Showing Posts For brannigan.9831:

Bunker Mes vs Bunker Guard

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


A-net doesn’t care they know a bunch of these elite are op but instead of fixing them promptly they are making us have to deal with them for about 4 months or whatever is it from late October until Februaryish.

Here's the big picture on the league

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


This isn’t primarily a PvE-like event to earn a Legendary item.

Read this and understand what ArenaNet is doing, and what is actually important to them:

“Fowler believes that these initial prize pools will entice pro gamers in other games to compete in Guild Wars 2’s eSports.”

So this is not primarily about the casual gamer at all. They are trying to attract TEAMS, from other eSports games.

This is why they are not likely to create a SoloQ.

There are plenty of better e-sports games with big prize pools. They should be worried about keeping the modest base of pvp players they have although I guess its so modest they don’t care about alienating them so instead they are trying a 1 in 1000 long shot that could pay off big if they got really lucky.

Why bunker mesmer should NOT be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Honestly people complaining about bunker mesmer just need to learn to play. They are unwilling to adapt. That is all there is too it.

My recommendation is to let the meta settle first before making any rash changes. Alot of specs do well at first and then the meta develops to counter them. So we need to leave things as they are for the next 6 months. Then if bunker mesmer is too strong then make a few tiny shaves which are all compensated with buffs to weaker areas of the class.

It is only on the forum that there are cry babies hoping for bunker mesmer to be nerfed. Most of the players I know think it is an interesting spec which isn’t even good.

Trust me, bunker mesmer should NOT be nerfed. And I dont even know how to play mesmer so I am not biassed.

The funny thing is you talk about other people being trolls and its a-ok to ban them forever but in reality you are one of the worst trolls just another stripe. Being facetious and glib doesn’t make it any better. Just because you don’t use inflammatory language or attack anyone personally doens’t make your dumb Troll posts any more acceptable. Hopefully people will wise up and this won’t get to the 100+ responses like your 1000 other fake balance posts.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

The Abjured VS the World

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


The ignorance amuses me, come on Arena Net, cater to the masses, the people who give you the almighty $. Stop trying to make GW2 a crappy American reality TV show. Don’t dumb down our community.

Don’t bring reality up here a lot of these people only have a passing acquaintance with it. It’s hard to know reality living in your mother’s basement playing games 14 hours a day and sleeping the other 10.

Help Dragonhunters to be viable.

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Not true anymore. A lot of lower tiers are picking up the metas themselves. I see a lot of mesmers, rev, reapers, tempest nowadays. I don’t think those buffs will make them OP just helps them against the crazy strong metas we have now.

Lower tiers always pick up metas because they don’t know any better and just blindly copy what they see on ESL.

That doesn’t mean DH isn’t OP in low tier. DH provides a large amount of power for a low amount of skill, which in low MMR means it’s horrendously imbalanced.

If DH was OP in low tier then we would see an increase of them in low tier however that’s not the case. Less and less dragon hunters out there now. Low tier players might not be the best at using the metas but they don’t have to be because they are fighting other low skill players. Since the emergence of the bunker metas, the traps are not as effective anymore, even low tier players can survive the traps and out sustain the dragon hunters.

There are more factors than just capability that affect how popular a class is.

A interesting thing about low MMR is that it’s comprised of casuals, a interesting note about casuals is that casuals don’t experiment much or try to optimize, typically most casuals will either blindly copy something off of metabattle, or will just play whatever looks cool.

A lot of people just take stuff off metabattle gimme a break pro. What builds have you ever created that made it to Metabattle. Most people don’t have time to waste recreating the wheel they will go to a site like Metabattle and then tweak according to there tastes and use the builds tere to come up with there own. Being good at something does not make you some kind of genius meaning just because you can play GW2 spvp well doesn’t mean you came up with the build your using or are more likely to do so.

My Opinion After Today's Pro League

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Too many people make the mistake in thinking that A-net really cares about spvp much at all. I’m not saying they don’kittens just pretty minimal. When you look at the resources this game generates and i’ve read upwards of high teens in millions per month you will see that the modest investments they have made in spvp and even things like 200k prize pools are nothing more then low cost lottery tickets bought. If they hit and spvp takes off they win. Even if they lose they will continue to profit from the pve side of the game.

