward.

Capricorn Farmers

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Its not hard to get to legendary especially with a free account. Most legendary players stink.

GZ on buffing Dragon Hunters

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Traps are mostly garbage against anybody with a clue. Hammer is garbage and will always be garbage for spvp. Best Build for guardian right now imo is sword and scepter with defensive off hands and meditations that heal. I don’t use DH at all. The only thing that got buffed really was sword and scepter. Sword and Scepter both have symbols now and had certain abilities speeded up so they hit way more reliably now. I mean sure Traps can squash noobs so can 1 trick pony burn builds lets nerf those too I guess.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Suggestion: Preset builds

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Another thing that is needed is templates. How hard can it be exactly to allow you to save several different builds on a character for easy switching. Rift had it at release a five yeard old game.

This Season Is going to be...

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I think its a faulty notion that there is a ideal type of pvp pacing your average pvp player is looking for and that faster combat is better then slower. What happens is when the combat is slower you have people complaining about bunkers and ttk being too long. Then when the combat is faster you have people complaining about burst and ttk being too short. The reason this happens is there is far from a consensus on this sort of thing different people have different opinions. The problems with this game have very little to do with the combat pacing imo.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Guardian: still not seeing it for spvp

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I understand the changes were just rolled out yesterday but with the removal of the cleric amulet just looking at the changes they don’t seem too tied together at all. They are just fixes to certain things that you can’t really incorporate into an effective spvp build. Take the change to Sanctuary. It would have been awesome when Bunker Guardians were an actual meta thing. Sword and Scepter changes? More symbols? Hopefully Im wrong I admit I’ve never been a very good theory crafter. I’ll be keeping my eye out for builds to try. Just fooling around briefly last night wasn’t too thrilled. Just with the bulk of changes made I was hoping for something to be readily apparent.

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


The only support build we are going to see is the Mender’s Druid build used in the pro league finals.

Guardian: still not seeing it for spvp

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I have to give A-net a lot of credit they made a bunch of changes to guardian and moved the ball forward a yard for them when it came to spvp viability. That kind of ineptitude is hard to find. If someone thinks Im wrong I’d like to see the builds I missing with these changes that are significantly better then what I could make a few days ago.

no hot, no pvp

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


The only issue that matters in this thread is that F2P players come into PvP to play on their vanilla specs, they get rolled by the elite specs, they stop playing GW2 never to return.

All the crap about whats free, what isnt free, what should be free, what shouldn’t be free is irrelevant.

Conclusion: Ded game, so who cares?


The SPVP aspect is dead. The rest of the game makes tons of money. That’s why they don’t care about spvp really.

That was easy.

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


That’s because mostly only the really bad are playing. If you have a decent MMR you will get the best players on your side and you’ll face moronic trash the vast majority of the time all the way through. Most of the better players made legendary weeks ago and stopped playing. Even most of the average players have stopped playing. What is left is the worst of the worst and a small minority of better players.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Why is it ok for guardians to be so OP?

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I thought it was elementalists that were unkillable? Now its guardians too?

PvP too easy and has no competitive value

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


If you don’t mind post a screen shot of you winning at least 5 games in a row by an average of 500-100 where you queued with less then three other players. I feel like Ill be waiting a long time.

Mercenary Amulet removed for S3

in Warrior

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Power warrior is still not very good they can change all the amulets they want I won’t play one. I’ll switch to another condi amulet or just play something else.

Did anyone lose respect for Argi?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


A-net needs more slaps to the face not less.

Gravedigger = 33k dps ?? ...

in Necromancer

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I want to build a condi necro, but I can only find newer topics about this power build. Can you share a link for the build or details on how to build it? has a condi reaper build called viper horror, it’s the main build for condi necro

Lets be clear what aspect of the game we are talking about this is pve. I know the thread mentions it but the posters doesn’t really say what aspect.

Next meta will be bunker war again

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


All the nerfs were justified imo although the Reaper nerf is pushing it. If it makes it too much a bunker meta they need to adjust the defensive abilities that are causing it.

Amazing Grace of Healing Capabilities

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


People actually die fairly easy in this game with coordination at the moment. We are months past that awful bunker meta of pvp season 1. I don’t think its fun game play at all to have 1v1 fights that are over in five seconds.

Toxic skills

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


There are quite a few skills way more toxic then these. One in particular that comes to mind that some are whining about after it got a slight nerf is Moa.