The Irony w/ Chaith & Minstrel Ammy

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Remember how Chaith was so anti bunker, anti Minstrel amulet that he helped to get it removed? That really screwed over bunker ele and guard builds btw.
But here’s a recent one you might enjoy

Now they realized that they cant beat the bunker meta and will now embrace it, moving forward.

Sorry I cant provide screenies or other reference with his comments on Minstrel amulet because he got those threads removed as well.

The amulet was never a real issue he just saw it as potential issue and acted in his best interest which was to try to get it removed. Same thing with embracing more bunkerish comps. These people don’t care what’s best for this game but what is best for themselves. To be fair that’s how most people are including myself.

Good League Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


You’re preaching to the choir. I’ve written many threads about bringing back solo que but guess what? It’s not going to happen.

It’s time to start taking a different approach as a solo que player:

  • Don’t expect reasonable win rates as a solo que in a game that is now designed for team que. After all, the game is named: “Guild Wars”. Playing as a solo que is completely at your own risk.
  • Don’t like being on TS3? Only play once or twice a week? Cool but you should still be finding a guild of other casual players who want to form teams for spvp. Get to it, start doing it, even if they don’t use TS3. The chemistry built will be worth the investment.
  • Remember that you are responsible for your own level of participation within the community. Not joining a guild that can teach you and provide players to team up with, is your own choice.

You know nothing of how a business should work and sadly neither does A-net. Thats ok though they are allowed to ruin there business by telling a huge portion of there player base, solo players and people that can only occassionally group to go pound sand. There should be something for solo and group players. A-net is hurting themselves not having it. They will lose players over it eventually It’s 100% the truth. I predict in the next quarter or so they will announce something more robust for the solo player which of course will be like a year ayway to string people out for another year or so. You can book it.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

they let us had 400 team score

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Not sure what’s so great about this its match manipulation. If this whole system worked correctly it wouldn’t be necessary because the vast majortiy of the matches would be very competitve.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


A thread about casuals coming from a casual. How funny. Please post more clips of you playing poorly and tell me all about how you were tired/lagging.

Right? I mean regardless of what you think on this subject of what should be for hardcore and what should be done for more casual mostly solo players this post is like a video game version of stockholme syndrome or something. This guy tell solo players to shut up is bizarre.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


It takes consecutive wins to climb up the ladder; not meant for the average joe… the entire GW2 community.

Another post someone felt the need to tell everybody how good they are and how bad everyone else is…. Ok Mr. Pro, gonna start MMR tanking now after reading this post, since all the pro teams are doing that, right? Is that what you want? What a kittenpost, pathetic.

Oh this guy is far from a pro. For the longest time he was a solo hero. He also played a lot of awful selfish 1v1 guardian burn builds (pre burns being boosted) in spvp for the longest time that were useless in team fights. I guess he found a group to carry him so now he is going to tell solo players they are sol. That’s what makes this so bizarre.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Current Leagues are not for solo players.
Current Leagues are not for the average 50 winrate.
Current Leagues are not for casuals.

Players have complained constantly about wanting Rank PvP to revert back to old leaderboard MMR system. Congratulations, Leagues is exactly that only better. We no longer have that “win 10 games straight to be top 5, only playing 1 game a week to maintain the rank” old MMR system anymore.

It takes consecutive wins to climb up the ladder; not meant for the average joe… the entire GW2 community. If Anet really wanted to cater to casuals, a grind system for Amber, Emerald, and Ruby players should be in place.

An example of what casuals are probably wanting

  • 800+ won games in a season guarantees Tickets equivalent to Diamond players.
  • 1200+ won games in a season guarantees Tickets equivalent to Legendary division players

numbers can be altered and changed depending on X number of players reaching these thresholds.

Solo players need to give out solutions instead of complaining about an awesome system that was never meant for them.

So what is meant for 90% of the player base? I don’t know about you but I have a business degree and spending all your resources for a tiny portion of the player base is stoopid. As for solutions that’s A-nets job. If they are trying to destroy the mediocre player base that already exists they are doing a good job. Thank’s for the ludicrous post though. I don’t have to prove you wrong it’s dumb to tell the vast majority of your player base to go pound sand. Serious dude you can’t be this dumb.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Losing 2 pips

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


You should never lose 2 pips solo that’s bad design. You are just one person and you get whacked like a mole with a hammer. If the matchmaking was working correctly multiple pip losing and winning games would be extremely rare but in reality they are very common. Even when you win and get 2 pips its bogus half the time last night I won a few 2 pip games solo we won most of them quite easily. We were huge underdogs and wiped the floor with them? We must be awesome. I think not. Most likely they weren’t very good at all to begin with because there whole rating methodology blows.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Unfair matchmaking and teams abusing it

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Not surprised. You give people something exploitable and they will do it. Fail as usual by A-net. There will be no punishment probably just a wink wink.

everyone is getting legend

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


You may be a pro at pvp but at expressing yourself I would rate you somewhere around first grade. All I got from this is I am a pro everyone else sucks. At least that’s what I think I got from it see point one I made.

The Team Won or Lost, Not You

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Would be easier to think this way if the matches were more competitve on average. I am going to check my results log when I get a chance but the worse thing is to me the average scores of these games win or loss are like 500-300 that is a complete failure as far as I am concerned. Both teams having more then 400 points should be the most common scenario by far and I don’t believe thats the case. I just want more competitve matches on average. To many games where I am trying my hardest and I look up at the score and its like 350-100 and I ankitten ot doing anything different from the games k*tten I am up 350-100 and I still lose a pip. I have also had games where i’ve solo’d and we won by 200+ and ive gained 2 pips. Sorry the people we beat were clowns how was I favored to the point of winning 2 pips!

(edited by brannigan.9831)

MMR so high that I can no longer get a match.

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


If you were smart you wouldnt be grindning a broken system 5+ hours a day. Who cares where anyone is ranked.

Significance of Helseth's Video & You

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Helseth is banned from these forums for a reason. That reason is that he is an online troll and bully. Some of the comments he has made about specific devs in the past make it even more hilarious that those same devs would ever listen to what he has to say. One time on twitch or youtube some of the things he said about karl and roy should of earned him a perma ban from all things gw2. Surprised anet never had the integrity to shut down such toxic members of the community

He is either right or wrong thats all that matters to me. He is 100% right here. Poor Roy and Karl hopefully no one will invade there “safe spaces” and “micro agress” against then any more. Someone pleeeeeaaaaase save teh children from the toxicity of the Pee Vee Pee community. Like him or hate him Helseth is extremely smart. Because I am an adult and don’t really get offended easily by almost anything if I was a dev I would ignore the taunts and read what he actually has to say about the game and I could quickly tell whether he had a point or not. People like you would dimiss good info because someone called you a bad name first. Seriously? Dismissing good info because of the source is childish as far as I am concerend.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Leagues are too luck-based

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


This thing Helseth posted on Reddit pretty much sums it up:

“The fact that MMR is not tied to your placement in the league (meaning that the highest rated player in the world can be exactly the same place as the lowest rated player in the world) is absolute insanity. The MMR is supposed to put us at a 50% winratio so it gets increasingly more difficult as you win more games to climb the ladder. Problem is that a) ANET did not reset the mmr or put people in appropriate division for the MMR, meaning that top level players are already close to a 50% winratio matchup while being in the bottom and b) winstreaks arent factored for the division system while mmr is meaning that you’ll just get harder matches, longer times without any actual reward for doing better.”

This is 100% right. None of this can ever really work without some kind of MMR spread capping for matchmaking purposes. Right now based on who is available for matchmaking purposes in the queue if the highest MMR player in the world queued solo he could be matched with or against the lowest MMR player in the world eventually. Now that is an extreme case but in general bad and good players are in the same match all time or relative beginners and people with lots of experience. I have a feeling they refuse to put in a hard cap in MMR spread or matches with people “only within your division or MMR division” because queue times would sky rocket.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Leagues are too luck-based

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


This thing Helseth posted on Reddit pretty much sums it up:

“The fact that MMR is not tied to your placement in the league (meaning that the highest rated player in the world can be exactly the same place as the lowest rated player in the world) is absolute insanity. The MMR is supposed to put us at a 50% winratio so it gets increasingly more difficult as you win more games to climb the ladder. Problem is that a) ANET did not reset the mmr or put people in appropriate division for the MMR, meaning that top level players are already close to a 50% winratio matchup while being in the bottom and b) winstreaks arent factored for the division system while mmr is meaning that you’ll just get harder matches, longer times without any actual reward for doing better.”

Your average noob on this board doesn’t understand this. There is no kind of MMR capping for matchamking person if you solo queue as a high MMR player you will get multiple noobs on your team all the time. Having a high MMR doesn’t mean you will be grouped with or facing other good players.

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


As much as I like to bash A-net there is not an unlimited amount of equally skilled players. If a full premade roughly around your MMR level is not available to be matched with you what do you propose you just sit in the queue forever? Also, leagues just started yesterday how fast do you want this whole process to legendary to take? You are making it a grind by playing 6 hours in one day.

Not everyone is meant to win in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Its especially hard to move up in leagues when you don’t get credit for like every fifth win because of horrid game breaking bugs.

PSA : Play Meta or Make Team or DIE

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


No kitten sherlock. Its still lame by a-net. I’ll continue to complain though in hopes A-net has a little integrity and eventually does what I consider the right thing which is to not invalidate 3 years of the game with an expansion and do some kind of balancing. As for making teams or die thats a bad philosophy on A-nets part I understand pushing op expansion builds to move units but trying to force people into groups when they do want to in a game with a mediocre pvp base is STOOPID and I am not a solo qeueue fan I would continue to queue for group if it was allowed even solo.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Missing a win and losing streaks

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Had some games disappear into the ether here too. Plenty o’ bugs big surprise. Cracker jack bang up job done by A-net as usual. Its the same excellent job they did in balanceing the hot classes that no major balance patch was needed before pvp leagues because everything was done so well on the first pass. /Barf.

Where is the Balance patch?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


A-net are frauds you haven’t figured that out yet? There is no balance patch and will be no balance patch until they sell every expansion they possibly can. Plus the Abjured probably told them how much they love the elite specs. We can all go pound sand pretty much till who knows when. /Frauds.

core, elite, balance?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


As long as elite spec can pick anything else than other elite, it always will be unbalanced compared to core profession.
To balance non-elite aspect of profession, they need something core that has to be separated from elite, something that is equipped at same slot as currently elite trait line is (bottom) and probably should be mandatory for non-elite.
So, for example: core Necro would be forced to use Soul Reaping, while Reaper couldn’t equip SR as one of his trait lines.


Not really they just need to balance the things that are making the elite specs so good or buff the other trait lines or tell me this is all intended so I can quit. I am not saying what you propose wont work either just there are a couple of ways to go at this.

Elite Specs have made Core specs redundant

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


You’ve been bamboozled just like a lot of us. I guess they haven’t sold enough copies of HoT yet. No major balance patch between expansion release and the pvp season equals pretty much the biggest joke ever either that or A-net should take a bow they released a perfectly balanced expansion on the first try lol. No major changes need at all anywhere. Im going to go with biggest joke ever myself.

Dishonor needs to be fixed before Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Wait how is it anets fault you d/c?

the recent patches have made the gw2 client very unstable.
the crashes are anet’s fault, not ours.

I haven’t crashed in ages. And I am using that term loosely to refer to something like losing internet connection to the game briefly and being kicked to log in screen. The type of crash that has locked up my entire computer to the point where I would have to cold reboot my computer and it would be long enough to get dishonor probably over a year.

So DH isn't really OP?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


So you are telling me no guardians are any good then? Because if DH isn’t good none of the other builds are for sure. See you don’t understand that whatever excuses you trot out for A-net there balance still sucks. Keep up the propaganda though. When every class has multiple meta builds then Ill get off A-nets back and not until then. So bascially you are telling me we have three worthless classes for competitve pvp warrior, thief, and guardian. /golf clap for Anet there doing a hell of a job!

Maybe it's balanced, but this meta is unfun

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


It’s not balanced else you would be able to use pre-HoT builds in competitve spvp and not be a grass stain.

How to evaluate what is OP

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


A red flag is when a certain class/builds are over-represented. People aren’t stupid they flock to what’s strong. I guess its just fluke luck that 99% of Guardians are using Dragon Hunter for instance. Nope nothing to see here.

DH untouched & another Druid nerf

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Anet favors burst over bunker. Just look at minstrel. Sad bunker guard I sad. Though to answer your question they will either totally destroy DH with nerfs or tweak traits instead of the noob killer AKA traps. DH whiners whine about the traps so if anet listens they will Nerf most of the aspects of DH in the next balance patch.

Abjured favors burst over bunker so A-net does. Karl has autographed pictures of there in game characters on his bed room wall.

For the love of God boost thieves

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I can’t take it anymore. The class has such a narrow scope to be successful in spvp and the few morons left playing the class refuse to fulfill that role 90% of the time. They just want to 1v1 and die over and over again. Please boost them so some people with a clue come back.

HUGE Dishonor System Issue

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Locking out a free player for a bug in your game (e.g. crashes) is your call, but will whittle away your player base. Locking out a paying customer for no fault of their own is just wrong.

If you have so much problems with your internet connection stop queing. And stop thinking only about yourself. I don’t want to to be penalized with a 5v4 match because of you and I don’t care whether you think its your fault or not you are hurting 9 other people. I can honeslty say I have a disconnect from the game like once every 100 matches. Stop playing on a toaster with a 56k modem. If A-net wants to cut down on 5v4 matches they have to be ruthless. I think a 90 second grace period would be better but besides that its perfect the way it is imo.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Qalifiers finals

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


38 out of 40 players in NA’s matches running elite specs, seems balanced.

Ding ding ding. That’s the poof that’s something wrong not the kitten waving and other subjective bull crap. If that’s the way its supposed to be that elites are supposed to be superior all A-net has to do is tell me that and I’ll adapt or quit. Too bad we were sold that this was in “addition” to or another way to play.

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


The idea is they won’t be adjusting just DH and some of the old builds can creep back in and DH will still be good just not the only choice. Don’t be like this. There are things that need to be adjusted on all the elites. Guardian since day 1 here (and probably more spvp matches under my belt then 99.9% of guardians) don’t be stoopid any time there is an expansion with tons of new stuff there will always be balancing needed. To post stuff like this is what sounds noobish to me actually or at least very self centered.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Lets stop the QQ now

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


So, patch notes are in and I’m so glad that Anet decided to just ignore all the rampant QQing about guardians.

When you die to something next time just think about what you did:
1. Could you have just dodged the trap? (Answer: Yes)
2. Could you have guessed where the traps are? (Answer: Yes)

The only dangerous trap is Dragon’s Maw and that only if you stand in it.

Hopefully the community can just start learning how to play better instead of going to ask for a nerf on the forum.

It’s just not Dragon Hunter. There are a lot of things that need to be balanced. Any time a huge content patch with new abilities is put in there are things that are going to be needed to be adjusted. It’s just the way it is the devs are human beings and things can really only be tested when things go live and thousands of players are hammering on them on a daily basis for a few weeks straight. To deny this to me you just want to protect yourself or what is op on the class you play or you are an idiot. Im hoping its the former.

New Dishonor

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Cancel queue if you need to pee or smoke give me a break. Also, if you are tabbed out the icon on your tray pulses. This is needed.

No balance patch till spring 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Well if abjured think the current balance can help them win some monies then I doubt arenanet are going to make any changes! Just like celestial, if they are happy with it then anet are happy too!

Sad but true we all know how this works. For some reason we have devs that are fanboys of a certain group of people and they think there opinion means more then the opinions of thousands of other players.

No balance patch till spring 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Balance? Expansions still have to be sold and that means leaving elites op for awhile longer. Notice when people are the unhappiest the devs become the most scarce. If they wanted to someone could come here and post and say there will be a balance patch next week for sure. That no one is saying that tells me there won’t be. These people are all frauds as far as I am concerned. They rarely keep there promises at least in terms of time frames.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Too easy to farm cash on NA

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


And so it begins.

Dragonhunter probably will be destroyed

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Dragon hunter has been getting a lot of QQ on the forums lately for being too easy, too gimmicky, too overpowered. I’m sure it seems like this in a hotjoin when you dont know what ctrl+T does, but for people who actually care about balance and playing the game competitively, it’s not the same.

DH is just really easy to focus in team fights and is actually lacking in 2v2’s, since the majority of classes right now will just outlive the guard and wittle down his cds. It’s not like some cele engi,ele,necro,druid or marauder rev is just giong to go down to a couple traps. The only thing DH has going for it right now are the facts that it can 1v1 nearly everything (scrappers being mostly a counter, which are pretty common) and that it can beat mesmers and thieves decently well. Even so, it’s hard to kill these classes in team fights when D/F tempests and druids are everywhere throwing up projectile destruction and nearly every class has a ton of stability.

I’m not entirely sure about the EU scene, but in NA I’ve seen a lot of DH’s early after the patch reroll off of it to a more overpowered class like necro or revenant. What went from on average 1 DH per team has gone to less than 1 DH per 2 teams. Players like Morfeus, Kaypud, Tesla, and Sunfish have all switched off to something more effective. The only reason me and Ementon still run it is cause we’re stubborn af and only play guardian. Nearly all pro league players will agree DH does not need more than a couple small nerfs, even Zeromis who hates them with all his glory.

I can probably assume it’s similar in EU. They love their super bunker comps there right now and dragon hunter is literally going to do nothing unless someone drops a gravity well and catches someone without stab and then drops like 3 traps.

And then there’s just so much forum QQ. Like it seriously angers me how people think something is overpowered because they just don’t know how to play against it. The reason you think it’s OP is because you’re not using the OP meta builds that destroy it now, okay?

So RIP DH. Fun while it lasted. Forum QQ’rs probably gonna get it destroyed in today’s patch and we’ll see 1 maybe 2 of 40 players running it. and then they’ll probably mega buff warrior and we’ll see 10+ of those …. again.

For something that’s not so great your sure write a lot to defend it from any balancing. I would assume the irony of that is over your head.

Dragonhunter probably will be destroyed

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Yes and warrior/guard/ranger shouts don’t damage and life steal. It’s an elite spec man. Anet made elite spec abilities better than vanilla.

They never said elites were supposed to be better then the old specs. They were supposed to be in addition not better. Another way to play. It seems stoopid to me to say well we are going to invalidate everything we did for three years with an expansion. You can cry all you want, and yes complaining about others complaining is still crying, but they will be balancing all this garbage. Probably not enough but hopefully enough so that some of the old specs can creep back in. /whine.

Dunner Kruger Effect - MUST READ. MAJORITY.

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


So what about the wisdom of the crowd since your such a genius that knows everything? Generally the crowd knows more then even a very smart small group of people. I would definitely say the consensus is that there is a lot wrong with GW2 pvp at the moment. So while your average player might over estimate his own skill in aggregate they know when stuff is broken or unbalanced none the less. Are you another balance is perfectly fine person? A-net spat out an expansion with tons of new abilities and everything was balanced perfect right out of the box? If you are then you are easily dismissed as another I am pro you are a whiner type trying to clothe themselves in some kind of intellectual package. You sound like some college kid with zero real world experience. Back to the textbooks.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

This crying is disgusting

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Give me a break. What’s more logical: A-net launched a bunch of new content and its all not properly balanced or A-net launched a bunch of new content and its all perfectly fine the way it is. You can’t honestly tell me its the later. And its not a knock of A-net I’ve been playing MMORPGs for close to 15 years every time a big expansion or content patch is released there are always things that need to be fixed/balanced its just impossible to balance things until the full player base knocks around at everything for a couple of weeks. Stop being internet tough guys you are not impressing anyone over the age of 15.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

At first i thougth DH was fine, but now...

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


They need to do something with traps and the unblockable auto attack. You can’t have something that can hit for 1-2k be unblockable. Traps probably need a 15-20% timer increase and maybe some kind of time limit on how long they will last on there own. Getting to an important area and laying a trap down and then if you have a little time you can basically double trap is really strong. I would probably settle for just the auto attack not being unblockable I would be fine with something added to it to compensate.

Is bunker DH better than bunker guard?

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


You can play a DH bunker its lame as hell. I have no clue how it would do at high levels of plays but just solo queue you can annoy the hell out of people. You can make up for the lack of health with Force of Will and use clerics. You will have a little less condition cleansing then the old bunker spec but the heal trap is super op (like 10k heal on 24 second timer plus daze and blind)against nobs and you can cure conditions with blocks. Use mace/shield and with shield of courage and mace you can block projectiles forever. With renewed focus you can stack 6k heals with wings of resolve. Like I said laaaame.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Investing money, but no balance patches...

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


They won’t balance the new elites seriously until the data tells them they can’ sell any more expansions just based on new op elites. I thought we were going to see a serious balance patch before December 1 but I am starting to think they are going to mostly turn a blind eye on op expansion stuff until they make the maximum $$$$ possible.

I uh... actually like the meta

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


If the Meta is that all the elites rule the roost the no I don’t like it. It makes no sense to me to wave a magic wand and render all the old builds mostly ineffective. The game should be about as wide a variety of builds as possible being effective. That being said there will always be something people will cry about but I just don’t think its right to cudgel people into buying the expansion and to have everyone play a small variety of builds.

so when is dishonor coming?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Don’t worry peeps Grouch is e-sportz jeebus he’ll fix it all (with this help of hiz proz friends) or better yet nothing needs to be fixed its all awesome you just need to shut up and have faith (blind).